Newspaper Page Text
8 INDIANA DAILY TIMES > 25-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main 3500 Automatic 28-851 _ RATES rrme 09 per line Three consecutive times.. .OS per line 81x consecutive times 07 per line Male or female help wanted. situa tion wanted, male or female; rooms to let Rnd board and rooms wanted— One time 08 per line Three consecutive times.. .07 per line Six consecutive times 06 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices OS per line Lodges and club notices ...,76c per insertion Church notices (1 inch or less) uOc per insertion Over I inch, .07 per line additional. Death notices, 35c per insertion. Card of Thanks or In Memcriam notices 07 per line Ads received until 10:30 a. m. for publication same day. V S FUNERAL DIRECTORS. George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 622 East Market. Old Phone Main SOB. New Phone. 27-20*. A. 11. Ragsdale, J. Walsh Trice, John Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. ~jTcTwilson 1230 Prospect. Auto, 61-671. Prospect 132. FUNEKAL^DIRECTORS— WM E. KRIEGER, New 21-158. Main 146<. 1402 N. Illinois. TUTEWILER. Funeral Director. 984 N. Meridian at GADD—BE RT S. GADD, 2130 Prospect st. Phones: Prospect 422. Automatic 52-278. UNDERTAKERS. W. T. BLASENGYM 1635 Shelby st. Prow. 2570. Auto. 61-114 UNDERTAKERS—HISEY * TITUS. 961 North Del, New 26-564. Mlr. 3630. OEATH AN 13 FUNERAL NOTICES. WATTON. ETHEL E.—Nov. 5 at resi dence, 46 N. West street, age 41 years. Funeral Monday. Nov. 8, at 10 a. m., at residence. Burial Crown Hill cemetery. Friends invited. CHURCH NOTICES. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE— First Church of Christ, Scientist Meridian and Twentieth streets. Sunday •ervicoa at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening teetimon al meeting at 8 o’clock. Reading rooms at 806 Kahn building, are open daily, except Sunday. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. and Wednesday when they close at 6 p. m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE— SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. Delaware and Twelfth sta. Sunday services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 and 11 a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room, 611 Odd Fel low bldf.; open daily from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. except Wednesday, when it la closed at 5 p. m. Open Sunday fronr 2 to 5 p. m. CHRIST TAN SCIENCE— THIRD CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3150 Washington Boulevard. Sunday morning service 11 a. m. Sun day evening service at 8 o'clock. Sun day school 9:15 a. m. Wednea- Wy evening testimonial meeting at 8 1 o’clock. Reading room at 205 East Thirty-fourth street. Open from 10 a. m. to 9 p. ni„ except Wednesday, when closed ! at 7:SO m. PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH. Red Men’s Hall, corner Capitol avenue' and North street. Services every Sunday at 7;45 3. m. Inspirational lecture by MRS. EMMA KIRK. Messages will be given by MRS. ANNA THRONDSEN. The Lidles' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Thronctsen. 1633 College avenue on Tueslay at 2 p. m. All spiritualists and pub lc are invited and made welcome. FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH, 60* N. Liberty street, holds services Sunday at 8 p. ml Lecture by B. F. Hayden fol lowed by messages Wednesday at 2 p. m. and 7:3C p. m. Regular message service will be held on Saturday evening. Nov. 13. Admission 26 cents. Everybody Invited and made welcome. Come and enjoy the evening. LOST ANO FOUND. STOLEN—OVERLAND TOURING C* ".; MODEL 4. 1920. SERIAL NO. C(ID*. LICENSE NO. 146601. IND.. 1920. From In front of Broadway restaurant. Shelby vllle, Hid., Nov. 2 1920. between 10 and 11 p. m. Standard Overland blue black color; both glasses In rear curtain missing. Spot Tight on left side of windshield; one leaf off right front spring broken; Goodyear molded and Federal spare tires on rear; Goodyear all weather thread tire on right rear wheel; Auburn casing on right front; Fisk non-skid on left fro*t and rear. Reward. Notify W. C. BARTON. 600 Indiana Trust Bldg. Auto. 21-677. Main 8044. REWARD will be paid to any one who can give Information leading to the full Identity of the girl that took plush coat from the right-hand box at the Circle theater Monday afternoon. Wore brown leather coat, large flat silk beaver sailor and carried coat over arm. Call Circle Theater or North 3473. LOST—Brooch, In shape of a crescent, set with diamonds and pearls. Thursday, between 2 o'clock and 3:30, was dropped in Rink’s Cloak House, or on Illinois or Washington st., between Rink’s and Craig’s candy store. Reward. Phone Woodruff 7800. STOLEN"—Trap containing drum mers’ outfit, from machine on New York street north of postoffice, between 4 and I p. m. Reward for any Information or re covery. Call Main 593. LOST, strayed or stolen from 1832 Shelby street, one white Pomeralnlan Spitz fe male dog. blind In one eye. Answers to name Babe. Reward for any Information. Main 2948 or Prospect 1766, MIbSIN'G FRIENDS and relatives traced everywhere; no criminals looked far. Call - Main 6947, or write lost agent. It . Bald —ln Mo V TmHanapolls. Tpd. LOST Platinum and diamond pin to or from or In Circle theater. Lib eral reward. FRANK S. FISHBACK. 102- 110 South Pennsylvania. LOST —Poeketbook containing two $3 bills and three Masonic cards. Return WILLIAM NEUBAUER. care of Fletcher American National Bank. LOST —Cameo pin,* between Roberta Park Church and Circle theater or Claypool restaurant. Circle 1605. Reward. ~~ PERSONALS. PERSONAL —Everybody suffering piles. fistula, fissures, ulceration, constipation, bleeding. Itching, write free trial. Pain less Pile Cure. S. U. TARNEY, Auburn, Ind. ~~ NOTICES. NOTICE. Stockholders’ annual meeting of the White River Railroad Company for the election of officers and general business at the office of Kingan & Cos., Indianap olis. Monday. November 16 at 3 p. m. ROBERT W JORDAN. Secretary. ftROFhSSIONAL SERVICES. , NATURAL THERAPEUTICS INSTITUTE Suite 59, When Bldg., Indiana’ ohs, Ind. The only institution of its kind in Indiana and second in the United States and Canada where the suffering men, women and children find a true relief and permanent cure from Acute and Chronic Ailments by pure natural methods of treatment, baths and diet. Lady attendant. Phone Main 9017. DR: S. PENCHEFF, M. TANARUS., N. D. Natureopathy. Swedish Massage Baths and gen eral treatments. Thorough satisfac tion. 119 East Vermont street First floor front. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. VIOLET Ray and Swedish manage. Miss DE VERB. 17H W, Ohio. Mein 74 WHEN* patronizing thsas advertisers men tion The Ttmoa. MALE HELP—WANTED. Common Laborers Men, boys and colored girls, not under 16 years of age. S. Keystone avenue and Belt R. R. Take Prospect car to end of line. FAIRMOUNT GLASS WORKS. fib mm, § hours, mm PAY. mu m PHSON. city hospital Emm BOOM. WANTED—GOOD" COIL WINDER, APPLY 113 N. NOBLE. CARMEN & FRYER. "WANTED blacksmith; one who Is com petent to do anything In a custom shop; must be expert shoer and litter; married and willing to work; salary, per cent or both; vacant house on next street; living cheap. Unless you can qualify don’t an swer. K. H. WHIPPLE. Cortland. Ind. DRAPERY HANGER” experienced. Apply employment office, seventh floor. L. S. AYRES & CO. MAN to work this city rcflnlshlng chan deliers, braas beds, automobiles, by a new method; 110 dally without capital or experience. Write GUNMETAL- CO, 96 Elm, Decatur. 111. RADIATOR repairman with garage expe rience for repair shop: central and per manent. State experience and wages ex pected. Address Times. A No. 1664. AUTOMOBILE body builders, painters. trimmers. Must be first class. See MR. PURSELL. Washington Hotel Saturday afternoon, Sunday morning. MEN to learn barber trade. TRI-CTTT BARBER COLLEGE. 309 E. Washing ton st.; Indianapolis, Ind. Circle 767. SALESMEN—WANTED. Stock Salesman Wanted We want five more live stock salesmen. Our proposition is unusually attractive Some choice territory with good leads now open. Cal! at 46 Virginia ave. and let us show you one of our wonderful lit tle ice refrigerating machines, making See and refrigeration*. Arctic Ice Machine Cos. U-l* A read*. Mala 4466. EXPERIENCED live-wire sales man, with automobile; unusual proposition; a permanent future for right party. STEVENSON GEAR CO., 942 Daly stre EXPERIENCED salesmen to sell our high grade. exclusive line of calendars. Only live wires wanted. Write for territory and send references. SMITH-HECHT CO, Indianapolis, Ind. EXPERIENCED stock salesmen for flrst class dividend paying securities of old establbllshed Indiana corporation. Call at room 510 Board of Trade any Tuesday or Wednesday. SALESMEN—Live wire, acquainted with merchants, part or full time. Libera! commission; good repeater. CHICAGO SALES BOOK CO, Dept. 126, Chicago. EXPERIENCED salesladies for food prod ucts from house to house; gonu pay to good workers. Call North 2477 after 6 p. m. SALES GIRLS FOR CANDT DEPART MENT. A PPLY L. 8. AYR ITS A CO. COOK, white, for institution. Apply in person. SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND, GIRL, white, for general housework; stay on place. Harrison li)6. AGENTS—WANTED. AGENTS FOR AUTOMOBILE ACCES SORIES AND SPECIALTIES. Well-known manufacturer with na tional reputation offers special territory and arrangements to agents with follow ing. Quick selling and big profit lines. No Investment necessary. Write, giving ex perience, character, references, etc. Ad dress "Accessories." Room 111, World Building. New York City. AGENTS—26O% profit] Wonderful litt'e article; something new; sells like wild fire; carry In pocket; write at once for free sample. ALBERT MILLS, general man ager, 496 American Bldg, Cincinnati. O. WATER STILLS—Write for our FREE booklet giving prices, directions and de scription of our heavy copper water stills. SUN SUPPLY CO, 1634 Sun Bldg, New York, N. Y. WATER STILLS—Write for our FREE booklet giving prices, directions and de scription of our heavy copper water still*. SUN SUPPLY CO, 1763 Sun Bldg, New York, N. Y. FEMALE HELP— WANTED. Indiana Bell Telephone Company New York and Meridian Sta Progressive Employment Our goal is to develop the best in each em ploye. WE need several more lady enumerator*. This Is pleasant outside work. Liberal salary. Those interested In taking a business course preferred. See, write or phone Fred W. Case, principal. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE for full particulars. Corner Pennsylvania and Vermont Sts., one door north Y. W. C. A. WANTED—OirTs to study classical danc ing with Mils. Thso Hswss to take parts in ballets and productions; reasonable rates. Catalogue upon request. 317 Mer- Bank bldg. YOUNG woman for clerical work; must be able to take dictation and use Under wood typewriter. INDIANAPOLIS ST. R. R. 1150 W, Washington street. STRONG middle-aged white women for kitchen help; dleh washing and scrub bing and general housework. Call Bel mont 2600. EXPERIENCED waitress willing to help In kitchen; .food wages. THE POT ROAST. 1012 North lUlnola Harrison 1*44. ELDERLY lady to care far two children in return receive room, ooard and cloth ing. Call Prospect 9446. YOUNG or middle aged lady to work In store. 307 E. South street. GOOD cook; no washing or ironing. 1141 N. Delaware. ’ MACHINERY AND TOOLB. FARM POWER SUPPLIES HERCULES GASOLINE ENGINES; ALL BIZES. ASSOCIATED GASOLINE ENGINES; ALL SIZES. FARM SAWING OUTFITS. FARM CONCRETE MIXERS. PUMPING OUTFITS OF ALL DE SCRIPTIONS. WONDER MIXERS HOISTS AND PUMPS FOR BUILDING AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. ALL SIZES CARRJED IN STOCK. BURL FINCH. DIST., 312-20 W. MARYLAND ST. DETECTIVE*. Quigley-Hyland Agency Civil suad Criminal Investigators. 525-52#Law bldg. i Main 2902. FOR EFFICIENT WORKMEN and the best of service employ Times Classified Advertisers* Here you will find almost every line of business represented. The fact that a man is adver tising proves that he Is above the average. It proves that he is ambitious —that he wants your patronage and is willing to spend money to get it. Read their ‘ announcements now; then when you want them, you will known where to find them. Read the Want Ads in the Daily Times. HOUSES—TO LET. 1629 TALBOTT AVE. Very large residence; hot water heat. All repairs to be made by tenant. Rea sonable rent. Lease until Sept. 1. William F. Wocher 803 City Trust Bldg. Main 3998. Auto. 24-806. “ WE “MOVE by truck; local or overland; Insurance fur nished free. Special rates on long-dis tance trips. Red Ball. Main 4631. TWO-ROOM house, 2906 Manlove ave.; large lot, well, electric light, shed. *12.00. Woodruff 7850. HOUSE for rent south. Call mornings. Prospect 2776. “724 N7 CAPITOL AYR * Nineteen rooms. 3 baths, not air fur naces. Especial?>l© for rooming house. Rent $125, or will sell on easy pay ments. William F. Wocher *OS City Trust Bldg. Main 399*. Auto. 24-806. F URNISHED HOUSES AND FLATS. ELEGANTLY furnished 4-room cottage. Electricity, gas. well, cistern. North 4840 ROOMS—TO LET. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room. modern; suitable for two with kitchen p —^*i eseß Phone North 1679. MADISON. 1025; two lovely furnished light housekeeping rooms. Prospect 637 3. FRONT sleeping room. modern, private home. 418 East St. Clair street. MODERN furnished room for young lady; meals If desired. North 8435. BOARD AND ROOMS—TO LET. BOA P.D and rooms, $8.50 weekly, for man only In modern private home. 1236 Bellefontalne. Main *366. TWO rooms with board; modern house. Circle 3910. INSTRUCTIONS. HAWAII -—. The very nam* s' "sr . \ links Itself with i birds. flowers and V—-iK y'l fruit, but more es peclalty with their fascinating music Hawaiian music is the most popular of all music and the Hawaiian guitar Is the easiest of all Instruments to teach you to play' 62 pieces in your first terra. Ws also teach ukulele. mandolin. violin, banjo, etc. Your choice of these beau tiful Instruments free with each enroll ment. Open dally till ( p. m.. also Tues day. Friday and Saturday evenings. Writs or phone for particulars. HAWAIIAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC. 36 W. Washington. Main 1072. LEARN how to write a story for the movies and how to become an actor and actresa. PaIMER PHOTO PLAY CORP Representative 24 Vi Kentucky avenue. Hours for Interview 2:30 to 4:30. DANCING —All kinds taught; day or eve ning; violin, stage dancing acts taught, completed for good engagements. Call PROF. RAYNO. 224 W. Ohio st. Main 2069. BUSINESS SERVICES. ri ii - 1 r SEWING MACHINES Repaired and Rented by week or month. Every piece, part or screw for any sow ing machine. White Sewing Machine Cos. Main *OO. Auto. 26-111. 112 Mass. Ara. WE BEND ART GLA IS S PANELS FOR LAMP SHADES. EDWARD E. HILL, 708 MASS. AVE. CALL 27-704. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows mad* to order. E. F. BURKLE. 41* Mass avc Main 1428. N>■. 22-775 KOTIK TO PUBLIC Call Main 9011 and have your vaults, sinks and cisterns cleaned. WIE MOVE by truck; local or overland; Insurance fur nished free; special rates on long-distance trips. Red Ball. Main 4621. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES sharpened. TUTTLBDGE. 201 Indiana av*. If your clock Is not running phone Circle 4807. M. R. Shsarn. 811 North Ala bama. BUSINESS CHANCES. OPPORTUNITY For Ladies and Gentlemen of this and surrounding communltlea Take half an hour or so and see demon strated at studio, 223 N. New Jersey st. One of the LATEST, simplest. MOST BEAUTIFUL and MOST PRACTICAL INVENTIONS of Its kind In this age— projecting MOVING PICTURES In thslr NATURAL ORIGINAL COLORS, as photographed. The energetic, the enter prising. will seize THIS OPPORTUNITY, grasp the WONDERFUL ATTAINMENT. Invest an Interest, who will bs permitted to question and learn of Its GREAT POSSIBILITIES finding that it stands ALONE In a class TO ITSELF. Until further notice demonstrations given on the hour, from 10 o'clock morning to 8 o'clock evenings, Sundays excapled. You are cordially welcomed by courtesy INTERNATIONAL MOVING PICTURE AND FILM CO. Ask for Mr. Roberta demonstrator. RESPONSIBLE PARTNER WANTED (with or without rsrvlees) for live, pro gressive realty brokerage business with unlimited financial' possibilities. State your qualifications or save time. Address HORN FARM AGENCY. Box 1021, Indi anapolis. ART STORE for sale, complete line pic ture frames, glass, books, showcases, wall fixtures; cheap rent and good loca tion. Phone Prospect 3925. FOR SALE—Dry goods and notions. This stock will be sold right as the owner Is leaving the city. Call at 2426 W. Walnut street. ROOMING HOUSES. All sizes and locations; cash or terms. SEBREE. 40 North Delaware. lOk hWO I rtuCha run mriE AUTOS FOR RENT—Do your own driv ing. U-Driv Auto Service at Hoosler Laundry. Rear Keith’s theater. Main 6921. U-DKIV E~ ’EM Automobiles rented to drive yourself. MARKET MOTOR SERVICE. 134 E. Market st Main 6713. IVI u I ok CYCLES A N DaiCICUS. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycles and Bicycles Johnson Motor Wheels \ ERNEST HUGHES Sr_ Main 6404. lnds of motorcyclea IN. 6CO ilarsachu. RIEVE. t it back. Insert a ■st and Found” col and it will soon be n 3600. Auto. 33-361. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1920. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. CLOSED CARS The following cars are all in very good condition, both as to paint and mechanism. They are listed at prices that make each and every car an unusual opportunity to get a high-grade car at an exceptionally low figure. MARMON 34’S RENEWED SEDAN, 1918 Seven-passenger car. painted light Brewster green with black running gear, fenders and radiator shell. Car Is equipped with new tires and has been reupholstered. Car will bear the closest Investi gation. SEDAN, 1918 Four-passenger special body, now In the process of re newal. Buyer has tfye option at this time to specify the color which the ear Is to bo painted. This car has been used by an official of the Nordyke & Marmon Cos. and has been kept in the best pos sible condition at all times. SEDAN, 1918 Five-passenger special body that Is now In our shops In the process of renewal. The buyer has the opportunity of giving us paint specifications at this time. This car has also been used by an official of the com pany and will bear the closest of Inspection. Note: All of the above cars are guaranteed for a period of 90 days against defective ma terial and workmanship under norma! use and wear. We also have the following miscellaneous used closed cars on hand, which are in good mechanical condition. We have repainted those cars which it was necessary. COLE AERO EIGHT 1920 sedan, driven only about 3.000 mile* and in a con dition contrasting with the number of miles car has gone. CADILLAC 59 This Is anew series, I*2o, 3-pa*#*nger roadster, driven only 5,000 miles; equipped , with good eor<l tires, pair.t very good and has a winter top mounted on same. New spare tire and tub* on extra rim. HUDSON, 1917 MODEL 7-passenger sedan. Just re painted. Overland coup*. I*2o model. NATIONAL 1917 SEDAN OWEN MAGNETIC I*l6 model. 6-passenger sedan. KISSEL, 1915 MODEL aedan. Just repatnted. CADILLAC 55, 1917 model sedan. MISCELLANEOUS USED CARS HAYNES, 1919 MODEL 7-passeng*r car. Just re painted. This car has been driven only 4,000 miles. HUDSON, 1920 MODEL 4-passengsr phaeton, equipped with six tire* and rovers. front and rear bumper. Car haa only been driven 2,300 mtlee. STUTZ 6-PASSENOER touring car. practically new. 1320 model. Ofiere an excep tional opportunity. NATIONAL 1919 MODEL 7-passtnger touring car. Just repainted. t CADILLAC. 1916 touring car. Just repainted. PACKARD. 1916 MODEL 7-parsenger twin six touring car; has Just bean repainted. NATIONAL, 1916 7-passenger touring car. NATIONAL. 1916 model, 7-passenger touring car. MAXWELL, 1920 6-passenger touring car that t* practically nsw. NOTE: In addition to th* above w* have a few miscel laneous used Mormon 34s which have been overhauled. Note the exceptional values of these prices as listed. J 317 touring car. 7-pessen gsr. Just repainted Brewster green; price 32.600. * 1917 touring car, painted maroon; 32.500. 1917 chummy roadster, •quipped with new tires, new top and exceptional opportu nity; 12,900. 1919 touring 7-passenger car, painted coach blue. black fenders and running gear. Price, 12.000. You are Invited to call at . our Used Car Department and without obligation make a thorough Inspection of any of the cars which we have listed above. We also have a num ber of renewed open cars that are sold with a 90-day guarantee. LOCAL branch NORDYKE & MARMON CO. Meridian at lltlt at. 3:00 3126 3160 down will buy a good used car. We have Fords, Maxwells, Bulcks, Dodges and others In fins shape, that we can sell you on a email down payment, balance 1 year. No rod tape. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS. 618 N. Capitol. Open evenings. Oakland Sedans One 1919 and one 1918 model. Two 1920 models, run very little; can’t be told from new; we will sail these cars at n great sacrifice. 610 N. Delaware. TEMPLER Spartette, 4 passenger and 2 passenger touring roadster; absolutely good machantcal condition and appear ance. Must be sold Immediately. We offer attractive price subject Immediate sale. DETROIT ELECTRIC SALES CO., 963 N. Meridian street. Main 942. Automatic 21-126. Oakland Roadster late 1918 model; fine tlree; excellent con dition; will sell this car cheap. 610 N. Delaware. GRANT roadster; 4 good tires; new spare. Oood running car for salesman or so licitor: 1450 cash or terms. Main 3349. NASH touring; In fine guaranteed condi tion; cash or terms. LOSEY-NASII RETAIL CO. Main 3848. FORD 1917. touring In first-class condi tion. Will be sacrificed If sold today, lit E. New York street. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. EXTRA SPECIAL 30 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL USED CARS 1919 Bulck H-45 touring, *1,050. 1919 Oakland sedan. *875. 1918 Allen touring. *6OO. 1918 Dodge touring, *723. 1918 Dodge roadster, *675. 1919 Chevrolet touring, S4OO. 1917 Allen sedan, *7571. 1918 Ford touring, *325, 1918-Inter-State sedan, *BSO. 1917 Hupmoblle touring. 1919 Oldsmoblle coupe. And many other cars. Most have been repainted and rebuilt. Cash or terms. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO SALES CO. 235 N. Pennsylvania. Main 2246. Open Sundays and evenings. USED CARS. Look our lot ‘ used cars r er before buying. NATIONAL AUTOMOTJP £ CO., 436 N. Capitol av*. Main 476*. Auto. 23-Sgt. Oldsmobile Eight cylinder, 1920, 4 passenger Face maker. Classiest sport model car in town. 510 North Delaware street. Monroe M 3, chummy roadster In excellent con dition. 510 N. Delaware street. BEFORE purchasing a used car see us. We can save you money. DICKEY MOTOR SALES CO., 1027 North Meridian street. OAKLAND roadster; wire wheels, new Parker cord tires and spare. Fine shape. Will sell cheap If sold at once. Main 3349, Dodge roadster; late model; new tires; excellent condition. 510 N. Delaware st. HUPMOSIUB touring, 1 920 model. wire wheels, cord tires and spare. Driven 3400 miles. Bargain for quick sale. Cash or terms. Main 8349. Dodge Sedan 1920, four doors, new car, used slightly as a demonstrator. 610 North Delaware. OVERLAND. 83 touring; 4 brand new tires, new top. painted late th.s spring. Price *460. Call North 3588. _ FRANKLIN touring, good tires and In good running order; private owner; cash or terma. Main 3349. OVERLAND 90 touring; new Rex top and five fin* tires. Must sell; *SOO. Cash or terms. Main 8349. BUICK roadster K 44; new cord tires and in perfect running order. Cash or terms. Main 8349. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. AUTOS WANTED We guarantee highest cash price for your car. INDPLS. AUTO PAlti'S AND TIKE CO. 518 North Capitol. Main 2638. Auto. 22-013. Largest buyers and Hellers of used cars in the state. ’ I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for It. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4-146 and immediate attention will he given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED We pay caeh. No delay for your money It le here for you. Come In or call. I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 61* N. Illinois at. Main 167*. Auto. 23-943. W# also buy Junk cars. 100 Cars Wanted” Ali model*. Indiana Auto Sales 436 N. tHinols it. Mui-t ST!I AUTOS wanted; htght cash prlr*; no delay; quick action AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO.. 666 N. Capltot. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIED CITIZENS AUTO REPAIR Work done by factory experts, REAR 1141 N. Capitol nve. Harrison 766. Don't Wait Till Christmas! Now is the lime to get that car painted for your spring driving FLEMING & REED BATTERIES. i New and guaranteed for any car. Rebuilt, repainted, recharged. Opeu until 9 p m. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO. 607 Mass Ave. Main 1146. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 122-134 North liltnoia. S & S Auto Laundry ONE-MAN au'o tope, elde curtain*. neat and radiator cover*. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 1197 Udell street. North 46. downtown Tias noF VULCANIZING that gtves satisfaction. 86 Kentucky avenue. Main 1137. REAL ESTATE— for SALS. NEAR FOUNTAIN SQUARE We have several buyers waiting for modern doubles near Fountain Bquare. If you have one for sale, call B. R. Meredith, Realtor. Gregory & Appel, Inc. Main 895 Auto. 28-295. Evenings. Woodruff 7958. MODERN HOME. Close In; 7 rooms within walk ing distance near College car line. Price 84.000; JSOO cash, |35 mo. DUNLOP & HOI.TEGEL. REALTORS 122 East Market St. 3 ROOMS, S. MERIDIAN Gas, well,, cistern ami cellar; ©lctrlc llghta; |2OO cah, $lB per month. W. L. Bridges, Realtor. 336-9 K. of P. Bldg. Main 4114. DOUBLE AT BARGAIN Elder street. 3 rooms a Side; well, cistern, electric lights; 3250 cash, 320 per month. Bee Mr. Hurst, with I. N. Richie & Son. 151 E. Market St. Main 620. Evening, Harrison 84. S3OO CASII AND $22 M ()NTII 1027 High street, now vacant; 5 rooms, city water, electric lights, etc.; fine con dition; Improved street. R. H. Hartman, 224 N. Delaware. LAWTON near Shelby and Naomi, five rooms and pantry; gas, electric lights, well, cellar, concrete walk*. 32.600, 3500 down. 320 per month. Mr. Trueblood. RELIABLE REALTY CO. 501-6 Trust Bldg. Main 186. Evenings, Irvington 2268. SEVEN rooms, electric lights, gas, toilet and bath, hot and cold water, cement basement, 40-foot lot. 2-car garage; 3306 down, balance like rent. Total 33,500. Call_E. B HOLTAM. Prospect 77L STRICTLY modern and almost new” double house, east front, paved street* Rent 390, Reasonable terms. WashMfeton 1079. 3958 GRICELApAVK Owner leaving state, ofl&rs home for 83,000. Real bargain. BjEN F. TOLLE. Call Washington 607. FINE also douWe, both strictly modelrn and almosy*now. Must sell these properties at Oftco and will make some tefrns If necescfrry. Call me for full Information. Wagßjn gton DOUBLE. Rural, near Washington; five rooms, dgodeiff paved street; $750 cash, balance morilßiy. Main 107. FOR homes, on south side, modern and semi-modern from 3 to II rooms; single and doubles; cash or payments. For terms call Prospect 6184 after l p. ni. PROSPECT street. six-room modern double/ near New Jersey st.; good con dition; /recently painted, $5,300. Circle 964. • THR Eli ROOM house and two lots. 960 Albany street. REAL ESTATE—FOR BALE. 334 FOREST AYE. A 5-room,cottage, water, gas, elec tric light and toilet in house, in first class condition.* East front. Improve ments made and paid. Price $3,000. Terms If desired. To see is to buy. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION Double house in 600 block Union street. Price $4,500. Rents for $45.00 per month. Large lot, 45x130. DOUBLE ON N. DAVIDSON Price $4,000. Lot 46x150. Rents for S4O- SSOO, balance as rent. GILL REALTY CO. 257 W. Washington. Main 1646. Auto. 28-236 MODERN HOME Having reception hall with open stairs, large living-room, dining room. kitchen, down. Three large bedrooms, eunrooni and bath up. Hardwood floors and quartered oak woodwork throughout. Full base ment, complete laundry, steam heat, glassed sun porch, garage with front drive. East front, two lots. Located near Michigan and Rural. This is a real home and must be seen to be appreciated. Price *8,500. B. R. Meredith, Realtor, Gregory & Appel, Inc. Main 995. Res., Wood. 7958. 28-295. NEAR EAST 10TH CAR LINE Near Brookslde park, a neigh borhood you will like to live In. A dandy new bungalow with five rooms and sun parlor Has hard wood floors throughout. Many built-in features. The whole fam ily will like It. Y’ou can buy It for cash or on the easy payment plan. Go. see It today. Price *6.800. If you like you may have 12 years to pay for It. Make your rent pay for It. W. L. Bridges, Realtor. 336-9 K. of P. Bldg. Main 4114. Sunday care Mr. Ross. Irvington 2401. 9 ROOMS, MODERN Near Holy Cross Church, hav ing gas, city water, cistern water, brick-set furnace, bath, large ce ment porch. This Is a well-built house and 1* being painted. Price *4.650. Term* If desired. Gregory & Appel, Inc. Main 995. * Auto. 28-295. Evenings, Woodruff 7968. RAYMOND ST. NEAR MERIDIAN Seven rooms, modern ee*- e pt bath fix ture* , throe large lots, beautiful shade trees, plenty of fruit and grapes; largo barn. Will sell on small payment down. Price (4.100. Frank S. Clark & Cos. 224 E Ohio. Main 3377. REAL ESTATE-—SOUTH— EIGHT-ROOM HOME, $3,500 This home with gas, city water, bath and basement Is worth your Inspection. The house Is newly painted, roofed. Is sit uated on one of the best improved streets on the south side. Easy terms to reliable parties. K. K MCKINNEY—REALTOR. WASHINGTON BANK & TRUST COM PANY. 257 W. Washington street. Msin 792. Auto. 37-565. S4OO CASH buys six-room house located on Pershing avenue. Electric lights, gas, city water; large lot. Price 13 000 Schmid & Smith, Inc. Realtors. 134 N. Delaware. ZJaln 4081. Call Mr. Elder. HOME FOR COLORED. Five-room house on Senate ave.. near 16th st.; gss, lights and water. PRICE *2,250. *250 cash. *2O monk. DUNLOP & HOLTEGEL, Realtor*. 122 E. Market st. EAST Seven rooms, semi-modern. *3 000: *SOO rash, balance easy terms. Party is leaving city. Paved street and good location. See Mr. Mclnteer, with I. N. Richie & Cos. MalnJ62o. 151 E. Market St. Irvington 8597. S\r 1905-7 TaSbott Double. 7 rooms to a A kk side: excellent condition; nicely decorated; hot air heat: garage. Price >12.000: terms. See Templeton. Main 667 4, with Bert Essex 70S American Central Life bldg. BEAUTIFUL high, large level lot, half square of Maple road boulevard (38th st.), only two squares southeast of fair grounds. Fine Investment or building site. Will sell to good party on easy payments; 310 cash, *1.50 weekly. Price only *526. Get busy. 640 Lemcke Annex. Main 1409. BARGAIN, *4.700, worth 97.000; 10~larg* rooms; walking distance; electrio lights, gas. bath, city water, large narn; all rooms newly papered; house painted; now vacant. Open from 9 to 3 %ntll sold or rented. Easy terms. 1019 East Ohio St. Good neighborhood. FINE modern home, almost new, hard wood floors, sun room, boulevard street. Can arrange terms. Washington 1079, REAL ESTATE—SALE CR TRADE. For Sale or Trade—A mod ern house for a small farm. Call Irv. 538. 250 South Sherman Drive. LOTS FOR SALE. LARGE, beautiful lots In Wayne park. Just off of West Washington street, which Is being paved; $1 down, $1 week. Will take you out In our automobile at your convenience. OSCAR LEE, 1002 City Trust. Main 915. , REAL ESTATE—WANTED. HAVE customer for six or seven-room modern home north or east; also for 5 room bungalow and double. Call us If your property la for sale. Main 107, or 142. FOUR TO Six-ROOM HOUSE. WHITE neighborhood. eas:ly repaired; cash buyer, not to exceed $1,50*. Ad dress A No. 1563, Times. t FARMS—FOP SALE. 36 1 /-. acres, 3% miles west, good house and barn, 30 acres culti vated.' Price $3,200. Want small cottage or double. Assume mortgage or pay difference. Ad dress OWNER, 1224 West Thir ty-third. SR T acres at Twenty^ W seventh and Arlington; well Improved; one elght- Jl \X room modern house; two chicken houses and orchard, two squares from lnterurbap line. Bargain price. $17,600. Small down payment, rest like rent. Mr. Tem pleton. Main 5674. BEKT ESSEX. 208 American Central Life bldg. LAiNUOLUU special number. Just out containing , 1020 facts of Clover Land In Marinette county, Wisconsin. If for a home or as au Investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands where farmers grow rlcn, send at once for this special number of LANVOLOUY. It Is free on request. Address BKID MOKE-RIEHLE LAND COMPANY, 113 Skldmore-Rlehle bldg.. Marinette, VVls. FOR .bargains In Improved farms find cutover land In the best part of Missis sippi write to ELLSWORTH TII.DEN, Collins, aMlsa Why worry? . LET a Times Want ad sell It for yon. LOSERS, weepers, Anders, keepers, but not so If you use a Times Warn' ad. MISCELLANEOUS—TOR BALI. Quit Wearing Ready-Made HITS $ jy 00 IV e make them to Ajl “~" your measure for LEON TAILORING CO. 131 H. NEW YORK. Dp one flight. Match Your Coat /I \ with a pair of / \ If | TROUSERS I | \ft / THE PANTS \ / J|l / STORE CO. 1 I lit/ Two Stor ®* VJ . I Jy 4a 4i w. Ohio. J3 EL W W 11° K Market & CINCINNATI T I M~E RECORDING CLOCK. ALMOST NEW. PHONE MAIN 622. LADIES’ WINTER CLOAK Novelty brown; Just like new. Sire 38. This Is a wonderful bargain at sls. 710 North Illinois street, Apt. 6, or call Main 8947 after 6 p. m. TRUNKS, wardrobes, dress, steamers, suit sases, bags /Hr® o * from factory. Save two middlemen’s profits. Send for catalog. IDEAL TRUNK AND BAG FACTORY, Spring Valley, 111. CLOTHING; men's suits, ladies’ and chil dren’s shoes of all sizes. Ask for MRS. LEE. Prospect 9466. WE sell b dies' and gents’ good used clothing and shoes; good style. 901 South Capitol. GRAY reed baby buggy; good as new, $lO. COLLAPSIBLE sulky with leather top, adjustable back. North 1879. BUCK coal range for sale, $lO. 914 S. New Jersey, Prospect 3162. LARGE size hotblast cheap. 1130 Linden street. Prospect 6694. DESKS at eave-half prices on payments at Baker BROS. ” MIBCELLANEOU 3—WANTED. •’JWVWWWV^I Attention W* need all kinds of furniture, and need It now. We have the largest and best rated used goods store in this state. Call our buyer and get what yout goods are worth. Baker Bros. Auto, tt ltt. Mala *499. LEW SHANK pay* best prices In city for household goods and fixtures of all kinds. 227 North New Jersey street. Main 202*. _ W g MQVE by truck; local or overland; Insurance fur nished free: special rates on long-distance trips Red Ball. Main 4631. HIGHEST prices paid for ladles’ and men’s second-hand clothing Ring us and we will call. Circle 4475. 445 Massa chusetts. ! WILL pay best price for second-hand I clothing; cleaning, pressing, repairing I James RAIKOS, 24 Kentucky ave. i LAMPS and wicker furniture. Will pay a good cash price. BAKER BROS. ! DININGROOM SUITE. WiU pay a good ' Cltgh price BAKER BROS. PIANO wanted. Will pay a good cash price. BAKER BROS. HOTBLAST wanted. Will pay a good cash price. BAKEP BROS. GAS RANGES and Ice boxes. Will pay cash. BAKER BROS. BAKER BRQB PAT MORE~ HOUSEHOLD GOODS. HEATERS. BASEBURNEHS, HOTBLA3TS. OAK STOVES. GAS HEATERS, COAL OIL HEATERS. CANNON STOVES and large stoves for factory, shop, school houses or church. All of our stoves axe guaranteed in best condition, at the lowest price. GLAZER, 444 E. Washington at. JSTOVES Yes we still have them: all makes and sizes and all prices from $6 up to |4O. Come look them over and If you 4vlsh we can give you terms to suit; also we have new linoleum at reduced prices; the best patterns In the city for the least price. Also everything In the line of furniture. T. 697-9 W, Washington. RUGS Hundreds of rugs, all kinds; wool filler, Axmlneter, Bozart, velvet, Wilton*, grass matting, any kind of a rug; we have them. Come and see our rugs before you buy. GLAJZER 444 E. Washington et. GOOD USED KUuS. W* have the largest selection in Indi anapolis of high-grade used ruga; all sizes, at prices that will please you. USED GOODS STORE. 424 Maaaachusets ave. INVALID CHAIRS and crutches to rent; free delivery to all parts of city; In valid chairs $3.69 per month. BAKER BROS., 219 E. Washington at. WE WANT TcTbUT good furniture, rugs, office and store fix tures We pay more than other dealer* Call Cooperider. USED GOODS STORE. W Main 231*. MAHOGANY Bettee, wicker chair, oil stove, baby, buggjl sulky, porch swing, chairs, lamp, table, "vrlnger. 3631 Central ave. Washington 4331. radiant' HOME—If you want a Rad iant Home bajeburner, on payments, go to BAKER BROS CLERMONT—If you want a Clermont hot blast on payments, go to BAKER BROS. ALL kinds of household goods at save- oi payments. BAKER BROS. COMBINATION Garland ranges at save half prices, on payments. BAKER BROS. FLORENCE hot blast and base burner for sale. 1531 Wilcox it. Belmont 1148. PALACE—If you want a Palace hotblast. on payments, go to BAKER BROS. KITCHEN cabinets at save-half prices. Cash or payments. BAKER BROS. CHIFFEROBES at save-half prices, on payments at BAKER BROS. COAL RANGES at save-half prices on payments at RAKER BROS. DROPKEAD Singer sewing machine; six drawers. 833 North Senate. DAVENOS at save-half prices on pay ments at BAKER BROS. GAS RANGES at save-half prices, on pay ments. BAKER BROS. MATTRESSES, full cotton, choice. *23 N. Senate. FOR SALE —Oak sideboard. Call Wash ington 2174. 34*5 Carrolltom COAL AND,WOOD FOR RALE. COAL Immediate Delivery EASTERN KENTUCKY MINE RUN, *l4 ILLINOIS LUMP 11.65 SMOKELESS MINE RUN 15.60 Wheeling 750 extra. Available supply Indiana for two weeks sold. THE J. L. HAMPSON COAL CO. 127 N. Fulton St. Circle 306 COAL Why not buy from an Independent con cern. Call North 9161 and Investigate. ILL INOiF LUMP. “ L. H. BAIN COAL CO. Main 2151 or Main 3581. ILLINOIS EGG—$lO.25 Prospect 3280. Auto. 62-384. FOR SALE—Ooa! and wood. INTEIU STATE PRODUCTS CO. Main 983. PET STOCK AND POULTRY^ WHITE Rock laying hen; Flshel strain. 2537 South Delaware. Auto. 51-284. CANARY. Ane young singers and cage. 3128 Graceland. North 717*. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. $650 SOLO CONCERTO PLAYER Dull mahogany oaae, bench and 10 rpUa of music. Tala player la practically aa good aa new. Sad* price $495 See or phone Hr. Grey, with PEARSON PIANO CO. 12* N. Pennsylvania. Main 1899. Columbia Grafonola *l2O MODEL, WITH 20 RECORDS; BIG BUY AT *95; PAYMENTS *1.50 PER WEEK. E. L. Lennox Piano Cos. RECORDS; good records of any make you desire, 40c. BAKER BROS., 219 IS. Washington. BEGINNERS violins, mandoline, guitars; bargain*. KITTLE. 201 Indiana Ave. WILL pay *26 to *SO cash for upright piano. North 4221. FOR SALE—ltalian harp. 808 West Six teenth street. TRANSFER AND~STORAQeT~ GT7 TT STORAGE CHEAPEST \Vy RATES IN CITY. CALL \( US. Everything at rea [l sonable price. Packed, J II shipped anywhere. (S Locked room it desired. 3*l Weot Henry Main 4659. ' WE MOVE by truck; local or overland; Insurance fur nished free. Special rates on long-distance trips. Red Ball. Main 4631. CALL SHANK for the best service in hauling, packing, shipping and storage. 227-229 North New Jersey St. Main 2028. AUCTION 3. PUBLIC AUCTION. Thursday. Nov. 11, 10 a. m.. 210 Blake street, Indianapolis. Have given up my lease and am going to eel! for the high dollar. 15 head horses which Includes draft horses, wagon horses and three speed horses, heavy work harness, driving harness, log wagons complete; platform spring wagons, buggies, laprobes, roll-top desks and barn utensils. COL. BURK HARDT, auctioneer. LOSS HARRIS, owner. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Notice Is hereby given, that the under signed has duly qualified as executor of estate of Catherine Dugan, deceased, late of Marlon County, Indiana. Said estate Is supposed to be solvent. No. 13585. MICHAEL J. READY. CHARLES M. BARRY, Attorney. "77777 FINANCIAL. YOU CAN BORROW MONEY SO CHEAP and on such easy terms of repayment from the Fidelity Loan Company, a li censed and bonded firm, for use in paying overdue bills or to buy the things you need for CASH at BARGAIN PRICES that every one should take advantage of our service. LOANS ON FURNITURE $20.00 to $300.00 at legal rates, on short noUce and without publicity. We give you all the time you want to rep.V a loan and only charge for the actual time you have the money. Fair Isn’t it? You Can Afford to Borrow On $ 40 pay $2 a month and interest On $ 60 pay $3 a month and interest On SIOO pay $5 a month and interest PAY MORE ANY TIME AND REDUCE TUP PAwT IN YOUR BEHALF We are on the Job eight hours a day. and 1 through personal contact and personal service, plus a deep personal interest, we can serve you and your friends as you wish te be served In these unusual times business friendships, close relations, mu tual understandings and co-operation are real assets to all at us. We are ready te go three-fourths of the war. Now it la up to you. FIDELITY LOAN CO. 106 E. Market St. WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SIOO-S2OO-S3OO Investigate our easy-to-pay Twenty-Payment Plan Loans. Get 350. pay back 32.50 a month. Get *IOO. pay back *5.00 a month. With interest at 3H per cent h month. Pay faster If you like Less cost. For example: Pay a 350 loan In full In One Month. TOTAL COST *1.75. On Furniture. Pianos, Victrolas. etc., without removal. ALSO ON DIAMONDS, ETC. Call, phone or white IMIAIA SIBILATE Ml HASH Si. (Bonded Lenders) ESTABLISHED 1887. 201 LOMBARD BUILDING. 74EAST WASHINGTON ST. Phone Main 22*6. New 25-786. MONEY TO LOAN Ors First Mortgage Security SIX PER CENT GTLJu KiLALi' 1 UO. Main 1646, Auto. 28-236 WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WH PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTU. MORTGAGES, BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bids. Southwest corner Delaware and Market. I HAVE 100 shares of common and ten. shares of preferred of Hurst & Cos. stock. Will take *l2 per share for com mon and *9O per share for preferred for quick sale. Call day Main 3348, or North 4081 after 6 p. m. WE MOVE * by truck; local or overland; insurance fur nished free. Special rates on long-distance trips. Red Ball. Main 4631. FIRST and secotd mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate. R. B. WIL SON, 108 N. Delaware st. Main 161*. INSURANCE in all branches! AUBREY D. PORTER. 919 Peoples Bank Bldg. Maln t 7949. LOANS on diamonds; 3%% per month. BDRTO** JEWELRY CO.. 63 Monu ment, MONEY to loan on city and farm broker age. 65 When bldg. SEES NEW FORCE THROUGH WOMEN Speaker Says Politics Will Be Benefited. Special to The Times. MITNCIE, lad., Nov. 6—" The active entrance of women Into politics will hare little effect on national conditions fe* some time," Mrs. Julia Nelson, one aft the few/voman In the United States to be eleeti and to a State Legislature, eald In an Interview here. “Their influence wiU be of the mother spirit type, the kind that casts about Itself an atmo sphere of wholesomeness, love and help fulness. There will be no radical changes, no reversals of the present order of things, only anew Influence; strong, unquestioned and with a decided trend.” Mrs. Nelson who is 56 years old, and the mother of three children, all grown, laughs at the Idea that women will be drawn away from their homes by tbair entrance into politics. "That is tbe old-fashioned Idea of men, formed, no doubt, from observation of the radical type of women,” qhe said. “We don’t wish women politicians—we wish political women, that Is, women who are Interested in the affairs of the city in w'hich they live, in the State and In the country. "It used to be," she said, ‘that the wife was satisfied to sit and crochet and watch the clock go round, waiting for the time whiw she could be relieved from the groove Into which she had fallen. "Now new interests have entered her life. She desires to help better the coln munlty; she wishes to make the world about her a better world."