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14 SHERIFF ACCUSED IN MURDER TRIAL Aided Defendant's Plea of In sanity, State Charges. _ Special to The Times. RUBHVILLE, lud., Nor. 19.—During , the trial of Fred Dunn, who is charged *rith first degree murder for killing his Irife, Cordell i Dunn, Sept.* 18, the State Charged Sheriff E. M. Jones with aiding the defendant in his plea of Insanity. Jones testl led that Dunn had an epi leptic attack In Jail Thursday Just be fore he was brought Into the courtroom, and no one was apprised of the fact except the defendant’s attorneys. The State openly accused the sheriff of assisting the defendant to feign a weird appearance, by allowing his face to remain unshaven for several weeks and In permitting him to wear old clothes. Dr. Richard Poole and Dr. Charles A. Cook of Indianapolis, testified Thursday on behalf of the defendant. They were members of a commission that Judged Dunn insane in 1907. Both physicians testified concerning symptoms of epilepsy and the probable effects that the disease might have upon a person. 1 The case probably will go to the Jury tomorrow. Former Goshen Pupil Held by Bolshevists Special to The Times. . GOSHEN, Ind., Nor. 19. —Clayton H. Krats of Blooming Glen, Pa., a student at Goshen College until he went to Russia fcr the Mennonlte cbnrch relief commit tee, has been captured by the Bo.shevlkl, according to word received ly Prof. Jacob C. Meyers. Rejects Proposal Special to The Times. HARTFORD CITY Ind.. Nov. 19 —The city of Hartford City has addressed a letter to the Union Traction Company rejecting the company’s offer to change the paving material around its tracks here from* brick to asphalt. The ietter also charges the company with attempting to evade the terms of Its contract with the city. The offer, the city contends, was net made in good faith. Who Wants Cemetery? Special to The Times. HARTFORD CITY, Ind. Nov. 19.—A eemetery on the George Willman farm, near this city, known as the Willman Cemetery. Is going begging for an owner Willman Insists the city bought the place twenty-five years ago and has re quested the cemetery be cleaned up. No record of the deal can be found, how ever, atd the city has declined to have anything to do with the cemetery. SOCKS COST 58.000 RCBI.ES. WASHINGTON, Nov. 19.—A dispatch from Rear Admiral Newton A. McOnlly, the representative of the American Gov ernment at Sebastopol, save that on Oct. 8 In the Crimea 73 cents was worth ■bout 58,000 rubles, which amount was paid for one pair of cotton socks. Come to Our Stores and Save Money on Every Purchase scostores Indianapolis Locations: 500 stores No. 1— 137 E. Washington No. 5—5460 E. Washington No. 8— 200 N. Delaware No. 2— 34th and Clifton a nr No. 9—1402 S. East. No. 3— 3029 E. Tenth s No. 10—1228 Oliver No. 4—927-9 Ft. Wayne No. 7 —2154 College No. 11 —452 W. Washington SHORTEN NG FLAKE WHITE— 2-ib- bucket 404 4-lb. bucket 744 LUX Package 114 Ivory Flakes 104 PINEAPPLE LIBBY’S EXTRAS, BLICED No 1 tin .. 184 No. 2 tin 31c No. 3 tin *....384 BLACK PEPPER Heekin's 10c size 8? RED PITTED CHERRIES No. 1 tin 254 No. 2 tin 284 BLACKBERRIES No. 2 Blue Ribbon, can 174 Tibby kraut No. 3 can 154 Canned Cocoanut Shredded, packed in natural milk, per can 154 SUGAR Best white granulated, 1b...104 CURRANTS Recteaned, pkg 204 CRACKER JACK POP CORN Package 7%4 ANCHOVIES Can 184 CHEESE Full Cream, lb 294 potatoes” Irish Cobblers, lb 34 TOMATOES No. 2 Tomatoes, can 94 No. 1 Tomatoes, can 6544 DRY ONIONS Pound 2544 RICE Blue Rose, beat head, 1b.... 104 London Report Tells of Japan-U. S. Pact T.ONDON, Nov. 19.—The Daily Express today printed the following cablegram from Hugh Byas. Its Tokio correspond ent: “The main lines of the Japanese-Amer ican agreement are nearing final settle ment. Japan agrees absolutely to stop Immigration to America. America grants full citizenship to the Japanese already there. Minor points, snch as land own- CENTRAL MEAT MARKET No. 10 Pails Pure Lard . . . $1.98 9 Lbs. Net Sauer Kraut, per Bb., 5c Our Special Goffee 19c*1" Smoked Shoulders 23C Kirtgan’s Nut P er LENOX SOAP Oleomargarine lba 7 Bars for Smoked Hams ® 35c lb. BREAD 0, per I FLAKE WHITE One Pound Loaf wrapped vw loaf Pure Vegetable | In (Limit 5 Loaves) [Compound . . . IvW IL9 B Pet and Wilson’s Silk .... I2g Tall Cans 4 Cans Limit CENTRAL MEAT MARKET 245 E. Washington St. NAVY BEANS Pound 64 BUTTER , Best Creamery, lb 624 CORN Home Treasure, can....... .94 j7ffY^j^llT Package 12V44 LOBSTER can 804 Zr\b. can .........554 ! Gorton’s Codfish Balls Can 204 CAKE FLOUR Swan's Down, pkg.. 414 soups” Campbell's, all kinds, can.. 124 Chili Con Carne 1 lb. Walker’s, can... 124 1 lb. Libby’s, can 154 Italian Macaroni Gravy Can 184 Salad Dressing Van Camp’s, large ..374 Durkee’a, small 154 Large 324 Ludwig’s, small A74 Largo 364 "LIBBY’S CHILI SAUCE Per bottle 304 Minute Tapioca Package 134 "toothpicks Package ..8544 TUNA FSSH can, Blue Fin. 214 SOAP Crystal White soap 64 P. and G. White Naptha, bar 74 POPPING CORN Package 74 er.hip and dual Japanese nationality will be adjusted upon the gnera! principles of the settlement. pect that the dangerous queotiouo have been disposed of.” Board to Get Opinion on Amusement Park J. Clyde Hoffman, attorney for the board of park commissioners, will pre sent to the board next woek a lecal opinion as to whether the board may PRUNES New Crop, lb 154 Evaporated Apples Pound 154 KELLOGG CORN FLAKES Package 114 KINGAN BACON SQUARES Pound 244 Shopping Bags Each 54 Sweet Potatoes Pound 44 COFFEE Mrs. Rorer’s, lb 444 ! Maxwell House, lb 414 Arbuckle Yubsn, lb 454 Arbuckle Arlosa, lb 304 Breakfast Blend, lb 284 LIB B Y’SAPPLE BUTTER No. 1 tin, can 224 Gold Medal Flour and Pillsbury 5-lb. bag 344 10-lb. bag 664 24-lb. bag f1.39 Excello Cake Flour Vanilla and lemon, pkg.... 294 Devil’s Food, pkg........... 334 B. & M. Fish Flakes Small tin 134 Large tin .204 RAISINS Sunmaid, seeded and seedless, 15-oz. pkg 304 Mcllhenny Tobasco Sauce Bottle 334 CANNED PEAS No. 2 Sussex 134 No. 2 Lakeside 174 Pompeian Olive Oil Small 364 Medium 684 Quart sl-30 INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1920. exercise Its right to prohibit objection able buildings or business within 600 feet of park property In the present con troversy over the establishment of an amusement park at Twenty-NlntH street and Schurmann svenue. Residents are objecting to the amusement place on the ground that St will depreciate their property. The park b°* r <* owns a small plot of ground within 500 feet of the pro posed amusement park, but this plot Is the site of an oil loading station and the board does not know If It can exercise its Jurisdiction since the plot is not used for strictly park purposes. Pancake Flour Aunt Jemima, pkg 104 Buckwheat, pkg 174 COCOA WALTER BAKER'S— -1 lb 604 Za lb. ....*............,314 1-6 lb 124 HERSHEY— 1-lb. can ..>...........,844 Zz-tb. can 184 1-6-lb. can . * 84 Baking Powder DR. PRICE'S— -4 ozs. 84 6 ozs 124 12 ozs. 214 CALUMET— 1-lb. can 204 4-o z. can 94 ROYAL— -12-oz. oar • 474 6-oz. can 254 RUMFORD— 1-lb. can 274 54-lb. can 174 Quaker Yellow MEAL Per carton 154 meal” Finest whlta, bolted, 3-lb. package ..., 104 BRAN Plllebury, pkg 154 Brangoa, pkg 174 Kellogg'e Krumbled, pkg... 194 Kellogg’s Cooked, pkg 224 SALMON Brail Brand, can 184 "HOMINY GRITS National, pkg 134 Quaker, pkg 154 French Bird Seed Package 144 Libby Mirtoe Meat Brandy style In 27-oz. Jars, each Condensed, In pkgs 164 PiMENTOES No. 1 tin can 184 Soft and Hard SUGAR Brown, pound 144 Powdered, pound 154 Cut Loaf Domino, lb 154 POTATOES—Extra nice, round, smooth, A Michigan stock, peck 2y2-Bushel bag $4.10 PILLSBURY’S 4X FLOUR, 24-pound sack APPLES—Wealthy, Maiden Blush, good cookers and splendid eaters. 5 lbs, 25<*; bushel basket JL • Louisiana Head Rios, ftff| Kidney Beans, new a 2 pounds ailuL) crop, pound .7 . Lima Beans, fancy <4 Navy Beans, new crop, -4 stock, pound JLMichigan, 3 lbs .JLdPfL MILK—Van Camp’s Monarch and Pet, 4 tall cana JLsd 2C Creamery Butter, Hoosier Gold, pound Seal Brand, extra fine 1 _ Coarse Balt, • Q , table salt, 2 , /i-Ib. sack... a2L 10 pounds Pilgrim’s Rio Coffee, lb., 18*, 3 lb. 52c Sour’s Royal Gar den Tea, (4-lb., 23c Old Crop Santos, Monarch, strictly high grads, QQa F. F. F. Coffee, 3-lb. can, $1.38; /fiQ#* pound Old Reliable 42* | Arbuckls Arose ...33* , , . _ „ , _ . Hershey'a Cocoa, Llpton Coffee 50* ~ )b 7 Fine Bulk Cocoa, pound 25*? Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured, nicely streaked, QFJF 3 pounds, $1.05; pound Ul V Boiled Ham, lean and Dried Beef, sweet Bacon Squares, sugar sweet, cured cured ftff pound /MV y t lb tlvv jowls, lb ...m3?** Peanut Butter, fresh made, 4 Heins Dill Pickles, Jumbos, £? each OL Cream Cheese, mild and smooth O 4 a pound OIL Domestic Bwlsa Brick Cheese Llmburger, I Cream Cheese, Cheese. rich and creamy, pound block, | sharp, pound, pound, 49* pound, 37* 39* • 34* Sunkist Lemons, large, dozen • 19*? Florid. Or.p. Fruit. 1.r,. <hln c „„ b „. rt „, . „ . . lOC lb lbC Black Walnuts, Off 4% I Hickory Nuta, shell ftff-. 5 lbs .Lo£\ barks, 2 lbs English Walnuts, thin shells, 1b...- 39*? Shredded Cocoanut, bulk; lb • 25*? Crieco, lb. can 24 1 Tomstoeg, * Aal Corn, Indiana -J A a No. 2 cans A\fV | pack iUC Pine Apple, in syrup, Cut slices, \~ No. 2 Cans jo SC Yellow Free Peaches, heavy syrup, No. 2V2 Cans , £ aj]3 California Apricots, in syrup, L. nn large cans ? lM Taggart 's Cocoanut Marshmallows, pound Jl S C Taggart’s York Butter 4 n i Liberty Ginger Snaps, -4 _ Crackers, lb A 3 j pound x/v Graham Wafers, lb 22< Old-Fashioned Peanut Candy, lb -29*? Chocolate Coated Pea- j Chocolate Creams, CQ _ nuts, (4 lb mXfL, | assorted center#, lb vet Monarch Mince Meat, ft ff { None Such Mines Meat, 4 ~ bulk, lb package J Helnr’a Plum or Fig Pumpkin, heavy pack 4 A A Pudding, 28** and can " "C Pure Old-Fashioned Bucket f flr3h|irn Flo - Sr.,ck 27c! 24c KIRK’S FLAKE WHITE P 5 Bars - 31*? I 100-Bar Box. .?G.OO SATURDAY SPECIAL Store Demonstration National Biscuit Co.’s Package Goods. Wanser’s NEodsrn Market 215 North Illinois St. GRANULATED SUGAR— 1 (Any amount), per pound XU2I Wanter’n 1 Vwlr>s t 'JOAN.IU.Mt. Round Steak, a pound, 25c Piigr ehiiii wi i Ssa i t# w tiw wS # w *W dec. e to ii TUT A TlM** WANT AT>—THEY BRING KFI'T/T—o*T THE HABIT! ' Rib and Loin Pork Qe- Chop*, per lb vDi. Fresh Spare Riba, ft"? _ par lb JdtQ I’lg and Beef Hearts, 4AI. per 1b..... l&ai Fresh Pork Sausajre ™ _ (no cereal) per lb iJI Lolling Beef. 15 r Pure Lord (kettlo rendered), por 1b....,,, m ■>'' Ifoosler Gold Creamefy Butter, 60 c Cream of Nut Oleo, OO r per lb dot A Startling Offer On THE NEW EDISON “The Phonograph With a Soul" Pay Nothing Down On the Instrument; Just Buy a Few Re-Creations The instrument will be delivered at once, or I held until Christinas, just as you prefer. We reserve the right to withdraw this offer at any time. THE ED ISON SHOP 122 N. Pennsylvania St. Opposite Keith's Sec Us for Q-R-S Player Rolls Attention Freight Shippers Special /.nnoimcement Terre Haute, Indianapolis £ Eastern Traction Company Through freight service resumed between Indianapolis and aB Ohio points reached via Electric Railways via Richmond, Ind., and Dayton, Ohio. Solid cars for Dayton, Ohio, leave Indianapolis dally at 0:30 a. m, assuring early morning delivery following day. Direct transfer at Dayton for Springfield, Columbus, Lima, Toledo, Cincinnati, 0., and intermediate points. Carload shipments accepted for all above points. Cars furnished on short notice. THE QUICKEST AND BEST WAY TO ROUTE YOUR FREIGHT SHIPMENTS. Address Traffic Department, Room 208, Terminal Building, Indi anapolis, for fu“ther information. Phone Main 2787. Break Chest Colds With Red Peppers Ease your tight, aching cheat. Btop the I pntn. Break up the congestion. Feel a bad cold loosen up In just a *hort time. “Red Pep par Hub” Is the cold remedy that brings the quickest relief. It cannot hurt you and It certainly oecins to end the tightness and drive the congestion and soreness right out. When heat penetrates right down Into colds, congestion, aching muscles and sore, stiff Joints, relief comes at once. Nothing has each concentrated, pens trating hosf as red peppers. The aw ment you apply Bed Pepper Bub fey 1 colds, backache, sera maselea, stiff neck, < lumbago, or the pains of rheumatism of; neuritis, yon feel the tingling beat. ! In three minutes the congested spot Is : warmed through and throngh. Whan you ! are suffering so you can hardly gat about, I just got a Jar of Rowles Red Pepper Bub made from red peppers, at aay drug J store. You will have the Quickest rafisN know. | desert—i—A i