Newspaper Page Text
2 Young Folk Today Pass Up Favorite Books of Parents ‘Pilgrim* Progress ‘Robinson Crusoe-Water Babies’ Seldom Called For. Wbat tre the yonag people of today reading T Are they read In* the books that you end I. Mr and Mm. Parent, read In your boyhood days when, with reluctance, we laid aside our Grimm's Fairy Tales end our Aesop’s Fables to run to the grocery to buy ten pounds of sugar for toother to put up Are bushels of peaches or to buy a quarter’s worth of beefsteak tor company dinner? Ob, no! Long since have these books occupied a lonely place on the back shelves of the public library, or removed .iltoge r Uer from the book list. Possibly If a par ent or today called at the library now and asked for a copy of “Little Brown Baby." “Bird's Christmas Carol” or “Swiss Family Robinson" the librarian would have to scratch her herd, look at her reference card, then blow the dust off the. book, and hand It to the snid parent, with thoughts wondering of “who Is this old-fashioned stranger?'* Possibly there Is not a parent In Indianapolis who at some time or an other has not been wholly wrapped up In the strange and mysterious doings set forth In “Arabian Nights" or who has not pictured himself as a greet soldier as he followed the narrations of George Washington, Napoleon Bonaparte or Abrphs m Lincoln. OTHER OLD FAVORITES GO -INTO THE DISC ARD. "Pilgrim's Progress.•' r>e Foe’s “Rob'n son Crnso ” Louisa May Alcott’s “Lit tie Women," which was the favorite of the girls when the mother of today vras about 10 years of age, and “Water Rabies,” all were resd from cover to cover, time and again by the boys and 1 girls of fifteen, twenty sad twenty-five years ago. But along with the passing of the waist with* the “leg-of-mutton” • sleeves, the wide bottomed, trailing skirt and th "Merry Widow” hat, these favorites of father and mother have loryj ago passed Into oblivion. Clerks at the public .libraries are j uthorlty for the statement that thev.- % oks are seldom If ever called far. \ 'be young people of today are not a t Tested In what the fairies of the Ara *** Nights did Probably all they know f Ft, ®bad, the Sailor, is what they glean rout: popular play. "W* *•* Babies” no longer bold en kantnv '®t for the young mind for they re bow more ottstss-d with the history f the ", ' Ate A lie” fraternity or Thl.- r That l Taternlty t ian with the sound ings that were born In the mind of lharles Kl. “fsley It would be safe to By that nl oe-tenths of tils children oi HAAG’S CUT-PRICE DRUGS Wo Msil Orders Filled at the Reduced Prices Everything Fresh, Genuine, of the Purest aid 3ssf Quality. Prices Subject to Change Without Notice $1.50 Abbott’s Saline laxative fldc Abbott's .SsUne Laxative 4>ie 5c Abbott's Rheumatic Kerned;.. sr $2.50 Abnorblne $2.24 $1.25 Abeorbine Jr. 08c 50c Al.iJeua Water A'o SI.OO Albolene Oil 74c 35c Allen's tTlceriiie Saif* .........25e 75e Alcpben U3o* v-sk r 60c Aloin Strych. and Bel. Pi115......54e 25c Alcock g Porous Piaster 15c $1.26 Alkaiithia 9#e 35c Analgesv Balm 20c 75c Aual-f-slq-i'- Hauint Bengasi....'ilWe 75c Antlphiojfistiae .; Wb sl.oo Aspifjo iuo.ets (100). 5 gr...X50 $1.25 Aspfrlil'Table’s. BaVcr.; 88c 20c Aspirin Tabs.. 1 and oz. 10c: 3 do* ?3c 5Ut ' Armow s Grape .take, pints... . *• $1 00 Atbiophoris 85c 50c Bay Rum, GlyceriD* iid Uose Water V 50c Badex Salts S^e 25c Beer-ham Pills 18c 25c Bella t,s* 18c 78c Bella ns nc 25-- Belladonna Plas*er '. lftc 30c Bell’s Pine Tar n, r id Honey tie 25c Barkeeper's Friend 19c $1 Blair's Gent and Rhea. Pi115...31c 50c Bland's Iron Pills Sle 75c Bland s Liquid iron. Lilly's sßc SI.OO Bitro-Pbosphtte 84c 35c Borden’s Eagle Milk.' 27c. 3 for 80c SI.OO Bliss Natic-. Herb Tabs 74c 25c Bitrkhardt’s Veg. Tabs 19c 30c Brotno Seltzer tSe 60c Bromo' Seltzer 4c $1.20 Brotno Sel'xer *9c $1 50 Brownatone 98c $1.25 Cadninene Tabs 98c 25c Calomel Tablets tot) any slxe 10c 15c Camphor Moth Balls 10c 60c California Syr. Figs .....4c 50c Camphor Spirits 85c 80c Capsolln S4r 60c Canthrox 4c 35c Capndlne 1....89c 70c Capndlne [j!9c 50c Cascara A mm. Sweet. Sos ..2f>r 50c Cascara Bitter, 3 ox BSe 50c Cas.ara Cathartic Hinkle !?4c 15c Carbolic Acid 10c 25c Carter's Little I.lrer Pills.!."!l*)c 50<- Castor OH. pure, half pint 35c Sic Castor Ofl. pure, one pint 60c Sso Castor Oil. Kelloe's 83c 50c Castor 00. Kellng’* jn r $1.50 Carighad Sprudel Salts " 98r 25c Celery Vesce 50c Celery Vesce " „ Br SIOO Celery Vesce *.*. 74,. SO.- Clavton's Mange Remedy i'. SSc 50c Clayton’s Hog Remedies S r 35c Capalba and Cubeb 1 0p5...... i7sc Qban Hair Color Restorer 39- ÜBc Coregea IjSc Colorite, 12 colors, each."..’. | Bn IV Comp. Licorice Powd " itv. mCa Ichi m Wafera * 55^ 60.\ Chase's Blood A N'rre Tab.... ,49c sll3l Creole Hair Color Restorer .. mtr 35c sOanderlne. 60'- Danderlne .• ’ SI.OO Dnndetlne. * 74,. 50c Dsmschlr-srev's Hair DTe"”'.".'s> c ssc Delost's Headache Powd !!190 80c Denatured Alcohol, quart.. 43,. 75c Dean’s Liquid Smoke .. so flrv Dewitt's Kidney PHla....””"' 60c Doan’s Kidney Pills "Ill"" 4.V 60c Drake’s Croup Remedy...* 25c Dloxogen ' , 9 15c Diamond Dye. 10c; 3 for 80c Eatonlc ~ 50-- Ead’a Rheumatic PHlg ’ "*-*** SI.OO Fad’s Rheumatl'- Pills' 74 r 30c Edward’* Olice Tablets. •„ SI.OO Enos Fruit Rnjtr .. i1.50 Fellow’s Comp; Syr. HypoV/fllo SIOO Formaldehyde , 50 r Formaldehyde, ’ 4 ooncea Ssc W- Formaldehyde-Fiimla-ator So il 00 Orape Juice, New York.’nnarts Vs- Ssc Freeeone for Corns 65c GloTer’s Mange Remedy '"'si -35c Gets-It for Coras .... ££ 75c Glycotanphene $1.50 Glycotanphene 50c Glycothymollne * 1. 60c Glycothymollne I sloo filyrerbyrnoline $125 Gude'a . Peptomang... ’* $1.25 Gray’s Glycerin Tonic,. BK 30c Grove s Bromo Quinine 00. Ssc Jad Salta 50c Bicycle Cards *'“, r Ssc Helmet-Cards •„ 35c Chamois Skin * SI.OO Chamois Skin 7'. $2 00 Chaitoo!* Skin *" V, *I.OO Anto Sponge *** 7^. $l5O Auto Sponge ".$1.15 $2 00 Auto Wool Sponge ! sllß $2.50 Auto Sbouge '..51.9H *sc Haag’s PHla for Biliousness 85r 85c Hand's" Baby Remedies.........29,. 80c Hays' Hair Health..-. "49* • Hot Water Bottles. Fountain Syringes and Combinations at Cut Prices K6c Haag's Wnlar G'as PrattrvM Egga IO *o 12 Months. Haag’s Inssot Powder Kills Bod Bugs.Flass, Posohss. Ants, Plant Uos Haag’s Pills f r IntTfestbi, Shk Heathchs, Biliousness ard Constipation The 7 Haag Cut-Price Drug Stores are Located in the Center of the Shopping District of Indianapolis The Haa* Drug Store at l 6 N. Illinois is only Six Doors North of interurban Station The Haag Drug Stores at 27 and 53 South Illinois St. are in the first Square South of Washington St. The Haag Drag Store, 101 W. Washington St., is in the Point Room of the Lincoln Hotel. The Three Other Haag Drug Stores are located 114 North Pennsylvania St., 55 Virginia Ave. and 802 Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis. today do not know who Charles Kings ley was. He might have been autho.' of the prohibition enforcement law as far ss many people could tell. AND FRIDAY—WHAT’S HE IN LITERATURE? The nearest many of the modern young hopefuls could come to telling what “Friday” has to do with the history of literature. Is that Friday Is tl'e day be fore pa gets his check. Little they know about “Robinson Crusoe” and his man Friday. But ask the girls who Lucille Is, and not one of them will fall to tell you that she is the famous designer of beau tiful gowns. They all know the title of the book in which she Is mentioned time and again—the Styie Book. But the impression must not be gained that the young people of today are all frivolous and ignorant as to the history of the nation's famous men and women. Not at all. They now read such books as Wood row Wilson's ‘ IHstory of the American People,” and books telling how to vote, and similar publications. This change has largely been brought about, librarians say. through the dif ferent methods of teaching In the pun 11c schools For the past few years teachers In literature and history have been recommending certain books for pu pils to read. In older to acquaint them Boys Brown Eik 2 Buckle Boots These shoes have soft durable MS lljrajHV uppers and solid leather soles. They are ideal for the boy who Is '1 rS ** if > BsSi very hard on shoes. IS jtfKlfsl $4.85 Jmk SIZES 9-1314 m L&Rm : ============ KISTNER’S 133 S. IllmOlS St. CHEAPER” 35c Harlem OH Ope TUlya 29® 35c Harlem Oil Caps Gold *®c 25c Hill s Cascara Quinine Tab* lho 50c Htrlick’s Malted Milk S SLOT Horlicks Malted Milk 09e $3.75 Horlick s Malted Milk $*.46 sl3lO Hemo Malted Milk 89c $4.00 Meiuo ilaited Milk 82.98 $1.50 Hood> Sarsaparilla ...........98* 1 $1.35 Imp rial Grauum ............ -89 c Sllc Lavons 2Jc 00c Lavoris i.v< il.tJO LaV'irls 84 tiOc Usterii e 4Se *I.OO Listerlne .....................Sic 30c Lysol l#c ; •iOc Lysul 42c 00c Lime Stone Phosphate ....39c 35c Metaigias Polish l#c 51.50 Maitine, nil kinds $1.19 sbc Miles’ Anti Pain Pills 24c sl.lO Miles' Nervine 1 74c ! 23c Mentholatum •Vic Meiitl.clat'iui S9<- 90c Mellin's Food 81c 90c Meads Dextro Maltose ..e4c 73c Milks Emulsion 44c $1.50 Milks Emulsion ........Me 15c Moth Ball# l*c Stic Mucol 24c 30c Mufti Cleaner } t4e 30c Muaterole tic 'oc Musierole .........49c 20c N’aptholene Flake# 13c 25c Nature's Remedy 19e 50c Nature’s Remedy S9 SIOO Nature’* Remedy 7*c $1.59 Neofcrrum $1.19 sl.lO Nuxated Iron uo<- 75c N'ulol 34c *1.50 N'ujol 94c 50c Olive Oil, Pompeian, half-pint.. .S6c SI.OO Olive OH, Pompeian, pint 74c 35e Omega Oil 89c 60c Omega OH 49c SI.OO Ovoferrlu .84* SI.OO OH of Koreln Caps 84c 50e Pape’s Dispepsin 39c SI.OO Pepgen 6c 15c Peroxide Hydrogen 9e 50c Phillips’ Milk of Msgnesta 3c 25c Phenolax Wafers ....19c 50c Phosphate Soda, Merck’s 89c 75c Phosphate Soda, Wyeth’a B9c 60c Plnex For Cough Syrup 49c $1.25 Fierce’s Favorite Pres 89c $1.25 Pierce’s Golden Med. Dlscot...H9c $1 25 Plnkhauj Comp 7c SI.OO Pln-olium 84c 20c Quinine aps 2 gr., 1 do*. . ..19c $1.75—1 ounce Quinine $1.24 70c Sa! Hepatic# 9c 11.40 Snl Hepatic* 9*c SI.OO Salvltae 74c 75c Saphanol ay< sl.lO S. S. S. Blood Remedy 7o 75c Scott’s Emulsion (Wc 31.50 Scott's Emulsion os,. 35c Sloan’s Liniment 89c 70c Sloan's Liniment #.v 50c Stanolax B'*c 35c Stero Cubes 88c 35c St. Jacob's OH 8 P 00c St. Jacob’* Oil 43c $1.15 Swamp Boot Blc t!oc Swamp Root 45e 60c Wnlnutta Hair Stain 4s r 85c Wild Root Hair Tonic... 89c 60c Wild Root Hair Tonic ~...40c SI.OO Vinol g... 840 $1.25 Veracolate Tablets 980 75c Veronal Tablets. 5 gr.. 1 do* 50,.. QnHlity and Strength Tested Rubber floods Received lVeekly Direct From the Manufacturers and Sold at All Time* at t’nt Price*s SI.OO Fountain Syringe $1.25 Fountain Syringe $1.39 Fountain Syringe 98c $2.00 Fountain Syringe $1.48 $•2 59 Fountain Syringe 9* $3.00 Fountain Syringe $7.74 $4.00 Fountain Syringe fz.OS $175 Comb. Syringe A- Water 80t.5i24 $2.00 Comb. Syringe & Water 80t.51.48 $2 50 Comb. Syringe * Water 80t.51.8 $3 00 Comb. Syringe & Water 80t.52.24 $3.(3) Comb. Syringe A- Water 80t.88.98 $2 00 Vaginal Syringe Spray $1.48 52.30 Vaginal Syringe Spray $,. 5300 Vaginal Syringe Spray **.'.4 $1 00 Hot Water Bottle $1 25 Hot Water Bottle 5150 Hot Water Bottle s‘2 00 Hot Water Bottle fits $2 50 Hot Water Bottle $3 00 Hot Water Bottle SIOO Ice Cap $1.50 Ice Cap $2 90 Tee Bag, 0b10ng...... 91.44 $2 00 Throat Ice Bag $1.48 $2 00 Spinal Ice Bag 91,49 Ayres' Face Powder and Rouge 52 50 Azures Perfume 91.99 1 $1 75 Azurea Face Powder 91 31 I $1.75 A*urea Vegetal 91.99 $3.00 Azurea Eau de Toilet 92.48 I mot* thoroughly with the lessons. The i following of tha teacher’s recommenda tion has formed itself Into a habit with the young people until the old-time books have long been forgotten and have given way to the more modern publications. Seems Like Christmas BOSTON. Nov. 19.—Vice President-elect Coolldge has been given a suit of clothes by the wot 1 growers of western Massa chusetts, a pair of shoes made up by the skilled artisans of Brockton, and he bai received numereus gifts ranging from n four-leaf clover to the buckeye sent lira by Mrs. Warren G. Harding, but the latest of all came when an enthusiast out in Armdore, Okla., asked for the pleasure of giving Mrs. Coolldge an au tomobile. Governor Coolldge sent back word that ho appreciates the offer but declined with thanks. and Morning. 'if/^ avm Strong, Hcrtithjr SS * Sf*. If they Tire, Itch. Jk. vJ i Smart or Bum, if Sorat Vru r> rvrC Irritated, Inflamed or TUUR LiLJGranulated,useMurina often. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe far Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write far Free Eye Book. Herbie Eye Mmttdj Ca, '““aMpil $1.25 A*nrea Sachet Powder 84* 25c Babcock's Corylopsts Talc 13c 25c Babcock’s Cut Rose Talc 15c 80c Boacllla Face Powder S9r 40c Djer-Kiss Talcum..... .....tic 73c DJcr-Ki,* Face Powder S6 $1.25 DJer-Kis Face Powder 98 75c Dorlu'a Brunette Rouge 4>r 75c Dorlu'a Compact Powder 49* 50c Eleaya Face Powder 46e 25c Freeman's Face Powder ~..19 Wc Java Klee Face Powder *9e 25c J. A J. Baby Ta1cum............19c 60c Levy’s Laßlach Powder 4* Mary Garden Powder and Rouge 25c Maria Talcum Powder 19 50c Marl* Face Powder 4&u 25c Mennen e Berated Talcum 1* 50c Pompeian Face Powder S9e 50c Poxzonl Face Powuv. SO* 35c Kuiionua Face Powder..... £9e SI.OO Roger & G. Face Powder 7a Ayres Creams and Toilets 65c Berry'a Freckle Ointment 48c sf-25 Berry's Cremola ...9*c 50-- Bouclii* Cold Cream 390 50c Bon cilia ’’■■rinhlrig Cream 8c 90c Champlin 1 T4quM Pearl 48 50c Daggett A ltuma. Colu Cream.. Sue 60c Eleaya Cream 45e 25c Espys. Frag. Cream 19c 30c Hind’s Honey A Almon Cream...39c 30c Holmes' Frostilla # 4 e 25c Old Gib Witch Hazel Jelly... ..c 40c Orchard White 890 $1.50 Oriental Cream .....$1.19 00c Malvina Cream 430 50c Milkweed Cream 89e 50c Xadinola Cream 89c uOc Pompeian Day Cream 87c Usc Pom,-elan Night Creum t‘!e Pomjielan Night Cream Me t’Oc Pompeian Massage Cream 610 30c Satin Skin Cream 84e 50c Res Shell Cream the 25c Woodbury's Facial Cream lie 50c Theatrical Cold Cream 80e 25e A moll n Deodorant Powder luo 25c Bandallne IDo 60c Bazin’s Depilatory Powder 490 59c Brilllantlne Bi*o W)c- Brilllantlne 43c SI.OO Delatone Me SI.OO Demiracle ~..89 75c El Rado 59e 30c Evers weet ,*4e 75c Evans Depilatory B9e 30c Mum tie 50c Non Spl Se 35c Odorono.. 290 60c Odirouo 490 35c Cutex Cuticle Remover 89c 60c Cutex Cuticle Remover 4o 35c Cutex Nall White 850 35c Cutex Cake, Nail White 29e 50c Cutex Manicure Set 89* 25c Dorln's Lip Stick 19c 50c Djer-Klas Lip Stick 45e 50c Glaxo Nall Polish 8o 3.V Hvglo Cake Nall W r h!te Z9e 35c Hyglo Cake Nall Polish 89c Bnr Lusterlte Nall Enamel 84c 35c Arnica Tooth Soap 9e 'soc Benzolyptus Tooth Paste 24c 30c Enthvmol Tooth Paste 84e 60c Forhan’s Pyorrhoea Paste 38c 50e F E I. Pyorrhoea Paste 83c 30c Lyons’ Tooth Paste or Powder...24c $1 00 Pvorrhocldc *!e 50c Pepsodent Tooth Past® .......,89c 50c Pebecco Tooth Paste ...380 Stic Rublfoam 85c Senreco Tooth Paste 23c 30c White’s Tooth Paste 24c oflc Armour's Stork Castile...., iB P 20c Bocobella Castile Soap 150 ”5c Clavton's Dog Soap 19c Coiitl Castile Soap, Italian 250 15c Cocoa Castile Soar Kirk’a, 3.. ,25c osc Cutlcura Soap, 19c , 3 for 55 C 30c Packer’s Tar Soap... zSc 50c Parser’s Liquid Tar Soap 4r>c 15c Palm o, ' v '’ Soa P- 9c : 3 toT 25c 25c Germacldal Soap 25c Pear’s Glycerin. 19c: 3 for 55e 25c Pear’s TTnc.-ented Soap iv,- .Tergen’a Violet ...........Joe 30c Woodbury’s Facial Soap 30c Reslnol Soap ..,18c 75c Soclet* Hygleneque . 48c 30c Rogers A O. } lolot Soap 30c Rogers A G- Lilac Soap... Bg o T’oleum Htlf Nets, I3e( z for 25ft 50c Gillette Blades. 6 for. 8 7 0 1 00 Gillette Blades, 12 for 7ie 30c Gem Junior Blades 89c 30c Ever-lteady Blades 840 X3c Keen Kutter Bladea XBo •>3c F.nders Bladea *i 78 Ever-Ueady Rasor $1.49 * 'no Gem Damaskeen Ra*or 85c 35 00 Gillette Razor v Shaving Brush *3c 75c Shaving Brush INDIANA DAILY TIMES. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1920. Advance Styles—Mmimunm Prices A great combination that we can honestly say applies to the merchandise sold in this store. No customer can possibly be disappointed either in the appearance, serviceableness or value of the goods bought here. Men’s Bose 65c MEN’S ALL-WOOL HOSE —Heavy and medium weight; blue, Ap black and tol gray. Special |5.00 MEN’S WOOL FLANNEL SHIRTS— Auto brand and other equal makes; made with two military pockets and F* collar attached: sizes Jt iU§ 14 to 17 $2.00 AUTO BRAND AND CONES’ BOSS WORK SHIRTS—Stifel blue, blucbelles, chair bray, gray and white stripes, black and white stripes; also 190 flannelettes /TV /pv included in this lot; all sizes. Special $1.25 MEN S WORK SHlßTS—Collars at tached; blue chambray, extra full sut and well made; sizes 14 to 17. Special Men’s Sweaters $lO 00 AND $12.00 RUGBY SLIP OVER SWEATERS -All known color coni I)ina(tiom, larire shawl collars, pure wool. Special £ •(/$) $8.50 MEN’S PURE WOOL V-NEOK SWEATERS- In blue, brown, navy and heathersizes 36 Ci £T to 50. Special $2.00 MEN’S HEAVY SWEATERS— Heavy rope itch, shawl and military coHars, If Q Special f. Sale ol Men’s Shirts $5.00 MEN’S SHIRTS— jrrade, such as Wilson Bros., Ace, Master craft, Bellclaire and numerous other standard makes; in woven madras, poplins and other fine cloths. Sizes 14 to 18. &€% QP Special tP $5.00 MEN’S COMBINATION SILK SHIRTS —Just 450 shirts in this lot for quick clearance; sizes dA AA 14 to 17. Special inforced and taped seams; also silk and sJ>ff wool mixtures; include sizes 34 to 50. Special $3.00 MEN’S ALL WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS— Wilson Bros, and other good makes; sizes 30 C>ff to 50. Special C? OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK: Men’s Underwear $4.00 MEN’S HIGH ROCK AND LAMBS DOWN UNION SUITS —Ilea\y fleece lined, all seams taped; sizes O T 34 to 50; special tM t? $3.00 MEN’S HEAVY FLEECE LINED UNION SUITS—Good heavy white brush fleece lining; sizes 34 to 46. Special $2.50 MEN’S HEAVY DERBY RIBBED UNION SUlTS—Heavy close ribbed gar ments, fully cut and well made; sizes 34 to 46. Special^) v $7.50 MEN’S ALL WOOL UNION SUITS —Wilson Bros, and Cooper’s brands; re- $2.00 MEN’S SHIRTS AND DRAWER S—Heavy fleece lined and derby ribbed; sizes 30 to 46. €bQf* Special ePOC TRAUGOTT BROTHERS 311-321 West Washington Street NOW IN OUR NEW HOME Men’s Suits and Overcoats t $29:75 The tailoring la the kind you would expect from a cus tom tailor. The materials— even down to those used in the linings—are the kind a conscientious tailor would urge you to buy. The models and nUes are adapted to men An Unmatchable Sav- SUITS and OVERCOATS For Men and Young Men —$30.00 Value This sure Is evidence that low Jft \ prices are with u again? Just come J |\ Vs \ and see these dandy new coats. Up- /Al \y \ to date styles; fresh from the man- / gk. \ ufacturer. And all sizes, too! \_ j Men*a Custom-Made J f SUITS and JJm HfJ OVERCOATS Iffy JT Os the Finest Fabrics Ij llm Vs $45.00 Value // |l|\l \ SQJ.BS (|^ll And by FINEST wo mean those pml If;! expensive-looking Imported woolen i'll! coatings In exclusive patterns; su- lIP I ‘ perbly tailored and finished Just the wwsßetrJF /a same as If the coat was made to . your Individual measure. All sizes: o Boys’ All-Wool Mackinaws Overcoats and Two-Pants Suits f $12.60 to sls Values for Saturday only. Reduced to M A sale of the most surprising values far greater than you could have anticipated. The workmanship, quality, styles and patterns of this season’s most choicest sellers. Sizes 8 to 18. Shop early. Boys’ Hand-Tailored, All-Wool, £fl a ftr 2-Pant Suits. $18.50 and $20.00 ■'*** Values .... tor Saturday only, reduced to — B |)i Double and single breasted models; newest patterns of gray, tan, brown and green fancy mixtures; pants fully lined. Sizes 8 to 18. BOW SCHOOL PANTS; cor duroy and faney cashmeres; sizes 7 to 17 years. Saturday *£r.„.Be CHILDREN'S ROMPERS— Fancy ginghams; AOm reduced to 3rOL Men’s Hose 25c MEN’S DRESS HOSE— Extra good' quality, gray, black, tan, cordovan and navy, slightly imperfect. Special ... $4.00 SWEET ORR AND OARHARTT OVER ALLS AND JACKETS— {fog* Extra heavy blue denim; Jr i* gray backed; all sizes ..... Mm+K&KJr $2.75 MEN’S AUTO BRAND OVERALLS AND JACKETS—AIso Big Three Brand, heavy blue denims, made up in |ffo jh} aa engineer's style; all etlHa iizes llJitW $2.00 MEN’S OVERALLS AND JACKETS— Heavy blue denims, union made; also painters’ and paper hangers; iff* all sizes. E ii Special Saturday Sale oi Men’s Pants $7.50 MEN’S ALL WOOL PANTS— Pure wool serge, green, brown and blue flannels, double seated and bound tops. Special $3.00 MEN’S TROUSERS— Suitable for work and dress wear; neat striped worsteds; sizes 30 to 42. Special $ f55.00 AND $6.00 MEN’S AUTO BRAND CORDU ROY PANT S —Good, heavy reinforced trou sers ; sizes 28 A/T to 42. SpecialiQ/da/v $5.00 MEN’S CORDU ROY TROUSERS— Good quality; every seam rein forced and taped; cuff buttoms: sizes 29 to 42. Special $5.00 MEN'S AUTO BRAND CORDU ROY VESTS— Lined with heavy ah wool kersey; sizes 35 to 44. Special Saturday Specials ter Men $2.00 MEN’S PURE SILK TIES—AII new, nifty patterns, in large flowing ends, also narrow Q&O shapes. Special 85c MEN’S SILK HOSE —Extra good quality reinforced heels and toes; black, white, navy, gray and cordo van; sizes 9Vi to 11 Mi. OQp Special Orv 750 MEN’S SUSPENDERS—Heavy police and firemen’<a braces; also a large number of silk finished elastic suspender*. Special.. .Oirw 500 MEN’S PARIS GARTERS—SteeI trimmed, high grade elastic, all colors. Special atlv CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS— Chlncilia and fancy overcoat ings, in brown, gray and mix tures; size* 2 to 8 years; $10.50 saxr §5 Q 5 Saturday to . KW BOYS’ CAPB, SI.OO values; reduced to