Newspaper Page Text
2 ‘HARDING FOR ANOTHER 190 r Former Progressive States in Letter Pledging Support of Governor Cox. NEW YORK. Oct. 29.—W. H. Nichols of Bennington, Vt., State chairman of the Committee of Forty-elsrht, and former Progressive national committeeman of Vermont, announces in a letter received today (Friday) by Chairman George White of the Democratic National Com mittee, his support of the League of Na tions and Governor Cox’s candidacy. The letter follows: •'ln 1912 it was my privilege and t>onor to become personally acquainted with •nr greatest American, Theodore Roose velt, and it is to be regretted that the one carrying his name now is not fol lowing in the footsteps of his father. Colonel Roosevelt told me of his strug gles while President with the reaction ary Senators who were controlled by a group of radical Wall street capitalists, who caused the financial panic in 1907. ' his fuun.* reactionary Senators, of Which Senator Harding is one, and to wnoin he reports, are in control today, and to further their own financial and political ambitions, yon will notice that the rate of interest on money needed to operate our Industries has been forced so high today that thousands of indus tries are crippled and obliged to shut down their plants. "It Is not right or fair that the In dustries and labor of this country should smart and suffer under the lash of the political financial whip wielded by a group of reactionary Senators. “Colonel Roosevelt told me he was alarmed at the rapid growth of I. W. W. and radical Socialism, which was largely brought about by the reactionary policy of the administration at that time, and unless something was done to change the condition he feared a revolution. “For having had the courage of his conviction he was called a modern Aaron Bnrr by Senator Harding, shot at Min neapolis and last year died an untimely death. “Independent Progressives snd liberal minded voters can unite with the reac tionary element who control the Repub lican party today. "It Is evident that the Republican party mnst first clean house. “Governor Cox is the Progressive standard-bearer in this campaign. “He has taken up the work where Roosevelt left off. “The reactionary Democratic element is supporting Harding, and the Repub lican Progressive element supporting Cox. “The League of Nations is the great est moral issue ever presented to human ity. “Its sole object Is to establish a bet ter relation between nations and prevent war. “In the recent war, millions of human lives were destroyed and billions of dol lars worth of our natural resources wasted and untold agony and suffering brought upon innocent women and chil dren. “The League of Nations can and will prevent another such war. “Asa Christian nation it is our sacred and moral duty to do all that we can to have the League of Nations become a reality. “Harding says he is not for going in and stands for rejection of the League of Nations. “Has the Republican party lost its soul? “Governor Cox says, ‘I am for the League of Nations with reservations if necessary,’ therefore, according to their own testimony, a vote for Harding is a HURT ALL OVER COULDN’T SLEEP Suffered So Much and So Long, Indiana Lady Became Dis couraged, and at Times Cared Little to Live. Leavenworth, Ind. —Mm. Hannah Pern, of this town, writes: "About ilx yearn ago I began the ÜBe of Car ini for female weakness. I suffered *uch fearfu! bearing-down pains at . . It seemed like something was just pressing on the top of my head ahd it burned like Are. I was Indeed a nervous wreck “For four years I couldn’t do my housework. I was in bed moat of the time. . . . I got so discouraged, and at times I wanted to die, I was In so much pain At time* I hurt all over. ... At night I was restless and couldn't sleep. I had no appe tite. in fact wes a misery to myself and every one else. “I continued in this oondition until finally I began Cardul . . . Took Cardul regularly until I took a num ber of bottles. It cured me. 1 can not say too much for this treatment, and highly recommend It to others." For more than forty years Cardul has proven beneficial to suffering Women. Tour druggist sells It Try ltl—i Advertisement. I Eats Candy -Kb,, Loses gg) Her eSklFat Here’s joyful news for every fleshy person who loves good chiags to'eat. especiJlly those who are denying themselves the things they like most because of their de sire to keep down their weight or to re duce the fat with which they are already burdened. There is no further necessity to diet in order to keep your weight down or reduce the fat you have already acquired. The famous Marmola Prescription has been put up In tablet form, and is now sold by all druggists at one dollar for a good size box. To get rid of fat at the rate oft wo, threeorfour pounds a week. Just take one of these little tablets after each meal and at bedtime until you have reduced your weight to where you want It No wrinkles or flabbiness will remain. Use Marmola Prescription Tablets according to direc tions a few weeks and get results without going through long sieges of tiresome exercise and starvation diet. Get them at any drug atore or tend the price to the Marmola C0.,03 Garfield Building. Detroit, Mich., and receive them by uuul. prepaid, in plain, sealed cover. vote for war and reactionary movement. “A vote for Cox Is a vote for peace anil progress. (Signed) “W. H. NICHOLS.” DRIVES AUTO INTO CROWD; 1 KILLED Maniacal Driver Hits People Waiting for Car. TOLEDO, Oct. 29.—An automobile driver, believed to be a maniac, is re sponsible for the death of one man and the serious injury of another when he charged down upon a gr9up _of per sons waiting for a car at 6ak and Woodsville streets early today. The dead man Is Joseph Segrum of To ledo. William Armstrong, a laborer, Is se riously Injured. About a dozen persons were standing in the street waiting to board a car when a man in a large touring car approached at terrific speed. Without warning he apparently pur posely swerved into the crowd. Segrum was killed Instantly. Several others were knocked against the street car and seriously bruised. Boards Meet to Look Into Election Plans To determine if all steps have been taken to make ample provisions for the election Tuesday, the Marion County board of commissioners and the Marlon County election commissioners this aft ernoon met in joint session In the county commissioners’ courtroom. Members of both boards desire to de termine if all the voting machines will be in running order and delivered on time. To End Walkout of Colorado Miners LOUISVILLE, Colo., Oct. 29—Nego tiations were under way here tpdgv to bring an end to the walkout of 51,600 miners In the northern Colorado coal fields who quit work after their repre sentatives had been denied a conference with operators. Meetings weer held today between rep resentatives of the miners and owners and it is believed an agreement will be reached. Water Company Asks Receiver Appointed Petition for the appointment of a re ceiver for the Aqnos Distilled Water Company today was filed before Judge Solon Carter of Superior Court, Room 3. by Lorenze Schmidt & Sons, who claim that the water company is indebted to them In the amount of sllOlß. The petition charges other indebted ness amounting to $30,000. MAG’S CUT-PRICE DRUGS No Mail Orders Filled at the Reduced Prices Everything Fresh, Genuine, cf the Purest and Best Quality- Prices Subject to Change Without Notlee $1.50 Abbott's Saline Laxative fl.lß 60c Abbott's Saline Laxative 49e ! 75c Abbott’s Rheumatic Remedy.. .89* ! $2.50 Absorbine **.24 j $1.25 Absorbine Jr. .....98c! 50c AbUena Water 85 1 SI.OO Albolene Oil 74e 35c Allen's Ulcerine Salve .........25* ! 75c Alopheu Pills (100) 49c 60c Aloln Strych. and Bel. pills 84c 25c Alcock's Porous Plaster 15c $1.25 Alkallthis ....88c 35c Analgesic Balm 29 75c Analgeslque Baums Bengue 58 7.>e Antiphlogestlue se SI.OO Aspirin Tablets (100), 5 gr...45c $1.25 Aspirin Tablets. Bayer *Bc 2Ce Aspirin Tabs.. 1 do*.. 10c; 3 doz.lSc i no? Armour g Grape Juice, pints... t9v SI.OO Atblophorl* BSe 60c Bay Rum, Glycerine and Rose Water tSe Me Badex Salts Site 25c Beecham Pills le 25c Bellans 19c 75c Bellans S9e 25c Belladonna Plaster 15c 30c Bell's Pine Tar and Honey *4c 25c Barkeeper's Friend 19c $1 Blair's Gout and Rheu. Pi115...840 50c Bland's Iron Pills S4e 75c Bland's Liquid Iron. Lilly's 69c SI.OO Bltra-Phr.sphate 84c •*s° Borden’s Eagle Milk, 27c, 3 for W)c SI.OO Bliss Native Herb Tab* 74e 25c Hitrk ha rdf's Veg. Tabs 19c 30c Bromo Seltzer 600 Bromo Seltzer M $1.20 Bromo Seltzer 89c $l5O Brownatone 98c $1.25 Cadotnene Tabs 98 25c Calomel Tablets. 100 anv size ~loc 15c Camphor Moth Balls lOe 60c California Syr. Fig* 49* 50c Camphor Spirits sfte 3Uc Capsolln 60c Cantbroc ’.'.49e 35c Capudlne 70c Capudlne 50c Casrnra Arom. Sweet. 3 ox.Y.'.'.'.'.z&e 50c Cascara Bitter. 3 os ss <; as * ra Cathartic Hinkle !s4* 15c Carbolic Acid jo, yic Carter's Little Liver Ptiii;""l9* 50c Castor Oil, pore, half pint *sc ‘Wc Castor OU. pure, one pint... 80c 35c Castor Oil. Kellog's.. .. 2Se Me Castor Oil, Kellog's *< )r *1.30 Carlsbad Sprudol Salta... *” ‘h. 25c Celery Vesce ' " *IOO Celery Vesca 50c Clayton's Mange Remedy. ao. 50c Clayton's Dog Remedies... 35c Capalba and Cubeb Caps 75 Qban Hair Color Restorer’n<, 35c Coreeea ; j 2 Colorite, 12 colors, each " i. 15c Comp. Licorice Powd in 50c Calcium Wafers 60c Chase’s Blood A- Nerre Tab " an *l 00 Crw.le Hair Color Restorer".'.'. Mr 35c Danderlne i 60c Danderlne : *I.OO Danderlne 50c Damscftlnskey's n.itr'b’ve sne 25c Delost’s Hesdsche Powd to 50c Denatured Alcohol, quart "zsc 75c Dean's Llould Smoke. 00c DeWltt'e Kidney Pills an 60c Doan’s Kidney Pills. Me Drake's Croup Remedy" to- i 25c Dlcxogen 15c Diamond Dye, 10c 3 for J 50c Eatnnle „ ' 50c Kad’s Rheumatic p'lii* }L" $1 00 Kntfs Rheumatic Puts ej 30c Edward's Olive Tablet* L, SIOO Enos Fruit Salts I' M Fellow's Comp. Syr. Hvp'o " "*‘i to I *IOO Formaldehyde p 35c Formaldehyde. 4 ounces!" ,1” ! 50c Formaldehyde Fnirrigator is *l.oo Grape Juice, New fork.' quart's a*. 35c Freezone for Corns q 00-65 c 65c Glover's Mange Remedv ,7 I 35c Gets-Tt for C0rn5...... 52" 75c Glycotanphene ... ; $1.50 Glycotnnphene Wi to ' 50c Glycothymollne ! 60c Glycothymollne f." *I.OO Glycothymollne ’**’ L" $1.25 Gude's Peptomaner...!! *1.25 Gray's/llycerln Tonle.. """os 30c Grove s Bromo Quinine... 85c Jad Salts * ZC 50c Bi.ycle Cards 35c Helmet Cards flf* 35c Chamois Skin $1 00 Chamois Skin ... ,7® $2.00 Chamois Skin '. tl ; *I.OO Auto Sponge 7.. $1.50 Auto Sponge ...""ills *2.00 Into Wool Sponge ! 8t 48 *2 50 Auto Sponge !"." 8198 25c Haag’s Pills for Biliousness. .7 25e 35c Hand's Baby Remedies "20,. 60c Hays’ Hair Health 49,, Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes and Combinations at Cut Prices ESe Haag’s Water Glass Preserves Eggs 10to 12 Months. Hssg’s Insest Powder Kills Bod Bugs, Fless, Rosohss. Ants, PSsnt Llo Hug*B Pills for Indigestion, Sick Headache, BlHousnm and Constipation The 7 Haag Cut-Price Drug Store a are Located in the Center of the Shopping District of lndianapoli* The Hasg Drug Store at 156 N. Illinois Is only Six Doors North of Interurban Station The Haag Drug Stores at 27 and 53 South Illinois St. are in the first Square South of Washington St. The Haag Drug Store, 101 W, Washington St., is in the Point Room of the Lincoln Hotel. The Three Other Haag Drug Stores are located 114 North Pennsylvania St., 65 Virginia Ave. and 802 Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis. ADVISES HOLDING FARM PRODUCTS Farmer’s Union Officials Say ‘Time Now to Act.’ WASHINGTON, Oct. 2ff.j-“Hold your cotton and wheat, men.” This advice was given today to the farmers of the country by Charles 8. Burrett, president of the National Board of Farm Organisations, and chairman of ’ the farmer conference now In session , here. “The time has come now for action," ! Barrett continued. "The unrest in this country with the , .price situation is deeper and more wide spread than ever before. “The" farmers’ union officials are being flooded with messages from the cotton and grain belts to call for n holding movement. “Since the Government has failed us we now ask Government officials to stop talking price decllue and give ub a chance tQ help ourselves." Barrett said he had positive informa tion the world's wheat situation Is such that a very slight holding movement among American .farmers will lift the price of wheat. “I know the world can not go much longer without cotton.” he continued. . “It is now a question as to whether the speculator or the farmer will carry this cotton. “The present price is so far under the cost of production it would bankrupt most southern farmers and merchant communities for us to sen the crop now. It was announced the farmers attend ing the conference will go home to put into effect a gigantic holding movement Investigation of the money trust by the Government was demanded In the report of the'committee appointed by the conference to draw up recommenda tions which will aid she farmers In se curing credit to meet the falliug prices on their products. The committee refused to go on record as working in favor of immediate re turn of the railroads to Government own ership. The committee also rejected a proposal to make an immediate visit to the White House with representatives of labor to demand further extension of credit to farmers. The' committee recommended that the fanners investigate the possibilities of creating a great agricultural bank whose directors will be selected by all of the farm organizations in the country. Recommendations were also made for the restoration of the war finance cor poration; that the Federal reserve board classify all loans and that it sell and issue In the open market short-time securities and that cooperative market ing be Indorsed by the farmers. Appointment of a public relations committee which will represent consum ers and producers in all public matters. 35c Harlem OH Caps Tilly* t9c 33c Harlem Oil Caps Gold te 25c Hill's Cascara Quinine Tabs 18e 50c Horllck's Malted Milk S9 SLOO Horllck's Malted Mil* 9e $3.75 a Malted Milk 32.98 $1.20 Hemo Malted M!U 89c $4.00 Hemo Malted MUk ...82.98 *T.SO Hood's Sarsaparilla ...Me 75c Imperial Granum . .-.,.59e $1.25 Imperial Granum 89c 30c Lavoris 2*e 00c Lavoris ~ .Ai. 40c SI.OO Lavori*.....’ .Blc 60c Lister!iie 4*e SI.OO Listerine *lo 30c Lysol .....19* 60c Lysol |'t 60c Lime Stone Phosphate '....39e 25c Metalglas Polish 19c $1.50 MaltTne, all kinds *..81.19 80c Miles’ Autl-Paln Pills 24c $1 10 Miles' Nervine 14c 25c Meutholatum ly Me Mentholatum 39* 90c Meltin'* Food , 84c 90c Mead's Dextro Maltose 4o 75c Milks Emulsion 440 $ 1 -GO Milks Emulsion... 9c 15c Moth Balls 100 30c Mucol 24* 30c Mum Cleaner 24 1 30c Muuterole see 60c Mtsterole 49c 20c Naptholene Flakes ~l6c 25c Nature's Remedy 19c 50c Nature's Remedy 89c SI.OO Nature's Remedy 74c $1.50 Neoferrum 81-19 sl.lO Nuxated Iron 09c 15c Nujol 64c $1.60 Nujol 89c 50c Olive Oil, Pompeian, half pint.. .39* SI.OO Olive Oil. Pompeian, pint 74c 35c Omega Oil -. 29* 60c Omega Oil 49c SI.OO OToferrln 81c SI.OO 011 of Koreln Caps 84c 60c Pupe's Dlapepsin 89c SI.OO Pepgen 69* 15c Peroxide Hydrogen 9e 50c Phillips' Milk of Magnesia * 25c Phenolsx Wafers ..19* 50e Phosphate Soda. Merck’s 29- 75c Phosphate Soda, Wyeth's.. sue 60c Plncx For Cough Syrup 49- $1.25 Pierce's Favorite Pres B<>e $1.25 Merce's Golden Med. Dlscov.. .89- $1.25 Pinkhnm Vg Comp lie SI.OO Pln'iolltim sic 20c Quinine Laps, 2 gr,, 1 doz. . . 16c $1.75 —1 onnee Quinine $1.24 70c Sal Hepatloa A8 $1.40 Sal Hepatic* *e s SI.OO Salvltae 74c (5c Saphanol.... 69c sl.lO S. S. S. Blood Remedy....... 7c 75c Scott’s Emulsion 500 $1.50 Scott’B Emulsion ,* 98c 35c Sloan’s Liniment 29c 70c Sloan’s Liniment ~,..6r.c 60c Stanolax sue 35c Stern Cubes 8c 35c St. Jacob’s Oil 60c St. Jacob’s Oil ..49c $1 15 Swamp Root *4- 60c Swamp Root 45c 60c Wnlmitta Hatr Stain 4SO 35c Wild Root Hair Tonic 2c 60c Wild Root Hair Tonic 4flo Vlnol 71c $1.25 Veracolate Tablets nne 75c Veronal Tablets. 5 gr.. 1 doz. 0r Qnollty end Strength Tested Rubber Goods Received Weekly Direct From the Manufacturers and Held at All Times at Cnt Trices: SI.OO Fountain Syringe *1.25 Fountain Syringe $1.50 Fountain Syringe ok o $2 00 Fountain Syringe gj_4 S $2.30 Fountain Syringe *1 98 *3.00 Fountain Syringe $2.04 $4 00 Fountain Syringe w....52.9* 51.75 Comb Syringe & Water 80t.*t.::4 $2.00 Comb. Syringe A- Water Rot.*L4B $2.50 Comb. Syringe A Water 80t.f1.98 $3.00 Comb. Syringe & Water 80t.82.24 $5.00 Comb. Syringe * Water 80t.55.98 $2.00 Vaginal Syringe Spray *|. 4lj $2 50 A’aglnal Syringe Spray fj.nH $3 00 Vaginal Syringe Spray $221 SI.OO Hot Water Bottle $1 25 not Water Bottle *1.50 Hot Water Bottle $2.00 not Water Bottle $1.44 *2.50 Hot Water Bottle *3.00 Hot Water Bottle 82.24 SI.OO Ice Cap $1.50 Ice Cap *2.00 Ice Bag, oblong *1 ~|B *2.00 Throat Ice Beg *2.00 Spinal Toe Bag Ayres’ Face Powder and Rouge $2.50 Ar.urea Perfume... gj_9 H 51.75 Azurea I<ace Powder #1 ..44 *1.75 Azurea Vegetal 81.39 $3.00 Azurea Eau de Toilet 82.18 INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, lszo. DAVIS ACTS TO SAVE LISTS OP REGISTRATION (Continued. From Page One.) of the First ward in said city and cojnty the Third, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth precincts of the Third ward in said city and county, the Fourteenth and Fifteenth precincts of the Fourth ward In said city and county, the First, Second. Third, Fourth and Fifth precincts of the Fifth ward in said city and county and the Eighth precinct of the Sixth ward In said city and county, the names of many persons as fully qualified and lawfully registered voters' who are not so fully qualified and lawfully registered voters aggregating in all of said precincts more than- 1,000 persons; that as a prere quisite to lawful registration to qualify a citizen to vote at said election it is and was required by law that every voter should make application In writing and print as provided by law; that It was incumbent on and the lawful duty of the registration boards of aforesaid precincts to place on the lists of voters and the registration books of voters thereof provided by law for the guidance of the officers of election for said pre cincts for said election to be so held on the 2d day of November. 1920, only the names of such applicants for registra tion. whose applications conformed to t.he law and only such are lawfully on said lists of voters and the registration books of said precincts; that through mistake inadvertence, or lack of knowledge of the law said registration boards in each of said precincts did receive many appli cations for registration and did place the names of the applicants on the lists of voters and registration books of vot ers for said precincts when said appli cations were not made In accordance with and required by law in the aggregate In all of said precincts of more than 1,000 as aforesaid and which were either irreg ular, false, forged or fraudulent and un lawful and not sufficient in law lawfully to accomplish the registration of such applicants so as to qualify them to vote at said election and said applicants are not lawful voters. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURE. It is aiso set forth that said lists of voters and registration books in said sev eral precincts are intended by law to be and will be used as a guide by the var lous election boards of said precincts for the reception of votes therein at said election ; it Is impracticable to pre vent the casting of said illegal voters by challenge by reason of the great number thereof and most or all of said appli cants will, plaintiff fully believes, at tempt to and will be permitted to vote in the said several precincts and tbeir votes therein will be counted in said election; that plaintiff believes that prac tically all of said illegal votes will be cast against him. The petition is a precautionary meas nre filed to prevent the destruction of the records, which would be of vital Im portance If an election contest suit or cults should be filed following the elec tion. The records would also be valuable In the investigation by Federal authorities of the charges of irregularities In connection with the filing of the suit, Mr. Davis made the following state ment ; $1.25 Azurea Sachet Powder 84# 2Se Babcock’s Corylopsls Talc 15s 25c Babcock's Cut Boss Talc 15® 50c Roncilla Fa re Powder S9 40c DJer-Klss Talcum *4e 75c DJcr-Klss Face Powder 6e $1.25 DJer-Klss Face Powder 880 75c Dorln's Brunette Rouge 49* 75c Dorln's Compact Powder... 49e 50c Blcaya Face Powder...;# 43e 85c F*c-man’a Face Powder ..lie tWc Java Rice Face Powder... S*c 25c ,L k J. Baby Talcum.... 19c 60c Levy’s Laßlacb Powder 43e Mary Garden Powder and Rouge 25c Maria Talcum Powder l*c 50c Mavis Face Powder 45e 25c Mennen’a Berated Talcum.... 19e 50c Pompeian Face Powder *:> 50c Pouonl Face Powder 3e 3.3 c Rudonua Face Powder... 29e SI.OO Roger A G. Face Powder 79e Ayres (.Teams and Tolleta 65<- Berry's Freckle Ointment 49- Berry's Cremola Me 50c Botirllla Cold Cream 39c 50c Boncllln Vanishing Cream Sic tiOc Champlln’s Liquid Pearl 50c Daggett A Rams. Cold Cream, ,390 60c Elcaya Cream 4e 25c Espy*. Frag. Cream 19c 50c Hind’s Honey Si Almon Cream... Sue 30c Holmes’ Kroatllla * 4 o 25c Old Gib. Witch Hazel Jelly... ..uo 40c Orchard White 3te $1.50 Oriental Cream *1.19 60c Malvina Cream 45e 50c Milkweed Cream 89e 50c Nndlnola Cream ...89e 60c Pompeian Day Cream 670 35c Pompeian Mght Cream.........t?e *1 (o Pompeian Night Cream 9ln i.<lc Pompeian Massage Creuin 57e 30c Satin Skin Cream 24c 50c Sea Shell Cream S'Je 25c Woodbury * Facial Cream .19e 50c Theatrical Cld CreAni 890 25c Amelin Deodorant Powder..,. 19e 25c Bandallne 19c 6oc Bazina Depilatory Powder 4f>c 50c Brllilantlne 89n 60c Brllltautlne 4-5 M .00 Del j tone *4# *1 00 Demiracle aoe 75c El Rado 690 .70c Kyerzwcet ?le 7T„- Evan a Depilatory 69c 30c Mum 74c 50c Non Spl 81T 35c Odorono 20c 60c Odrno.. 49 35c Out eg Cuticle Renjovet- 29c 00c Cntex Cuticle RemoVer 49c 55c Cntex Nall White 25n 35c Cntex Cake, Nall White 29c 50c Cutex Manicure Set 39c °sc Dorln's T.lp Stick 19e 50c DJcr-Klas IJp Stick 460 50c Glazo Nall Polish 39c 75c Tlvglo Cake Nall White 29c 35c Tlygio Cake Nall Polish 2c 30c T.uaferlte Nall Enamel 24e Arnica Tooth Soap 29e 30c Renznlyptna Tooth Paste ..24c ,700 Euthvmol Tooth Paste 24c 00c Forhnn's Pyorrhoea Paste SBO 50c F E L Pyorrhoea Paste S3c 30c I.yona' Tooth Paste or Powder. ..24c Vi 00 Pyorrhocido ••••••• 84c 50c pepaodent Tooth Paste BSe 50c pebecco Tooth Pa5te........... ,33c 35c Uutdfoam.... .29* or ir . cs n feco Tooth Pflito 30c White’s Tooth Paste. 24c "0c Armour’s Stork Castile J B c on.. Rocobella Castile. Soap lrtc o-’c riavton’s Dog 50ap..... 190 05,. Coiiti Castile Soap, Italian.... ,260 roe,m Castile Soap Kirk's. 5...26c o'v Cutlcura Soap. le; 3 for 65* packer's Tar Soap 280 Packer’s Liquid Tar Soap 4.60 1- . Palm Olive Soap, 9c; 3 for 26c o-„i oertnacidal s , oap ,2'"2'i o'-, pear’s Glycerin. 19c; 3 for S-Ic Pear’s llne.wnt.ed Soap 160 Tv .Tergen’s Violet Soap in c n, Woodbury’s Facial Soap ia o ?5c 4oclete Hygfeneque 48c r'o Ttncers A. Violet Soap 8 s„ 0c RogerS & G. Lilac Soap S3c t'nicnm TU'r Nets, 16c;....2 for 25* kh • fMllottf 1 6 for Gillette Blades 12 for 74c -rv Gem Junior Blades 89 c 50c Ever-Keady Blades 34c 9V Keen Kutter Blades 2!) 0 35c Enders Blades 29c 75 Ever-Ready Razor. $1.49 I, on ocm Damaskeen Razor 8 ,5 0 t 5 00 Gillette Razor $8.98 33e Shaving Brush 26c 7V Shaving Brush 60c "We are In this fight to win and I In tend to leave nothing undone to Insure a fair and honest election. "It should be understood that all who vote without legal right will be prose cuted. “It Is a fact recognized by both parties that In a number of colored pre cincts there are many illegal registra tions and it may be that there are fradu lent registrations in other localities. “These registrations were not held to be legal by Judge Thornton. “He simply held that ho had no legal authority to purge the registration lists of fraudulent registrations, in the action brought by Mr. Sullivan, the Democratic county chairman "His ruling was that these voters should t.< prevented from voting by challenges at the polls. “If I am elected prosecuting attorney I will prosecute a 1 who vote Illegal 1? next Tuesday regardless of their politics. “Mr. Van Nuys, the United States dis trict attorney, will, I know, prosecute in the Federal court, all who violate the election law. “I wish the Republican candidate for prosecuting attorney would make the same statement so that all may under stand that no matter who is elected that all who corrupt this election in any deT free, will be prosecuted. SEEKS TO PRESERVE REGISTRATION PAPERS. “In this suit we are simply asking that the registration papers be pre served. “The law provides that the inspectors of the election boards must deliver them to the county auditor within three <pys after the election, and if they do not do this they are violating the law and will be prosecuted. “The law does not compel the county auditor to preserve them a single minute. “If there is any corruption In this election these registration papers will be of groat value In case of prosecution in either the State or the Federal court, and they should be preserved in order to Insure the public that in case ‘of cor ruption the United States district at torney and the Marlon County prose ; cuting attorney will have all of the evi dence which will be necessary for use in these prosecutions, and they should be preserved so that they will be avail able for use by anybody in tbe event that there is a contest over the result of this election In Marion County. "We will be very glad to have the Re publican candidate for prosecuting at torney Join in the request that these registrations be preserved. "There can he n" valid objection upon the part of anybody to preserving them WmiIDINF Nitfbt and Moraled* String. Healthy // * /•rfiSv M they Tire, Itc\ tor JaSZ' Ir Smart or Burn, it Sorev C%/cC IrTitated ' Inflamed or TOUR LTLj Granulated, use Murine often. -Soothes, Refreshes. Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. Marts* tji tarsi j Cs* Qiam Good Furniture-Better Homes Nothing counts toward making a better home than Good Fur niture. The reputation of the Victor store as to quality of furniture is unquestionable. PAY AS YOU CAN—THE VICTOR PLAN It s up to you whether you will have good furniture in your home. Beautiful 8-Piece Period Dining Room $1 AQ.75 Suite .... IjU Buy this beautiful Queen Anne pi{jrht-picce dining room suite and make your dining room attractive and cheerful to your family and friends. The finish is rich, over the best woods— the quality and workmanship the highest. This price does not include china closet. Our price CJil OQ tomorrow 4# TERMS TO SUIT. W. WASHC along with the ballots themselves, which the law provides must be preserved. “Let’s have a fair election and abide by the results of the votes honestly and legally cast.” Gentry Circus Corp. Files Articles Here Articles of Incorporation were issued today for the Gentry Circus Corporation, capitalized at $200,000, which will build, organize and operate circuses. The capital stock will be divided into 1,000 shares of preferred stock, bearing 8 per cent, and 1,000 shares of common stock to be sold at SIOO. The incorporators are J. W. Gentry, president, 4044 Ruckle street; A. E. Schmolllnger, 4139 Park avenue, vice president, and O. F. Gentry, secretary treasurer, 4404 Ruckle street. Locomotive Fireman and 200 Cattle Killed GALESBURG, 111., Oct. 29.—John Knapp of Meriden, 111., fireman, was crushed to death, another man probably fatally injured and 200 head of cattle were .rilled when a defective coupling overturned a car In a freight train on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy road near here early today. West-bound passenger train No. 6B crashed into the stalled freight, demol ishing ten cars.' The pasenger train’s locomotive was overturned, but none of the coaches was damaged. Paul G. Davis for Prosecuting Attorney if B Woollen Soys: 1 Davis “PAUL G. DAVIS is a lawyer of real ability Push It Down ( l ua^^ f° r When this lever is down you are the office of Prosecut voting for Paul G. Davia for Prosecuting Attorney. His vot- inrv A ftnrnorr ” Ing machine number Is 31-B. ■CVILL/I llCy • This advertisement paid for by friends of Paul G. Davis Money Saved is Money Earned Save With a Cole , s High Oven Range BURNS 1-3 to 1-2 LESS FUEL * \ Patented—Beware of Imitations Wonderfully efficient and so economical. Bake with heat now lost up the chimney. This range takes advantage of the natural law for heat to rise. The oven is placed above the fire so that the heat and flames reaoh it without being forced out of their natural path. Asa result, the oven heats in half the time it takes to heat an ordinary range oven. It is quicker than a gas stove range.' You ean easily save one-third to one-half in fuel bills and do away with one of your heating stoves. Buy now—terms to suit. Lafayette Soldier’s Body Brought Home Special to The Times LAFAYETTE. Ind., Oct. 29.—The body of Sergt. James A. Holloway, Lafayette young man who died In the war, arrived here Thursday. Holloway died of influenza In France, March 10, 1019. He entered the service October, 1917, and after spending some time at Camp Taylor, Ky., and Camp Shelby, Miss., was sent to France, where he took part in several battles. Parents Os Weak, Ailing Children l - Will Be Interested In This Letter A mother writes: “My little girl was weak, puny and tired ail the time, did not want to do anything. Vinol was recommended. —it built up her strength and made her healthy, so now she romps and plays like other children and la robust and rosy." The reason Vinol Is so successful In such cases is because it contains the very elements needed to create red corpuscles in the blood, quicken tbe circulation, in crease the appetite and soon strength and vitality is imparted to eTery part of the body. Henry J. Huder, our leading druggist, will return your money if it fails to help you.—Advertisement. FREE With Every Talking Machine Sold Tomorrow A Beautiful Phonograph -FOR SOQ7S and! up This phonograph has a beauti ful tone, a powerful, reliable motor and a well made and finely finished cabinet. The coming fall and winter eve nings will have anew delight for you with one of these phonographs in your home. Can be purchased on easy term?. From the Annex Men’s Furnishings For Less on Saturday $2.50 Men’s Shirts, $1.65 Made. of good quality soft fin ished percale, in an excellent variety of attractive patterns; neckband style with soft cuffs; sizes 14 to 17%; sale price, $1.65. $1.75 Men’s Work Shirts, ‘51.28 Genuine “Bluebell” medium blue chambray and “Stifel” in digo blue drilling are the ma terials. Full cut with collar at tached and two buttoned-down pockets; sizes 14% to 16%. Sale price, $1.28." $2.00 Flannelette Night robes, $1.38 Good quality outing flannel gowns, cut generously to insure comfortable fit; in pink and blue stripes. Colors are guar anteed not to fade; sizes 16 to 19; collar attached style. Sale price, $1.38. Men’s $3.00 Pajamas, $2.10 Two-piece style, outing flannel pajamas, in pink and blue striped effects. Fast colors. Coat made with military collar, and button trimmed. All sizes at $2.10. Men’s Cotton Hose, 19c Fine gauge cotton, fully rein forced, in cordovan, navy, gray and black; Saturday price, 19^. j| Jjßuip jaw Art Furniture Cos. 106 South Meridian Street. Eight Floor*. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. THE BIG STORE WITH SMALL EXPENSE. ysOffon JL Heating Stoves jjfiy Ranges \pssy Old stoves taken as part payment on new. $125 combination coal and gas range 85 $65 f,'u* range 1*45.00 *IOO coal ranae 889.00 $42 cook stove 829.00 *45 hotblast 833.00 SI.OO a woev on any stove. $9.00 Mattress 86.50 SIB.OO Felt Mattress 812 75 $7.00 Bed spring 85-00 SIO.OO Iron Bed 87-00 Mattress and Springs old on 80c a week. COMFORTS AND BLANKETS SO.OO Comfort 83.50 $4.00 Blanket 82.75 *1 75 Pillow 81.25 Comforts and Blankets sold on 50c a week. FURNITURE $55.00 Tapestry Rocker 830.00 *60.00 Davenport $42.00 *7.00 Rocker $5.00 SIS 00 Library Table $12.00 $60.00 Buffet, golden oak $45.00 $175.00 Buffet - 890.00 *350.00 3-room outfit for. $250.00 On very easy payments. $60.00 Kitchen Cabinet $42.00 SI.OO down delivers a kitchen cabi net in your home. JUST RECEIVED—7S REED BABY CARRIAGES. Bought •$ half price. Will make you same reduction. S9O Reed Baby Carriage... .$40.90 SSB Reed Baby Carriage $29.00 $42 Reed Baby Carriage $21.00 Baby carriages sold at SI.OO per week. Prices Will Continue All Day Saturday Until 6 p. m. and All Next Week. TERMS Lsw rent and small expenses enable us to save yon 25 to 36% on 8 months’ time. Less than you can buy for -ash. 89r added for one year’s time. Our Prices Are the Lowest. Easy Payments. 106 South Meridian Street 144 Squares South of Washington St. Art Furniture Cos. mmm Money bock, without Q MttM If HUNT S Salve fail, !u the treatment ofITCH. ECZEMA. /** / 51 RINGWORM, TSTTER mrf Othertt>-hing tkln dieeaie*. fry l g IS cont bo* at our rik. iIM / SOOK OBCft IXUWASIi