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SAYS INDIA ART RIVALS GREEK Speaker Gives Illustrated Lec ture at Caleb Mills Hall. ‘•While we put in years in study of the art of Greece and Italy we do not realize that India has Just as great natural and architectural beauty," declared Walter F. Perry of Brooklyn, in an address on "India and Ita Art” at Caleb Mil s hail. Mr. Perry was to make an address on "Art in the Home" this afternoon. ITc is speaking under the Joint ausjdces of the Indianapolis public schools and the drama league. Both lectures are Illus trated. Mr. Perry showed a number of views of the temples in India which he declares equal to those of ancient Greece. He pointed out that the people o' India are more religious than the Christian peop.e. "Where we say ‘tlfou shait not kill.’ meaning tinman life, they say ‘thou shait . not kill anything,’ either human or ani mal life. Hence, when they enter the temples they cover their faces In order that they may not breathe an insct thus taking its life. They alao inflict And a wonderfully glorious place it is! It gleams and glitters and sparkles with thousands of things that make Christmas for the children. And with the formal opening of Toyland we have combined a Toy Sale. Choose your toys now, make a small pay ment down and the final payment just before Christmas, when they will be delivered. The following list is necessarily incomplete, but it gives you an idea of the offerings represented. “Art Craft” Dolls Pull-a-Part Circus $9.75 Coaster Little dimpled darling* that j Clowns, animals and all WagOnS, $7.40 / ■■■■— ■■■ v TP ■ look so alive you’d think the necessary "Uxlns” to Ia they'd squeal if you tickled complete a circus. Toe mil- Roller bearing and built _ JL ir £9 U them. And their eyes open mnls, 63*: 9LJW „ *''!• stand rougu treatment. g evvvn o ** and close—great big eyes ~ A DV S CL C' _;„1 . s ,T*o,r,: L’.TXL rl; 54.00.*-® 8: ’ Character Dolls J very special sst!;,. i-.,..-,. S s $2.49 Don .“it. Verv —.- _• um ~u **- I'l in'h . s i.i:t Furniture, -r Reductions £S £ S£::;:S?:S 1 $2.12 set •*?*•... -.*. .u„, Cma/inl It.aatlfully .nain.lcd .nil , h , , L#k—• X ' - 1 Stuffed Animals t-. 4U*ia.SSr r " ,ar f,VSO dolls, 17 Inc Ti. curl*. - • 98c Rag Doiis or m &t sz Keductsons i Dogs, 83c ” ' plente.’* And loinc n#i 13 inch ill*', cotton tufT<y!. A ?! „ lir | 4 Who must have thought lot* | |! r * rurU ’ 4 Os him has tied a red ribbon j Prmilvin a timi moving e>ea, $10..0. under hi* chin. And thera ! wOlilDinallOH . _ , ,f/ ■OS ® re °ther animal*, Game Boards Register Banks Uj /j //// regular menagerie—some of uaiuc JJWell UO O AfT”’ jj l I ! f j] them big and strong enough Carrom combination, re?u- Such a fascinating toy, Just fjf A | for little one* to ride on. larly $7. SO, for 96.37; like a regular big cash fit’7W -X',. 1 Priced 81.20 to 813.00. Archerena combination reg- register Hes >r you know It M jpq / [S. I/| ,i V less t3 per cent. ularly *4.73, for 84.00. the entire family will be drop- *gi ■■ . I I piug nickels and dimes In It, A Soldier Sets Wonderland /WT* V . || Mi, | ||ili#r4Ua| ‘'Put TTrU n amount register. Jf I . 1 iT-1 /TAT These little metal men will UUIcUpO Three coin banks, regularly f/-7\ \ V* *O . ILJBLJE be but slightly battered after B.V flowers, birds and *2.~>. for 81.81. /f O \ t a / M / many bloody battl. Can't funny facet, 29*. <V.c head- Mckel and Dime Dinks. r> g / JtA V \ Q J a r(J \IH / yoti imagine how thrilling It lest animals and bird sjx;U-, ularly |1 75. for 81.40. \ If v’y ' 'dlj / , LS_y w-*' will bo r<ir the boy to line up 1 ers, 55*. 1 '*’'T V the marine* pictured to the Cftn T nOo COo n Roller chimes -cj ” J ;: ! a:ri k , I ‘’-' n -u T “'LS uStSE" a a r^n/Oi . li y •“ U ' * e pl ’ thev make mualc. '2V slse, f\ / 'l/ft \ 21*: Me size, 43*: j.oo Tvo'-ty Pumitlirp ) \i\ flßc Seta. 12 men, 55*. l / *** ~rx 85e Artillery aete, with tent, 91.06. you ,i„ n -, have t Just /i r K~ \ 7'ZC. . „ , , etand and !n*,k at it or use £ j *I.BO Pets, teat and can- SeWUlg Cards aild u Just for done., lt-a Jk i ft - MpprllAwnrlr voiM, \\ f V 9 ] Other sets. *rtso regularly, ch , Jr , sn(J Just , ook nt \\ \ ——— \ I * I I for 85.52. and *IO.OB sets 25c m-ts. 21*; S(V sets, th , table In the pic \\J) f / / C \ m P* •-J for 89.33. 43*; 30’ eta, 33*; Me turn—can't you Imagine a per- a‘>. J /Civv '■S ,A° w 76*; *175 sets, feetly lovely little tea par HJ W 0 7 ’ * 7 ~ h ) Kiddie Kars *-s .j, we- 11.. . n J t>. i.t 35c Airplanes, 29c & \ f f j ' ( I velopa sturdy little legs and Small sailor that tiles like i **£”//'* “ , • . , 87.X.1. 1/ \ / l 1 rfv ha, great .port if he K own, a top .pin., j "f-r f-V? * ) ( [f j li th n ree o fPoI ’ Ul .*? rt II PI U. Ifnlg ' chalrT. 4 fl inches {T ‘•‘■N U l J oT[\ J conatruc6on —°' ,o ' ld Doll ClotheS | regularly *d 50. for g \ g, ° Ap \ Size No. 1, regularly *1.75. Trunks j Rockers without arm* reg- J HT i| k JSSjL A/f> 2> for 81.49. ’ ularly *'1.75, for 85.74. a y' JEfISLv Bi Zfi y 0 2 regnlarlv *” 50 90c !zc, 12-lnch, 77*; Armchairs, regularly $S 00, - for *2.12. *1.50 size, 14 inch, 81.27; for *6.80. W'' V A K -W Size No 3, regularly *3OO, *2.30 size, 18 inch, 92.12. Combination high chatr to L -J W' for *2.55. "’“I piny table regularly \ 7 rPKuUr,y ”' SO, Talking Dolls * los °- f,,r , n sor 1 •3 N 40 S ' rPifUlarlsr ,4 °°’ Say. “mamma" now. may- j Fire Engines l , /7 Rto L ' ~fz* ( I _ Trailers. regularly *1.75, i h . e • m , or , e , I , at * r ’ , * hey . hove ! Clang! Clang! Clang! S\) I f / \ f;M fi J for 81.49. I *tt!ffe,| be dies and wear long Clear the track for the fire iffl It &* / \ 6 r j —C \/ /?( r, 'i' baby, department! First of nil *** /A \ ~ ~f—*x , 98 size, 14-inch, 82j53. come* the engine— not the __ / /\ \ i/K. v.,/ Automobiles $ - ,uu ,llp> 1 ‘ 1,,ch * *l-25. )M k i n(] W | !h u.o h..r,.-* P 7/ M \lft ft ~M. C ~ e , . hitched to It but a brand new, fiit"i V^sV L p-R Have rubber tires and steer. PlCtUre BIOCkS gUtterl-.g red and gold one 77 f) \\/ W fL'XjLZxr** Ins wheel *1 (.50 vellow *..♦ ! “ regu’ar automobile, with ~ i ! j</ 40-Inch *8 l>2 ’ Bright colored pictures ( be red-coated driver at the _ \flf\V ‘ and letters, M, sets. 4in steering wheel And the -ft jfa iJ IK \, IP *12.00 bine auto, with wind- each. 25*; 85c acta, Bln | ji * uMa ’ F iac "- ftio - ao: ‘- a ' h - ***. i gv%r,is?s“ tar,> - prlceJ hlimnn fj % h fv* sls 00 Ld auto, 88-lnch, ; . _ _ ... ~ ~ Ife o *4 812.75; $0 00 red auto, 35- China Toy Tea n ," ok ;, nn ' l wagons mpr-y* 7) inch, *7.65. i . * <""} "” t 1 ° to J* r s SetS reduced In price. “ Paints and china, highly j 3VXclllOP r ciriy Flllisll v 1 49c Bet*, 9 picc, . V / r“M*W B Painting Outfits ! 42*; osc eta, 7 piece*, Piqnnn . II JL® -V) rr. '• r wiser cnVnri’ o, >* 81.06: $1 08 lets, 10 pieces, "High. oh. the derry. oh. . ** H’’ I7u ‘in r ni°?' 1 81. 68; *2OO seta, 17 pieces, the farmer In the dell”—or * .V^ E iki i School color- *1.70; $4-00 sets, 17 pieces, would you rather play Yan- //£ j I * tn f. k J I - 70*. kce Doodle or London e D * l2 " designs with crayons Bridge? Tho Musical Me- k \ i and water colors. *1.06. -r-j • „ _ f n — T?nagerie fa thn greeter* in- / 57?*— $2.50 seta with tube paints XSICVCIGS JOP HOVS ventlon In musical toyland. g* "“Tj- -. — ) ITwl ar| d crayons, 82.13. The Instruction sheets repre fr —v, i|'„7V *3.48 large set, with cm- *29.0<) bicycles, sent each note with animals -eraXl l I s. (;>/ broidery combined. 82.96. frame. 824.6.; *4O uo bl- atml’cr to the animals shown I HD Others —75 c 63*; cycles, 23-inch, with coaster, on th( , keV!) „„ )h at even tho Mrshbkr' / C*‘ L.^i ,QW II SIOO seta. 85*; $1.50 seta. 834.00: *4T,50 bicycles. 20 youngest member In the fain- WBMH9 *^’ R3: ,COS ,et * 1 85.95. Doll Carriages, *3BO Pianos, with 12 keys, WV Doll Furniture 15% Off t_. , *1.75 Pianos, 10 keys, Natural colored steel sets | Heed and willow cab* in 81.49. for living room, bedroom and ; natural gray. white or $2.25 Pianos, 12 keys dining room; 50c seta, 43*; j brown, ranging in price *l.Bl. SIOO sets, 85*; *2.00 sets, ! from $7.75 to *23.00, less . And a number of other Toyland In the 81.70. j J 5 per cent. 1 sizes also reduced. Pettis basement. on themselves all manner cf punishment.” Mr. Perry explained the curious be lief of the natives that after life has passed from the body it is unclean and will contaminate any person who touches it. Mr. Perry discussed the people of India according to their religion, divid ing them into three classes; namely, Buddists, Mohammedans, Hindoos. “We do not give them credit for striv ing toward the truth which they should by all rights have,” he declared, "for they are trying as best they can and trying as no other nation has ever tried to see the light. And so It is that each of these teachers of religion felt called on to interpret what he felt to be the one divine power." Mr. Perry illustrated native cus toms. He showed the way in which earthen Jars were made; how public barber shops were conducted and how the stores were operated. “The curse of India is and has been for centuries the class distinction," he declared, "and the English are encour aging the natives to travel as much as possible In order to mitigate this." He said Illiteracy In the country is very extensive. “The man who can read and write or who has a wife who can is Justly proud of his accomplishment,” he declared. PETTIS DEY GOODS CO. *r-V-ig. new vobre stor e a s~r. ibb3 Tech Addition Makes Showing ..... "• CC, ■: " 'pi#'Sit :mi®M iffill I . is is m a tmmMi ■mm T \ u o* wm\ ‘ ■ *>, * i lIIWUI-W ■■■win 4 NEW ACADEMIC BUILDING. Built with a view to conforming with the general building plan that Is pro posed ’for the Technical High School, and which is as complete In Us details ns * comprehensive city planning scheme, the academic building, on the Technical High School grounds, is nearing completion as far as Its bare exterior is concerned, and Is to be entirely completed and ready :fSTT CTV CO MW VOMM •Tteetfft INDIANA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1920. for school use at the beginning of the September term, 1921. It Is 440 feet by 03 feet and three sto ries la height, with an attic in addition. On the first floor there will be a de partment devoted to household manage ment, and hospital demonstration. In cluding Test rooms and first aid rooms; a denartment devoted to applied design, applied arts, commercial art* and cos tumes ; a department devoted to deeora tlves arts, which will Include a> bedroom and bathroom Illustrative of what can be done in the decorative arts, and the de partmental office and girls’ locker room. On tho second floor will be four reel tntlon rooms, a big study hall, a phy siography lanoratory, two biology labo ratories with a lecture room betweeu them, and administrative offices, oppo site the commercial department, will be furnished with complete commer cial equipment. Two big study halls, fourteen recita tion rooms and teachers' rooms will be on the third floor. There will be six sets of stairs In the building, and two Are escapes, and ou each floor there will be locker rooms. The building has brick exterior walls and the Interior skeleton construction Is of steel and concrete. Vonncguf, Bohn &. Mueller are the architects. beittep bootlegger HANGS BEI.J PEOIIIA, 111.. Nov. 19.—Anton Podof nix, a coal miner, held In the county jail' here on a charge of violating thC Federal prohibition law. made a noo*> out of his belt and a strip of bed cloth ing and hanged himself. No Phone f Mail, C. O. D. Orders or Layaways STEPLAI3DER3, HALF PRICE Any size priced 78c, 39^. Any size priced 00c, 30*. —Pettis basement. $3.75 Washboilers, sl.BB— No. 8 washboilers, with copper bottom. —Pettis basement. $11.50 Brief Cases, $5.75 — Black and tan cowhide brief cases. —Pettis luggage, fifth floor. $6.50 Traveling Bags, $3.25 — 17-inch tan karatol bags, with waterproof lining. —Pettis luggage, fifth floor. NOTIONS. 10c Cap-shape hair nets, dozen, 30*. 10c Cf. N. T. thread, dozen, 85*. 15c Gold-Eye needles, pack age, 6*. "5c F’esh color dress shields, pair, 19*. 10c Belting, black and white, yard, 3*. —Pettis notions, street floor, aisle one. $2.25 Table Damask, sl-13 — Imported mercerized damask, two yards wide. Pettis linens, street floor, aisle two. $3.10 Sheets,—Excellent quality sheets, size 72x90. l’ettls beddings, fifth floor. 30c Liquid Veneer, 22c—Four ounce bottles of this splendid polish. Pettis ba“emeut. Women’s $4.95 Kimonos, Half Price—A Hover figured flannel ette kimonos, elastic and regu lar waist line. Petti* negligees, second floor. Women's $3-95 to $7.95 Morn ing Dresses. Half Price —All ginrham morning dresses, neat ly made and trimmed. —Pettis house dresses, sec ond floor. Women's Blouses, $2.49 Geor; otte blouses, in blue, biack. brown, bisque, flesh antKwhite. —Pettis blouses, second floor Toilet Paper. Half Price—Od.l lots of ldr, 15c and 20c rolls toilet paper. —Pettis basement. $1.75 Bake Pans, 88c—Size 10 xl4 drip pan, made of aluminum —Pettis basement. $2.25 Saucepan Sets, $1,13 Three heavy aluminum sauce pan.! in the set Pettis basement. Ch'ldren's $3.60 and $3.95 Garments, Half Price—Dresses, romners snd creepers. Ging hams in plain colors or fancy plaids and checks. —Pettis infants' dept., second floor. $1.59 Figured Madras, 84%c Beautiful patterns, in rose, gold, mulberry, blue and brown. —Pettis drnperv dept., third floor. 2.49 Drapery Madras. $1.25 Fifty-Inch madras, in blue, green, gold and Tiffany — Pettis drapery dent., third floor. 59c Dranery Burlap. 30c— Green, brown, natural color drapery burlap. - IVttis drapery dept., third floor. $4.49 Voile Curtains, Pair, $2.25 —Ruffled voile curtains in white only (12 pairs to a cus tomer). —Pettis drapery dept., third floor. 59c Filet Curtain Net, 30e— -36-inch filet net, in white, ivory and ecru. —Pettis drapery dept., third floor. R9c Cretonnes. 45c Extra heaw cretonne. ! n strlne. tapes try and conventional designs. Prttis drapery dept., third floor. 37c Pleached Muslin, Yard. 19c —Foft, finish, bleached muslin. 36 inches wide. —Pettis domestics, street floor, aisle two. Y * f-5c Bath Towels. 48c—Plain white bath towels, heavy, dou ble thread weave. Pettis towels, street floor, aisle two. 30c Wall Paper, 15c—Plain pulp oat moal, buff and colors —Pettis wall paper, third finer. 6c Borders, Yard, 2'/ 2 c —Cut- out living-room borders. —Pettis wall paper, third floor. PETTIS nm GOODS CO t-me Ki w hc stop e k. s-r. isss" 4 TOILETS. 10c Munyon’s witch hazel soap, 2 cakes, 15*. 10c Olivilo soap, 6 cakes, 38*. 45c Mennen’s shaving cream, 31*. 65c Djer-Kiss face powder, 51*. 60c F. E- I. tooth paste, 24*. 75c Sylvan toilet water, 57 *. 60c Elcaya vanishing cream, 39*. —Pettis toilets, street floor, front. $5.00 Corsets,—Pettis special corsets, pink brocade with elastic top. —Pettis corsets, second floor. 59c Curtain Swiss, 3Cc—Dotted curtain swis3, blue and pink dots on white grounds. (Not more than 25 yards to a cus tomer.) —Pettis drapery dept., third floor. 75c Colored Marquisette, —Bird, stripes and scenic effects in colored marquisette. —Pettis drapery dept., third floor. 2 Balls 15c Crochet Thread, 15c —Odds and ends of Royal Society crochet thread —Pettis art dept., fifth floor. 40c to $2.25 Fancy Pieces, Half Price—Center pieces and scarfs, stamped for embroidering. —Pettis art dept., fifth floor. $1.39 Lunch Cloths, 89c—Jap anese lunch cloths, nice size. —Pettis art dept„ fifth floor. $2.85 and $3.00 Kimono Silks, $1.43 —Lining and kimono silks in plain and satin finish. Printed designs. —Pettis llnivgs, street floor, aisle two. 69c Amazon Percales, 35c Yard wide, extra heavy Amazon percales. Pettis wash goods, street floor, aisle two. 59c Kalbumie Ginghams, 30c —Light grounds, woven stripes; fast colors —Petti* wash goods, street floor, aisle one. Children’s $1.98 to $3.98 Felt Hars, 93c—Black and colors with ribbon streamers. —Pettis millinery, second floor. $3.59 Silk Shirtings, $1.59 32 inches wide; stripes and self colored small figures. Pettis silk shirtings, street floor, aisle two. $3.50 Changeable Taffeta, $1.69 —Dark street shades such as navy and brown, navy and red, etc. —Pettis silk*, street floor, aisle one. Boys’ $225 Knickerbockers, $1.39 —Corduroy knickers, sizes 8 to 17 years. —Pettis clothes for boys, third floor. $3.50 Storm Serge, $1.75 Navy blue storm serge, 52 in wide. sponged and shrunk. —Pettis woolens, street floor, aisle two. Women’s $3.95 and $4.95 Gowns, Half Price —Outing flan nel nightgowns and pajamas. —Tettis nightgowns, second floor. Women’s $5-95 Silk Night gowns, $2.93 —Silk ''crepe de chine gowns, plain and fancy. —Pettis lingerie, second floor. 55c Coffee, 2 pounds, 55c Two pounds of our regular 55c brand of coffee. —Pettis coffee, basement. Women’s Felt Slippers, $1.38 —Lavender and old rose felt slippers with soft leather sole. —l’ettls shoes, street floor, aisle six. Women’s $3.00 and $9.00 Shoes, $3.95 —Broken lots of women's shoes in many styles and leath ers. (No exchanges, refunds or phone orders ) —Pettis shoe’s, street floor, aisle six. Women's $7.48 Kid Gloves, $4.50 —Elbow length white kid gloves. —Pettis gloves, street floor, aisle four. $15.00 Fruit Baskets, $7.9R Quadruple plate silver fruit baskets; have filigree handle. —Pettis silverware, street floor, front. $3.50 Beaded Bags, 63c—Draw string beaded bags in colors. —Pettis leather goods, street floor, aisle three. , $1.25 Dorine Boxes, 69c—Dou ble dorine boxes, for powder and rouge —Pettis jewelry, street floor, aisle four. Women’s Underwear, Half Price—Nightgowns, skirts, en velope chemise, drawers, corset covers, etc. —Pettis undermuslint, second floor. , 65c Stationery, 33o—Depends*- ble linen writing paper in blue, pink, buiT and white. — Petti* stationery dept., street floor, aisle four. $2.00 Pencil Sharpeners, SI,OO —Boston pencil sharpener*. Dandy for office use. —Pettis book dept., street Coer, aisle four. 96.00 Books, 93.00—De Mau passant selected writings. Set of 6 volumes —Pettis books, street floor, Aisle four. 95.00 Teacher's Bible, 92-50 Limp leather covers, contain* lesson helps and questions and answers. —Pettis books, street floer, aisle four. 60c Candy, 30c—Two pound* to a customer of this satin fin ish hard candy. —Pettis candy dept., basement. 60c Gum Drops 30c —Just half price for these delicious fig gum drops. —Pettis candy dept, basement. Women’s 85c Vests, 42c—Ex tra size Kayser’s vests, bodice top style, flesh color. (Just 2to a customer.) Pettis knit underwear, street floor, aisle five. Women’s 39c Stockings, 19c— Semi-fashioned cotton stockings in black and colors. All sizes. —Pettis hose, street floor, aisle five. Men’s 29c Ivory Garters, 15c— Cable welt garters in assorted colors- One to a customer. — Pettis furnishings for men, street floor, aisle six. Women’s 12'/ 2 c Handkerchiefs, Bc—Handkerchiefs, neatly mad*, with hemstitched edges. — Fottis handkerchiefs, street floor, ■ Isle two. Men’s 15c Handkerchiefs, 12 for 91.10 —Neatly made handker chiefs, the size men like. —Tettis handkerchiefs, street floor, •isle two. 50c and $1 00 Neckwear, 19e— Odds and ends of fancy neck wear of various kinds. —Fettle neckwear, street floor, aisle two. 8c and 12|/2C Laces, 5c and 9o —Different widths and patterns in laces. — Tettis laces, street floor, Alois three. Women’s $23.85 Cost*, s9 Black kersey coats, full lined. Just 12 in the lot. —Pettis coats, second floor Women’s 97-95, $10.95 and $12.95 Skirts. s3.9s—Plaids, tweeds and poplins in tan, gray, brown and navy. Just 18 of these skirts. —Pettis skirts, second floor. 15c Cotton Twine, 10c Ball- Three-ply white cotton. —Pettis basement. 25c “It” Cleaner, 12|/ 2 c—For bathtubs, sinks, etc. —Pettis basement. 75c Hand Duster, 44c—Chem ically treated. —Pettis basement. $3.98 Water Set, s2.oo—Thr*©. pint pitcher and six tumbler*. Cut floral design. —Pettis basement. $3.25 Fish Bowl, s2.oo—Six gallon size, large globe shape. —Pettis basement. $1.25 Celery Tray, 63c—Semi porcelain, rose decoration. —Pettis basement. $6.00 Dozen Cups and Saucers, $4.75 Dozen —Imported china, plain white ovide shape. —Pettis basement. 5