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12 CLASS OF 332 GET MASONIC DEGREE A class of 332 candidates were given the thirty-second degree last night at the fifty-fifth semi-annual convocation of the Indiana Scottish Rite. Candidate* were present from many Indiana cities. At a meeting of the Adonlram Grand Lodge of Perfection the gupreme gov erning body of the rite. It wae decided to appropriate $150,000 for anew unit building of the Indiana Masonic Home at Franklin. Ind. The Indianapolis candidates were: William Ray Adams. Harry Bert Al ford. Perle E. Alien, Henry Charles Auf derbelde, Charles Nelson Baird, Harvey Barnard. Karl Hamilton Beckett. Paul Thomas Benton. Samuel Ralph Boal. John Alexander Boggs, Ray Bond, James Ray mond Bracken. Albert Morris Bristow. Kenneth Ja-ob Brown, Ely Harnod Brown, Frank William Buck. Max Chap man Burchfield, Harmon Aughe Camp bell. Joseph Wesley Capron. Oscar George Caristedt, Hugh Carter, Clarence Edward Chitiield Elmer Louis Cline, Flotd Ban- Sister Coates. Albert Bmlth Coffman. Harlan Luther Craig. Dallas Franklin Crocke, Orval Franklin Crooke. Robert Luther Grouch. Harry R. De Wolf, Earl , Dill, Charles Staton Drake, Earl Sims Elliott, Howard Ewan. Robert Hoy Fisher, Roy Joeolln Fitzgerald. Clyde Robert Fitzgibbon. Walter Leonard For man. Price D. Garlaid, Ralph Kelson Gauss. William C’ Golong, John . Hinson Graves, Otto Tolbert Griggs. Ray- . mond Ebon Gwlnn. Ward Henley Hackle- [ man. Ezra Anthony Hardin. L-yrnm Rob- ; ert Harrison. Lawrence Clarence Hart- j San Earl Thomas Haverstiek, James R. odge. John Tiliman Hohl, Gimbert Kicholson William Edward Ja cobs. William Ollle Jones. Grover AdUl Jewett, John Thomas Karney, Alonzo Richard Cashner, Peter Stephen Kelly, Ross Rudolph Kennedy. George Edward Kirrrb. Ralph Edwin Klare. Louis Ed ward Koss Howard Wayne Kramm, How ard Clayton Larson. Oran Isom Lewis, Edward F. Madinger, George Hirst Mar- • riatt. Otis Isaac Masten, Tyre Rue Me- Campbell. Jesse Jormla P McClure. James Nathaniel McDaniel. Russell Vin cent McMtirphy, Hardij Roy McQueen, George Pierson Millspaugh. Benjamin Miner, Byron James Moore. William An drew Mortimer, Howard Milton Muller, 1 __ Gladly we you gg__ 'j, payment and S2.OU a week. If you ' •* 100 dollara the most generous term:* | will be cheerfully arranged. People; In 42 Big Cities of America today Menter invites all men and women to buy their Thanksgiving Clothes at the friendly store where the e is no extra charge for credit and where every v isitor is treated with the utmost courtesy —you are welcome, . Men’s Womens Overcoats IM 1 IkII II Coats Suits ill South mi no i s street OUItS Sweaters : Hats 3d Door South of M * r y ,and 8t - open Sat - Night until 9. Dresses: Blouses: Millinery We gladly open accounts with out-of-town customers. Arthur J. Mutter, Franklin Howard Nel son. William Flemming Kelson. Stanley Albert Newey. Fred JamM O’Brien. Max Emerson Oemler, William Henry Oliver. Robert Henry Pains. Theodore Henry Paine, William Abraham Paulson, Carl Ludwig Peters, Otis Arden Porter, Wil liam Franklin Purcell, Raymond William Retterer Raymond Royißistey, .Tames R. Ritter. Davis Ballentlne Robertson. Ben jamin Harrison Rowe, Guy William Uu bush. Carl Robert Russ, Leonard Stanley Kyker, Melvin Otto Ryker, Karl Otto Schmid, Robert Christian Schmid, Harry Austin Shane, John An drew Sink. Bryce Edwin Smith Harvey E. Smith. Homer Bertine Smith, John William Spieeher, Garland Milton Stew art, Elmer Frank Straub, John Albert Strawipyer, Frank Henry Swartbout, Harry Glenn Templeton. Robert Isaac Todd. Stuart Austin Tomlinson, John Margel Trpgell. Harley Newman Turney. George Moir Tweedle. Albert Wood L’p degraff. Charles Lester Van Osdol. Le roy Wakefield, Nelson Frederick Wetzell, Victor Julian Wesselhoft, Wright Ver nillya Jr., Oscar Frederick Williams. Wil liam Woodbrldge. George William TV ray. The last Sbrlners’ ceremonial of the year was under way this afternoon and evening at the Murat temple. The business session to complete the list of candidates began at 1 o’clock with a Moslem feast scheduled to be served at 4 o'clock after which the ceremonial proper was scheduled to begin. This Is one of the biggest lodge events in the State. WIDE RANGE TO BE COVERED BY WORK With wider understanding that the work of the Indianapolis Humane So ciety not only takes care of outcast and animals, but that it also deeply and directly concerns the welfare of tne aged, the children and all forms of distress the contributions to the fund to build a shelter home for animals and general headquarters for all activities of the or ganization continue to he received at campaign headquarters, 102 Norta Penn sylvania street, and 909 Lenioke building. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Newby and the Indianapolis News each contributed SIOO this week, Ralph A. Leracke. SSO, and otter donors Include Miss Minnie Ber ner. 912 TTnlon street, $25; Meredith Kich olson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Spring steen, George C. Forrey, ,Tr., Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation Sunday School. Mrs. William P. Hapgood, William .TV. Williams. James Vannalta, Paul C. Hoff ror n, Otto Humberts, Mrs. Olive G. Bond and Frances Pennington. Endorsements of the work continue to come in with subscriptions: P. J. McNamara, 1(557 Broadway—l am In full sympathy with the work and wish you full success. W. M. Richards, 1613 North Alabama street—l make this donation to a worthy cause from personal knowledge of the earnestness of such members ns the Drs. REBELLION IN STOMACH “Pape’s Diapepsin” at once ends Indigestion and • Sour, Acid Stomach Lumps of undigested food cat se pain. If your stomach Is in a revolt; if sick, gassy and upset, and what you* Just ate ha 9 fermented and turned sour; head dizzy and aches; belch gases and acids and eructate undigested food—Just take a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin to help neutralize acidity and in five min utes yon wonder what became of the pain, acidity, Indigestion and distress. If your stoma'di doesn’t take care of your liberal limit without rebellion: if your food is a damage instead of a help, remember the quickest, surest, most harmless stomach antacid Is Pape’s Dia pepsin, which coats so little at drug stores. —Advertisement. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1920. Conger, Dr. McConnell and others. Mr. and Mis. Phil Joseph, 2715 North Meridian street Enclosed find $5. Another time we shall give again to his worthy cause. l.!!e 1. Williams, 23714 East Pratt street—ln memory of little “Boots” Wil liams. who was killed by an automobile in August. Wish I could send more. Shave With Ciitictira Soap The New Way Without Muf* AN OLD FRIEND THAT STOPS PAIN Keep Sloan’3 Liniment handy to put the “feel good” back into the system. ALL it needs is just one trial—a little applied without rubbing for it pene trate* —to convince you of Its merit in re lieving sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, lame muscles, stiffness, bruises, pains, back aches, strains and the after-effects of exposure. The congestion is scattered, promptly, cleanly, without effort, economically. You [ become n regular user of Sloan’s Lini ment, adding your enthusiasm to that of | Its many thonsands of otlier frft-nds the world over, who keep it handy in case of need. Three sizes at all druggists—3sc, 70c, $1.40. t.' " *r .T Liniment —Advertisement Thanksgiving Thoughts There’s something missing unless the fowl is Turkey And there’s something lacking unless the phonograph is The A turkey by any otlier name might taste as sweet, but it does not follow that a phonograph by any other name would sound as sweet as a Brunswick. And there are good reasons why. The Brunswick possesses exclusive patented features that reproduce tones in an en tirely different way. The Brunswick stands or falls by a comparison of its tone with other phonographs. We invite your most searching investigation. Why not decide to get that Brunswick for the family’s Christmas and start paying now ? Opposite Keith’s Lowered Price on Genuine Guaranteed Diamond Tires YVT HEN we offer you the well-known Diamond brand of tires at reduced prices, you ’ * can rest, assured that we are not putting on a bargain sale of cheap tires, hut mere ly giving you the benefit of our large buying facilities and some wise and timely pur chases. Postage prepaid to any address within 300 miles of Indianapolis if order is dated not later than November 20. „• 5,000 MILE Guarantee Every tire shall bear the serial number intact and is stamped N. F. C. These tires are guaranteed both by ourselves and the factory for 5,000 miles. 30x3. eta 7^ plain 4 7? nonskid •# S2& $16.25 ALCOHOL, Gallon, 95c Hood and Radiator Covers for Denatured, guaranteed 188 Proof. % Fords This price Is for Saturday only. Bring your m 4 19J5 and 1916 Models $1.50 dla£°r U ° r US P 14 1U r ° Ur 1917, 1918, 1919 and 1920 M0de15....J?5.25 All the Essentials to Make Winter Motoring Comfortable ROBES DRIVING GLOVES SKID CHAINS 211 and 213 CjEl J[ JC* Just North South of Union minois TIRE AND RUBBER CO. *““ IF IT IS WORTH SELLING TIMES WANT ADS WILL FIND A BUYEB Picking a good Turkey is largely a matter of luck— Choosing a Phonograph is a question of judgment '—xJJvopsf- 1 A Store And More Skm $21.00 We also have a few Diamond seconds which we are offering at proportionately low prices. The Arvin Heater for Ford Cars Tho Arvin Heater for Ford ears clamps over the exhaust- manifold so as to catch all radiating hea/t and the warming air la driven through the heater Into the front compartment of the car. As shown In the accompanying Illustration, the heater is fitted- with an adjustable damper. The Arvin has no loose parts to rattle and can be Installed or removed by anyone In a few minutes. .. $3.50 We also carry a complete line of Per fection Heaters for all makes of cars. 124 North Penn. St. Jon Aid $38.00 F=From the Annex=\ Men's Woven Madras Shirts, “Quality at the lowest possi ble price” Is the slogan back of such remarkable offerings as this. Here are well tailored shirts, guaranteed for fit, wear and colors, In a fine quality woven madras. A splendid assort ment of striped effects in light, medium and dark grounds are featured at $2.85. Men’s Neckwear, 95c Pure silk four-ln-hands in medium width flowing end shapes, made with slip-easy bands. An excellent selection of plain colors, diagonal stripes, * neat and novelty floral effects as well as the popular Persians, 95<*. Men’s Suede Gloves, $2.50 A soft leather glove that is suitable for all occasions; choice of tan or gray with black embroidered backs; sizes to 10; special at $2.50. —Goldstein’s, Annex. Art Furniture Cos. 106 Sooth Meridian Street. Eight Floors. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE. THB 810 STORE WITH SMALL EXPENSE. jjL l/ ' Z Heating jjiliy Stoves Ranges Old stores taken as part payment on new. $125 combination coal and fas range $85.00 gas range 845.00 SIOO coal range s<>9.oo $42 cook store $29.00 $45 hotblast $33.00 SI.OO a week on any store. COMFORTS AND BLANKETS $5.00 Comfort $3.50 $4.00 Blanket |2.75 $1.75 Pillow f1.25 SO.OO Mattress $6.50 SIBOO Felt Mattress $10.75 $7.00 Bed Springs... $5.00 SIO.OO Iron Bed $7.00 Mattresses. Springs, Comforts ana Blankets sold on 50 cents a week. Prices Will Continue All Day Saturday Until 6 p. m. and All Next Week. TERMS I.ow rent and small expenses enable ns to save you 25 to 50$i on 8 months' time. Less than you can buy for cash. 8% added for one years’ time. Our Prices Are the Lowest. Easy Payments. 106 Sooth Meridian Street lVi Squares South of Washington St. Art Furniture Cos. Catarrh Germs Move Out When Hyomei Moves In No stomach dosing. Hyomei is made chiefly of oil of eucalyptus taken from the elcalyptus forests of inland Aus tralia. aud combined with other excellent antiseptics. In inland Australia the atmosphere Is so impregnated with balsam thrown out by the eucalyptus trees that germs do not thrive, and in consequence coughs, colds, catnrrh and other nose and throat affllctlonn are practically unknown. Breathe Hyomei and get the- same pleasant germ killing effect as you would get in the eucalyptus forests. . Hyomei is sold by Haag drug stored and druggists everywhere on a guarantee of natisfaction or money refunded.. MIOHA Ends indigestion It relieves stomach misery, sour stom ach, belching and all stomach disease or money back. Large box of tablets at all druggists in all towns. • —Advertismenk. Miller’s Antiseptic Oil, Known M Snake Oil IVIII Positively Relieve Pain in a Few Minutes. Try It right now for Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Lumbago, sore, stilt aud swollen joints, pain In the head, back and limbs, corns, bunions, etc. After one applica tion pain usually disappears as U by magic. Anew remedy used externally Coughs, Colds, Croup, Influenza, Sore Throat, Diphtheria and Tonsllltis. This oil is conceded to be the most penetrating remedy known. Its prompt aud Immediate effect In relieving pain U due to the fact that It penetrates to the affected parts at once. As an Illus tration, pour ten drops on the thickest piece of sole leather and It will pene trate this substance through and through In three minntes. Accept no substitute. This great oil it golden red color only. Manufactured by Herb Juice Medicine Cos. only. Get it at the Bang Drag Co^-Advertisement.