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BaadEl' Mlsg Shields, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Shields, and Clair Ivim ber will be married quietly Wednesday morning in the Second Presbyterian Church parlors by the Rev. O. 1). Udell. There will be no attend.nts and only the relatives and close friends will be r resent. Chaperons for the Trl Fleur ‘‘bargain dance” to be given in the Odeoa on Wednesday night will include Mr. and Mrs. Harry Royse, Mr. and Mrs John Glenn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weidman, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rink, Mr. '-ml Mrs. Harry Stillman. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sad ler, Mr. and Mrs. William Fogarty, Mr. and Mrs. George Kirkhoff, Mrs. Elizabeth Geiser, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McCarty. * * * Kappa Mu Tau will meet tonight with Miss Rose Scbarffin, 1225 Fnion street. * * * Attendants for the wedding of Miss Myra Fischer and John \V. Browne, which will take place Wednesday aft ernoon in All Souls Unitarian Church, will include Mrs. E. C. Matthlus, matron of honor; Miss Agues Browne, sister of the bridegroom, bridesmaid, and Hugo Fischer, best man. An interesting program was given at the meeting of the Indianapolis section of the Jewish Council of Women this afternoon in the Temple. Sidney Kusworm of Dayton. Ohio, talked on “Americanization”; Mrs. Henry J. Playwood told of the Girl Scout movement, and current topics were dis cussed generally under the leadership of Miss Gertrude Feiblemcn, and Mrs. J. C. Harris gave a group of dramatic read ings. * * Mr. and Mrs. John Battlce Ford, ,Tr.. have returned from their wedding trip and will pass a few days with Mrs. George Gordon Tanner before going to Detroit, where they will make their home. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lehman of the Knickerbocker apartment, together with Dr. Carl Ryan and Miss Ella Hartsock, passed the week-end in Dartviile wltn Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becklev. Mrs. F. A. Meyer, 1920 North Meridian street, and Miss Pauline Baker enter tained with a tea Monday afternoon, in honor of Mrs. R. Ward Macey and her guest, Miss Lela Goodall of Boston, and Mrs. Frederick Russell, a recent bride, who has come from New York City to Indianapolis for residence. French bas kets of chrysanthemums and masses of greenery were used through the rooms. Women Voters League Plans Election Party Plans have l>een completed for the “consolation party” to he given by the members of the League of Women Voters Friday evening, in the directors’ room of the Chamber of Commerce, with the exception of the naming of the hostesses as the women of the winning political party are to entertain the losers, Mrs. John F. Barnhill will be the cha’r luan for the Republicans and Mrs. Olive Leldon Lewis for the Itemocrafs. A campaign “mock movie” in three teels will be presented. Those taking part will include Mrs. Horace Huey, Miss Frances McMath. Mrs. Claude Palmer. Mrs. Edwin Camp. Mrs. Bicliard Habbe. Miss Edith Harshinan, Miss Esther Thornton. Miss Margaret Carter, Mrs. Warren Fifer. Mrs. W. B. Nethercut, Miss Helen Biederman and Miss Mar garet Montgomery. A joint debate called “Legal Nations, ’- written by Robert E. Cavanaugh, will he given under the direction of Miss Lola I. Perkins. A victory stunt in honor of the win ning President and Governor, a revue of campaign sngs by Miss Marianne Holmes, a skit. "Burying the Hatchet.” and the presentation of a gift to the losing party will compose the remainder of the program. Ail members of the league and their friends are Invited to be present. Harding- to Vote for Cox—Cox for Harding Fpecial to The Times. KOKOMO, Ind., Nov. 2.—Cox and Harding are neighbors here and there is a fence between their yards. William * will vote for Senator Harding Tues day and William Harding will vote for Governor Cox. 8 Men Cart Off $40,000 Booze Lootjn Chicago CHICAGO, Nov. 2.—Eight burglars crawled through a rear transom early to day, bound and gagged the watchman and stole $40,000 worth of whisky, gin and brandy from the liquor warehouse of Manny Blanc & Cos. More than two hours were used by the burglars in haulng away the plunder in two trucks. t IF YOU HAD A NECK 3 LONG AS THIS FELLOW. AND HAD tORE THROAT ONSILINE OULD QUICKLY RELIEVE IT Sc. and 60c. Hospital Size, $L ALL DRUGGISTS DO YOU WANT HEALTH-THEN BEAD Bulgaria and Oriental Europe Produce Sturdiest People. Do you want to feel from 10. to 30 years younger? Do you want to know the lov of Per fect Health? V You can get back the spirit of youth your eyes will sparkle with new life and the rich glow of health will re place the faded yellow skin. Bulgarian Blood Tea, used for centur ies in Oriental Europe, is the most re markable medicinal family preparation known in the world today. Comx>osed of choice and rare herbs, just brewed by 1 ourself and taken once -or twice a week, will be the beginning of anew life for you. 1 our blood will become rich and pure; the flame of life will be rekindled—no more headaches, bilious ness. constipation, indigestion or boue raeking aches or pains. Bulgarian Blood Tea ia guaranteed t o contain just pure herbs of marvelous medicinal and cura tive power gathered from fields, moun tains and valleys of Europe. Asia and Africa. Bulgarian Blood Tea taken steam ing hot at bed time will kill a cold and guard against influenza, grippe, pneu monia and other serious sickness. ' All drug stores now keep Bulgarian Blood Tea in stock, lout, owing to the enormous demand immediate application to your druggist is urged on account of the limited source or supply. Distribu ters of Bulgarian Blood Tea are au thorized to return the full purchase price If it does not materially improve your health in three weeks' time. This evi dence of faith In the power of Bulgarian Bb-od Tea is the guarantee of the Marvel Products Company, Marvel Building, PitPSbnrgh, Pa., who authorize this pub lic arnTr , ccter?t’—% In Pageant MISS LOIS BUTLER. Symbolizing “Youth,” Miss Lois Butler, talented young danseuse of this city, will be the central feminine figure in the pageant to be presented by the Girl Scouts Saturday afternoon on tile Monu ment steps. Miss Butler, who is still in high school, made a study of interpretive dancing in New Y'ork City for some time, and this season is studying under George Soinmes of Indianapolis. She has made a number of appearances in Indianapolis and will be seen this win ter in the Little Theater productions. The pageant of Saturday, which Is composed of a series of pantomimes rep resenting various activities of the Girl Scouts, Is under the direction of Mr. Soinmes, assisted by Miss Florence Far man. A parade, starting from the Public Library at 1 :30, proceeding down Meri dian street to the Monument, will pre cede the pag-ant. COULDN’T GO IN BOOTH WITH HIM But They ‘Dope’ Out Their Ballots on Curb. NEW YORK, Nov. 2.—Officials at the polls in the Fiat bush district were nninsiPl today when a woman ‘rotor insisted on going into the same booth with her husband to rote. "We talked the whole thing over last night and I know how I want to vote.” she said, "but I want to* go In there with him because I know I’ll get everything wrong If I don’t.” Officials told her she could not go Into the booth and gave her sample copies of the ballots. She and her husband sat down on the curb and “doped" out their choices and she took the samples Into a separate booth. Declares No Holiday on Nov. 11 in Alaska JUNEAU, Alaska, Nov. 2.—Governor Riggs of Alask-i today announced he will not declare armistice day a legal holiday in the Territory of Alaska, because he considers “the signing of peace more im portant than Armistice day." —Keep Your Coffee Fresh— Preserve the Aroma to the Last. Fruit Jars Are Ideal for this Purpose.” But—Read the Better Way. The above is the first of a set of rules for good coffee cited by the National Coffee Roasters’ Asso ciation in the advertisements which are part of a million-dollar, four'-years publicity campaign now on. Years before it began, The Fishback Cos. was doing even better than recom mending fruit jars. It was selling cofFee in seal-top fruit cans, best of all receptacles for retaining the flavor and aroma of cofFee, and avoiding exposure of the grain by transferring to any kind of a jar. Asa further means of giving to the con sumer the full flavor and aroma value, it long has been a business policy to have fre- quent deliveries to the trade of freshly roasted cofFee, averting possible deteriora -1 /§s| nSl|f @p|V • The Fishback Cos. was far out ahead of | Jj|| m m §§§l| procession now getting started. Not ° WaS ree F brand sold in cans ■ but likewise the Fioosier Boy and the Har : i * money’s-worth in providing a can ready to i ( use in canning fruits or vegetables. The Fishback Co i INDIANAPOLIS KANSAS CITY Kokomo Man Knight Errant of Election Special to The Times. KOKOMO, Ind.. Nov. 2.—That the women might have every convenience in voting today, ,T. N. Loop, one time member of the Indiana Legislature, laid carpet on the floor of his garage, provided electric lights, an oil stove ami a long table for the booths. Mrs. Housewife. Do You Know? 1. What is the difference between rolled oats and ordinary oat meal. 2. Whether canned vegetables like peas and beans should be washed before hea?- 1 Ing for the table? 3. How to remove paint from a window or mirror? , These questions will be answered to, ; morrow by the Housewife. ANSWERS TO YESTERDAY'S QUESTIONS. 1. Mu’igntawu.v— the East Indian words for “pepper water"—is made from meat, vegetables, rice, cocoanut and other in i gredietits, highly seasoned with chutney powder. 2 To prepare old-fashioned molasses quince slice them Into a covered baking •dish, add a little molasses and bake In a slow oven or tireless cooker four or five hours. | , :!. It Is difficult to secure old-sash- J ioned bathbrick, but it is possible to get powdered brick dust—the same thing la more convenient form.—Copyright, 1920. HOROSCOPE "Thp stars Incline hut do not comrel.” WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3. This is not an altogether satisfactory day, according to astrology. While Venus and .Tmpiter are la benefle aspect, the Sun and Uranus are adverse. The rule Is held to be a fortunate one for the business affairs of women. What ever they venture at this time should prosper, but not until serious obstacles are overcome. While the seers declare that great op portunities are to open to women In the new year there will ho many delays and disappointments due to the natural opposition caused by the old order of things. I'ersons whose birthdnte it is have the augury of much happiness In the do mestic circle. Danger of dissensions and misunderstanding In business is Indi cated. The young will court. Children born on this day may be sensitive and Inclined to he bitterly sar castic. These subjects of Scorpio usually win the highest piSces in life. Nothing is too great for them to attain. SMALLPOX SITUATION IMPROVES. Special to The Times. GREENSBUHG, Ind . Nov. 2 - The smallpox situation here Is well under control, according to Dr. I’anl Tindall, public health officer. There are now about eleven eases of the disease. • More than 60 yrs. ago an English chem ist began to manu facture BEECHAMS PILLS. Today they have the largest tale of any medicine in the work)! ■ <i£Z geechafiS Seta •rcrywW*. fa* bon*. lOc_ 21*. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1920. MY HUSBAND’S FAVORITE RECIPE CHRISTMAS FRUIT CAKE. Ingredients—Two-thirds cupful of but ter, one pound of brown sugar, three eggs, one-half cupful of cold strong coffee, one half pint of sour cream, one and one-half teaspoonfnls soda, four cups cf flour, one teaspoonful of baking pow der, two teaspoonfuls of cinnamon, two teaspoonfuls of cloves, one teaspoonful of allspice, one teaspoonful of nutmeg, one half teaspoonful of pepper, a pinch of salt, one-half cup of English walnuts, one-half cup of raisins, one-half cup of dates, one-half cup of tigs, one-half cup of currants, 10 cents’ worth of citron. Method —Cream butter and sugar. Add the yolks of the eggs beaten light. Then add the coffee. Mix the soda with the sour cream and mix Into the other In gredients. Then sift together the flour, baking powder and spices and mix into the other ingredients. Add the walnuts, raisins, dates, tigs, currants and citron, all of which have been chopped up fine, and dusted In flour. Lastly odd the whites of the eggs, which have been beaten until very stiff. Bake hi a tube cake pan for an hour and a half in a slow oven. The proortions for this will make a four-pound cake. MRS. MARIE BUTCHER, fllrtS Graceland avenue, Indianapolis. Mrs. Butcher says that this is a splen -1 did recipe for a fruit enke. I (The Times will be glad to print YOUR Weak Stomachs find a friend in that easily digest ed, strengthening food of wheat and malted barley— Grape-Nuts ylt grocers everywhere ! This Actually Removes Superfluous Hair Roots Entire!? Neuf and Quick Method By the Introduction in tills country of what is known as the "phelactlne pro cc-s,” any woman can now rid herself completely of annoying superfluous hair or fuzz. The process is entirely new, different from all others, and far hetfer because It actually rcmtue. the root, as well ns the surface bulrl It Is almost instantaneous pe-fectly harmless, odor less and non-irri:at!ng. Just get u atuk phelactlne from jour druggist, follow the simple direc tions—and sep cue hair roots come out. with your oii eyes! No depilatory or electrical treatment can produce this re sult. The skin is left soft, smooth nud hairless as a child's, Phelactlne inn be used with absolute safety—one could even eat It with impunity Advertisement, “Say It With Flowers ’’ far, (Ihl, ... M.ndlu. I // Ns>v S)~4ot. Matin J7l* r ( *ll Wash. 371* after ('losing Hoars I NOT OPEN tU NDAVH husband's favorite recipe. Address Recipe Editor, Daily Times.) Bell to Speak Before Real Estate Board Joseph E Bell will speak before the Indianapolis Real Estate Board at the w' luncheon Wednesday noon at the Chamber of Commerce. The subject of discussion has not been announced. $a 127 West Washington St. y/ rv vV ■ vV Good Clothing For You And Your Family Take Your Choice Cash or Payments— -127 West Washington St. Cuticura Shampoos Mean Healthy Hair Especially if preceded by touches of Cuticura Ointment to spots of dandruff, itching and irritation. This treatment does much to keep the scalp clean and healthy and to promote hair growth. ■**>*(• I**kr* Sr MtU "OHUVf.LtV. or.t*rt*.D** ieS.Mal4.lil. Km* •• Srd.i.rr whrr- Sop tbr Omtm.n* U and Mr TalcwnJtc. Soap aha,a without ana. DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES °E L-iS/4xi?gs &Co* a A Sale of Toilet Essentials Soaps, Talcums , Tooth Pastes and Miscellany As the weather becomes colder one should take more care even in choosing facial and bath soaps—should take care to select soaps that have a healing quality as well as a cleansing quality, and that are merciful to one’s particular complexion. These Are Mighty Good Healthful Helpful Soaps Talcum Powders Tooth Pastes Long bars La Perla castile Smiles talcum powder, soap. 890. 16<?. p g j p as t e , large tubes, L. S. Avres Hardwater soap, Mavis talcum powder, 170. *2a si.OO the dozen. , T ReKinnt tniiot 99* „ Large cans talcum powder, cake Do * l ° 6t BOap ’ a 12<. Luthol tooth paste, 450. Assorted toilet soaps, 390 Jap Rose talcum powder, Kolynos tooth paste, 180. the dozen. 11£. t h e dozen* 81116 * 175 * Sylvan talcum powder, Pepsodent tooth paste, Palmolive toilet soap, 850 110- 33*. the dozen. ftich’s talcum powder, 80. orr , 3 tQOth powderi 19d . Venetian bath soap, 90<* Flowers of Paradise talcum, the dozen 170. . Senreco tooth paste, 200. A Miscellany of Toilet Needfuls Bone toothbrushes, 100. Xnola liquid powder, 390. Good hand scrubs, 80. Creme Le Mon, 500. Vail’s hair remover, 240. Creme of Cucumber lotion. 390. Peroxide cream, 200. Cocoa Butter cream, 450. Olivia liquid shampoo, 450. Olivia rice powder, 200. Witch-hazel, 450. Colgate’s shaving soap, 3 for 250. r ; Warner's shaving brushes, 81.25. Genuine rice powder, 250. Broadway bath soap, 81.00 the dozen. Cotv's L’Origon toilet water, $1.50 the Coty’s Jasmine toilet water, 81*50 the ounce, ounce. —Ayres—Toilet goods dept., street floor. And Advance Christmas Offering of ’KERCHIEFS, Specially Priced “Just after Halloween marks a date for the foresighted woman to start her Christmas shopping. Handkerchiefs play a considerable part in every woman's gift collection as well as in every woman’s own needs. Therefore, the three-day handkerchief sale, starting Wednesday, is especially designed in its qualities and designs to interest the gift seeker. Colored novelty handkerchiefs for women. Fifty different designs and every imaginable shade. Very special values at 12Vfc* each. Fine quality batiste handkerchiefs in all white with corner em broidery. In this assortment there are twenty-five patterns. Very special at I©<* each. A Bargain Value in “All-Linens” All-linen handkerchiefs for women. An excellent quality of linen and thoroughly perfect. Hems in and one-fourth-inch ef fects. This Is a desirable quality for monogramlrg. Also, very special at 39<* each. —Ayres—’Kerchief section, street floor. Comforts for Cold Weather These Merit the Meaning of Their Name The person who first gave comforts their name must have had an appreciation of their qualities, based upon experience with them. You, too, will consider such com forts as are listed well named, once you have slept ’neath their cozy and light weight protection. Silk mull comforts in twin hod sizes, filled with the best grade cotton and tufted so that they are light and fluffy. Prices $11.85 and $13.25 each. Down-filled comforts covered with cambric or with a fine grade of French sateen. Some have borders while others ha'*' the inserted panel. Well filled. Priced at $24.00, $25.50, $28.00 and $33.75. Wool filled, silk-covered com forts in rose, Copenhagen blue, green, light blue and pink. An all-wool filling, splendid for warmth. Priced at $21.00, $25.25. $28.50 and $30.00 each. Beacon Bathrobe Blankets In a variety of pretty patterns with cords to match. Priced at $0.95. —Ayres—Bedding section, Second floor. CARBONOID Saves Coal Because it gets rid of the soot. And soot is a nonconductor of heat. Place a little carbonoid on your furnace fire once or twice a week and it will carry ojLthe soot In an odorless gas. may be obtained in JjJHbriced 25* and 50<i. We to explain concern- effective —Sixth floor. Do You Need a .4*CS&rv Hat That’ll C|| Weather Storms and Still Be j||lSr Shapely? A Mntteawan velour would delight you, then. Rain or shine it will retain its trigness and register a neat tailored effect for business and street wear, Here’s a hat that’s al ways new— Matteawan Velours at $5.95 The smart chin-chins are simply banded, models with the brim rolled on one side assume an air of bravado, and the straight banded sailors are effective for tailleur wear. Browns, navy blue and blacks are the colors offered. —Ayres—Second floor. The Needlework Guild This is Donation Week Co-operative with the work of this admirable char ity, the Ayres’ Children Store will, as has been its habit for several years, offer for selection a number of thor oughly practical garments for small children. Thus one can add gracefulness to one's donation by choosing personally. These Are Examples Suggestions for the Wee Baby- Merino shirts, 85*. Cashmere socks, 50*. Dcmet petticoats, 85*. Knit booties, 45*. Flannellette sacques, 50*. Cotton b]ankets so^ Flannellette wrappers, Infants’ slips. 89*. For the Older Children Cashmere hose. 65*. Warm wool toqueSj Knit petticoats, 75*. —Ayres—Fifth floor. The Comfort to Be Derived from A Corduroy LOUNGING ROBE Certainly it is worth more than §15.00, because the new robes are made of a soft, luxurious quality and cut very generously. And then, attractiveness should stand for something in point of the worth. These are in lovely, delicate and warm shadings and are made in a becoming style with three-quarter sleeves, turn back cuffs, collars that may be worn either high or low, belts of self material and lin ings of silk. —Ayres—Negilgee section. Third floor. 5