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12 PLANNING CHILD WELFAREJ)RIVE Important Discussions Heard at Convention Here. Plans tot a child welfare crusade In Indiana were laid at the first session of 9 two-day conference of the Child Wel fare Association, which is being held at the Claypool Hotel. Mrs. Albion Fellows Bacon of Evans ville, president, presided at tho session. Mrs. Charles Cox, director of the de partment of Women and Children of the Indiana Industrial Board, will deliver an address at the night session on “Child Labor," and Donald Dushane, president of the Teachers' State Association, will talk on "School Attendance.” In an address before the association today J. A. Brown of the Btate Board of Charities, said “it Is an injustice to the family, the individual and the com munity that the State has not adequate provisions for the three classes of mental defectives.” He recommended a separate Juvenile court in every county having a popula tion over 100.000. further provisions for the public care of sick children by the State and county, social work in the schools by having the children who en ter school measured, both mentally and physically. # L. N. Hines, State superintendent of public instruction, said everything re lated to child welfare-ia connected with the school. In connection with child welfare ac tivities he urged better pay for teachers, a training law for teachers, a truancy law, a minimum school term of eight months, textbook adjustment, compulsory health supervision and compulsory phys ical training. ‘‘lt is high time.” declared Mr. Hines, “for Indiana to get out of the ‘fire place' •ge in matters of education ” On the program for the afternoon ses sion were: Dr. J. N. Hnrty, secretary of the State Board of Health; Mrs. Bacon; Charles B. Clarke, Indianapolis: Airs! Ella Bagot Kehrer, secretary-treasurer of Indiana Tuberculosis Society, Ander son; Eugene C. Foster, secretary of Charity Organlxation Society. Indian apolis; Dr. Kenosha Sessions, superin tendent of Indiana Girls’ School, Indi anapolis, and Mrs Richard Lleber. In the evening discussions will be con ducted by J. E. Frederick, member of the Commission on Child Wefare and Social Insurance, Kokomo; Mrs. E C Rumpler, president of the Indiana Fed eration of Women’s Clubs; Mrs. Culla J. Vayhlnger, president of the Indiana omen s Christian Temperance Union Upland; U. G. Weatherly, professor of economics and sociology, Indiana Uni versity. Bloomington; Edna Hatfield Ed mondson, Bloomington; W. A. Hacker, department of attendance, dity schools! Finest White ■ Granulated, I No Limit l|j '£W POUND— | BUTTERS 55c Navy Beans Pound 6* Argo Starch 1-pound carton 9* 3-pound carton ......25* 5-pound carton 43<£ SYRUP / Blue ) 2V 2 -lb. can.... 18* Karo j 5-lb. can 35* 1 10-lb. can 66* /iy 2 -lb. can.... 13* Red can 20* Karo 6-lb. can 39* 10-lb. can..... 75* __ ( can 22* “ a P le 5-lb. can 78< Karo (10-lb. can... 91.37 Kellogg’s Toasted Corn Flakes 15c package 11* Lea & Perrin’s Worcestershire SAUCE 40c bottle 27* BEANZOS, pkg, 17* ORANGES k^. 6 d°. c ., 35c PIGGLY WIGGLY 9 Come to Our Stores and Save Money Indianapolis Locations No. 1—137 E. Wash. No. 2—34th and Clifton. No. 3—3029 E. Tenth. No. 4—927-9 Ft. Wayne. Indianapolis; Mrs. Hence Orme, president of the Indiana Parent-Teacher Associa tion, Indianapolis; Miss Blanche-Stoops, attendance officer, Connersville; Mrs. Ru dolph Acher, Terre Haute. The final session will be held Satur urday morning. VOTERS SEND IN MANY QUESTIONS Questions by voters in the coming elec tion bearing upon the casting of their ballots are being answered dally by Dir teile Chaney, clerk of the State elec tion commission. * Questions sent to him, together with' their answers, supply some Interesting examples. This one is from Gary. Question —If a person In good faith registers in a certain precinct and dis covers on election day he has registered In the wrong precinct, is there any method by which such a person may vote, and will the mere fact that a per son's name Is misspelled on the regis tration books and appears different than what his name really is will it deprive him of his vote? Answer—ls a person has registered in the wrong precinct he cannot vote; if the name is spelled wrong on the pre cinct records the registration record of the individual Is the final proof of -the spelling of the name, which Is written by the registrant. Question —If an absent voter registers by mail, and sends his registration to the county auditor, who places the reg istration in the wrong precinct, will the voter be eligible? Answer —The voter has authority to have the auditor maad&ted and have tho registration blank recorded in the proper precinct. Hundreds of technical questions are being answered by the election commis sion. Democratic Talks Scheduled Tonight The following Democratic meetings are I scheduled for tonight: Raymond and Meridian—Henry N. Spaan, Frank P. Baker. Fletcher and Grove—Oren S. Hack, Dr. Hannah Graham. Gasnlch’t Hall, M Ketcham Street— Thomas D. McGee, Mark Archer. Rural and Tenth Street*—Dick Miller, Mrs. John W. Trenck. Robey's Garage (West Washington ! near Mount) —Judge E. W. Felt, Evans i Woolen. Jr. Vermont and Indiana Avenue fM*~ [ sonic Hall)—Thomas Taggart, Joseph K. 1 Brown James A. Bryant. Southport, Ind. —Paul G. Davis. Maywood. Ind.—Chalmer Bchloeser. j Lawrence. IndA—Fred Van Nuys, Mrs. i Martha Mareon. Ludwig’s Salad, small 17c Dressing, large 36c Pork and Beans Van Camp’s .Individual can •7* Small can .....10* Medium can 14< CAMPBELL’S Large can 12* Washing Powder Climalene .... * Old Dutch Cleanser... .9* Bowlene, can I<£* Lux, pkg 11* Ivory Chips ...10* Rinso, pkg 6U* Kitchen Klenzer 6* White Line Powder ... 4<* Canned Tomatoes No. 2 can, each 9* Canned Corn No. 2 can, each 10* RICE Finest white head, lb. 10* Cakes and Crackers All 200 pkgs .16^ All 10c pkgs 8* No. 5—6460 E. Wash. No. 6—2208 W. Michigan. No. 7—2154 College. GRAB $65,000 IN GEMS AT ST. PAUL Armed and Unmasked Bandits Work in City’s Heart. ST. PAUL, Oct. 29.—Three armed and unmasked bandits held up and robbed a local Jewelry store In the heart of the business district hero today, escaping In an automobile with two trays of dia monds valued at $65,000. ROBBER SUSPECTS LAND IN HOSPITAL DETROIT, Oct. 29.—Three men are In the receiving hospital today, two of them shot and seriously wounded and another shot in the leg In a fight. Anthony Ley, Athens, Ga., was shot twice when he attempted to shoot a po liceman. James Carolines, Detroit, was shot by a policeman as a robbery suspect and Raymond Daniel went to police head quarters and reported he had been shot in a fight. Rob Store of Plunder, Leave Money Alone Special to The Times. TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Oct. 29—Teggs broke into the confectionary owned by Felix Yates at Burnett Thursday night, stealing SIOO worth of Jewelery, toftacco and candy. • More than $l5O in money and In the postofflce safe in the same room was untouched. Wanser’s Modern Market 215 North Illinois Street Ifotter* ifarkM 1 ■/ 3 ftLfiJf .JUMi. Dromedary Dates Package 19* SunmaidSeededand Seedless Raisins Full 15-oz. pkg 30* Toothpicks Per package 3%* Gold Dust Small package 4* Large package 29* COFFEE Breakfast Blend . ....27* Maxwell House, 1b... .40* Yuban, lb 45* Arbuckle, ground, lb.. 80* Old reliable, lb 42* Macaroni . Spaghetti and Noodles, Red, White and Blue and Golden Age brands, package o%* Libby POTTED MEAT Per can 5* No. B—2oo N. Delaware. No. 9—1402 S. East. No. 10—1228 •liver. No. 11—452 VWath. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1920. WOMEN HEAR OF ARMENIAN^ABUSES State Federation of Clubs Ends Convention Here. Miss Mary Klfer, a Sioux City (Iowa) girl, who has spent the last two years in Erlvan,. the capital of the new Ar menia republic, in Near East relief work, spoke before the -women of the State Federation of Clubs, at their closing business session last night. She told of the horrors and atrocities that had been committed and of the wonderful faith of the Armenian people. “The pitiable part of it all Is that none of this tragedy should have happened, If these people had Just said with their lips, ‘Mohßmmed is the prophet,’ ” she said. "The murder and ravage in the near east is because the oldest Christian peo ple on earth preferred to die rather than be false to their religion. “Across the desert in Armenia Is a winding trail that at a distance looks like white sand, but it is formed of the whitening bones of murdered Armenians, ruthlessly cut down for no offense ex cept being Christians,’’ she told the women. Miss Klfer was attending Northwest ern University when she felt the call of the Near East. PASS RESOLUTION TO AID ARMENIANS. At the conclusion of her talk the women passed a resolution that the fed eration aid In every way possible the work o-f the Near East relief. Pr. Clare B. Cornell of Cleveland, gave a talk on the work of the Red Cross, Six Big Specials for Friday and Saturday Frpsli Hums (whole), QA* skin and fat off, per lb....tfVC Fresh Shoulders (whole), o*7 skin and fat off, per \b...Mu V Fresh Pork Sausage, SW „ no cereal, per lb Fresh Sparerlba, per lb L 1 C “:„1d Ro “':. p "2oc&24c Navy Beana, sy _ per pound a C CENTRAL MEAT MARKET Not a Chain Store Proposition I PlirP An Unusual Buy „ WUeMIfAR 1 C Loaf OllUnlY 11< (i A GOOD TABLET SUGAR FOR TABLE USE. 10-LB. PACKAGES Why take I Eastern Gane Granulated Domino j Ch o“c"hl 100 Lb. 25 Lb. 10 Lb. 5 lb. We do not Domino? Cloth Bags Cloth Bags Cloth Bags j handle beet America’3 DOMINO DOMINO DOMINO Honiißn SUgar * supreme (left ft ft UtflllSilU 81 $1.39 69c Pure Lard AT<s*NSss No - 10 Pail (9 lbs. net) Bread Limit 5 Loaves WICST Fresh Hamburg ..... 15c PET AND WILSON’S MILK . . SALL CANS (4 Can Limit) ■ mm\* I Bacon "mESS* Sugar Cured . 39c * - i Boiling Beef . . . . , 10c 1 Smoked Shoulders Su \ r k S .... 30c Smoked Hams (sugar cured) QE* SWIFT’S Our Special Coffee, Steel Cut . 19c Scoco & Flake White 19c lb. Beef, Pork, Veal, Lamb and Smoked Products, priced right and guaranteed. CENTRA!® MEAT MARKET 245 EAST WASHINGTON ST. telling of what they have accomplluhed and what they expect to do, urging the women to work with and for the Beil Cross. Following the addresses a memorial hour was held, tributes being read, honoring Mrs.- May Wright Bewail, Mrs. Emma Mont McCrae, Mrs. W. Call and Mrs. W. W, Reed. Results of the federation election were announced, naming Mrs. Jesse Riddlaof Lawreneeburg, vlco president; Mrs. Myra Stuart Gordon of Logansport, recording secretary; Mrs. E. F. Culbertson of Vin cennes, treasurer; Mrs. A. T. Cox of East Chicago, trustee. Wll IT IR COMING Be Prepared to Keep Warm SEE THE Johnson Fuel Oil Burner For your oook range, heaters, boilers, furnaces, laundry stoves, hot water heaters, etc. It will successfully burn Kerosene, Distillate, Gas Oil or Light Fuel Oil BURNER ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEES No generating; can’t clog or bum out; never has to be cleaned; never gets out of order. Thou3anls already in prac tical use and have proven to be absolutely reliable in every way. Come in and let us show you this wonderful invention. DEMONSTRATION AND SALESROOM 125 East Ohio St., Indianapolis, Ind. Or write THE JOHNSON OIL BURNER GO. * Lyric Theater Building, Muncie, Ind. Agent* Wanted Marion County and Adjoining Territory. The gavel presented to the district having enrolled the greatest number of cuius during tne yea*, was presented to the sixth district, of which Mrs. J. M. Larrlmore Is chairman, and the banner for the greatest county enrollment went to Hancock and Henry counties for six months each, as they tied for honors. VOICE DISAPPROVAL OF SMOKING BY WOMEN Resolutions, disapproving of the use of cigarettes among women; aiding In pre vention of presentation of motion picture films not passed by the national board of review; support of the State educa tion movement to change the twelve weeks’ minimum requirement for art teachers of the State to two years time were all voted on favorably by the body. The conservation dinner, held preced ing the business session, in the Rainbow room of the Hotel Severin, was presided over by Mrs. W. J. Torrance of the fed eration department of conservation. Addresses were given regarding the natural resources of the State by several speakers. Including Dr. W. N. Logan, Frank N. Wallace, Charles C. Dram, Charles G. Sauers, George N. Mannfeld and Miss Mary Matthews. To Relieve Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness And Head Noises Persons suffering from catarrhal deaf ness, or who are growing hard of hear ing and have head noises will be glad to know that this distressing affliction can usually be successfully treated at home by an Internal medicine that la many Instances has effected complete relief after other treatments have failed. Suf ferers who could scarcely hear have had their bearing restored to such an extent that the tick of a watch was plainly audi ble seven or eight inches away from either ear. Therefore, If yon know of someone who Is troubled with head noises or catarrhal deafness, cut out this for mula and bnnd it to them and you may have been the means of saving some poor sufferer perhaps from total deafness The prescription can be prepared at home and is made as follows: Secure from your druggist, 1 os. Par mint (Double Strength.) Take this home and add to it M pint of hot water and a IttOe granulated sugar; stir until dis solved. Take one tablespoonful four times a day. Parmlt is used In this way not only to reduce by tonic action the inflamma tion and swelling in the Eustachian Tubes, and thus to equalize the air pres sure on the drum, but to correct any excess of secretions in the ear, and the results it gives are nearly al ways quick and effective. Every person who has catarrh in any form, or distressing rumbling, hissing sounds In their ears, should give this rec ipe a trial.—Advretisement. Miller's Antiseptic Oil, Known as Snake Oil Guaranteed to Relieve Pain, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, etc. Get it at the Haag Drug Cos. —Advertisement. The Biggest Retail Grocery in Indiana POTATOES—Extra fancy Michigan stock. Good keepers. Peck d9?^ 2^2 -Bushel sack $3.45 Buy Your Writer’s Supply Now. j Flour7l?y S ’1.70 i Spanish Onions.. . . ~ . , . La'-ac and w Greening Apples. A fine all-round appls. Eat. ing. cooking and meat. 04 4 A 7 for Bushel basket sl.iU Florida Grape Fruit. Cape Cod Crin 2T* ..10c .".ch SWEET POTATOES Good size, peek 45£ Creamery Butter, Hoosier King Nut Gold and Eversweet, pound vDL Oleo, 1b... Sweet Ruaset Cider. GtZa ' English Walnuts, thin QA. , No. 10 can Ovv* shell, 1919 crop, 1b....,Uvv Heinz Pork and Beans, with Tomato Sauce, -J J* I CORN MEAL—Pure white granulated, S lbs 11* Brick Cheese, Llmburger Cream Cheese, _ . rich and tasty, Cheese, 1-lb. sharp and snap- ~,,!**! pound- blocks- P y, pound- lII' lb “ 37<*. 39<>. 40<t. CREAM CHEESE. Mild and good color, BREAKFAST BACON, sugar cured. Nicely 90^ S Pounds 91.10 Boiled Ham, lean and Dried Beef, sweet QfJrf* sweet, lb. ~ I UV cur, / 2 |b .VtfL PURE LARD. Open kettle rendered, 2 lbs 47* PEANUT BUTTER. Fresh made, lb ...21* Mince Meat, Just In, fine flavor, LAYER CAKES- Bring your pall. Chocolate . Caramel Liberty Ginger Snaps, crisp and 4 m _ Cocanut Icings, snappy, lb If V Taggart’s York Butter 4 Q _ Crackers, lb A srlL Ground Cln- Black Pepper, finely Genuine Mexican namon, 4 Q A milled, 4 Chill Pep i/2-lb JLefv Zi lb. lit per, lb...dUC Navy Beans, 4 lbs ....25* Pilgrim Rio Phoenix Coffee, lb ......484 Coffee, Old Reliable 42* lb.. 18c Old Crop Santoe, lb ...,* ..,294 3 lbs., 52* Ararblan Banquet—Mooha and Java, lb 03* Large Ralslne, with I New Currants, 4 Q n seeds, lb UI v | carton ........,..l vL Santa Clara Prunes— A Bho Welch’s Grapelade, tall, 15-oz. Jar 39* ’■’BSKr* p 4'* Jar. .27C Post Toaatles Uncle Sam’a Health F00d.,.19* Kelloww's Bran 22* Va " Camp's Spaghetti 12}*# , _ _ , French Mushrooms ~.57f Armour’s Cornflakes 1 2/ 2 e ... t Asparagus, white, Cream of Wheat 31d large cans .3 r f^ Shredded Wheat 15d Gilt Edge Hominy .. PettlJohn’s Breakfast Pumpkin, large 0ane.......... Food .23d D# j cnt# Plums in Byrup.J®®^ Grape Nuts ..—.18? Beech Nut Brand Prunes In ! Excelo Cake Flour..3&d Syrup .l.’pVi* Skinner’s Macaroni and Libby’s Peer Buttery / Spaghetti, 2 for 19d No. 2 can SCRATCH FEED. A pure mixed feed. Contains no saind or oyster shell— t . 1 25 Pounds 85*1100-Pound bag ......$p.25 Quality Meats at These Prices Only at Denison Market Ohio and Penn. Sts. Sirloin and Porter- _ house Steak ..^^.....UvC Round Steak Chuck A|" n Steak ... ...... atii v STT* 18c-20c Short Ribs of 4| Beef .....JL3C Bolling Meat 8.42 C Pork Steak > g Ham Oe)C Pork Steak AA. Shoulder uUC SS 25c K 35c ££ 30C-35C , —4oc Chops 30C Veal Chops, Loin ....oac Veai Off** Roasts .'. ...AUL Brookfield fff* Creamery Butter Smoked Meats of All Kind. CASH AND CARRY NO PHONE ORDERS TIMES WANT ASS BBINO BESCLTK.