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10 CITY HIT LIGHTLY BY DAMAGE SUITS Bad Pavements Cost Phila delphia $540,000. Coirparlson of the amounts paid out on Judgments in damage suits arising : from injuries to citizens because of faulty pavements and other causes for which the city government is responsible in In dianapolis, with a report of the legal department of Philadelphia, published in a recent dispatch, shows Indianapolis In a very favorable light. Philadelphia, according to the dispatch, paid oat <510,000 last year and expects to pay $200,000 this year for injuries, most of which were directly traceable to boles in streets and sidewalks, faulty catch basin lids and the like. The legal department of the city of Indianapolis had to pay out $6,200 last year and the year before and expects to bare to pay SIO,OOO this year on like Judgments. Dixson H. Bynum, assistant city attor ny, acting as city claim agent, said the totsl asked by persons who say they have beet damaged because of holes in streets and sidewalks will be between $150,000 and $200,000 this year. FAVOR UNIFORM CONTRACT PLAN Credit Men Directors Outline Commerce Needs. The following statement, expressing the sentiment of a recent meeting of the di rectors of the National Association of Credit Men, which is advocating a uni form contract that would restrict the possibility of cancellations of orders, has been received by the Indianapolis Asso. elation of Credit Men: “Common sense, not sentiment, em phasizes the need of a strong business j conscience as the foundation of an In creasing and enduring commerce. His tory vividly shows tktat many nations passed entirely out because of the lack of honor and good faith In their com mercial intercourse with flfher people. This blunder must be avoided by Amer ica. Its business conscience must be the j controlling quality o' its merchants and In all transactions good faith and honor most be preserved. The contract when entered Into without conditions should be executed by both parties and to repudiate such contracts by either party is a viola tion of sound business principles and is frequently very dishonorable. “The cancellation of orders when they have been placed In good faith and so accepted should never be indulged by a merchant who pi *ces honor first, and , has respect for the business conscience. ■‘Returning mercuand'se received In ngreement with orders without the con sent of the shipper provokes disorders In business, causes unnecessary waste and Is one of the abuses that affect the busl- | ness conscience and violates the prln- , ciples of goud faith. These abuses hare been too common recently and to the extent that faith in business conscience Is severely strained. Because of these ; tbuses, business has hesitated, industries have stopped. Living close to contracts and defending good fnlth would have j prevented these conditions In * large measure and saved much of the waste and disorder which have so seriously af fected the business sltnation. “We appeal In the strongest terms to buyers and sellers for n defense of their .honor in the contractual relation. We urge a deep faith in the business con science of America, and the removal of every temperament and every tendency that might bring us under criticism and reflect seriously on the sterling quali ties of America’s business men." fskil helps to bring out the real beauty of the skin Cosmetics only hide skin trouble, but Resincl Ointment, aided by Resi nol Soap in most cases, clears away blotches, roughness, and similar de fects, keeping the skin soft and smooth, with the natural color of health. Gi*e the .Resinol products a trial. For sale by ail druggists. HAD NERVOUS BREAX-DOWN 3ut Health Restored to Texas lad/ Who is Now Well and Strong, Able to Do All Her House work and More. Rosebud, Texas. —Mrs. Annie 'ah ge, of R. F. D. No. 4, this place, vritee &s follows regarding her ex jerience with Cardul: “Some time .go I had a nervous breakdown of ome kind ... I was very weak, nd so nervous. It all seemed to ome from . . . trouble, for at ... I had fainting spells and suf ered a great deal, but more from ; he weak, trembly, no-account feel ig than anything else. I knew I eeded a tonic, and needed It badly. **l began the use of Cardul. to see ! I couldn't get some strength, as I new of other cases that had been elped by Its use. I felt better ... ( soon saw a great improvement, so apt It up. "I used seven bottles of Cardul, -nd can say the money was well pent, for I grew well and strong, ow able to do all my house work ad a great deal of work besides." If you are rundown, weak, nervous, ad suffer from the ailments peculiar a women, it is very likely that Car- j ui will help you, in the way it has elped thousands of others, during j he past 40 years. Take Cardul, the woman's tonic. : -MfbEtlsement. I SAVED-FROM- CATC THE-FIRE sJ -fi. JC. Starts Saturday Morning and Will Continue Until This SIOO,OOO Stock Is Disposed of FURNITURE, RUGS, HEATERS and STOVES At our fire, which occurred last month, the damage was mostly from smoke and water. Since then we have had a score of workmen cleaning, polishing and drying all smoke or water damaged pieces. The men did their work well and most of the pieces offered are practically as good as when they came from the makers. Guaranteed Hot Blast Feat:r at 30 to 63% Reductions 150 Heaters, including such well-known makes as Golden, Biyik, Garland, Clermont, Royal, Florence, Nubian and Estate Hotblasts, also many other popular makes —ali stoves guaranteed good as new—at 30 per cent less than any former price and 60 per cent less than new. Cook Stoves and Ranges at About Half Their Rea Value 25 Cook Stoves. Sale prices, §59.00 to §518.00. 15 Coal Ranges. Sale prices, $10.50 to §525.00. New Combination Ranges. Our former prices, $95.00 to $137.00. Sale prices, $72.50 to $97.50. Gas Rarge^—Note the Prices 25 Gas Ranges. Our former prices, $18.50 to $37.50. Sale prices, $7.50 to $22.50. H:at*ng Stoves fo F Stores and Factories 23 Used Big Cannon Stoves, ideal for factories, garages and stores. For mer prices, $27.50 to $62.50. Sale prices, $15.00 to $-17.50. Used Oil Heaters at $1.50 to $3.59 25 Used Coal Oil Heaters. Our.former prices, $3.50 to $6.50. Sale prices, $1.50 to $3.50. Rugs and Linoleums at From 40 to 75% Less Than Regular 60 9x12 New Axminster Rugs, slightly water damaged. Our former prices, $72.50 to $98.50. Sale prices, $21.50 to 852.50. 50 9x12 Wool Fiber Rugs. Our former prices, $14.50 to $29.50. Sale prices, $6.50 to $16.00. Hundreds of new Grass and Matting Rugs. Sizes 6x9, Bxlo and 9x12. 75 per cent reduction. 200 27x54 Axminster Rugs. Our former prices, $5.25 to $9.75. Sale prices, $1.75 to $5.25. Hundreds of other rugs to be sold at a reduction of 50 to 75 per cent on the dollar. 5,000 yards of Genuine Linoleum and Congoleum Linoleum. Our former prices, 85c to $1.50 a yard. Sale prices, 32< to 95£ a yard. All 6x9, Bxlo and 9x12 Congoleum Rugs at a reduction of from 40 to 60%. New Mattresses and Comforts at Less Than half Price 200 New Cotton Filled Comforts, all clean; some were wet but now thoroughly dry. Our former price, $6.75 to $7.50. Salo price, 50£ to $2.50. 60 45-Pound Combination Mattresses. Slightly damp. Our former price, $9.50 to $14.50. Sale price, $1.50 to $3.50. 25 45-Pound Cotton Felt Mattresses. Slightly damp. Our former price, $17.50 and $20.00. Sale price, $4.50 to $8.50. New Library Tables at $5.75 and Up 20 New Library Tables, in fumed oak, golden oak and mahogany. Our former prices, $14.50 to $58.00. Sale prices, $5.75 to $34.00. Dining Room Chairs at Half Price 50 sample Dining Room Chairs at an average reduction of 50 per cent. All price reductions are based on what the article is worth today—not on the high prices of a year ago. GT A n"D 444 I £J, £\ East Washington Between New Jersey and East Sts. \ Store Open Saturday at 8 a. m. and Closes at 9 p. m. ' Other Days From 7 a. m. to 6p. m. ■ fr • INDIANA DAILY TIMI3S, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1920. Thsse Period Pieces Will Be Sold Qu’ckly 3 Davenport Tables in mahogany and walnut. Our former price, $52.50 to $68.00. Sale price, $26.25 to $39.00. 1 Spinnet New Walnut Desk. Our former price, $77.50. Sale price, $38.00. 3 Solid Mahogany Drop Leaf Gate Leg Tables. Our former price, $42.50. Sale price, $26.00. 2 Solid Mahogany Tilt Tables. Our former price, $16.50. Sale price, $8.75. One New Mahogany Tea Wagon. Our former price, $27.50. Sale price, $15.50. 1 New Mahogany Tea Wagon. Our former price, $30.00. Sale priee, $12.50. 2 mahogany finished End Tables. Our former price, $13.50. Sale price, $7.00. Other Period Furniture in Bedroom Suites, Dining Pnom Suites, Library Tables, etc. Overstuffed L’ving Ro m Su tei 3-Piece .New Overstuffed Mulberry \ dour Suite, loose cushions, extra high grade upholstering. This suite bought to be sold for $578.75. Sale price. $245.50. 3-Piece New Overstuffed Mulberry Velour Suite, loose cushions, extra high grade upholstering. Our former price, $567.50. Sale price, $242.50. TERMS OF SALE Everything is marked in plain figures—both the reg ular priee and the sale price will be found on red tags. Select what you want, tear off the lower part of the tag and settle with the cashier. No phone orders will he received. No exchanges can be made. No charge for delivery within city limits where purchase exceeds SIO.OO. We must have two to five daya* time to make deliveries. A deposit will hold any purchase for thirty days. Ove-stuffed Tapestry Suite Less Than Half Price 3-Piece -Tapestry Suite, loose cushions. Our former price, $595.00. Sale price, $215.00. Two Bargains in Cedar Che ts 1 New Five-Foot Cedar Chest with brass trimmings. Our former price, $69.50. Sale price, $42.00. 1 New 4xG Cedar Chest. Our former price, $58.50. Sale price, $34.50. Who Wants a Sectional Bookcase for $24.00 1 six-section oak Bookcase. Our former price, $43.00. Sale price, $24.00. Floor and Stand Lamps—See 7 Floor Lamps, mahogany bases aud silk shades, including one extra fancy polychrome base. Our former prices up to $65.00. Sale prices, SIO.OO to $24.00. 13 New Stand Lamps with both mahogany and metal standards, silk and glass shades. Our former prices, $14.50 to $29.50. Sale prices, $4.75 to $12.00. If you do not find what you want in this announcement come anyhow. To enumerate ev ery article offered would take more space than we can afford to buy. We ask all who pos sibly can to be here Saturday morning. In the afternoon we may have to close the doors from time to time. The store will open at 8 a. m. and close at 9 p. m. Saturday. Bedroom Suites for the Finest Homes or the Hiimb e Cottage 1 American walnut 4-piece Bedroom Suite, with bow end bed. Our for mer price, $490.50. Sale price, $290.00. 1 American walnut 4-piece Bedroom Suite. Our former price, $395.50. Sale price, $214.00. 1 three-piece American walnut Bedroom Suite, including Vanity Dresser. Our former price, $433.00. Sale price, $215.50. Other new Bedroom Suites as low as $32.50. All new beds, latest designs, in brass, golden oak and mahogany finish, at an average reduction of 50 per cent. Dining Tables —Both New and U:ed 20 New Dining Tables, in walnut, mahogany, including solid mahogany, Jacobean, fumed and golden oak. Latest and Period styles. Our former prices, $34.50 to $102.50. Sale prices, $7.50 to $47.50. 15 1 sed Dining Tables, round and square, in golden and fumed oak. Our former prices, $9.00 to $42.50. Sale prices, $4.50 to $26.50. Buffets and Chini Cabinets 7 new Buffets, in walnut, fumed oak and golden oak. Our former prices, $89.50 to $135.(X). Sale prices, $15.50 to $72.50. 11l sed Buffets, in solid mahogany, golden oak and fumed oak. Our for mer prices, $39.50 to $148.50. Sale prices, $19.50 to $66.50. 6 Lsed China Cabinets, in solid mahogany and golden oak. Our former prices, $42.50 to $56.50. Sale prices, $14.50 to $31.00. Two Fine Phonographs Are to Be Had at a Saving oi From $55 to $96 1 Mandcl Upright Mahogany Case New Phonograph, in excellent con dition. Our former price, $120.00. Sale price, $65.00. 1 Large Mandel Phonograph, fumed oak case, excellent condition. Our former price, $187.50. Sale price, $91.00. $7.25 Buys a Phonograph for the Playroom, Den or Summer Co:tage 25 Carola Phonographs, 22 inches high, metal case, mahogany finish. Has compartment for records. Plays all steel needle records. Excellent con dition. We sold hundreds of them at $14.50. Sale price, $7.25. Spanish Leather Living Room Sjite, $97.50 3-piece Circassian walnut Suite, with genuine Spanish leather upholster ing.- Our former price, $185.50. Sale priee, $97.50. New Davenports at 40% Reduct’on 15 New Davenports, in golden oak and fumed oak. To be sold at an average reduction of 40 per cent. New Dressers aid Chiffoniers Mahogany, ivory, golden oak, white enamel and birdseye maple Dressers and Chiffoniers at an average reduction of 50 per cent. 75 Rocking Chairs at Half Price 75 Rocking Chairs in fumed oak, mahogany and golden oak, leather and wood seated; also Fiber Rockers and several Overstuffed Fireside Chairs, upholstered in genuine leather. All to be sold at an average reduction of 50 per cent. An extra large force of courteous salesmen will be on hand to give the best service possible.