Newspaper Page Text
INDIANA DAILY TIMES 26-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES —CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main 3500 Automatic 2S-351 RATES. One time 09 per line Three consecutive times.. .08 per line Six consecutive times 07 per line Male or female help warned, situa tion wanted, male or female; Looms to let and board and rooms wanted— One time. OS per line Three consecutive times.. .07 per line Six consecutive times 08 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 09 per line Lodges and club notices 76c per Insertion Church notices (I inch or less) 60c per insertion Over 1 inch, .07 per line additional. Death notices, 35c per insertion. Card of Thanks or In Memorlam notices 07 per line Ads received until 10:30 a. m. for publication same day. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 522 East Market Old Phone Main 908. New Phone. 27-208. A. M. Ragsdale, J. Walsh Price, John Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. ~ J. C. WILSON 1230 Prospect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect 322, FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM. E. KRIEGER, New 21-164. Maid 1454. 1452 V. Illinois. TUTEWILER. Funeral Director. 934 N. Meridian at GADD—BERT S. GADD, 2130 Prospect st. Phones: Prospect 422. Automatic 52-275. UNDERTAKERS. W. T. BLASENGYM 1835 Shelby st. Pros. 2570. Auto. 61-114. UNDERTAKERS—HISEY A TITUS. 951 North Del, New 28-564. Main 3630. PEATH Ah'’NOTICEtL GERBER, VALENTINE Beloved hus band of Margaret Gerber, died Nov. 1 at 4:05 a. m.. aged 71 years. Funeral from Grinstelner's chapel, 622 East Market street, Thursday at 2 p. m. Friends in vited. Atlanta and Tipton papers please copy. HANNA. HUGH HENRY —Entered into life eternal at his home, Sunday morning Oct. 31. Services at his home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Friends Invited. Burial private. Please omit flowers. New Tork and Lafayette (Ind.) papers please copy. IN MSMORIA IN MEMORIAM—In loving remembrance of our dear son and brother. Harvey Patrick who gave his life for his country two year ago today, Nov. 2. 1918. The month of November again is here, The saddest, month of ail the year. Because it took away from us Our son and brother we loved so dear Sadly missed by MOTHER, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. LOST AND FOUND. THE! girl Is known who took short, black plush coat qff chair in box at fircle the ater Monday afternoon. To avoid arrest return to 2843 Boulevard place, or call North 3473. or Circle theater. WRIST watch taken from restroom at Sullivan's dance hall at Eleventh and College Saturday night valued as keep sake from grandfather. Please return to 620 West Twenty-fifth street. Reward. MISSING FRIENDS and relatives tra-ed everywhere; no criminals looked foe. Call Main £947, or write lost agent. Is Baldwin block. Indianapolis Tnd. IF party who called Circle 3672 will call at 617 North Illinois in regards to amethyst diamond ring and receive re ward of 310. Ring valued as gift. LOST——Platinum and diamond pin to or from or in Circle theater. Lib eral reward. FRANK S. FISHBACK, 102- 110 South Pennsylvania. LOST—Two spare tires, 32x4. mounted, with tire covers; word Essex on covers. R. V. LAW MOTOR CO., 1219 X. Meridian. Main 4082. LOST—White Eskimo dog, answers to name Trixie. Reward. 1106 Newman street. Woodruff 2639. LOST—String of pearls. Sunday, between St. Mary's and St. John’s churches. Re ward. Main 823. LOST—-C.* s7 HYMNAL. Reward. Call Prospect 1997. LOST—Wrist watch. Reward. Woodruff 1550. NOTICES. NOTICE. Stockholder?" annua' meeting of the White River Railroad Company for the election of officers and genera! business at the office of Kings n & Cos.. Indianap olis. Monday, November 15 at 3 p. m. ROBERT W JORDAN. Secretary. FURNISHED HOUSES AND FLATS. ELEGANTLY furnished 4-room cottage. Electricity, gas, well, cistern. North 6340. j HOUSES—WANTED. W r ANTEI>-—To rent or lease at once or not later than January 1, by responsible couple, no children, modern six or seven room house or apartment; north preferred. Give address and rental. Address A No. 1599, Times. FLATS, APARTMENTS—TO LET^ FOUR rooms, immediate possession. Call E. B. HOLTAM. Prospect 771. ROOMS—TO LET. COLLEGE ave-s 2330; fine room In mod ern home; steam heat. North 7416. ALABAMA, 125 N.; newly furnished rooms in good home. <Maln 2018. BOARD AND ROOMS—TO LET. BOARD and rooms to let. 38.60 weekly for men only in modern private home. DESK ROOM TO LET DESIRABLE desk room “including desk BAN'IEL MATHERS, 120 E. Market. Room 31. BUSINESS CHANCES. OPPORTUNITY For Ladies and Gentlemen o! thl* and surrounding communities. Take half an hour or so and see demon strated at studio. 223 N. New Jersey st. One of the LATEST, .simplest, MOST BEAUTIFUL and MOST PRACTICAL INVENTIONS of Its kind in this age— projecting MOVING PICTURES in their NATURAL ORIGINAL COLORS, as photographed. The energetic, the enter prising. will seize THIS OPPORTUNITY, grasp the WONDERFUL ATTAINMENT. Invert an interest, who will be permitted to question and learn of its GREAT POSSIBILITIES finding that it stand* ALONE in a class TO ITSELF. Until further notice demonstrations given on the hour, from 10 o'clock morning 6 o'clock evenings, Sundays excepted. You are cordially welcomed by courtesy INTERNATIONAL MOVING PICTURE AND FILM CO. Ask for Mr. Roberts, demonstrator. MEXICO The wonderland; write for free booklet. Read about this country of wealth. Don't miss tills. Only a few left. EL MEXICANO-AMERICAN SYN DICATE, 709 Main street. Ft. Worth, Texas. _____ BUSINESS BERVICES. ~ FEATHERS Bought, aold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. E. F. BURKLE 416 Mas*, ave. Main 1428. New 23-77. Y SAFETY RAZOR BLADES^ sharpened. TTJTTLEDGE. 201 Indians ave If your clock is not running phone Circle 4307. M. R. Sbearn. £ll North Ala bama. H. JOHNSON, paper hanger. Work guar anteed. Cali Woodruff 6715. DETECTIVE*. Quigley-Hyland Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators. S2-VS2S Taw hide. Main 2*102. WHEN patronizing these advertisers men tion The Timas. -/ MALE HELP-WANTED. common laborers Men, boys and colored girls, not under 16 years of age. S. Keystone avenue and Belt R. R. Take Pros pect car to end of line. FAIRMOUNT GLASS WORKS. Common Laborers Men, boys and colored girls,‘not under 16 years of age. S. Keystone avenue and Belt R. R. Take Prospect car to end of line. FAIRMOUNT GLASS WORKS. WE WANT to secure three more men for out* sales force who will follow Instruc tions and work. To these men we offer a real position, not a job. and the future for you Is assured. Phone Main 217 for inter view. , YOUNG men. two: neat; 17 to 20, to travel; high-grade advertising proposi tion; salary paid. MR. DENESSEN, Co lonial Hotel, 6 to 8. KEN to team barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 309 £. Washing ton st.; Indianapolis, Ind. Circle 767. CORN huskers wanted: pay good wages. H. L. SCHERER. Telephone Fishers, Ind. SALESMEN—WANTED. t Stock Salesman YVanted We want five more live stock salesmen. Qur proposition is unusdally attractive. Shine choice territory with good leads now open. Call at 40 Virginia ave. and let us show you one of our wonderful lit tle ice refrigerating machines, making ice and refrigerations. Arctic Ice Machine Cos. 11-13 Arcade. Main 4485. EXPERIENCED stock salesmen for rlrst ciass dividend paying securities of old estabibiished Indiana corporation. Call ut room 510 Board of Trade any Tuesday or Wednesday. n ?'l n^^JA oN . WANTED—MALE. CHILDRENS AID ASSOCIATION EM PLOYMENT BUREAU. 610 Indianapolis Securities Cos. Bldg. 1 Phones: Circle 3784. Auto. 22-034. j No charge. Call between 8 and 12 m. i Wanted —Factory, store and office work 1 for boys 14 to 16. white or colored. Wanted —Factory, store and office work for girls, 14 to 16, white or colored. Wanted—Position for colored nurse girl, 88.00. Wanted—After school work for boys. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. Indiana Bell Telephone Company New York and Meridian Sts. Progressive Employment. Our goal is to develop the best in em ploye \VE BEND AKT gli ASH PANELS FOR LAMP SHADES. EDWARD E. HILL, 708 MASS. AYE. CALL 27-704. ‘ WANTED —Girls to ktudy classical danc ing v.l'.h Mile. Theo H># s to take parts in ballets arid productions; reasonable rates. Catalogue upon request. 317 Mer chants Bank bldg. * WANT!® —Cook, white for Institution? Apply in person. SCHOuL FOR THE BLIND. INSTRUCTIONS. HAWAII -- The very nam /- — 2r~ . A links Itself with A birds, flowers and V--*. -// fruit, but more e peclally with their fascinating music, j Hawaiian music is the most popular of i all music and the Hawaiian guitar is the easiest of all instruments to teach you to play 52 pieces in your first term We also teach ukulele. mandolin, violin, banjo, etc. Your choice of these beau tiful instruments free with each enroll ment. Open dally till 6 p. m.. also Tues day, Friday and Saturday evenings. Write or phone ft r particulars. HAWAIIAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC. 35 W. Washington. Main 1072. LEARN how to write a story for the ! movies and how to become an actor and actress. 'PALMER PHOTO PLAY CORP. Representative 24 *4 Kentucky avenue. | Hours for interview 2:30 to 4:30. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. Natureopathy. Swedish Massage Baths and gen eral treatments. Thorough satisfac tion. 119 East Vermont street. First floor front. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. VIOLET Hay and Swedish masKafc. Mlsa DE VERB. 17H W. Ohio. Main 8873. MOB ILE3 FOR SALE. / 3100 3125 3150 down will buy a goou used car. We have Fords. Maxwells, Buick.,, Dodges and others in line shape, that we can sell you on a small down payment, balance 1 year. No red tape. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS. 518 N. Capitol. Open evening*. Oakland Sedans One 1919 and one 1918 model. Two 1920 models, run very little; can't bo told from new; we will sell these cars at a great sacrifice. 510 N. Delaware. NOTICE See I. WOLF AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. for used car bargains. Cash, payment- or your car in trade. Call Main 1579. 019 North Illinois street. Oldsmobile Eight cylinder, 1920, 4 Pace maker. Clansie*t sport model car In town. ClO*.North Delaware street. Monroe M chummy roadster in excellent con dition. E.l& N. Delaware atreet. HUPMOBILE touring, 1920 model, wire wheels, cord tires and spare. Driven 3400 miles. Bargain for quick t>aLe. Cash or terms. Main 3349. Dodge roadster; late model; new tires; excellent condition. 510 N. Dtlaware st. GRANT roadster; 4 good tires; new spare. Gooi| running car for salesman or so licitor; 3450 cash or terms. Main 3349. NASH touring, in fine guaranteed condi tion: cash or terms. LOSE I'-NASH RETAIL CO. Main 5348. FORD 1917. touring in first-Class condi tion. Will be sacrificed if sold today. 212 E. fiew York street. OVERLAND, S3 touring; 4 brand new tires, new top. painted late this spring. Price ji6o. Call North 3538. NEW Lexington coupe; driven 600 miles. Owner leaving city. Call Belmont 1197. need not apply. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. CLOSED CARS The following cars are all in yery good condition, both as to paint and mechanism. They are listed at the prices that snake each and every car an unusual opportunity to Let a high-grade car at an exceptionally low figure. MARMON 34’S RENEWED SEDAN, 1918 Seven-passenger car, painted light Brewster green with black running gear, fenders and radiator shell. Car is equipped with new tires and has been reupholstered. Car ■will bear the closest Investi gation. SEDAN, 1918 Four-passenger special body, now In the process of re newal. Buyer has the option at this time to specify the color which the car is to be painted. This car has been used by an official of the Nordyke & Marmon Cos. and has been kept in the best pos sible condition at all times. SEDAN, 1918 Five-passenger special body that is now in our shops In the process of renewal. The buyer has the opportunity of giving us paint specifications at this time. This car has also been used by an official of the com pany and will bear the closest of Inspection. Note: All of the above cars are guaranteed for a period of 90 days against defective ma terial and workmanship under normal use and wear. We also have the following miscellaneous used closed cars on hand, which are in good mechanical condition. We have repainted those cars which it was necessary. COLE AERO EIGHT 1920 sedan, driven only about 3,000 miles and is in a con dition contrasting with the number of miles car has gone. * , CADILLAC 58 This is anew series. 1920. 3-passenger roadster. driven only 6,000 miles: equipped with good cord tires, paint very good and has a winter top mounted on same. New spare tire and tube on extra rim. HUDSON, 1917 MODEL 7-passenger sedan, just re painted. Overland coupe. 1920 model. NATIONAL 1917 SEDAN OWEN MAGNETIC 1916 model. 6-passenger sedan. KISSEL. 1915 MODEL sedan, just repainted. CADILLAC 55, 1917 model sedan. MISCELLANEOUS , USED CABS HAYNES, 1919 MODEL 7-pascenger car. Just re painted. This car has been driven only 6,000 milea. HUDSON. 1920 MODEL 4- phaeton, equipped with six tires and covers, front and rear bumper. Car has only been driven 2.300 miles. STUTZ 6-PASSENGER touring car. practically new, 1020 model. Offers an excep tional opportunity. NATIONAL 1919 MOD&L 7-passenger touring car. Just repainted. CADILLAC, 1916 touring car. Just repainted. PACKARD. 1316 MODEL 7-pa6*enifer twin nix * touring rar; ha* Just been repainted. NATIONAL, 1915 "-passenger touring car. NATIONAL, 1916 model, 7-pasaei'gtr touring car. MAXWELL, 1920 5- touring car that Is * practically new. NOTE: In addition to the above we have a few miscel laneous used Marmon 34s which have been overhauled. Noto the exceptional values of these prices as listed. 1917 touring car, " passen ger, Just repainted Brewster green; price 32,500. 1817 touring car, painted' maroon; 32.500. 1917 chummy roadster, equipped with new tires, new top ana exceptional opportu nity; 32,900. 1919 touring 7-passenger car. painted roach blue, black fenders and running gear. Price, 33.000. You are Invited to call at our Used Car Department and without obligation make a thorough inspection of any of the cars which wo have listed above. We also have a num ber of renewed open cars that are sold with a 90-day guarantee. LOCAL BRANCH NOB DYKE & MABMON CO. Meridian at 11th at. REDUCED $25 A DAY Until Sold Chalmers touring car, in good con dition, equipped with cord tires. Starting price $750. This ca; la on exhibit in the show win dows of Oakland Motor Car Cos. 325 N. Pennsylvania St. Come Early and Give It a Look. ‘ 1112(3 STEPHENS ““ Six-passenger winter top, front and rear bumper*, cord tiros, wheel lock. etc.; driven less than 4,000 miles; perfect con dition. Mechanical inspection invited. Will sacrifice if sold at once. 235 N. Pennsylvania street. Be sure not to miss thin. Oakland Roadster late 1918 model; fino tires; excellent con dition; will sell this car cheap. 610 X. Delaware. BEFORE purchasing a used cur see us. We can you money. DICKEY MOTOR SALES CO., 1027 North Meridian atreet. Dodge Sedan 1920, four doors, new car, used slightly ass demonstrator. 511) North Delaware. DODGE roadster, 1917; must be sold this week. Absolutely Uke new. Call at 2461 North Alabama. INDIANA DAILY TIMES. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1920. SILENT SALESMEN Or in other words, “Times Want Ads.” They bring new customers and keep the old ones. They increase sales and build profits. They work day and night and never lay off. Thousands of substantial readers use them. Why don’t you? Call Main 3500 today and employ one. AUTOMOBI LES FOR SALE. SO PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL USED CARS 1919 Bulck 45 touring, J 1.050. 1919 Oakland sedan, $875. 1918 Alien touring, S6OO. 1918 Dodge touring, $725. 1918 Dodge roadster. $675. 1919 Chevrolet touring, S4OO. 1917 Allen sedan, $760. 1920 Ford coupe. $675. 1918-Inter-State seduri, SBSO. 1917 Hupmoblle touring. 1919 Oldsmoblle coupe. And many other cars. Most have been repainted and rebuilt. Cash or terms. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO SALES CO. 235 N. Pennsylvania. Main 3246. Open Sundays and evenings. USED CARS. Look our lot *! used cars r j*er before buying. NATIONAL AUTOMOTH E CO.. 426 N. Capitol ave. Main 4768. Auto. 23-668. AUTOMOBILE £>— WANTED. AUTOS WANTED We guarantee Highest cash price for your car. INDPLS. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 518 North Capitol. Main 2638. Auto. 22-013. Largest buyers aud sellers of used cars in the state. I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cush for It Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will he given. 812 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED Wo pay cash. No delay for your money It Is here for you. Come In or call. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 619 N. Illinois t. Main 1679. Auto. 23-061 We also buy junk cars. AUTOS imilM highest cash prices; no delay; quick a tlon AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO.. 666 N. Capitol. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. CURTAINS—TOPS Wi have about 600 good curtains for all makes of cars, 31.60 each while they last. \\ * also repair and replace celluloid while you wall. DELAWARE GARAGE. _ Main 14 9. . CITIZENS AI TO REPAIR Work done by factory experts. REAR N. Capitol ave Harrison 753. BATTERIES. New and guaranteed for any car. Rebuilt, repainted, recharged. Open untl! 9 p m. BATTERV DISTRIBUTING CO. 607 Maas Ave. Main 3145. Don't Wait Till Christmas! Now Is the time to get that car painted for your eprli.g driving. FLEMING,& REED ISO- 33 E. N>w York at. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 322-324 North Illinois, S & s Auto Laundry ONE-MAN auo tops, side curtains, seat end radiator covers PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO., 1107 Udell street. North 64 6 DOWNTOWN TIRE' SHiI. VULCANIZING that gives eat Isfactlon. 35 Kentucky avenue. Main 1137, AUfO* AND IAUCM cum Hirtfi AUTOS FUR KENT—Do your own driv ing. U-Drlvo Auto Service at Hcosirr Liundry. Rear Keiths theater. Main 6921. U-DHIVK EH Automobiles rented to drive yourself MARKET MOTOR SERVICE. 334 E. Market t. Main ITM MO i OHCYCLES AND BjjCYCLE<L HARLE Y-DAVIDSON Motorcycles ami Bicycles Johnson Motor Wheels ERNEST HUGHES ___ R 34-34 Mar-'. Av# Main 6404. OAhH plii f-.r alt kinds of notorcyoifla FLOYD PETKKMAN, ICO klanitachu* •*tt* avenue OVERLAND TRANSPORTATION? - SHIP your furniture by motor truck, costa less, fully Insured. SLN BEAM LINES. , Main 3341. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. S3OO CASH—NOW VACANT balance 322 per month. ITS3 Bloyd ave nue, six rooms, newly painted and dec orated; electric lights, etc. Move right in. Tile beat buy in Indianapolis. Russe 11. Hartman, 224 N. Delaware St. NOTICE Have customer for semi-modern east. Can pay 36(10 cash, balance lurs u monthly payments. Must be worth tho price kod. Bee Mr. Hurst, with L. N. Eidiio & Son. Mala SXPI V" 524-11 North Tacoma ave.. double, 6 rooms to side; modern except furnace. -A Yx Rents for 336 a side Price 30.000. Terms. Sec Tem pleton with ESSEX. 208 American Cen tral Life. Main 6574. SOUTH SIDE BUNGALOW Attractive neighborhood. Price 32,250. See the house if you went a home. BRANDON & JAMOSON 127 N. Delaware St. Main 6762. BEAUTIFUL high, large level lot, half square of Maple road boulevard (38th st.). only two squares southeast of fair grounds. Fine Investment or building site. Will sell to good party on easy payments; 310 cash. 31.60 weekly. Price only 3526. Get busy. 640 Lerdcke Annex Main 1409. SEVEN electric lights, gas. toilet and hath, hot and cold water, cement basement, '4O foot lot, 2-car garage; S3OO down, balance like rent. Total 33,500. Call E. D IIwJ.TAM. Prospect 771. 3958 GRACELAND AYE. Owner leaving state, offers home for 33,000. Real bargain. BEN F. TOLLE. Cali Woodruff 607. STRICTLY modern 7-room nov? brick bungalow, shower baths, laundry, hard wood floors. Price $7,000; SSOO down and S4O per month. 512 Indiana Trust Bidg. Main 407. STRICTLY modern home with many built in features In exceptionally good neigh borhood; fin& lot, Improv'd street. Can arrange reasonable terms. Washington 1079. . FOR homes on south side, modem and semi-modern from 3 to It rooms; single and doubles; cash or payments. For terms cull Brospect 6184 after I ni. FOUR-ROOM bungalow near Rlverstde park. $1,900; S6OO down, sl4 monthly. Main 3377 or 226 East Ohio street. DON r T G RIEVE. ' If you really want it back, Insert a small ad in the “Lost and Found” col umns of The Times and it will soon be returned. Phone Main SSOO. Auto. 83-361. LOTS FOR SALE. LARGE, beautiful lots in Wayne park, just off of West Washington street, which Is being paved; $1 down. $1 week. Will take you out in our automobile at your convenience. OSCAR LEE, 1002 City Trust. Main 915. REAL ESTATE—SALE OR TRADE. FOR SALE OR TRADE—Two largo north end Washington boulevard lots for resi dence. Give location and price In your reply. Address A No. 1598. Times. cru ftEAL JES TA.ITE—WANTEP.~ WANTED SOUTHEAST HOMES Three customers are waiting too- homes southeast in vicinity of State and Prospect to English avenue. Call at once. Mr. Klm mlch. Main 1499. Home Seekers Realty Cos. 913 Merchants Bank Bldg. FARMS—FOR SALE. LANDOLOGY', special number. Just out containing 1920 facts of Clover Land in Marinette county. Wisconsin If for a home or as an investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands where farmere grow rich, send at onoe for this special number of LANDOLOGY. It is free on request. Address SKID MORE-RIEHLE LAND COMPANY, 113 Ekldmore-Rlehle bldg.. Marinette, Wla. For rent—lfo-acre dairy farm; 8 head registered Holstein cattle. A golden opportunity for right man. Possession March Ist. R. M. TIMM, 1212 South Senate ave. FOR bargains In improved farms and cutover land In the best part of Missis sippi write to ELLSWORTH TILDEN, Collins. Miss. MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE, r Quit Wearing Ready-Made PUTS $ e J® iYe make them to Aj) your measure for LEON TAILORING CO. 131 . NEW YORK. _Dp_ one flight. Match Your Coat /U \ with a pair of f 1 1F ] TROUSERS j J \I / THE PANTS \ / 1 l\ / STORE CO. I / \M Two Store* J At Ok 48 W/Ohio. JO Vk & *8 110 E. Market. ig FOR SALE—TWO SAFE CABINETS, 6 MOSER SAFES. SKE MR. GRAFF, 504 AMERICAN CENTRAL LIFE BLDG. SE W ING M ACIIINES Repaired and Rented by week or mouth. Evsry pises, part or screw for any saw ing maciiius. White Sewing Machine Cos. Main 600. Auto. :5-218. 312 Mass. Avs. LUMBER, about 10.000 fast. 2x4 and other sizas that are oft grade, special price to get It out of our way. Phone North 7000. FUR BALK—Lumber. 10,000 feet Y Inch off grade, also .0,000 32-Inch poplar lath. Pnono North 7000. TWELY K gauge Ithaca gun. $46 grade for $65 at Tremont Hotel. Room 16. Cash keuistHU; four drawers: uk* new; cheap. 110 West Ohio atreet. LARGE *u botblast cheap. 1180 Linden tr<-*t Prospect 5694. DESKS at save-half prices on payments at RAKER BROS. MISCELLANEOUS—WANTEPw Attention We need all kinds of furniture, and tired It now. We have the laraent and beet rated u**d gat'd* store in this state. Call our buyer and got wbai >our goods ar** worth. Baker Bros. Auto, ft :<2*. Main 3411 I LEVY SHANK Pys best prices In city for household goods and flx.grss of alt kinds. 227 North New Jersey street. Main 2023. ■ WILL p-,y pel. ~ f r second hand clothing cleaning. fireeslng, repairing done. JAMES KAIKOS, 24 Kentucky avs Lamps and wicker furniture. Will pav ! a good cash prl". BAKER BROS. DINING room SUITE Will pay a good __ cash nrlce. BAKER BROS. TANO wanted. Will pay a *".,d cash price. BAKER BROS. IiOTBLAST w anted WiTi pay a good cash price baker bros. GAS RANGES ..n,l i .. bona Vv 111 pay cash. BAKER BROS. WANTED Tap for Retort stove. 220. Pi oepei ; 3d 11. Baker Bros pay more. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. k HEATERS. HAS EHE ItN UK.4. HoTHLASTS. OAK STOVES. GAS HEATERS. goal oil heaters, cannon STI >Y EH and largo Movn for factory, shop, school houses or church. All of our stoves are guaranteed in beet condition, at the lowest price. GLAZER, BTOV JhilS Tea we ntlll have them; all make* and sixes an,| all prices from 36 up to 340 Come look th*m over and If you wish wo can give you terms to suit; also we have new linoleum at reduced prices; the bent patterns in the city for the leant price. Also everything In the lino of furniture. KROOT A- KltuuT. 607-9 W. Washington, GOOD USED Kius. We have tho Jurgen selection in Indi anapolis of high-grade uned rugs; all sixes, at prices that will please you. USED GOODS STORK. “’rugs ~ Hundreds of rugs, all birds; wool filler. Ax inlnstcr. Bozart, velvet. Wiltons, grass matting, any kind >f a rug, we have them. Come and see our rugs before you buy. WK WANT*TO BUT ' good furniture, rugs, office and store flx turea We pay more than other dealers. Call Coopcrider. USED GOODS STORE. Main 2239. INVALID CHAIRS and crutches to rent; freo delivery to all parts of city; In valid chairs 33.60 pr month. BAKER BROS.. 219 K. Washington at. RAIH A N’T HOME If you aunt a Ha. 1* lent Home bnueburner, on payments, go to BAKER BROS. FOR SALE— Worchester organ, steamtrap lamps, hotplates, oil stoves. Prospect 9198. CLERMONT if j/m whir u Clermont hot blast on payments, go to BAKER BROS. ALL kinds of household goods at save _half prices, on payments. BAKER BROS. COMBINATION Garland ranges at save half prices, on payments. BAKER BROS. Fa LACE—If you want a Palace hotblast, or. payments, go to BAKER BROS. KITCHEN cabinets at save-half prices. Cush or payments. BAKER BROS. CHIFFEROBES at save-half prices, on payments at BAKER BROS. COAL RANGES at save-half prices on payments at BAKER BROS. DA V E NOS at sayo-half prices on pay ments at BAKER BROS. GAS RANGES at save-half prices, on pay ments. RAKER BROS. ONE davenport bed and gas dome. Call Woodruff 4505. HOT blast heater. 121,0 Spann avenue. Prospect 3356. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Apollo Player Piano Beautiful fumed oak case; big value at $496; easy payments. E. L. Lennox Piano Cos. RECORDS; good records of any make you desire. 40c. BAKER BROS.. 219 L\ Washington. BEGINNERS violins, mandoline, guitars; bargains. TUTTLE. 201 Indiana Ave, FINK plaver piano, S4O down and $4 per week. _ North 4221. ... COAL AND WOOD FOR BALE." ILLINOIS LUMP. L. H. BAIN COAL CO. _ Main 2151 or Main 3581, FOR SALE—CoaI and wood. INTER- STATE PRODUCTS J7O. Main 983. MACHINERY AND TOOLS. >AAfVVV<^AA9NAfVVVVVVWVWVWVWSfVVW^ FARM POWER SUPPLIES HERCULE3 GASOLINE ENGINES; ALL SIZES. ASSOCIATED GASOLINE ENGINES; ALL SIZES. FARM SAWING OUTFITS. FARM CONCRETE MIXERS. PUMPING OUTFITS OF ALL DE SCRIPTIONS. . WONDER MIXERS HOISTS AND PUMPS FOR BUILDING AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. ALL SIZES CARRIED IN STOCK. BUItL FINCH. DIET., 312-20 W. MARYLAND ST. TRANSfER AND BTORAGE? ~~ Gl7 Y7 storage cheapest l j\W RATES IN CITY. CALL I 1 If ÜB * Everything at rea sonable price. Packed. (Jl II shipped anywhere. X--’ Li Locked room if desired. 5 i We t Henry Main 4699. CALL SHANK for the best service in hauling packing, shipping and storage. 227-259 Ni rth r V Jersey St. Main 2028. LEGAL NOTICE TO BIDDERS SCHOOL SUP PLIES AND MATERIALS. The undersigned has publicly posted on the bulletin beard of the board of sclyool commissioners of the city of Indianapblla, at its offices. Meridian and Ohio streets. Indianapolis, Indiana, specifications for divers school supplies and materials need ed by the said board; also for certain items of repairs and alterations and sealed bids will be received by the undersigned for the sale to said board for such sup plies and materials until the respective dates named in said specifications. GEORGE C. HITT. Business D.rector. Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 1. 1920. NOTICE. Goods stored In the name of S. T. Davis. Clark Kelley, Ruth Stebena, James Lock wood. Harry Cook, will be sold for storage charges Nov. 26 1920, *o°ds having been In storage the limit of lime by law en acted March, 1819 and storage charges not paid, BANNER STORAGE CO., 360 South Meridian street. NO'TI• ’ E OF APPOI NTM ENT Notiff *, Is hereby given, that the under signed has duly qualified as administratrix of estate of George G Grady, deceased, late of Marloh County. Indiana. Said es tate 1* supposed .to be solvent. No. 1*569. MARY F. GRADY. financial. PERSONAL LOANS S2O TO S3OO This office is operated under the super vision of the State of Indiana .end was es tablished for the purpose of providing & place where honest people can borrow any amount from 320 to 3300 without paying mo-e than the legal rate of in terest or without being Imposed upon in any way it l* only necessary that you are keep ing house and permanently located. NO WORTHY PERSON REFUSED We do not notify your employer, neither do we make inquiries of your friend), relatives or trades people. You can have all the time necessary for repayment and pay only for the actual time you keep the money. Call and let us explain. No charge unless you bor row. Loans with other companies paid off and more money udvaucud at legal rates. IF IN A HURRY PHONE MAIN 2923 OR AUTO 22-450. SECURITY MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Room* 205-7-9 Indiana Trust Bidg. 113 E. Wash. St. Corner Virginia Ave. Money Talks No one Is o Independent as the man with the cash. Let us furnish you enough to close that deal or buy that for which >- u can not afford to wait. Bargains will seek you If you carry a full purse. Get It "f us now and pay later. We loan on thing* of value, such as fur niture. piano*, etc., in any amount up to 1300 payable in small monthly pay ments. Ask about our terms on SSO, SIOO, S2OO, S3OO You don't have to apologize for bor rowing money. Most uustnosa men get finnivial assistance We aro under State supervision and will give you tho lowest legal rate. Call, write or phone. State Loan Cos. 305 ODD FELLOW BLDG. Cor Penn, and Wash. Sts. Phones: Mala 4619. New 24-629. " MONEY TO LOAN On First Mortgage Security SIX PER CENT GILJL KEALiiY CO. Main 1645, Auto. 28-236 WE AUK I’KKI ARED TO MAKE* REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WK PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS mortgages, bonds and stocks LISTED AND UNLISTED INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg. < Southwest corner Delaware and Market, FIRST and secord mortgages on Indiana I and Indlanapofls real estate. H. B. WIL SON, 168 N. Delaware et. Main 1(16. INSURANCE in all blanche*. AUBREY D. PORTER. 916 Peoploa Bank Bldg. Main 7049. __ LOANS on diamonds; 3Vi% per month. BURTO** JEWELRY CO.. 63 Monu ment. | MONEY to loan on city and farm broker age 65 When bldg. HAS FULL CELLAR FROM HIS GARDEN ‘Patriotic Gardener* Well Stocked for Winter. One “patriotic gardener" of Indianapo lis is not worrying about what he Is going to cat and how ho Is going to get hold of it this winter. He is Charles Bishop, fU7 Harris ave nue, who reported to the Patriotic Gar den Association office on the third floor of the city hnjl that out of tho produce grown ou two lots uenr Eagle Creek and Wurman avenue he has the following In his cellar; Sixty gallons of saner kraut, 200 quarts of tomatoes, 100 quarts of chill, 40 gal lons of pickled corn, BO quarts of beets and 100 pumpkins. In addition Mr. Bishop sgld he hud enough beans, peas and other vegetables to supply his tubte through the summer and had about shs worth of produce left to sell. This has been i>n unusual season for gardens, association officials report, Mr. Bishop’s showing being typical of wlint was done over the city. Citizens were asked a, few weeks ago to get In their requests early for lots for next year. In response, 300 applications have been leceived. I The association liasl approximately 1,000 tracts to he allotted. ‘MARY‘ A GRAND NAME AND SHOW Musical Acts in Vaudeville Houses George M. Cohan has a magic touch aud every time his hand touches a toe it dances gaily and the touch of his finger to the lips causes melody. He has worked his magic to such splendid advantage with a musical sweet meat called “Mary" that every toe of the big company prances merrily to some of the best whistling tunes heard in many a day. Cohan in the cast assembled for the engagement at English’s this week is not graced with big names, but the prin cipals are not afraid of work and they have youth—that wonderful thing which Cohan and only be knows how to radiate across the footlights. And the chorus. Where he found them or how he trained them I do not know nor do I care, but each and every one of that crowd of merry prancers, excluding the gentlemen of the chorus, are winners as to beauty and grace. Gosh (pardon the expression), how that tribe can dance and whether it was Cohan, the music or the happy audience Last night Ido not know. Something caused them to dance wonderfully well. The story concerns a chap who has a wealthy mother and who In turn had a pretty social secretary called Mary. Jack is the son’s name and Mary is the name of the secretary Mother’s fortune goes up ju smoke; Jack designs a Jove cottage to be sold on installments of $lO a week; he strikes oil in Kansas'; comes home rich; saves mother from social disgrace and then finds timeto place the engagement kiss on the lips of Mary. Guy Robertson is Jack and Edna Morn, one of those naturally sweet little feminine bodies who causes al! to love her on sight, is Mary aud the way two put over the song hit “Mary” is worth three bucks of any one's money. The entire company is full of good dancers, but the laurels go to Hazel Clements as the Golden Girl and Michael Cunningham as Whirlwind Willie be- YOUTH AND SPEED This Is a picture of Hazel Clements us the Golden G'rl aud Michael Cun ningham as Whirlwind Willie with the “Mary" show, in cne of the dance poses which caused a big audience to applaud noisily at English’s last night. cause they have’speed and grace. I.eo Henning as Tommy Boyd works ns if he is “kidding" himself into a good time; Arthur Lijison as the funny Gas ton Marceau foynd tho audience very fond of his work; Lois Josephine is an other one of the splendid dancers of the company; Sherman Wade as Mr. God dard put over nicely the little he had to do and Margaret Dumont made Mrs. Keene the impressive society mother ag the author's intended. It is needless to recite the long list of tuneful melodies everybody is singing or whistling them now. Opinion: The magic touch of Cohnn in this "Mary" show will make your heart glow and heat faster with the ex citement of wholesome entertainment that is exhilarating. At English's all week. W. D. 11. -1- -I- -1- BLACKFACE WORK % AS YOU LIKE IT. If the bookers do nothing more than give the patrons of It. F. Keith’s this season the team of Fred l.a France and Joe Kennedy, there will he no argu ment when the season is over. La Franco and Kennedy appear in a blackface offering called "The Party of the Second Part" and to our way of thinking their foolish patter about a flgbt contract Is a balm to aching hearts. \ Their work is so clean cut, so natural, new and genuine that we elect them to the Hall of Fame among the whole some entertainers on the vsudevllle stage. They are not the headliners, but to the writer's way of thinking they are the real entertainers of tho act* we saw yesterday. Paul Decker in “ —And Son” takes a role of little opportunity and gives it breeze, speed and charm by the strength of his own personality and that Is some individual triumph. Ernest Evans and numerous assistants appear in a lavishly mounted act called "Wedding Bells,” in which there is much musical talent displayed. It seemed yesterday that Josie Heather courted applause too much and she should learn the great lesson to stop when she has caplvated her audience with unusual material —Don’t overdo It, Miss Heather. The remainder of the long bill l missed, and the numerous election duties around a newspaper offica was the cause of failing to see the entire bill. W. D. H. -|- -|- -|. ONE MEETS MANY CHARACTERS ON LYRIC STAGE THIS WEEK. There is n Bort of an experience meet ing being held on the Lyric stage this week when "The Rounder of Old Broad way” meets some of the gang. Some typical Broadway characters are introduced, such *8 the Irish copper, the "snowbird,” the down-and-out actor and the girl who came from the country who Became an expert watch lifter. f Between songs of The RoundiA the various characters appear and the work done by the man impersonating the down-and-out actor of dramatic roles 1* easily the best and the most sympathetic ns well as the most convincing, the snowbird,” or dope fiend impersonation being more on the burleaque order than a real characterization. The Five Musical liosebuda introduce* five.young women who are pleasing in strumentalists and the offering is refined and a credit to, any bill. Itather enjoyed the work of Bernard and Ferris in “Out of the Kitchen,” which is a distinct novelty, as one of th® men of the team possesses a voice of a high range. Because of the crowded house and th® distance I was from the stage, the writer is confused on the names of some of the other teams, but special mention should be made of the woman and th® man who plays a baby grand piano be cause they have a neat offering and do not rely on the songs done every week. The program gives the other acts on the bill as Harry West and Chums; Fieber and Griffith; Monroe Brother* trampoline athletes and Carter HeHavea. in a film farce, “Kids Is Kids.” W. D. H. -]- -i- -|- HABRY 8. LE VAX NOW AT THE PARK. I. H. Herk is presenting “All In Fun,* with Harry S. Le Van and Ambark (Bumps) All, at the Park this week un der the general title of the Tlddledy Winks Company. Le Van is seen as Abbie Leschlnski and he has the assistance of Ambark All as Bumpsy and the aid of Pearl Briggs, a soubrette. The first act is divided into three scenes—at the race track, a street in New Y'ork and Honolulu, which gives the principals and the chorus a chance to sing “Mammy's Arms,” “Waikeke,” “Picking Peaches” and other numbers. The second act has three scenes—a roof garden, which permits the introduction of a number of dances; a street to the courthouse and the ante chamber of the courthouse. , One of the features of the last act 1* the Courtroom Scandals, as done by All, Le Van and company. Next week Rube Bernstein's “Foll’.ea of Pleasure" is booted. MUSICAL COMEDY AT THE RIALTO. The "Dan Cupid" musical comedy show is-holding the boards at the Rialto this week. "Dan Cupid" is a merry musical mix up with pretty girls and many beautiful costumes. Os special Interest are the electrical effects and the scenery. ~ A chorus, called the "Baby Doll Cho rus." is another feature of the show. Others on the bill are Jack Dan, Tom. De Pew, comedian; Adele Seymour, prlma donna, and Katherine Osborne, sou brette. * The bill includes a feature photoplay. -I- -I- -I ---AT THE BROADWAY'. The Broadway has changed Us policy and continuous shows are being given from noon until 11 and. m. daily. Among the features are two orchestra entertainers who sing and play during the picture part of the program. The movie on the* bill features Har old Lloyd and Fatty Arbuckle. The vaudeville part of the show In cludes the Revolving Collins, In a skat ing acti Green and Bailey, in a black-, face turn; Mudge Morton Trio, In mu sic and hannonv Fields and La A delta. Baby Fields. Lieutenant Eldridge with his sand drawings, Bennington and Miss, singers and dancers; Bert Addler, comtT dtan.Nand Stickney's circus for the little tots. -1- -I- -I THE sMOVIKS. The movies on view today Include “While New York Sleeps.” at the Murat; "Humoresque," at Mister Smith’s; “The Challenge of the Law," at the Regent; "Marooned Hearts,” at the Colonial; "The Restless Sex," at the Ohio; “The City Sparrow," at the Alhambra; “Cur tain" at the Circle and "Deep Waters,'*' at the Isis. CAPITAL BEREFT OF POLITICIANS Scatter to Home States to Take Part in Election. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.—For the first time in months Washington almost was deserted ipolitically today. With the exception of some members of President Wilson’s official family most of the political leaders of the various parties have departed for their home States to lead their partisan cohorts to the polls. President Wilson, Secretary Tumulty and the White House staff voted by mail and will await results quietly here. The Secretary of tho Treasury and Mrs. Houston have paired their votes with Republican friends and will receive ths returns at the with Secretary of the Interior John Barton Payne as their guest. CABINET MEMBERS MAIL VOTES HOME. Secretary of Agriculture Meredith mailed his vote to Moines and will Join with Secretary of War Baker In an election party at tho Department of Agri culture. Secretary and Mrs. Baker voted by mail some days ago. Postmaster-General Burleson will not go back to Texas to vote, that State be ing safely Democratic. Under secretary of State Norman H. DaVis will keep Informed of the trend of ballots at the National Press Club. Attorney-General Palmer will spend the day at his home in Stroudsburg. Pa. Secretary of State and Mrs. Colby have gone to New York and Secretary of the Navy Daniels left last night for Raleigh, N. C. Secretary of Commerce Alexander has concluded his Missouri campaign and la resting at Gallatin, Mo., while Secretary of Labor Wilson is anxiously awaiting results in Pennsylvania. Miss Alice Paul, chairman of the ex- , ecutive committee of the National WomJ en’s party, and Mrs. Maud Wood FarH chairman of the National League Women Voters, will receive reports --a.-'A election here, each having voted by^H^i Mrs. Abbey Scott Baker, pofficiil chairman of the women's party, will not be able to vote, as her husband has established a legal residence in the Dis trict of Columbia. 11 Chinese Are Shot in Fight on Vessel NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 2.—Eleven Chinese were shot, two of them wounded, fatally. In a pitched battle with two watchmen on the deck of the British steamship Elm Head, tied up at Good Hope, I/a., twenty miles above New Or leans. this morning. The Chinese were denied phore leave, and the watchmen were placed on the boat to keep them from going ashore. Twenty of the Orientals rushed tho watchmen, who opened Are. The Chinese resisted with knives, cluba and other weapons, but gave way under the gunfire anil fell one after another. MACVEAGH’S WIDOW DEAD. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.—Mrs. Mac- Verfgh, willow of the former attorney general of the United States in President Garfield’s cabinet, is dead at her homo here after a long illness. 7