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14 LILY WHITES KEPT TICKET OFF BALLOT Negroes Charge Republican Bosses Defeat Purpose of Independents. MAKE APPEAL TO VOTERS James R. Norrel, M. D„ and G. X. T. Gray have issued a statement relative to the affairs of the Independent Republican party. The statement follows: Men and women of the negro race:— We have just emerged from one of the most remarkable suits ever waged In the courts on behalf of our people. We lost because the Illy white bosses of the Republican party have decreed that negroes shall only rote for white candidates; that negro Republicans shall not aspire to be candidates for elective offices In Marlon County as long as these bosses are in power. The Independent Republican party. In Us conception, was intended to force the present-day bosses of the Republican party to give to negroes the square deal that Abraham Lincoln and the founders of the grand old party Intended negroes should have. With that end In view an Independent Republican ticket was filed with the elec- j tlon board, as by law required, and said board did place that ticket upon the ballot, with such modifications as ] the law permitted and ten thousand or I more ballots were printed with our tlcketj •n them. Later on our ticket was ordered stricken from the ballot by the Repub lican members of the election board at the command of Lily White Boss Harry Hendrickson, chairman of the Marion County Republican committee, the same boss who ordered the Republican county C^4lfo^lUi/ufVb€>o: O' j 127 West Washington Street You never saw a coat sale like this. In many cases prices are lower than they were before the j the cold weather justified it. Right when you need them most we make special prices on Mk 'COATS /Wjflßljyyl for Ladies and Misses ✓ I* ■ • I J | This is the time to buy your winter coat. The weather Y m *j!r \ is right. Our stocks are right. The price—above all— / ||||g|g j * S right. 'And our customary cash or payment prop- U ~ 1 LJ ~ These coats are distinguished garments of individual ized style and great beauty of fabric and design. Won- In the derful selections. More than wonderful values. Ladies’ Coat Sale FABRICS fen’s Overcoats q Veldyne r, , ciJTAxrc These overcoats include fine kerseys, meltons, novelties and r other distinguished coatings in-single and double-breasted (J 1 //- - f'rma styles. Many ulsters and ulsterettes with storm collars. Long [U ft 5 U- " KsOlUirs coats, short coats, belted coats, coats of all kinds. / \ " AV , Self Collars , U) I \ i UjT^ Fur Collars ~ ~, . _ /Ij \ j \ Wrap Effects Men s Suits Boys Mackinaws /II I 1 \ Blouse Styles Belted Styles * 1U Splendid wool suite in a big selection of size* Extraordinary values in heavy, comfort- jj / 1 i FUR COLLARS In one ’ tWO 411(1 thre6 ' button at 7 le *; single and able mackinaws, just right for the boy to \ji \ \ douolo-breasted models. IJerringbones, mixtures, wear to school and at play. Bright, cheer- / / j j II 'Natural Raccoon Stripes, checks, novelties, plain colors. ful colors. J ‘' J Kx'J Australian Opossum S7 s. „ French Seal CSJaO^aUnsSa Nutrfa, Etc. m Wtt Wulraton trt , Open ktorduy Until j<tt p. m. commissioners to refuse to appoint a negro justice of the peace In violation of a written promise and who Is head of the political machine that counted out Doctors Norrel and AVUllams In two primaries. HIGH-HANDED TREATMENT. Finding ourselves treated in such a high-handed and Illegal manner by the I election board and its boss, we decided 1 to mandate the board of election com missioner-: and compel them to place onr ticket -upon the ballot. i ioc iuy white boss at once employe! the lion. Janies A. Bingham, former at torney general of Indiana; the Hon. Henry M. Downing, corporation lawyer and professor in the Indiana Law School of Indiana University, and the Hon. Charles O. Roemler, another corporation lawyer, to use their combined talent to prevent onr ticket from being placed upon the ballot to be voted for on Nov. 2, 1920, aud for three days the legal battle was wnged against one negro lawyer. So difficult was the problems presented that the court said. In substance, after the trial, that this case had caused him more mental worry than any case that had •■oioc before Idm. We only know we were kept off the ticket. And so ended the first attempt of ! negroes in the North to place an In ! dependent Republic ticket in the field. The ballot carries fire tickets and three of them were filed under the same law and In the same manner that the Independent Republican ticket was filed. The lily white Republicans allowed those tickets to go upon the ballot for the white constituents of those parties to vote upon, law or no law; but negroes, with their unbroken record of loyalty to the party of the bosses; negroes, who have lost all chance of consideration at the hands of other parties, on account of their loyalty to the Republican party; negroes, who have swallowed promises made and broken by their white lte- ! publican bosses for fifty years, those . negroes may not have a chance to vote I for members of their own race; those negroes must be sandbagged Into sub mission to the dictates of their bosses. Compare this boat's actions with the action of the authorities In Arkansas. who allow a negro's name to be balloted on for Governor of Arkansas. Ben Tillman once said: “If negro men were as courageous as negro women the whites of tbo South would not be able to humble them as they do.” Will negro women of Marion County vote for men who deny them and their boys and girls their place in the aun? Will they vote for rulera who ravish the race of that which la as dear as virtue the sacred right to the ballot for their kind? Negro men and negro women must hear the truth, mar out; movement has not been connected with the Democratic purty and has had no financial backing, the expense being borne by two mem bers of the committee signing this; that our ticket was not ruled out because of a lack of legal signers or becuuse It failed to comply with the law in any respect. It was thrown out at the com mand of a Illy white boss, and the court refused to Interfere because es a tech nicality so fine that we c-in't see It. Right here we wish to nwid into the record our most reapectful and fervid criticism of the court's gratuitous ef fort to read ug out of the Republican party and brand us ns trying to set up anew party—this is in the face .of the fact that we point with pride (?> to a lifetime of loyalty to the Republican party, and in face of the fact that we ure supporting all of the Republican ticket, except the candidates of the Ma rlon County Republican organization, which organization Is opposed to a square deal for every one. It matters not if negroes are too ig norant or too selfish or too cowardly to acknowledge it, one fact Is paramount, namely: negroes owe it to themselves snd their posterity to vote for Republican presidential electors, for the Republican laudtdate* for tb>* Senate and the House of Representatives, for the Republican candidates for Governor and State of fices, then scratch, scratch, scratch the Republican county ticket, the sponsors for which ravish negroes of tbo right to x-eallze their worthy ambition to be men and women in the highest and beat meaning of those words. Respectfully, (Signed i JAMES R. NORRELL. M. D.. G. N. T. GRAY. for tho Committee. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1920. Didn’t Mind Jail, but He Missed Harmonica SIOUX CITY. la., Oct. 29.—3 ail wasn't so bad, but without liis moutb organ William Jackson felt life unendurable. When searched at the police station hit belongings, including his prized har monica, were taken away from him. He was still pleading for It when the barred door was locked behind him. , “DAN DERI NE” Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. A few cents buys "Danderine.” After an application of "Danderine” you can not find a fallen hair or auy dandruff besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color aud thickness Aovertlsement. fLssxativo Sromo illumine tablets Popular all over the World as a remedy for Colds, Grip and Influenza and as a Pre ventative. Be sure you get the genuine. Ask for Grove's L. B. Q. tablets Price 30c. (£• JfcSfreTrt*' on box. More Than 700 in Use in the C4y. Ask those who own a Peninsular All-Year-Round Gas and Coal Combination | about Its conveniences. Operates without any change whatever. Merely add fuel and go ahead. A PERFECT COAL RANGE A PERFECT GAS RANGE A PERFECT HEATER The only practical made 2-in-l ; range. Combination coal and gas ! range, gas or coal, or both. The Peninsular Is the gas and coal combination that is sold on absolute guaran tee. Other makes at less prices. | Cedar Chests Make ideal, practical Christmas gifts. Just the thing for storing i summer clothing also. Complete j line. $22.50 to $75 *Y(cfcknG&!sk 315-317-319 E. Washington St., Indianapolis. SATURDAY CLOSING HOUR, 6 P. M. Test It Free! (iet a box ot KEOLO from your druggist today. Deposit the regular price, SI.OO a box, as evi dence of good faith. Then take Reolo regularly for two weeks according to directions. After you have tested Reolo for Two Weeks, if you are not perfectly satisfied and delighted vith the improvement in your health, your druggist is hereby authorized to return your money. Reolo Restores Health Reolo supplies to the cells of the body the natural ceß salts, which are absolutely necessary to keep the body strong and vigorous. These cell-salts feed the cells of the nerves, blood, tissues, brain and bones. They build up what over work, worry and over-exertion of brain or body have torn down. Waste products are cast out new cells grow, the hollow cheeks fill out and take on the ruddy glow of health, the spring comes back to the step, and the whole body pulses with health, strength and vitality. Reolo aids digestion and assimilation, stimulates the circulation of the blood, tones up the heart and nervous system, and gradually restorea normal health, energy and endurance. Reolo, Incorporated Henry J. Huder, Washington and Pennsylvania Sta, southeast corner Michigan and Illinois Sts., Indianap olis, Ind., and all leading druggists. Eruptions of the Skin Cause Torturous Itching If you are afflicted with any form of skin disorder, you are well ac quainted with the flaming, burning. Itching that these diseases produce. 8o many people continue to suf fer from eczema, tetter, and other 'orms of skin disease because they o not seek the source of their suf e?sng. and no disease oan be suc ssfully combated unless attacked c its source. Skin diseases are caused by nn npurity or disorder in the bioed rid there iy no rc-al and genuine -H*f wifhii jotir reach until such rpurftlee rye removed Peninsular Hi-Oven Stove Three Stoves in One Heats 3 roomj as well as cooks and bakes ant! saves half the fuel. Perfect Baker Perfect Heater Perfect Cooker Upholstered Furniture See our complete display on main floor. 20% Off Original Marked Prices If Hartman I Says It’s Right I It IS Right 1 Cleveland, Ohio This explain* why disappointment, comes from the use of lotions, salve*, ointments and other local remedies. 3.9.8. he- given great satisfaction in the treatment of these disorder*! ecanso i! inch r. thoroughly sat! infactory blood purifier. It cleenoesJ the blood of all impurities, and thul counteracts the effects of the gerDfl that attsek the skin. jp| Begin taking S.S.B. today, and fl you will write a complete history vour case. our medical adviser ■lve you expert advice win charge. Address Chief Medioal fkT riser, SC2 Swift Laboratory. AtlaflS/'. Cr*.—Advertisement.