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Ayres'Downstairs Store: £h dof Che Rjlonlh . I Help Tour self to These Bargains Within a few minutes after the store opens Saturday morning, the Ayres Downstairs Store is going to be a mighty busy place. Here Are the Reasons Every One a Golden Opportunity 22 Dotted Swiss Dresses to Sell at $2.95 13 Dark Voile Wash Dresses at $1.50 7 Only, Small Serge Dresses at $7.95 1 Taffeta and Georgette Dress at SIO.OO 1 Accordion Pleated Serge Cape at $5.00 12 Chiffon Party and Dance Dresses, $14.95 15 Women sand Misses’ Wool Coats at $19.50 10 Baby Lamb Fabric Coats at $19.50 4 Silk Lined Serge Suits, Choice, $19.50 1 Georgette Beaded Bloiise, Only $2.95 14 Wool Sweaters, Your Choice at $3.95 125 Flannelette and Crepe Kimonos at $1.50 163 Voile Wash Blouses, Choice, 45c 25 Large House Dresses, Soiled, Only 98c 30 Tea and Bib Aprons, Choice at 59c 22 Cotton Jersey Bloomers, Choice, 69c 1 Electric Seal Muff, Sale Price, $15.00 1 Brocaded Velvet Scarf, Only $3.95 * —Ayres—Downstairs store. Fifty Trimmed Hats are Reduced to $2.95 Priced to sell as fast as we can wrap them up. Large, small and medium shapes—of velvets in attractive color ings. • - - . Stylishly trimmed in various ways. Real bargains—every one. —Ayres-—Downstairs store. Women's Shoes and Oxfords E.O.M. 7 ->z n_' . E.O.M. Sale IJO rairs Sale % o ay'R educed to $3.50 %° ne Speaking of real bargains, here they are! 136 pairs of Tvomen’s high-grade shoes, dis continued lines, patent leather and black kid, button and laced. Sizes 3 to 7, but not all sizes in each style. Come early for these. * And 230 Pairs Women’s Oxfords at $2.50 the Pair Values such as you’ll find but once each month —in the Ayres E. 0. M. sale. Os black glazed kid leather, lace style, Cuban and mili tary heels. Sizes 2 y 2 to 7 Y%. 1,200 Pairs Women s Rubbers to Sell Saturday at 75c a Pair —Ayres—Downstairs Store. E. O.M. Sale Groceries —Coca, Hershey’s pure and rich, %-pound can, 194. Jell-0 and Jiffy-.le|l, all flavors, box, * Borden’s Eagle brand sweetened, condensed milk, 2 cans for 754. Soup, Van Camp's chicken, tomato and vegetable, can, 104. Salmon, Plymouth Rock, No. 1 tall cans, pink sal mon, 28 c. Peaches, Mission Bell brand, yellow free peaches, halves, No. 1 cans, 204. Asp aragus, Monsoon brand, green points. No. 1 tall cans, 20f*. Rumford baking powder, pound cans, 264. Peaches, Regal brand, yellow cling fruit in heavy syrup. No. 2(4 cans, 384; dozen cans, 9420. Grated pineapple. Mon soon brand, No. 1 flat cans, 12>-i4. Flour, Certainty, a blend of hard aud soft wheat, 24- pound bags, 91,65. Macaroni and spaghetti, Red, White and Blue brand, small size, 74; pound box, 144 Apple buttsr, Libby's brand, pound cans, 194; 2-pound cans, 334 Ayrea, Downstair* Store. LS Ayres&Co LS Ayres&Co - —■■ ■- - ■ ■■ - ■ ■■■,■■ ; ■ I —'' . . * 'Every lentils End, a Bargain Feast,You are Invited' STREET FLOOR Men, Here They Are! 1,020 FINE WOVEN MADRAS SHIRTS E. O- M., Their former price ,E. O- M. Sale \ , .. T . J Sale ldoesn t matter. It was' • , Price, / \ Price, \enough to make these. $1.95 (shirts at $1.96. ) $1.95 A RARE BARGAIN. White with pin stripes in blue, gold, tan, pink, black, helio and green. French cuffs, fast colors. These shirts are from one of America's best makers. .. Men’s and Boys’ Sweaters at $3.95 A reduced price for one day’s selling. Broken assortments most of them slightly Boiled Slip over style, button in front style, jumbo knit with roll collar and fancy knit and military style; navy, . grey, khaki and red, plain colors or fancy stripes. MEN’S UNION SUITS WOOL UNDERSHIRTS REDUCED TO $169. REDUCED TO 76c. Medium weight cot- L , ama woo] medtum ton, long Bleeves, ankle length. Superior and we, * ht - long Bleeves ’ other makes, slightly sizes 34, 36 and 38 only, soiled. Bargains. —Ayres—The Men's Store —Street floor. E. 0. M. Umbrella Bargains Exceptionally high values in odd lots of fine silk umbrellas for women and of rainproof 'brel'.as for children Children’s rainproof umbrellas m both colors and black, and of the best in stock, are E. O. M. priced at only 92 50. A clearance of silk umbrellas for women brings choice models in a variety of shades with fancy bakellte rings and silk cords, to the E, 0. M. price of 9*4-75. —Ayres—Umbrella dept., street floor. E. 0. M. Values in Books A greater number of books than usual have been corralled for this £. O. M. disposal, because we must have room immediately for Christmas stocks. We have taken those which have lost freshness and grouped them on several tables at greatly reduced prices. Worn books from the circulating library are grouped at 254 the copy. —Ayres—Book section, street floor. E. 0. M. Odds in Laces Oddments in length and oddments of pattern are the only reasons for the otherwise unjustifi able low prices on lovely lace pieces, and then only to dispose of them quickly. The assemblage for E. O. M. day embraces Valenciennes, fllets, orientals, nets and metallic laces, all arranged in price groups for easy choos ing. j At 54, lO*, 254, 504. fI.OO and upward. —Ayres—Lace section, street floor. E. 0. M. Handkerchief The men come in big here, first: There’s three fine lots of handkerchiefs, soiled from display, and the men have a large share with the women and boys. • There are initial handkerchiefs, hand kerchiefs in colored borders or in the all-white and of batiste. Linens are found in the assortments, and all are greatly reduced to 184 each. In all W’hite and colors are some with em broidered corners for women and children. Priced in E. O- M., B<t. —Ayres—Handkerchief section, street floor. Suede-Lined Silk Gloves Are Reduced to 95c Two hundred pairs of them (slightly imperfect), ideal winter silk gloves. Two-clasp, white, gray and brown. Some slightly soiled. Slip-on Washable Gloves, 50c Good chamoisette gloves are certainly a bar gain at 50<. There are 100 pairs of these— broken lots from regular stock; colors, tan and gray. And Fine Kid Gloves at $1.35 Broken assortment of sizes. Kid and capeskin, one and two-clasp, white and colors, You'll buy these with pleasure at $1 35. —Ayres—Gloves, street floor. Sample Neckwear in E. 0. M. Sample assortments are usually offered at ad vantageous prices, but take off the E. O. M. re ductions besides, you can be assured that this neckwear is a fine bargain. One lot includes sets and collars for 254. Another assortment is shown for 504. Gilets and vests are included for 954. —Ayres—Street Floor. INDIANA* DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1920. For several years it has been the Ayres habit to set aside the last day of the month for the disposal of accumulated remnants, odd ments and broken lines. The sale has grown in importance as it has in popularity; now almost every department on seven selling floors participates, each bidding for business with the best values it is possible to achieve. Look for the Bright Coral Signs and Price Tickets, They Indicate Superlative Values STREET FLOOR - " , Unusual! Stretton Union Suits for Women, Reduced to $1.39 Broken assortments, otherwise they would cost considerably more Medium weight, high neck, long sleeves; low neck and elbow sleeves and low neck and sleeveless, ankle length. Stretton Pants and Vests at 59e Separate garments, broken assortments, of cot ton winter weight, high neck and long sleeves, Dutch neck and elbow sleeves, knee and ankle length drawers. Silk and Wool Union Suits, $4.59 ’’Sterling'’ underwear, full fashioned, silk and wool mixed, silk and cotton and natural wool union suits: pink, white pnd natural; high neck, long sleeves. —Ayres—Underwear, street floor. ■ Silk and Wool Stockings At 50c, SI.OO, $1.50 and $2.00 They're damaged, some but slightly—-a bit of darning cotton —a little time and you’ll have fine silk stockings worth several times their coat. There are 500 pairs of them. Plain Silk, Lace Silk, Wool and Some Embroidered Silk Black and colors. Every pair out of our regu lar stock. You’ll want a half dozen pairs of these just the minute you see them Children’s Stockings at 33c There are 400 pairs of these, English and plain ribbed —full length—black, white and brown— every pair worth more —Ayres—Hosiery, street floor. E. 0. M.’s Intrigued Jewelry So the lowest possible prices govern lingerie clasps in the narrow engraved styles; collar pins engraved in one piece and hatpins bearing both the enamel and sterling tops. All priced accord ing to E. O. M. at 154 each. Sterling silver and gold front engraved lingerie clasps are priced at 254- Engrav’ed sterling sil ver pins for soft collars are priced the same. Odd pieces of imported and domestic jewelry, barpins, brooches and eariings are reduced to 654. Large crystal beads and oval cut. beads in sev eral colors, priced 95c*. —Ayres—Street floor. E. 0. M. Cut Leather Goods Silk bag oddments, both the pouch and purse style, have been priced lowered to 92.95. One-piece silk bags of the French persuasion and with silk covered frames, are priced in the E. 0 M. at 91-95 Khaki traveling cases for men, completely fit ted, some with real ebony military brushes, are especially attractive values at 91-95. “Kiddies’ Kanteens” —the nifty tricorne shape with a large mirror inside of the frame and fitted with the pannier handle, are priced at. SI.OO. —Ayres—Street floor. Embroidery Remnants in E. 0. M. Cut radically are the markings on pretty em broidery remnants of swiss, nainsook and cam bric. They are suitable for finishing dainty underwear and even baby’s dresses will find here a pretty touch. —Ayres—.-Street floor. SECOND FLOOR H Interesting E. 0. M. ; Shoes Quick clearance is the purpose of these shoes and low shoes. The first group includes 289 pairs of high grade shoes, broken sizes In discontinued lines of Hanan and Garside, priced only 98.45. The second group features 306 pairs of shoes, 253 of which are low cut. Broken lots and dis continued lines show partiality to small feet for tfcis offering. Priced 93.45 the pair. —Ayres—Second floor. Warm Bedding, Low- Priced The biting weather will more than emphasize these values: Fifty pairs of white cotton blankets, 68x80, are of a good, firm quality, with pink and blue bor ders. Priced 92.98 the pair. Wool filled, sllkoline-covered comforts, wherein the wool Is 100% new carded, are yarn-tied amid a floral pattern in harmonies of pink, blue and yellow, priced 98.25. Fifty all-wool Q. D. army blankets prove a good, warm weight and ara. of all new wool in an extra fine finish, at 95.95 each. Auto robes are demanded in these all-wool plaids, fringed, and showing a good weight. In a variety of nice patterns. A needed Investment these days, in this 60x80 size, at 98.69. ' > Comfort size cotton batts, 72x90, are of good quality cotton in one sheet, at 984- 700 yards'of fine quality bleached muslin, mill lengths, from 2 to 20-yard lengths, at 234 the yard. Fourteen swiss embroidered bed sets, for twin bed sizes only. These are made on fine piquot sheeting in colors of blue, pink and lavender, at 90.95. —Ayres—Second floor. Towels and White Goods The fact that they are slightly mussed places these Turkish towels at inviting E. O. M. reduc tions. They are finished with fancy pink and blue borders and priced only 764- Turkish wash cloths at 104 each. Centerpieces, scarfs and doilies, all hand em broidered, bear convincing E. O. M. sale prices because they are slightly soiled and mussed. Short lengths of art linen, crashes and hand kerchief linen are offered at E. O. M. sale prices. Short lengths are being weeded from the white goods, also at reduced prices. Organdies, voiles, dimities, longcloth and nainsook are found in lengths V* to 6 yards. —Ayres—Second floor. E. 0. M. in Woolens These, too, are In comparatively short lengths, ranging from various sized smaller pieces to en tire dress patterns. And every wanted fabric is included: Serge, gaberdine, tricotine, jersey, broadcloth, poplins, batiste,, figured challis, coat ings, novelties, checks, blocks, plaids and stripes. E. O. M. prices of the complete disposal type prevail. —Ayres—Dress goods dept., second floor. E. 0. M. in Silk Goods The usual collection of odd lengths that pile up in a month’s time are the offerings in silk fabrics, but they are invariably usable for some purpose, either in the making of garments or for needle work. This month's assemblage embraces plain and fancy silks in checks, plaids and stripes, silk shirtings, Georgette crepe, pongee, both plain and printed; velvets, velveteens, corduroy and numer ous others. E. O. M. prices are conducive to picking up many a fine bargain for furture fash ioning. —Ayres—Silk goods dept., second floor. t ■ ' ■=r;sgr--. = 100 Chic, Hats, $2.89 What else but the occasion of an E. O. M. sale could warrant this incredibly lew price. Chin-chins, pokes, mushrooms, turbans and sailors, variously trimmed with feathers, flowers, largo bows of ribbon, or decorative ornaments of gold and silver Color* of navy blue, brown, pur ple. taupe, mahogany, burnt orange and black. Materials are panne and Lyons velvet. —Ayres —Millinery section, second floor. j ■ ' --TTT-re THIRD FLOOR ' y f—' " -■ -V ’ E. 0. M. in Petticoats Silk petticoats and jersey silk petticoats with silk flounces are in black, brown, green, purple and navy blue. There aren’t a great number, but the few offered are especially good bargains! E. O. M. price, only 93.45. —Ayres—Petticoat dept., third floor. Hand-made E. 0. M. Blouses A table full of hand-made blouses, cf soft white batiste, trimmed daintily in tucks and drawn work, have been slightly soiled, but every one of the 100 are splendid values. Priced at 93.95. —Ayres—Third floor. E. 0. M. in the Petite Shop Wherein, the bargain-hunting miss may find a feast to content her. Six slightly soiled chiffon dresses, 919.75. Six slightly soiled evening dresses, in taffeta and chiffon net, at 919.75. Four heavy brown winter capes at 94.95. Four warm winter coats at 923.95. Six winter coats again, at 933.95. —Ayres—Third floor. Suits at Surprising Reductions Jersey suits in the heather mixtures, blue and brow n and oxford tones, With convertible collars, self belts and self-tucked backs; range In good choice at 925.00. Suits In silvertone, checked velour, Bayoner in visible check, in navy blue, brown and oxfoTd, . show smart straightline models, in the semi-tai lored style. Duckie short ripple models are also included in this choice at 929.50. —Ayres—Third floor. E. 0. M. Fur Bargains Scarfs and chokers of fur are very smart and very comfortable these days. The E. O. M. sale is timely In presenting tnen at lower prices than you would expect. Brown and taupe fox scarfs in double and lined effects, E. O. M. price. 924.00. Canadian wolf scarfs in brown only. E. O. M. price, 924.00. Black caracul chokers, one of the most able of the •‘season’s furs. E. O. M. price, 917.00. Natural squirrel chokers, E. O. M. bargains at 917.00. —Ayres—Fur section, third floor. In the House Dress Department Slightly soiled narrow collars and cuff sets, trimmed with embroidery and lace. For maids’ wear. E. O. M. price, only 290. Maids’ soiled white caps, E. O.’ M. priced at 190. Maids’ soiled white bows, E. O. M. priced at lOC. / Allover aorons, dark and light effects. E. O. M. price, 91-25. Dresses of gingham, percale and voile. E. 0. M. price, 91-95. Sixty soiled dresses of gingham and percale, with short or long sleeves. E. O. M. price. 93.95. —Ayres—House dres9 section, third floor. Coats—E. 0. M. Values Coats of undeniable smartness flirt for a day only with you at extremely low prices. Fifteen short coats of polo cloth with lovely col lars of sealine or Australian opossum. In tan or tweed mixture, full lined. E. O. M. price, 929.50. Ten Bolivia straight coats with raglan sleeves and collars of sealine, in brown or blue. Full silk lined. E. O. M. price, 929.50. Odds and ends in suede sport coats in tan and gray. E. O. M. prices, 95.95 and 99.95. And a leathertex coat at 919.50. Angora coats, full length, with shawl collars that extend into throws. Brown only. E. O. M. price, 939.50. —Ayres—Coat section, third floor. E. 0. M. Dress Values These prices speak for the high values which dresses of many descriptions have assumed for a day in order to be cleared from stock. Eleven slightly soiled evening dresses, two each at 922.50, 927.50 and 939.50, and five at 949.50. Three tricolette dresses, small size. E. O. M. price, 915.00 each. Two Georgette crepe dresses in white, slightly soiled. E. O. M. at 12.50. One tricotine dress in a small size. E. O. M. price, 916-00. Ten dotted voile frocks, the dots embroidered. E. O. M. price at 9 5 -00. Four dark challis frocks, goofl styles. E. O. M. price, 916.00 each. Three navy blue serge dresses. E. O. M. priced at 919.50. Two gray Georgette crepe dresses, beaded. E. O. M. priced at 96.00. —Ayres—Gown room, third floor. 9