Newspaper Page Text
20 INDiANA DAILY TIMES 26-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main *SOO Automatic 28-351 RATES One time 09 per line Three consecutive times . .08 per line Six consecutive times 07 per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted, male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted — One time 08 per line Three consecutive times.. .07 per line Six consecutive times 06 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices .. -09 per line Lodges and club notices 76c per insertion Church notices (1 Inch or less) 50c per insertion Over 1 inch, .07 per line addMlonal. Death notices. Ssc per insertion Card of Thanks or Jn Memorlam Notices 07 per lino Ad* received antll 10:30 a. m. for publication same dap. FUNttKAL DIRECTORS. FLANKER & BUCHANAN 2zo .Norm llllaou St. Funeral directors to the people of Indianapolis since 1*37. Phones: Main 641-642. Auto. 22-641. INDIANAFOLJB CRE AMATORY IN , CONNECTION. Ueorge U riusteiner Funeral director. 622 East Market Old Phone Main 904. New Pnone. 27-204. A. 41. Ragsdale. J. Walau Inca Joun Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. 223 North Delaware street jTcTwilson 1230 Prospect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect 222. W. T. BLAJSLNUYM 1225 Shetny et. P-' -.2570 Auto. 61-114 MINERAL DIRECTORS— WM E KRIEGER. New 21 154. Main 1464 1402 N. Tlllnol. GADD -BERtT~JaDD, 2130 Prospect t. Phones: Prospect 422. Automatic 52-272. UNDERTAKERS — HISEY at TITUS. 517 North D-.. New 2S-524 Mlf. BS3O pfc.ATH AND FUN ER A L N O TIC £ <s. MsMANNIS. MRS. FANNIE—Widow of the late Terry McMannis, passed away at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Frances Hinton. 712 Fletcher avenue. Nov. j 18, 1220, 2:40 o'clock. Friends may call | at the home of her son. Harry McMannis. ' 1225 Comer avenue. Funeral arrange- j meats announced later. Loogootee papers 1 please copy. CARD OF THANKS. CARD OF THANKS—Wo wish to thank our relatives, friends and neighbors for . their kindness during the sickness and death of our darling baby Louise and their beautiful floral offerings. We thank the devotwd nurse. Mrs. Hughy, and Dr. Men denhall. employes of Thomas Madden Sons A Cos.. minister and underaker MR. AND MRS CHARLES E. JONES AVD BABY ROBERT. Tost and found. LOST —Gentleman's blue serge suit be tween Sixteenth and Montcalm. or Twenty-seventfi and Clifton, between 5 and 7 o'clock Monday evening. Return to 1214 E. Washington, or call Prospect 9133. Reward. LOST—Man’s tan alligator pccketbook. contained $8 cash business and Ma sonic cards. Please return to 436 Atnerl- f can Central Life bldg. Phone Circle 436, : or Washington 3163. Reward. LOST or stolen. Oxweld acetylene torch and gauges; 330 reward for return; no : questions asked. GUARANTEE WELD ING CO.. 1014 Virginia ave. Prospect 427*. ■ LOST—Child’s brown fur neckpiece, in ; New York Store, or on Washington be tween Meridian and Pennsylvania. Re- ! ward. Irvington 3266. | LOST FRENCH BULLDOG. MOUSE COLORED. BAT EARS, S .REW TAIL. . SPIKED COLLAR. REWARD. EDISON i SflOP. MAIN 1797, r I STOLEN—From 278 N. Wu'-man avenue. , two large male ferrets; 32 3 reward for ; return or any Information. Stolen on Nov. j 11 In the afternoon. I LOST—Driver's black mlts on Washing ton or corner of Pennsylvania and Wash- Itsgton. Call Woodruff 6*12. LOST—Lady's beaded bag. Thursday eve ning In the Murat theater. Reward. Please call Prospect 396*. TRUCK standard with aluminum knobs. In North Indianapolis, around Udell gt. Re rrd. Prospect 4710. LOST —Men's black bill fold, containing paper money. Reward. Woodruff 3364. LOST —Brown tooled leather bag. con taining money. Reward. North 3538. LOST or strayed, whits French poodle. Reward 310. Phone Irvington 903. PERSONALB. I HEREBY give notice that I will not be responsible for the payments of sny debts contracted by my wife. Louise Sleg m#n. since our separation on Nov. 14, 1920. CfORGE 81 EG MAN. HOUSES—TO LET* 724 N. CAPITOL AYE. Nineteen rooms, 3 baths, hot air fur naces. Especially desirable for rooming house. Rent SIOO, or will sell on easy pay ments. William F. Wocher 805 City Trust Bldg. Main 3888. Auto. 84-808. 2002 N. Pennsylvania Eight room*, thoroughly modern, dou ble garage. 865. THE STATE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO. Main 4518. WE MOVE by truck; local or overland; Insurance fur nished free. Special rates on long-dls tanco trips. Red Bali. Main 4881 ROOMS—TO LET. WALCOTT. 302 N.; front bedrooms in modern home, for two gentlemen or married couple. Call Saturday or Monday. Cltcle 1154. VERMONT, 32 W.; one square north of postoffice, connecting rooms for several young men; other rooms. Main 7393. ROOM in steam-heated apartment wanted. two gentlemen; walking distance. 844 X. Capitol ave., apt. 8. Main 6151. PHOXT room downstairs; mahogany fur nished; steam heated, |lO per week. Call Prospect 3152. FURNISHED rooms, sleeping and light housekeeping. Reasonable. Main 2018. NEW YORK. 1712 E.; modern room, for 2 young girls, private family. Circle 3301. VERMONT street. 217 E.; rooms to lady; home privileges. Call Circle 4078. KEYSTONE. 431 N.; ono front room for rent. Call Woodruff 7046. FLETCHER ave., 763; 3 unfurnished foorns for rent; modern. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. LARGE well-furnished front room with board; business women or married couple employed; home privileges. Irv ington 2923. " FURNISHED, one front housekeeping room. 545 E. Vermont street. Call Ctjjcle 5147, FURNISHED full size rooms! fight, phone and heat. Call Belmont 1281. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. The ' MANKOTE for LADIES \ SNAPPY STYLISH SENSIBLE SERVICEABLE The most popular and practical lady's overcoat MADE TO YOUR MEAUSURE $45, $55, SBS, $75 and up W. G. SCHNEIDER, MERCHANT TAILOR, 39 West Ohio Street. LOSERS, wee para, finders, keepers, but aet so If you use a Times Want ad. MALE HELP—WANTED. NIGHT WATCHMAN. MUST UNDERSTAND PUMPS AND BOILERS. REFERENCE RE QUIRED. THOS. MAD DEN, SON & CO. HELP WANTED—First-class t- ephone cable splicer for permanent maintenance, and construction work. CITIZENS IN DEPENDENT TELEPHONE CO.. Terre Haute, Indiana. A GOOD lay for some person who can cook and use a typewriter- young or old; male or female; to spehd the winter in the delightful balmy breezes of southern Florida. Address with references. SAM B. ECCLES. Varna. Florida. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants hundreds women, girls as file clerks. 31.340 year; particulars free; answer Immediately. Ad dress A No. 1102. Times. MAN experienced with horses in coal and building material business; must live on premises. 1001 Southeastern ave. MEN to learn barber traded TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 309 E. Washington st.. Indianapolis, Ind. Circle 757. SALESMEN—VVANTEO. Stock Salesman IV anted We want five more live stock salesmen. Our proposition Is unusually attractive Some choice territory with good leads now open. Call at 40 Virginia ave. and let us show you one of our wonderful Ill tie Ice refrigerating machines, making tee and refrigerations. Arctic Ice Machine Cos. 11-11 Arcade Main 4461. % EXPERIENCED stock salesmen for flnt cl&a* dividend paying becurlUea of old estabiblished Indiana corporation. Call at room 510 Board of Trade any Tuesday or Wednesday. TW ,9. *!*nen to work in city, calling on office and factory trade. For appoint ment call Main 3122. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. —i-gg—nWfc- WANTED—YOUNG LADY, good reader to assist In the dictation department in return for a shortnand or bookkeeping Fred W. Case. principal. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, third floor University Park Bldg., corner Penn sylvania and Vermont streets. One door north V, W. C. A. WANTED—At once, first-class oil or china painter, man or woman; compe tent to teach large class; also willing to travel; some splendid salary; advance ment will prove of abltlty to get results; give full particulars In answering this ad. Address A No. 1106, Times. GENERAL housework, middle-aged white woman; three In family; no laundry work. |lO per week. 3061 N. New Jersey I street. GIRLS wanted for har.d sewing, drapery . work room. SANDER & RKCKEK FURNITURE CO., corner South Meridian and Maryland streets. WASHINGTON street. 1 725 w 7; good ; middle-aged lady to share home and i help do housework; 2 In family. Bel- ' rnont 4096; must give reference. CHORUS girls for musical comedy; expe rienced preferred, but not essential. Ap ply 321 Board of Trad# bldg. GIRL for general housework and laun dry, two In family. 88. Washington 3418. mornings or evenings. I INSTRUCTION a. WE TEACH vou screen writing. PALMER PHOTOPLAY CORPORATION, 24 4 Kentucky ave. Hours from 2:30 p. m. ,o 4:30 BUSINESS CHANCEI. DON'T PAY TOO MUCH FOR CLOTHES j Nor pay too little. There Is such a thing as a reasonable price—the happy medium that enables you to secure good style, good quality and good workmanship with out exorbitant cost. Our custom clothes | have earned on this basis their reputation for real clothing value. Suits or overcoats to your measure. |45, 850. |SS, 860 and up. i Trousers and dress suits in proportion. W G. SCHNEIDER. 38 WEST OHIO STREET. Be sure you are In the right place. • I A special offering of 433 shares of real estate securities, paying better than 10%; established company. Stock has sold past two years at 815 per share, but this block, or any part, goes at 812 per share. Accrued dividend payable Jan. 1, goes to purchaser. Call on Investors Banking Service Corporation. 112 E. Market St. GROCERY store doing about 8150.000 an nual business, will sell or trade for good Income property or might consider farm. FRANK S. CLARK & CO. 226 East Ohio. Main 2377. ! NEW storeroom for rent, size 15x45, newly painted and papered, electric lights and gas, large basemen : also wall | cases and counter for sale. Phone Pros pect 3925. ROOMING HOUSER Cash or terms. MR. BEBKEE, 40 North Delaware street. Main 5177. 85 AND 86 men's dress and work shoes, I $8.95. SACKS BROS. 314 Indiana ave. i ROOMING HOUSE; 7 rooms. OnlyHoo! MR. SEBREE. Main 5177. ! i; : ——i BOARD AND ROOMB—TO LET. : BELLEFONTAINE. 1236; board and room for two gentlemen friends. $7.50 each; walking distance. Call Main 8355. Utl tOliv tft. Quigley-Hylacd Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators. 525-528 Law bldg. Mhlh 2902. TRANSFER AND S^TORAUeT /T&V \7V\ 17 storage cheapest // II )( \Vy RATES IN CITY. CALL If )! j Yf Everything at rea- II 'Wj.f! II 11 aonable price. Packed. Vs. /T Jl II shipped anywhere. IS Locked room If desired. SO Wait Henry _ Main 4659. “"TRACTION TERMINAL Baggage Cos. Transfer and hauling. Main 1293. Auto. 31-261. WE MOVE by truck; local or overland: insurance fur nished free. Special rates on long-distance trips. Red Ball. Main 4631. CALL SHANK for the best service In hauling, packing, shipping and storage. $27-229 North New Jersey St. Main 2028. PET STOCK AND POULTRY^ WANTED —Homes for healthy homeless dogs. INDIANAPOLIS HUMANE SO | CIETY MUNICIPAL DOG POUND. 924 i East New York St. Hours: 11 a. m. to | 12 noon dally. , j FOUR fine Imported singers. Call at 408 ! 1 North California street. - \ NOTICES. 1 TAILORED OVERCOATS READY-TO-WEAR, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 360 Black Cheviot overcoat, size 36, sale price. 335. 350 Brown mixture overcoat, size 36. sale price 330. | 365 Gray fancy Tweed overcoat, size 37, sale price 346. 365 Blue Creviot D. B. overcoat, size 38. sale price 345. 375 Novelty plaid D. B. overcoat. bNtt-d •model. size 38, sale price 360 s'ls Fancy brown mixture overcoat, size 38. sale price 350. $65 Dark green Melton overcoat, size 38, sale price. $45. $65 Blue cheviot overcoat, size 39, sale price S4O. $65 Brown cheviot overcoat, size 39. sale price $45. SBS Brown ij-.txture Chinchilla, overcoat, size 40. sale price S6O. SIOO Black Montenac ulster, size 40, sale price $75. SBS Dark brown Melton ulster, size 40, sale price S6O. $75 Novelty plaid ulster, size 40. sale price SSO. $75 B'ue Melton oven ->at, size 40, sale price SSO. S7O Dark gray overcoat, size 40, sale price $45. $ ;0 Dark gray worsted overcoat, size 40, sale price $35. $65 Brown mixture overcoat, size 41, sale price $45. SSS Dark brown mixture Chinchilla ulster, size 41. sale price $65. S7O Green Melton overcoat, size 42, sale price $45. $75 Blue Kersey overcoat, size 42. sale price SBO. SBS Brown Shetland ulster, size 42, sale price S6O. $65 Brown mixture overcoat, size 43, sale price $45. Also a large number of sample and un called for suits in all sizes at greatly re duced prices. W. G. SCHNEIDER. 39 WEST OHIO STREET. Be sure you are in the right place. Natureopathy. Swedish Massage Baths and gen eral treatments. Thorough satisfac tion. 119 East Vermont street. First floor front Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Uui.L’l Kay and sweaisft maa-ai. Mlad DK \ KRE 17V4 VV t hl*v Muln business SERVICE*. —■ A #SAVE by having your old hats reno aated. Best work In city, by Amer ican Hatters. INDIANAPOLIS HAT BLEACHERY 28 Kentucky Ave. Main 6179. SEWING MACHINES Rented, $3 per mo. AH makes machines repaired. Every piece, part or screw for any sewing ma chine \\ Lite Sewing Machine Cos. Main 600. Auto. 25-216. 812 Mas*. Ave. teTOE~Tilfrt!U'B“ ~ Call Main 9051 and have your vaults, Rinkb and cisterns cleaned before It freeze/* up. FEATHERS “ Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and P'.I.OW.S made to order. E. F. BI'KKLB. 416 Mass ave. Main 1428 New 23-776. WE MOVE by truck; local or overland; Insurance fur nt.-hed free, special rate* on long-distance trip*. Red Ball. Main 4631. ET YRAZt )R BE A DES~ sharpened. TUTTLEDUE 261 Indian, eve If your dock le not running phone Circle 6397. M. R. SHEARS'. 11l X. Alabama. AU I oeiOdiLEo FOR SmLL " WILLYS-KNIGHT 84 The appearance and price of this economical touring car will immediately win your favor. Has been overhauled, repainted and has new top. Equipped with front and rear bumper. Easy terms can be arranged. Used car department, second floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY, Capitol Avenue at Michigan. LIGHT 6 Grant touring car In A-l shape. Will sell at bargain or trade for Ford touring car. Main 3500. MR. ROBINSON. MAXWELL ROADSTER Six tires, four practically new. good side curtains, ready to drive away. Call North 4324. Maxwell touring car; good paint, tires and general condition. Only 875 down, the balance paid weekly. INDIANAP OLIS AUTO OVERLAND 85-6 The splendid condition of thla touring car W a good indication that it has always had the best of care. Has been overhauled and repainted by our experts. Equipped with spotlight and <dl good tires. Terms If desired. Used car department, second floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY, Capitol Avenue at Michigan. MuNHOE, good shape, beat buy In town. Pay SIOO down and the balance weekly. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO., 518 North Capitol avenue. OVERLAND touring, e'.nrtric lights, starter. 875 down, balance 1 year; no brokerage. AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO., 555-57 N. Capitol avenue. WE have several touring cars and road sters. Will trade for diamonds, stock or equities In city property. 334 E. Market street. Main 5716. MAXWELL ROADSTER Light and economical to oper ate. Has been overhauled and re painted In our own shops. Can be bought upon a moderate Initial payment. Meet the balance as you ride. Used car department, sec ond floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY, Capitol Avenue at Michigan. CHEVROLET bargain, good shape, tires, etc. O. K.; 8100 down, balance weekly. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS TIRE CO. 518 North Capitol avenue. WILL trade new 1920 Ford touring car body for coupe body and pay cash dif ference. BELL-THARP SALES CO.. 48 North Senate. Main 4684. OVERLAND 4 TOURING OF GIBSON QUALITY STANDARD A sturdy 1920 model that has been driven less than 5,000 miles • and Is In excellent condition. Terms If desired. Used car de partment, second floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY, Capitol Avenue at Michigan. SAXON roadster, electrically equipped; fine tires, in all-round good shape, 875 down, balance weekly. 618 North Capitol avenue. i BEFORE purchasing a used car see us. We can save you money. DICKEY MOTOR SALES CO.. 1027 North Meridian street. FORD touring car In excellent condition; good tires for $75 down, the balance paid weekly. 518 North Capitol avenue. FORD roadster, A-l shape, shock absorb ers, Will sell at a bargain. 655-67 N. Capitol avenue. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1920. COAL SNAPS FOR THE COLD SNAP Can be found under Coal and Wood For Sale on this page. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. CHEVROLET 4SO A keen little roadster that can be bought for a very nominal ex penditure. Has been overhauled and faultlessly repainted. Used car department, second floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY, Capitol Avenue at Michigan. “HE BOUGHT A NASH” We have the following customers’ cars on sale at prices so low that you should see them before buying elsewhere. Buick K 44. roadster. Bulck H 44. roadster. Wulck K 45. touring. Bulck K 49, touring, 7-passenger. Dodge Sedan; like new. Dodge Coupe: driven 1,200 miles. Monroe. Rex top, touring. Maxwell. 1920 touring. Overland 90. Rex top. touring. Elgin Sport, 1920; disteel wheels. Cash or reasonable terma LOSEY-NASH RETAIL CO. Main 3348 OVERLAND 85-4 An attractive touring car which Is one of the best values we have to offer. Has been repainted ar.d overhauled. Tires are excellent. Easy terms can be arranged. Used car department, second floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY, Capitol Avenue at Michigan. Closed Cars You cannot afford to overlook the in spection of the following if you an ticipate buying a winter car. Marino.i K.,ewed 34. Cole Aero Eight. Cadillac 59, Winter Top. Cadltlao Sedan. Klsseil. Paige. National. Marmon Special Sedan. We will demonstrate these cars to your entire satisfaction. Visit our Used Car I>epar trne 11 h We offer some wonderful values. Local Branch NORDYKE & MARMON CO. Meridian at Eleventh FORD coupe. I*2o. In fin# shape, prac tlcally new INDIANAPOLIS At TO SALES CO.. 235 N. Pennsylvania street.^ FORD touring 1919 INDIANAPOLIS Al'TO SALES CO.. 235 N. Pennsylvania street. AUTOMOBILES— W ANTED. AUTOS WANTED We guarantee highest cash price for your car. INDPLS. AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 518 North Capitol. Main 2638 Auto. 22-018. largest buyers and hellers of used cars in the state. I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you caah for It Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive id, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK rtT. AUTOtt WANTED We pay cash. No delay for your money It Is here for you. Come In or call. I. Wolf Auto P.rts & Tire Cos. 91* N. Illinois at. Main 197*. Auto. 99-06* Ws also buy lunk ears. AUTOS wanted, highest cash prices, no delay; quick action AUTOMOBILE TRADING CO.. 565 N, Capitol. AUTO HC.PAIRB AN3 SUPPLIES. CITIZENS AUTO REPAIR Work dons by factory experts. REAR 3343 N. Capitol ave. Harrison 755. BATTERIES. New and guaranteed for any ear. Rebuilt, repainted, recharged. Open until 9 p m. BATfEKY DISTRIBUTING CO. 607 Mags. Ave. M.iln 8145. Don't Walt Till Christmas! Now la the time to get that car painted for your sprinr driving. FLEMING & HEED 180-32 E. New York St. AUTO WASHING' Our Specialty, 333-334 North Illlnola £ & S Auto Laundry ONE-MAN au'o tops, side curtains, eeal and radiator covers. PERFECTION AUTO TOP CO.. 11*7 Udell street. North 545 l _ __ _ _____ j DOWNTOWN TIRE SHOP. VULCANIZING that gives satisfaction. 15 Kentucky avenue. Main 1137. AotOl* AhO l liuuAs rn niah AUTOS FOR KENT —Do your own driv ing. U-Prlvo Auto sorvico at Booster ! Laundry. Rear Keith's theater. Male , 6*21. j U-DRIVB 'EM. Automobiles rented to drive yourself. MARKET MOTOR SERVICE. 334 E. Market at Main 6TI* MU I ORCYCLEa AND BIOr u Lfcju HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycles and Bicycles Johnson Motor Wheels ERNEST HUGHES 534-36 Mass. Ave Mein 9404. OAbH paid for all kinds of motorcycles FLOYD PETERMAN. tea Massachu setts avenue OVERLAND TRANSPORTATION. MOVE furniture by the dependable service. All shipments Insured. SUN BEAM LINES. _ Main 3841. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Wegeman Piano Beautiful art mahogany case, like new; big value at 3350; 'payments $2.50 per w .ek. E. L. Lennox Piano Cos. 16 N. Meridian st. RECORDS: good record* of any make you desire. 40c. BAKER BROS.. 219 ,J. 'Washington. VIOLINS, % size, % size and full size, j WACHMAN. 628 South Alabama. Pros- I peet 5768. PIANO, standard make, like new. Bar gain. Part payments. North 9502. WILL pay $25 to S6O cash for upright ' piano. North 4221. j WHEN patronising those advertisers men tlon The Time*. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. $400.00 CASH Balance like rent. 1826 Thalman avenue. Five-room cottage, elec tric lights, driven well, cistern, fruit cellar, newly painted and papered; east front, lot 35x140; near Midwest Engine Cos.; Imme diate possession. B. R. Meredith, Realtor, Gregory & Appel, Inc. Main 995. Res., Wood. 7958. 28-295. 1019 ELM ST. We are offering for sale a fine five-room semi-modern cottage at this location. This Is on an Improved street In a good neigh borhood south and It can be bought on terms; S6OO down, balance like rent. For further particulars see Mr. Brake. Sclimid & Smith, Inc. Realtors. 134 N. Del. St. _ Main 4088. W. L BARGAIN Six rooms, electricity, gas and city water, on Improved street, in one of the best locations west. Price $2,250; $350 cash. S2O monthly. Call Mr. Elder. Eve nings, Irvington 3406. Schmid & Smith, Inc. Realtors. 134 N, Del. St. Mala 10S8. ST. PHILIP PARISH SIX-ROOM MODERN. Wo have a good home on Gray street for only $3,8*0; to be sold on terms. Call Main 1499 after 6 p. m. North 943. Home Seekers Realty Cos. WE have customers with SIOO to SSOO cash for south side property. Call us today about yours. W. L. Bridges, Realtor. 336-9 K. of P. Bldg. Main 4114. Ill) CASH, then only $1.26 weekly secures a beautiful, large, high, level lot In that good section c'ose to Thirty-Eighth street and two square* southeast of fair grounds. Price thh, week only $525. 640 Lcrncke Annex. Main 1409. EAST Seven rooms, semi-modern. $3 000; SSOO cash, balance easy terms. Party Is leaving city. Paved street and good locution, bou Air. Mclnteer, with I. N. Richie & Cos. FOR COLORED S3OO cash, balance like rent. Five room, and reception hall; newly painted and decorated, good location noriheaut, only $2,500. R. 11. Hartman. VACANT 1319 South Talbott. 4 rooms, electricity, gas, city water; nw paint, new paper; easy terms. S3UO cash. Frlce $2,300. Henry & Robins, Realtors 153 E. Market. Main 5638. A REAL bargain In a seven-room double. modern, newly painted. 1200 block E. Market street. Down to wn. walking dis tance. Rent $675. Price $5,300. Good Investment. Prospect 8861 A IiUUD 4-room buugalow on Ibe < orr.ef of 12th and Tibbs ave., the lot is 90x 137; price $3,100, can make terms. bTATE SAVINGS AND TRUsl' CO Mali. 4517. Residence Belmont 2037. EAST SIDE HOME. Nine rooms, gas, electric lights, water, etreet Improved. $3,000. Only SSOO cash. MARION COUNTY STATE BANK. STRICTLY modern and almoet new double house. east front, paved street. Rent S9O. Reasonable terms. Washing ton 1079. FINE modern home, almost new. hard wood lloors. sun room, boulevard street. Can arrange terma Washington 1079. DOUBLE. Rural, near Washington; Gve rooms, modern, paved street, $750 cash, balance monthly. Main 107. IF you are wanting bargains In property on south side In singles and double*. Cali Prospect 6154 af'er p. n REAL E 6 TATE—SALfc OR TfIADE, FOR SALE OR TRADE A modern house for a small farm. Call Irvington 631. 200 S. Sher man Drive. HOU3EHOLD GOOD=>T ~ ATTENTION HELP FIGHT HIGH CO.ST OF LIVING. Bcr.utlfui (Uvenportn with chairs to | match. 1 doitn atylea to chooj*# from. We make them to your Individual ordar. You can hava covered to carry out any color or decorative achome you havo In mind, tapcairy. velour, damask, corduroy. (Janlmi; a wonderful varlaty to choose from and all at a of from 50 to 100 par cant on tha regular ratal! atora prbaa. Whan you consider that I have made davenport* and chair* in Indi anapolis for sum* of th* ba*t retail furni ture stores for SO years you will know 1 am not an experiment. 1 make nothing hut guaranteed upholstered furniture. We also retlnlsh and repair. t.lve us a call and Juris# for yourself. HENRY MAGLU 108 3. Capitol avenue. Telephone Mam , 102 “heaters. BASKBURNEUB. HOTBLASTB. OAK STOVER. GAS HEATERS. COAL OIL HEATERS, CANNON STOVES and large stoves for factory, shop, school houses or church. All of our stoves are guaranteed In beat condition, at the lowest price. GLAZER, 211 E. Washington t. _ ( l i t V Lift Tee W still have them, all makes and sixes and all prices trom $8 up to S4O Come look them over and If you wish we can give you terms to suit, also we have new linoleum at reduced prices; the best | patterns in the city for the least price. AUo everything In the line of furniture. KKOOT A KROOT, 60.-9 W. Washington. BUGS Hundreds of rugs, all kinds: wool filler, Axmlnster, Bozart. velvet. Wiltons, gras, matting, any kind of a rug, we have them. Come and see our ruga before you buy. GLAZER GOOD I'Bgp Kuos. - We bare the largest seisetton In Indi anapolis of high-grade used ruga; all else*, at prices that will plsase you. IJBKD GOODS STORE 424 Masnachiiaets ave. INVALID CHAIRS and crutches to rent, free delivery to all parts of city; In valid chairs 33.50 per month. Baker Bros., 219 E. Washington et. yy K want to - but j good furniture, rugs, office and ators fix- ! lures. We pay more than other dealer* Call Cooperlder. USED GOODS STORE. Main 2288. KITCHEN table extension droppers, chairs. rockers, OHk cupboard. sweeper vac., solid oak bed and springs. 3968 Grace land avenue. Washington 607. kAUisA’i HUME—If yen want a Rad iant Home basebumar, on payments, go to BAKER BROS. MAHOGANY parlor suites at less than half netv price, on payments. BAKER BROS. COMBINATION Peninsular ranges at eave _ha!f prices on payment? BAKER BROS. ALL kinds of household goods at nave half prices, on payments. BAKER BROS COMBINATION Garland rangea at save half prices, on payments. BAKER BROS. MAHOGANY bedroom suttee at save-half prices, on payments. BAKER BROS. RUGS and floor coverings at save-half prices on payments. BAKER BROS. PALACE—If you want a Palace hotblasl. on payments, go to BAKER BROS. KITCHEN cabinets at save-half prices. Ca?h or payments. BAKER BROS. CLERMONT—If you want a Clermont hot blat co payments, go to BAKER BROS CHIFFEROBES at save-half prices, on payments at BAKER BROS. 4 j COAL RANGES at save-half prices on payments at BAKER BROS. V FOR SALE—Largo size hotblast, scarcely used. 1216 E. Ohio street. DAVENOS at save-half prices on pay ments at BAKER BROS. GAS RANGES at save-half prices, on pay ments, BAKER BROS. GET a stove for that extra room. Buy It from BA KER BROS. EASY CHAIRS, dirt cheap on payments, at BAKER BROS. MISCELLANEOUS—FOR SALE. - - - ■ - - - -.-1 ~,> Um TAILORED SUITS READY-TO-WEAR AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. prf 6 e t 40 ay worsted Bult * size 25. a Ale „,?7 6 ,a B KP* bro *n unfinished worsted $45 00 <d b °’ brCa “ ted) ' SlZ ® 36 ' Ba! ® P rice ’ Rl xJ > %R CrH3 i ba * ket Weave worsted suit, size 36, ale price S4O. , V. He , rrln * bon9 striped Cheviot suit, size 86, sale price $45 suft GS B ,z 0 e Xf 3L d .,a^ a p y r ,ce U i n 4r ahe<l safe>ric.° V s?0 BtriPed TWe#d BU,t ' 8116 S7 ' $75 Striped brown worsted suit, size 37. sale price SSO. ’ price 5 s b 35 0 basket weav ® suit, size 38, sale $65 Dark gray unfinished worsted suit, size 38 sale price S4O. $75 Brown checked^— Worsted suit, size 38, sale price SSO. $45 6 00 BlUe Ch * Vlot SU,t ' Blze 38 ’ Bale P rlco $75 Novelty gray worsted suit, size 38. sal* price SSO. $75 Brown plaid suit, size 38, for man six feet In height, sale price SSO. S6O Gray worsted suit, size 39, sale price $35. S7O Gray checked worsted suit, size 39, salo price $45. $75 Light gray basket weave worsted coat and trousers, size'39, sale price S4O. $65 Oxford gray unfinished worsted suit, size 89 sale pri e $45. $65 Blue striped worsted suit, size 39, sale price $45. S6O Brown chec'ked worsted suit, size 39, sale price S4O. S6O Gray Herringbone worsted suit, size 40, sale price S4O. S6O Blue Herringbone striped worsted suit, size 40, sale price $45. $75 Light gray striped worsted coat and trousers, size 40, sale price s'?s. $65 Gray unfinished worsted suit, size 41, sale price S4O. $65 Blue unfinished worsted suit, size 41. sale price $46. SGS Brown checked worsted suit, size 41. sale price S4O $65 Blue striped worsted suit, size 41, sale price $46, *65 Blue Cheviot suit, size 42, sale price $4 5. $65 Dark gray unfinished worsted suit, size 43. sale price $46. S6O Striped Tweed suit, size 44, sale price S4O. $65 Silk mixed worsted suit, size 46, sale price S4O. A large number of overcoats In all sizes, values S6O to SBS. sale prices S3O to S6O. \V. G. SCHNEIDER 39 WEST OHIO STREET. Be sure you are In the right place. — TYPEWRITER BARGAINS | TERMS Jftagl*/ y if ' DESIRED GET OUR PRICES ON UNDER WOOD. MONARCH. REMING TON. L. C, SMITH. ROYAL. OLIVER and other GOOD USED MACHINES AT LOW PRICES. ALL MACHINES GUARANTEED. CLARK TYPEWRITER SHOP ENTRANCE 18 WEST MARKET ST. foil. ILLINOIS. UPSTAIRS. PHONE. MAIN 2636. SPECIAL SALE on all-wool trouser* to your measure, while they last. $7, $3. $9 and $lO. W. G. SCHNEIDER. 39 WEST OHIO STREET. Bo sure you are In the right place. Quit Wearing Ready-Made PUTS Sg M Ve make them to A B jour measure for LEON TAILORING CO. 131 E. NEW YORK. Up one flight. GOODS FOR SALE BY THE YARD at wholesale prtcea, for ladles' tailor made suits, overcoats, capea dresses and boys' wear. W G. SCHNEIDER. 39 WEST OHIO STREET. Be sure you are In the right place. (T\ ~ c it, r 3 or /TV If $4, $5, SG, $7 I | I If WE in W no E M*rkt. W - x 1.1. - - Ful I reed baby earrings, sl6; Perfection oil stove, $1.50 port able. folding Ironing be ttr a. $1.00; bench wringer, $2.50. 325 Bancroft. Irvington 3165. Foil HALE—A new 47-lnch Calumet gas ran.-e: porcelain flashers, handles and oven doors; cheap. Telephone Washing ton 3539, or at 4402 Carrollton avenue. SOUTHEASTERN avenue. 1805; one lady's dress, size 38; one coat, size 36, and one skirt, size 27. Also some crochet work. GRAPE VINES, firat-class; two yeara old: Concord, fresh from nursery; guaran teed 35'7 off list price. Belmont "967. BABY'S old-fashioned cradle, s\; brown reed stroller. Bloch make, slg. 2313 Coyner. Woodruff 3136. CORN, sl.lO bushel; oats, 76 cents; chick ens. ducks and Woodruff 350. 4000 F.. Thirty-Fourth street. BABY CARRIAGE, genuine reed, large convertible, good as new. 3043 Hovey. Woodruff 6616. FURNITURE and clothing of private family; leaving city. Prospect 4733. 981 Villa. $5 AND $6 men's dress and work shoes, i $3.95. SACKS BROS. 314 Indiana ave. j COAL range, black and white enamel; | half price. Call Southport 101-1. DESKS at save-half prices on payments ; at BAKER BROS. MISCIiLLANEOUb — nan i cw. THERE ARE REASONS w-hy you should let us make your clothes j this fall. Here they are—good quality, 1 correct atyle and comfort combined with reasonable prices. Suits or overcoats to your measure, $45. SSO, $55, S6O and up. Trdusera and dress suits In proportion. W. G. SCHNEIDER. 39 WEST OHIO SIREET. Be sure you are In the right place. WE WILL PAY 75c A BUSHEL FOR WAGON EAR CORN DELIVERED TO THE STOCK YARDS. LEW SHANK pays best prices in city for household goods and fixtures of all kinds. 227 North New Jersey street. Main 2028. WE MOVE by truck; local or overland; Insurance fur nished free; special rates on long-distance trips. Red Ball. Main 4631. LOTS FOR SALE. LARGE, beautiful lots In Wayne park, Ju3t off of West Washington stre t. which Is being paved; $1 down, $1 week. Will take you out in our automobile st your convenience. OSCAR LEE, 150* City Trust. Main 916. REAL ESTATE—WANTED. IF you desire to sell any dwelling houses on south aide, cash or payments, write, phene fir f'f'm-' u< BRANDON & JAMESON ff7_N-_Dala ware St. Main 5763. HAVE customer for six or seven-room / modern home north or east; also for 5 room bungalow and double. Call us if your property is for sale. Main 107, or ROOMING houses wanted. Call MR REBUKE. Main 5177. FARMS—FOR SALE Q R TRADE^ FOR TRADE 120-acre stock and grain farm, three miles west Spencer. Ind. Not a rough and worn-out piace. but one that grows good crops. Want Indianapolis property. See Mr. Hurst, Investors Banking Service Corporation. CO ALA ND vVOu u fOh 4Aut. SPECIAL SALE. 14-lnch beech wood, $8 per cord or 2 cords sls. Call Main 430. Auto. 24-730. COMMERCIAL FUEL CO. ILLINOIS LUhllC L. H BAIN COAL CO. Main 2161 or Main 3531. coal. Coal. coal. WEAVER cOAL CO. 11l Leota St. Prospect 2501. FOR SALE—CoaI and wood. IN 1 RE STATE PRODUCTS CO. Main S3. • DON'T GRIEVE - If you really want It back, insert a small ad In the "Lost and Found" col umns of The Times and It will soon be returned. Phone Main 3590. Auto, 23-351. TAKE The Times Want ad route to reacn the home. LEGAL NOTICE. . . . State of Indiana. State Board of Tax Commissioners. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO ISSUE BONDS OR OTHER EVIDENCE OF INDEBTEDNESS. In the matter of the petition of the city of Indianapolis to insue bonds or other evidence of indebtedness. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS: Notice Is hereby given that the city of Indianapolis by its Mayor, Charles TV. Jewott, and its City Controller, Robert H Bryson, has filed with the State Board of Tax Commissioners of the State of Indiana a petition to issue bonds or other evidence of Indebtedness for the purpose of making a permanent loan of Four Hundred Thous and Dollars ts4o<*,ooo.oo) at a rate of In terest not exceeding 5^4 e /c per annum, pay able eeml-annually, payable Ir, twenty equal yearly Installments, beginning Jan. 21. 1922, for the purpore of raising money to buy ad ditional fire equipment for the fire force of the city of Indianapolis. A public hearing on said petition will be held In Indianapolis at the office of the Stats Beard of Tax Commissioners in the Statehouso on the 29th day of November. 1920, at ten o'clock a. in. AU taxpayers and all persons Interested aro noilfltd to be present at said hearing. Dated Nov. 12th, 1930. CITY' OF INDIANAPOLIS, By CHARLES W. JEWETT. Mayor. By ROBERT H. BRYSON, City Controller. SAMUEL ASHBY, Corporation Counsel. No. *033. UNITED STATES MARSHALS NOTICE. United States of America, District of Indiana, as: Whereas, a libel of Information was filed In the District Court of the United States for the District of Indiana, on the 29th day of October, 1920. by Frederick Van Nuys. United States Attorney, on behalf of the United States, against one Chevrolet, 1916 model. 5-passenger motor vehicle, motor No. 102416, seized at said district for violation of the revenue law. and claiming damages In the sum of $ , and praying process said property, aqd that the same may be condemned and sold therefor. Now. therefore. In pursuance of the monition under the seal of said court to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming said goods, or any part thereof, or In any manner Interested therein, that they be and appear before the District Court of the United States, to be held at the city of Indianapolis, ih and for the District of Indiana, on the first Monday of December next, at 10 o'clock of the forenoon of that day. then and there to interpose their claims and make their allegations in that behalf. MARK STOREN. Attest; Marshal. U. 3. NOBI.E C. BUTLER. Clerk. No. 8054. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S NOTICE. United States of America, District of Indiana, m: Whereas, a libel of Information was filed In the District Court of the United States for the District of Indiana, on the 6th day of November, 1920, by Frederick Van Nuys. United States Attorney, on behalf of the United States, against one 7- passenger motor vehicle, engine No. 9N -31225. Illinois license No. 259901. 1920. seized at said district for violation of the revenue law. and claiming damages in the sum of $ , and praying process against aa'.d property, and that the same may be condemned and sold therefor. Now. therefore, In pursuance of the monition under the eeal of said court to me directed and delivered. 1 do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming mv!d good*, or any part thereof, or In any manner Interested therein, that they be and appear before the District Court of the United States, to be held at the city of Indianapolis, In and for the District of Indiana, on the first Monday of December next, at 10 o'clock of the forenoon of that day. then and there to Interpose their claims and make their allegations tn that behalf. MARK STOREN, Attest: Marshal, U. S. NOBLE C. BUTLER, Clerk. No. toss! UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S NOTICE. United States of America, District of Indiana, ss: Whereas, a libel of Information was filed In the District Court of the United States for the District of Indiana, on the 6th day of November. 1920. by Frederick Van Nuys. United States Attorney, on behalf of the United States, against one Stude baker 7-passenger motor vehicle, engine No. 16312. Indiana license No. 92793. 1920. ; seized at said district for violation of the j revenue law and claiming damage* In the \ sum of $ , and praying process against j said property, and that the same may be condemned and sold therefor. Now. therefore. In pursuance of the I monition under the seal of said court to j me directed and delivered. I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming ! said goods, or any part thereof, or In any j manner Interested therein, that they be ! and appear b-fore the District Court of the United States, to be held at the city j of Indianapolis In ard for the District of ! Indiana on the first Monday of December i next, at 10 o'clock of the forenoon of that ' day, then and there to interpose their claims and make their allegations in that behalf. MARK STOREN. Attest; Marshal, U. S. NOBLE C. BUTLER. Clerk. No. 8056. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S NOTICE. United States of America, District of Indiana, ss: Whereas, a libel of Information was filed In the District Court of the United States for the District of Indiana on the fith day of November. 1920. by Frederick 'an Nuys, United States Attorney, on behalf of the United States, against one Dodge 5-pasreegrr motor vehicle, engine No. 234- 472. seized at said d'strlet for violation of the revenue law', and claiming damages In the sum of I , and praying process against said property, and that the same may be condemned and sold therefer. Now, therefore. In pursuance of the monition under the seal cf said court to me directed n-d delivered. I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming said goods, or any part thereof, or In any manner Interested therein that they be R"d appear before the District Court of the United States, to be held at the city of Indianapolis. In and for the District of Indiana, on the first Monday of December next, at 19 o'clock of the forenoon of that day. then and there to Interpose their •Malms and make their allegations ) n that behalf. MARK STOREN. Attest: Marshal. U. S. NOBLE C. BUTLER Cl-rk No. ISS‘J9. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice Is h< rc by given, that the under signed has duly qualified as administrator of estate of Emily Smith, deceased, late of Marion County. Indiana. Sa'.d estate is supposed to be solvent. MARTTN F. I.YNCH. WILLIAM P. REAGAN, Attorney. NOTICE. Stockholders of the Capitol City Oil and Gaa Company's annual election of direc tors will be held Dec* 2. 1820 at * p. m. at company's office. 84 Union Trust Bldg L. W. CURRY, Secr*tary and Treasurer. No. 8057. UNITED STATES MARSHAL’S NOTICE. United States of America, District ot Indiana, ss: Whereas, a libel of Information was filed In the District Court of the United States for the District of Indiana, on the <th day of November, 1920, by Frederick Van Nuys, United States Attorney, on behalf of the United states, against one Faige 6-passenger motor vehicle, engine No. 1167, Indiai.a license No. 228127, 1920, seized at said district for violation of the revenue law and claiming damages in the sum of $ . and prating process against said property, a..d that the sme may be con* , damned and sold therefoi. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the | monition under the seal of said court to I me directed and delivered, 1 dq hereby ! give public notice to all persons claiming said goods, or any part thereof, or in any manner interested therein, that they be ai.d appear b.fore the District Court of ; the United States, to be held at the city I of Indiauapous, in and . r the District of | Indiana, on the first of December next, at 10 o'clock of the forenoon of that day, then and there to interpose their claim* and make their allegations in that , behalf. MARK SiOREN, Attest: Marshal, U. 3. ! NOBLE C. BUTLER. Clerk. No. 8061. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S NOTICE. United States of America, District of ; Indiana, ss: 1 Whereas. & libel of Information was filed In the District Court of the United States for the District of Indiana, on the 6sh - day of November, 1920, by Frederick Van : Nuys, United States Attorney, on behalf of tha United States, against one Chevrolet Baby Grand 5-pasaanger motor vehicle, en gine No. 114163, Indiana license No. 62582, seized at said district for violation of the revenue law and claiming damages In the sum of $ , and praying process against said property, and that the same may be condemned and sold therefor. Now. therefore, in pursuance of the monition under the sea! of said court to mo directed aid delivered, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming said goods, or any part thereof, or In any manner Interest'd therein, that they be and appear before the District Court of : the United States, to be held at 'the city i of Indianapolis, in and for the District of Indiana, on the first Monday of December : next, at 10 o’clock of the forenoon of that i day, then and there to Interpose their ‘ claims and make their allegations in that | behalf. MARK STOREN, Attest: Marshal. U. 3. NOBLE C. BUTLER, Cltrk. No. 8064. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S NOTICE. , United States of America, District ot Indiana, ss: Whereas, a libel of information was filed , in the District Court of the United States for the District of Indiana on the 11th day of November. 1920, by Frederick Van Nuys, United States Attorney, oi? behalf of the United States, against one Dodge 5-passenger motor vehicle, engine No. 879- 040, Indiana license No. 165532, 1920, seized at eaid district for violation of the revenue law, and oaimlng damages In the sum of $ , and praying process against j said property, and that the same may bo condemned and sold therefor, j Now, therefore. In pursuance of the ; monition under the seal of said court to me directed and delivered, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming said goods, or any part thereof, or tn any ; manner interested therein, that they be and appear before the District Court of the United Statea to be held at the city ; of Indianapolis, In and for the District of Indiana, on the first Monday of December next, at 10 o’clock of the forenoon of that day, then and there to interpose their claims ar.d make their allegations in that behalf. MARK STOREN. Attest: Marshal, U. 3. NOBLE C. BUTLER. Clerk. No. 8066. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S NOTICE. United Statea of America, District of Indiana, ss; Whereas, a libel of Information was filed In the District Court of the United States 1 for the District of Indiana- on the 11th | day of November, 1920, by Frederick Van : Nuys, United States Attorney, on behalf ■ of the United States, against one Buick ; 5-passenger motor vehlCie, engine No. 665- 426, Indiana license No. 38289, 1920, seized at said district for violation of the revenue .aw, and claiming damages In the sum of $ , and praying process against said property, and that the same may be con demned and sold therefor. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the 1 monition under the seal of said court to me directed and delivered, 1 do hereby give public notice to ail persons claiming said goods, or any part thereof, or/ In any manner interested therein, that they be and appear before the District Court of the United States, to be held at the city of Indianapolis, In and for the District of Indiana, on the first Monday of December next, at 10 o'clock of the forenoon of that day, then and there to interpose thtir claims and make their allegations in that behalf. MARK STOREN, Attest: Marshal, U. S. NOBLE C. BUTLER, Clerk. No. 8068 UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S NOTICE. Unittd States of America, District of Indiana, ss: Whereas, a libel of Information was filed In the District Court of the United States for the District of Indiana on the 11th day of November, 1920, by Frederick Van Nuys. United States Attorney, on behalf of the United States, against one Ford sedan motor vehicle, engine No. 3591688, Indiana license No. 34834, 1920, seized at said district In violation of the revenue law, and claiming damages In the sum of $ , and praying process against said property, and that the same may be con demned and sold therefor. Now, therefore. In pursuance Os the monition under the seal of said court to me directed and delivered. I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming said goods, or any part thereof, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and appear before the District Court of the United States, to be held at the city of Indianapolis, In ar.d for the District of Indiana, on the first Monday of December next, at 10 o'clock of the forenoon of that day. then and there to Interpose their claims and make their allegations In that behalf. MARK STOREN, Attest: * Marshal. U. S. NOBLE C, BUTLER. Clerk. ~ FINANCIAL. WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WB PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACT* MORTGAGES. BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K SAWYER. Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg. Southwest corn*’ Delaware and Market WE MOVE by truck; local or overland; Insurance fur nished free. Special rates on loug-distan trip*. Red Ball. Main 4631. INSURANCE In all branches. AUBREY D. PORTER. 916 Peoples Bank bldg. Main 7049, FIRST and second mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate. R. B. WIL SON. 103 N. Delaware st. Main 1618. LOANS on dlaminds; per month. BURTO" JEWELRY CO.. 51 Monu ment MONEY to"loan on city and farm broker age 65 When bid*. American Red Cross Aids Stricken City WARSAW, Poland, Nor. 19.—Two thou sand starving babies, besides 10,(K10 hos pital patients. 5,000 orphans, 2,000 aged and 300 war invalids were given Ameri can relief In Lier during the Polish oc cupation of that city last summer, says an official report just made public at American Red Cross headquarters here. The recent military crisis delayed publi cation of the report. According to the American Red Cross statement, forty one hospitals, thirty orphanges. nineteen homes for the aged nud ten child feed ; ing stations were cared for during the one month which the American Red ! Cross carried on Its work In the Ukrain ian city. Buys $872,000 Bonds Announcement was made today that ft syndicate composed of the Fletcher Sav ings and Trust Company, the Fletcher American Company, the City Trust Com pany, Breed Elliott & Harrison, Hauei sen & Jewett and the Lincoln National Bank of Ft. Wayne had purchased $872,000 worth of Ft. Wayne school bonds, the second laigest school bond issue In the State this year. The bonds, which bear 6 per cent In terest, are in SI,OOO denominations, and are dated Nov. 1, 1920. falling due Nov. 1, 1925. They were sold at a premium of $lO 000, making the yield about 5.4 per cent. The purchase was made by 0. F. Cllp plnger, representing the Fletcher Saving! 1 1 ii Trust Company, managers of the syndicate.