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Indiana daily times. [volume] (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1914-1922, November 08, 1920, Last Home Edition, Image 6

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Jutoaua Jlailn Sfanes
Dally Except Sunday, 25-29 South Meridian Street.
Telephones—Main 3500, New 28-351
AArtiainir f Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, G. Legau Payne Cos.
Advertising offices | Kew fr or k, Boston, Payne. Burns V Smith, Ido.
, Vain Hopes
Since the election County Auditor Fesler has indicated that he will
ask the board of commissioners to purchase 100 extra voting machines.
These machines are needed on account of the extension of the franchise
to women.
When the machines now on hand were purchased possibly ten prices
were paid for them. It is to be hoped that when the present administration
purchases these machines the tax rate will not go up any on that account.
Schmidt*s Sham Battle
Indianapolis citizens will view with considerable amusement the sham
battle over the removal pf the mules from the Shelby street barns which
Gus Schmidt has started with Mayor Jewett’s board of works. _
The amusement will be more general when Gus fails to make good his
threats of impeachment and follows his usual course of much talking and
no action.
But back of the amusement incidental to this fiasco there is really food
for serious thought.
The women of the south side want a market. They have forced an
ordinance through the council creating that market and making it incum
bent on the board of works to vacate the Shelby street barns for market
Having clearly demonstrated what they want, and having moved the
proper representatives of the city to grant their want 9, they now find their
desires blocked by another set of officials with whom they have not here
tofore reckoned. All of which goes to show that it is exceedingly difficult
In Indianapolis for mere citizens to obtain any official recognition.
What May Be Expected
The Legislative Council of Indiana Men announces the result of its
questionnaire on important proposed legislation and intends to send infor
mation to all men voters, so that the intelligent choice of candidates may
be made. This council Is a subordinate institution to tho Legislative
Council of Indiana Women.
About one-half the nominees and holdover senators and representa
tives replied to inquiries.
Os this number thirty-one men favored four measures. Nine were
opposed to making Saturday night permanent stocking darning time each
week, six opposed the unlimited use of sulphur and molasses as a medicine,
two were against the presence of any men,on the State coal board and one
opposed enacting a law requiring all laundered men’s underwear to he
turned right side out before placing among the clean clothes. There was
no opposition to lodge attendance law permitting but one night a week out.
One candidate wrote that all the points are incorporated in his party
platform and that he might feel bound if elected to staud by them.
It Is understood that similar questionnaires will be sent out by other
organizations in order that the attitude of newly elected officials on all
subjects may be known.
The Value of Athletics
A dispatch from New York tells of an athlete who was second in the
Antwerp Olympic games saving the life of a broker, his wife and daughter
after they were cut oft by fire in their home. The athlete was taking an
early morning walk when he heard the cry xor help. He placed a ladder
under the window and assisted all three to the ground, thereby saving
them from the burning building.
The most remarkable part of all this was that the person who was
saved had been unsuccessfully trying to telephone for the fire depart
ment and give the alarm.
This shows the advantage of athletics and creates a desire to excel In
high jumping or running or something. Os course, the telephone is apt
to go wrong. It always does go wrong at the wrong time and just at the
time when the house is on fire it might not be in working order.--
If the coming generation will but engage In proper athletics It Is now
demonstrated by this act that the telephone can go wrong if it wants to
without serious trouble to any one. The fire department was saved the
pains of getting out early in the morning to attend this fire and the man,
because he was an athlete, was enabled to save life.
Tills reminds us that Indianapolis is on the last lap to get anew
athletic club and while we will not say a word about the telephone and
its conveniences or the wrong number, we are led to indorse most heartily
the new Athletic Association.
We Do Move
The announcement that a steel Ann In the Gary dtstrict la selling It*
finished product in Italy cheaper than the raw material would cost in that
country Is Instructive. ,
It argues well for Yankee genius; it shows what can be accomplished
by the use of machinery and modern methods. It also Indicates
how blessed the United States is with raw -material.
Europe will eventually catch up with America industrially, the
meantime the old country will be obliged to change sopie of its methods.
This does not mean that those things In which Europe excels shall not
stand out pre-eminent. It means that the old methods must give way to
wpw ideas and that any one who Is too conservative to welcome the now
Idea maintains that attitude to his detriment
The railroad president who shocked eohservaUves In America by
boasting that he "scrapped" a locomotive every day a few years ago, is
abundantly Justified today.
The old machinery of yesterday even If In good physical condition,
wholly fails to meet today’s need, and today’s tasks should not be re
tarded by yesterday’s machinery any more than truths discovered today
should have old superstitutions and conjectures of yesterday hanging on to
them. ' ,
In other words, v,e move In spite of ourselves, and happy is the person
who can keep up with the procession. _
Encourage the Hen
The whole country joins In the sentiment of the Indiana State Poultry
Association in its advocacy of the erection of anew poultry building and
more liberal appropriations for the support of experimental and extension
work In poultry at Purdue.
With raw eggs—good, bad or indifferent, costing 6 cents each or better
on a warm autumn day and winter coming on, it is high- time something
were being done, either buildings erected or a State commission appointed.
Where now are two or-even one fried eggs for breakfast? Gone is
the eggnog of delightful yesterday’s remembrance and absent Is even The
rotten egg for politicians of the good old days. Who last saw the egg
If some liberal appropriation is not made, what will become of the
gentle art of rolling an omelet? If extension and experimental work is not
taken up by the State at once, how shall hamburger steak and veal loaf
ever be held together without resort to glue or the hydraulic press?
In order to. Increase the output of eggs let the State build proper
buildings and let college professors and wise men rack their brains for
the comfort of chickens and their utility. The old-fashioned red pepper
and ground oyster shell have failed at the egg plant and something must
be done.
If the hens do not respond to scientific treatment, let there be Im
ported baled eggs from China, the land of the fowl’s nativity, the plica
where superfluous eggs are dried and shipped. At least the egg in powder
form can be used in the manufacture of reaffy mixed cake preparations
where the directions simply require that water be added.
Should sufficient dry product be obtainable, make a breakfast food of
it; add salt and water and drink while hot
Still better, let a large appropriation be made to hasten the day when
by-feeding Mrs. Hen can be induced to lay eggs with the yolk so white
that the whole can be made Into cake without the trouble of separation.
A labor saving egg would be anew and useful invention.
In the meantime, do not try to quiet her voice—a hen that has la.d a
fresh egg has done something well worth a noise. But by all means let
the youth be educated In efficiency and increased production in the ology to
which egg production belongs.
Should everything fail and old age indicate the futility of the education
serve the chicken to some millionaire who once In a while can afford the
luxury of spring fry. *
A New Serial of Young Married Life
By Ann Lisle
"Forgive! The flowers eay It for me.
And try to believe that I am a better
man for knowing you. When you need
a friend, won’t you come to me? TANARUS.%.”
I had to believe he meant ltr No
woman brings doubt with her from a
By the time Jim came home I was
dressed in anew frock of the lilac shade
he lov&s so well—and his dress clothes
were laid out and his bath waiting. I
wasn't trembling and- palpitating with
love—athirst for his kiss. But I was
warmed and comforted by tie joy of
service. I wonder if that’s the true
meaning of marriage after all?
Nothing was said of recent events .Tim
didn’t have to go to his collar box, since
I had put the studs and links and collar
buttons In his linen, so for the time being
he didn't realize that I had returned his
ten-dollar bill.
Almost timidly, Jim. came over to me.
I laid my hands in his and he kissed
them—first one, then the ether. But he
didn't take my lips, I think I was half
disappointed, half relieved.
"Wonder-girl,’’ he cried. “You're the
most beautiful thing in the world. But
not a little lilac-princess tonight. Anne—
a queen instead. By Jove, you've some
thing of the stately, womanly look of
our beautiful Betty. Only you’re much
more wonderful. A queen!” he ended,*
slowly staring at me with puzzled eyes
as he dropped my bands and, limped into
I woader If Betty's look of stately re
serve came to her through pain—l won
der If her dead husband caused that pain.
After a minute, Jim came out again
flourishing his pleated shirt in his hands.
He was grinning boyishly. lie seemed
Jike himself again.
‘‘Wonder-girl,'' he repeated.' “If you
didn’t pick out this nice, soft, ruffly
shlrjjr-lnstead of dooming me to a stiff
bosomed horror. And when I think of
the bachelor days of selecting shirts and
ramming In studs, 1 could dance. Ready
In a Jiff, Anne.
"Oh, by the way, Norreys is going to
‘Speak Soflly' Good Advice Now
Theodore Roosevelt said: "Speak softly, carry a big stick and go a
long way in a day.”
When four million men wero taken from productive work atu called
into war service in the United States, a great void wa3 created in the labor
market and there were not enough men and women for the jobs. Many
men who bad been accustomed to hiring men to assist them and many
women who had been hiring employes for their homes found it possible
to get t along with less help.
Now, since the war is over and the men are back again largely occupy
ing their old Jobs, a lot of people who wero given temporary positions find
there is no steady work for them, and a of others who have Jobs have
found they had better speak softly. They tn carry as big a stick as they
wish to if they don't show it, but many are losing Jobs every day because
they do not realize conditions have changed In tho labor market.
Employes will have to be as careful as their employers In the future
or lose Jobs. They will have to remember that the employer carries
the big stick.
Unemployment is growing in the iasge cities. Hobo hails are full of
floaters —the men who work only to drift from one Job to another and
winter In the city. Thousands of them would be in the Bridewell if they
could get booze at the old prices. But the old "flop” whisky that was
10 cen(3 a drink now sells for a dollar and they do not havw the money
to pay ten times the old price, so they can't get in the Bridewell and have
free lodging.
Employment agencies, which formerly had little business except in
hiring men to quit one Job for another, are now filled with men looking
for work. Those who can see that conditions have changed in the labor
market are after steady jobs; they know the thing to do is to settle down
Relief to the unemployment situation will come in public work. In the
building industry, in increased work on the railroads Road building will
give Jobs to thousands and many others will be engaged in making road
material. And this work will have its part in lowering the cost of living.™
W. D. Boyce In the Saturday Blade. Chicago. •
Men! Spend a few minutes
today inspecting our splen
did suits for men and young
men at—
, i /
Just drop in some time today for a few minutes
—ask the salesman to show you some of these suits.
Examine them carefully, try them on, note their
fit and style. You’ll he agreeably surprised to
know what really good suits they are for $39.50.

Soys' Suits with two pairs of pants, $13.75
AND IT.!> VITAL , rTQI| Or,r JUt>T LET HER KNOW 1 71 1 S
,■J ' - *^ J 1 !" Q— *t ***V'' ~I7T
be there. Funny thing—he and Jennie
met out West last year, when he was
resting up from his wound. They must
have had a tiff or sometning, or they
drifted apart. It's all right now though.
Jeanle 'phoned and Invited him to din
ner and —he's coming.”
A strange feeling of Joy came over ms.
I experienced an unaccountable sensa
tion of peace and happiness at the
thought of seeing Anthony Norreys
(To be continued.)
“The stars incline, but do not compel.”
Uranus rules strongly for good today,
according to astrology. Mercury is mild
ly helpful, while Venus and Saturn are
There is a rule supposed to impart
clearer mental vision and better Judg
ment In all affairs.
This is a most fortunate day for what
ever has to do with the finer mfentality
of men and should be most advantageous
to all who make appeal to the spiritual
Persons whose-blrthdate It Is will have
a favorable year if they avoid all dis
•putes and exorcise extreme care In busi
Children born on this day may be
alert, nervous and difficult to manage, but
they are Usually gifted and they are for
tunate in whatever they undertake. —
Copyright, 1020.
Q. What was the report of tho com
mittee sent to Investigate the sinking of
the battleship Maine? J. W. D. .
A. The report of 1811 of tho commit
tee which Investigated the wreck of the
Maine after It had been raised, con
firmed the first report. The explosion
was caused by a submarine mine, but
responsibility could not be fixed on any
party cr parties.
(Any reader can get the answer to
any question by writing the Indian*
Daily Times Information Bureau,
Frederic J. Baskin, Director, Wash
ington, D. C. This offer applies
strictly to Information. The bureau
cannot give advice on legal, medical
and financial matters. It does not
attempt to settle domestic troubles,
nor to undertake exhaustive research
on any subject. Write your question
plainly and briefly. Give full name
and address and enclose 2 cents In
stamps for return postage. All re
plies are sent direct to the inquirer.)
Q. What kind of wood Is best for
skis? W. M.
A. In making skis, the most durable
kinds of wood for the runners are white
pine, ash and hickory.
Q Os what metal can frames be mads
to hold X-Ray pictures during the proc
ess of developing and, printing?
M. F. B.
A. The bureau of standards says that
nickel-plated brass may be used for such
Q. Why do planes use two-blade pro
pellers Instead of f#ur? S. J. W.
A. The air service says that soma
airplanes have two-blade propellers,
others have four. Two blades are
usually considered more practical and
Q. What Is sapodllla? A. A.
A. This is a tree of the Sapotaceae I
family, the fruit of which has n subacid j
pulp which is used extensively as a :
dessert In the West Indies. The tree Is
native to that country, but has been In- j
trodneed Into many''trop!cal countries.
Q. Does a rattle snake curl up with '
Its tall In the middle? V. K.
A. The Bureau of Biological Survey
says that a rattle snake, like many other ,
snakes, usually curls up with Its tail In ;
the middle.
Q. Please give names of Government
hospitals where disabled soldiers o/ the
late war can receive treatment. G. I. T.
A. The War Department says that the
cLatn of Army hospitals where rehabili
tation cases are being treated is to be
reduced to four hospitals during October, j
These will be Army and Navy General
Hospital. Hot Springs. Arkansas; Walter
Reed General Hospital. Takoma Park.
D. C.; Fitzsimmons Genera! Hospital,
Denver, Colo.; Letterman General Hos
pital, San Francisco, Cal.
Q. Where was the first toll road in
this country? u *•
A. The first road of this kind was the
Lancaster Pike fr >m Philadelphia to
Lancaster, Pa, which dates back to
Q. I* it Bam Brown belt worn upon
any occasion*? W. A. T.
A. The Sam Brown belt was never
authorized for wear In this country, j
and it would be contrary to regulations
to wear it.
Q. Ilow many strikes were there last
year? ® " II -
A. The Bureau of iotbor Statistics says
thst there were 3.374 strikes and lock- !
outs In 1919, these affecting 4,U2,60i
Q. How many soldiers under sixteen j
served In the Revolutionary War?
W. A. M.
A In the Revolutionary Army there
were 104,4A1 boys of fifteen; 1.223 that
were fourteen years of age; 73 that were
thirteen; 187 that were twelve; 13 that
were eleven, ami 25 that were ten years
of under.
Q. What is Yerba Mate? W. A. L.
v A. Mate Is a substitute' for tea, ex
tensively used In South America. It con
sists of the leaves and green ehoots of
certain species of holly, more especially
Ilex paraguayensis, dried and roughly
Q. When did the negro first vote for
President? N. A. Z.
A. The negro voted for President for
the first time In IS6B, when Ulysses S.
Grant of Illinois and Schuyler Colfax of
Indiana were elected by the Republicans.
2 More of Miller’s
‘Guests’ Returned
Sheriff Robert Miller has two more of
his twenty-four escaped prisoner* back
in Jail today. They are E. H. Tunntcliff
and Oil!# Brown, who were returned after
after they had been arrested at Muscovy,
Tunnicllff Is alleged to have been the
leader of the Jail-breakers, who escaped
July 5.
When captured he was suffering a bal
let wound In one leg.
Tunnicllff Is charged with vehicle
taking. /
Brown, who is an ex-convlct. Is charged
with manslaughter, he being the driver
of the taxi that is alleged to have killed
Sister Francis, a nun, as she was walk
ing across Monument place some month*
Mexico Wishes Labor
to Remain at Home
MEXICO CITY. Nov. B.—Mexico Is try
lng hard to stem the rush of Mexican
laborers to the United States. High
wnges prevailing across the border are
luring thousands from this country. Mex
ican newspapers have begun a propa
ganda campaign warning Mexican work
ers to remain at home where their serv
ices are needed to rehabilitate the coun
try. *
Washington and Alabama Streets—Just East of Courthou*#
New Fall and Winter
Apparel at Reductions
Up to $39.50
$27- 50
Splendid rangd" of models in polo,
heather mixture, velour and Bo
livia. The popular shades such
as brown, reindeer and uavv.
All Alterations FREE.
Skirts Made to Order
Select any material from our
wool or silk section and we
will make to your measure
any model you select.
Jamestown plaids, 38 inches
wide, beautiful patterns for wom
en's and misses’ 04 PQ
skirts 91vv
54-inch checks and plaids, all
wool, heavy quality, for women’s
sports skirts; only 114 yards re
quired for average /fi Q
skirt, yard tp
64-inch velours, plain colors,
heavy, Ann weave, 1% yards
for average {£*/| QQ
skirt C)
All-wool storm serge, navy blue,
42 to 54 inches wide, for skirts
and. dresses; yard, £•€ QQ
from $3.98 down to.
Navy blue men’s wear serge, 54
inches wide, all wool, heavy,
firm quality, 1U 3'ds.
for average skirt....
All-wool tricotine, navy blue, 54
inches wide, splendid QO
quality for $7-50 and ipaIeJJCJ
Satin messaline, yard wide, all
wanted shades, including navy
and black, at $2.98 ..$1.98
By Cory.
Now, In the last story, Puss Junior, with I
Mr. Ulysses and his sailor men came to
the cave where Mr. Poly Phemu* lived,
you remember. And Just a* they were
gotng to knock oa the door, the great
one-eyed giant himself came home with
a great bundle of firewood In his arms.
"What do you want?” he asked, throw
ing down his bundle of wood, and hi*
great round eye in the middle of his
forehead rolled Yhls way and that until
it saw little Puss, when It winked quite
Solemnly. "We have brought you a Jug
of wine,” said Mr. Ulysses. “We are
weary from our long voyage.”
“Then stay for supper,” said Mr. Poly
Pbemus. “But you must be patient until
I make the fire and milk my goats,” and
then he drove them Into the care, and
after that he rolled a great rock up
against his front door.
“I don’t like that,” thought Puss to
himself, “for how can we get out If this
, giant doesn't want us to.”
Well, after awhile, the giant became
! dreadfully ugly. Perhaps the smoke got
1 Into his one eye, and when you have only
one eye and It gets full of smoke, of
course, It’s very hard to see. And, then,
too. Mr. Ulysses and hls sailors ate an
awful lot and It kept Mr. Poly Ph*mus
; busy cooking for them. 8o after a little
while be grabbed hold of one of the
sailors and would have killed him then
and there If Puss hadn’t waved hls flam
ing gold feather In front of Mr. Phemus's
“Be sociable, Mr. Poly Pbemus,” said
Puss Junior. "We have brought you a
Jug of wine.” Well, this sort of pleased
; the big giant, and he let the sailor go,
land after wiping hls eye with his pocket
handkerchief, which was as big as a
i sheet, he drank the whole Jugful and
then went to sleep.
"Now’s the time to escape,” said Puss
Junior, and he squeezed out of the door
But, oh, dear me, Mr. Ulysses couldn't
get out! He was too big. Well, I don’t
! know what would have happened If little
| Puss hadn’t found a rope and tied It to
! tho horns of an ox that belonged to Mr.
i Poly Pbemne, and then he tied the other
' end around the big stone, and then he
•aid, "Gee, haw,” and the ox gave a
great pull and away rolled the stone, and
then Mr. Ulysses and hls sailor men ran
out and pretty soon they were all safely
aboard their Bhlp and sailing away.
And then Mr. Ulysses took no the
megaphone and called back, “Goodby, Mr.
t Newest
Up to $59.00
Special s2^-50
Our choice selection of newest
fall models on sale at this price.
The range of colors is brown,
reindeer, navy and Pekin. Made
of velour, silvertones and sued
This Means Another Saving of $2.00 to $5.00
Flannelette Nightwear
For the Whole Family
Women’s outing flannel night
gowns, In pink and blue stripes
or white.
$2.25, special ,31.59
12.48, special ...........31.98
$2.98, special .... ....3*-48
$3.50, special 32.98
$4.98, special $3.98
Women's outing flannel pajamas
$3 50, special .32.4S
$3.98, special ~..53.48
$4.98, special $4.50
Children’s flannelette Bleeping
garments —
$1.48, special 98<*
$1.98, special sl-48
Children’s flannelette night
sl.7s and $1.98, special. .$1.48
Children’s outing flannel pa
jamas, white or fancy stripes;
ages 10 to 14 years
sl.9B, special $1.48
Men’s outing flannel nightrobes
and pajamas, in pink and blue
stripes; sizes 15 to 20 —
$2-45, special $1.95
$2.95, special $2.45
$3.45 and $3.95, special... $2.95
$5.00, special $3.95
$6.00, special $4.95
Boys’ outing flannel nightrobes—
sl.9s, special $1.69
Boys’ outing flannel pajamas—
s2.7s, special $2.19
Ona Eye,” and this woke np the big
giant, and he rushed olft of his cave and
picked up an immense rock and threw it
after the boat. Bujt, luckily, it wasn't
hit, although the water spattered all over
them and came very near drowning Mr.
Ulysses and his crew, and if Puss hadn't
seized a pall and baled out the boat I
guess they all would have gone down to
Davy Jones’s Locker, which any old sailor
will tell you Is the last place he wants
to go to.—Copyright, 1920.
To Be Continued.
Man, Pinned Beneath
Auto, Seriously Hurt
Harold Potter, 25. of Beech Grove, was
seriously Injured last night when pinned
j beneath hls automobile at Emerson and
j South Eastern avenues.
! Potter was driving a light car which
! was struck by a big automobile trav
eling at a high rate of speed. Potter’s
car was overturned.
C. E. Corolay, 1214 Fletcher avenue,
driving an automobile on South street,
accideutally struck Ernest Atkins, 9SO
East Georgia street, Injuring him slightly.
Helton Upshaw, negro, 244 South East
street, was injured when he was knocked
; from his bicycle by an automobile. The
driver stopped but did not give his name.
Christians Meet at
Seymour Tomorrow
Special to The Times.
SEYMOUR, Ind., Nov. 8. —The annual
' convention of the Christian churches of
the Southeastern Indiana district, which
is composed of twenty counties, will b
.held in this city Tuesday,
j The program is the most comprehensive
I that has ever been arranged for the dis
trict meeting and noted speakers from
, Various parts of the country are ex
: pected to attend.
The Rev. Royal J. Dye, medical mis*
slonary to Africa; the Rev. Jesse Bade*
lof Kansas City, secretary of evangelism
of the church, and the Rev. C. M. Slo-
I cum of St. Louis are some of the prin.
jelpa! speakers.
( Preparations have been mads for *
large attendance.
E. M. Rider, manager of the Why
Store, 29 East Ohio street, reported to
the police today that burglars had en
tered ths store and taken clothing value!
at J 3.55.
Bargain Table Special
Children’s VeUastio
Union Suits
Ages 2 to 16 Year*
Special, 79c
Heavy winter weight Vel
lastic fleece union suits for
children; first grades of
these suits sell at $1.15 to
Blue Ribbon Special
Standard Apron Ginghams
12J4 C a y" d
Former Price 350
Standard quality apron ging
ham, assorted blue and white
checks, for women’s and chil
dren’s aprons.
V '
Silk and Wool
Union Suits
Regular and Extra Sizes,
They ere high neck, long sleeve,
ankle length. You may also choose
the plain part wool non-shrinking
union suits in high neck, long
sleeve; Dutch neck, elbow sleeve, or
low neck, no sleeves.
Boys' Union
Suits, up to
$1.76, at 98c
Boys' winter
weight ecru, rib
bed. fleeced
quality. Up to
18 rears.
Women’s Vel
lastlo Union
Suits, $1.98
Pure white,
heavy fleeced
pulon suits, first
grade; regular
and extra sizes.
Children’s $1.50
Waist Suits,
Pure white
fleeced waist
n-il/m suits, first
grade; up to 13
Women's Un
derwear, Spe
Winter weight,
bleached, fleeced
vests and pants;
regular and ex
tra sires.

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