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Indiana daily times. [volume] (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1914-1922, October 29, 1920, Last Home Edition, Image 22

Image and text provided by Indiana State Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85047611/1920-10-29/ed-1/seq-22/

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Employers Give Five Sug
gestions for Speed.
Suggestions looking to the avoidance
of congestion at the polls on election
day are contained in a circular letter,
2.500 of 'which have been sent out by
the Associated Employers of Indianapo
lis, to employers and business men gen
These suggestions are:
1. Since the polls close at 0 o'clock
in the evening, places of employment
can be closed earlier than usual for
the afternoon, to allow employes from
2 to 6 o’clock in which to vote: or
2. ,*e§ince polls open at 6 o’clock in
the morning, places of employment
could open four hours later than usual,
to enatde employes to vote; or
.I. Places of employment could open
two hours later In the morning and
close two hours earlier In the evening,
thus allowing the four hours required
by law, and
4. Ail business men and women should
vole between the hours of G o’clock and
10 o'clock a. m.. and
5. Housewives land women who are
not employed lr, business or otherwise
dnrlng the day), should try and vote
between the hours of 10 o’clock to 12
o’clock noon.
In commenting on these suggestions
the letter says:
"It is believed that by following out
some such plans on a city-wide basis on
election day, much of the usual last min
ute congestion at the polls will he
avoided, and it behooves all classes of
employers, citizens and voters to co
operate along these lines next Tuesday
to expedite the voting in all precincts
V ni T 5 1 For Good
You 11 Lome Back f-'
No, there isn’t any price reduction sale at Baker Bros., and yet if you visit this store with its vast
* stock of furniture, note our prices, then go elsewhere and compare value and prices you will do as hun
dreds of others have done —come back to Baker Bros, absolutely convinced that
Furniture at This Store is Always Low Priced
Bedroom Furniture
Period designs sfnd the more plain models in bedroom furniture. Suites
and individual pieces.
, Iron Beds as low as . $1.50 Rockers for.. .$2.50 and up
Odd Dressers .... $12.00 up Chifferobes .. $22.50 and up
Almost Two Acres of Floor Space Devoted to Furniture, Rugs,
Stoves, Linoleums, Curtains, Musical Instruments, Etc. "
twenty-eight years ago we started business on a very small basis, but we have gradually won the con
fidence of the people until today we are proud of the fact that we have the largest second-hand furniture . j
store in the United States. Our aim has always been to give value and to sell as low as it is possible to sell
under existing conditions.
We Ship Free of Charge
The Wise Shopper is Oar Best Customer
219-225 East Washington JSt. Opposite Courthouse
/ V . #
j Pioneer Realers in Used Furniture That Can f t Be Told From New
She Wasn’t ‘ Chilly’
BUFFALO, N. Y., Oet. 29.—Cas
Payne testified in 'court that Mrs.
Edith Snow grew cold toward her
husband, Rghort Snow.
He said he found Mrs. Snow
and Fred Ramsdeil sitting in the
moonlight and taking alternate puffs
at the same cigarette.
in order that congestion at the polls will
not deprive any person of the use of
his or her ballot.”
CHICAGO, Oct. 28.—Stenographers
In the loop district here are having
three fox trots and two waltzes for
lunch each day.
They’re tripping the heavy fantastic
on the cement sidewalks on ull down
town corners.
The music is furnished by Mayor
William Hale Thompson.
Mayor Thompson equipped all cor
ners recently with electrical wires
attached to phonograph horns to an
nounce noon day political meetings.
Between announcements the mayor
puts on jazz records.
OXFORD, Miss.. Oct. —Governor
Rnssell was burned in effigy by stu
dents of the University of Mississippi
as a demonstration against dancing re
strictions by the university trustees. The
Governor is chairman of the board. a
Legion Officer Asks
High Loyalty Test
"The American Legion is not in politics
but any time any group of men go out
for public office and they don’t measure
up to the American standard of loyalty
it is our business to go out and defeat
the,” Lemuel Ilolles, national adjutant
of tlie American Legion, declared in an
address at the Halloween dinner of-the
Transportation Club, in the Rainbow
room of the Hotel Severln.
Mr. Bolles told the club that 20,000
men who fought in the world war arc
In hospitals suffering from injuries.
“These men must lie made to feel that
they :*re not forgotten,” he declared.
die asked the club members write a
note occasionally and send a few flowers
to any ex-soldier they happen to know
who is cut off from the world because of
injury or disease.
The adjutant assured the club that the
American I-egion headquarters will not
be moved from Indianapolis.
F. P. Ilumston. president of the club,
presided as toastmaster,
W. E. Pittsford gave a talk on ‘‘Busi
ness Organization.”
The club is an organization of railroad
men and shippers.
Laundries to Aid in
Gathering Clothing
Near "feast relief will have the coopera
tion of the laundry owners of Indian
apolis in gathering used clothing the
week of Nov. 8, which will be known as
•’Bundle Week.”
Owners of laundries have donated the
use of their wagons to pick up cloth
ing for the Armenians, through Fred
Dining Room
We advise young couples
to buy 'their dining room
furniture here. Our stock is
complete and our prices as
low as you will ever find
Odd Tables. ~ $7.50 and up
Odd Chairs... $2.00 and up
Odd Buffets sls and up
Odd China Closets.. .sls up
Cash or Payments
We crate your purchases and see they are in good shape for shipment. We deliver
by truck to all nearby points. We are responsible dealers and have every facility
to make your trarfkactions pleasurable and profitable.
,T. Denny, president of the Indianapolis
Laundry Owners’ Club.
Drivers of all laundry wagons will re
ceive bundles on their regular rounds
throughout the week free of charge.
The situation for clothing in Armenia
is acute, State Director Rayse says.
Such articles as coats, dresses, sweat
ers, skirts, blankets, petticoats, over
coats, wool skirts, wool scarfs, heavy
hose, heavy underwear, woolen gloves
Face, Neck and Arms Easily
Made Smooth Says Specialist.
Any breaking out of the skin, even
tlery, itching eczema, can be quickly
overcome by applying a little Mentho-
Sulphur. declnres a noted skin special
ist. Because of Its germ destroying
properties, this sulphur preparation be
gins at once to soothe Irritated skin on 1
heal eruptions such a* rash, pimples and
ring worm.
it seldom fails to remove the torment
and disfigurement, and you do not have
to wait for relief from embarrassment.
Improvement quickly shows. Sufferers
from skin trouble should obtain a small
Jar of Mentho-Sulphur from any good
druggist and use It like cold cream.—
i Silvertisrment.
Large Stoves
Small Stov C3
All Standard Makes
Don’t put ,<>t'f buying your stove any
longer. Don’t let the cold weather liiul you
without the proper stove to heat voitr
home. BCY NOW AND HERE, where
you can find the exact stove that you want.
The sizes range from the small laundry
store to the largest cannon stove. EVERY
N <)l WANT TO PAY. Don’t wait an
other minute, hut come in and select your
stove now, while the stock is complete.
Cash or Payments
and mittens boots and shoes, felt slip
pers and children’s clothes of all kinds
will be acceptable.
The laundries which have volunteered
tlMr wagon service are the Best. Crown,
Excelsior, Fame, Gem. Grand, Krnuss, M.
& H. Cooperative, Model, I’rogress, San
itary, Sterling and Tiffany.
would soothe
that itching skin
The first application of Resinol Oint
ment usually takes the itch and bum
right out of eczema and similar skin
affections. This gentlfc, healing oint
ment seems to get right at the root
the trouble, ana is almost sure to re-~
store skin health in a short time.
Resinol Ointment and Soap at all druggisti.
(League Speech Turns
3 to Support of Cox
Three women, led by one who said she
was a school teacher, and all asserting
themselves to be former Republicans,
I _
Any cabinet model Pathe -Phonograph pur
chased tomorrow will be delivered in time
for your Halloween party.
*£ SMhoS (faanA 3u&
There’s no strings to
this offer, no joker in
it, $25 worth of Pathe
or Actuelle records free,
if you buy a Pathe pho
nograph (cabinet mod
el) now. No matter if
you pay cash or buy
The People’s Easy Way,
the $25 worth of records
will be delivered with
the instrument as quick
ly as you make your
$25.00 WORTH OF
with any cabinet model Pathe Phonograph—and you pick them out yourself!
Yes—and you suggest
the terms!
133-135 West Washington Street
(P Values
Many new arrivals
in plush and cloth
Plain and tailored Aa * rjr*
models in fall W M/t /
suits; all ma- /
terials — “
Beautiful models; A A
charming dresses / /.UU
for fail— (mkrnA and
Open Every Saturday Evening Until 9 O'Clock
H si.—3rd Door Wot of Sente Arc.
marched to tl(e speaker's stand at the
conclusion of a Democratic address by
Mrs. Rowena Mann, D. D., pastor of the
Third Unitarian Church in Chicago, at
the Odd Fellow Hall and declared they
will vote for James M. Cox for Presi
Boys’ Suits
and Overcoats
The greatest values we
have ever offered in
boys’ suits and overcoats,
*6.75 a ; p d
Three special values in
Skirts. Some wool, serges
and p1aid553.98,55.98,57.48
Specially priced models
at —
Unusual values in our
Blouse department, at —
Values up to $15.00
Have It Charged
You can buy anything in
our store and use 4>ur
PLAN to pay for it.
The meeting gave further discomfort
to the Republicans in that the chairman,
Mrs. E. E. Mitchell, Is the wife of a Re
The gathering was advertised as a
rally under the auspices of the Demo
cratie women of the Second ward.
Sell at a universal
price the world over.
' Men’s Suits
All wool suits in . . .
both single and 00
double breasted tP / "%,UU
models; all ma- CtA%3 And
terials — Up
Men’s Overcoats
All wool models; fmm a
some silk lined; \ J / K§ I
SSO and S6O YJ i
values — "

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