Newspaper Page Text
4 Escaped Prisoner Some Marathoner ;■ ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 29.—Robert Mor gan, a negro convict, should have en tered the Olympic games, so County War den Charlie Collier Informed Judge Cal 'houn, when Morgan was arraigned for escaping from the county convict camp. The warden’s suggegstlon was based on his statement that the convict outran him and a posse of officers for a distance of ■twenty-five miles. “That negro Is the fastest runner I ever saw—ls he had entered the Olympic games he would have been an easy win ner,” remarked Warden Collier to the court. Asked by the judge what caused him to escape. Morgan replied: “The guard had to lay down his gun for a and I thought it was my chance.” He was given an additional six months for his break. He already- was serving a term of eighteen months. King Views Vatican Gardens First Time ROME, Oct. 29.—King Victor Emmanuel set eyes for the first time upon a por tion of his capital when he flew over Rome and the surrounding hills in \dirigible 34, according to a description .of the flight printed by the Mes*ngero. Flying low. the newspaper says, the dirigible passed over the Vatican gar dens. Pope Benedict was driving In the gar den, it is said, and, hearing the dirigible, watched It for several moments. He was clearly visible from the. air ship. Cold Weather Needs Lower Priced Angora Scarfs OUR $4.50 NUMBER. A very pretty wool scarf, pretty color com binations, with pocket, heft .and fringe ends, pur $4.50 quality, Satur day' choice—•' $2.98 (OTHERS AT $8.50, $9.50 AND $10.50. —Main Floor. Suits and Overcoats Reduced H a t s II > and Cap ß L& Big selection of new hats and caps for men and boys. All popular priced Prices Much Lower Here! $lO BOOTS $6.95 THE boots that are causing great talk among women. Boots that are stylish as well as comfortable. Made of the finest grade black suede, black vicl kid, Havana brown kid, beaver brown kid and patent colt, with black or brown kid top. Choice of Cuban, French or English low heels. Every size and width. Men’s $lO and sl2 Shoes, $7.95 Custom made shoes for men, English or blucher shapes, in black or brown leather. Our regular SIO.OO and $12.00 af kinds 9 Misses’ and children’s school or dress shoes, in black or dark brown vlci kid, English or natural shapes. Correctly fitted sizes up to 2, of the $5.00 £Q Qf" kinds 9v°vV BRAND COUNTY BOARD RECORDS NOT ACCURATE (Continued From Fan One.) have been done by prison labor, it Is then, only, that one begins to be ap palled by the magnitude of the cost of repairs of one little stretch of county highway less than three miles in length. This particular road district had on Jan. 1, 1918, approximately twenty-five miles of Improved roads, which disclosed a cost of $1,360 per mile for the entire district. The entire mileage In the county at this time, as shown by the records in the office of the county high way superintendent, is 63714 miles. The total expenditures from the gravel road repair fund for the year 1918 was $317,- 859.86. making an average cost per mile for the whole county of $499. (State Board of Accounts Report, May 26, 1919.) On Aug. 2, 1916, bonds'in the sum of SIOO,OOO were sold to pay for the con struction of a bridge at Senate avenue, over Fall Creek. In 1918 there was paid on this contract on account of this bridge, $10,413.10, and for the purchase of ground for approaches, $3,100. leaving a balance from the bond Issues for con struction. Dec. 31, 1918, of $56,486.90. The work of building the bridge was at a standstill for some time on account of litigation, and In the meantime, as shown by another tabulation the funds have dwindled away on account of the depleted condition of the .treasury until at the present time the county commis sioners are in an embarrassing position of having spent the money and the great er portion of the cost of the bridge con struction is yet to be paid. Following these excerpts the booklet takes up Instances of waste and neglect otherwise exposed as follows: The commissioners of Marlon County Over Thirty-two Years In This State Location. St. k “Come Out of the Beaten Path Just at a Time When Needed TO avoid any argument, we say that positively every man's suit and overcoat has been price reduced And we also say that every garment is new—made for this season's sell ing. Styles for men and young men; suits of fancy wor steds, cassimeres and plain flannels. Selling starts at 8:30 Saturday morning. SSO Suits $00.75 and 0 Coats 00 S4O and $45 Suits and $00.50 Overcoats JL Hoys’ iiuits and Overcoats Reduced A great many of these boys’ suits have two pairs pants. We also include the famous DUBBELBILT SUITS in this reduction sale. Sweaters Men’s sweater coats, slipover or coat style, with large shawl collar; also V-neck style. The colors are black, dark gray, ma roon, brown and blue. Fancy combination colors in the slipover models. All sizes. Priced 91.98. 82.98. 93.98. $3.00 to $11.95. $6.00 Boots, $4.95 Also a popular seller among women. In black and brown kid. with military or Cuban heels. Very stylish models of a better $6.00 S£. $4.95 Boys’ army shoes, the reg ulation shapes, tan elk up pers, with two full soles. Shoes that , will outwear 2 pairs ordinary shoes; sizes on P 1“A”‘......55.00 —Mala Floor. ifHE STAR STORE; let a contract to the Sheehan Construc tion Company for the building of a per manent highway on what Is known as Michigan road or the continuation of Northwestern avenue. The contract included the raising of the bridge over White Kiver to the level of the new road. Later the commissioners let a con tract to W. H. Price, receiver for the A. J. Yawyer Company, for anew bridge over White River at this same point. Then they attempted to cancel that part of the Sheehan contract that called for the raising of the old bridge and the building of npproaches and they en tered Into an agreement to deduct $25,000 from the Sheehan contract price. A. L. Donaldson, civil engineer and field examiner of the State Board of Ac counts, examined these two contracts and reports that the commissioners released the Sheehan Construction Company from doing what the county engineer had esti mated would be $40,844.93 worth of work in consideration of the contractor de ducting $25,000 Donaldson also estimated that owing to the increases in construction costs the county would lose $25,226 because of the release of the Sheehan Construction Com pany and he recommended that the county bring suit to save a total of $43,646.36. Total cost of courthouse employes, 1918, $18,527.03. An analysis of the payment of the salaries Included In the foregoing tabu lation discloses the fact that the regular pav roll for Janiors was SIOO per month until two or three months prior to the prltnnry election, when it was Increased to $360 per month, then immediately dropped after said primary to $490, where It remained for the remainder of the year. The total cost of Janitors and other employes as shown above seems to be exceedingly high In proportion to the size and general condition of the build ing, and if this cost Is to remain the standard, certainly the taxpayers of Ma rlon County are entitled to excellent service. WE CLOSE 6 P. M. SATURDAYS $35 Suits $9C.00 and O'Coats ZiD $25 and $35 Suits and $1 Q. 75 Overcoats 1J UP TO $30.75 AP BOYS’ SUITS SJ. f • •JO UP TO $18.75 Af BOYS’ SUITS 010 JD UP TO $16.75 i BOYS’ SUITS UP TO $14.75 Q m BOYS’ SUITS SJoOO UP TO SIO.OO rt/J BOYS’ SUITS —Main Floor. The Always Busy Economy Basement Fancy plaid cotton blan kets, large block and broken plaid patterns, all colors, full size and heavy weight, values up to $4.50, (A AQ a pair, only <9^.90 81x90 heavy weight, seamless sheets, 3-lnch hem, made of heavy weight linen finish sheet ing; did sell for £tQ $2.50; now, only .. SJ,.UO 3-pound comfort cotton batts, open in a sheet 72x90; a good grade cotton; was mv. $1.19 a roll, now / 40-watt electric light bulbs, first quality, not renewed; 40c value (only 100 to sell), each 250 C 36-lnch standard dress percales, in navy, gray and shirting styles; a large assortment of stripes and figures; did sell for 35c, pow, -a yard 2IC Large size black Japanned coal buckets, yery strong, q 65c valu£, each .TtOC Children’s union suits, heavy weight, flat fleece, all sizes, 20 to 34; seconds of a Qrv $1.50 value, a, suit OvC Women’s union suits, heavy fleece, pure white, long sleeve, ankle length, seconds of a $1.50 value, a suit.. 90C —Basement. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29,1920. (State Board of Accounts report, May 26, 1919.) Mr. Shank and Mr. George, in my ab sence, called in the courthouse Janitors nnd raised their salaries $lO a month and Incidentally mentioned that they would be candidate#.—Joseph G. Hayes, Republican county commissioner, in pub lished statement Sept. 25, 1919., Cost of janitor service, Jan. 1 to Aug. J, 1920, $13,147.44, and the appropriation tor 1920 of approximately $26,000 will be expended. (Auditor’s record.) The cost of Janitor service for the Board of Trade building, containing 210 rooms, for the year ending May 21, 1920. was $7,000. —Board of directors’ report. (Report of State Board of Examiners, May 20, 1919.) Referring to the primary and election of 1918. the State Board of Accounts re ports that the county commissioners paid Doctor Tells How to Strengthen Eyesight many instances, and quick relte* brought to inflamed, aching, Itchinp burning, work-strained, watery eyet Read the doctor’s full statement sow to appear In this paper. Bon-Opto i sold and recommended everywhere l Druggists, Attention! Special Purchase Sale Coats, $47.50 g Y TAKING ad- These are high quality a J production coats, showing vt if.' the latest style tendencies \IS Generously full, splendid ly tailored, of Bolivia. " wool velour, suedeno and .pRA others. Trimmed with IBn£Vj 'A genuine natural raccoon. Australian opossum and WrW' .■*£.; jßgjgtjfgy shades. Silk lined, too! ciSSr S&PBffa Nothing in town to equal 4, wJjS? 'til 547.5° Plush Coats >g.oo men's plush coats at lined, with or with -19.5° $ 45 —Second Floor. sV *i* Stunning Dresses at These are dresses of jersey, serge, velours and tricotines. m Beaded and embroidered, plain tai- • l O ored, straight line pleated styles, Jjy high and long waist line, tunics and Mt other stylish models. The colors are & havy, brown, taupe, black, Copen and other shades. All sizeß —Second Floor. THE S,TAR STORE $837.20 tor the work of putting *34.63 worth of paint on election booths and putting $3.31 worth of hardware on the booths. The cost ot repairing and painting the booths and ballot boxes in the sum of $940.93, when added to the cost of tin* bame work preceding the general elec tion of $117.20, makes a total of $1,118.14. In view of the fact that the total cost of all material used was $95.94, this con vinces one that the laborers were not greatly overworked. “HOW MY POOR BACK DOES ACHE!” Many a woman keeps Sloan’s handy for this, but It’s great for other pains, too: THAT dragging, wearying backache, that so many women regularly suffer from, is quickly eased by a little Sloan's Liniment. But It Is good for all the family. Ap ply it, without rubbing, for all kinds .of aches and pains, from the sharp neuralgic twinge to the dull, tearing ache of rheu matism. Then there's sciatica, lumbago, sore muscles, stiff joints. Keep a bottle handy, for you'll ncevr know when you will need It. Largest size Is most economical. At all druggists—3sc, 70c, $1.40. Sloarts Linimentp4 —Advertisement. What Is Halloween Without a ffirwusurich I Mil I I I I I I I II I I !■ I I Hill II M I There’s as much difference in phonograph music as there is in pumpkin pies, jack-o’-lanterns and false faces. If you want your music to make a real hit with your Halloween guests, you will “play safe” with a Brunswick. For every social occasion or for every taste or preference, the Brunswick has the range of music that satisfies, for Flays Every Make of Record You can select your favorite dance pieces and other selec tions that you have heard and liked, regardless of what ' company has made the records or who are the artists. TTI-i#* I an exc i us ‘ ve Brunswick feature, is UllOlia, always ready with the correct needle WFfpNd'i'dJy and diaphragm for each make of record. Not an attach ment, but a part of the Brunswick mechanism, ready at ff l6 t urn of the hand. ilMMil; TUp Amnlifipp of the Bnlnswick is an all-"ood * 11C <^ lll F llllcr sound chamber that produces noth in ff but true tones without any trace of metallic twang. * P ’ A * so a •^ runsw * feature exclusively.