Newspaper Page Text
20 INDIANA DAILY TIMES 26-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. 'Main 3500 Automatic 28-351 RATES. One time 09 per line Three consecutive times.. .08 per line Six consecutive times 07 per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted, male or female; rooms to let and board and roopis wanted— One time 08 per line Three consecutive times.. .07 per line Six consecutive times 06 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 09 per line Lodges and club notices 76c per Insertion Church notices (1 inch or less) 50c per insertion Over 1 inch, .07 per line additional. Death notices, 35c per insertion. Card of Thanks or In Memoriam notices 07 per line Ads received until 10:30 a. m. for publication same day. f FUNERAL DIRECTORS. George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 622 East Market. Old Phone Main 908. New Phone. 27-208. IT U. Ragsdale. J. Walsh Trice. John Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. *23 North Delaware street. J. C. WILSON .1230 Prospect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect 322- - FUNERAL DIRECTORS — WM. E. KP.IEGER. New 21-154. Main 1454. 1402 X. Illinois. TUTEWILER. Funeral Director. 934 N. Meridian st. GADD—BERT S. GADD, 2130 Prospect st. Phones: Prospect 422. Automatic 52-278. UNDERTAKERS. W. T. BLASENGYM 1635 Shelby st. Proe. 2570. Auto. 51-114- UNDERTAKERS —HISEY & TITUS. 951 North De'.. New 26-564 Main 3620. OEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. HILL. RACHEL WRIGHT—Wife of Stanley C. Hill, died at the home, 3312 Ruckle street, Thursday. Oct. 28. age 33 years. Funeral Saturday 2 p. m. at the residence. Burial at Crown Hill. YOUNG. HRs’ IDA M—Wife of Samuel M. Young at Terre Haute, passed away on Oct. 28. Services at the home. 4157 Guilford. Saturday 10 a. m. Friends In vited. Burial Crown Hill. NOTICE—Under the auspices of the A. O. H. and Ladies’ Auxiliary, a me morial mass will be celebrated Sunday morning at 7:30 In St. John’s church for the Irl3h martyr, Terence MacSwlney, mayor of Cork, who died In Brixton prison. Monslgnor Gavtsk will officiate. All llberty-iovlng Americans are Invited 51 participate. > IN MEMORiAM. -V - v/v w IN MEMORIAM —In loving remembrance of our dear son and brother, Herbert A. Foxlow, who gave his life for his coun try two years ago today. Oct. 29, 1918. The month of October again Is here, to me the saddest of the year. Because It took away from me Dur son and brother so dear to me. Sadly missed by FATHER, MOTHER AND SISTER. ■ ~ LOST AND fp UND. STRAYED from 2324 Talbott ave., Mon day afternoon, Irish terrier dog; color red Wheaton; no collar; recognizes name “Rowdy." Reward. Main 6828 or North >621. LOST —Sunday at Washington park. black purse with cuff buttons, tie pin. theater tickets and money. Return to JACK DAILY, 419 Indiana avenue. Re ward. HISSING FRIENDS and relatives traced everywhere: no criminals looked ft. l- . Call Main 6947, or write lost agent, 18 Baldwin block Indianapolis, Ind. LOST —Diamond stud, two diamond rings, t one with two diamonds and a pearl, the " other single diamond ring. Call Belmont *989, Reward. AMETHYST DIAMOND RING Lost, Illinois between Michigan and Walnut; liberal reward. 517 N. Illinois. "Circle 3570. LOST—Large rain curtain, the vicinity of Kentucky ave.; finder please call Circle 3876, ask for Mr. Roach. REWARD offered for beautiful hand bag t used in “WHILE NEW YORK SLEEPS" tat Murat. LOST—One fight-hand driving glove; gray. Reward. Phone Harrison 1307. . LOST—GoId locket, M. M. on face; liberal reward. Call Woodruff 4853. PERSONALS. *GUS SCHMIDT—Come on over and see "While New York Sleeps" at Murat to nlght. NELSON TROWHRIDGE. DUCKIE—WiII stop divorce suit If you will take me to see "While New York Sleeps” at Murat. LOVEY. FATHER—WiII forgive all if you take us see "While New York Sleeps” at Murat. MOTHER. HOUSES—TO LET. 1G29 TALBOTT AVE. Very large residence; hot water heat. All repairs to le made by tenant. Rea sonable rent. Lease until Sept. 1. William F. Wocker 805 City Trust Bldg. Main 8998. Auto. 24-806. HOI/3ES— WANTED^ WANTED—To rent or lease at once or not later than January 1. by responsible iouple, no children, modern six or seven room house or apartment; north preferred. 31ve address and rental. Address A No 1599, Times. ROOMS—TO LET. ' ONE furnished or unfurnished room for young couple or two gentlemen; electric lights, heat, bath and telephone. 1103 Madison avenue. Prospect 4131. Call after 5 p. m. fekW JERSEY, 913 S.; large housekeeping tpm. ate. in heat, electricity for lights tWtl cooklm: tnens furnished; garage If tUvnted. SBS ~onth. Prospect 3152. Washington blvd., between Thirty second and Thirty-third; gentleman; lovely front room, handsomely furnished; references; garage. Washington 2179. PARTY having furniture can have two lovely rooms; light, gas. phone, steam heat, in private home, $35 per month. 2870 North Illinois street. MADISON ave., 1025; two lovely light housekeeping rooms; gas. bath, electric lights; private entrance, $7. Prospect 5375. COZY_light front room; one or two gen tlemen; steam heat; home like. 2870 N. Illinois street. NICE front room, molirn, private fam ily; couple or employee girls. Call Cir cle 4758. .PENNSYLVANIA. 1855 n77 n1 ce ’"front room, gentleman; permanent. North $666. MERIDIAN st., 534 N.; nicely furnished room for two gentlemen. Circle 5256. EAST st., 718 N.; modern sleeping rooms; steam heat; reasonable, glrcle 2074, ALABAMA. 125 N.; newly furnished rooms in good home. Main 2018. ALABAMA, 1944 N.; furnished rooms; city heat; 3 or 4 gentlemen. COLLEGE. 2209; modern sleeping room for gentleman. North 8927. LIGHT housekeeping room; bath and home privileges. Irvington 732. TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms for rent. \Voodruff 4629. ROOMS—WANTED. GENTLEMEN anxious to locate here dur ing showing of “WHILE NEW YORK SLEEPS” at Murat theater. _ FLATS.APARTMENTS—TO LET. THE arrest of “the vamp” and her ac complice from “WHILE NEW YORK BLEEPS” leaves beautiful modern apart- Jnent vacant. See Murat theater. BOARD AND ROOMS—TO LET. NICELY furnished room with or without board In private home; 1 or 2 couples employed. 707 E. Pratt street. DETECTS Efc. Quigley-Hyland Agency Civil and Criminal Investigator#. #25-528 Law bldg. Ma|n 2902. HELP—WANTEP, Men, boys and colored girls, not under 16 years of age. S. Keystone avenue and Belt R. R. Take Pros pect car to end of line. FAIRMOUNT GLASS WORKS. FURNITURE SALESMAN Required; bright, active man who has had many years experience in selling high grade furniture. Apply at once, Employment Bureau, Pettis Dry Goods Cos. KEN to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 309 E. Washing ton st.; Indianapolis, Ind. Circle 75". POLICEMEN, strong and daring to see thrilling raid In "WHILE NEW YORK SLEEPS” at the Murat theater. WIDE awake men and women to see "WHILE NEW YORK SLEEPS" at Murat theater. SITUATION WANTED—MALE. VALET discharged by idler from the William Fox sensation, "WHILE NEW YORK SLEEPS” can be reached at Murat theater. >6 A L E SMEN—W ANTED. Stock Salesman Wanted We want five more live stock salesmen. Our proposition Is unusually attractive. Some choice territory with good leads now open. Call at 40 Virginia ave. and let us show you one of our wonderful lit tle Ice refrigerating machines, making Ice aud refrigerations. Arctic Ice Machine Cos. ' 11-13 Arcade. Main 4465. WANTED—THREE STOCK SALES MEN TO SELL COMMON STOCK FOR A GROWING MANUFACTUR ING CONCERN THAT HAS AN AR TICLE OF MERIT; 300 SUBSTAN TIAL BUSINESS AND PROFES SIONAL MEN AND BANKERS HAVE ALREADY PURCHASED THIS STOCK. PHONE CIRCLE 61. GENERAL MANAGER. SALESMAN WANTED—Hustlers with team'or auto for exclusive territory; 350-360 a week easily made selling Heber ling’s medicines, extracts, toilet articles, spices and livestock sjJbeiaitles direct to consumers on farms. Wonderful demand, steady repeats, big profits and you are your own boss. No investment in goods. Experience unnecessary. Splendid terri tory now open. Write today. THE HEBERLING CO.. BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS. WANTED—Experienced real es tate man on city property; live wire who will take advantage of support furnished him by the house. INVESTORS’ BANKING SERVICE CORP., 112 E. Market street. • SALESMEN We now have THE PROPOSITION for wide awake, conscientious, stock salesmen, located in this city, or other Indiana territory. An oppor tunity for the energetic. Write or call at 210 Peoples Bank Bldg. gYtFujyviTn stock salesmen for first class dividend paying securities of old establblished Indiana corporation. Call at room 510 Board of Trade any Tuesday or Wednesday. SOLICITORS WANTED. WOMEN and men for seasonable paying line. 10 South Nsw Jersey. FEMALE HELP-WANTED^ \ Indiana Bell Telephone Company New York and Meridian Sts. Progressive Employment. Our goal is to develop the best in each em ploye. fcXPfcRIfcNLhO. HAND SEWER Permanent position. Apply supt. 7th floor. THE WM. JL BLOCK CO. WE, BEND ART GLA S S PANELS FOR LAMP SHADES. EDWARD E. HILL, 708 MASS. AVE. CALL 27-704. MIDDLE-AGED, strong white woman to wash dishes, do mopping and help with kitchen work. A good place for woman without home. Must live at place. Steady work; good wages. Call Belmont 2600. WANTED—GirIs to study classical danc ing with Mile. Theo Hewes to take parts In balleta and productions; reasonable rates. Catalogue upon request. 317 Mer chants Bank bldg. CHORUS GIRLS WANTED—For cabaret and “Follies” scenes during showing of Murat theater sensation "WHILE NEW YORK SLEEPS." WANTED—A working girl to board for company at night. Call 1925 N. Rural. WANTED —Pastry cook; good wages. SUPERIOR LUNCH. 117 N. Illinois st. SITUATION WANTED—FEMALe7 WANTED—Position as housekeeper In home or rooming house. MRS. C. A. JEHLE, Gen. Del., city. NOTICE. Stockholders’ annual meeting of the White River Railroad Company for the election of officers and general business at the office of Klngan & Cos.. Indianap olis. Monday, November 15 at 3 p. m. ROBERT W. JORDAN, Secretary. NELLE—I’II do right by you hereafter. Meet me at Murat tonight “While New York Sleeps." JACK DALTON. WlLL—Don’t you dare come home til! you've seen “While New York Sleeps” at Murat. MABEL. NO gangers admitted to Murat's during run of “WHILE NEW YORK SLEEPS.” DON’T PAY TOO MUCH FOR CLOTHES Nor pay too little. There in such a thing as a reasonable price—the happy medium that enables you to secure good style, good quality and good workmanship with out exorbitant cost. Our custom clothes have earned on this basis their reputation for real clothing value. Suits or overcoats to your measure, $45, SSO, $55, S6O and up. Trousers and Dress suits In proportion. W. G. SCHNEIDER, 39 West Ohio Street Be sure you are in the right place. A STRAIGHT LINE IS THE SHORTEST DIS TANCE BETWEEN TWO POINTS. This obvious fact applies as truly in business as it does on the blackboard in a geometry class. You have something you want to sell, or perhaps the circumstances are reversed— You want to buy. A Times Want Ad is the line to follow — it will lead you straight. Read the Want Ads first. What you want may be offered there. No path could be straighter thap that. If you want what isn’t offered in the Want Ads just phone the Times and order an ad stating what you want. Your message will be carried to all Indian apolis and vicinity the very day it appears. A straight line to the house. Try the Want Ad way once and you’ll always use it for your own convenience and sat isfaction. Just call Main 3500 or Auto. 28-351 and an experienced ad taker will be at your service. BUSINESS CHANCES, OPPORTUNITY For Ladies and Gentlemen of thlr and nurroundlng communities. Take half an hour or ao and see demon strated at studio. 223 N. New Jersey st. One of the LATEST. simplest. MOST BEAUTIFUL and MOST PRACTICAL INVENTIONS of Its kind In this ago projecting MOVING PICTURES In their NATURAL, ORIGINAL COLORS, aa photographed. The energetic, the enter prising, will seize THIS OPPORTUNITY, grasp the WONDERFUL ATTAINMENT. Inveet an Interest, who will be permitted to question and learn of its GREAT POSSIBILITIES finding that It stands ALONE in a class TO ITSELF. Until further notice demonstrations given on the hour, from 10 o’clock morning to 4 o'clock evenings, Sundays excepted. You are cordially welcomed by courtesy INTERNATIONAL MOVING PICTURE AND FILM CO. Ask for Mr. Roberta demonstrator. WHY NOT • SAVE 10% on your Fall suit and overcoat by order ing them now. It Is only a few weeks be fore you will want to put them on. Suits or overcoats to your measure, 345. 350. 355, S6O and up. Trousers and Dresa suits In proportion. W. G. SCHNEIDER, 39 West Ohio Street Be sure you are In the right place. IMPORTANT corporation seeds men for Its executive staff, with experience In addition platting and manufacturing. Satisfactory reference required. TICE A CO.. 332 Lemcke bldg Phone Circle 725 BUSINESS location near Washington street: short order restaurant: 28 rooms connecting. MARTIN MOKONEY, 142 W. Market st. 'rooming HOUSES for aale; all alzes and location. SEBUEE, 40 North Delaware street. GOOD chance to see "While New York Sleeps.” Inquire box office Murat theater. WILL sell my ticket for "While New York Sleeps" at Murat tonight for SSOO. BUSINESS SERVICES. asaeosoovvieeeeeew>aoswwvwv>viei THERE ARE REASONS why you should let us make your clothes thla Fall. Here they are—good quality, correct style and comfort combined with reasonable prices. Suits or overcoats to your measure. S4B. SSO. $56. S6O and up. Trousers and Drees suits In proportion. W. G. SCHNEIDER, 39 West Ohio Street Be sure you are In the right place. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. E. F BURKLE 416 Mse, ave Main 1423. New 23-776 SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpened JTUTT LEDGE 201 Indiana ave If your clock Is not running phone Circle 4307. M. R. Sbearn. 11l North Ala bama. TAKE The Times Want ad routs to reach the home. H. JOHNSON, paper hanger. Work guar anteed. Call Woodruff 6715. SPECIAL SALE on all-wool trousers to your measure while they last, $7, SB. $9 and $lO. W. G. SCHNEIDER, 39 West Ohio Street. Be sure you are In the right place. INSTRUCTIONS. LEARN how to write a story for the movies and how to become an actor and actress. PALMER PHOTO PLAY CORP. Representative 24*4 Kentucky avenue. Hours for Interview 2:30 to 4:30. DANCING —All kinds taught; day or eve ning; violin, stage dancing acts taught, completed for good engagements. Call PROF. RAY NO, 224 W. Ohio st. Main 2069, LEARN the “Shlmmle Dance" while look ing at the marvelous photoplay, "WHILE NEW YORK SLEEPS” at Murat theater. BUSINESS PLACEB—TO LET. NEW DANCE HALL 962 N. Meridian. Suitable for clubs or private parties. Main 3041. \ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. Natureopathy. Swedish Massage Baths and gen eral treatments. Thorough satisfac tion. 119 East Vermont street. First floor front. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. VIOLET Ray and Swedish maasags. MISS DK VERE, 17% W. Ohio. Main 8873. AUTOS AND TRUCKS FOR HirtE AUTOS FOR your own driv ing. U-Drlve Auto Service at Hoosler Laundry. Rear Keith's theater. Main 6921. U-DRIVE ’EM. Automobiles rented to drive yourself. MARKET MOTOR SERVICE. *34 E. Market st ______ Main 571*. OVERLAND TRANSPORTATION. MOVE furtjiture by the dependable service. AU shipments Insured. SUN BEAM LINES { Mata tI4L INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29,1920. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. SIOO $125 $l5O Down will buy a good used car. We have Fords, Maxwells, Buioks, Dodges and others In fine shape that we can sell you on a small down payment, balance 1 year. No red tape. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS. 518 N. Capitol. Open evenings. \ ' USED CARS. Look our lot *' used car* r /sr before buying. NATIONAL AUTOMOTI’ E CO.. 426 N. Capitol ave. Main 4753. Auto. 23-665. Oakland racing car. This car has won several races, although built recently. Will do 85 miles per hour and Is the best dirt track car In the State. If Interested call the L. F. JUSTICE MOTOR CO., 610 N. Dela ware. Main 3276. APPERSON Jack” Rabbit. 1920 sport model; £ good cord tires; looks and runs like new. A rare opportunity to pick up a real bargain In this class of car. FRANKLIN USED CAR DEPT. 1001 N. Meridian. Second floor. Circle 1074. STUTZ BARGAIN Has only been driven 6,000 miles. In perfect mechanical condition and good cord tires. Am leaving city and will sell at a bargain. Call North 841 L NOTICE See I. WOLF AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. for used car bargains. Cash, payments or your car In trade. Call Main 1579. 619 North Illinois street Oakland Sedans One 1919 and one 1918 model. Two 1920 models, run very little; can’t be told from new; we will sell these cars at a great sacrifice. 610 N. Delaware. I RAN KLIN sedan, series 9 B; good tires and In excellent mechanical condition. A real snap at $2,710. FRANKLIN USED CAR DEPT. 1001 Vi N. Meridian. Second floor. Circle 1074. Oakland Roadster late 1918 model; fine tires; excellent con dition; will sell thla car cheap. 610 N. Delaware. Indianapolis Auto Sales Cos. High-grade used cars. Easy term#. 236 N. Pennsylvania St. Opn Sunday* and Evenings. CARS I have four cars that need Just a little work. Come In and make me an offer on them. 665-57 North Capitol avenue. Oldsmobile Eight cylinder, 1920. 4 passenger Pace maker. Classiest sport model car In town. 610 North Delaware street. 1919 LIBERTY six touring. Has been driven 3,000 miles. Cost $2,195 new; our price 3975. Trade or terms. MARKET MOTOR Dodge Sedan 1920. four doors new car. used slightly as a demonstrator. 610 NOft it Delaware. WE have several touring rarj and road sters Will trade for diamonds, stock or equities In city property. 334 E. Market street. Main 5716. _ Dodge roadster; late model; new tires: excellent condition. 610 N. Delaware et. BEFORE purchasing a used car see us We can save you money. DICKEY MOTOR SALES CO.. 1027 North Mcrldlaa street. _ WILL trade purs white perfect diamond. \ carat; for good late model Ford touring car or roadster. MAYER. 510 N. Delaware. Maxwell Touring Ills model. 610 N. Delaware. Main 3276 ELGIN Sport. 1121; model 6; dlsieal wheels, side ehlelds. bumper, motor metor. etcG a real bargain Main 3349. GRANT roadster; 4 good tires, new spare. Good running car for salesman or so licitor. Cash or terms. Main 3349. NASH touring: In fine guaranteed condi tion: cash or terms. LOSEY-NASH RETAIL CO. Main 3348. FORD 1917. touring In first-class condi tion. Will be sacrificed If sold today. 212 E. New York streefi ___ BUICK 6 roadster. II model; nsw cord tires, splendid condition; bargain price. Main 3349. TRUCKS—FOR SALfc. lIAXWELL, 10S truck for sale cheap it •old at once. Woodruff 2475. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. AUTOS WANTED We guarantee highest cash price for your car. INDPLS. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 518 North Capitol. Main 2638. Auto. 22-013. • Largest buyers and sellers of used cars in the state. I WANT foul CAR and will pay you cash for it Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED Wo pay cash. No delay for your money It la here for you. Como In or call. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 619 N. Illinois st. Msln 1679. Auto. 22-061. Ws also buy Junk csrs. AUTOS wanted; highest cash prices; no delay; quick action. AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO.. 566 N. Capitol. DIAMOND ring, >4 carat and perfect, for ■ale or will trade for light automobile. 610 North Delaware. _ fUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. Get Your Car PAINTED Right In a modern daylight shop, first-class workmanship. FLEMING & REED WILL DO IT AT 130-132 E. New York St. CURTAINS -TOPS Wo have about 500 ifood curtains for all make# of earn, SI.OO each while they last. We also repair and replace celluloid while you wait. DELAWARE GARAGE. Main 140. Uls N. Delaware. CITIZENS AUTO REPAIR Work done by factory expert*. REAR 2343 N. Capitol ave. Harrleon 766. ‘ BATTERIES* New and guaranteed for any car. Rebuilt, repainted, recharged. Open until 9 p. m. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO. ' 607 Maes. Ave. Main 3146. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 222-334 North Illlnola S & S Auto Ivaimdry ONE-MAN au<o tops, slds curtains, seat and radiator covers. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1)07 Udell street. North 64JE FIRST-CLASS work done on all kinds of autos. Call us and get our prices. HENRY HURRLE. Prospect 6678. DOW NTOWN TIRE SHOP. ‘ VULCANIZING that gives satisfaction. 36 Kentucky avenue. Main 1187. “MOTORCYCLES AND BICrCLES. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycles aud Bicycles Johnson Motor Wheels ERNEST HUGHES 684-36 Ave. Main 6404. OASH paid far all kinds of motorcycles, FLOYD PETERMAN. 6CO Massachu. aatts avenue. WHEN patronising these advertisers men tion The Times. HEAL EBTATE—FOR SALE. SEVEN-ROOM MODERN having large living room, sun par lor, dining room, kitchen and pan try down. Three beautiful bed rooms, den and bath up. This was built for a home and has a brick fireplace, bookcases, French doors, beamed celling In dining room, steam heat. Complete laun dry, garage with front drive. East front, two lots. Located half block from East Michigan car. One block from Catholic church. Six blocks from public school. This is a good buy at $8,600. See B. R. Meredith. Realtor. Gregory & Appel, Inc. Main 996. Auto. 28-295. IMMEDIATE“ POSSESSION 1167 W. Thirty-Third St. Five-room thoroughly modern bungalow hom .° Must be sold. Owner has left the city. Price $5,600. Sehinid & Smith, Inc. 134 N. Del, at. Call Mr. Elder. Main 4088. SBOO CASH balance like rent, buys a pood nine-room house In 1100 block on Ohio. This Is one of those well-built houses having bath, brick-set furnace, front and rear stairs, cement porch. Ideal for a rooming house. Walking distance to Holy Cross Church, Technical High School and the city. A good buy. Call B. R. Meredith, Realtor. Gregory & Appel, Inc. Main 995. Auto. 28-296. Evenings, Woodruff 7958. Sn F Business Investment cor- Yf tier store and three apart ment Hat with one small JL VA cottage In rear; also four apartment colored fiat; all In first-class condition. Present In come $162.60 per month. Can be bought for $13,000; $2,000 cash, balance morn than taken care of by rent, bee Templeton. Main 6574 with Bert Essex 208 American Central Life bldg. WHY PAY RENT \ when SSOO down and $25 per month buys a good double, hav ing four rooms to side, electric lights, well; location In 1400 block on South Randolph. Price $3,000. Call B. R. Meredith, Realtor. Gregory & Appel, Inc. Main 9&5. * Auto. 28-296. Evenings. Woodruff 7958. BUY OX PAYMENTS Quick possession of a dandy four-room semi-modern cottage near Fortieth and Boulevard place. Has a wonderful lot and Is In a location where values will In crease. Call Mr. Brake. Schmid & Smith, Inc. 184 N. Delaware Bt. .M.,.-. 4-9.8. 'DOUBLE HOUSE Seven rooms a etde; water in house, cellar. In first-class condition Price $4,500. Terms to suit. Double four rooms to side; gas, electrlo lights. Price $2,409. JENNINGS BROTHERS 28 Mouth Illinois street. WHY PAY RENTI when SSOO down and small month ly payments will buy a five-room double. Only two years old.yiOOO block N. La Salle street, gas end electric lights, city water. well and cistern; full lot; Inside toilet. Bee tbts at once. Call Paul V. Matkln. Realtor. Gregory & Appel, Ine. Main 995. Auto. 2S-.95. Evenings, North 7013. BEAUTIFUL HOME Six-room modern, 2100 square Parkway blvd.. Immediate posses sion; will take automobile ou prop erty; $6,000, terms. 725 Le tucks bldg. Main 1974. \ Wash. 3083. NORTHEAST Five-room bungalow. electrlo lights, city water and gas. lnk In kitchen. Practically new, $3,600; part cash and balance easy terms. Party leaving city. See Mr. Mclnteer. with I. N. Kichio & Son. Main 620 161 E. Market St. Irvington 1597 > ; CASH NOW vacant’ balance s2s per month. 193$ Bloyd avenue, six rooms, newly painted and decorated, electric lights, etc. Move right ti>. The best buy In Indianapolis. Russe H. Hartman, 224 N. Delaware St. NEAR GARFIELD I’AKK. Modern 5-room bungalow with full base ment, laundry and fruit room Price 13 800, $2,000 cash and balance like rent. See FRANK S. CLARK * CO.. $6 East Ohio. Main 3.17-. BEAUTIFUL high, largo level lot. half square of Maple road boulevard (38th st.), only two squares southeast of fair rround*. Fine Investment or building site. Will eell to good party on easy payments; $lO cash, $1.60 weekly. Price only $525. 61st busy. 610 Lnuke ABhSZ Main 1400. SIX rooms, electric lights, gae. toilet and bath, hot and cold water, cement base ment. 40-foot lot, 2-car garage, S3OO down, balance like rent. Total $3,500. Call E. H It LTA M. Primp* l t 771. FOUR acres, five-room roeldencc; good barn, one square from West Washing ton car line. See us about terms. FRANK S. CLARK & CO. 226 E. Ohio St. „^ laln 337J< STRICTLY modern homo with many built in features in exceptionally good neigh borhood; fine lot, lmprovg-d street. Can arrange reasonable terms. Washington I 1079 -_ FOR homes on .uth side, moder-i and semi-modern from 3 to 11 rooms; single and doubles; cash or payments. For terms call Prospect 6184 after t p. m. CORNELL ave., 2840; nine rooms, lurgo lot; modern; electric lights, gits, city water and cistern, $4,000. Call owner, Irvington 1347. FOUR-ROOM cottage. South But: con ! venteut for Beech Grove for Panhandle employes; payments. Prospect 2111. SC HU RM AN N ave.. 2189; house of live rooms. Owner nonresident. Easy tei tun H. L. ROBI4JNS. Main 3006. FOUIt-Rot'M bungalow near Riverside park. $1,900; SSOO down, sl4 monthly. Main 8377 or 226 East Ohio street. i TWO lots, cottage, barn and lots of fruit; also two vacant lots. Will sell to white or colored. Washington 3374. FOR SALE—By owner, 2 new 4-room’ houses; S4OO cash, balance monthly. Call Woodruff 1418. WAYNE PARK SUND AY ~LOTS FOR SALE. s.— - .oaxAssas LARGE, beautiful lots In Wayne park, Juet off of West Washington street, which Is being paved; $1 down, $1 week. Will take you out In our automobile at your convenience. OSCAR LEE, 1002 City Trust. Main 915. / REAL ESTATE—SALE OR TRADE. FOR SALE OR TRADE—Two large north end Washington boulevard lots for resi dence. Give location and price In your reply. Address A No. 1698, Times. 80 ACRES timber land for sale or part trade. JOSEPH KUNIvLB, 2715 Burton avenue. rIEaL ESTATE—WANTED. LIST your property In any direction with COOPER & AMOS for quick sale. 838 Lemcke bldg. Pros. 2432. Main 2776. LANDOLOGY, special number, Just out containing 1920 facts of Clover Land In Marinette county. Wisconsin If for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number of LANDOLOaY. It le free on request. Address SKID MQRB-RIEHLB LAND COMPANY, US Skldmort-Rlehle bldg. Marinette. Wls. MIBCELLANEOUR— yOR SALE. FALL SALE of Sample and Uncalled for Suits and Overcoats s S6O Gray worsted suit, size 35, sale price S4O. $75 Striped brown unfinished worsted suit (double-breasted), size 38, rale price, $46.00. S6O Gray basket weave worsted suit, size 36, sale price S4O. $65 Blue Herringbone striped Cheviot suit, size 36, sale price $45. S6O Black and white mixed worsted suit, size 36, sale price S4O. $65 Oxford Gray unfinished worsted suit, size 37, sale price S4O. $65 Brown striped Tweed suit, size 87, sale price S4O. $75 Striped brown worsted suit, size 37, sale price SSO. $55 blue basket weave suit, size IS, sale price $35. S6O Gray worsted suit, size SBB, sale price S4O. $65 Dark gray unfinished worsted suit, size 38, sale price S4O. $75 Brown checked worsted suit, size 38. sale price SSO. $65 Blue Cheviot suit, size 38, sale price $45.00. I . $75 Novelty gray worsted suit, size 38, sale price SSO. $75 Brown plaid suit, size 38. for man six feet in height, sale price S6O. S6O Gray worsted suit, size 39, sale price $35. S7O Gray checked worsted suit, size 39. sale price $45. $75 Light gray basket weave worsted coat and trousers, slzo 39. sale price S4O. $65 Oxford gray unfinished worsted suit, size 39. Rale price $45. $65 Blue etrlped worsted suit, size 39. sale price $45. S6O Brown checked worsted suit, size 39. eale price S4O. S6O Gray Herringbone worsted suit, size 40. sale prize S4O S6O Blue Herringbone striped worsted suit, size 40, sale price $45. $65 Dark green mixed unfinished worsted suit, size 40, sale price $45. S7S Light gray striped worsted coat and troll ierß. size 40. Rale price $35. $65 Gray unfinished worsted suit, sl2e 41. sale price S4O. $65 Blue unfinished worsted suit, size 41, sale price $45. $65 Brown checked worsted suit, size 41, sale price S4O. $65 Blue striped worsted suit, size 41, sale price $46. $65 Blue Cheviot suit, elze 42, sale price $45. $65 Dark gray unfinished worsted suit, size 43. eale price $45. $75 Blue serge suit, size 43, sale price $45. SBO Striped Tweed sutt, size 44, eale price S4O. $65 Silk mixed worsted suit, size 48, sale price S4O. A large number of overcoats In all idzee, values S6O to SB6, sale prices S3O to S6O. W. G. SCHNEIDER, 39 West Ohio Street. Be sure you are In the right place. GOODS FOR SALE BY THE YARD at whole sale prices, for ladles tailor made suit*, overcoats, capes, dresses and boys’ wear. W. G. SCHNEIDER, 39 West Ohio Street. Be sure you are In the right jsace. Quit Wearing Ready-Made rans $ s jo iVe make them to Q j) your measure for * 'LEON TAILORING CO. 131 K. NEW YORK. Cp one flight. FURNITURE S*!?LE Saturday. Oct. 30. at our warehouse, wh nell some storage furniture excep tionally cheap. Including good dressers, iron and brass beds, spring and mattresses coal range, gas and oil heaters, bookcase and desk, library and dining table, buffet, chairs and rocker*, crex ruga showcase and counter, wardrobe, commodes and stand tables, stepladder. lronboard pic tures. etc. Cheaper than a*iy second-hand store, auction or private sale. Delivery free. Saturday. Oct. 30. Southwest cor rk and Alabama streets. Match Your Coat /U \ with a pair of ( \ I| J TROUSERS I J \{ \ THE PANTS \ / I I / STORE CO. 1 / 111/ Tw ° Store 9 1, . 1 If 48 W. Ohio. Jita #9 Sj 110 E Market YJ S K WIN(i MACHINEP jjlxjr Repaired and Rented rnii by week or mouth. Every piece, part or screw for any sew ing machine. White Sewing Machine Cos. Mnln 600. Auto. :f>~216, 312 Maaa Ave. HERE'S A BARGAIN lady s winter cloak, like new; novelty brown. Size 38. I’rlco sls. Call North 8725. LESLEY’S cleaner for pianos; makes old furniture appear new. LESLEY”S CHEMICAL CO MFG. 10 South New Jersey. EGG FETCHER; THE HIGHEST GRADE SCRATCH FEED MADE. SOLD ONLY BY INDIANAPOLIS FEED AND SEED CO.. 117 N. ALABAMA. LUMBER, Aout 10,000 feet. 2x4 and other sizes that are oT grade; special price to get It out of cur way. Rhone North 7000. BA RLEyT RYET BIRD SEEDS. BUN FLOWKR, ETC., AT INDIANAPOLIS FEED AND SEED CO., 117 N. ALABAMA. DINING ROOM TABLE, sideboard and two tapestry rockers; one small Vlctrola and Harrison 1847. FOR SALE —Lumber, 10.000 feet 1 Inch off grade; also 20,000 32-inch poplar lath. Phone North 7000. DIAMOND ring, 4* carat and perfect, for Ralo or will trade for light automobile. 1710 N. Delaware. PLATER pianos, nickel alot, $l6O each. SERI.HE in Xrrth Delaware street. CASH REGISTER; four drawers; like new: cheap. 110 West Ohio street. PRIDE Oak heater, $lO. 446 t aldwall st. MISC 1 :. LL A N EO U s —W ANT ED. ~ Attention We need all kinds of furniture, and need it now. We have the largest and best rated used goods store In this state. Call our buyer and get what your goods are worth. Baker Bros. Auto. 2$ 168. Main $468. LEW SHANK pays best prices in city for household goods and fixtures of all kinds. 227 North New Jersey street Main 2028. WANT to buy double or single bed; also bed linen In large or small quantity. MBS. PIERCE. Main 7393. LAMPS and wicker furniture. Will pay a good cash price. BAKER BROS. DINING ROOM SUITE. ~Will pay a good cash price. BAKER PIANO wanted. Will pay a good cash price. BAKER BROS. HOTBLAST wanted. Will pay a good cash price. BA K El' HR 03. GAS RANGES and Ice boxes. Will pay cash. BAKER BROS. BAKER BROS PAY MORE. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. RWVVVVVVWeVWWRRWRRWWWei.II GJ VTCi TT STORAGE CHEAPEST I I\W RATES IN CITY. CALL I I ]/ US. Everything at ren- I I II sonable price. Packed, IJ II shipped anywhere. V-T' O Locked room if desired. 80 Weut Main 4689. CALL SHANK %r the best service In hauling, packffi.g shipping and storage. 227-229 NortKpjaw Jersey St. Main 2028. JibH Y - W O RRY 7 ~ LET a Tlnqrtf want ad sell it for you. LOSERS, w4„* r . finders, keepers, but not so K yet, ua % Times Want ad. BUS! N ESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. THE FIRST COLD SNAP le hero and five months of the same weather to look forward to. Why not buy one of our read-to-wear (tailor made) overcoats at prices that you can afford to pay. $35, S4O, $45, SSO AND UP W. G. SCHNEIDER, 39 West Ohio Street. Be sure you are In the right place. HOUSEHOLD GOODS~ ~ AN ADVICE where to buy a stove If you want A GOOD STOVE, A GUARANTEED STOVE. A FINE-LOOKING STOVE, A STOVE TO HEAT THE ROOMS OR TO BAKE YOUR GOOD BREAD OR PASTRY, FOR AS LITTLE MONEY AS POSSIBLE. GO TO THE STORE THAT IS WELL KNOWN FOR GOOD TREATMENT. NEVER MISREPRESENT ING THEIR MERCHANDISE AND FOR THE LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITT. GLAZER 444 E. Washington. STOVES OF ALL LEADING MAKES STOVES Yes we still have them; all makes and elze and all prices from $S up to S4O. Come look them over and If you wish we can give you terms to suit; also we have new linoleum at reduced prices; the best patterns In the city for the least price. Also everything In the line of furniture. KKOOT & KROOT, 607-9 W. Wash!ug ton. GOOD USED Bios. We have the largest selection In Indi anapolis of hlgh-grads used rugs; all sizes, at prices that will please you. USED GOODS STORE. 424 Massnchusets ave. INVALID CHAIRS and crutchee to rent; free delivery to all parts of city; In valid chairs $3.60 per month. BAKER BROS.. RADIANT HOME—If you want a Rad iant Home on payments, go to BAKER BROS. ALL kinds of household goods at save- half prices, on payments. BAKER BROS. COMBINATION Garland ranges at sav-*- half prices, on payments. BAKER BROS. PALACE —If you want a Palace hotblaat, on payments, go to BAKER BROS. KITCHEN cabinets at save-half prlcea. Cash or BAKER BROS. FACTORY STOVES at save-half prices, on payments. BAKER BROS. WE WANT TO" BUY good furniture, rugs, office and (tore fix tures We pay more than other dealera Call Coopertder. USED GOODS STORK. Main m. LIBRARY tables at save-half prices. Cash ojr_ payments, BAKER BROS. GAS RANGES at save-half prices, on pay- BAKER BROS. GOLDEN hot blast; large size. Price $25. Prospect 3356. GET NEW prices, then see how much you ssve at BAKER BROS. ONE davenport bed aud gas dome. Call Woodruff 4605. IF YOU want any kind of stove, go to BAKER BROS. BA KER ROS. PAY - MORE. MUBICALINSTRUM ENTB. $750 STANDARD MAKE PLAYER exchanged for Duo-Art Grand. Bench and 10 rolls of music. Price * $385 See or phone Mr. Grey, with PEARSON PIANO CO. 128 N, Pennsylvania. Main lao9. Apollo Player Piano Beautiful fumed oak case; big value at $495; easy payments. E. L. Lennox Piano Cos. 16 N. Meridian St. ALL the latest records, sheet music, player rolls; open from 8 a. m. till 10 at night, daily, except Sundays. SEIDEL'S. 133 N. Illinois. Lyric theater bldg. BEAUTIFUL Chlckering piano that can be seen In "WHILE NEW YORK SLEEPS” at Murat theater. ONE slightly used base horn; unre deemed, $12.50. SACKS BROS.. 3X4 In lana avenue. RECORDS, good records of any make you desire. 40c. BAKER BROS., 219 i2. Washington. GOOD unredeemed base horn. Bargain at $22.50. SACKS BROS.. 214 Intana avenue. BEGINNERS violins, mandolins, guitars bsrgslns. TUTTLE. 201 Indiana Ave ONE York cornet. unredeemed, $26.60. SACKS BROS.. Sl4 Indiana avenue. FINE player piano. S4O down and $4 per week. North 4221. GOOD piano, like new; easy weekly pay ments 10 South New Jersey street. PET STOCK AND POULTRY. FOUR pairs guinea pigs, four utility doe, cheap. Call 5135 East St. Clair after 6 p. m. FOR SALE—Persian iTlttena, black and white. 1231 Olney street. Woodruff 2518. CANARIES. Cinnamon and Roller singers; guaranteed. Belmont 2445. LEGAL NOTICED NOTICE OF C. P. A. EXAMINATION. The State Board of Certified Account ants of Indiana will hold its fall examina tion In the Senate chamber of the State House. Indianapolis, Indiana, on Tuesday and Wednesday. November 16 and 17, 1920, beglnlng promptly at 9 o'clock each morning. The examination will bo conducted under the auspices of the American In stitute of Accountants. The institute will prepare the questions and grade the manuscripts. Questions will embrace the following subjects: Audittng, commercial law and account ing. theory and practice. The examination In auditing will occur Tuesday morning; commercial law will be the subject Wednesday morning and In the afternoons of both days the sub ject will be accounting, theory and prac tice. Applicants successful at the examina tion will be granted a certificate which will entitle them to he known and styled as certified public accountants under the provisions of the Indiana statute. Successful applicants may apply to the American Institute of Accountants and be admitted as associate members of samo without further examination if such ap plicants possess the constitutional quali fications required by the JESSE E. ESCHBACH. \ President. WALTER G. OWENS Vice President. LAVfRENC'E F. ORR, Secretary-Treasurer. State Board of Certified Accountants of Indiana. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. ' Notice la hereby given, that the under signed has duly qualified as administra trix with the will annexed of estate of William F. Hants, deceased, late of Ma rlon County. Indiana. Said estate Is'sup posed Ao be solvent. CLARKE & CLARKE. Attorneys. No. 18509. IVA HANTS. ' NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Notice Is hereby given, that the under signed has duly qualified aa administrator of estate of James B. Donovan, deceased, late of Marlon County, Indiana. Said es tate Is supposed to be solvent. No. 18653. LUTHER J. SHIRLEY. RESULT of legal action will be explained at Murat’s in “WHILE NEW YORK BLEEPS.” FINANCIAL. ~~ WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WE PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES, BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO FRANK K. SAWYER. Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg. Southwest corner Delaware and Market FIRST and eecoitl mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate. R. B. WIL SON. 19S_ N. Delaware st. Main 1618. INSURANCE In all branches. AUBREY D. PORTER 916 Peoples Bank Bldg. Main 704. LOANS on diamonds; *V4% per month. BURTO** JEWRLRT CO.. 6* Monu msnt. MONEY to lo*n on city a.’#i farm broker age. 65 Wien bldg. WMtL THOUSANDS GIVE GOVERNOR COX GREAT OVATIONS (Continued From Pa gw Srtae*—4 ■ platform of Ms private car, accompanied by Thomas Taggart, wag the signel fo# a great cheer from the prominent men and women gathered on the elevated landing to greet him. He WBi the center of each a rush of admirer* who desired to ihake hia band that police and secret service men nad to clear a path for him before he could be escorted to the stair*. A roar arose from the persons In the main waiting room as Mr. Cox and his party entered and passed through to automobiles waiting In Jackson Place. This roar, communicating Itself to the thousands outside, reached deafening proportions as the party appe‘ar4d. Several * thousand marchers followed the candidate’s car from the station to Meridian street, north to Washington street, east to Pennsylvania street, north to New York street, west to Illinois street and south to the Claypool Hotel. The parade was enlivened by red lights, several bands and drum corps. Th Taggart Marching Club and the Young Men’s Democratic Club had hun dreds of members In line. UNIFORMED IN RED, WHITE AND BLUE. Among the conspicuous outfits was the Columbus (Ind.) Drum Corps and Glee Club, composed of fifty ynnn* men In the corps and an equal number of young women In the dub, all uniformed In red, white and blue. At the Claypool Hotel the main lobby was thronged. The candidate responded to the cries for a speech with a brief talk from the mezzanine floor. Shaking hands In view of the crowd with a silver-haired women near him. Governor Cox said: “Just as America came to the rescue of humanity when she sent her soldier* to France so she has come to the rescue of humanity again by giving mother here the vote.” He said he enjoyed the peculiar hos pitality of Indiana and had come bach, to Indianapolis, not because he thought h* needed to, but because he enjoyed being among such folk. The Governor, party leaders and news paper men accompanying him had dinner in the Florentine room. EN ROUTE WITH GOVERNOR COX, 1 CLEVELAND, Ohio, Oct 29.—Republican 1 leaders are sinking to low standards when they continue to preach “a creed of poisonous hate” against President Wilson, “a stricken victim of the wax, unable to defend himself,” Governor James M. Cox said today as he began another day of stump campaigning In Ohio. His opponents, he said, are seeking to make people believe that Wilson, not Cox, is running for President. Hot on the trail of Senator Harding, whom he continues to attack as "Amer ica’s greatest wlggler and wobbler,” the Governor was to 6peak at Akron, where the Republican candidate spoke last night, and at Youngstown and Ravenna. The Governor said as a result of his visit to Indianapolis that he had no doubts that Indiana will be In the Demo cratic column. “My meetings there were among the very greatest of the campaign,” he said. FLAG MARKER FOR GRAVE OF M’CRAY’S BULL (Continued From Page On*.) pr-sented the flasr to him five years ago.” The writer then Btated that it waa common talk in the vicinity that a flag had been placed in the grav* with the bull. The cattle tender said with anger: “So yon are one of those knocker#, huh ? “We were too wise. “I’ll give a hundred dollars to any one who can prove that a flag waa buried with the bi4l. FLAG PRESENTED TO •NATIONAL. CHARACTER.* “We are going to make some of them gnys eat that talk. "A flag w-as presented to the grand sire flve years ago and that boll wa nationally known.” The flag episode is freely discussed in Rennsalaer and in Goodland, where there is not the forced attempt to compel every one to be for McCray that there is in Kentland. All anti-McCray talk in Kentland ia given the iron heel. Business and professional men In mak ing adverse comments against McCray impress upon the hearer that “one ha* to be careful.” It is admitted in Kentland, however, that McCray will not get as large a vote since the farmers are pointing oat the American flag ns the marker for the site of the grave of the bull, and because of the expose of McCray's Board of Trad* affiliations. The whole atmosphere at Kentland seemed to be charged with a forced , feeling fop McCray, but under the sur face there is strong opposition, so much so that doubt was expressed at Rensse laer if McCray would be able to carry hia own county. There is so much resentment at Good land regarding the charge that the bull was buried with an American flag that a prominent professional man stated that he had s<V.ons!y considered bringing a Chicago detective to Kentland to ascer tain if an American flag enfolds the carcass of tho bull. Investigation at Rensselaer shown the report has gained wide spread circula tion since there is no dispute that a fin*- hen— for years over the stall of the prized bull. 500 Legionnaires to Go to Culver Ncv. 6 Approximately 500 legionnaires will at tend a State conference of commanders and ndjutants at Culver Military Acad emy Nov. and 7, according to L. Russell Newgent, department adjutant of the American Legion. Mr. Newcent announced also that all steam roads of Indiana have granted a reduced rate of one-third fare for the round trip. The program for the conference hap not been completed by L. R. GlgnlllUft commanding officer of the academy, an* State commander of the legion, who !•> vit"d the legionnaires to the conferendl* However, it is known that F. W. Gal braith. Jr., national commander of the legion, will speak. > J. R. McQuigg of Cleveland, depart ment commander of Ohio, and William R. McCauley of Springfield, department commander of Illinois, have been invited to attend. Milton A. Foreman, past commander of the department of Illinois, also has been asked to be present. The program will include parades of the infantry and artillery companies of cadets, exhibitions by the aviation corps and the famous Black Horse troop of Culver. COAL AND WOOD FOR AUL^ Illinois Lump, $10.50 - Nlo* large ooal; good for furnace or stove. Prozpoot 8280. Auto. 62-884. ILLINOIS "LUMP. L. H. BAIN COAL CO. M- 'HI -r v*>-. r-81. Fur bAJLE —Goal and wood. INTER STATE PRODUCTS CO. Mate 88$.