Newspaper Page Text
Sent from our first, floor to The Basement Store. Women’s §1.50 silk gj§ hose “Richelieu Rib” pure thread silk hose for women, fashioned leg, seamless foot, lisle garter tops; black or cordovan; $1.50 quality, pair 91-00 Women’s $2.00 and $3.00 hose Pure thread silk and fiber silk hose for women, some full fashioned, some semi fashioned; white, silver, navy, tan and gray; brokeh lines, $2.00 to $3.00 quali ties, pair sl-00 Misses’ $2.50 hose.... B*l Gordon silk hose for misses, fashioned leg, seamless foot, lisle garter tops; black, white and cordovan; $2.50 quality, pair SI.OO Women’s lisle J hose 2 pairs, Seamless or semi-seamless, fashioned; black, brown and smoke; up to 75c qualities _ 2 pair* SI.OO Women’s $1.50 hose.... r.. .2 pairs. Gordon fiber silk hose for women, seam less foot, fashioned leg, lisle garter tops; white; sold a few months ago at $1.50 2 pairs, SI.OO Children’s wool hose 2 pairs for Fully reinforced, seamless, fine ribbed; black or white; sizes 6 to 85c and 95c qualities 2 pairs, SI.OO Children’s white jj hose 4 pairs, ** •Gordon” white hose for children, seamless, fine ribbed; sizes to 10; 35c quality 4 pairs, 81.00 Infants’ hose, 4 pairs Buster Brown lisle stockings for V infants, fine ribbed, seamless, fully rein forced; black or white; 35c quality 4 pairs, SI.OO DAMAGED HOSE IN THE SI.OO SALE FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN The lot includes silks, lisles and fibers— s3.oo to $3.50 qualities, pair... .81.00 SI.OO to $1.75 qualities. .2 pairs, SI.OO No Refunds, Exchanges, C. O. D.’s or Credits on Damaged Hose.'"'- Sent from our first floor to The Basement Store. Women’s gloves, *i"§ 2 pairs for ** Van Raalte gloves, two-clasp, of genu ine washable chamoisette, white 2 pairs for 91.00 Women’s $2.00, SB.OO C | and $3.50 gloves Silk and Fabric Gloves. Two-clasp gauntlet and 12 and lS.but ton iangths, slightly soiled or imperfect; 52.0. J, $3.00 and $3.50 qualities, pair , 91*00 $3.00 and $4.00 kid g J gloves Mended gloves: small sizes, $3.00 and $4.00 qualities. Sale price 91*00 Sent from our first floor to The Basement Store. Women’s 35c vests 5 for Cumfy cut vests, low neck, sleeveless: 29c quality .5 for SI.OO Women’s vests and pants 3 for Broken lines, summer and winter weights; up to SI.OO qualities 3 for SI.OO Women’s SI.OO union suits 2 for J Richeiieu brand union suits, light weight, low neck, sleeveless, with cuff knee; SI.OO quality 2 for SI.OO Children’s $1.50 and $1.65 union suits * Velastic heavy weight, fleece lined closed crotch or drop seat, sizes 8 to 16 years; $1.50 and $1.65 New trimmed hats... A maker's samples, dependable V* in quality and attractive in style. Some are of Lyons (American) velvet, large, medium and small shapes; black, brown and navy, trimmed mainly with ostrich, pins and tassels SI.OO Groceries at SI.OO We reserve the right to limit quantities. Sent from our fifth floor to the Basement FRESH PRUNE SALMON, fancy AND APPLE JAM, Alaska river pink, made in Oregon; 1-pound cans, rega large No. 2 cans, lar 25c quality, sale regular 39c quality, price— sale price, tf>*j| 5 cans for 3 cans for 15? JL BACON, govern- COFFEE, old ment insp ec t ed, crop, rich Bourbon sweet sugar cured, Santos, ground; machine sliced; regular 40c j iality, | regular 45c quality, sale price— sale price— -3 pounds i 3 pounds for JL for Nov 0 1 ty cur tain voiles, two 3 -3 yard 8 .... tpX Finished with flat hemstitched hem, very durable; laun ders without being stretched; white or ivory color; regular 69c and 75c quali ties, 2 yards, SI.OO PLEASE TAKE NOTICE—WhiIe we have pro vided liberal quantities, still certain lots may be sold out in a few hours. All goods are advertised with the proviso, “while they last.” Sent from our first floor to the Basement. Women’s 25c and 35c C J handkerchiefs. 7 for Novelty priuted handkerchiefs, with light and dark backgrounds, hemstitched, guaranteed fast colors, also broken lines of pure linen initial handkerchiefs; 25c and 35c qualities 7 for SI.OO Men’s 25c handker chiefs 6 for Os fine soft cambric, full size. hem stitched. 25c quality 6 for SI.OO W r omen’s 35c and 50c silk handker chiefs 5 for Novelty handkerchiefs of all-silk crepe tie chine, with colored embroidered cor ners and novelty printings, hemstitched; 35c and 50c qualities 5 for SI.OO Women’s 10c hand kerchiefs 17 for Os sheer hemstitched shamrock lawn, full size; 10c quality 17 for SI.OO $1.50 and $2 Georg ette crepe Georgette crepe; yard wide; all silk; gray, purple, wisteria and green; In plain colors; also novelty prints; $1.60 and $2.00 and higher qualities yard, SI.OO Silver plated ware Sent from our first floor to The Basement Store (Twelve) GLASS BON BON DISHES, 98c quality— -2 for SI.OO (Six) SILVER PLATED BON BON DISHES. $1.98 quality, each SI.OO (Six) GLASS SUGAR AND CREAM SETS, sil ver plated tops, $1.98 quality, set SI.OO (Six) SUGAR AND CREAM SETS, with silver plated tops, $l4B quality, set SI.OO (Six) GLASS BUTTER DISHES, diver plated tops, $1.48 quality, each SI.OO (Twelve) GLASS LEMON DISHES. 98c quality— -2 for SI.OO (Twelve) S I L- V E R PLATED PICTURE FRAMES, 98c qual ity 2 for 31.00 (Twelve) GLASS SYRUP PITCH ERS, silver plated tops, $1.48 and $1.98 qualities ..SI.OO Sent from our first floor to The Basement Store. §1.48 and §1.98 hand Black leather hand bags, with top or hack strap; fitted with coin purse and mirror; moire lining; $1.48 and $1.98 qualities $ 1.00 §1.48 music rolls Os leatherette, roil-up kind; f9JL $1.48 quality SI.OO §1.55 wash tubs Os galvanized metal drop han- 9JL dies, size No. 2; $1.55 quality ....SI,OO §1.79 aluminum sauce pan sets Os pure seamless aluminum, 1, 1% and 2-quart sizes; $1.79 quality #I.OO Brooms 2 for Os good broom corn; 4-sewed; 69c quality 2 for SI.OO §1.25 O’Cedar mop and 30c polish all for Oil treated, triangle shape mop; $1.25 quality; oil, 30c size; mop and 0i1.51.00 10c Sheet # music. .29 copies for Several hundred copies popular sheet music taken from our regular stock --20 copies for SI.OO All goods on thix page on sale in The Basement Store i cy iBMi INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1920. m WH. BLOCK G? Hart schaffner A Marx guaranteed clothes for men, young men and boys (8 to 18). THE BASEMENT STORE $1.98 collar bags Os suede cloth, lined with col- eSrJL ored sateen; $1 98 quality SI.OO Women’s $2.00 to $2.48 neckwear, SI.OO Sent from our first floor to the Base ment Store. COLLARS of lace, organdy and net. TuxedS and flat shapes; $2.00 and $2.25 qualities SI.OO VESTEES AND GUIMPES, of lace net, and organdy, plain effect and frills; Tux edo, round or square necks; k few colors; $2.00 to $2.48 qualities SI.OO COLLAR AND CUFF SETS, of or gandy and net, with Tuxedo collars; $2.00 and 12.48 qualities .SI.OO Cameo hair nets 12 for Cap or fringe styles; all colors except white and gray; 2 for 25c quality, sale price 12 for SI.OO Regular $1.98 Aprons C*! For women and misses, of good quality percale, trimmed rick-rack braid, stripes, checka, plaids, et,*.. with novel pockets wide belts, etc. (Limit 4to a customer). Regular $1.98 quailty 81.00 Regular 59c Aprons . . .3 for For women and misses; band or bib styles, of good quality (J/JR. percale or ginghams; 59c quality 3 for 81.00 Outing flannel nightgowns . . For women and misses, of good quality outing flannel, stripe patterns: cut large and roomy: $2.00 quality; limit 2 to a cus tomer, each ” 81*00 $2.00 Sateen Petticoats .... <s^-$ For women and misses; of good quality sateen; elastic line, deep pleated flounce; $2.00 quality 81.00 $1.50 $2.00 and $3.00 Corsets . ’. <gj Os batiste, jeans or coutil; of all broken lots; 18 to 21 and 28 to 35; $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 qualities 81*00 $1.50 and $2.00 Brassieres . . . i Clearance of broken lots, also a quantity of salesman's j$L samples; sizes 36, 38 and 40; $1.50 and $2.00 qualities SI.OO $1 50, $2.00 and $3.00 Dresses and rompers for little folk .... vl Sizes 3 to 6. of good quality gingham, cut full; $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 qualities SI.OO Dollar Sale of Domestics Dress percales, Y’ard wide, neat fig ures and stripes, light and dark colors — 5 yards for $1 Fancy figured cretonnes Attractive colors and figure*, for comforts, laundry hags, pillows, etc.; up to 50c qualities— -4 yards for $1 Longcloth Yard wide, soft thread; for general use — 5 yards for $1 Outing flannel Soft ana fleecy, vari ous color stripes on light grounds— -5 yards for $1 Flannelette Fleeced fraek, 27 Inches wide, near figured de signs. for wrappers, ki monos, comi'pri cover ings, etc. — 4 yards f)r $1 Important Notice With Reference to Dollar Day No mail, phone or C. 0. D. orders can be accepted—no layaways or approvals. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All sales final. Toilet goods (Sent from our first floor) to the Basement. ONE JAR INGRAMS MILK-\ WEED CREAM, for cleaning, \ 50c size J ONE JAR SANKTOL VANISH- 1 All ING CREAM, 39c size 1 for ONE BOX SANITOL FACE \ POWDER, 39c size / ONE BOTTLE CAIN'S HAIR A WASH, 50c size 1 THREE BARS JERGE.VS J FACE SOAPS, 25c size / Palmolive toilel preparations ONE BOTTLE SHAMPOO. 75c ' size j All ONE JAR COLD CREAM. 50c f for sit® -f ONE JAR VANISHING § CREAM, 69c size k BOX FACE POWDER, 60c size \ ONE BAR SOAP, 10c size ... / THREE BARS KIRK'S HARD \ WATER SOAP I All SEVEN BARS OLIVILO ’ for SOAP i TWO BARS WOODBURY'S ) JL SOAP / Bleached muslin Yard wide; fine, soft thread, for hand or ma chine sewing; 30c qual ity— -5 yards for SI Apron ginghams All size blue checks; 30c quailty— -5 yards for $1 Feather ticking Absolutely feat he r proof staple blue stripes, 2V 2 yards. $t Lace curtains Sample lot; up to SB.OO qualities— Each, $1 Curtain materials Y’ard wide — 5 yards for $1 Bleached cotton Flannel Soft nap. excellent weight for children’s and infants' wear — 4 yards for $1 Unbleached sheet ing muslin Yard wide; sold re cently for 35c; special— -5 yards for $1 Comfort silkolines, Y ard wide, neat floral pattern, in medium and light color effects — 5 yards for $1 Dress ginghams 27 and 32 inches wide, beautiful checks and plain colors; up to 59c qualities— -4 yards for $1 Comfort challis, Y ard wide, floral and Persian designs ; 39c quality— -4V% yards, $1 — * Cotton batth Size 72x90 inches, 3- pound weight; $1.25 quality— Roll, $1 All goods on this page on sale in The Basement Store. $1.50 window shades 36 Inches wlu*. 6 feet 9 Inches long, of oil opaque cloth, mounted on guaranteed Hartshorn rollers; complete ready to hang with ring pull at bottom; olive green or white; $1.50 Sent from our first floor to the Base ment Store. Notions at $1 OMO SHIELDS, Crescent or opera shapes, sixes 3 and 4; regular 55c and 60c qualities 3 pairs for SI.OO NET BRAS "JAP SILK BOD SIEUES. with ICE LINING, sleeves and shields, sizes 36, 40 and 42; sixes 36, 38, 40; regular $1.69 $1.98 quality SI.OO ONE SANITARY APRON, . regular 75c quality j All ONE SANITARY BELT; reg- f tor u!ar 75c quality / rt 4 ONE BOX OF SANITARY 1 SI NAPKINS; 25c quality / One OMO SANITARY \ All APRON; 75c quality f for One package of 12 SANITARY i 4£'f NAPKINS; 79c quality ; JL Sent from our flr*t floor to The Basement Store. $1.39 faille luster.. O-fi Yard wide, brown, plum, rose VJL and black yard, SI.OO /$2 navy silk velvet 18 inches wide ..yard. SI.OO VJL $1.50 corduroy tij-i 28 inches wide, navy, Copen hagen, rose, brown, wisteria and b,ack yard, SI.OO Silk remnants, yard Silks that selljn our regular vJL stocks at $2.00, $2.50 and * 3 00 yard, SI.OO 36 and 40 Inches wide, printed Georg ettes, taffetas in light shades, silk pop lins. etc., all desirable length?; • va rd SI.OO $1.59 navy storm g| serge 38 Inches wide, 60 per cent yard, SI.OO $1.50 mohair Yard wide, navy and 5L black yard, SI.OO $1.59 Plaid skirtings 38 inches wide, 60 per cent V -*■ wool yard, SI.OO SI.OO shirt ings 2 yards for ** 82 inches wide, light grounds with col ored stripes 2 yards for SI.OO 48c galatea jjf cloth... .3 yards for ** 27 inches wide, light grounds with col ored stripes, for children s rompers .3 yards for SI.OO 48c Jap crepe... .3 yards for 30 inches wide, light grounds with col ored stripes, for men’s shirts and wom en's house dresses 3 yards for SI.OO 48c White Washanrede crepe— €| 3 yards for v 30 inches wide, Washanrede crepe, for lingerie 3 yards for SI.OO 50c Turkish towels 3 for ** Size 17‘fcx34 inches, bleached, soft and absorbent 3 for SI.OO $1.65 mercerized table damask ** 72 Inches wide, florgl designs, with open or boxed border SI.OO 35c towel- 4|i ing 4 yards for ** 17 inches wide, part linen warp and weft, very serviceable for hard kitchen use 4 yards for SI.OO Drapery cretonnes, two yards — JL Yard wide, dura ble, close-woven fab lies, bird and stripe patterns; rose, blue or green colors; washable; 75c and 85c qualities— -2 yards, SI.OO 59c pillow- gi cases 3 for Size 36x26 inches, of muslin 3 for SI.OO $1.25, $1.39 and $1.50 f dresser scarfs * Sizes 17x45 and 17x54 inches; fllet lace effects, slightly soiled and muase<Lsl.oo 10c Face cloths... Fifteen for ** Size I2V2C Face i cloths Dozen for SIX Size 11x11 laches dozen for SI.OO Bent from our sixth floor to ths Basement. Children’s $1.98 GL'i stamped dresses Broken lots of poplin, lawn and needle weave, stamped, white and tan; sizes 2 to 4 years; $1.98 quality SI.OO 65c wors'ted €i yarn 2 halls for Best worsted yarn, 2-ounce balls, all colors; 65c quality . ..2 balls for SI.OO 35c yarn at 5 skeins for * Germantown or Shetland yarn; 1-ounce skein, various colors; regular 35c quality .5 skeins for SI.OO 69c stamped JjJJ towels 2 for ** Fine grade cotton huck, 17x34 inches; 69c quality 2 for SI.OO Boys’ pants <gf Sizes 7 to 15 years, of durable •*- materials, dark colors, Knickerbocker style SI.OO Boys’ over- g f alls 2 pair for ** Sizes 4 to 15 years, of dark bine denim; front and back pockets, with bib; Steifel dye; fast colors 2 pairs for SI.OO Boys’ knit caps, 2 for Various color combinations, 9JL also plain colors 2 for SI.OO Men’s $1.50 shirts JJ'i Os percales, neat stripes, coat VJL style, soft turn-back cuffs attached; sizes 14 to 16 Vi; sl-60 quality SI.OO Men’s $1.50 muslin nightrobes V-neck, plain white, sizes 15 to 19; $1.50 quality SI.OO Men’s $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 silk hose.... * Broken lines; plain colors and fancy heather mixtures, drop stitch and striped effects; every pair perfect; $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 qualities SI.OO Men’s SI.OO || hose 2 paifs for Broken lines, silk plated and silk lisle hose, seamless, ribbed lisle top, fully rein forced; black, navy, gray and white. Not all sizes in each color, but all sizes in the lot. 11.00 quality 2 pairs for SI.OO Men’s $1.50 under shirts *** Sizes 41, 48 and 50. “High Rock” heavy fleeced-lined undershirts; $1.50 quality SI.OO Up to 39c hose for men 5 pairs for Stetson. Ipswich, Wayne-Knit and Dur ham makes; fine gauze, ribbed top, double heels and toes; black and colors; up to 39c qualities 5 pairs for SI.OO $1.65 men’s work s*l shirts Os black sateen and blue chambray, sizes 14*4 to 17; of khaki, sizes 15V6 to 17, with flat laydown attached collars, double stitched, well made; $1.65 quality SI.OO Up to 69c undershirts and drawers for $1 men 4 for Balbriggan shirts, with long and short sleeves; sizes 38 to 46; ankle length draw ers; size 42; up to 69c qualities 4 garments for SI.OO Men’s $2.00 union suits.. / Medium weight, ribbed, brush fleeced; sizes 34 to 36; long sleeves, ankle length; also light weight, knit and mesh, whort sleeves and ankle length; sizes 34, 36 and 38; $2.00 quality SI.OO Men’s 65c silk ties 4 for Four-in-hands, w ith wide, open ends, slip easy bands, in neat stripes; 6Rc qnaiity 4 for SI.OO 25c soft collars for gl men 8 for ** Broken lines of style and sizes; 25c quality 8 for SI.OO 9