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JAIL SCANDAL IS REVIEWED IN ‘COUNTY GRAFT’ (Continued From rage One.) outers into a scheme to make more than <B.OOO or <IO,OOO a year off the Government? SHERIFF AND SIX OF AIDS INDICTED. Bheriff Robert F. Miller and six of his former deputies or appointees were in dicted April 17, 1920, by the Marion Coun ty grand Jury. Tnfe indictment charged the sheriff with misuse of office and neglect in the per formance of his duties. The penalty l provided hy the statute covering this matter is a fine of not less than SIO.OO and not more than $500.00 and imprisonment of six months in the county jail. Only one indictment was returned against Miller, but there were several other Indictments returned against dep uties and appointees, charging assault •nd battery on prisoners, keeping a gam bling house and permitting gambling to go on in the jail. The report of the grand Jury, In part, follows • The general sanitary condition of the jail is very bad, due in part at least to the fact that the plumbing system and plumbing fixtures are in very bad repair; that the toilets for the most part have ceased to func tion, and it is necessary to flush them by pouring water into the bowl. In the colored men’s section, the toilets are rusted out and the wood work around the toilets Is rotted to such an extent that It would be pos sible for a man to crawl through some of the holes. ... Furthermore, there Is no toilet paper for use In the entire Jail so far ss we were able to ascertain. The beds and bunks are in very bad condition. Some of the beds have the springs entirely torn off and In many other cases the springs are so badly damaged that they are en tirely unserviceable and unfit for any human being to sleep upon. The mattresses and straw ticks are in verv bad condition. Not only are theV soiled to the point of being filthy, ns are the blankets also, but the straw has been used for so long that it has become unfit for Its pur pose both from the standpoint of sanitation and comfort to the pris oners. The grand Jnry reported ‘'that the prisoners are not provided with indi vidual drinking cups, and in view of the Sarahljngerfelt.tfMiCounly. iWYJfflO Tennessee,Recorded in (heCensus g£ ' vntd b^ ed R S ort HER YOGNCIST DAUGHTER RECFH7LY a tuttt crrrtnv Wfi celebrated her birthday, with A TRUE STORY M §pp|ijr-| a cake of 70 camples. “lARAH LINOERFELT, whose por- 4| ' The accompanying picture was taken S trait is here shown, and who, In 1 from a photograph of that remarkable old k ' December, 1920, will be 119 years feJSLv' woman, Mrs. Sarah Lingerfelt, now living years old, is still a woman of remarkable at Servilla, 1 en.n., the mother of 13 chil vitality and possessor of an unusually good dren, the only surviving one of which, the memory. She not only remembers things y /v'/'ifyJy/nA If Jtf x youngest, a daughter, is over 70 years old. which happened in the past, but has a f /! \I M >; * I Mrs. Lingerfelt was bom In Cherokee keen memory for every-day happenings. ' lj > y North in Decem- A. Frank Smith, and her youngestdaugh- h * r eariy childhood, and has lived in ter, Margaret Smith, who recently cele- \I 'f c He at^°‘n ‘ ng counties all the rest brated her 70th birthday. To a reporter who recently visited her The story of her hfe ia a record of he- /!§ ak-\: ~ j? home, this old lady talked entertainingly froic struggles against poverty and unfavor- Yj about her early life and her struggles dur able circumstances. At the age of 18 she * ng the Civil War, and a brief resume of married Jonathan Smith, who died during /% sjf v|| ' °{ |l e , r history is given in the first column the Civil War, leaving his widow to make a // pi P llc tc i ße p cr °f living for herself and U children. Several j LA Sr use of Thedford’s Black-Draught Lingerfelt, and in a few years was again SARAH LINGERFELT, 118 YEARS OLD * Until about 20 years ago, when she . h , B fiSijjttw*' wfh A /Wt \ lost her eyesight, she did a man’s work by The Chattanooga Medicine Cos, | I S!r| 11 \ \ around the farm, plowing and homing the Wla& ft \ h / ik-i 2 mS\ com, raising the cotton and working in the Mrs. Lingerfelt, the oldest ic-C jySt I /f\\\ field, by day. At night, by candle light, person in the Third Congressional \ /fifS i sHf f // \\\\ she spun and wove the children’s clothes. District, if not in Tennessee, has no mil / \\\ made old-fashioned patch-work quilts, formula for attaining longevity, except ity vs / \ I U\ S\\ H | \ and looked after the house work. Since hard work and the use of herbs for me- M fflWf Rtr* sJ I \ R I losing her eyesight, Mrs. Lingerfelt has dicinal purposes. The statement of her irnff/i been unable so work in the field, but grandson, given below, tells about the HSF 111 im'R 1\ i / ti hergTandso^s l^! herSClf VCfy useful S er j b medicine which she has used for Jjj I said JR [Yank Smith, o! Scrvlßa, Teon., "my grandmother, I ”bUCK-DRAU6HT |M|v| “We keep it in the house, for it is such a splendid liver 1J I\\ l(\\ \ medicine. She used to get herbs and make teas f Later, after I ft' iJI f/JM Ml \\ x I was grown, she heard of Black-Draught, and mat 1 ? tea from it H \ I “It certainly has given satisfaction.” \ I V fact that many persons infected with venereal diseases enter the Jail, the fail ure to provide individual drinking cups or sanitary cups for the prisoners is a constant menace. We found at least one prisoner who had contracted a loathsome disease of this description while In jail.” “Furthermore the county commis sioners should take immediate steps to provide some place for the prisoners infected with venereal diseases. It Is entirely unjust that all people who are incarcerated, some of whom it later de velops are innocent of the crime charged against them, should be forced to eat and drink and constantly associate with those having communicable diseases of this description.” FINDS PRISONERS NOT SEPARATED. Regarding insane persons being ad mitted to the county jail with the pres ent facilities for handling these cases, the report says: The whole atmosphere is conducive to an aggravation rather than an amelioration of their mental state. We found boys from 17 to 20 years of age are lodged in the same tier of cells and mingle freely with men charged with serious crimes, includ ing every species of sexual perver sions, as well as men who have long criminal records. Many of these youths are awaiting trial. Their guilt or innocence has not yet been established. Their as sociation vrith older men of this type is exceedingly destructive to their morals- We also found that those prisoners who are awaiting trial are assigned principally to the first floor of the jail, which is necessarily the darkest, most poorly ventilated and uninvit ing portion thereof, and as a matter of fact is the most filthy and Insani tary, while those whose guilt has already been established, those who, having been convicted, are serving a sentence for their crimes, are as signed principally to the top floor of the jail, which Is the lightest, best ventilated and most comfortable In every way. This, in our judgment, should be changed, so that the pref erence. if any. should be granted to those whose trial has not vet been had. and who it may be, are not guilty of the offense with which they are charged, instead of to those who Piles Cured In 0 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINT MENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles. Instantly re lieves Itching Piles, and you can get rest ful sleep after first application. 60c.— Advertisement. are serving a sentence as punishment for their misdemeanors. This Investigation has convinced us of the utter viciousness of the system now in vogue In this State of per mitting the sheriff to reap a reward from feeding his prisoners. We do not seek to excuse the sheriff for falling to properly feed prisoners un der his charge, for if he can not feed them properly and still make money out of his allowance, his first duty unquestionably is to provide prisoners with wholesome food, Instead of first enriching himself at the expense of the prisoners SHERIFF NOT YET BROFGHT TO TRIAD. SHERIFF MILLER HAS NOT YET BEEN BROUGHT TO TRIAL, THOUGH MANY MONTHS HAVE ELAPSED SINCE lIIS INDICTMENT Prior to 1919 the. sheriff of Marion County was allowed 40 cents a day vv-tn which to feed each prisoner. In the first three months of 1919 the countv commissioners, without legal authority, allowed the sheriff 60 cents a A statute approved in March, 1919, raised the allowance to 60 cents and legalized the action of the county com missioners in previously allowing 00 Ce From Sept. 1 to Sept. 50. 1918, the In dianapolis Chamber of Commerce fed 1.34S men at a cost per day of 45 cents for each man, and out of this paid all overhead expense and the cost of help, rent, light and heat bills. In the Investigation of jail conditions made bv the Federal Court, it was shown that the food the prisoners re ceived under the allowance of 60 cents could not have cost the sheriff more than 20 cents n day. Judge Anderson asked publicly: If this Is not fraud, what is It? Jury Says MacSwiney Died of Heart Failure LONDON. Oct. 27.—A verdict that Ter ence MacSwiney, late lord mayor of Cork, died of heart failure was returned by a coroner’s jury In Brixton Jail today. The verdict did not mention “suicide.” The coroner refused permission to ship the body to Ireland for burial on the ground that It- was outside his Jurisdic tion. BELFAST, Oct. 27.—Rioting broke out at St Matthews Chapel today. Troops were rushed to the scene In armored car* and dispersed the rioters. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1920. PAGE FINDS COX SAFE CANDIDATE (Continued From Page One.) a campaign of detraction that they have made the more uninformed people be lieve Mr. Wilson and hts administration are to blame for the present confused situation. “Every thinking man and woman knows that confusion and dislocation necessarily follow such a revolution as the great war, but these senatorial and ex-senatorial foes of Democracy have discarded the league, which is the only possible means of our getting to a peace basis, and charge tbat the Democratic administration is responsible. “They charge that the league was the sole product of Mr. Wilson, while the truth is he had the vision and led in the Aspirin Take only as Told In each package of genuine “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin” are directions and dosage worked out by physicians during 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Take no chances, if you see the “Bayer Cross” on tablets, take them without fear. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents—Larger packages, ▲iplrln li th* trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticac Idee ter of £ alley Ucacld great work of organizing to prevent a recurrence of a world war, calling to his aid the greatest thinkers and Jurists in the land, and accepted practically all the suggeestlons of Messrs. Taft, Root and Hughes, all of whom formerly believed In the league. “The leaders now impose on the peo ple with the charge that the league de stroys the Monroe doctrine, but In fact that doctrine was originaled by a Demo cratic President. “It was re-established by President Cleveland and Mr. Wilson in his speeches before Congress and in his tour advo cating preparedness In the spring of 1916, again and again based his request on the Monroe doctrine. “The Incredible campalgri of misrep resentation carried on by the Republican leaders through the press controlled by them base undoubtedly mislead many people, but tney appear now to be awakening to the fact of having been deluded as the day approaches for the decision whether we ehall try the only means of peace and safety In sight, or shall be dragged back where we must face vast armaments and a second world war. “You have only to look at the shocking and blasphemous cartoon In the cam paign number of Harvey’s weekly to see to what length they are going to prevent the tide from setting In for Governor Cox and the league. It must, as Allan Ryan has so well said, shocked profoundly the sentiment; of every Christian man and woman. I “This Is not merely a repetition of Miller’s Antiseptic Oil, Known as Snake Oil IVIU Positively Relieve Fln in a Few Minutes. Try it right now for Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Lumbago, sore, stiff and swollen Joints, pa.n In the head, back and limbs, corns, bunions, etc. After one applica tion pain usually disappears as If by magic. Anew remedy used externally for Coughs, Colds, Croup. Influenza, Sore Throat, Diphtheria and Tonsllltis. This oil is conceded to bo the most penetrating remedy known. Its prompt and Immediate effect in relieving pain Is due to the fact that it penetrates to the affected parts at once. As an illus tration, pour ten drops on the thickest piece of sole leather and it will pene trate this subntance through and through In three minutes. Accept uo substitute. This great oil Is golden red color only. Manufactured by Herb Juice Medicine Cos. only. Get It at the Haag Drug Co.— Advertisement. Grove's Iron Tonic Syrup Pale Children Need Iron Iron in Syrup form is more readily digested and assimilated than Iron Pills or Iron Tablets, and naturally you get quicker results. The Iron in GROVE'S IRON TONIC SYRUP Is digested as soon as it is swallowed and, therefore, is promptly assimi lated. You can soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect The Syrup is flavored and chil dren love to take It Contains no Nux-vomlca or other poison ous drugs, therefore, it can be given to The Babe. The Child. The Mother or The Grand mother with perfect safety. 75c. (o-sfc&ravt*' Look for this signature. Eye Specialist and Medical Author Report on U' onderful Remedy To Strengthen Eyesight Say It’Strengthens Eyesight in One Week’s Time in Many Instances New York.—Dr. Smith, a well known •ye specialist, and Dr. Judkins, a Massa chusetts physician and medical author, make the following reports after a thor ough test of a populur remedy for the eyes: Ssys Dr. Smith. “When by attention was first calied to it I wns Inclined to be skeptical. But It Is a rule of mine to give every new treatment a chance to prove Its value. Having specialised In eye work for many years 1 feel qualified to express an Intelligent opinion on rem edies for the eyes. Since this one has created such a sensation I welcomed the opportunity to test It. I began to use It In my practice a little over a year ago, and I am frank to say that some of the results I have accomplished with Bon Opto not only astonish myself but also other physicians with whom I have talked about It, and I advise every thoughtful physician to give Bon-Opto the same careful trial I have and there Is no doubt In my mind that he will come to the conclusion I have, that it opens tho door for the cure of many eye troubles which have heretofore been diffi cult to cope with. 1 have had individ uals who have worn glasses for years tell me they have dispensed with them through the use of Bon-Opto. In my own practice 1 have seen it strengthen the eye sight more than 50 per cent in one week's time. I have also used it with surpris ing results Jn cases of work-strained eyes, pink eyes, inflamed lids, CRtarrhai conjunctlvittea, smarting, painful, aching, itching eyes, eyes weakened from colds, smoke, sun. dust and wind, watery eyes, blurred vision, and, In faet, many other conditions too numerous to mention In this report. Anew and striking case thut has Just been brought to m.v atten tion Is that of a girl 12 years old. Two prominent eye specialists, after a thor ough examination, decided, according to her father, that iu order to save the sight of her right eye, the left must be re moved. While awaiting an opportunity for the operation and still undecided as to Its wisdom, her father was told It would do no harm to use Bon-Opto. In tYou Should Benefit Now the Cost of ALL the Finest Tea Is Down In homes where only the best is considered worthwhile, Ridgways Tea is always enlisted as an ally of good cheer. Quality —this is the word that signifies the reason for the in vigorating, zestful goodness of this better tea beverage. And now, besides, you can buy Ridgways Tea at a reduced price. PRICES REDUCED TO ALL GROCERS ON THESE BLENDS SAFE-TEA FIRST Ffid Her Mqjesty's Blend Silver Label Blend —J7 Gold Label Orange Pekoe ( Genuine) Orange Label Blend | Buff Label Blend INDIA - CEYLON 3 ** jqdauiqys lea “Rum, Romanism and ReWllion,” for that was the foolish speech of an in dividual Republican partisan speakiug extempore. This is the deliberate act of a quasl-offlcial cartoonist employed by Republican leaders, and It Is pub lished in the organ of their trusted adviser and coadjutor, in whose room the deal was made that flung over Wood, Hoover, Lowden and the rest, and se lected Senator Harding to represent, less the membership of the Republican party than these leaders on most of whom Theodore Roosevelt lavished all the wealth of his rich vocabulary after they Cuticura Talcum ——Fascinatingly Fragrant ■ — Always Healthful Sample fr®eofCiUrars Lb*mtorl,D<p,X.Mi!iUa, Mm. Everywhere 28c. Will You Hobble Around All Winter? Rheumatism’s Pains Will Soon! Begin Their Assault. When Rheumatism’s pains fenew their I grip, as they are bound to do as soon as the first touch of winter approaches, will you again reach for the liniment i bottle in an effort to temper the pain, or will you make an intelligent effort to get rid of the disease for good and all? Why remain a slave to the liniment bottle, when you know that the best it can afford is mere temporary relief? Why not make a determined effort to break the shackles of Rheuma tism by routing the germs from your system? Physicians have varying opinions about the cause of Rheumatism. They are iu considerable doubt as to the source of the disease and Its proper treatment. But there is no doubt whatever about Its pjlns, and no disputing the fact that they are real, in many cases even to the ex tent of torture. If the disease were confined to the surface, there might be some logic in expecting relief from Its clutches by lo cal applications applied to the surface. But you will soon learn tbat a disease that can cause so much pain and suffer ing is deep-seated, and has its source far below the surface of the skin. The pains may be slight at first, and that is where the victim of rheumatism Is often deceived. He does not feel that the first little twinge* of pain amount to much, and Dienco they are not promptly heeded. But they gradually Increase in severity until the disease has your entire system In Its relentless grip. The pains that seemed less than three days a marked improve ment was noticed. At the end *f a week the Inflammation had almost disappeared, and at the end of six weeks the eye was pronounced saved. Just think what the saving of that eye means to this lit tle girl! Another case is that of a lady 93 years old. She came to me with dull vision and extreme Inflammation of the lids and the conjunctive was almost raw. After two weeks' use of Bon-Opto the lids and the conjunctiva was almost raw are as bright as many a girl of 16.” L>r. Judkins, Massachusetts physician and medical author, formerly chief of clinics in the Union General Hospital, Boston, Mass., and formerly house sur geon at the New England Eye and Ear Infirmary ot Portland, Maine, says: “I have found oculists too prone to operate aud opticians too willing to pre scribe glasses, while neglecting the simple formulas which form the basis of Bon- Opto. which in my opinion, is a remark able remedy for the cure and prevention of many eye disorders. Its success in developing and strengthening the eye sight will soon fuake eye-glasses old fasbloned and the use of Bon-Opto ns common as that of the tooth brush. lam thoroughly convinced from my experience with Bon-Opto that It will strengthen the eyesight at least 00 per cent In one week’s time in many Instances.'* Victims of eye strain and other eye weaknesses and many who wear glasses will be glad to know that according to Drs. Smith and Judkins there is real hope and help for them. Many whose eyes were falling say they have had their eyes restored by this remarkable remedy and many who once wore glasses say they have laid them aside. One man says after using it: "I was almost blind. Could not see to read at all. Now I can read everything without any glasses and my eyes do not hurt any more. At night they would pain dreadfully. Now they feel fine all the time. It was like a miracle to me.” A lady who used It says: “The atmos phere seemed hazy with or without glasses, but after using this prescription for fifteen days everything seems clear. I can read even fine print without had done by him as they have now done by General Wood. i “If the people were but informed of the truth and facts the election of Gov ernor Cox would be assured. Then they will have as President a man, clear and sound in his views, of whom the coun try will be proud. Then will they elect a man not the echo of senator dictation.” Make a Full Pint With home-made sugar syrup and MENTHO-LAXENE The best and quickest acting COUGH SYRUP Full directions on each bottle Iso slight at first become intensely se- I vere and seem to take delight In your , sufferings. j Os course, there has been cases where ; some slight relief was experienced from ! the use of liniments and other local appll ' cations, but there has never yet been a | case that was actually cured by such I treatment, and temporary relief is very ! far from comforting to a constant suf ferer. The only sensible treatment from which you can expect real results is a remedy that goes deep down Into the blood sup ply, and kills the germs that causa the disease. These tiny germs multiply by the millions and scatter by met at of tha blood circulation throughout tha entire system. Whether they attack the muscles, the Joints, limbs or other parts of the body, they are still in the blood, and will continue to spread their torturing pains until eliminated thoroughly from the blood. B.S.S. Is a wonderful blood remedy, and Is the logical treatment for rheuma tism, because It promptly permaetes the entlro blood supply, and searches out and kill* the disease germs. You can take S.S.S. with the assurance that you are not experimenting, for this fine old remedy has been in constant use for more than fifty years, during which time It has been giving splendid results. So you owe It to yourself to take S.S.S. without delay, and discard the use of cal remedies that can do you no good. The treatment that will give real results is the one that attacks Rheumatism at its source, and removes the germs that cause it. If your case requires any special ad vice, it can be obtained without cost, to gether with valuable literature, if you win write today to Chief Medical Ad viser, 289 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga.—Advertisement. glasses." Another who need it says: "1 was bothered with eyestrain, caused by overworked, tired eyes which induced fierce headaches. I have worn glasses for several years, both for distance and close work, and without them I could not read my own name on an envelope or the type writing on the machine before me. I can do both now and have discarded my long distance glasses altogether. I can count the fluttering leaves on the trees across the street now, which for several years have looked like a dim green blur to m. 1 cannot express my joy at what it has done for me.’’ It is believed that thousands who wear glasses can now discard them in a reason able time and multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense of ever getting glasses. Eye troubles of many descriptions may be wonderfully bene fited in this easy manner. Go to any drug store and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Dissolve one tablet in a fourth of a glass of water and nse from two to four times a day. You should notice youp eyes clear up perceptibly right from. Me start and inflammation and redness will quickly disappear. If your eyes bother you even a little, it is your duty to taka steps to save them now before 'it is too late. Many hopelessly blind might have been saved their sight if they had cared for their eyes in time. NOTE: Another prominent physician to whom the above article was submitted, said: ‘‘Yes, the Bon-Opto prescription Is truly a wonderful eye remedy. Its con stituent Ingredients are well known to eminent eye specialists and widely pre scribed by them. I have used it very successfully in my own practice on pa tients whose eyes were strained through overwork or misfit glasses. It is one of the very few preparations I feel should be kept on hand for regular use In al - most every family.” Bon-Opto referred to above. Is not a patent medicine or a secret remedy. It Is an ethical prepara tion, the formula being printed on the package. The manufacturers guaran tee It to strengthen eyesight 50 per cent In one week's time In many Instances or refund the money. It Is dispensed under guaranty by all good druggists In this city Including the Hook and the Haag Stores.—Advertisement 9