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PROPOSE NEW REVENUE AND TARIFF LAWS WASHINGTON, Not. 19. —Complete tewksion of the revenue and tariff laws, BAof the most difficult problems ahead or Congress, probably will not be accom plished until several months after Presi dent-elect Harding takes office, the ma jority of Congressmen who have re turned to Washington believe. The Question Republican leaders must Settle when Congress reconvenes Pec. 6, Is whether business depression calls for imendments to relieve soma of the war tax hardens or whether nothing should be done antll a complete tax revision can be made. A conference of the Senate Finance and the House Ways and Means Committees probably will be held during the first few days of the session to de cide. Senator Penrose, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, has taken the position thst no amendments should be made nntll the entire revenue and tariff system* are revised. The demand for tome amendatory action of the revenue laws Is growing stronger, however. Otherwise. It Is polnt ,ed out, little relief from some taxes that are considered burdensome could be iiad until next April or May. Because of the present business condi tions, finance leader* here are being asked for deferment of the Ineome and axeesa profits tax payments due Dec. 15. ; These taxes are on large profits made goring the calendar year 1919. 'SPiother demand already appearing will b# for repeal of the taxes on ice cream, •oda water and theater admissions, which probably affect a greater number of peo !• directly than any other. Simplification of the excess profits and Income tax returns also will be asked. A auggegstion advanced by Senator Hoke Smith. Georgia. Is that the secre tary of the Treasury determine what part of future tsx payments are for re tirement of Government bonds and then allow the taxpayers to pay that percent age of hia tax In Liberty bonds at par. An emergency tariff measure suggested by some returning Congressmen Is an anti-dumping bill. The claim Is made that withs tariff In prospect under the new Republican Administration the coun try would be flooded with the products of cheap foreign labor to be stored in the hope that their value would rise when the new tariff becomes effective. LOCAL MENGET FRAT HONORS Special to The Time*. LAFAYETTE, Tnd., Nov. 19—Indian apolis young* men who are students at Purdue University have come in for their share of honors lo the fall elections of the honorary fraternities at the school, eight of them being selected. Noah A. Percy, Clinton R. Hanna and Fred R. Finehaut, all electrical engi neers, have been initiated Into Era Kappe Nu. the honorary electrical engineering fraternity. C. C. Furnas, Raymond Y. fifties and Evans E. Plummer, al] chem iKl engineers, were selected for mem bership In Phi Lambda Upsllon. the hon orary fraternity of their profession, and Rnssell E. Billet, civil engineering; Cecil G. Cooley and Harold E. Lehman, me chanical engineering, have been elected to Tan Beta PI. the highest honorary engi nering fratrnity on the campus. Percy, Finehaut and Hannafare Juniors, while the remainder of the men are seniors. Cooley 1s a member of the var sity football team. He Is also president of the senior class. Plummer, In addition to being prominent In other student af fairs, Is editor of the Exponent, the Pur due dally publication. Furnas Is captain of the cross-country team and has dis tinguished himself throughout the Mid dle West as a long distance runer. All the Indianapolis men selected are connected In some way with various ac tlvltis at the university. Cost Kim $402 The last campaign cost Chalmers Schlosser. defeated Democratic candidate for the Circuit Court bench, $-502, ac cording to his expense statement died with the county clerk. Os that amount S4OO, was contributed to the Marlon County democratic committee. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS Free Trial of a Method That Any One Can Use Without Dis comfort or Loss of Time. We hire a method for the control of Asthma, and we want yon to try It at our expense. No matter whether your case is of long standing or recent devel opnient, whether It Is present as occa atonal or chronic Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter In what climate you lire, no mat ter what rour age or occupation. If von are troubled with aathma. our method should teller* you promptly. We especially want to send it to those apparently hopeless cases, where all forms of inhalers, douches, opium prepar ations. fumes, “patent smokes,” etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our expense, that our method Is designed to end ell difficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms. This free offer Is too important to neg lect a single day. Write now and begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mall coupon below. Do It Today —yoh do not even pay postage. FRiE TRIAL COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room 14$, N. Niagara and Hudson Streets. Buf falo. N. T. Send free trial of your method to: —Advertisement. tKiddies’ Coughs Can Be Eased Quickly ; Dr. King's New Discov ®ry will do that very jlefjjHnyj thing, easily and quickly. M TAON’T say, “Poor tjlM 1 3 little kiddie, I wish —liilJ I knew what to do for youP' When the cough first comes, give a little Dr. King’s New Discovery as directed, and it will a on be eased. It’a a good family cough and cold remedy, too. Loosens up the phlegm, dears up the cough, relieves the con gestion. No harmful drugs. For fifty years a standard remedy for colds, coughs, grippe. At your druggists, 60c and * 1.20 a bottle. /or colds and coughs Dr. King’s New Discovery fc*_Make Bowels Normal Habit forming purgatives, when taken for constipation ,'i'adc the system vio lently. Nature’s way is the way of Dr. King’s Pills —gently and firmly regulat ing the bowels, eliminating the intestine clogging waste. Same old price, 25c. f \ Prompts Won’t Gripe jJuKinois Pills Woman in Business Can Achieve Success With Few Good Rules Secretary of Trust Company Advises Cultivating Pleas ing Personality. “Cultivate a pleasing personality, If you want to have a chance at making a success In business,” Is the advice of Miss Do Wave I. Payne, secretary of the Aetna Trust Company. Miss Payne modestly disclaims any ability on her part which gave her her position, al though 'her rise in the two years she has been connected with the Trust Com pany has been remarkable. Miss Payne came to the Aetna Trust Company, after six years' work In In surance business, as supervisor of the safety deposit department. “I knew absolutely nothing about banking,” she said, laughing, “not to Imply that I know much now. “I owe my advancement In a certain sense to chance. The secretary was sick and It happened that I was the one who seemed to know the next most about his Job.” In discussing her qualifications for her “job” Miss Payne declared If a person comes to an institution like the Aetna tf-ust and Just sits In his little box be will continue to sit there all bis life. “You’ve got to poke around and learn a little bit about everything If you ever want to advance," she said. "When I had charge Os the safety deposit vault I just could not bear to stay back there and not learn anything. I began to look aronnd and see whst this person and that was doing. I tried to learn more about the business of the bank and the duties of each of the employes. I studied the customers and figured out what seemed to me to be the best way of handling each. Indeed, the Job of the secretary is one of coming In contact with people and smoothing over rough edges for them." In discussing the success of women In any lice Miss Payne emphasized the necessity of either having or cultivating a pleasing personality. “You will find that t>y being pleasant you can often smooth over some error which otherwise might cost yon not only criticism bnt also your Job," she said. In Miss Payne's code of success Is an other rule which she thinks should be adhered to by every person who seeks success; namely, never to think that you have gone as far as yon can. "There is always something ahead, and you have never reached the peak of your achievements," the declared. “If you will just look aronnd yon can be aure you wl.l find plenty of things to learn." 15 PUPILS HURT BY ArTO. CHICAGO, Nov. 19—Fifteen children were Injured Thursday when an autobus, in which they were resuming from kindergarten, was struck by an auto mobile driven by an unidentified woman. Out of the High Rent District. Our store Is located ont of tlie high rent dlstrlot, where excessive extrava gance is eliminated. That’s on# big reason why we glre values and get the business. Dress Up for Thanksgiving 'tw enables you to pay in small convenient weekly or monthly payments. WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ SUITS $25.00 UP WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS $20.00 UP WOMEN’S AND MISSES! DRESSES SIB.OO UP MEN’S SUITS AND OVERCOATS $25.00 UP BOYS’ SUITS SIO.OO UP BOYS’ OVERCOATS $15.00 UP GIRLS’ COATS $12.50 UP FUR COATS—SCARFS—MUFFS r ' . WILL GIVE COAL DECISION LATER No decision will be given In the cas of the Ogle Coal Company of Indian apolis, the Vigo Mining Company and the. Vigo Coal Products Company of Terre Haute, who were given a bearing Thursday before the Special Coal and Food Commission, to show cause why their licenses should not be revoked for reported violations of orders of the com mission, until Adbl arguments of attor neys for both sides have been presented. It was charged by James W. Noel, at torney for the commission, that more than 100 violations of the price-fixing or ders of the commission were committed by the three companies In one week. The full commission, consisting of Jesse E. EBchbach, chief examiner of the State Board of Accounts, and chairman of the Coal and Food Commission, and Governor James P. Goodrich, and Otto I<. Klauss, auditor of Stats, sat as the court during the hearing. ALLOWANCE on BATTERIES We need your old storage battery and for a few days only we will allow you the following prices on any make of battery. Regardless of condition in ex l||m change for anew STAR Battery. The following al lowanee for batteries that fit x IVI : jyi|y| ll*®**ll All Small Cars aßj| All Medium Cars 52 All Dodge or Maxwell Cars $15.00 > (| ! Batteries work overtime in winter. Early darkness and cold \ ; weather mean extra duty for your battery. Exchange your old one for anew STAR Battery as stated above. We Are Factory Distributor* for STAR Batteries Battery Service and Recharging LARGE LINE AUTO GLOVES, ROBES, ETC. “Quality Considered, We Sell It for Less” OPEN SATURDAY EVENING TILL 9 O’CLOCK CITIZENS AUTO SUPPLY WHOLESALE CO- JRETAIL Pearl C. barne*, Mgr. • Homer E. Enlow, Asst. Mgr. Mass. Ave. at Delaware and New York Sts. MAIN 4168 BOTH PHONES AUTO. 274564 H rr ll “T.^ ?jSSKSBS*|H^ Lower Prices Now With this old established house credit is a second consideration. We guarantee to give value for every dollar you spend with us— and above all—STYLE—and great assortments. No other credit clothing store in the state shows such comprehensive stocks. It is because we buy the best clothing—and are satisfied to sell with a small profit—that you can purchase here ON CREDIT and pay no more than exclusive cash stores ask. Hundreds of families have been trading with us for the past 18 years—We invite you to start now. CLOTHING For Men, Women and Children Shop here as you would in any cash store. We can fit you if you are hard to fit—in every new style, material and color. Select your entire Fall and Winter outfit. Our liberal CREDIT One and One-Half Squares West of State House. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1920. Several clashes occurred between coun sel for the commission and attorneys for the defendants, during the hearing, and It was necessary several times for the court to call order. When asked by At torney Noel If the companies usod re ports to the coal trade bureau in fixing prices, a storm of protest arose from the respondents' attorneys. After order had been restored by Chair man Eschbach, the witness replied he had nothing to do with the policy of the company, and could not answer the queation. It was said attorneys for the three companies frequently attempted to answer questions for the witnesses. In a sheet showing coat of operation of the Vigo Mining Company, submitted by Homer A. Wilson, auditor. It was found allowances for Interest on bonds of the company and Interest on bonds and funds for ths sinking fund of the Monon Coal Company had been made. Attorney Noel asked Mr. Wilson whether he would have included these items had he not boen making the cost sheet under Instructions. This question brought another storm of protest from the respondents’ attorney*. “You seem to be getting on delicate ground now," said Mr. Eschbach, “and you don’t want any publicity on these matters." On instruction from Chairman Esch bach to answer the question, the witness admitted he would not have Included these items in a cost sheet showing the actual cost of production. The defendant companies declared that since their contracts were made before the price-fixing orders of the commission were issued, there had been no violation of the law by them. Attorney Noel, how ever, took the position that ‘Re orders of the commission abrogated all existing contracts and that any sales of coal at prices in excess of those fixed by the commission constituted a violation of the ‘Tt was intimated by the companies' at torney. that they would coal at their contract price the de c'sion of the commission Is given. _ Eighteen Years of Square Dealing For fightMO year* th People’* he* boew doing dciJ" principle. Today ll 1* the largeit store of It* kind Ux the Htato. It* location* out of the high rent dis trict, permit# the lowoet of price*. tors, Velours. Suedes. S U some fur trim- A . fc-- jF* ° vercoats Siiifc for Men duilb £Mm. •ft _i i weight mate- KjT -K i\\ peciaily Priced nau, sing.* and ul Stilts In Serge. Trie- models— I // '/ / Velour, etc. An un- mooeis- 1,/ /1 alue at— _ "1/ 4 ,£m UJWn 47=22 27- resses !Jfff| ng Dresses for fall and models. In hear, jj^ 1 TO] 22# Spiff Boys’ Saits —Boys’ Overcoats —Millinery Men’s Hats —Girls’ Dresses —Blouses Ug | 303 West Wash.ngtoa Street 2 Doors West of Senate Ave. You Can’t Beat Our Toys! For Variety, Prices and Quality We not only claim to have the largest selection of dependable Toys in the city—but also the most varied—from the least expensive to the finest imported toys. atTheMAflOmP MSj TOY DEPARTMENT DOLLS! DOLLS! DOLLS! Lady Doll y Assisted by Her Friends , Will be at Home Saturday in Toy land. You are Cordially Invited to Come . Tomorrow the Dolls will hold their first Saturday reception and all little girls of Indianapolis are invited to bring their mothers to the lovliest and most beautiful col lection of imported and American dolls to be found in the city. Special for Saturday Aeroplanes 49c —Toy metal aeroplane, a mechanical toy to run on the ground; very In teresting for a child; priced special for Sat urday at 49^. National Furniture Cos. * Out of the High Rent District. 335 to 343 W. Washington St Hobby Horses In all styles for the “Tiny” Tots and the Growing Children. —Truly a wonderful collection from the small wooden horses with the seat for the little ones to the larger rocking horses with real hair, saddled and ready for mounting—all at rea sonable prices. We have succeeded in gathering a splendid collection of dolls of all kinds, from the simple small doll for baby to treat rough to the queenly beauties that little folks like to talk .to, talk at, cuddle and mother so much. Prices ranging from up to $35. Special for Saturday Toy Kitchen Cabinets 59c —Small kitchen cabinet made In regulation style with canned and pack age goods to lit; special Saturday, 59£ each. 11