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4 M’SWINEY DIES AFTER 74 DAYS OF HUNGER STRIKING (Continued From Pare One.) physicians had abandoned all hope of sarin*: his life. MaeSwiney was the second Sinn Fein hunger striker to die in Jail. Michael Fttsgerald had died in the Cork jali on Oct. 17 after a hunger strike of sixty-eight days. FITZGERALD'S DEATH HASTENS END. News of the death of Fitzgerald seemed to have a depressing effect upon Mac- Swiney. His weakness was more marked from that time. * On Oct 18 it was announced the lord mayor had a slight cold. , This was followed by statement that symptoms of scurvy had developed. On the following day a specal phy sician was called in to consult with the Brixton jail surgeons. Sinn Feiners threatened to engulf the United Kingdom in disorders if MacSwi ney were permitted to die in prison. For weeks protest* poured in upon the British government. Crowds, muttering ominous threats, paced the streets about Brixton jail. Political sympathisers in various parts of Great Britain made plans to harass the government if their champion were permitted to die with the stigma of im. prisonment upon his memory. The wife and sisters of MaeSwiney pleaded in vain. The attitude the government will take toward MacSwiney’s death was indi cated by the action of a military Inquest at Cork which held Michael Fitzgerald's death to be "wilful suicide.’’ Mrs. MacSwinev, the wife, was said to be on the verge of prostration. The long strain of waiting for her husband's death, after she became con vinced that he would not be released, told heavily on her strength. ' She was reported to be fIT ’ate Sundav. The Rev. Father Dominic was de tained at the prison for nearly an hour after MacSwinev had died. On leaving the jail at 6:27 o'clock he notified Mrs. MarSwiney. Mary and Annie MacSwinev. the two sisters; Peter Mac- Swiney of New York, a brother, and O’Brien. IRISH PRESIDENT GRIEF STRICKEN WASHINGTON, Oct. 25. Eamonn Do Valera, president of the Irish re public, when informed early today of the death of Lord Mayor MaeSwiney was grief stricken. It was said at bis home he might make a statement later in the day. M’SWINEY CHARGED WITH SEDITION LONDON, Oct. 23.—The charge on which Lord Mayor MaeSwiney was con victed and for which he was sentenced to two years in Brixton prison was se dition. The specific accusations against him were that he bad In his possession a copy of resolutions passed by the Cork council pledging allegiance republic and also a copy of a secr?t cipher of the British policg in Ireland. Prosecution was based dn the defense of the realm act. Upon conviction by a court-martial and sentence, MaeSwiney refused to eat. He informed his Judges he considered the court illegal and without jurisdic tion. DUBLIN MOURNS MARTYR’S DEATH DUBLIN, Oct. 25.—Dublin went into mourning today for Lord Mayor Mae- Swiney. Messages from other parts of Ireland said mourners _were gathering in their churches. GLOOM FALLS OVER CORK CORK. Oct. 25.—A pall of gloom put tied down over this city today when news was received of the death of Ter rence MacSwiney, the lord mayor, In fttixton Jail. Business was suspended. Flags were flown at half mast. Homes were draped In mourning. Prayers for the repose of the late lord mayor’s soul were said In the churches. An effort to lower the flag on city hall to half mast was frustrated by British troops. Soldiers occupied Mansion house, the. official residence of the lord mayor. BRITISH PRESS SLIGHTS STORY \ LONDON, Oct. 25.—British newspapers, which had gone on a ’ news strike” be cause of the MacSwiney family’s embargo on information to British press men, con fined their story today to from -one to two columns. This was confined mostly to a history of MacSwiney's former prison record. SEEK TO AVENGE DEATH OF BRIDE Women Claim Bride’s Beauty Disappointed Groom. POUGHKEEPSIE. N. Y„ Oct. 25. Joseph Louxvisc-h, .lewis teacher, who Sought protection in a T. M. C. A. wheu pursued by a mob of angry women of his race last night, was in seclusion today. Women in the mob said they intended f<> avenge the death of Louwlsch's brjjje who committed suicide shortly after lie divorced her. Some of the women said Louwisc-b who came here ten years ago, recently sent fUr his sweetheart. Two days after the marriage he ob tained a divorce on the allegation that his wife was a Bolshevist and a be liever In free love. The woman committed suicide. Women who chased Louwisch charged the bride bad lost snb of the good loek*> she possessed ten years ago and that Louwisch was disappointed. None of the participants was held. 4 Negroes Sentenced for Stealing Papers Four negroes, arrested after two po licemen had fired several shots at them which aroused the neighborhood at Penn sylvania and Sixteenth streets early Sun day morning, were fined $1 and eostg and sentenced to serve 120 days on the penal farm. Thelnm Kelly, Dale White, .Toe. Bell and t'harles are the names given by tjt# ’four f negroes, who, the police say, stole several hundred copies of news pallets which had been left at the North Pennsylvania street corner for delivery boys. Indianapolis Firm IncreasesJts Stock The National Clay Products Company of Indianapolis today petitioned the Sec retary of State for permission to increase the capital stock from slo,(fto to $200,000. The petition was presented by Jacob P. Teter, president, and Forest J. Wghtle. secretary. Th# Olsen Pneumatic Saw and Valve Company of Muskegon, Mich., petitioned for permission to operate in Indiana. Incorporators state they will lo cate f. branch office la Indianapolis. M’Siviney at Head Terence MaeSwiney of Cork, Ire land, died on seventy-Tourth day of hunger strike. Michael Fitzgerald of Cork, sixty eight days (died in Cork jail. Signor Meriatti of Italy fifty days. Dr. Tanner of United States, forty days. V J REGISTRATION FRAUD HEARING , UP TOMORROW (Continued From Page One.) Charles H. Lanier, age 70, signed by mark and unattested; 297, Herbet Hogan, no birthday given, correct first name is Herbert; 351, William H. Copland, cor rect name is Copeland ;--all according to a report of an expert Investigator, on which Chairman Sullivan bases his suit. AY WOMAN SIGNED 111 APPLICATIONS. The report of the investigators states that in the First precinct of the Fifth ward there are at least 111 registration applications that were apparently made out and signed by Cora Warwick and are undated, some of them being given on the expert’s report as follows: No. 69, John Burhardt,’correct name is Burk bardt; 255, Richard Highball, correct name is Highbaugh; 263, Adam Gazowcy, name is Gassoway; 284. John Brown, no age or birthday given; 323. Carl Benner sbeidt. no first name signed; 435, John Ivy White, another blank gives name of John Ivorly White; 396 (pencil number), Edward Trabue; 105 (pencil number), Nook Albert; 81, Walter Lyles, no sig nature whatever: 343, Elijah Finley, ap parently wrtten by Cora Warwick, signed by her and witnessed by her and an other person. The report of the investigators of the First precinct of the I’tfth ward, in dicates there wer<v a cumber of registra tions that bear September registration numbers, although they are dated and sworn to after the date of that reglstra- , tion. Some of the registration applications j of this class, according to the report of the investigators on which the suit is j based, are: No. 176, William H. Alex ander. date Sept. 13. notary Cora War- | wick; 118, Henry Robinson, date Sept 10, notary Cora Warwick; 112, Otis Nunley, Sept. 13, notary Cora Warwick; 26, Robert Hatch, dated Sept. I*. Cora Warwick, notary; 33, Roscoe Neweil, date Sept. 11, Cora Warwick, notary, 302. Porter Graves, Sept. 14, witnessed by Cora Warwick and another party, and bears ft September 4 registration num- I her, but is dated Sept. 14; 11. Williapj j Cowherd. Sept. 9, Cora Warwick, notary. j and the above aignature appears to be in the handwriting of Cora Warwick. The investigators, lu their reports on the First precinct of the Fifth ward. ; say there are a number of the September registrations that appear to be In the bandwritfhg of Cora Warwick, Including the sgnature, that are undated, and in numerous instances the witness blanks are not filled out except as to the sig nature of the witnesses. Application No. 138 of First precinct of the Fifth ward, made out in the name of Nellie Ray, "seems to be the betid- I writing and signature of Cora Warwick, and there are no witnesses. - ' according to the expert's report, now in the hands’ of Chairman Sullivan and on which part of the suit is based. ,r; 'e sports of the investigators are; voluminous and hundreds of other ex- | amples of reported illegal registrations are cited. Efforts will be made Tuesday to show that at least 660 registration!) in the First precinct of the fifth ward are illegal and should be purged from the official registration list*. jfCklltiE FASHIONABLE STYLES FOR FALL t SUITS $28.50 COATS Both $24.50 DRESSES $19.50 FURS ij-A $9.50 to <3 $l5O King Carries a Complete Line of Blouses, Sweaters and Middy Suits. K!3G GLADLY WELCOMES CHARGE ACCOUNTS i IOBthCULOSIS Dr. Glm bu poal- Uve proof that he baa discovered a £r successful remedy. I used at home. In i{Cv^nKi|l||S any climate, wUn no return of th- Agwr 1 ’-S,v ‘ disease. For further 'Xtr information address, vor THE T. V. GLASS J 512 MASON *BLDG..' LOS AN O r L E 8, . CAL. Advertise ment. Miller's Antiseptic OH, Known ns Guaranteed to Relieve Pain, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, etc. Ggt it at the Haag Drug Cos. 1 —Advertisement. SURENESS OF . REPUBLICANS WANES DAILY (Continued From Page mings, Franklin D. Roosevelt, William G. McAdoo, and many others of na tional repute, who have been pounding hard on the league as the leading issue of the campaign. "Who have the Republicans had here to offset these speakers?” is asked. DISSATISFIED WITH SPEAKER ALLOTMENTS. Much of the opposition to the per sonnel of the speakers’ bureau ha* come from the various chairmen of the county organizations, who are dissatisfied wit.: the allotment of speakers. For instance, in the Eleventh district. Hiram Johnson is popular, and could do wonders there in the way of corailing votes, they say. v It is understood appeals have been made for the Californ a Senator to speak in Marion, or some other town of the Eleventh district, while he was on hts speaking tour, but the appeals were ignored, apparently, for nothing has been seen of Hiram in those parts. LACK OF HARMONY IN FIRST VOTERS* CLUB. Another place where discordant note* have been struck by Republican*, resilt ing in destruction of the ‘harmony” of the State organization is the Young Men’s First Voters’ Republican Club._ This department is under the direction of Stanley K. Mowrer, a young man from rtownstate, who, according to the older heads around the Hotel Severin, has had little experience in politics. In the closing days of the campaign the results of the ineffective work of the. young men’s department arc becoming more and more noticeable.) Especially arc the methods of argant zatlon, or rather lack of organization, of the head of the bureau becoming the butt of severe criticism of the bosses who are becoming nervous lest they lose their bold on many votes. According to one who knows, Mr. Mowrer’s methods of organization are not the sort that take well with the county chairmen of the State, nor with the young men whom he is being paid to corrall for the Republican party. METHODS ARE QUESTIONED. This man gives an outline of the man ner of organizing a county, adopted by the bureau head. He Arrives in a county seat, goes to the county chairman and tells the chair man who he is. The chairman accepts Mowrer into the party council, and they proceed to con fer on who would be a good young man to have as head of the first voter’s or ganization in this particular county. They select young man, whom they think would be acceptable, and go to him. But this young man wa a former serv- Gives health to the skin and hair The soothing, healing properties of Resirtol Ointment and Kesinol Soap enable them to protect the akm and scalp from annoying eruptions —tend- ing to keep the complexion clear, and the hair rich and lustrous. Tbe treat ment is easy and economical to uie, and is almost sure to produce the desired results. Ask your drngg’jt fer P-inol Soupad Oirtmsnt. SLOAN’S GOES RIGHT TO THE ACHING SPOT You can just tell by Its healthy, stimulating odor, that it la going to do you good. THOUSANDS of inen and women, when the least little rheumatic "crick" aasatla them, have Sloan's Liniment handy to knock It out. Popu lar over a third of a century ago—far more popular today. ’that's because It Is so wonderfully helpful in relieving external aches and pain*—sciatica, lumbago, backache, neu ralgia. overstrained muscles, .stiff Joints, weather exposure result*. A little Is all that Is necessary, for it soon penetrate* without rubbing, to the sore spot. No muss, no stained akin. All druggists—Bsc, 70c, f1.40. Slodifis Liniment —Advertisement. DON’T DISREGARD A COLD The influenaa and pneumonia that swept tbe country a year ago were preceded by an epidemic of colds. Foley’s Honey and Tar will check a cold if taken In time, and will also stop a cough of long standing. It promptly gives relief, soothes and heals Mrs. Geneva Rotdnson, 88 N. Swan St., .Albany, X. I'., writes: "Foley’s Honey and Tar is the be*' cough medicine I ever used. Two bottles broke a most stubborn lingering cough." It loosens phlegm and- mucus, clears air passages, eases hoarseness, stops tickling.—Adver tisement. Secrets of London Complexion Doctors Famous London specialists who cater to titled ladies and ethers of social prom inence. employ a remarkable method of complexion rejuvenation. One undergo ing this treatment visits the beauty doc tor late in the afternoon, has something dabbed over her face, then, heavily veiled, departs in her motor car. This is repeated dally for a week or so. when a complexion of snowy purity and ex quisite delicacy is In evidence. The se cret of this method is—ordinary merco ltxed wax. Any one can apply the wax without assistance of a specialist. An ounce of It (obtainable at drug stores here as well as In England), usually suf fices. Its is used like cold cream before retiring, knd washed off mornings. Its success is\due to n peculiar absorbent property which gradually removes worn out particle* of cuticle, revenling the youngar, healthier skin beneath. A wonderl-yl wrinkle-chaser, also in vogue among English women, is prepared by dissolving an ounce of powdered sax olite In a half-pint of witch haxel. Used as a wash lotion, this completely and quickly effaces even the deepest lines.— Advertisement. v t .; A ■.. . -ox ; - DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, OCTOBER 25,1920. ice man, and he is for the League of Na tions, so they can’t have him. Then they pick another, who will ac cept tjn Job, after coaxing. "The county chairmen, doubtful of the bureau head’s real position, goes to the expense of calling State headquarters to corroborate Mowrer’s identity. Having selected a county chairman for the first voters, thus saving the many first voters of the county the trouble of picking their own Rader, Mowrer takes the first train nt of the city, leaving the new official entirely at sea as re gards his duties. Such methods are not in line mth the procedure of the “old heads” in the po litical game and the results, now beeom ing noticeable, bear out the predictions of many that they are not gaining the young men’s votes. But regardless of all the friction, the beads of the Republican State organiza STRENGTH WAS GEING SAPPED THRU KIDNEY DISODERS WHEN HE DECIDED TO USE TRUTONA After Giving Perfect Tonic Trial Indian apolis Man Hay* It Helped Him More Than Any Oiher Medicine He Has Ever Taken. "Trutona has helped my trouble more than any other medicine I’ve erer taken,” Charles Meeker, a well-known Indianapo lis man who lives at 554 Holly avenue, told the Trutona representative recently. “I had been hale and hearty in my day," Mr. Meeker continued, “but this kidney trouble, from which l suffered, was taking my strength and making me old. it wasn’t unusual for me to have to get up ten or. fifteen times during the night/ and 1 hud such pafbs in my back and hips, so bad at times, that I couldn't get tip out of my chair without holding outo something, I became so nervous at times I’d tremble all oVert When it came to sleeping tveli—both sides of the bed were mine. I just rolled and tossed. No tongue can tell how I suffered before I began using Trutoua. "I certainly feel much younger than my 75 years today. I’m no longer bothered with having to get np ten or fifteen times at night with my kidneys, and I can get No smoke in your kitchen Mazola does not smoke up your kitchen when Trying—as do lard and com pounds. Besides its economy, Mazola is more readily digested than any hard fiat. 4v It is a pure vegetable fat and absorbs no odors nor flavors from the foods fiied in it. It can be used over and over again; even after fry ing fish. Merely strain, and it is fresh as just bought. Once you try Mazola you will prefer it to lard and compounds. Sailing Voin-wntohMi Q.H. GAMMAN. Manager, HAT|ONAL STARCH COMPANY 712 MvrchAuU Bank Bldg.* Isditnapolit FREE Write for handsomely illua#rated 64* page Com Products Cook Book. Com Products Refining Company, P.O. Box 161, New York City. When you have a Cold or feel the symptoms | of Grip or Influenza, do not experiment with 1 imitation remedies—it is too dangerous. Get the Original and Reliable Cold and Grip Tablets of Recognized Merit. Ask for Grave's 1 L. B. Q. tablets (.Laxative Drome Quinine Tablets) Price 30c. (o- sfcSfro'vts’ 1 ~ 1 on box. . I tion are predicting the suceess of the Republican ticket at the polls Tuesday, Nov. 2. * But all the while, the older politician* are shaking a little for fear that they have overstepped a few Important mat ters in organizfttlhn during the early days of the campaign. U. S. and England in World Tonnage Race CHICAGO, Oct. 25.—Great Britain and the United States are locked in an excit ing race for world supremacy in total shipping tonnage. In the home stretch the United States is a close second of the empire that for centuries ruled the seas. The United States today has 16,049.000 and the United Kingdom 15t330, tons. up out of my chair as quickly and easily any one, the pains having disappeared from my hips and back. I sleep as sound as a boy at. night dow. Why, it takes an alarm clock to get me up in the morning, i can do a real man’s work now, also, and yet not be ‘all in’ when night comes. “I’m telling all my friends about what Trutona did for me, for it certainly helpe-i me more than any other medicine I’ve ever taken." Wbat fetter proof of a medicine’s merit could be desired than the grateful state ment of Mr. Meeker, telling you what Trutona did for him? Does not his case prove that the Perfect Tonic is without a peer as an efficient reconstructive agency in giving him long needed and almost un hoped for relief? Why don’t YOU give the Perfect Tonic a trial today and enjoy the vigor of life which is sure to follow? Now it the time to get after YOUR run down system. Don’t take a chance with and also at O. W. Brooks' Drug Store, Pennsylvania and Ohio streets. And by tho ' flu.” v Trutona is aold in Indianapolis at the Hook Chain of Dependable Drug Stores, all good druggists everywhere.—Adver tisement. 20% Reduction on Cedar Chests The Manufacturers Have Not Reduced Prices But We Have To reduce our stock we offer 20% discount on any you select—4o styles to from 20% Reduction BIS? A *3® SO.OC> First 11 N Sm Y ©pi ™ Payment HI I and y°u may have choice of 40 dis- JZI ' n | 4 ferent styles delivered to your home; Cedar Chests hd rtlceß r “ 6e <rom 514 ,5 to 5650 °- Buy now for Christmas. Stored free 0i Chips Free With Each of charge if not ready for delivery. Chest. f*29 75 Floor Lamp shade as shown. * Value extraordi shade, assorted Do not coijfuse this lamp with so many cheap affairs that are advertised at is a real bargain. $2.50 Cash SI.OO Weekly ’ ' HARTER KISER HARMON MEYER LESLIE MEYER The Home Furniture Cos. * \ Southeast Corner Alabama and Washington Sr Before the War B 5* During the War I 5$ ***** aiAnnn HH r N0W!B The Flavor Lasts ■ So Does the Price! g|§ . 1 - READ THE WANT ADS IN THE DAILY TIMES 33/4 Per Cent. Reduction On All Tapestry and Cane Living Room Suites i That means a saving of $95.00 to $190.00 on any you select. Come and be shown. We will prove to you that this is a real Bona Fide Sale V J