Newspaper Page Text
INDIANA DAILY TIMES 2E-CS S. Meridian St._ PHONES —CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main 3500 Automatic . IS-351 RATE? .One time 09 per line ,rhr#e consecutive times.. .03 per lino Six consecutive times 07 per line Male or fe.-na'e help wanted, situa tion wanted, male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted— One time 08 per line Three consecutive tinias.. .07 per tine Six consecutive times 0? per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 09 per line Lodges and club notices 75c per Insertion Church notices <1 inch or less) 50c per insertion Over 1 inch, .07 per line additional. Penth notices, SCe per insertion. Card of Thanks or In Memorlam notices 07 per line Ads received until 10:30 a. m. for publication same day. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 622 East Market. Old Phone Main 908. New Phone. 27-208. A. U. Ragsd&ie.J.Walsti Price. John Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. >32 North Delav. are street, J. C. WILSON >230 Prospect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect 322. FUNEHAL DIRECTORS— WM. E- KRIEGER. New 31-164. Main 1454 1402 N. Illinois. TUTEWILER. Funeral Director. 924 N, Meridian L ADD—BERT S. GADD. 2180 Prospect st. “ Phones; Prospect 422. Automatic 52-278, UNDERTAKERS. W. T. BLASENGYM tSS Shelby st. Pros. 2570 Auto. 51-114. UNDERTAKERS— HI BEY * TITUS 951 North DU.. New 26-354 sfdn 363'). DEATH AND FUNERAL~~NOTjfcfc MeNEVIN, CATHERINE—BeIoved w,fe of John D. MoNevin. mother of William H.. John F., Mrs. Elmer Carnes ot Indi anapolis and Mrs. Walter Bortele of Tus caloosa. Ala., died at St. Francis hospital Tuesday morning. Funeral Friday morn ing at S:I0 at residence, 945 Southern are.; 9 o’clock at St. Catherine’s church. Friends Invited. LOST AND FOUND' THE girl Is known who took short, black plush coat off chair in box at Circle the ater Monday afternoon. To avAid arrest return to 2843 Boulevard place, or call North 3473, or Circle theater. LOST—Fur scarf; dark, tails in back, on Illinois street or Twenty-fourth between Illinois and Kenwood avenue. Return to 2418 Kenwood avenue. Liberal reward. MISSING FRIENDS and relative* tra-ed everywhere; no criminal* looked fen Cell Main 5947, or write lost agent. 16 Baldwin block. Indianapolis. Ind. LOST Platinum and diamond pin to or from or in Circle theater. Lib eral reward. FRANK S. FISHBACK, 192- 110 South Pennsylvania. LOST—Two spare tires. 32x4, mounted. with tire covers; word Essex on covers. R. V. LAW MOTOR CO.. 1219 N. Meridian. Main y>B2. *_ WILL the person who called up Woodruff 8193 about a lost lady’s purse kindly call that number again? LOST —A strand of pearls Wednesday morning somewhere downtown. Phone North logs. Reward. LOST—String of pearls, Sunday, between St. Mary's and St. John's churches. Re ward. Main 523. __ LoßT—Gold wrist watch In or near Murat theater. Call Washington 2941; reward. FOUND, money. Owjtr call North 1793. NOTICES. NOTICE. Stockholders' annual meeting of the White River Railroad Company for the election of officers end general business at the office of Kingan & Cos.. Indianap olis, Monday, November 15 at 3 p. m. ROBERT W JORDAN, Secretary. HOUSES—TO LET. TWO-ROOM house, -90S Manlove *v., large lot, well, electric light, shed, $12.00. -Woodruff 7850. FURNISHED HOUSES AND FLATS. ELEGANTLY furnished 4-room cottage. Electricity, gas, well, cistern. North *>34o. FLATS, APART!. TS—TO LET. vVWWWWW^ FOUR rooms, immediate possession. CaH E. H. HOLTAM. Prospect 771. ROOMS—TO LET. NICELY furnished, well heated largo room; private family; gentlemen only. CirdeJOSS. # COZY room for two modern, in 2 300 block on X. Meridian. North 6155. ALABAMA. 125 N.; newly furnished rooms in good home. Main 2018. BOARD AND ROOMS—TO LEt7~ BOARD and rooms, $8.50 weekly, for men only In modern private home. 12J$ Bellefontalne. Main 5355. TWO rooms with boaid, modern house Circle 3330. BUSINESS PLACES TO LEASE SV” Bosiness Place for Lease Cor. Ohio and Ala. st*.. 15x80, rent... $75 241 Virginia ave.. I;x90. rent 75 243 Virginia ave., 25x86, rent.. 1 75 561-2 S. Illinois 8t„ garage to house 60 to 80 cars. See Templeton. Main 5674, with Bert Essex 208 American Central Life bldg. DESK ROOM TO LET ROLL-TOP desk; good light. Use of telephone. MATHER. 3* Union Trust. BUSINESS CHANCES. OPPORTUNITY For Ladies ai*d Gentlemen thlF and surrounding communities. Tak* half an hour or no and see demon strated at studio 228 N. New Jersey at. Oti'i of the LATEST. simplest, MOST BEAUTIFUL and MOST PRACTICAL INVENTIONS of its kind in this age projecting MOVING PICTURES in their NATURAL. ORIGINAL COLORS. as photographed The energetic, the enter prising, will seize THIS OPPORTUNITY, grasp the WONDERFUL ATTAINMENT. Invest an interest, who w',l be permitted to question and learn of its GREAT POSSIBILITIES finding that It stands ALONE In a class TO ITSELF. Until further notice demonstrations given on the hour, from 10 o’clock morning to 6 o’clock evenings. Sundays excepted. You are cordially welcomed by courtesy INTERNATIONAL MOVING PICTURE AND FILM CO. Ask for Mr. Roberta, demonstrator. ART STORE fn|* sale, complete line pic ture frames, glass, books, showcases, wail fixtures; cheap rent and good loca tion. Phone Prospect 292.'. tNST R U CTIO Ns! HAW An —. The very name 1 links itself with J birds, flowers and yl fruit, but more es y peclaiiy with their fascinating music. Hawaiian music ie the most popular of all music and the Hatvilian guitar is tbs easiest of all instruments to teach you to jiiay S3 plecse in your first term. V.'e "iso teach ukulele. mandolin. violin, banjo, stc. Tour choice of these beeu 'lful Instruments free with enroll ment. Open dally till 8 p. m.. also Tues day! Friday and Saturday evenings. Write or phone fcr particulars. Hawaiian school of music. H W. Washington. Main 1072. DETECTIVES. a -nWn nAn.7-! Quigley-Hyland Agencv Civil and Criminal Investigators. **VSCS Law bldg. Main 2902. MALE HELP—WANTED. Common Laborers Men, boys and colored girls, not under 16 years of age. S. Keystone avenue and Belt R. R. Take Prospect car to end of line. FAIRMOUNT GLASS WORKS. WASTED blacksmith; one who ts com petent to do anything in a custom shop; must be expert sheer and fitter; married and willing to work; salary, per cent or both; vacant house on next street; living cheap. Unless you can qualify don’t an swer, K H. WHIPPLE, Cortland. Tnrt. WE WANT to secure three more men for our sales force who will follow instruc tions and work. To these men we offer a real position, not a Job, ar.d the future for you is assured. Phono Main 217 for inter view. YOUNG men, two; neat; 17 to 20. to travel: high-grade advertising proposi tion; salary paid. MR. DENE3SEN. Co lonial Hotel. 6 to 8. MEN to learn barber trade. TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE. 309 E- Washing ton st.; Indianapolis. Ind. Circle 757, CORN huekers wanted: pay good wage*. H. L. SCHERER. Telephone, Fishers Ind. < __ 3ALESME N—WA NT ED. Stoqk Salesman Wanted We want five more live stock salesmen. Our proposition is unusually attractive. Some choice territory with good leads now open. Cali at 40 Virginia ave. and let us show you one of our wonderful lit tle ice refrigerating machine-;, making Ice and refrigerations. Arctic Ice Machine Cos. 11-11 Arcado. Mala 4466 EXPERIENCED stock salesmen for flrst cla.-v dividend paying "Securities of old estabibll-ii-d Indiana corporation. Call at room 510 Board of Trade any Tuesday or Wednesday. FEMALE HELP— WANTED, Indiana Bell Telephone Company- New York and Meridian Stt. Progressive Employment. Our goal is to develop the best in each em ploye WANTED EXPERIENCED TELEPHONE OPERATOR, WITH FAIR KNOWLEDGE OF CITY. SUNDAY WORK EX PECTED. APPLY AT ONCE IN PERSON, YELLOW CAB LINE, 522 N. DELAWARE. WANTED—GirI* to study classical danc ing with Miie. Theo Hetvee to take parts In ballets and productions; reasonable rates. Catalogue upon request. 817 Mer ta Bank bldg. • STRONG middle-.iged white women for kitchen help; dish washing and scrub bing ar.d general housework. Call Bel mont 2600. WANTED—A girl for passing out circu lars and housework. Cali at 1228 East Washington street, side entrance to right at 6 p. m. GOOD cook: no washing or ironing 1141 N. Delaware. BUSINESS bEHVICE*. fyyr ~* * ******** “" m ** MACHINES kjjdr Repaired and Rented by week or month. a.very p;ec*. part or screw for any sew ing machine. White Sewing Machine Cos. Main 600. Alto. 15-218. 312 Mass. Ave. we benlT art g l ass PANELS FOR LAMP SHADES. EDWARD E. HILL, 708 MASS. AVE. CALL 27-704. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order E. F BURKLB, 416 Mass. HVt Main 1428. New? S-778 SAFETY RAZOR BLADES .harp-nod. TUTTI.KPGE. 201 Indiana aw*. If your clock is not running phone Circle 4307. M. R. Shearn. 811 North Ala bama S. JOHNSON, paper hanger. Work guar anteed. Cail Woodruff 6715. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. Natureopathy. Swedish Massage Baths and gen eral treatments. Thorough satisfac tion. 119 East Vermont street. First floor front. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. v iuI.ET Hey snd Swedish massage, MISS DR VERE 17 40 VV Ohio. Main *B7*. AUTOMOBILES FDR AALE^ _ EXTRA SPECIAL 30 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL USED CARS 1919 Buick 46 touring. $1,050. |_1919 Oakland sedan. $876. ”1918 Allen touring, S6OO. j 1918 Dodge touring, $726. ! 1918 Dodge roadster, $875. 1919 Chevrolet touring, S4OO. ! 1917 Allen sedan. $750. j 1918 Ford touring, $326. 1918-Tnter-State sedan. SBSO. I 1917 Hupmcblle touring. ; 1919 Oldsmoblle coupe. And many other cars. Most hav* been ! repainted and rebuilt. Cash or terms. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO SALES CO. j ISo N. Pennsylvania, Main 5246, j Open Sundays ar.d evenings. REDUCED~S2S~A DAY Until Sold Chalmers touring car, in good con dition, equipped with cord tires, Starting price $750. This car is on exhibit in the show win dows of . Oakland Motor Car Cos. 325 N. Pennsylvania St. Come Early and Give It a Look. i — —— SIOO *125 $l6O down will buy a good used car. TVe have Fords. Maxwells, Buicks, Dodges and others in fine shape, that we can sell you on a small down payment, balance 1 yeas. ! No red tape. r INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS. I SIS N. Capitol. Open evening* ‘ - ■ ÜB/p CARS. Look our lot e' used cars r *r before buying. NATIONAL AUTOMOTU C CO., 424 N. Capitol ave. ! Mala 4768. Auto. NASH touring; in Sue guaranteed condi tion; cash or terms. LOHSY-NABH RETAIL CO. Main 3348. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ■ ‘ CLOSED CARS The following cars are all in very good condition, both as to paint and mechanism. They are listed at prices that make each and every car an unusual opportunity to get a high-grade car at an exceptionally low figure. MARMON 34’S RENEWED SEDAN, 1918 Seven-passenger car. painted light Brewster green with black running gear, fenders and radiator shell. Car Is equipped with new tires and has been reupholßtered. Car will bear the closest Investi gation. SEDAN, 1918 - i Four-passenger special body now In the process of re newal. Buyer has the option at this time to specify the color which the car is to be painted. This ear has been used by an official of the Nordyke A Marmon Cos. snd has been kept In the best pos sible condition at ail times. SEDAN, 1918 Five-passenger special body that Is now in our shops in the process of renewal. The buyer has the opportunity of giving us paint specification* at this time. This csr has also been used by an official of the com pany and will bear the closest of inspection. Note: All of the above-cars are guaranteed for a period of 90 days against defective ma terial and workmanship under normal use and wear. We also, have the following miscellaneous used closed cars on hand, which are in good mechanical condition. We navO repainted those cars which It was necessary. COLE AERO EIGHT 19S0 sedan, driven only about 8.000 miles and In a con dition contrasting with the number of miles car has gone. CADILLAC 69 This is anew series, 1920. 3-passenger roadster, driven only 5,000 miles; equlppsd srith good cord Aires, paint very good and has a_ winter top mounted on same'. New spare tire and tube on extra rim. HUDSON, 1917 MODEL 7-passer.ger aedan. Just re painted. Overland coupe. 1920 model. NATIONAL 1917 SEDAN ' OWEN MAGNETIC 19! model. 5-passenger sedan. KISSEL, 1916 MODEL sedan. Just repainted CADILLAC 65, 1917 rnoeel’ sedan. 1 Miscellaneous used CARS HAYNES, 1919 MODEL 7 passenger oar. Juat re painted. This car has been driven only 6.000 miles. HUDSON, 1920 MODEL 4 passer.get phsetor.. equipped with six tires snd covers, front and rear bumper Cgr has only been driven J.StiO- miles. STUTZ 6 PASSENGER touring car, practically nsw, 1920 model. Offers an excep tional opportunity. NATIONAL 1919 MODEL 7-paasenger touring car. Just repainted. CADILLAC. 1916 touring car, Just repainted. PACKARD, 1916 MODEL 7-passenger twin six touring csr; has Just been repainted NATIONAL, 1915 7-passenger louring car. NATIONAL, 1916 model. 7-paasrnger touring car. MAXWELL, 1320 l-ptssenger touring ear that is practically nsw. NOTE: In addition to tha above ws have a few miscel laneous used Marmon 34s which have been overhauled Note the exceptional values of these prices a* listed. _ 1317 touring car, 7-paacen ger. Just repainted Brewster - Sreen’; price $2,60C. 1917 touring car. painted maroon; >2,500. 1917 chummy roadster, equipped with new Urea, new top and exceptional opportu nity; 82.900. 1919 touring 7-passenger tar. painted coach blue, black fenders and running gear. Price. $3,000. ' Tou are invited to call at our Used Car Department and without obligation make a thorough inspection of any of the cars which wo have listed above. We also have a num ber of renewed open cars that are sold with a SO-dey guarantee. LOCAL BRANCH t NORDyKE & MARMON CO. Meridian at 11th at. Oakland Roadster lale 1918 model; fine tires; excellent con dition; will sell thlo car cheap. 610 N. Delaware. Oldsmobile Eight cylinder, 1920, 4 passenger Pace maker. Classiest sport model oar In town. 510 North Delaware street. OAKLAND roadster: wire wheels, new Parker cord tires and spare. Fine shape. Will sell cheap if sold at once. Maln_3349. _ Dodge roadster: lale model; new tires; excellent condition. 510 N. Delaware st. HUPMOBILE touring, 1920 model, wire wheels, cord tires and spare. Driven 1400 mile*. Bargain for quick eul*. Cash or Jterms. Main 3349. BEFORE purchasing a used car see us. We can save you money. * DICKEY MOTOR SALES CO.. 1027 North Meridian street. OVERLAND. 83 touring; 4 brand new tires, now top, painted late this spring. Price Call North 5631. GRANT roaifstcr; 4 good lire*; new spare. Good running car for salesman or so- Hcltor; *460 cash jor term*. Main 3349. FRANKLIN tourlug, good tires and In good running order; private owner; cash or terms Main 1349. BUICK roadster KB | new cord tfres and in perfect running order. Cash or term*. Muin 3346. FORD 1917. touring In flr*t-olass condi tion. Will be sacrificed If sold today. 212 E. New 1 York street. INDIANA MuA'TLVnS, TfIt)RSDAYTNuYEIdtoES ?, iffi — - ■ ... <fe£ DON’T DELAY another day in deciding upon the house that is to be yours. Delay only means more money frittered away for worthless rent receipts. To save to enjoy happiness to its fullest extent, buy a home. Hundreds of them are advertised on this page daily. Among these are some wonderful bargains. Follow the Want, Ads close ly and you are sure to find what you want. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Oakland Sedans One 1919 and one 1318 model. Two 1920 models, run very little; can’t be told from n\v; we will sell these cars at a great sacrifice. 510 N. Delaware. Monroe M 3, chummy roadster In excellent con dition. 510 N. Delaware street. Dodge Sedan 1920, four doors, new car, used slightly as a demonstrator. 510 North Delaware. AUTOMOBILES— WANtEd’ AUTOS WANTED We guarantee highest cash price for your car. INDPLS. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 518 North Capitol. Main 2638. Auto. 22 013. Largest buyers and sellers of used cars in tne state. I WANT ( YOU It CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money ia wait* ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call .Slain 4446 and immediate attention will lie given. 212 E. NEW YORKIST. AUTOS WANTED We pay cash. No delay for your money It Is here for you. Corns in or cal!. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. •19 N. Illinois st. Main 1579. Auto. 22-043 We also buy Junk cars. AUTOS wanted, highs t cash price-; no delay; quick action AUTOMOBILE TRADING £O.. Jifil N. Capitol, AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIED CITIZENS AUTO REPAIR Work done by factory experts. REAR 9143 N. Capitol ave. llsrrtsnn 755. Don't Wait Till Christmas!” Now is tile time to get that car painted for your spring driving. FLEMING & REED 130-32 E. New York St. BATTER! n.' New and guaranteed for any ear. Rebuilt, repainted, recharged. Open until J p :n. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO. >O7 Mass. A-* Main 214'.. AUTO WASHING Our Specially. >22-314 North Iltlnola S & S Auto Laundry ONE-MAN au'o tops, side curtains, seat and radiator covers, PERFECTION AUTO TOl* CO., 1101 Udell street. North *45. DiIVS NTOWN TIRK - .SHOP. VULCANIZING that gives satisfaction. 85 Kentucky avenue Mali. I Hi, AO 1045 AMO 4 iiUL/.o < v/it Hirst AUTOS FOR RENT—Do your own driv ing. U-Drlve Auto Service at Uuu aier Laundry. Rear Keith's theater. Alain 5*41. L-DRIVE 'EM. Automobiles rented to drive yoursetf. MARKET MOTOR SERVICE. 4 K. Market st. Main IT1) MOTORCYCLES AND BlCvCLka. fc-w HARLEY-DAViDSON Motorcycles aud Bicycle* Johnon Motor Wheel* ERNEST HUGHES UAHH raid for all kinds of motorcycles FLOYD PETERMAN. 4CO Uassachu setts svenus- OVERLAND TRANSPORTATION, SUN BEAM LINES render dependable and prompt shipping aervlca over the highways. Main 3441. HOUSEHOLD COODS^ HEATERS. B ABEB URN E R S. 11OTBLA ST*. OAK STOVES. GA9 HEATERS. COAL OIL HEATERS, CANNON STOVES and large stover for factory shop, school houses or ohurch. All of our stove* are guaranteed in best condition, at the lowest price. OLAZER, ttTOYLS Yes we util! have them; all mokes and sixes apd all price* from $8 up to S4O. Come look them over and If you wish we can give you term* to suit; also we have new linoleum at reduced prices; the best patterns In the city for the least price. Also everything In the line of furniture. KROOT A KROOT, 407-9 W. Washington. BUGS Hundreds of rugs, all kinds: wool filler. Axminster. Boxart, velvet, Wiltons, grass matting; any kind of a rug; we have them. Couie and see our rugs before you buy. GLAZER 44 4 K. Washington st. "aooD used huuST" ’ ™ We have the largest selection In Indi anapolis of high-grade unset ruffs; all size*, at prices thet will please you. USED GOODS STORE. 474 Maasnehusetu ave. INVALID CHAIRS and crutch** to reotT free delivery to all parts of city; in valid chairs 77.50 per month. BAKER BROS., wk"WANT to buy" good furniture, rugs, office and store fix tures. We pay more than other dealer* Call Cooperlder. USED GOODS STORE. Majn 2285. RADIANT HOME—If you want a Rad iant Home bsjeburner. on payments, go to RAKER BROS CLERMONT—If you v ant a. Clermont hot bloat on payments, go to BAKER BROS. ALL kinds of household goods at aavn _balf prices, on payment*. BAKER BROS. COMBINATION (Jariand ranges at iwve half prices, on pr.yments. BAKER BROS. FLORENCE hot .blast and base burner for sale. 1531 Wilcox st. Belmont 1148. PALACE—If you want a Palace hotblast. on payments. *o to BAKER BROS. KITCHEN cabinets st save-half price*. Cash or payments. BAKER BROS. CHIFFEROBES at save-half prices, on payment* at Baker BROS. COAT. RANGES at save-half prices on payments nt BAKER BROS. DAVENOS at save-half prices on pay ments at BAKER BROS. GAS RANGES at xave-half price* on pay rnents. BIKER BROS. MACHINERY AND TOOLS. FARM POWER SUPPLIES HERCULES GASOLINE ENGINES; ALL SIZES ASSOCIATED GASOLINE ENGINES; ALL SIZES. FARM SAWING OUTFITS. FARM CONCRETE MIXERS. PUMPING OUTFITS OF ah- DE SCRIPTIONS. WONDER MIXERS HOISTS AND PUMPS FOR BUILDING AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. ALL BUSES CARRIED IN STOCK. BURL FINCH. DJKT.. 818-20 W. MARYLAND ST. TAKE The Times Went ad routs to reach tha home. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. 334 FOREST ST. A 5-roora cottage, water, gas, elec tric light and toilet in house, in first ! class condition. East front. Improve ments made and paid. Price $3,000. Terms if desired. To seo is to buy. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION Double house in 600 block Union street. Price $4,600. Rents for $45.00 ' per month. Large lot, 45x130. DOUBLE ON N. DAVIDSON F¥ice_ $4,000. Lot 46x150. Rents for S4O- SSOO, balance as rent. GILL REALTY CO. 257 W. Washington. Main 1616. Auto. 28-236 RAYMOND ST. NEAR MERIDIAN I Seven rooms, modern except bath fix ! tures; three large lots, beautiful shads l trees, plenty of fruit and grapes; large barn. Will sell on small payment down. i Price $4,300. Frank S. Clark & Cos. 226 K. Ohio. Main 2377. HOME FOR COLORED. Five-room house on Senate ave., near 16th st.; gas, lights and water. PRICE $3,250.- $250 cash, S2O month. DUNLOP k HOLTEGEL, Realtors 122 E. Market ot. BEAUTIFUL high, large level lot. half square of Maple road boulevard (35th ■t >. only two squares southeast of fair grounds. Fins Investment or building site. Will sell to good party oi ea*y paymenta; $lO cash, $1.50 weekly. Trice only $525. Get busy 540 I.cmcke Annex. Main 1409. S3OO CASH AND $22 MONTH 1027 High street, now vacant; 5 rooms, i city water, electric lights, etc., fine con dition. improved street. R. IT. Hartman, 224 N. Delaware. 6-ROOM HOME, EAST $2,400; S3OO cash. s2l par month; gas, electric lignts and city water. VV. L. Bridges. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION” "829 Shriver avenue. 6 rooms, modern, with long living room, $5,000 on terms. Marion County State Bank. SEVEN room*, electric lights, gss, toilet and bath, hot arid cold water, cement basement. 40-foot lot. 2-car garage; S2OO down, balance like rent. Total $>.500. Call B. B HOLT AM. Prospect T7t. 3958 <; KA < EL AN D A VE. Owner leaving state, offers hems for SB,OOO. Real bargain. BEN F TOLLE. Call Woodruff 607. FINE home, also double, both strictly modern and almost new. Must sell these properties at once and will make some terms If necessary fall me for full Information. Washington 1079. STRICTLY modern 7-roorn new brick bungalow, rlower baths, laundry, hard wood floors. Price $7,000; SSOO down and $lO p< r month. 612 Indiana Trust Bldg. Main 407. { FOR homes on south side, modern and , semi modern from 3 to 11 rooms; single and doubles, cash or payments. For torrr.s cal! Prospect *ll4 after 4 p. ru. HOUSE by owner 7-room modern, garage. fine condition: Immediate possession. >lßl (land North TITO, LOTS FOR SALE. LARGE, beautiful lots in Wayns park, Just off of \Vst Washington street, which is being paved; $1 down, >1 week. Will take you out 1 n our automobile at your convenience. OSCAR LEE, 1002 City Trust Main 915. REAL ESTATE—SALE OR TRADE. FOR BALE OR TRADE An equity of I* 506 In anew elx-room house with a half acr of ground, near Lynahurst Drive. Has full basement, elec tric I,giite. at and t intern. Within half block of Ir.terurban Map. Will consider cheap reniat or c'.mr single. STATE -SAVIN'GH AND TRUST COMPANY Main 4.117. R-*ldr •'* Ueimont 20*7 LOT for ie of trade for cor or tfj k. Prospect 821$ HEAL ESTATE—WANTED. FOUR TO SIX-ROOM HOUSE. WHITB neighborhood, ea'liy repaired, .Mh buyer, not to exreed 11.500. Ad dre.* A No. 1443. Times. r. . FARMS — SALE. CLOYEKDALE, TXT). 36 1 o acres, 3 :; 4 miles west, good house and barn, 30 aeres culti vuted. Price $3,200. Want small cottage or double. Assume mortgage or pay difference. .Ad dress OWNER, 1224 West Thir ty-third. LANDOLOGY, special number. Just out conlalnlug 1920 facta of Clover Laud in Marinette county. Wisconsin If tor a home or an an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm land* where farmers grow rich, send et once for this special t.uiuber of LANDOLOGY. It is free on request. Address SKID MOPE-RIEHLK LAND COMPANY. 11l Skidmore • I’.lshle bldg. Marlnotte. Wla FOR bargain* In Improved farms and cutover land in the best part of Missis sippi write to ELLSWORTH TILDEN. Collins, Ml**. • FARMS TOLET. For rent —160-acre dairy farm; 8 head registered Holstein cattle. A golden opportunity for right man. Possession March Ist. R. M. TIMM, 1212 South Senate ave. Mi SC ELLA NE QuV-F OR ~BALE.~~ Quit Wearing Ready-Made rams s eji make them tf> A jJ your measure for LEON TAILORING CO. „ 131 B. NEW YORK. Up one flight. Match Your Coat /*lF^ I \ with a pair of / I I ] TROUSERS I [ I I / THE PANTS \ / i l / STORE CO. 11 / I W Two Stores \l 1 I Wk 48 W. Ohio. JB A i llO E. Market 1® LADIES’ WINTER CLOAK Novelty brown; Jut like new. size 31. This is a wonderful bargain at sl6. 710 North Illinois street. Apt. S. or call Main 60 17 after 6 p, m. TWO ladles’ cults for sale at a bargain! sixe 30 and 38. One black and one dark brown. 1013 South Capitol aveuuo. FOR SALE—Purple ellvcrtnne coat with skunk fur; tnupo satin dress; braided. Reasonable Cell Belmont ::576. BARGE size hotbiart cheap. 1180 Linden street. Prospect 5691. DESKS at nave-half prices on payments at BAKER BRuS. ~ COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE. COAL Immediate Delivery EASTERN KENTUCKY MINE RUN, sl4 .ILLINOIS LUMP . u.ti SMOKELESS MINE RUN 16.50 Wheeling 73c extra. Available supply Indiana for two weeks eohl. THE .I.I II A A i I’SON COAL CO. 127 N. Pulton St. Circle 306 ~~~ ILLINOIS LUMP. “ L. H. BAIN COAL CO. or Main 3631. FOR SALE—C6aI and wood. INTEID STATE PRODUCTS Main 983. MISCELLANEOUS—WAITED. FWWWWSfW^AAfW9^*WWV^VWwy^ Attention Ws need mil kinds of furniture, and need It now. We have the largest and best rated used goods store 1b this state. Call our buyer and get what your good* are worth. Baker Bros. Auto. 2J :. Mala >4BB. LEWSHANK pay* best prices In city for household goode and fixtures of all kinds. 287 North New Jersey street. Main 2028. WILL pay beat price for second-hand otothing; cleaning. pressing, repairing done. JAMES RAIKQB, 24 Kentucky ave, | LAMPS and wicker furniture. Will pay j __a good cash price. BAKER BROS. DINING ROOM BUITeI Will pay a good cash price. BAKER BROS. PIANO wanted. Will pay a good cash _ price. BAKER BROS. | HOTBLAST wanted. Will pay a good cash j pi!ee._ BAKKP BROS. : GAS RANGES and ice' boxes. Will pay ' cash. BAKER BROS. _ BAKER BROS' PAY MORE. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. A^WVSfWVWWXA/VNAfWVWS/WWk/W^ Phonograph Bargains Victor Victrola. $l5O model with 14 records, used short time; big bargain, $140: payments $1.75 per week. Columbia Grafonola, $l2O model, with 20 records, big buy at $95; payments $1.50 per week. E. L. Lennox Piano Cos. 16 N. Meridian at. $650 SOLO CONCERTO " PLAYER Dull mahogany case, bench and 10 rolls of music. This player is practically as. good as new. Sale price $495 Sec or phone Mr. Grey, with PEARSON PIANO CO. 128 N. Pennsylvania. Main 1309. RECORDS, good records of any make you desire. 40c. BAKER BROS.. 2XB W. Washington. BEGINNERS violins, mandolins, guitars, bargains. TUTTLE. 201 Indiana at* FINE player piano. S4O down aud $4 per _ week. North 4211. PET STOCK AND POULTRY^ CANARY, fins young singer* and cage. 312$ Oractland. North 717F LEGAL NOTICE. ~~ NOTICE. Indlanspoil*. Oct. 18. 1920. Notice I* hereby given that as directed and empowered by the laet will of Chris tina Waterman, deceaeed, the under signed. at the office of Clarke k Clarke 730-7*5 Bankere Truet Building. Indianap olis. Indiana, will offer for sale on Nov. 6. 1920. and from day to day thereafter until sold, the following described real estate, towll: Lot seventy-five (75) In Aaron Kauf man's Woodelde addition to tha city of Indianapolis, being a subdivision of lots one (t) to ten (10) of W W. Wright’s addition to the city of Indianapolis. Said real estate will be sold to the highest bidder for cash and for not less than the full appraised value thereof. Said real estate will be sold free and clear of all liens and Incumbrances ex cept taxes unpaid. Any sale made will be subject to the approval of the Marlon Probate Court. JOHN W. BEHRMANN, Executor of the last will of Christina Waterman, deceased. CLARKE k CLARKE. Attorneys. NOTICE OF BIDS FOrIToaD^ORADEr" Notice Is hereby given that the under- | signed, the Board of Commissioners of j Morton County Indians, will, up to 10* o'clock a. m. Nov 20, 1920. receive sealyd bids for one four-horse grader for us* ; fre* gravel road*, according to spectfica- i tier.* on fils In the office of the Auditor i of Marion County. Each bid must be ac- | corn panted by a bond and an affidavit as t required by law. The board reserves the i right to reject any or alt bids. Witness our hands, this 3rd day of No vember. 1920. LEWIS W GEORGE. JOSEPH O. HAYES. CARLIN It. SHANK. I Commissioner#Marlon County. ! Attest; LEO K FESLER. Auditor. | LEGAL NOTICE Notice L hereby given pursuant to th# ' statute* that the undersigned conducting j a public norage house will on Thureday. i Dec. 2. 1620, at 10 am, sell for accrued ; charges the household and other goods held In storage for ons year with charges unpaid belonging to O. R. Thompson, 87131. BHANK FURNITURE A STORAGE CO. 217 N. New Jersey gL NOTICE 'OF SPECI AL MEETING MARION COUNTY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Marlon County council of Marion County, Ind.. will be held at the auditor's office In th# courthouse, in the! city of Indianapolis, on Thureday. Nov. 11. 1920. at 10 o’clock a. m. LEO K. FBSLER. Auditor Marion County. Indianapolis, Ind.. Nov. I. 1920. FINANCIAL ~ ~ | .vvomnaAm, PERSONAL LOANS S2O TO S3OO This office le operated under the super vision of the State of Indian* and was es tablished for the purpose of providing a place where honest people can borrow any amount from S2O to 1800 without paying more than the legal rat* of in terest or without being Imposed upon In any way Tt I* only recssaary that you are keep ing house and permanently located. • NO WORTHY PERSON REFUSED tv* do not notify your employer, neither do w# make Inquiries of your friends, relatives r trades people. Ton can have all tha time necessary for repayment and cay only for the actual time you keep the money. Call and let us explain. No charge unless you bor row. Loans with other companies paid off and more money advanced at legal ratea. IF IN A HURRY PHONE MAIN 2923 OR AUTO 22-450. SECURITY MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Rooms 205-7-9 Indiana Trust Bldg. 113 E. Wash. St. Corner Virginia Ave. Money Talks No on* Is so Independent as the man with the cash. Let us furnish you enough to close that deal or buy that for which you can not afford to wait. Bargains will seek you If you carry a full purse. Get It of u now and pay later. We loan on thing* of value, such aa fur niture. pianos, etc., In any amount up to 1300 payable In small monthly pay-, menta. Ask about our terms on SSO, SIOO, S2OO, S3OO You don't have to apologize for bor rowing money. Moat uunlnsas men get financial assistance. We are under State ■upervlulon and will gtv* you the lowaet legal rate. Call, write or phone. State Loan Cos. 806 ODD FELLOW BLDG. Cor. Penn, and Waeh. Sta. Phones: Main 4819. Ney 24-439. MONEY TO LOAN On First Mortgage Security SIX PER CENT OJLLju xtiliAJul'i. 00. Main 1646, Auto. 28-236 WE ARK PRHPAKVD TO HAKK KEaL ESTATE LOAN!) PROMPTLY. Wfc. PUKt'HASB REALTY CONTRACT*, MORTGAGES, BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Prea. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg. Southwest corner Delaware and Market I FIRST sad ascotd mortgage* on Indiana and Indianapolis real estata. *, 18. WIL SON, 10$ N. Da’a ware at. Mate I*l*>. IN St, HaM h In all branches. AUBIDsY j D. PORTER 914 Peoples Bank Bldg. Main 7045. . j LOANS on diamonds; 3ui% per month. BUIITO- JEWELRY CO.. 52 Monu ment. MONEY to loan on city and farm broker age 65 When bldg. WHEN patronising these *d\ *rtl*cre men tion The Time* Connerßville Editor , Sick Few Hours, Dies Special to The Times. CONNERSVILLE, Ind., Nov. 4.—Edwin W. Tatman, 42, publisher of the Con nersvills News-Examiner, is dead at his l home here following an tnness of twenty four hours. Mr. Tatman was a member of the Musonic and Elk lodges, Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce and director of the Fayette Rank and Trust Company. He began his newspaper - career as a cub reporter on the Connersville Dally News. Later he became associate editor and after the death of William Downs, found ed the Evening News, now the News- Examiner. A widow and four children survive. AMNESIA VICTIM ; NO. 3AT HOSPITAL Button Indicates Man Served in Canadian Army. Another man believed to be an amnesia victim is at the City Hospital and the police are trying to identify him. Some weeks ago two men unable to tell their names or where they lived ap peared here and, after being cared for at the hospital, were identified through ef forts of th# police. Victim No. 3 appeared at the office of Dr. Arthur F. Hess and because of his actions wag turned over to the police. The man had a letter addressed to “Dear Jim’’ and he wore a button that showed he had served in France with the Caadian army. Two cards bearing the name of Mrs. T. J. Hamilton and the name of the Used Car Exchange, 568 King street, east, were lu his pockets. The man was unable to tell his name or where be lived and ho will be held at the hospital until the police can com municate with the Canadian military au thorities and learn his idenity. WOMAN ON WAY TO HOSPITAL KILLED Frankfort Doctor’s Wife Vic tim of Auto Accident. Mr*. Hard. 70, wife of Dr. Oliver Card, Frankfort, was killed instantly last night when struck by an automobile while on her way to visit her husband, who is a patient at the Methodist Hospital, and who is recovering from a serious opera tion. The accident occurred near the hos pital and Mrs. Gard was carried into the hospital, but physicians said death was almost instantaneous, resulting from j a fracture of the skuU. O. E. Rianford. 20, 302 Harvard place, driver of the automobile which struck i Mrs. Gard, said he was going north ou j Capitol avenue and was opposite the main entrance of the hospital when Mrs. Gard stepped In front of the car. He said the poor lighting at that rart of tie street prevented his seeing her. Mr Irene Leavitt, IS, is in a serious condltiou at the City Hospital as the re sult of injuries received when an auto mobile driven by her husband, Walter Leavttt, 23. of 4641 Guilford avenue, was hit by a street car at Alabama and Now York streets. Leavitt was injured slightly. GOVERNOR COX MAY GO ABROAD Expresses Desire to Study Con ditions in Europe. DAYTON. Ohio. Nov, 4.—Governor Janie* M. Cox said today he probably would visit Europe In the spring of 1921. lie indicated he desired to make a first hand investigation of conditions there ns they affect the United States, in addition to satisfying a love for travel. Apparently, the Governor, who has worked bard all his life, plans to “lake thing* easy" in the fiture. lie hns made no mention of any future political plans. Today the Governor was back in his newspaper office, devoting 6orae atten tion to his paper for virtually the first time since his acceptance speech. He con tinued in cheerful mood. He expected to go to Columbus to morrow to clean up executive business that has accumulated during the last two week* of the campaign. Newspaper eor rcgpoiH.ents who have been with the Governor during the campaign will be his guests at a dinner mt Trail's End tonight. In response to bis message to Senator Harding, congratulating nnn ou the Re publican victory, the Governor has re ceived the following reply: •’As the successful caudidate, I thank you for your message of congratulations and pledge of support.” Cox expected to leave for his Missis sippi hunting trip early next week. i PURSE GRABBERS AND THIEVES BUSY Reports of Robberies Call for Investigation. Harry Wallace of Marshall, a guest at ; the Denison Hotel, reported to the polio? ! today that someone had stolen his seal •kin coat, valued nt $:>00. Fred A. WUkoning, 4.j0-$ Broadway, re- j ! turned home late last night r.ud found the glass broken from the front door of bis residence. Each room had been ransacked by a burglar, but only two pairs of shoes were missing. Charles Kline, 2706 South Meridian street, reported the theft of twenty-four chickens. Mrs. Clifford McKay, 1711 North Penn | sylrania street, while shopping yester- ! I day afternoon laid her purse on a counter i |of a downtown store. A few moments i 1 later the purse was missing. She told the | j police the purse contained S2O and a j gold bracelet valued at SSO. The purse . was valued at $23. Mrs. Mary Gane. 2425 Kenwood ave ! nue. was robbed of her purse while on an Illinois street car. The purse con tained $24, some foreign coins ad some pnpers Edgar B. Oscars told the police r,n automobile tire mounted on a rim was stolen from his garage at Thirty-eighth and Delaware streets. lie valued the tire and rim at S9O. Sparks on Roof Cause Damages to Home | Sparks falling on the roof of the home I of Blanche Cheniworth, 1713 Tulbott hvp | nue, started a tire at 5:39, o’clock Wednesday afternoon that caused a loss ! of si,oco. Fire started in a coal bin on the th>’rn | floor of a brick business block at 24Vi Kentucky avenue at 7 .an o'clock l ist | night. I The ’oss was S2OO. i TRANBFER AND STORAGE^ G7VKV7 STORAGE UHEAPEST 1 j\V RATES IN CITY. CALL (11/ US. Everything at rea- , j I 11 . enable price. Packed. ( Lr*J M shipped anywhere.: 'CIZ Li Locked rcora if desired. 1 ;o We.t Henry Mala 46 8. CALL SHANK for the best service In I hauling, packing, shipping and otoitg*. 1 827-229 North -Itu Jersey St. Main tS 2B. SOCIALISTS SAY VOTE SHOWS GAIN Claim Nearly Million More Ballots Than in 1916. I CHICAGO, Nov. 4.—Socialists polled a | record vote Tuesday, Otto Braustefer, : secretary of the national .Socialist party, j claimed here today. ! Despite the Republican landslide th# \ Socialists rolled up nearly a million mort ! votes thau they did in 1316, Bransteter j said. Based on returns received thus far, Bransteter estimated the Socialist vote will run over a million snd a half. The previous record rote was 9'J0.000 in 11)16. he said. In San Francisco Socialists polled 29,- 000 votes. Telegrams from that city stated more than 100,000 votes were ex pected to be polled in California. Reports from other cities were: Davenport, lowa —4,000, against 1,200 in 116. St. Louis—lo,ooo. against 3,600 in 1910. Dayton, Ohio—l.3oo, against 2,000 in 1916. Minneapolis—2,soo. In Detroit tbo vote was 23,000, against 7,500 in 1916. Rhode Island. Bransteter said, doubled Us Socialist vote. A considerable in crease also was recorded in Utah, he de clared. " Only one Congressman has been elected by the Socialists, according to Bran setter’s reports. This was Meyer London of New York City, Legislators, he said, were elected in Minnesota and Wisconsin. No reports bad been received from Penn sylvanla and Illinois. ”‘n the whole the result is very satis factory to the Socialists,” said Braa stetcr. REPORT CLEARS PRISON HEADS ‘Lax Methods’ Investigators Find Nothing to Condemn. A report “whitewashing” the manage ment of the State prison of charges of lax methods and poor discipline was trade today by Demarchus C. Brow* and Amos W. Butler -of the Board of State Charities. The two members of the board made nn investigation following the escape of John E. Vaughn, a life prisoner, who was Inter re-captured. Their statement follows: It has been brought to the attention of the Board of State Charities that statements lu pfTect regarding lax meth ods, poor discipline and inadequate su pervision of prisoners at the Indiana State Prison have been extensively cir culated. Therefore, a committee of the Board of State Charities, composed of Demarchus C. Brown, chairman, and Amor W. Butler, secretary, on Oct. J 7 and 28. 1920, visited the State prison and made inquiry as ro the truth of these statement*. LIFE PRISONER MADE TRUSTY.' From the evidence obtained it was found in brief that there was a life pris oner, John E. Vaughn, who escaped from the pumphouse at the water works where he was employed as cook for himself and two other “trusty” prisoners who operate the plant. A newsboy from the neighborhood went with him. Both were f*und and Vaughn was returned to the prison. Our information is that the boys father, who lived in Chicago, estne after him and took him to hi* home there. Vaughn is a life prisoner who has been at the prison thirteen years. The prison management chose him fo* the position at the pumphouse because he had kept the rules and proved trust worthy in every position in which ho had been employed, including that of caretaker of the front grounds outside the prison wall, ju our opinion thsr# is no foundation in fact for the generrlix- Htlons made regarding lax methods, poor t.iscipline and inadequate supervision. Be skies, the three prisoners who wsrs ctuplo)ed at the pumping station were tvgurded as umong the most reliable men in prison population. There ara others chosen for reliability who aro principally employed upon the large prison farm a* gardeners, farmers, dairy men, shepherds and teamsters. They are under the authority of three offi-er* and are not unguarded, neither de tow roam at will. i HOLD INDIANA PRISON DISCIPLINE GOOD. From a personal knowledge of the dis- I eipline in a number of the. better pris ons iu liie United states. we are prepared to say that the discipline at the Indiana , M ite Prison Is good; that the method* .ire in accordance with standard prison ideas; that they are on the basis of the merit system. The merit system in use in the Indian* State Prison has been developed through the pa;-t twenty years. It lias shown I it* value and is now employed In all the better prisons of the United State*. It implies confidence and trust as the pris oner shows he merits it All thla is up-on the basis of careful watching and test ing. Prisoner* arc not selected indiscrim inately for outside employment, but *r* i chosen for demonstrated fitness and al most always the faith reposed in theta has been shown to be well placed. Sel dom oue escapes. Os the average prison population of SOU for the fiscal year end ing September 50, 1920. the record 6howa but four escapes, one of these from in side the wall, and one of these prisoners was returned. The excellent discipline, too, is shown by the small number of reports fer violation of rules and the gri-Mt reduction in vhe number of punisn nu-nts in recent years, the good order maintained, aud the efficiency la t | dustry. 1 The passing of the system of contract j prison labor here, which this board has | favored, is a cause of gratification and [ a further evidence of the progress being \ made at the Indiana fUate Prison. The system that has been applied in j this prison has demonstrated its value by experience aud has commended itself to others and is approved by all experlencid In prison affairs who know tae fact*. October Postoffice Receipts Show Gain Postoffiee receipts for October show * gain of 13.24 per cent over tho Lotei *- celptß for October. 1919. The total receipts for the month were 5242.096, of which the largest single item was the sale of stamps, amounting to 5217.139.36. revealing au increase of $29.- .333.00 over the sales for the previous Oc tober. The largest percentage of increase wsa that of waste paper sales, qnoted at 1-416.39 for lust month, or 5356.73 gain. The only decrease quoted was of third and fourth-class permits, which were $3,606.33 last month, and $7,720.26 fog fc*> tober, 1919. Former Captain of Cops Quits for Farm (’apt. Harley Heed has resigned from the police department to live oa his farm in Ripley County. R--ed was appointed to the pollc* fere* April IS, 1903, and was promoted a num ber of times, finally being made cap tain .Tilly 5, 1919. He has been on a vacation for some time, but returned to pass election day in Indianapolis. Boy Injured *HeadJstrikes Post Raymond Jones. 12. of 1,521 West Wash tngton. street, was injured today when a bicycle on which he was riding slipped, on the wet pavement under the railroad elevation at Washington and Harding streets, his head striking a post. The boy was unconscious for * time and aus taken home In an automqbtla* 11