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8 BIG LEAGUE WAR CLOUD , HANG LOW AS MAGNATES DEBATE OVER DIFFERENCES IN CHICAGO NO AGREEMENT DEVELOPED AT EARLY SESSION Heydler and Johnson Factions Threaten to Stand on Original Proposals. BASEBALL BEE BUSY War Clouds Break as Magnates Get Together CHICAGO, Not. B.—The first move for the National and American League clubs to get together on a plan for rvorgani zation of baseball was made shortly after noon here today. Five clubs, loyal to Ban Johns-on, head of the American League, were represent 'd at the meeting of that organization in the Congress Hotel. The other three Amen an League club representat ves at tended the meeting of the National League in another room of the Congress Hotel. As soon as the National League meet ing got under, way a message was sent to Ban Johnson asking the five American League clubs which have not indorsed the Lasker plan for reorganization to send a representative to the meeting of the National League. Clark Griffith, one of the “loyal five,” went to the National League meeting. Griffith was In the National League meeting about fifteen minutes. When be came out he was accompanied by Col. Jacob Ruppert of the New York Yan kees, one of the “insurgent” American League club owners. Ruppert and Griffith walked arm in arm to the meet ing of the “loyal five.” Neither would make a statement, CHICAGO, Nov. B.—National and American League club owners in annual meetings here today were to make a final attempt to dovetail their plaU9 for re organization of baseball. Sessions of the two leagues scheduled had as objectives plans to merge and formulate a definite program for sub mission to minor leagues in Kansas City tomorrow, if hopes of both factions ma terialize. There was no sign of a rift in either side early today, however, and talk of a baseball war was revived with fervor. The threat of organization of a twelve club league will be carried through to day, National League Interests an nounced, unless Ban Johnson, president of the American League, and the Wash ington. Detroit, St. Louis. Philadelphia and Cleveland clubs consent to join their meeting. HEYDLER AGAINST * HACK PADDLING. “The door of the meeting will stand open for one or all of them to enter," ; John Heydler, president of the National League, explained, “but we will make no further proffers of peace. “We are willing to make concessions to avert a disastrous baseball war—we don't want war and we know the public doesn't—but we can’t back paddle. We will gladly receive a .committee from them and consider any counter proposal or suggestions they have. We all agree that baseball should be reorganized and there should be some way to get to gether." Others were not hopeful of a com promise following a night of conference with Clark Griffith and Tom Sbibe of the "loyal five’’ American Leagues. Griffith took the same position John son has set—that the five clubs constitute the American League and should not agree to decisions of the New York. Boston and Chicago clubs. He declared the reorganization proposes to oust Ban Johnson and fiatly stated ha would not participate. TOMMY STILL OPPOSES PLAN. Charles A. Comiskey, owner of the Chi cago White Soy. it was reported today, declared he would not be a part of the American League as long as Johnson continued as its head. Johnson, before the American League session, reiterated the demand that_ a committee representing American, Na tional and minor league interests ar range details of reorganization. He con tended the Lasker plan was not prac tical. but refused to predict what action his league would take toward averting war or fighting a twelve-club league. Both the factions declared they would offer reorganization plans to the minor league meeting in Kansas City if they failed to agree on a combination of ideas. Mi.i r learners on th<> side lines watch ing the scrimmage today were divided. START NEW (LIBS, SAYS GRIPIITH. Following conferences with other “loyal” American League magnates, Clark Griffith, owner of the American League Club in Washington, said in case there is a baseball war and anew or ganization of twelve club* Is formed, the American League will start three new clubs. These he said will be placed In Chicago, Boston and New York, where the American League clubs which have favored reorganization are located. Griffith said promoters for the three new clubs had been obtained and suf ficient money was in sight to insure suc cess. The American League meeting was postponed until late in the day to give Jacob liupper a chance to attend. Ban Johnson and his followers didn't have much hope that Rupper was to be pres ent at th-dr meeting, but they wanted give him a chance, informal confer ences between Johnson, Griffith and others were held during the morning. The Congress Hotel management, with nn eye to safety of furniture, arranged for the two big league meetings to be held In extreme ends of the building, one on tbe first floor and the other on the top floor. Grid Battle Postponed Week on Account of Rain The Indianapolis Football Club and Alexandria Tigers were scared out ol their battle at Washington Park yester day afternoon by the weather man, but will fouio to grips on tbe Tribe lot next Sunday. * Several hundred fans, who have been keeping tab on the State pro teams, turned out yesterday afternoon after the weather cleared to witness the famous Alexandria outfit in action, but were confronted with the “no game” sign. However, this postponement will not hurt things regarding the game a great deal, as it will give the members of both teams a chance to get rid of a few minor injuries and put themselves In hotter shape for the important clash. Manager Joe Cannings Indianapolis athletes will put In a lot of hard train ing licks this week, starting with an in door work-out tomorrow night and clos ing with their regular scrimmage Fri day night at Fall Creek and College ave nue. Collegians at Anderson The Ex-Collegians football team will travel to Anderson on Thursday, Nov. 11, where they will lock horns with the strong Anderson Starlands. Captain llaz zard, of the local colored bovs, Is work ing his team overtime for this game and expects to “bring home the bacon.” The Ex-Collegians would like to hear from some fast team for a game Sunday, Nov. 14, at Northwestern park. Write or call, Ben W. Johnson, 220 Indiana ave nues. Phons 23-231. Man-o’-War Race Movies Motion pictures of Man-O’-War and Sir Barton, in their great match race at the Windsor race track recently, are on view at the Circle Theater this week. The picture Is considered one of the best ever produced of a horse race and Is escep tional'.y clear. The horses are seen from the time they leave the post until Man- O’-Wnr thunders across the tape, the winner. Big Smoke in Prison Bout LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Not. 8. —Jack Johnson, forrnsr heavyweight boxing Champion, who la serving one year la prison here for violation of the Mann act, was matched today for a “turkey day" bout of six roughs in the Federal priiwa. "Topeka wili he N. D. QUARTER ? , l ft. l I' ;>, . ! i- t ■ ■ ; i< ? ; JOE BRANDY. George Glpp will not be the only peb ble In the gravel pit when Notre Dame meets Indiana here Saturday afternoon. Indianapolis fans ore going to keep their eyes on Joe Brandy, star quarter back of tbe Irish eleven, and they are going to expect big things of him. Although Joe’s home is “somewhere in the East.” Indianapolis has always had a sort of claim to him. as he spent the greater part of b:s early life here with his uncle, Henry Lawrence, manager of the Claypool Hotel. Joe also has a warm spot in his heart for Indianapolis and he is always glad to get back here for a few days, weeks or months. Brandy has been playing stellar ball for Notre Panic this Season. Besides run ning the team in great style, he is a great fighter and can carry the ball about a* good as the next one when It comes hi* turn. After the Army game n week ago, tome Eastern critics named Brandy as a likely candidate for -All-American honors, along with Captain Coughlin, tackle; Half Rack George Glpp and Ends An derson and KUey. Carpenter-Dempsey Go Near New York July 4, Is Latest Announcement NEW YORK, Nov. B.—Tbe world’s heavyweight boxing championship battle between Jack Dempsey, cham pion, and George* Carpentier, of France, challenger, will be held near New York. It was declared here to day by Charles B. Cochran, British promoter. who, with William A. Brady and Tex Richard, will stage the bout. A special arena to accom modate <5.000 persons will be con structed somewhere In the metropoli tan district and the bout will lake about July 4, Cochran said. Failure of Cuban promoters to carry out agreements in regard to financ ing the $300,000 boot In Cuba, Cooh ran said, had caused the promoters to change location for the scrap, al though New Y'ork fans believed tbe boot will be held any place bot New York. Admission prices to the arena will be made a* low as possible, said Cochran, probably ranging from $3 to 860. Big League Briefs CHICAGO, Nov. B.—Lounge lizards in Teacock alley cautiously guarded their carefully waxed mustaches when John Heydler, Tom Sbibe and Clark Griffith accidentally met and started arguing. Some stopped up their ears as the dis cussion got warm. But there were no casualties. Heydler emerged from th word battle with a perspiring counte nance and Griffith and Shlbe continued their promenade. Harry Frazee of Boston nnd Clarence Rowland, scout for the Detroit Tigers, contested for fashion’s favors, Rowland’* bid was a gray checkered unifo’-m, baby blue silk tie end white spats. Frazee was tbe sole magnate in conventional morn ing attire. Minor leaguers were more numerous •bout tbe Congress Hotel than American or National League interests. They were getting dope for their meeting iu Kan sas City Tuesday when reorganization and an agreement with the major leagues is to be the issue. George Stallings, Fred Mitchell and Clarence Rowland were among former managers lounging in full view of the club owners. All said they were open to offers. Kid Gleason of the White Sox was the only manager willing to talk trade or deals. He had few customers. Other managers and owners explained they were Interested in the general affnlrs or the game and too busy to bother about team personnel. Jacob Ruppert, owner of the New York Yankees, and Phil Ball, owner of the St. Louis Browns, were the only miss ing magnates early today. They were expected before noon. Garry Herimann, who Imitates Barney Oldfield’s cigar habits, acted as general host. The customary search for mag nates was unnecessary and meetings started on time for a change. Someone had only to suggest “Well, let’s go down to the other meeting room" and in a few minutes there would be a full attendance. Jack Hendricks, manager of the Indi anapolis American Association team, was recipient of applications from Coast League owners for his aid in securing evidence to aid in the California Inves tigation of baseball. Big Ten Standing W. It. Pet. Illinois 4 0 1.009 Ohio State 4 0 1.000 Wisconsin 2 1 .687 Indiana 2 1 .667 Chicago 2 2 .500 lowa 2 2 .500 Northwestern 1 S .250 Michigan 0 2 .000 Purdue 0 2 .000 Minnesota 0 4 .000 liauger 010 has w* w Unequal**! Value* Three Stores First Block Mass. Ave. EQUAL RIGHTS REMAINS GOAL . OF THE MINORS ‘Little Fellows’ to Insist on Representation on New Baseball Ruling Board. LASKER PLAN IS OPPOSED By JACK VEIOCK. International New* Sports Editor. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. B.—Wit., the Lasker plan a dead issue among theU’Lit tle fellows,” delegates began arriving to day for the annual convention of the I National Association of Minor Leagues, with the avowed purpose of fighting for representation on baseball’s highest tri bunal. The minors, whose meeting openß to morrow afternoon, are unprepared to en tertain visiting major moguls, but will bold out a welcoming band should the “big fellows” come to Kansas City. One thing was certain on the eve of the minors’ meeting and that was their desire for representation on the National Baseball Commission. No plan carrying this concession to the minors will be adopted nor will the minors throw their support to either faction In the Heydier •Tohnson dispute without it. An over whelming majority of the minors oppose the Lasker plan or any other plan cre ating an independent tribunal, for base ball's control. SEE THEIR BEST CHANCE IN YEARS. For the first time in twenty years the “little"follows” have an opportunity for an equal voice In the management of baseball and' they will fight to the last ditch before accepting any compromise which eliminates minor league represen tation. i lie plan which will find most sup porters among the minors Is the con tinuation of the present national baseball commission, with the appointment of a minor league representative to fill the : vacancy created by Garry Herrmanu s ! resignation. Tbe Lasker plan is tabooed, i for the minors want practical baseball men in control, with one of their own number named for a position on the triumvirate. The minors have named four candidates for the national commission, any one of whom would be acceptable to the “little fellows.” These are Michael X. Sexton, president of the National Associa tion of Minor Leagues; David H. Full*, president of the International League and former president of the players fratern ity; Al Tierney, president of the western and Three-I circuits, and J. Cal Ewing, president of the Pacific Coast League. If the majors adjourn t'.cir Chicago I meeting to coino to Kansas City, the i draft law may prove to be the main topic for discussion, Th* minors ultimatum on this subject is a $5,000 draft price, with the majors limited to Class AA leagues. This Is double the price last In enect. The minors have continued the urart w Whin their own organizations and rar>'d I well. They sre Just as willing to con tinue without major league participation ; as with it. DRAFT LAW MAY EE CHANGED. , . If the maters meet th new price nnn anew working agreement is Mtoptea . between major* and minors, the little fellows" will boost draft prices between 1 leagues within their own rsnks. lor ! example. th *1,500 price existing now I for trie drafting of Class A players by Class AA clubs probably would be raised to *”500 and so on down the line. Another subject due for lengthy con ! slderatlon and In which "war cloud* loom ominously Is a minor league offen sive against the tudustrial "outlaws. ’ Scores of clubs lost valuable players tc the Industrial league at the beginning of last season, particularly the Western and International Leagues Tbe minors i have not forgotten and will adopt stern j • reprisal" measures against tbe indus trials. On the whole, the atmosphere of to morrow’s meeting will be a “mind our own business” attitude by the minor*. If the majors come to Kansas City there will be excitement, with the minors holding tbs trump. Saturday Grid Scores INDIANAPOLIS. Centre, 34; De Pauw, 0. Butler, 21; Franklin. 10. INDIANA. Notre Dame 28; Purdue, 0. Kalamazoo Normal, 0; Earlham, 0. BIG TEN. Illinois, 3; Chicago, o. Ohio State, 14 ; Michigan, 7. Wisconsin, 8; Minnesota. 0. lowa, 20; Northwestern, 0. INTERSECTION AL. Penn State, 20; Nebraska, 0. Detroit, 65; Tufta, 2. WEST. St, Xavier, 56; Rose Poly, 0. Denison, 17; Ohio “U,” 0. Akror., 14; Hiram, 7. Baldwin-Wallace, 17; Muskingum, 0. Oberlln 20; Western Reserve, 7. Mt. Union. 35; Case, 0. Nevada, 21; Utah Aggies, 0 Utah, 7; Colorado, 0. Missouri. 10; Kansas Aggies, 7. North Dakota Aggies, 7; Fargo, 0. Oklahoma, 21 ; Kansas, 9. Drake, 14; Washington, 6. Ames, 17; Creighton, 0. Louisiana, 3: Arkansas, 0. Colorado College, 20; Wyoming, 17. Denver, 16; Colorado Mines, 6. Ilaskel Indians, 6; Marquette, 3. Wittenberg. 19; Ohio Northern, 7. Miami, 7; Ohio Wesleyan, 0. California, 49; Washington State, 0. Stanford. 3; Washington. 0. State College, 35; Mt. S* Charles, 0. Wesleyan, 7; Montana School of Mines. 10. Whitman College, 13; University of Montana, 7. Occidental College, 12; California Tech., 7. Pomona College, 14; Whittier College, 0. Rice Institute, 10; Southern Methodist University, 0. Kendal), 81; Oklahoma Baptist, 0. South Dakota, 7; North Dakota, 7. Heidelberg, 21; Otterbein, 2. EAST. Harvard, 14; Princeton, 14. Yale, 14; Brown, 10. Pittsburgh, 27; Pennsylvania, 21. Navy. 21; Georgetown, 6. Syracuse, 14; Washington and Jeffer son, 0. Dartmouth, 14; Cornell, 3. Swarthtnofe, 21; Columbia, 7. Union, 9: New York 7. Boston College, 24; Boston “U," 0. New Hampshire, 7; Colby, 7. BowdoJn, 7; Maine, 7. Army, 63; Lebanon Valley, 0. Williams, 82; Hamilton, 7. Rochester. 21; Colgate, 14. Galladaudet, 21; Randolph Macon, 0. Lafayette, 10; Bochnell, 7. Johns Hopkins, 17; Haverford, 10. Maryland State, 14; Catholic “U,” 0. Penn Military, 9; L’rslnus, 0. Carnegie Tech., 42; Allegheny, 0. West Virginia, 14; Washington and Lee, 10. Dickinson, 7; Franklin and Marshall, 0. Gettysburg, 34; Villa Nova, 7. I<ehigb. 58; Muhlenberg, O. Western Maryland, 21; St. Johns, 0. Wesleyan, 7; Amherst, 0. ; Stevens, 48; Delaware, 0. • SOUTH. Georgia Tech., 7; Clemson, 0. Alabama, 14; Vanderbilt. 7. Tulane, 14; Florida, 0. V. M. 1., 23; North Carolina, 0. Tennessee. 49; Transylvania, (J. Virginia. 0; Georgia, 0. Davidson, 27; South Carolina. 0. North Carolina State, 81; William and Mary, 0. Auburn, 40; Birmingham Southern, 0. Lynchburg, 13; Emory and Henry, 9. Furman, 42; Oglethorpe, 3. Virginia Poly, 21; Richmond, 0. Mississippi A. and M., 20; Mississippi, 0. Kentucky, 7; Cincinnati 6. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1920. Four in East and Three in West Have Clean Grid Rcords Notre Dame Among Elite of the 1920 Crop of Title Aspirants. NEW YORK, Nov. B.—Four major grid teams In the East and three in the West still hive their heads above the water. Penn State, Pittsburgh, Princeton and Harvard are keeping well on top of the football surf in the East, while Notre Dame, Ohio State and Illinois are strok ing safely in the West. Penn State lends in the Eastern race with a slight margin, having avoided a tie game, which Is the only blemish on the records of Pitt, Princeton and Har vard. Notre Dame, on the word of Coach Scanlon of Purdue. Is the best team iu the West, while Ohio State and Illinois still remain undefeated in the confer ence. M ' Georgetown, Cornell, Brown and Jef ferson were overcome by tbe tide that rushed over them Saturday. Each Buf fered the first defeat of the season and went out of the race. Heavy current is ahead for all the leaders with the possible exception of Notre Dame, which has survived tbe hardest part of the schedule. Fenn State has Lehigh to face "ext and Pittsburgh has a tough game w’ i Wash ington and Jefferson. If both win they will face each other Thanksgiving lu one of the most vital games of the East. Har vard has In Brown no easy mark nnd then Yale, while Princeton has Yale next Saturday. For tbe second time in succession, Il linois aud Ohio State will rm-et in a gnm to decide the Western Conference cham pionship on Nov. 20. provided Illinois beats Wisconsin next Saturday. GI N CU B RESULTS. Edmonson and H. Lewis, each breaking 98 out of a possible 100 clays, divided spoils in the Indianapolis Gnu Club shoot Saturday. Parry and Stone tied for sec ond place with 95 each and Havens fol lowed with a 93. Arvln, profession*!, pulled down 99 birds out of 100 shots. *l, Ml <vias! ® i c)ru&> CoXmJUr off sul> Xt/o. W Az-o ami ln.XY)fiSht/ Qmct 3 CyuM*h> 3 ajjuajJ&j ouu* 3OAt6 XasX am aX dauwX~ mima\ *. Xvsj or ituiX, clm o$X-Axaa\ tkor tux> dUa^s ctwd/ 0s clixXamX' ) xXc. Mb Xj^Wt/L It AIwJK MAS dj&lpr X& MaA tfnitj OVZr %00 r lYwJk& wid£y 'fjlut XX IA (TWr ~fxlj ffu JxtoJis .AMS * tU&rcL Cu {ird am Gldo£p~tuib M\*\ tic, ifijL iuvXr {krrdssf fib iiLi e&SE 'hmn&yfc {&a£tuiurrr. Qj&c(Yss 3oJU(odrouX~ 3r i\ \ <SOX{ sfu> Cryrn cuu) Ifojb AA/wcj ff?e c| 'imitAT \ \Xvue 3 u/oa mil JUULcum AjuJjUtiAAj Xvfan (W ou off maxim oa tamo cruo officeiswaA IE/aVyCyrruiu*) how osub i]cvs / scup \Ulajj.(k genu'll Galt {jacA< tfxat* Aaa\ at Sumfi/ SSIoK 3 frmrqttX enror off Cawt GtqaMtffcr 3nx<> cc Gcuml effnffemueti efmdl (pdAfej Ccmv Cawdl Or Urit yUUrruUi| i 'jamtvY\curX f " 3 XGncur udicn 3’m Set* hmK&X pr |urE (How Listen. Tkreffi) 9 Jtiuwr Cowley aW. j) (Onour jflai sr ryiaunEMsuAi y)ru^ t 7nx£&njLr isedy (Cover 'XwiHiaVv oau{ CoArjdv AAjyiddJvJt O' AAMxA’kry ” fte.Efc* JYour, (fife, S’ll /x\x\ Ituuti 9’ll a$XaSJb 43'Y-o-r-K —a4mt Hour tfttV/Offte. | fekCK (&&ql Wrath A\xb aX'lsnh fc&UKh cM In High School Camps Manual and Sbortrldge at Irwin field Friday! Although this will mark the first meeting between these two eleven since 1907, It is a safe bet that never In tbe history of the schoolAwere the two teams more evenly maWied, and never before has the rivalry excelled that which is now being exhibited at the schools. Manual alumni and former athletes have scheduled a get-to-gether meeting for Wednesday at the high school build ing and Shortrldge old-timers are ex pected to do likewise sometime this week. The exhibition put up by Noblesville against Tech Friday was one of the poorest ever seen in this city. The crowd will always back a team that fights, no mutter how bad It is beaten, but No blesville didn’t fight. The visiting eleven seemed to enjoy the Tech touchdowns al most as much as the Tech players them selves, and they played the entire game Triple Tie Possible in Western Conference Race CHICAGO, Nov. B.—A triple tie for the Big Ten Conference football championship Is one of the possibili ties that may evolve from the remain ing games of the schedole. If Wiooin, which boasts one of tlfc bet balanced teams in the confer ence. defeats Illinois next Saturday and Chicago the week following, it will finish the season with only one defeat. If Illinois wins from Ohio Nov. tt, each of these teams likewise would have a record of one defeat, and the Badgers. Illinois and Buck eyes would bo tied for top honors. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL. South Bend, 26; Lognnsport. 6. Culver Academy, 48; Harrison H, S. Chicago), 0. Bloomfield, 34; Petersburg, 6. In a carefree way. When they came out on the field the first thing they did was go under the goal posts and lie down. Bob Nipper, Tech captain and half back, has water on the knee and will be out of athletics for the rest‘of the year. His loss will be badly felt on the foot !>:’ 11 sound, but on the basketball five his absence will be almost a calamity. Nipper is one of the best all-round ath letes who ever attended Tech and his loss in all branches of sport presents a problem to the Tech coaches that wul require a lot of attention. Tech goes to Sheridan Friday over whelming favorites to win. The cast aiders beat Manual and Manual holds a 13-to-7 win over the up-staters Shortrjdge enter Friday’s Manual game with a clean slate in the city play, as It will be the north side eleven's first j appearance against a local rival. De Pauw Cripples Soon to Be Back in Shape GREENCASTLE, Ind.. Nov. B.—Al though the De Pauw football players were battered up In tbe game with Centre at Indianapolis Saturday, It Is believed all will be able to round into shape within two weeks and before the Tigers meet Wabash in their annual struggle at Washington Park field. Most of the men who were carried off the field suffered from twisted snkles or knees. Centre tackled hard and about every time a man went down, he was taken off the field. McCann was prob ably hurt tbe worst. He suffered a bad ly wrenched knee. De Pauw has two weeks to rest up and recover from her injuries before tackling Wabash In the last game of the season for the Tigers. Every effort will be made In those two weeks to have every player in the best of condition. EASY TOR MARTINSVILLE. MARTINSVILLE, Ind., Nov 8 —Th • Martinsville High School basket-bail team defeated Broad Ripple, 78 to 8, here. $30,000 Bet on One Texas League Game; Contest Ruled Out Officials Uncover Scandal Evi dence and Defeat Gamblers by *No Game? Decision. FT. WORTH, Tex.. Nov. 8. —More than *30.000 was bet by oil millionaires on a single baseball game In the Texas League last season. It was alleged at a meeting of owners of the Texas League when a protested game was thrown out by Wal ter Morris, retiring president, it became known today. The game was played at Wichita Falls between that team and Dallas. Follow ing the contest a riot occurred and Um pire Miller was protected by a squad of police No one wins by virtue of tbe fact the game was thrown out. and the money which has been In escrow pending decision of the league will be turned back to the bettors, it was declared. Texas League officials attending the meeting of the National Association of Minor Leagues, in Kansas City, tomor row, will demand Class A rating for the Lone Star circuit, it was declared here today. President Doak Roberts and Walter Morris, retiring president, said the Texas League was no longer willing to submit to draft from the Western League, which they regard as a slower circuit. In the Winter League. ST. PETERSBURG. Fla., Nor. B.—Out of deference to the wishes of Kid Elber feld. Manager Crosley of St. Petersburg (Fla.) West Cosst Winter League, will make no further effort to sign his In dian pitcher. Chief Moses Yellow Horse to pitch winter ball. The Kid wired Crosley that Yellow Horse was only 19 years of age, and had not finishing growing, and it was his opinion that pitching this winter might sap his vitality and impair his efficiency next year. Babbles Hargrave, catcher of St. Paul, who will Join the Reds in the spring has reported to St. Petersburg and will be placed In charge of the club on tbe field. IRISH TACKLE „ CRIMSON CREW IN FEATURE GO Rivals Meet Here Saturday in Probable State Title Tilt— Other I eresting Gaines. LAST WEEK’S REVIEW This week’g Hoosler college grid card Is attracting keen interest among the fans of the State, especially those of In dianapolis. In fact, the inhabitants of this city have worked up more enthus iasm over this week's card thau they hare over any other of the season. The big reason is this: Notie Deme’s football combination, Including George (‘‘Antelope’’) Glpp, Is scheduled to beat it down to Indianapolis for a battle with the Crimson athletes of Indiana Satur day. This game looms as the final word n the Stnto championship argemen* and It Is a cinch that neither team will let t. s o.ii--! it away with anything lii.s an easy victory. a urdue will face Northwestern at Evanston Saturday. The Boilermakezi machine is beginning to show signs of wear and tear, but it is believed it will be able to withstand the assault of the Northwestern outfit that held Indiana to a three-pomt victory in Indianapolis re cently. Coach Scanlon and hi* athletes turned out today for the first of se ries of hard drills that will put them In the best possible shape for the big fight, and they are determined to make it clear to the Purple that they are taking "part In a real gridiron battle. Naturally Notre Dame Is favored to win, but Coach Rockne always likes to have his men fit for plenty of action when they clash with their cown-state opponents and he is sending them over (Continued on Page Nine.) Additional Sports, Page 9