Conspiracy to Break Wilson
Laid at Feet of ‘Round
Robin’ Leader.
CHICAGO. Oct SO.—Rabbi Stephen
Wise of New York, one of the most prom
inent members of the Jewish faith In the
country and an Independent In politics,
who Is now speaking for the League of
Nations and In behalf of Cox and Roose
velt, passed throngh Chicago last night
en route to Kansas City, and gave out
the following statement at Demoeratl*
headquarters In Chicago:
I note that one .Tmlson Welllver trav
els by the side of Harding whenever th*
latter is untethered from the front parch.
Well ver is the tall of a conspiracy. In
famous and loathsome, the head and
front of the unspeakable offending of
which was and remains Senator Henry
Cabot Lodge.
I us£ the term conspiracy advisedly.
I use It with complete understanding
of what it means.
If the President failed In Paris—and
he filled only in part—ls the President
failed to realize the hopes of the Euro
-1 pean nations in perfecting the League of
Nat ons plan. It was very largely be
cause of the conspiracy to break Wilson
and to defeat the Democratic party at the
presidential election of 1020.
Lodge ought to be told by the Ameri
can people that whether seven or seventy
generations of Massachusetts ancestors
Ue behind him it was his business and
that of his associates to remember that
when the President of the United States
was in Paris #nd London negotiating an
Instrument of peace with our associated
nations, he was the President of the
United Stat: sand was entitled to the
foil and complete support of every Amer
ican citizen.
President Wilson did not receive that
If Senator Lodge disapproved of the
treaty and of the league covenant drawn
in part by the President, he was free in
the Senate to oppose it ar.d to make
Impossible Its ratification.
But he was not free, nor Is any Ameri
can citizen free while the President rep
resents America in negotiations with for
eign countries, to bring it to pass that
the leaders of those foreign, countries
as-siime that their dealings with the
President of the United States is gov
erned by the persuation that he no
longer represents America and that the
real leaders of the Nation are the sena
torial group of a political party other
than the President's.
If Senator Harding should be Presi
dent, whether at home or abroad, he will
be my President, he will be the Presl
dent of ail the American people and mil
lions of Democrats who, like myself, will
vote for Cox and Roosevelt will look
upon him and support him loyally as
the President of the United State*.
’ If the case had been reversed and the
Republican President had been treated
by the leaders of the Democratic part)
as the President was treated by the
leaders of the Republican party amr
tneir newspaper garbage-distributing
■ gents such as Welllver, these meh would
be charged with treasonable conduct,
and rightly so.
The American people are called upon
to pass upon the question of whether
the President shall be supported by the
United States or whether the Senate
members of an opposing poLtlcal pa.t
are free to undermine and to thwart,
aud as far as they can, to destroy him
as lie deals for uad on behalf of the
In ted States with the representative*
©I foreign lands.
If the facts were known by the Amer
lean citizens, Henry Cabot Lodge would
be rebuked with a swiftness and a direct
ness that would end the reign of Lodge
" eillverism in American p -Utica.
I he truth is Lodge and his associates
were not opposed to the League of Na
tions In advance of President Wilson's
Journey to Paris.
They were opposed to whatever Wilson
nil ht ’ riti" h-me from the scene of
peace negotiations.
When Wilson went to Parks, the lead
ers or foreign governments who were to
negotiate with him were warned in ad
vance that the President would Insist
npon a soft, mild, uuexacting peace In
relation to Germany.
Wilson disappointed Lodge and his
kina because be was nrm and strong
and unyielding, as he ought to have
been in relation to Germany
Inasmuch as the peace terms were un
exceptionable. something had to be op
posed, and therefore th cry went
through the country that Wilson'was re
gponsible for the League of Nations
” uson was its mighty and most per
suasive spokesman. but the one Amer
) *£ an who more than nny other deserves
the credit of authorship of the League of
Nations idea was that great American.
I resident Taft, who, If he were not
bound by the real or fancied obligation
to stand by the party which nominated
him for the presidency, could not and
wou and not support the candidacy of
The Republican conspiracy, and con
spiracy it was, for men eonslpred with
out physically coming togetiier. was di
rected not against the treaty nor against
the covenunt of the league, but ugalnst
Wilson and against the Democratic
The league covenant was seized as a
pretext on which to hang at one and
the same time the indictment and the
condemnation of the President and all
ms works.
p ° r mj part, I believe the conspiracy
goes even deeper than has been Indicated
ihe real consul, itey on the part of
certain groups, abetted and furthered by
Lodge and his kind, was to continue
the old world status of war and arrna
mv?t u an '* the lnfln ‘ te wrong and hurts
W'hich war and preparedeness for war
make inevitable.
Expect Decision on
Fire Trucks Monday
Final decision on the award of con
tracts for trucks and pumpers needed to
complete the motorization of the fire de
partment probably will be made by the
board of public safety Monday so as
to send the contracts ana an ordinance
authorizing a bond lssuo of $500,000 to
pay for the equipment to the city coun
cil Monday evening, it was announced
The board and the eeuMll have hold
several informal conferences on the bids
for the apparatus and It Is said at tne
City Hall that the council will not op
pose the Contracts and bond issue.
A move to purchase the apparatus sev
eral months ago was dropped when a
majority of the members of the council
expressed opposition.
List Pre-Election
Speakers for League
Dr. Hannah Graham and Mrs. John
Downing Johnson were the speakers at
the League of Nations headquarters at
noon today.
Joseph Williams will speak this eve
ning at ti o’clock and Chalmer Schlosser
at 8 o’clock.
Monday morning at 10 o’clock, J. J.
Pettljohn will speak.
At noon Mrs. W. G. Smith and Mrs.
Martha l'oh Marson will speak and Miss
Hazel Fesler will talk at 2 o’clock.
Charges Forfeiture
of Lease; Asks $30,000
Alleging that the Olln Rales Company,
occuping space at 511-515 North Meridian
street, had forfeited Its lease by failing
to make a monthly payment In advance
on Oct. 1, Morrill B. Barkley today filed
snit In the Circuit Court asking JTor
$30,000 damages as well as a receiver for
the defendant company to insure pay
The plaintiff alleges that the sales
company still occupies vne building, al
though the rent has cot-been paid.
Won't Anyone *Jine'?
All members of the detective depart
ment of the Indianapolis police force and
newspaper men of the city have been
invited to Join anew order being organ
ized by Lieut. Henry AsKlns of police
Asking has the apparatus to put the
candidates through the ‘‘third degree”
but he has been unable to secure a can
Recently a thief stole a paddling ma
chine from a lodge hall and the police
found the machine In a second hand
store and brought It to headquarters.
Asking has tried for several days to
secure a candidate who would stand ou
the machine, pull on the t*o handles to
‘‘test his strength,” and thereby release
the catch that holds back the paddle.
(Continued From Page One.)
by Congress while It was still Demo
CHICAGO. Oct. 30.—Governor James
M. Cox, here today to make one of tb
final speeches of hts whirlwind stump
campaign In the Coliseum, where Sena
tor Harding was nominated, stated he
would consult with Senator David I.
Walsh of Massachusetts. Bourke Coch
ran and Governor Alfred E. Smith of
, New York and others as to the cause of
Governor Cox arrived in Chicago ghort
ly after 8 o’clock.
He was an hour and fl'teen minutes
ahead of the reception committee.
The party came here od " special train.
Governor Cox remaineu in his private
car until the reception committee was
due at the station.
His statement was in response to in
quiries from organizations In New York
as to what steps he would take to ob
tain action on the League of Nations and
the Irish and Jewish questions.
His r#ply was:
“If I am elected I shall recognize the
mandate for entrance Into the League o'
Nations. I shall work ont that solution
in conference with the Penate and with
acceptance of such helpful reservations
as are necessary to secure that end. I
shall consult with Wl son. Taft and
Root and any others who by virtue of
their experience can render helpful serv
“Furthermore, in the consideration o'
specific matters like the cause of Ireland,
I shall consult with men who knew the
traditions and desires of the Irish peo
ple. such as Bourke Cockran, Governor
Alfred E. Smith and Senator David I.
“In connection with the Jewlah ques
tion I shall ronsu t with the leaders of
Jewish thought in America”
With today and Monday the only work
ing days, the Governor coupled with the
plea for a league of nations a summary
of what he believes Senator Harding’s
election would moan. He Is reading all
papers to pet the final statements of
Senator Harding and Is attacking hi*
“somersaults on the league issue.”
Today was the first time during the
campaign that Cox has spoken In Chi
cago. although be has been through here
three times.
Hl* meeting at the Coliseum tonight
was expected to be one of the biggest of
the campaign.
In addition, be was to speak to women
at Woods’ Theater at noon, and to an
overflow nights meeting in the Harrison
High School.
During the afternoon, he was to lake
a special train to Gary and Evanston
for speeches.
To obtain a day of rest, he will leave
here at midnight for his home in Day
The final meeting of his campaign will
be held in Toledo Monday night.
A huge meeting in Akron last night In
creased the confidence of the Governor
that he will carry Ohio. Twenty thou
sand persons sought to bear him. It was
He spoke in two large auditoriums,
and despite flurries of snow, the police
almost lost control of big street crowds
that sought to get Into the halls.
Cox is making a sharp attack on the
claim of Senator Harding that he Is the
freest man ever nominated for the presl
He Is demanding that Harding tell
the country what promises were made
to the group of Senators that conferred
with him In the Blackstone Hotel, Chi
cago, the night before the Republican
convention nomination: whether George
Harvey has been promised a cabinet Job;
whether George Reynolds, Chicago
banker, has been given a pledge that
hankers will be given control of the
Federal Reserve system; whether reac
tionaries have been promised control of
the Supreme Court; whether George Syl
vester Vierlck has not been promising
Harding 6,000 000 German votes under the
pledge that a separate peace will be made
with Germany.
Negro Population Is
Growing in Atlanta
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.—The census
bureau today announced that the 1920
white population of Atlanta, Ga., was
137,834 and that the colored population
was 62,747. Thirty-five are of other
The 1910 census showed: White pop
ulation, 102,861; colored, 61,002; all
others 76.
Palmer Backs Up His
Warning on Voting
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.—Attorney
General Palmer followed up his instruc
tions to district attorneys to watch for
violations of the law on election day to
day with wired Instructions as to the ex
tent of the corrupt practices act.
Excerpts from the act were sent to the
district attorneys In the larger cities and
stress was laid on those provisions call
ing upon all political officers to keep an
accurate account of all receipts and ex
LOGANSPORT, Ind., Oct. 30.—Six in
dictments charging the acceptance of
bribes were returned against Othello
Smith, deputy prosecutor, and ht was
served Friday with warrants drawn on
th i dletments.
Smith gave bond in the sum of $590 on
each count.
Walter Republican county
chairman, and an attorney
qnajlfied as J|^^^Fbondsmcn.
S*ven lc6|lKmet.r.r.ci against Smith.
Large Eastern Printeries Keep
Mammoth Stocks on Hands
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 29.—Tbl*
city is one of the country's fountain
heads of learning.
Aside from harboring the great and
awe-inspiring Harvard University, nu
merous lesser schools and endless book
shops specializing in all degrees of
erudition, Cambridge possesses the fac
tory of the largest schoolbook publish
ing company In the country.
This plant regularly keeps 2.000.000
schoolbooks on hand In its storage bins,
and even with this huge reserve, the
presses have to run night and day at
the busy seasons.
Right now, the factory is working at
the highest pressure.
Schools from Florida to California
send to the company’s offices In Boston
for books and while most schools are
opened by this time, orders are still
piling In.
Many school officials, It seems, hare
a way of waiting until the term is about
to open and then deciding on the books
to be used and the company to pat
This casual attitude of the local
powers Is one of the chief causes of
white hair In the textbook business.
No ouija board has yet been located
that, can tell a firm how many physics
or spelling books of a certain kind will
be called for, so It has to estimate a
reasonable number and then work at top
speed If orders exceed expectations.
This company, with Its stock of 2,000,-
000 books, finds it necessary V> keep
no less than 4,000 different titles on
band, and these are all what might be
called current books; for as soon as a
text-book becomes antiquated or is sup
planted by a later edition the old copies
on the shelves are torn np, to be sold
us junk.
Walking along the storage rooms yon
can catch glimpses of spelling books and
arithmetics that call up pictures of youi
early struggles with culture.
Less familiar works are here, too, such
formidable affairs as “The Application
of Calculus to Mechanics,’’ “Word For
rantion In the Roman Sermo Plehelus,”
and “A Grammar of the lunuit Lan
The guide obligingly explains Tnnult
means Eskimo; that this particular work
Is rarely called for, and that It sells
for $5, an unusually high rate for a
plainly bound school book.
Books of this type are the “Jonahs”
of the school book buslues*. Some pa
tient scholar spends perhaps twenty
years writing an abstruse thesis on
which neither he nor hi* publisher ean
possibly make any money, because few
copies will be sold.
Yet the demauds of advanced scbelar
ship require such books, and the larger
pnbilshors must be the ones to produce
them, even though they often know in
advance that the books mean a loss.
Ponderous works, however, make up
only a small fraction of the plant’s out
The bins for the most part are stackoo
to the ceiling with ordinary grammar
and high school books.
The demand for schoolbooks Increase*
every and this mean* plenty of
trade for the publisher*.
They tell you, though, they are far
from sailing on smooth sea* of pros
Certain kinds of paper are about t”
advance 2 cents a pound, which mean*
the rates on schoolbooks will go up. as
it Is claimed they are now being sold on
as low a margin of profit as Is per
An advance will not cut down bnslnes*.
for schoolbooks are a necessity, but pub
lisher* say they dread announcing a
raise, for the public, seeing sugar, leather
and wool drop. Is nil the more loath to
pnrt with larger sums for other com
In the past, they say. schoolbooks
have remained remarkably stable In
price, though publishers have been con
stantly Increasing expenditure* to Im
prove the appearance of their product.
Few people have any idea of the In*
and outs of putting a textbook on the
market. You may have paused to smile
over the fauey that school children now
have more history to assimilate than
when you pored over dates and battles,
but did you ever think of the schoolbook
producer who has to keep up with the
wandering boundaries of Europe and
reduce the world war to a few pages
of text in language suitable for chil
Did you know, for Instance, the more
progressive publishers are having their
geographies practically rewritten since
the war In order to bring, not only the
maps, but the text, up to date?
An editor of the firm referred to In
this story says his company spent about
SIOO,OOO before a single copy of its new
est geography could be printed.
Now the book Is being run off the
presses as rapidly ns possible, and the
firm cannot begin to fill th(T demand
for It.
Producing schoolbooks Is In many ways
entirely different from publishing fiction.
A best seller novel that would require
r.n Investment of three or four thousand
dollars and sell for 82 a copy, ha* a
boom of a few months and then sizzles
down to cheap editions and soon fades
out of sight and memory.
The returns are Immediate and brief,
and the author is then expected to grind
out n new masterpiece.
The Initial cost of a history, such as
is used in high schools, on the other
hand, is over five times as much, and
a geography twenty-five times as much,
as the novel, because of numerous maps
and Illustrations.
Yet the price of the textbook is similar
or less than that of the novel.
In the case of an up-to-date geography,
which Just now would be a* best seller,
the large outlay might be quickly offset
by sales, but In the ordinary run of
things. It is a year or more before a
textbook begins to pay for itself.*
Then, it brings In to its author and
the publisher steady returns for five
years, or possibly twenty-five, according
to Its lasting qualities.
That is, a first reader is apt to be pop
ular only a few years because new meth
ods of teaching reading are constantly
being worked out.
A mathematics book Is more likely to
have a long and prosperous existence.
The Wentworth algebras and other
mathematical works by the same author
have been on the market for years, and
perhaps forty of them are best sellers
The Wentworth books are one of the
notable successes of the textbook history.
When George A. Wentworth was a
young teacher at Exeter Academy, thirty
five years ago, he spent his nights work
ing on a textbook of gcon*etr.v.
He succeeded In publishing this, and
immediately started work on algebra.
In time he was so busy writing books
he gave up teaching entirely.
Later, his Son, wlio grew to be a
mathematical scholar, assisted him, and
this son still has his hands full revis
ing their long list of works and writing
new ones to meet the demands of chang
ing courses of study.
When Wentworth published his first
book b* mi an unknown teacher, srho
Sunday in Indianapolis Churches
Tomorrow has been set aside by the
State board of charities as "Prison Sun
day,” and special services will be held
in many churches throughout the State.
In ISB4 a group of New York clergymen
set aside one Sunday In the year for
discussing the beßt way to deal with
crime and criminals, and this custom
has been followed in various States since.
New Church Chapel—At the morning
worship the Rev. H. Durand Downward,
pastor, will preach on “A Prophet’s
Central Christian Church—“ The Cup of
Salvation” and “Life’s Fitful Fever,” will
be the morning and evening themes of
the Rev. Allan B. Phllputt.
Tabernacle Presbyterian Church-—At
the morning service the theme of the
Rev. J. Ambrose Dunkel, pastor, will
be "Giving Commands to Christ,” and
that of the evening, “Against Our God.”
Meridian Heights Church—ln the
morning the pastor, the Itev. T. R. White,
will preach on - ‘‘The Cry of the Wild
Goose,” and iu the evening on "Tales of
the Sea.”
> Roberts Park M. E. Church—ln the
morning Dr. George M. Smith, pastor,
will preach on “Who Owns You," and
In the evening a special song service will
be given.
First Congregational Church —’Cooper-
ating With God,” will be the topic of
the morning sermon by the Rev. George
Savery, „. r, i
Second Presbyterian Church— A Posi
tive Faith" and "Lest We Forget will
be the subjects of the morning and eve
ning sermons, respectively, of the Lev.
Owen Davies Odell. . _ n
Central Avenue M. E. Church—Dr. O.
W. Fifer, pastor, will preach on “Good
News From a Far Country" In the morn
ing and on “A Mountain Fire” in the
evening. “World’s Temperance Sunday”
will he observed at the Sunday school
First Presbyterian Church — The Rev.
A. Woodruff Halsey of New York City
will p-each on "Is th<- Wo-H row. -
Better?" at the morning worship and
on "Foreign Missions and a World Fed
eration" at night.
Wheeler Mission —C. Fenwick E-ed,
evangelist, will talk on "The Mun With
a Mighty Message" at 3 o’clock in the
afternoon and in the evening an old
lashtoned revival will lie held.
Merldinn Street M. E. Church —Prof.
1.. R. Eekhardt of De Pauw University
will preach at the mornidg service. There
will be no evening service.
All Souls Unitarian Uhurch—"An Amer
ican Church" will be the subject of the
pastor, the Rev Francis 8. C. Wicks, at
the morning worship,
( U ill vernal i*t Church—ln the
morning the Rov. Edwih Cunningham,
i* '-or. wlil preach on "Authority for
Religious Belief."
, ,-sr itapti ,t * horrh—"The Witnessing
Church" and “The Song of the Victo
rious War" will be the morning and
even’ng themes respectively, of Dr.
Frederick E. Taylor, pastor
Fust Tenth !*tr*et Church—The Rt.
simply was wrapped up In mathematics
and possessed the faculty of putting hi*
theories and mathematical processes in
logical arrangement and clear language.
Special Interest In a subject and mas
tery of the mechanics of textbook wrlt
ig are the main qualifications of any
successful author of schoolbooks.
An editor here tells us hi* house !•
always looking for good material. Ir
respective of the author’s statu*.
Most of the people who write school
books are teachers, he say*
Some teach In backwood* country
achocihouse* and other* are university
They have felt the lack of a good
cextbook on some subject, or they bar*
found a better way of teaching It, and
out of their experience com* the manu
scripts which brttig about so many
advances in education.
Commissioners Told All Will
Be in Readiness.
Final Inspection of the voting ma
chines wh'ch will b* used on election day,
will be made Sunday and Monday by th*
members of the Marlon County board of
election commissioners.
A total of fifty two marines remain to
be set up in the voting r l *'’'**. according
to Abe Koul* and O. B Williamson, who
are in charge of the machine*.
Routs and Williamson told the county
commissioners as well as tho election
commissioners they felt sure all would
be tn readiness by the time tj polls
open Tuesday morning, although there ts
much work to bo done
It became known today that Richard
Sipe and Jackson Carter. Republican
member* of th* election board, decided
In the absence of Wood barn 4 lf***on,
Demotrntic member of the board, thnt
the two machines which were to bo held
In reserve os emergency machine* would
be placed In the first nnd second pre
cincts of Decatur township.
"Those two precincts are among th#
smallest," protested Mr. Masson. “We
have always agreed thnt two machines
would be held as emergency machines In
tho case of one breaking down."
Mr. Carter said, “we haven't used
emergency machines In th# past!”
"We used them two years ago,” said
Mr. Masson.
“If a machine breaks down wo have
enough bullots,” said Mr. Carter.
This action of the two Republican
members may result in serious conse
quences if a machine should break down
at on enrly hour In one of the city’s big
Wanderer, Guilty, to
Face Second Charge
CHICAGO, Oct. 30.—Carl Wanderer
sentenced to twenty-five years In prison
for the murder of hits wife, after the
Jury had deliberated twenty hours, to.
day faced trial for murder of an un
known ragged stranger.
The “stranger" was believed Identified
today as John Barrett, t'ormer Canadian
He was charged by Wanderer with th#
death of Mrs. Wanderer lu an attempted
hold-up June 21.
Wanderer claimed he killed the man
after Mrs. Wanderer wus shot down.
Detroit Girl, 15, and
Man Held in Chicago
CniCAGO, Oct. 30.—Robert Cole, 23,
and Tersa Wendt, 15, both of Detroit,
were heNl by police today pending an
They were arrested on complaint of tho
girl’s father, who catne here to Investi
gate her disappearance.
Wendt told the police he found Cole
and his daughter together here.
Cole said he left Detroit a week ago
•nd the girl followed him to Chicago.
The Man That Started Good Roads in Marion
County Was
Promises to give the people an economical busi
ness administration
Goorge S. Hennlnger, pastor, will preach
at the morning and evening services.
First Unity Spiritualist Church —in
the evening the Rev. Mrs. Lewis, pastor,
will lecture.
Unity Truth Center —Devotional serv
ices will be held in the morning.
,u„ , sive Sprituallst Church—Eve
ning services will be conducted under
the direction of Mrs. Emma King and
Mrs. Anna Taronseu.
Speedway Christian Church —The Rev.
Charles Gunsaulus, pastor, will preach on
"The Truths and Untruths of Spiritual
ism" at the morning worship and at the
evening service on "The Anchor of the
Brookside C. B. Church—“ Wisdom's
Ways" will be the subject of the pastor,
the Rev. J. B. Parsons, at the morning
worship. , In tho evening a special pro
gram by the Women’s Missionary So
ciety, in the charge of Mrs. S. E. Lltteral,
will be given.
Capitol Avenue M. E. Church—" The
Rivals of Heart and Brain" and “The
Power cf the Gospel of Jesus” will be
the morning and evening topics, respec
tively, of the Rev. Edgar Murr, pastor.
Hall Place M. E. Church —In the morn
ing tho pastor, the Rev. Horace A.
Sprague, w.ll preach on “Autumn
Leaves" in the morning and on “Jack-o’-
Lanterns" in the evening.
North Park Christian Church—The Rev.
J, D. Garrison, pastor, will have for the
morning and evening themes of his ser
mons, "The Menace of a Quitter” and
"The Evolution of a Christian” respec
Kina Avenue M. E. Church—"Forward’’
and “The World’s Greatest Need" will be
the morning and evening subjects re
spectively of the Rev. W. W. Clouse,
Downey Avenue Christian Church—ln
the morning the Rev. Clarence Reiden
bach, pastor, will preach on “The Life of
God in the Soul of Man" and on “A
Juvenile Notion of Vothig” In the eve
St. Paul M. E. Church—" Good Litera
ture" and ‘‘Making Faces” will be the
morning and evening topics respectively
of the Rev. Frank L. Hovls for his ser
Bt. Paul’s Episcopal Church —In the
morning the pastor, the Rev. Lewis
Brown, will preach on "The Crucial Test
of Religion,” and In the evening ou "Re
member the Dead."
Morris Street M E. Church—The sub
jects of the morning nnd evening ser
mons of the Rev. E. A. Robertson, pastor,
will be "Conformity Versus Tranaform-
Jty" and "Religious Axioms,” respec
i- rlat’i Church —The Rev. James D.
Stanley, pnstor, will preach on "Called
to Be Saints” at the morning worship.
Maple Road M. E. Church—ln the
morning the pastor, the Rev. J. G. Dod
dridge will preach on "Is Prohibition
Stl’l Bn Issue?" and on "Christs Stand
ard of Citizenship” in the evening.
Trinity M. E. Church—The Rev C N
Willson, pastor, will preach on ‘‘The
Failure or Law” at the morning service,
aud on “The Development cf Abaolem”
at the evening.
Woman Who Lost Son Pleads
for League Pact.
Expressive of the attitude of War
Mothers in the present campaign la the
following letter, received by Mrs Mae
Hahn, 225S North Capitol avenue, from
Mra Olive Carpenter, Washington, whose
•on was killed In action:
Cousin Mae and ali eligible voter* In
your household: If you have any sym
pathy for tie lorn and bleeding heart#
< f those who were bereaved In the bite
war; If you cherish and reverence th#
memory of those dear ones who sleep
In Flsnders; If you have any compas
sion for • war-weary war-torn world:
If you have any lov# in your heart* for
■ uttering humanity ; If you have a de
1 Mr# to help bring this world out of Us
pre#*t;t chaotic condition and start Its
people on the highway to peace, prog
re nnd posperity—then I beg of you,
from tbs depths of my Immortal soul,
as one who has made the supreme ac
rlfiee, as n “gold star* mother, to lay
nil partisan feeling aside and rote for
the League of Nation*.
This t# not a party question, but a
world principle.
Purely we can not break faith with
those noble boys who gave so freely of
their ltfe s blood for the cause of liberty,
for you know that "we could not sleep
In 'Flanders fields If we did not know
that the torch of freedom would t>#
grasped from the fallen heroes' bands"
aud carried on to a world wide victory.
In the name of God and suffering hu
manity. I plead with you all to help
bring about a condition whereby our
nob e sons- the grandest tn ail God's
universe—will never again be sacrlfl-ed
or the mother hert of the world over
again be plunged Into such ati abyss of
suffering and unspeakable sorrow
Vote for the Iwague of Nation* and
receive the blessings of all right-thinking
peopls. With love always.
Your cousin,
Remembrance Grove
Dedicated Tomorrow
Unusual ceremonies will mark the dedi
cation of the Grove of Remembrance at
Garfield Park at 3 o’clock tomorrow af
The Grove of Remembrance consists of
295 trees, each planted In remembrance
of a Marlon County boy who gave his
life in the World War,
The exercises will be held In the north
east corner of the park following
parade from the Bhelby street side.
Charles B. Coffin, president of the
bonrd of park commissioners, will pre
sent the grove formally to the relatives
of the dead heroes and Hilton U. Brown
will make the dedicatory address, fol
lowing which 293 children from the pub
lic schools will dance into the grove and
tag each tree with the name of a sol
A chorus of SOO school children and a
school band will furnish music.
New Albany Man Is
Killed Beneath Train
Bloomington, Tnd., Oct. so.—j. n.
Speaso, Jr., 23, New Albany, Is dead here
ns result of Injuries sustained when he
was run over by a stone train on the
Monon railroad.
Although his body was cut almost In
two, he retained consciousness wbil# the
cur wheels were helng Jacked up so that
he might be removed.
He died on the way to a hospital.
Rpeaae, It Is said, caught bis foot la
a frog In the tracks and fell directly 1*
front of the train.
Wilson’s Physician
Denies Relapse Word
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.—Reports that
President Wilson had suffered a relapse
were denied by Dr. Cary T. Grayson, the
President’s physician, today.
(Continued From Page One.)
Congress to enact a law making mill- i
tary training universal and compulsory, j
3. We demand that all offieps be sala- ‘
rled, and that all fees be abolished. We
condemn the oppression of the people
through the means of the prosecutor's l
office when such prosecutioi s are in
stituted simply to collect fees, and not
to vindicate the law.
4. We are In favor of discharging all
unnecessary and incompetent employes
now crowding both the courthouse and
the city hall to the great detriment of
the public. We favor rigid economy tn
all departments of the public service.
fi. We denounce as criminal and in
human the manner in which the- present
Republican sheriff has treated prisoners.
He lias made thousands of dollars feed
ing tbe-n rotten, diseased and Insufficient
food, and they have been abused and
mistreated in a manner that was shame
less. Gambling was allowed to be car
ried on at the Jail between the officers
and the prisoners and the men in charge
of them pocketed a “rakeoff” on the
unlawful practices. Insane prisoners
were abused so ns to cause suffering and
death. These crimes call for retribution
by an outraged public.
6. We denounce ns criminal the manner
In which the hopeless!'/ Insane tnmafes
were treated at the Julietta Asylum. And
we denounce the suppression of the truth
by the Republican county commissioners.
7. We contemplate with horror the
treatment of the pauper dead by Arthur
C. Whiteside, a Republican politician,
who had a contract from the county to
bury them. The bodies were buried In
such hollow graves that the dogs dug
them out. Seventeen bodies were hurled
in one hole aud a dog was buried with
them. A political party tbnt will em
ploy such men deserves detent.
8. We denounce the Incoinpotency of
our city officials, who have failed to en
force the law aga’nst political rounders
who live by gambling. Wo denounce as
a crime the condition In which our
streets are kept and the way our money
Is being squandered in the employment
of useless nnd inefficient employrs. We
denounce the infamous deal by means of
which a SVOOO reduction plant whs sold
to the city for ?175.nn0. We denounce
the c ty officials beeause. Instead of serv
ing the people, they have played politics
nnd have created a political ring that
totally disregards the wants and wishes
of our clt zens.
9. We denounce as dangerous to the
public welfare the unlawful combination
of city and county Repul.Mean politicians
"b r b dominates Dominations to office
and coerce the appointment of subordi
nates chosen by them, and that does not
hesitate at any means to gain its end.
10. Me denounce as h mocrltlcal and
Insincere the claim of the present Repub
l ean city and coupty officials, that they
tc-t honesty and clean government,
records show broken promises. In
effi, iency nnd dishonesty and the people
are condemning them as unclean and are
demanding a change.
„°" **>* lt pa e of "Marlon County
Craft is the following:
The f< regoing is only a part of the
extravagau -e an*! wasteful acts of the
local Republican administration.
In order that this pamphlet might he
brb-f and thus be read by every one,
oi.d also that tn# cost of publishing the
same bo reduced to a sum within the
means of the publish#.-*, it was found
necessary to omit ninny acts of the Re
publican machine which tend to Increase
the burden upon the taxpayer.
We believe that the interest# of the
citizens of Marlon Countv will be best
served by the defeat of the. local Re
publican ticket, thereby placing in the
courthouse official* who are not of th*
same political faith as those who sit so
arrogantly in the city halL
Extension Division
of I. U. in New Home
Today is moving day for the extension
division of Indiana Unirers'ty. which Is
transferring Its administrative office#
from th# Merchants Bank building to
th# Medical College building at 102 North
Senate avenue
The extension division ha# occupied a
suite lu the bank building for four years
It will now occupy tho second and
third floors of the building on Senate
avenije and Market street, which ts owned
by the Stats and which has recently been
remodeled for the purpose of accommo
dating th# extension division with both
offices and classrooms.
Extensive improvements have been
made in the building, and additional
lights bav# been placed around the ex
Four Doctors Return
From Duck Hunting
Dr*. W. I. McCullough. Fred W. Miller,
Carl E. Ingalls mid C. E. Y'aeter re
turned yesterday from a ten day hunting
trip near Gpn Lake, Mirb. The four ni*n
arrived at the lake with the first flight
south of the northern ducks and found
the shooting good sport.
Severn! nights the party, with guides,
found coon huutlng exceptionally good.
Many Indianapolis hunters within the
next few days will leave for northern
potnts meeting the annual flight south
of ducks.
NEW YORK, Oct. 30.—A sentence of
eight to sixteen years today was given
19-year-old Frederick C. Elliot, convict
ed of blackjacking and robbing Grover
Kllgamon of Pennsylvania In what Judge
Crain characterized as “typical of out
rages to which visitors to New York are
exposed.” Elliot was a taxi chauffeur.
That Sprinkle cf Sugar
over your cereal dish
is expensive and it is
a needless expense.
Try the rich flavor of
A blend of wheat and malt- 1
ed barley rich in its own
Grape Nuts requires no sugar
and this is only one
feature of its c>ex>
eral usefulness IP
and economy.
At Grovers If
Everywhere £
Made by Postum Cereal Cojnc,
Battle Creek.Mkh. *£&
* - ■ L***"* **** Ppjii
Mystic Tie Party
Attended by Many
More than 2,000 persons attended a
masked party given by the Mystic Tie
Lodge at the Murat Temple last night.
The party was the first ever given by a
blue lodge In the Temple.
Special provisions were made for the
children, who had Just aa good a time
as the grown-up guests.
An abundance o' typical Halloween
refreshments were served.
Italians to Give Columbus
Statue to Indiana.
Presentation exercises of the monument
of Christopher Columbus to the State
by the Italian!, of Indianapolis, Kokomo
and Loganspo.-t will be held tomorrow I
afternoon in tie Statehouse grounds.
Preceding tie presentation a parade 1
will be held, forming at Vermont street
and Capitol avenue, marching east to
Meridian stree:, south on Meridian street
to Washington street, east to Alabama !
street, west on Washington street to :
Senate avenue.
Frank De Julio will be grand marshall, ‘
assisted by V. Mercurlo, A. Mannella, G.
La Rosa and D. Modica.
The presentation ceremony will open
with the singing of “America.”
Dr. Vincent A. Lapenta will present
the monument and the speeches of ac
ceptance will be made by representatives
of the State and of the city.
James A. Collins will make an address,
a greeting will be given by the Knights
of Columbus, and Dr. A. Sodaroglio, a
representative of the Italian government,
will make a few remarks.
The executive committee. In charge of
raising the funds for the monument, Is;
Dr. Lapenta, president; Mr. De Julio,
vice president; Mrs. Mannella, secretary;
V. Mercurlo, N. Mazza, G. La Rose, D.
Modica, A. Barone, R. Trillo, M. Man
nella, C. Cartascell, F. Cocco, D. Della
Penna, D. Vassalo, M. Va&salo, D. Del
Barrello, F. Del Borrello, G. Tana. D.
Scaletta. U. Rugglere, M. Mascarl, A. Kes
sin). Joe Fopplana, L. De Felice, N. Della
Secretary New Claims Indiana
by 40,000 Majority.
Burt New, executive secretary of the
Democratic State committee, today made
the following statement predicting a
Democratic victory at the polls next
“I predict a sweeping victory for In
diana Democracy next Tuesday.
"The League of Nations has been the
great national moral Issue In the cam
paign and the la ge majority of the peo
ple in Indiana, without regard to party,
have rallied to the support of Cox and
Rooseevelt, and this issue they represent.
"Much credit is due the women for the
gallant fight they have made for the
• Never In the history of Indian* have
the people suffered so much from the
wrongs of a State administration as they
have from the present State administra
tion, and next Tuesday they will reg
ister their, protest by vot-ng the Demo.
I eratlc ticket.
! "The prospects for Democratic success
j were never so bright as at this hour.
"The independent vote In the State Is
with us.
“We have made steady gains from the
; beginning o' the campaign and In the
(last thee weeks there has been a won
! derful change In sentiment in our fa
| “We will carry Indiana by not less than
; 40,000.”
Clark McKinley Dies
at Mnncie Home
Special to The Times.
MUNCIE, Ind.. Oct. 30.—Cinrk McKin
ley. State representative ftr.im Delaware
County and candidate for re-election,
died this morning of black diphtheria.
McKinley was a brother of State Sen
ator Arthur D. McKinley, and was wide
ly known In msuy States as an arbiter
of disputes between organized labor and
Here’s Tip! Look in
Yom* Soap Cartons
CHICAGO, Oct. SO— All Is not soap
that 1" labeled such, was the discovery
made by Jesse Brown, who has succeeded
MaJ. A. V. Dalrymple a* prohibition su
, pervlsor of the Central States.
Boxes full of Canadian liquor billed as
soap are now on the market in Chicago
for $lO5 a case, according to a tip being
Investigated by Brown.
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Oct. 30.—George
Rogers, 88, one of the most prominent
Odd Fellows In Indiana. Is dead at the
home of hie son, Bruce Rogers, In Cam
bridge, Mass., according to word re
ceived here. The body will arrive In
Lafayette Sunday.
Concrete Steamer Sinks Three
Minutes After Col
> lision.
NEWPORT, R 1., Ocv 80.—Nineteen
members of the crew of the concrete
steamer Cape Fear, sunk In a collision
with the steamer City of Atlanta, in
Narragansette bay, last night, were
missing todey.
It was believed most of the men had
been drowned.
The boat sank three minutes after tho
Although the sea was calm and tho
weather clear, It was said the men scarce
ly had time to launch the life boats.
A great hole was torn In the bow of
the City of Atlanta, but her bulkhead*
prevented her sinking.
The Cape Fear, a United' States Ship
ping Board boat, was struck amidships.
The concrete quivered and almost Im
mediately began to settle at the bow.
Three minutes later she rested at th*
A raft on which was a can of hard
tack and numerous articles of clothing,
believed to have been used by members
of the wrecked steamer Cape Fear, was
washed ashore near Ft. Adams today.
Other wreckage from the vessel also
wap beached.
Confusion over signals Is understood
to have been the cause of the crash.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.—The naval
communication service here was anxious
ly waiting for word early today about
the fate of the steamer Rambler, plying
between Keywest and Havana, which is
reported drifting southwest of Santiago,
Cuba, with fifty passengers aboard and
no water.
A Cuban gunboat, which had gone to
the vessel’s rescue, failed to find any
trace of her.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.—The seagoing
mine sweeper Tanayer has been Bent
from Guantanamo, Cuba, to the vicinity
of Cane Cruze in search of the steamship
Ramblfr, according to a dispatch from
the commandant at Guantanamo to th*
Navy Department today.
The route between Key West and Ha
vana is an important link in the Now
York-to-Cuba communication, which has
been extraordinarily well frequented by
prominent New York and Newport so
e’ety folk since prohibition went lnt*
effect in the United States.
KEY WEST, Fla., Oct. 30.—A1l United
States coast guard cutters of this sta
tion have been sent out to search for th*
hull of the steamship Speedwell, plying
lietween Key West and Havana, which
has been reported sighted adrift inverted
off the southwestern Cuban coast.
No tidings have been received today
of the missing steamer.
MR com
Daily use of Cuticura Soap,
assisted when necessary by
Cuticura Ointment, promotes
a clear skin, good hair and
soft white hands in most
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ways include the exquisitely
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Soap 28c. Ointment 23 and SOc.Takom
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sample each fra# address: “Cuticura U
ovat-srte.. Dept. K, Msidan 40. Mom.**
JAi^-Cuticara Soap shavas without m**t
The Wonderful Cold Breaker
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Colds cause Pneumonia, Flo,
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Don’t neglect your cold
TER-CAM-FO la an antisep*
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Gives Immediate results*
Try it. 1
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Insist on TER-CAM-FO
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the 'Weto Granh. Great fun for lovera of
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Will send the Weto Graph by mall wltH;
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