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SEEK TO TRACE MISSING MEN Problems Provided by Soldiers Not Heard From. * - NEW YORK, Nov. 19.—The greatest ■war Buffering is not in the homes of those who know that their boy* are dead; it Is rather for those who are uncertain in regard to the fate of their loved ones. Private Hervey I>. Blaylock of Company D, 140th Infantry, was reported missing Sept. 26. 191S, but was said to be present for duty April 4, 1919. The last informa tion to his father, Rufus Blaylock, Elvins, Mo., was that the son was killed in action Sept 26. Which report is the right one? Cases similar to the Blaylock mystery are: Clyde Mott, private, U. S. S. Otranto; went down with this vessel when she sank In a storm off the Irish coast. His parents wish information in regard to his death, especially from buddies in the September replacement draft from Ft. Screven, Ga. Write to his brother-in law, John C. Doolittle, Stone Hardware Company, Savannah. Ga. Joseph Anderson, Company G, 6th Marines; reported wounded June 6. 1918; evacuated to field hospital and discharged from there on June 20. Later reports deny his having been sent to the hos pital. Information should be sent to Lynchburg, Va. WISHES TO HEAR FROM SON'S BUDDIES. Edward O. Tharp, Company B, 7th In fantry, killed in action July 15, 1918, ac cording to report; said to be buried near Fossoy, France. His company buddies ars urged to write to bis mother. Mrs Joanna Tharp, Winston. Ky. Alexander Zajac, Company A. 23d In fantry ; went overseas October, 1917; no word from him since. Byron F. Mowry, Valley Falls, R. 1., is eager to learn what became of him. John Wertanen. Company D. 28th In fantry; reported wounded in action be tween Oct. 1 and 12. 1918; later present with organization on April SO. 1919. Last letter bis mother received was dated Sept. 27, 1918. Write to Neator Wertanen, Ka leva. Mich. Daniel B. Wright, Company K, 38th Infantry; killed in action. Can any one send his old address to James Mitchen, 84 Henry street. New York, who wishes to deliver a message to Wright's rela tives, particularly his wife, who is be lieved to reside in Connecticut. Patrick J. Monaghan, Company G, 47th lafantry; reported wounded Aug. 7, 1918; later reported missing in action and again as died on Aug. 7. 1918. Any one knowing his fate should write to his mother. Mrs. James Monaghan, Ives dale. 111. John Robert Lumley. private, 82d Com pany. Sixth Marines; miasing in action June 8, 1918. Is he dead or alive? His sister, Mrs. F. H. Groslnger. 133 Wall street, L'tlca. N. Y., wishes to know. Fred Woebkenberg. corporal, S6:b Di vision, wrote one letter from France and was reported missing on a march early #n November. 1918 His comrades la the service are requested to write to adjutant, American Legion, Post 203, Grey Eagle, Minn. Henry R. Gregory, private. Company G, 106th Infantry; reported killed in action By Special Request, We Repeat This Great Value This is the second of these great mattress sales and judging by the way they were actually snapped up last Friday and Saturday you would be wise in coming as early as possible. These wonderful mattresses are built of white cotton, SiSliSB Ail Comforts 2{)% OFF Regular $4.95 q rv A Comfirt, now ijKj.VO Regular $5.75 <> A C\r\ Comfort, now to •A: . UV/ Regular $6 00 C' A G A Comfort, now Regular $7.25 c CT on Comfort, now Regular $7 50 C A An Comfort, now C- U. Vy J Regular $895 i C. Comfort, now / . 1 O Regular $3.95 fry QA Comfort, now <0 / . 77VJ Regular $10.60 <£ Q A A Comfort, now ®O.^lU Regular $13.95 C 1 1 1 A Comfort, now .... t|> 1 1,10 Regular $22.50 ® 1 Q A A Comfort, now 1 O.UU Regular $23.50 & -J Q OA Comfort, now op 1 0.0 V/ (t’a Easy to Pay the People’* Way fb $ '#/ * /# See the iJE* f'J j / f UJ 1 t Santa Claus I 133-135 West Washington Street \jj the World. Sept. 2, 1918; now reported only wounded. Where is her boy, is the information de sired by Mrs. H. R. Gregory. 1185 Bush wick avenue, Brooklyn N. Y. Fred H. Baynes, sergeant. Company G. | 114th .Infantry; reported missing and 1 later killed in action Oct. 12, 1918; four more conflicting reports from the War Department, and finally tw.o reports of death and two different grave numbers. Also reported seen in Base Hospital, April 7, 1919. The father, Fred H. Baynes. 935 Monmouth street.•'Gloucester, N. J., should be informed soon of hi3 son's fate. Chester O. De Bolt, Company G. 117th Infantry; reported wounded Oct. 17, 1918, and died two days later from wounds; mail received from him dated Nov. 8, 1918. Write to his wife, Mrs. C. O. De Bolt, 2012 Como avenue, West, St. Paul, Minn M They O WORK while you sleep” Take one or two Cascarets occasionally to keep your liver and bowels active. When bilious, constipated, headachy, un strung or for a cold, upset stomach, or bad breath, nothing acts so nicely ns Cascarets. Children love them, too. 10, 25 and 50 cents.—Advertisement. covered in a splendid grade of fancy art ticking, finely tufted and sewed, with generous roll edges and stayed sides. Each mattress weighs full 50 pounds, of which every ounce, except the ticking, is pure white cotton. They are constructed along highly improved mattress building principles, which assures unsurpassed comfort and almost unending service. Don’t fail to place your order early! CURSES PRESIDENT; PINCHED. WAUKEGAN, 111., Nov. 19.—Charged with having cursed President Woodrow Wilson and the Cnlted States Govern- RUBENS CLOTHES at Big Reductions All clothing prices are lower, but it falls to the Rubens Store to set the pace in the down grade of prices with real sub stantial reductions on goods of sterling worth. Supply your clothing wants here now, from the season’s smartest styles at savings which you can’t afford to overlook. Every Suit and Overcoat Price Reduced $99.50 4 s *. ■ Suils and Overcoats, Worth $30.00 to $35.00 Cft is Sale J B.dii Price on Suits and Overcoats, Worth $40.00 to $45.00 Store Open Until Nine o' Clock Saturday Nights RUBENS IT’S EASY TO PAY THE PEOPLE S WAY INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1920. ment in general, Anton Sesan, 26, was arrested today and Joh.i J. Bradley, United States marshal at Chicago, was requested to start Federal prosecution. ROMAN MOSAIC UNEARTHED. VALENCIA, Spain, Nov. 19.—A notable arehaeloglcal discovery, consisting of a Roman mosaic pavement representing sffcP7 's Sale / / Price cn f. £ "Suits and Overcoats, Worth $35.00 to $40.00 Boys’ and Children’s Overcoats and Suits, Specially priced during this sale— s7.3s to $17.75 the nine Muses, has been found buried in a vineyard near Valencia. The mosaic is declared to be in a good state of preservation. 39 West Wash. St. ALL RUGS 25 % OFF Don’t let the lack of ready cash prevent your profiting by this great sale. Regular $5.75, 27x54 £ A Q j In. Velvet Ruga Regainr $11.95, 36x63 © O In. Axminster tyO.C/ / Regular $25, 4.6x0 6 © 1 O ri CT In. Axminster ....$lO,/u Regular $29.50, ox 9 600 | o Tapestry 1 <tJ Regular $22.75. 6 0 FTX2 7.0x9 Tapestry ... t£> xj ‘i.(JU Regular $39.95, <£ OfA 8.3x10.6 Tapestry .<J>*sy.yO Regular $56.00, <£ A \ OR 8.3x10.0 Velvet Regular $16.50, 61 O QQ 9x12 Grass Itug .. Ipl Regular $18.95, 6)101 9x12 Fibre tj> 1 1 Regular $29.95, ©Q c) A A 9x12 Brussels xj t_i Regular $49.50, ©QP7 1 O 9x12 Brussels ®0 / .I (j Regular $09.50, © P 7 O 1 O 9x12 Axminster ... tS> f-J <_i. J O Regular $79.50, tfCQ AO 9x12 Axminster ...tDOVr.OO Regular $109.95, ©O O AtX 9x12 Wilton <l>Oi.4D Regular $149.50, © 4 to ) o 9x12 Wilton i Z. I O Regular $02.50, © A C OO 11.3x12 Tapestry ... .tJp^-fcO.OO Regular $112.50, £ Q A OO 11.3x12 Axminster It’s Easy to. Pay the People's Way J Every Pair In Our Stores— j All Bum To V; ;;g ' | Sell at $7.85 j and $8.95- \ N° w FcrWoncn - ' >. WAaM- '••V. \ This is one of the Exquisite many remarkable Beauty! values. A charm ing Boot in Gun Metal military heel Think of it—s2.Bs less for the $7.85 grades and $2.95 less for the $8.95 grades! That is the amaz ing money-saving that this sals of these charming NEWARK shoes offers you! Our entire stock is on sale at these two prices. And when you see them you will say that they are every bit as good in style and quality as previous $lO and sl2 values. It will be perfectly clear to everybody who exam ines these superlative values that they were never made to sell at anything like $5 and $6. It was only by our mighty buying power for over 300 stores, running into millions of pairs, that we were able to sell them at the closely marked prices of $7.85 and $8.95. Now they are all $5 and $6. None higher. ®Tkiaarl Shoe Stores Cs ' The Largest Chain of Shoe Stores in the United States. 164 N. Illinois —Men's and Women’s Shoes 7 N. Penn. —Men's and Boys’ Shoes Exclusively Indianapolis, Ind. During the days of convalescence, there is nothing that will brighten and quicken the journey back to health as much as music. And there is no phono graph that will give you quite the same music as Utatt "phonograph "THE DIFFERENCE IS IN THI TONE* As the Stradivarius and Cremona violins give the full beauty of the artist’s tones, so does the singing throat of silver grain spruce bring forth the inner most beauty of the records with utmost purity. You have only to hear the Starr to know that it betters all records. You are very welcome to hear the Starr and the New Gennett records here. No obligation. STARR PIANO CO. MANUFACTURERS 138-140 N. PENNSYLVANIA ST. ~ . vuw -I n, , v uf. . - . BetterTha n Pills :£°? fcver Ilk.: MHli,y Get .a^sußox 13