8 200 CHILDREN TO BE IN CHORUS Service Star Legion Will Give Program Sunday. A chorus of 200 children will be one of the attractive features on the pro gram of the Service Star Legion Sunday afternoon at Garfield Park when a ‘•grove of remembrance" will be planted. The chorus will be under the direc tion of Edward Birge. The Shortrldge High School Drum Corps, a corps of Boy Scouts and girls from schools IS, 31, 31 and 3.1, who will lie on the trees cards with the names of the gold star soldiers, are the other fea tures of the program. The children are In charge of Miss Emma Donnan, Miss Mary McGee, Miss Eleanor Skillen arid Miss Martha Tlch. • Adjt. Gen. Harry B. Smith is grand marshal and Walter Myers of the Ameri can Legion chairman of general arrange ments. Rabbi Morris Fcuerllcht will give the invocation and the Rev. M. L. Haines the benediction. Mrs. Thomas Stncky has been appoint ed publicity chairman In place of Mrs. Julia C. Henderson, who is absent, by Mrs. Linton A. Cox. president of the Service Star Legion, llamllton-Berry chapter. Mrs. W. T. Shotwell will arrange transportation for gold star families who desire. Mrs. Housewife , Do You Know? 1. What is the meaning of •‘malgre.” as applied to cookery, as "soup malgre?" 2. Do you know a good ru\g for boiled coffee? • - 3. Are wire clotheslines to be preferred to lines of rope? (These questions will be answered to morrow by the Housewife.) ANSWERS TO YEBTERAYS QUES TIONB. 1. Though the Italians did much to perfect the making of macaroni, it was the Germans who Introduced it to Europe and It was undoubtedly the Chinese or Japanese who actually Invented the method of making It. 2. A good rule in making coffee is to use one part of coffee to six of water— j that Is for three cups of water you would need a hJlf cup of coffee. 3. Clothespin bags made in the shape of a small apron, with deep pockets, preferably of ticking, are the best, as they can be tied about the waist and thus carried when hanging clothes. MY HUSBAND’S FA V ORITERECIPE GOLDEN CHIP MARMALADE. Ingredients—Five pounds of pumpkin, five pounds of sugar, one-half of which is corn syrup, four lemons, two ounces of green ginger root, and one quart of water. Method—Chop the pumpkin Into small pleees and soak In the cold water In por celain pan over night. Cook glowly until thoroughly tender. Then add other In gredients and cook slowly until Jells and Is a light amber color. Tut In jelly glasses. Carrots may be used in the same way. substituting the same quantity of car rots for the pumpkin. MRS. HUGH H. HANNA, 1312 N. Pennsylvania St.. Indianapolis. Mrs. Hanna says this makes an espe cially nice dish at the present time since pumpkins arc in season. The Tlmes'will be glad to print YOUR husband’s favorite recipe. Address Recipe Editor, Dally Times. DESERTED WIFE TO ENLIST. SOUTH BEND, Ina., Oct. 20—Deser tion to enlist for overseas army service In April, 1910, is the ground on which Goldie O. Pritch has been given a di vorce from Willard Pritch. The hus band is alleged to have written from Germany that he was enamoured of mili tary life and did not care to hear from the girl he married. The Davlan Hat Shop 434 MA SSA CHVSE TTS A VEN UE One Square From Murat Theater NEW SHOWING ■ Dress Hats Metallic Lace—Ostrich 'n New Shapes and Shades V \ *5 no ns REMEMBER—YOU SAVE ALMOST ONE-HALF ON ANY HAT PURCHASED HERE. ================ OPEN EVENINGS. .... Another Dividend — On November Ist we will pay several thousand dollars to the depositors of our Savings Department, as a semi annual dividend on the amount of their savings at the rate of 4% per annum. Is your money (deposited regularly in small sums saved from your earnings) making more money for you at this rate, or are you-just drifting along, living up your entire income, without any thought of the future? Start a Savings Account Here Now If a present depositor, bring your book to have interest credited. Open Saturdays until 8 p. m. ? &Co.,Stateßo held at her home, 66 Brookville avenue, Wednesday. • • • Mrs. Isabella Mnck of France will talk on "Poppy Tag day" before the women of the Altrusa Club at their luncheon In the L. S. A”jf+es & Cos. tearoom Saturday. • • • The Heyl Study Club and husband# of club members will be entertained Satur day evening 'it the home of Mra. Jay Craven, 82 Hawthorne Lane, with a Hal loween party. • • * Attendants for the marriage of .Miss Mary Elizabeth Gardner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Gardner, and Jess- Fletcher, which is to take place Satur day at (he home of the bride. 4131 North Meridian street, will include. Mis* Mar- MOTHER! ' •California Syrup of Figs M Child’s Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrnp of Fig* only —look for the name California on the package, then you are *nre yoar ehtld I* having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowel* Children love Its fruity taate. Foil di rections on each bottle. Ten moat say "California."—Advertisement. garet Gardner, sister of the bride, maid of honor; Miss Lillian Fletcher aud Miss Susan Helsey Walker of Newark, Ohio, bridesmaids; Cecily Fletcher, flower maid; Matthews Fletcher, best man; Robert Hendrickson, Wiley Daniels. Charles Fletcher and Robert Mcjlionnell of North Hampton, Mass., ushers. • • • Mrs. Alice Wiseman announces the marriage of her daughter, Miss Mary E. Ilarnaby, to Russell Lowell Hupkius, which took place Wednesday night, at the bride’s home, 723 Maxwell street. The Rev. W. 11. Harris read the serv ice before an altar of palms, ferns and floor baskets of autumn flowerß. Miss Ethel Barnaby, sister of the bride, and Robert Burkhardt were the only attendants. Miss Barnaby wore a tailored suit of black trlcotlne with squirrel collar and cuffs, hat to match and a corsage of deep red roses. The bride wore her traveling snit of French blue duvetyn, with hat of the same shade, and her corsage was of bride roses. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins have gone on a trip and Will he at home after Nov. 10. at 2154 Dexter avenue. Margaret Elrod at Head of New ‘Lit ’ Club A second literary club was organized Thursday afternoon by the girls of the seventh and eighth grades of School No. 57 at the Irvington Branch Library, un der the direction of Mrs. Louise Payne, librarian. The following officers were ejected: Margaret Elrod, president; Bernice Tot ten. vice president; Dorothy Morgan, secretary: Charlotte Totten, treasurer. The club will hold monthly meetings at the homes of members. -T-HE large, Een.rou.-siie loaves JL of National Bread offer still another advantage—fine keeping quality. That is because the flavor has a better opportunity to develop properly by reason of the longer time required to bake the loaves in this popular pound-and- Made with nourishing milk and the finest flour, sugar, yeast and shortening, and baked under ideal ''•iiO ( _„ (r r baking conditions, National Bread l !’ insures utmost bread-satisfaction Vatic Ky Ibetter for making children strong and sturc *y* atoda y- NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY sV The Red Eagle Wrapper Means National Bread VV 352-354 W. WASHINGTON STREET 1 B|l U ALT E GIVING STORE HOME of GOOD, WARM SHOES -VERY REASONABLY PRICED Ladies’ and Growing Gir.s Brown Leather Lace Boots * "TJ Medium English Toes, low flat • Saturday Special— -4Af495 x Sizes 2% to 7. Ladies’ Comfort Slippers BLACK BOUDOIRS Saturday Special — V THT®? 352 354 W * WASHINGTON STREET I f 1 I 1 I ' VA LU E GIVIN G S>T Q~RE J| \Jp 352-354 W. WASHINGTON STREET Open Saturday evening nuMl 0:30 Exclusive Indianapolis Agents Dr. "A. Reed Cushion Sole and Arch Preserver Shoes. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1920. Consolation Party Planned by Women "The Campaign," a mock movie stunt in three reels, by the Current Discussion Club, with Mrs. W. R. Nethercut, presi dent, will be the feature of the consola tion party to be given by the League of Women Voters Friday, Nov. 5. Women of the winning political party will entertain the losing side. The reception committee will Include: 1 Mrs. Samuel Ashby, Miss Stella Allg, Miss Mamie Bass, Mrs. W. K. Bromley, Mrs. Alta De Laney, Mrs. 11. J. Fitts, Mrs. William Jeffrey, Mrs. Frank L. Jones, Mrs. E. E. Kuhns, Miss Pearl IClefer, Mrs. R. Harry Miller, Mrs. Cbauncey Meier, Mrs. E. J. Robison, Mrs. J. 11. Spellmire, Mrs. Maurice Rnschlg, Mrs. I). M. Woods. Miss Merica Hoag land, Mrs. Wllmer Christian, Mrs. Isaac Born aud Mrs. W. Blodgett. Says Quotation Can Not Be Traced Mgr. Francis 11. Gavlsk has denounced publicly a series of typewritten articles now being circulated in the manner of a form letter, said to be taken from the National Catholic Register, detailing a plot of one of the dominant political par ties and the Catholic Church to turn over the United States Government to tha Pope. "For the Information of those who have received copies of the supposed quo tation let ine say that there hR* never been a publication called the National Catholic Register," Mgr. Gavlsk declares. "The quotation can not be traced to any paper. “It is so manifestly absurd that It is a waste of (line and space even to deny Its Truthfulness. "A full account of the futile attempt of a society to trace either the publica tion or the alleged quotation la given In the Catholic Mind of Fel). 8, 1920.” Boys' Scout SHOES BLACK or BROWN ELK Saturday Special— (Ops Children’s SHOES GUN METAL LACE Nature Last Low Heels Saturday Special ferfl Sizes BVe to 11s DIAMOND DYES I i Any Woman can Dye now Each package of "Diamond Dye*" con tains directions so simple that any wom an can diamond-dye''any old, faded gar ment*. draperies, covering*, everything, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed good)*, anew. rich, fadeless color Buy "Diamond Dyes”—-no other kind then perfect results are guaranteed even If you have never dyed before. Druggist will show you Diamond Dyes Color Card. —Advertisement. FALL CLEANUP SALE OF Wall Paper and Paint all broken lots and leftover patterns in our entire store will be sacrificed regardless of cost, as we must make room for our new goods. Many papers in this sale will be sold for less than the present cost to us for our new goods. LOT 1. Bedroom, kitchen and pantry papers; regu lar 15c values; sale price, per roll— -Bi/2c ARTISTIC BANDS AND CUTOUT BORDERS TO MATCH. ALL OF THE ABOVE PATTERNS SOLD WITH OR WITHOUT BORDERS. Three Extra Specials Harmonellas In five beautiful shades, sale price, per roll 25< White or cream moire ceil ings, sale price, per roll 11 Vzt Not over 50 rolls to customer. 3,000 rolls odd lot ceilings, while they last, sale price, per roll 7*66 Indiana Wall Paper Cos. Largest and Oldest Wall Paper and Paint Home in the State. 51 VIRGINIA AVENUE. 130 EAST MARYLAND ST. GORDON’S - Stove Specials for Saturday Buy your stove now—and don’t wait until cold weather, when the rush will be on. We deliver when you say. (WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED GLOBE STOVES). Globe Hot-Blast A heater without an equal. Keeps fire over night. Burns less fuel than the ordinary heater and produces a greater amount of heat. One filling of the firepot will last all day. Fully guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. Many sizes to select from. Prices start at — $59.50 Convenient Credit Terms. Steel Bed, Spring and Mattress Full size steel bed in Vernis Martin or white finish; a strong woven-wire spring and a full 45-lb. cotton-top mat tress. Special— s2l.Bs Convenient Credit Terms. SATURDAY, ONLY, AN ELEGANT SET OF DISHES WITH A PURCHASE OF $75 OR MORE. FREE 127-129 East Washington Street 3 Rooms Furnished as Low as $165 Convenient Credit Terms LOT 2 Parlor, living room, din lng room and hall pa pers; regular 25c values; sale price, rev roll— -12i/2c Paint Specials Pure Raw Linseed Oil, Per Gallon, $1.05 (When Sold With Paint) LOT 1. Domestic house paint (24 desirable colors), per gallon 93.15 Jewell wall flat paint (16 soft tints), per gallon $3.15 LOT 2. Red barn paint, in 5-gallon lots, per gallon 91.19 Clear floor varnish, per gallon $2.29 Pale in color, flows freely. dries with a high gloss and made to with stand the hard usage to which floors are subjected. LOT 3. Jewel varnish stain. Made in light, golden and dark oak, walnut, cherry and mahogany; suitable for floors, furniture and woodwork; per quart 796 Adamantine floor paint, in eight colors; a hard drying and'durable paint; per quart 796 Gordon’s Steel Range A prnnlMd l aker—hue high warm ing closet, deep firebox with extra heavy castings. Large oven. Con structed of the best quality of ma terial and guaranteed to give satisfac tion. Special price only— -559.50 SI.OO a Week. LOT 3 Independent bedroom pa pers, in floral, stripes and chintz effects. Pa pers that will appeal to the most discriminating buyer; values up to 35c; sale price, per roll— 18c The Famous ‘ Globe Heater Firepot is so arranged that coal burns from the outside toward the center. One fill ing lasts all day. Coal does not clinkbr. All soot, smoke and gas is consumed right in the heater; no combustible substances escape through the chimney— s24.so SI.OO a Week. Special Bed Daveno Suite Upholstered in imitation leather; frames are nicely finished in golden color. Prices start at — $69.50 Convenient Credit Terms. LOT 4 Beautiful living room, dining room and hall pa pers, In two-tone striped effects, grass cloth and blended effects. Values up to 75c per roll; sale price, roll— 18c to 49c 4 Rooms Furnished as as $lB5 Convenient Credit Terms