10 Open Tonight 6 to 8:30 fletcfjer anb latßujufon RED CROSS NAMES SEAL COMMITTEE $200,000 Goal Set for 1920 Holi day Sales. The personnel of the campaign com mltee for the 1820 sale of Red Cross seal, has been announced by Dr. W. I#. Bryan of the Indiana Tubercu losis Association. The committee wilt have charge of the annual sale of the Christmas seals. Forty counties of the State were rep resented at a meeting of the campaign committee held Friday, when plans for the campaign were laid. The meeting was presided over by Dr. Alfred Henry, president of the Marion County Tubercu losis Society. The campaign committee has set $200,000 as 'its goal In the 1920 seal sale. The personnel of the campaign commit tee is as follows: Bishop Joseph M. Francis. Judge Solon B. Carter, Rabbi Morris M. Feuerlicht, Rev. Frederick E. Taylor, Adolph Fritz, Thomas C. Howe, Elias J. Jacoby, Judge James E. Deery, Edward Raub, A. H. Godard, Mrs. Felix T. McWhirter, Mrs. S. E. Perkins, Mrs. Isaac Born, Miss Belle O’Hair, Frank Duffy, W. L. Lewis. Nicholson, W. H. Lcedy, E. E. Stacy, Mrs. James P. Goodrich, Mrs. Grace Julian Clark, Mrs. William Herschell. Mrs. M. F. Aplt, Miss Mary L. Thomas and Governor James P. Goodrich of In dianapolis; S. F. Bowser of Ft. Wayne, James S. Royse of Terre Haute. F. D. Oliver of South Bend, President W. E. Stone of Purdue .University, John J. Noland of Evansville, President Charles H. Goodell of Franklin College. E. G. Hoffman of Ft Wayne, John W. Mc- Carty of Washington, John Brown of Monon, Rev. Harry Nyee, Mrs. Richard Edwards, Miss Mary Callahan and Miss Julia Landers of Peru, Fred I. King of Wabash, A. F. Hughes, Mrs. Albion Fel lows Bacon, Mrs. Alice French and Mrs. Alice Gresham Dodd of Evansville; W. G. Irwin and Miss Vida Newson of Columbus, J. L. McCulloch of Marlon, Elwood Haynes, Mrs. John Edward Moore' of Kokomo; Lincoln Dixon of North Vernon, Mrs. Mindwell C. Wilson of Delphi, Mrs. J. Dillon and Mrs. Hor ace Stilwell of Anderson. Mrs. Culla Vay hinger of Upland, Mrs. Fred McCullough, Bishop Herman J. Alerding, Rev. A. J. Folsom of Ft. Wayne; Mrs. Bomar Tray lor of Jasper, Mrs. James A. Woodburn of Bloomington, Walter Batl of Mancie, George L. Macintosh of Crawfordsville, Rev. William A. Sunday of Winona Lake, W. W. Parsons of Terre Haute, Dr. George R. Gross of De Pauw University, Evan Stotsenburg of New Albany, W. H. O'Brien of Aurora. Robert E. Proctor of Elkhart, President Henry Brown of Earl lam College. Judge John W. Craig of Greensburg, John C. Shirk of Brookville, Judge Thomas W. Duncan of Princeton, L. C. Griffitts of Seymour, Clarence. J. Munton of Kendallville, Mrs. Gene Strat ton sorter of Geneva, Mrs. Hence Orme of Southport, Mrs. Elizabeth Claypool Earle of Connersville, Miss Helen Ben bridge of Terre Haute, Miss Betsy Ed wards of Shelbyville, Vice President Thomas R. Marshall of Washington. D. C. The Home Service Chapter of the Red Cross cared for 671 soldiers and depend ents, according to a report made at a meeting of the board of directors of the Indianapolis Red Cross. Officers were re-elected by the direc tors, as follows: William Fortune, chair man; Mgr. F. H. Gavisk, vice chairman; John H. Holliday, treasurer, and Miss Agnes Cruse, secretary. Eugene C. Foster was added to the executive com mute. Other members of the committee, all of whom were re-elected, are: Fred eric B. Ayres, C. B. Sommers, Rabbi M. M. Feuerlicht, James W. Lilly and E. H. K. McComb. Pays Fine for Attack on Indiana Editor • Special to The Time*. GREENSBURG, Ind., Not. 6.—The ap pearance of certain statements iu his paper, it is believed, caused F. P. James, editor of the St. Paul Telegram, a Re publican weekly newspaper published at that village, to receive a knockout blow from an unknown person Thursday night. James had been actl-e with his paper in the support of Harding and Coolldge. Ola Watkins. St. Paul, came to this city Friday and in Squire Grant’s court pleaded guiltr to assault on Editor James and was fined SI. and costs, amounting to f11.32. Cooking Oil—Glossbrenner’s. Its Cause and Cure” is the title of anew copyrighted 2811-page book that has baan written by Benjamin Nathaniel Bogue, who stammered hlmseif for twenty years so badly he could hardly talk. In this book he tells how he came to originate the Bogue Unit Method of Re etortng Perfect Speech, tell* how he cured himself, tells how other stammerer* and stutterers can be cured. This new book explains the workings of the Bogue Unit Method and why Mr. Bogue founded, in 1901, the Bogue Insti tute for Stammerers, an institution with national patronage The Bogue Unit Method, applied only at the Bogue Insti tute, Is strongly Indorsed by the medical profession. Mr. Bogue’s new book contains definite and authoritative information. Regui.-.r price 13.00. Upon receipt of 25 cents in coin or stamps to cover postage and pack ing a copy of this 285-page cloth-bound book will be sent to roaders of thlß pub lication. provided you stammer, or are in terested in someone who does stammer or stutter. This special offer is made in or der to introduce this new book at once In ail parts of the country, and may be with drawn at any time. Address BENJAMIN N. BOGUE, Pres. The Bogue Institute for Stammerer*. 1260 Bogue Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. WElUtinAFit taiitttnujrai invaluable for torers and for keeping recipes, addresses, secret memorandum or other Information safe and private. No stranger can read your postals if you um the Weto Graph. Great fun for lovers or friends. Don't miss It. Send 10c and w# will send the Weto Graph by mall with full Instructions Address FBNN I'l A. PISHING CO.. BlalravlUe. Pa PICK DR. SAVARY FEDERATION HEAD Vacancy Caused by Resig nation of Dr. Frick Filled. The Rev. George Savary, pastor of the First Congregational church, has been named president of the Indiana Church Federation to All the vacancy tnade by the resignation of Dr. Philip L. Frick, at a meeting of the association Friday. Before coming to his Indianapolis pas torate the Rev. Mr. Savary had churches in London, England, and Philadelphia. Other officers elected were: Evangel ism, the Rev. T. W. Grafton, Indianapolis; community, the Rev. J. M. Walker, Rush ville, Ind.; social service, Howard E. Johnson, Butler College; rural life, G. I. Christie, Purdue University; finance, the Rev. E. 8. Shumaker; publicity, the Rev. O. F. Hall, Purdue University. Chairmen of the following standing committees were chosen as follows: Methodist church, Bishop F. D. Leete; Baptist, the Rev. C. M. Dinsmore; Pres-, byterian, F. W. Backemeyer; Disciples, the Rev. C. W. Cauble; United Brethren. Bishop H. H. Fout; Re'ormed, the Rev. William H. Kneirim; Christian, C. B. Hershey; Evangelical, the Rev. J. O. Mosier; Methodist Protestant, the Rev. E. T. Howe: Friends, the Rev. Enos Har vey; Congregational, the Rev. A. J. Hum fries; United Presbyterian, A. W. Jami son. The Indianapolis churches of the Dis ciples of Christ will hold special rally day services tomorrow as part of the State-wide membership drive. .‘The churches of the denomination were notified by a board meeting of the In diana Christian Missionary Association that tomorrow is State Missionary day. The following district meetings will be held in tbe State next week: Monday, First Christian Church, Vincennes; Tues day, Christian Church, Seymour; Wednesday, Central Christian Church, Indianapblls ; Thursdays h Istian Church, Logansport, and Friday, West Jefferson Street Church of Christ, Ft. Wayne. JUDGE ARRESTED FOR SECOND TIME Logansport Official Accused of Shortage. Special to The Times. LOGANSPORT, < Ind., Nov. 6.—James A. West, Judge of the City Court of Logansport, who was indicted recently along with Othello Smith, deputy prose cutor, and Don Richeson, ex-patrolman, for conspiracy and accepting bribes in connection with investigation of the activities of a reputed whisky ring here, again is under arrest, this time on a bench warrant based on a grand jury indictment charging embezzlement on two counts. He gave bond In the sum of $3,000. ' It is said the charges against Judge West grew out of shortages in his ac counts in the city courts. The cash book of the court, it is alleged, shows HEALTH SEEKING EXPERIENCE . PERFECTED WHEN MAN DECIDES TO FOLLOW JUDGMENT OF WIFE Qiristmas Now Complete. GIFTS A WORD to the WISE WK" A r’n books, stationery • OlliVV I V>vj. AND office outfits 44 E. Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. Begin Right Now! To Start That Savings Account and Then watch it grow. * jjL One dollar will start it or any amount you WVjfW desire. + */g Ig Drawing interest from the moment it is deposited at W e sell, rent, insure your property, supply safe deposit boxes, furnish bonds, etc. Checking accounts solicited, and given careful 7he State Savings cT Trust Company 9 E. Market Street SATURDAY BANKING HOURS, 8 a. m. to 12. Evenings 6 to 8. Make A Straight Dash For Success Buslneaa aaya, "I WANT YOU, IF TOU’LL PREPARE.” That Is the point exactly. You can not afford to “stumble” along blindly, scattering your efforts, merely “hoping” to get somewhere. Business is constantly offering fine positions to those who are prepared to accept them. To attend :i good business College means that You Expect to Get Somewhere Think at this serioualy. Some time It will be too late. Let the Idea im press you now. If you are ready, NOW is the time to enter. This Is one of the thirteen schools comprising INDIANA BUSINESS COLLEGE with a combined annual enrollment of over 4,000 students Come right to the office for particulars, or write or telephone Fred W. Case, Principal. r M < 61 te rjtm fr - ■—-nrrax: tjimwm-Dh —in , CHEMIs/fa9HnK9Eg&'' <* > HATFIELD ELECTRIC CO. a,*.. auai JpgnieiaM I Christmas portraits, f \ Christmas portraits, Christmas portraits, It’s time to order yours Portraits Ordered Now, —Cheerfully Christmas HlMh n*M Kafea Btdc. „ ~ Delivery. J BaHßß®H!Syßliig , JJiinaii!:i.*i'.'?llii'rrr3 ? ;;!ir T !T!l!i!?n!j!i!ifnWlU!linHiGllliriiilinßlßfl^J INCANDESCENT 1 LAMPS j for the long winter nights. Buy 9 them at the convenient place 9 I THE DAYLIGHT CORNER 1 MERCHANTS HEAT AND I LIGHT CO. C. O.'B. Murphy, Gen'l. Mgr. I CLOTHING I ON 1 CREDIT I Hoyle arick I and AY. Clothing Cos. I 808-805-807 W. Washington St. 1 2 Doors West Senate Ave. ■ The Wonderful Cold Breakeij TER-CAM-Ffl For Children and Grown Folkal Colds cause Pneumonia, Flu, I and other dreaded diseases. I Don’t neglect your cold J TER-CAM-FO is an antiseiK tic and effective germicida RH Gives immediate results. 1 Try it 1 SOLD AT ALL GOOD DRUG STORES 50 cents ln>lt on TER-CAM-FO ‘■a 1 .'.--.- 1 -.uA Cuticura Will Hefp You Look Your Best Make the Cuticura Trio your every day toilet preparations and watch your skin, hair and hands improve. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, and the Talcum to powder and perfume. ■anyUßMfc?TMt>yM*U. Addrc**- "Ostteer*t*b orrt**. I>*p* *o, MsldralS.lku.” So!deery wb*r*. Soap2Se. Ointment 25 end 50e. Talcum 25c. W'Cstkuri Soap shaves without mu*. IUBthCULOSIS Dr. Glams boa pool- Ut# proof that ha has dlacoTcrad a f successful remedy, I used at home, la say climate, wUh /w wgWaHH no return of the ARk disease For further ~ jMHV Information addree-i, los M 'Pn g e lePs. CAL. Advertlae atant.