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Newspaper Page Text
WATER CO. ASKS RATE INCREASE TO MEET TAXES <Continued From Page One.) necessary to continued efficient water |uerice in said city of Indianapolis and that the same will be financed through the sale of securities, and that the net earnings of petitioner will hare a con trolling effect upon the salability of said securities and the amount of discount ■which will be necessary to pay to move the same." "Petitioner further says,” the applica tion continues, ‘‘that the earnings of pe titioner under the rates, toils and charges now in effect are much less than the amount required to pay a reasonable re turn upon the fair value of petitioner’s property used and useful in said enter prise; that a continuation of said limited earnings will make it impossible for pe tioner to finance needed improvements, betterments and extensions, both as to its capacity for service and as to street main extensions, and If long continued will result in a crippled and inefficient service; that it Is for the best interests of the city of Indianapolis, petitioner and petitioner’s patrons that the water rates in the city of Indianapolis be Increased In an amount sufficient to pay a rea sonable return upon the fair value ol petitioner's property used and useful In •aid business, and petitioner says that the schedule of rates, tolls and charges attached hereto, market Exhibit A and a part hereof, will in the Judgment or petitioner, produce the required reve nues without working a hardship upon any of petitioner’s patrons." In conclusion tthe company asks the commission for a hearing on the request and after a due investigation to “direct the petitioner to put into effect tjie schedule of rates, tolls and charges” asked. Corporation Counsel Samuel Ashby stated that the city will oppose any In crease In water rates unless the com pany shows conclusively they are neces sary for continued good service. SNAG RETARDS PLAN HATCHED AT WEST BADEN (Continued From Pags One.) death of Senator S hive ley, which made a place for Watson, alone prevented con siderable of a party rumpus. Subsequently Mr. Robinson spent more than two years In the army. His friends now point ont that both Kew and Watson were taken care of by the party and it would hardly be proper to penalise Robinson Just because he werlt to the army In the World s War. In politics, Mr. Robinson has been fortunately aligned. He was one of the original McCray boosters and he was •Imost alone In boosting Warren G. Harding when that distinguished gentle man ran last in a field of four In the presidential primary. It is understood that friends of the young lawyer are prepared to make a fight in his behalf in event there is any vacancy in, the Indiana senatorships, and Mr. McCray is not likely to ignore him in seeking a Senator. There are, of course, other reasons why Will Hays has little prospects of being appointed to the Senate. Hays never was a McCray man. He has been allied with the interests led by James P. Goodrich for many years. These interests made him State chair man and eventually put him in the chairmanship of the national committee when it wn planned to run Goodrich for President. When Goodrich fizzled as a presidential possibility. Hays was astute enough to Economize for Christmas Giving at TUCKER’S One group includes a -wonderful as sortment of beautifully finished gloves of African capeskin, genuine buckskin, chamois, 6 and 8-button picque French glace and 1 and 2-clasp French national kidskin. Pique, over seam and prixseam sewing, self and contrasting embroidery; colors, beav er, brown, grey. Anniveraay Sale price $2.42 A rare assortment—2-clasp Mocha sette gloves, silk lining, 5-row crochet embroidery; black, brown, beaver, gray; 2-clasp double silk gloves, gray; 12-button charaoisette gloves, in beaver. Anniversary Sale pfice— sl.42 consider his own chances for the nomi nation at Chicago and it was openly charged that he attempted, through the Republican national organization, to place himself in a position to be struck by lightning in the event of a deadlock at Chicago. It has not been forgotten that after announcing a series of dinner* f '"‘ *h*> candidates for president, the Columbia One." Played A 1 December by Ted f Records f/y npi • • -1- 1 1 • A? This is the Mew Columbia Y Grafonola We Sell at— x | I This most popular of all models of the Grafonola. Large, handsome cabinet; manog any, walnut, fumed and golden oak finishes. And with all the latest exclusive Columbia improvements. Investigate the Columbia matchless tone before you buy. Delivery will be made at once. Place Your Order Early i c \\'i doner's 44 N, Pennsylvania St. Indianapolis’s Only Exclusive Grafonola Shop Be Sure to Hear These Records vjk X “Get Vp." by Bert Williams. "Avaion,” sung by Al Jelson. f , t “Think of Me Little Daddy,” Jatt This is the hit of the show ".Slnbad.” f 'X. Hand. . Yo * NX “The shop of Better Service.” //iff Bm Cannot If TJ - Call. - ' Sq; V: 2,500 Pairs of Gloves for Women 18 North Meridian JUST SOUTH OF THE CIRCLE Club of Indianapolis opened tha series by Inviting Hays to be its first guest. All these things are now being recalled ! not only by the people of Indiana, but also by the close friends of Mr. Harding. It Is not beyond the range of possi bilities that Senator New will get a Cab inet appointment from Senator Harding and that Will Hays will be left In the party chairmanship with no official title. Another group is composed of strap-wrist gloves, in fine African capeskin, buckskin, French kidskin— some 8-button lengths with self and contrasting embroidery. Makes lilre Perrin. Hays, Centemeri and .Jouvin are included. Colors, brown, beaver, grey, tan, white, champagne and black. Anniversarv Sale price $4.42 In the Underwear Department ♦ special group of lovely glove silk vests, bodice and fitted tops —also some dainty crepe de chine envelope che mises, Anniverary Sale price $2.42 INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1920. No one Is enthusiastic about making Hays a Cabinet member and no one Is anxious to see him appointed Senator. Asa party chairman they agree that he conducted a successful campaign, but there Is a fetllng that no man who had the backing and the support, financially and otherwise that he had could have made a failure of such a campaign as has Just come to an end. forty second nniversa^ry THIS is the end of our forty-second year of serv ice to Indianapolis. During the last year we have grown greater —in experience, in efficient serv ice, in facilities for supplying the needs of our pa trons, in the number of people we call personal friends. Our progress is shown, first, by the enormous quan tity of merchandise we have brought together for this celebration, and, second, by the nature and expert knowledge of market conditions that made it pos sible for us to buy this merchandise under conditions that allow us to sell it at such low prices. x4his sale is the product of nearly ONE YEAR’S WORK. IT IS OUR WAY OF SHOWING OUR APPRECIATION TO THE FRIENDS WHO ARE HELPING US TO PRO GRESS. Low prices from tomorrow to Saturday, Nov. 27. Come Tomorrow to Get the Best Choice The Foremost Glove Shop in Indiana Because of the Motto "Distinction at Smali Cost” f Let Only a Stop-Watch Satisfy You as to acceleration and deceleration PVERY time a Marmon 34 is demonstrated, we ask you /m "L j (r\ to ee P t * 3se records of a Marmon Score Card, so you XJ! / have a definite basis of comparison. r Jn ilil Note that when acceleration and deceleration are demon strated, we do it by stop-watch, so as to be accurate. -/ // \ First comes the test of accelerating from 10 to 50 M. f I H. Then from 10 to 40 M. P. H. Note the pickup, ' [f Then comes the deceleration test. From 50, from 40, from 20 M. P. H. to a dead-stop. Summary of the SCORE CARD Thlt h merely to give an idea of eonxe of the Herne included In the Marmon Score Card. On the tcore card theee ttema are elaborated and It Is arranged for a record of competition between mural cart. At you compare them, gnu can record all the retuilt at a guide In maklno n decitron. A complete eorry of the triermon Score Card will be furnhhod upon requeet. 1 Ease of Riding a. 30 to 44 M. P. H. b. Aay xpee<l on ruogh rood 2 Acceleration a. 10 to SO M. P. H. b. 10 to 40 M. P. U. 3 Deceleration a. SO M. P. H. to dead atop b. 40 M. P. H. to dud atop e. 20 M. P. H. to dead £ top 4 Slow Speed Operation in High l.ear a. in traffic b. On hiU* 5 High Speed Operation (U pro*poet dulrm aad where law permits) e. Maximum on level stretch b. Maximum on Mila (in high) 6 Kane of Steering а. On rough road б. In traffic 7 Convenience of All Control* 8 Economy a. Gasoline b. Tires 9 Weight a. Fully equipped for Souring b. On all four wheels to determine perfection at balance 13 Smoothness of Motor Operation 11 Rigidity 12 Roadability These tests are simple. But they are the very items which make the Marmon 34 a favorite among the foremost automotive engineers—a majority of whom own Marmon 345. Records must be provable Thera have been a great many general statements, a great many spectacular stunts to influence—but we deal In facta. We have all aorta of record* — averaging the** facts, the re sult* ahow that the Marmon 34 can be operated on high gear at a walking pace; that it will readily go 65 M. P. H.; that It will accelerate from It to 54 M. P. H. in 17 to 19 seconds; that on hill climbing it can start on a better than 8% straight grade at 5 M. P. H. and accelerate to 35 to 40 M. P. H. at 1,000 yard*. Theee are touring car teat*, fully equipped and with driver and observer. We ask, however, that in addi tion to these record#, you make your own observation*, driving If you wish. Then proof will be final. You will have obtained it yourself. Nordym 5c Marmon Company znatnutted tssi Indianapous MARMON 34 LOCAL BRANCH Nordyke & Marmon Company Meridian and Eleventh Streets, Ind.anapolis Main ISS4; Ante. S44S-11. Kerthern t ,4im Motor tor Cos., Ft. Worn* and Monde; Dixie Motor* Cos., KvaaexUi*. lnd.s B. B. Perry, Kokonae. Ind.; J. T. J. Grave*, Salem, lad.; Cbeeoweth Auto Ce., Htdimcvud, Ind. Juvenile Department Children’s gloves in one group— one-clasp, genuine African capeskin gloves,jn tan color. Sturdily made to keep small hands warm and keep little folks dressed up. Also, lovely mittens of fine suede, lined with fleece and with fur about the wrists. Anniver sary Sale price $1.42 Good looking, sturdy stockings for boys and girls. Closely woven and well finished, with carefully fashioned and reinforced foot. Made for hard wear. Colors, black, cordovan and white. Anniversary Sale price t 42c td North Meridian JUST SOUTH OF THE CIRCLE ((Anniversary!) WHp? Come Early Men’s Department Regular gloves for regular men. Af rican capeskin and rawhide gloves that may be used for dress or street wear and that, will stand any wear. Strongly built and cleverly finished to give a dress effect. Anniversary Sale price $2.42 Imported English sport wool sox. Fine heather effects in various good colors. Built to fit closely about the Bnkle, with reinforced heel and toe. Also a group of full fashioned, pure thread silk sox, with stx*ong lisle rein forcements. Anniversary Sale price $1.42 Anew buying basis The only certain way to com pare cars is by keeping a Mar mon Score Card. We summar ise the 12 items at tha left. These bring out every demon strable feature in black and white, so that comparison is simple. To buy any car by accepting generalities is the old way of buying. It has been superseded by this new and easy way of vital comparisons. Marmon welcome* it, and no dealer should hesitate in accepting this basis of demonstration. Insist upon it. Beware of any car that is not subject to demonstration. It is the only basis of buying now—the only way to safeguard your invest ment. We urge comparisons. Every test of the Marmon 34 is wel comed. Merit must decide. 15