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10 We Will Help You to Save Safely fhttfytr anb Crust CZa IMUKAKUS MOSCOW TROOPS MUTINY, REPORT Arrests and Executions Told of by Travelers. LONDON, Nov. 2.—An Exchange Tele graph dispatch from Copenhagen to day quotes the newspaper Polltiken as saying that travelers from Russia re port that a mutiny has broken out among the troops of Moscow; that 6,000 have'been arrested and 200 executed. This dispatch Is not confirmed from any other source. LONDON, Nov. 2. —General Wrangel's anti-Bolshevist army in south Russia has been recislvely defeated and is retreat ing into Crimea, the point from which General Wrangel began his operations against the reds eight months ago. The news is confirmed by unofficial advices from Constantinople. The reds have reached the Sea of Aiov at Berdiansk and Mariupol. They are now engaged in closing the pottle neck of the peninsula at the north ern end of Crimea, where they have taken Perekop. K. C.*s Hold Service for Dead Members Indianapolis Council, Knights of Co lumbus. held memorial service at the home, 1305 North Delaware street, Mon day night for members of the order who died during the past year. The year's death list includes M. J. Clifford, Theodore Kruse, Thomas E. Smith, Edward O’Day, Fred P. O’Brien, Edward C. Lee, Thomas McDermott, and Maurice Murphy. The Cathedral Quartette, composed of Elmer A. Steffen, C. A. O'Connor, Hum bert P. Pagani and 11. E. Calland, gave the incidental music, and the eulogy was pronounced by Past Grand Knight Timothy P. Harrington. The address, “Our Order and Its Dead,” was delivered by District Deputy William Madden. At the close of the meeting following the memorial service, in response to a general order sent out by Supreme Knight James A. Flaherty, prayer was offered for the repose of the soul of Terence MacSwiney, mayor of Cork. Stock Certificates Found in Coal Car Special to The Times. • • TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Nov. 2.—Stock certificates, some negotiable, and some transferable, -warranty deeds, bonds, mortgages and other legal papers which filled a large gunny sack were found Monday morning in an empty coal car in the C. & E. I. Railroad yards here and turned over to the police depart ment. They were part of the contents of safety deposit boxes rifled at the Newark (111.) Farmers' State Oct. IS. when it was robbed of stock certificates repre senting $62,000. Seeking Relatives of Ethel Spencer Here Efforts are being made by attaches of the City Hospital to find the relatives of Ethel Spencer, 15, 244 North Capitol avenue. The young woman, who has been 111 a number of weeks, Is In a critical con dition at the hospital today following an operation. While she formerly roomed at the Capitol avenue address no person at that rooming house knows anything about her relatives and the authorities believe she gave an assumed name. Two Face Charges in Abrahams Robbery Emery Reetor, 2(5. 521 North Liberty street, and William R Adams, 22. same address, were arrested by detectives to day. the former on a charge of robbery and conspiracy and the latter on a charge of eonspirary. Th<-y are alleged to be connected with the robbery of Ralph Abrahams. 1151 North Jefferson avenue, from whom &8d was taken Oct. 29. Woman, in Bed, Is Victim of^Vssailant Mrs. Catherine Cunningham, 226 East Michigan street, was awakened last night by a man who grasped her by the throat and told her if she opened her mouth he would “cut her head off.” Mrs. CuDningham sleeps in a hall, shut off w tb a curtain. She struggled with her assailant and succeeded in getting away from him. The man escaped. Ladies LetCuticura Keep Your Skin Fresh and Young SoC,OfafTnent,T.'ram,2se. every where. For esmpUw giix-aia: Cst:ar labor-.* rlu,Dp;.Z. kui TAKE SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS fiat less meat if you feel Back achy or have Bladder Trouble. Meat forms uric acid which excites and overworks the kidneys In their efforts to fliter It from the system. Regular caters of meat must flush the kidneys occa sionally. You must relieve them like you relieve your bowels; removing all the aeids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull misery In the kidney reg ,r >u, sharp pains In the back or sick Ueau-che, dlx ■Lness, your stomach sours, tongue Is coated and when the weather la bad you have rheumatic twinges. The nrlne Is cloudy, full of sed.meat; the channels often get irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times during tha night. To neutralise these Irritating adds and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salta from any pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act flpe and bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithia. and has been used for generations to clean-and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder irritation. Jad Halts is Inexpensive; harmless and makes s delightful effervescent lithla-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then, thus avoiding serious kid ney . and bladder ill senses,—Advertise meat PLAN COMMUNITY CHEST CAMPAIGN Commerce Chamber to Head Drive Nov. 15-21. Further plans for the community chest campaign for money for the support of more than forty charitable institutions of Indianapolis were outlined Monday after noon at a meeting of the board of di rectors, with Charles F. Coffin, presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce, and campaign director for the chest. The campaign will he conducted dur ing tlie week of Nov. 15 to 21, and it is believed not more than this time will be required to make the campaign a suc cess. The city will be divided into four principal sectors or divisions for the campaign. The appointment of divisional direc tors will be made in several days. Announcement also was made that nearly five hundred persons will be in eluded in the organization for the rais ing of funds. The complete organization will be per fected within the next week or ten days. One general campaign of this kind will take the place of individual campaigns by the charitable institutions themselves, which was done in former times. Those who attended the meeting Mon day. in additlona to Mr. Coffin, were L. C. Huesmann, Frederic M. Ayres, Wil liam J. Mooney, Robert Lleber, Franklin Vonnegut, Mrs. George C. Hitt, Edward A. Kahn and Fred J. Hoke. ‘Jack the Clipper’ Prefers Red Hair PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 2.—The police are searching for a mysterious “Jack the Clipper.” who has a penchant for red hair. He has been motoring around the city and when he sees a Titiau-halred lass he Jumps from his car, snips off her hair, and then flits. Lillian It. Gallagher, 15, is one who wore her auburn ball* in eight long curls, but now has it bobbed. Another Mary Song Pal; Divorce Follows MOUNT VERNON, N. Y.. Not. 2. Mrs. llopo L. Snyder, the movie actress, was granted a divorce here from her husband, Theodore F. Snyder, soug writer, of New York, another movie actress being named as co-respondent. Mrs. Snyder just loved her husband's song, “Oh, What a Pal Was Mary,” un til she learned that the piece was dedi cated, not to her, but to another. Perfection Oil Heaters With a Perfection Oil Heater In the home, one can quickly make a chilly room warm and cozy. Can U) easily be carried n from one room to another. Alwnyg ready for Instant use. Three sizes, $7.50, $9.00 and $11.50 Soot-I-Cide Cleans Flues and Removes Soot Soot -1 - Clde Is a most ex eellent prep- crt73i*Jr>.n32D Sg aration for Soot-I-Cide 5* r e m o ving |u soot from c IK c h 1 m neys, fcefroves Soot {?, stoves, fur- . Eg naces, etc. - H Makes soft ' —' coal as clean to use as hard coal. • One can of Soot-I-Ode will convince you of Its wonderful efficaciousness. Price, per Box, 35c LILLY HARDWARE Ct MPANY 114.118 E. Washington St. Acid Stomach For 10 Years Now a Different Woman Earnestly Praises Eatonic “My wife was a great sufferer from acid stomach for 10 years,” writea H. D. Crippen, “but is a different woman since taking Eatonic.” Sufferers from acid stomach let Eatonic help you also. It quickly takes up and carries out the excess acidity and gases and makes the stomach cool and comfortable. You digest easily, get the full strength from vour food, feel well and strong free from bloating, belching, food repeat, ng, etc. Big box costs only a tniie with your druggist’s guarantee. BETTER DEAD Life In a burden when the body ia racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take GOLD MEDAL The national remedy of Holland for ovet 200 years; it ia an enemy of all pains re sulting from kidney, liver and uric acid roubles. All druggists, three sizes, teak {er the name Gold Medal oe every Mm •ad accept mo METHUSALEH WAS A PIKER? Woman Says We Should Live 500 Years. The first hundred years are the hardest. Mrs. Gertrude Steele Chamber, practical psychologist, thinks they are comparatively easy and that it wouldn’t be hard to add some 500 more rears to them. In fact, she doesn’t think Methusa leh deserves any credit at all. She told all about it in a lecture at the Masonic temple last night. She declared also that the average humr.n being is only about 10 per cent conscious. In other words, he’s mostly dead and doesn’t know enough to lie down. She says the way to grow old is to use your intellect, eat properly, exer cise and develop your sub-conscious mind. Woman, Hit by Auto, Is Injured Slightly Mrs. Fred Reed, 3370 Broadway, was slightly injured today when an automo bile In which she was riding was struck by an automobile driven by Samuel C. Cohen, 4903 Washington boulevard, at Thirtieth and Ruckle streets. She was tnken to her home. Norwalk Cord Tires GUARANTEED 10,000 MILES § Powerful and Sturdy without one ounce of unncees sarv weight the NORWALK CORD is a triumph of engineering skill. In selecting the material that enters into the con- '^\\ struction of NORWALKS nothing was overlooked \ that would increase its efficiency or add to the pride [ J 4 ■ 1 and pleasure of its owner. NORWALK CORD TIRES f j. are so scientifically constructed that neither road | H.’y I ; jJ shocks nor climatic changes eifect its marvelous easy I .| >'! riding, wear resisting qualities. i jbj Imi Ji MODERATELY PRICED SI j Let us show you the NORWALK CORD TIRES U\\ \ /#j I CHANGING AND MOUNTING OF TIRES FREE. DISTRIBUTORS NORWALK TIRES STEAMER RUGS, AUTO GLOVES, EXHAUST HEATERS “Quality Considered, We Sell It for Less” OPEN SATURDAY EVENING TILL 9 O’CLOCK CITIZENS AUTO SUPPLY WHOLESALE CO RETAIL Pearl C, Barnes, Mgr. ® Homer E. Enlow, Asst. Mgr. Mass. Ave. at Delaware and New York Sts. MAIN 4168 BOTH PHONES AUTO. 27-564 ✓'©©N, Making onr otyti lenses right here on the premises and car rying a most complete line of frames and mountings, enables us to care for your eye-glass troubles accurately and quick ly. Above all Our Price Is Reasonable No Extra Charge for Examination Guaranteed Satisfaction Hoosier Optical Cos. 148 North Illinois Street Phone Main 6529 Boys’ Tan SCOUT SHOES Wednesday Only J While 200 Pairs Last f Best quality tan and pearl elk iM O \ hide uppers; strong, heavy soles. /W A shoe that will stand y / \j the wear. Sizes Ito / jj Second Floor FELTMAN & CURME SHOE STORES CO. — E. Washington READY TO 00 YOUR REPAIR W ° BK ' W D ° IT T ‘ Vm&jSm Hayes Bros. Jm MAIN 2493 AUTO 27 491 INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1920. DOG HILL PARAGRAFS Tobe Mosley’s mule bus Just completed eating a load of hay und started in this afternoon on Columbus Allsop’s straw hat. To settle an argument Jefferson Fot- Itakrr'n Shortening—Glossbrenner’s. 5 Sisters, Over 70, to Cast Votes Today Special to Tho Times. NORTH MANCHESTER, Ind., Nov. o—Fi ve sisters, the youngest one 73 years old, will cast their first votes today. Four of the sisters will vote In Wabash County. The sisters nre Olive Marine, 96; Catherine Harter, 91, Uowena Harter, 84, of North Manchester; Abble Thorne, 94, of near Wabash, and Ella Rhodes, 73, of Colorado Springs, Colo. The five sisters are"the daughters of Amos and Edith Cowglll, a Quaker family, which came to Wabash Coun ty nearly a century ago. locks went over today and looked at the Tickvllle train with his own eyes, and says after nil is said and done it don’t look so much like a wheat thrasher. Sap Spradlen says if the hoot owl don't stop asking him questions every time he passes tho Dog Hill graveyard on a dark night be Is going to take to going around the other way. JAMES H. GABY DEAD. BALTIMORE, Nov. 2.-James H. Ga ry, 88, postmaster general under Mc- Kinley, is dead at his home hew. The Wonderful Cold Breaker TER-CAM-FO For Children and Grown Folks Colds cause Pneumonia, Flu, and other dreaded diseases. Don’t neglect your cold TER CAM FO is an antisep tic and effective germicide. Gives Immediate results. Try It. SOLD AT ALL GOOD DRUG STORLS 50 cents Insist on TER-CAM FO Why Don’t You Try Pyramid? Ki a Free Trlnl of Pyramid Snp poaltorle* Should (•ratrful Ro ller from tlir Itching and Puln. You have no Idea how satisfactory is Pyramid until you use It. 'Jfry It now. G-t a 00-ccnt nox of any druggist. B relieved of itching, protruding piles, hemorrhoids and such rectal troubles. A single box has often been sufficient. Take no substitute. If you would like a free trial, please till out and mall the coupon. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, 598 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich Kindly send me a Free sample of Pyramid Pile Suppositories, lu plain wrapper. Name Street City State. Clogged-Up Liver Causes Headache It'sfooliah to fufier from constipation, sick headache, oiHousnesa, di*zinesa indigestion, and kin- Aim dred ailments __ uu,. c ‘l!v:’. fCARTwSI Pill, will end m£ | Yt, eT ail misery M jV/pci a f-;W hours. A |j " Pure! y vege- i 1.. |_ !S table. Act gently on liver and bowela tauil Pill—Small Dose—Small Price Overcoats amt, t"5 11 ttt; Just a trifle first pay ment and a good coat will make you happy— welcome. WE DO US WE ACVERTiSE READ MENTER'S TERMS 12.00 down and $2.00 a w©ek on a purchuH© of $30.06. On pnr rhuifH of 54). 100 or I.V) dollar* liberal term* ©l|| b© rlt©f*rfuUy arrunird. l’eopl© living iu nuburban town© are In* lted. G3IMII 111 South Illinois St. Entire First ami Second Floors. Open Saturday Night Until ft O’clock. Accounts With Ont-of- Tftwn t'netomer* Gladly Opened. ®USE the Best Finsst White J 1 Granuiated, I|| jjjfM eg „ No Limit ££ li w Take All You Want || Gar Lasts |rg pound— il ral HIM? (Meanest Stores in the World Indianapolis Locations No. 1—137 E. Wash. No. 5—5160 E. Wash. No. B—2oo N. Delaware. No. 2—34th and Clifton. „ „ „ onR w No - 9 ~ 1402 S. East. No. 3—3029 E. Tenth. No ’ 6—12208 W ’ No 10 _ 122 8 Oliver. No. 4-927-9 Ft. Wayne. No. 7—2154 College. No. 11—452 W. Wash. 9 £ L I 0 H T T H E i A Election Returns By Western Union Wires Will be thrown on a screen from our building No Street Cars No Traffic Come and enjoy the evening with us Merchants Heat and Light Company C. O’B. Murphy, General Manager. THE DAYMGHT CORNER. Here’s a habit you /"“V will appreciate L-pgan more as years go by yar JLfe —have group por traits made of the family at regular Portralts Ordered intervals. Now> _ Cheerfully -7 Held for * ‘ Christmas NiaMi rw Kska nsr Delivery. CLOTHING CREDIT Hoyle o arick and JEwL. Clothing Cos. 803-805-307 W. Washington St. 2 Doors West Senate Ave. icy. job W y b ri jh FOR EVERY PURPOSE Hatfield Paint Ca main’ 104.50 MERIOIANvST. Auto 2303 INDIANAPOLIS 23-125 PHONE AND MAIL OROEfiS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION Office Furniture We have one of the largest y " >*. a jfortmenta of every style I * cesk needed for the office. Let | lr """ J *®*** ! ®^ us help you in the proper se- |hh | e lection. Fire and burglar proof I j “"" lIIL -' ji safes and vault door*. ■ I • Bases for home or office. • • FIXTURES FOR BTORE, OFFICE AND BANK. AETNA CABINET COMPANY Display Rooms, 321-29 W. Maryland St., Indianapolis Service and Satisfaction TRUSSES If i ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, BRACES FITTED BY EXPERT Complete Line Sick Room Supplier WBL H. ARMSTRONG CO. U WUT OHIO BT. #IW6IAIWOUP> J\nrwUTTTTWkil iVrin B. BOAZ, Jr. SIGNS, SHOW CARDS, OUTDOOR PUBLICITY 46 N. Pens. Main 2463 WtlUiiriAPit SMieitttiißiijßM invaluable fur lovers and tor aeeping recipes. addressee, eecret memorandum or other information sate and private. No • trauger can read your postals if you uss the Weto Graph. Great fun for lovers or friends. Don't mtse it. Send 10c aad wa will send the Weto Graph by mall wit* full instructions. Address PENN PLB UBHING CO.. BlalrsvtUs. Pa. 0 w E l b M I N T H E P A R K o