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THE WEATHER Unsettled, probable rain tonight and Wednesday. Little temperature change. VOL. XXXIII. Orders 3 Arrests in H. S. Building Collapse BOMB WRECKS BUILDING NEAR LONDON BRIDGE Two Other Unexploded Infer nal Machines Found in British Capital. NEW IRISH OUTBREAK f LONDON, Not. 30—A building was wrecked in the heart of London today by the explosion of a time liomb. The explosion occurred in a leather store rear London bridge at 2 o’clock. There were no casualties. All the streets In the vicinity of the explosion were closed to traffic for fear other bombs might have been planted by terrorists. Scotland Yard detectives who investi gated the explosion said the bomb evi dently had been carried into the build ing before the close of business Mon day and left concealed in a package. Two unexploded bombs were discov ered during the morning at Itumeiy aud Tarbhficld, in Monmouthshire. POLICE PRECAUTIONS MADE MORE DRASTIC. Police precautions have been made even more drastic In this city as a result of the explosion near London Bridge. Scotland Yard officials said the infernal machine evidently had been constructed of TNT. No evidence was found to con nect the Sinn Fein directly with the ex plosion, but the outrage has caused the greatest alarm. Members of the special organisation of constables organized during the war have been notified that they might be called out for service. British officialdom is In fear of a sec ond Guy Fawkes plot to blow up the House of Parliament. While government offices functioned as usual, the work was transacted be hind a screen of guards and only in the presence of persons who had proved their identity and their loyalty to the govern ment. MANY DETECTIVES PLACED ON DUTY. In the House of Parliament, many plain clothes men circulated with the crowds. They were expert marksmen, ready for action. These sentries occu pied every point of vantage in all gov ernment buildings, but particularly in the House of Parliament. They were ordered to shoot to kill if any emer gency arose. Members of Parliament known to lean toward the Sinn Fein were warned by outsiders to remain away from the buildings. This was taken by many to mean that a plot was hatching, its la (Conttnoed on Page Eleven.) DANIELS FILES CABLE ANSWER Gives Reason for Refusal of Wire Landing Permission. WASHINGTON, Nov. 3<V—Secretary of the Navy Daniels today filed his answer in the district Supreme Court to the suit of the Western Union Telegraph Com pany, which has sought to enjoin him from Interfering with the laying of cer tain cables across Biscayne Bay, near Miami, Fla. Secretary Daniels stated in bis answer that it has always been the policy of "•the Government to prevent the laying of any cable on the shores of the United States which connected with a foreign country In which the cable company had a monopoly of cable connections. M’CRAY MEN VISIT ILLINOIS CAPITOL Committee Investigates Bud get System of Adjoining State. SPRINGFIELD, 111.. Nov. 30—A com mittee composed of three members ap pointed by Governor-Elect Warren T. McCray of Indiana, to investigate the Illinois budget system, visited the copitol today to go over the code. Governor-Elect McCray is planning to present a similar system to the next Legislature In Indiana. The committee sent here is composed of State Senator Oscar Ratts, Representative Murray Bar ker and Fred B. Robinson. Robinson was campaign manager for the Governor- Elect In the recent election. Polish Charge Russ Delay Peace Signing WARSAW, Nov. 30.—Russian delegates at Riga are delaying the signing of peace agreements, the Polish government charged today in a wireless message to the soviet government. Going over the beads of the Russian speace delegates, Polish officials proposed directly to the government that a date be set for the signing of a permanent peace and that the two nations begin discussion of military guarantees. Oklahoman’s Widow Seeks Vindication ARDMORE. Okla., Nov. 30—Public vindication of her hushand will be sought by Mrs. Jake L. Hamon, widow of the Republican national committeeman and millionaire oil king, who died from a bullet wound here Friday, according to the widow's plans today. Mrs. Hamon, endorsed as a candidate to succeed her husband as Republican national committeeman from Oklahoma at an informal meeting of Republicans who attended Hamon's funeral yesterday, has declared her willingness to run. Her selection, she believes, would be re pudiation of the charge that her hus band had been slain by his former girl secretary, Mrs. Clara Smith Hamon, wife of Hamon’s nephew. The whereabouts of the accused woman continue a mystery. WEATHER Forecast for Indianapolis and vicinity for the twenty-four hours ending 7 p. m., Dec. 1: Unsettled weather with prob ably rain tonight and Wednesday; not much change in temperature. HOURLY TEMPERATURE. 6 a. m 44 7 a. 44 8 a. m 44 9 a. 44 10 a. 44 11 a. m 48 12 (noon) 48 1 p. m 46 •* n th 1A Published at Indianapolis, Entered as Second Class Matter. July 25, 1914. at Ind„ Daily Except Sunday. Postofflce, Indianapolis, Ind., under act March 3, 1879. Surgeon General REAR ADMIRAL EDWARD RHODES STITT. Rear Admiral Stitt has been appointed surgeon general of the United States navy, to succeed Rear Admiral Braisted, who goes on the retired list. Admiral Stitt is best known as an authority on tropical medicine. BOLLING HANDS HOT DENIAL TO SANDS CHARGE Tells Congressional Com mittee He Knows Nothing of Reputed Bribe. FEE REFUSAL TOLD OF NEW YORK, Nov. 30. R. Wilmer Boi ling. brother in-law of President Wilson, denied on the stand before the Walsh congressional committee here today that he had assisted in obtaining any ship building contract. He further dented having knowingly received any part of the $40,000 ‘fee” said to have been paid by Wallace Downey of the Wallace Dow ney Shipbuilding Corporation, for such a contract, as charged by Tucker K. Sands. Bolling testified that Bands paid him SCOO in 1318, but that this represented a profit Sands had agreed to pay him for building Sands' house, and that he had refused to accept part of a SI,OOO fee which Sands said he got from a ship building corporation, but that he did not know the source of this S6OO. Bolling also testified he had met “a Mr. Cranor”—who Sands previously had testified was the agent of Wallace Dow ney—and that he (Bolling) had inter ceded with Lester Slsler, then secre tary of the shipping board, to aid Cranor in facilitating the shipment of some “bendlDg roll” machinery to Cranor's company. Boiling characterized as “absolutely false” the testimony of Benjamin F. Fuller, that the latter had seen Sands give a (heck to Bolling. Boiling chal lenged Sands to produce immediately all of Sands’ checks made out to Bolling, Jan. 1, 191S. Bolling read a lengthy statement to the committee which he had prepared be fore leaving Washington. Ia the main, this statement was a reiteration of the denials he made to newspaper n. 'n im mediately after Sands had made his sen sational s4o.<X>o "bribe" charge. But while Mr. Bolling's denials were along the same lines and -quite as em (Continued on I’age Two.) Norris Calls Meeting to Devise Farm Relief WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.-Senator Nor ris, Nebraska, today called a meeting of the Senate agriculture committee to discuss the serious farm situation nud devise means for providing for relief. The committee will vieet at 2 o'clock Ibis afternoon and probably will Issue a call for a conference of meuilcrs of the House and Senate representing farm States. Government to File Packer Objections WASHINGTON, Nov. 30—The govern ment objections to the plans of the Chl cago packers to divorce themselves from control of their stockyard and terminal holdings, will be filed today, it was an nounced at the Department of Justice this morning. These objections will deal with all four plans now before the court, it was said. The Armour and Swift pro posals which are practically identical, provide for the formation of a corpora tion to take over the stockyard holdings. The Morris and Cudahy plans provide in effect that the courts shall take over the holdings until they cau be sold to the general public. Look for Booze, Get 2 Reputed Robers Two men, Robert Hatton. 10-52 West New York street, and Fred Dobson, 1138 West New York street, charged with breaking into a Strauss Clothing Store in Conncrsville, early today, and stealing apparel valued at $1,300, were caught by Motor Policemen Muse and Dllland on an inbound internrban car a short dis tance east of South Keystone avenue. The policemen were sent from police headquarters to meet an intCvurlmn car on a report that two men with two suit cases. believed to contain whisky, were on the car. When they opened the suit cases they found a quantity of women’s wearing apparel and furs. As soon us the policemen opened the suitcases the men admitted the robbery. Both men, after being questioned by detectives, admitted that they were out on parole from the Jeffersonville State Reformatory for larceny. REPORT GAME PLENTIFUL. HARTFORD CITY, Ind., Nov. 30. Members of a hunting party composed of Hartford City ar.d Dunkirk men, who re turned Monday night, report game un usually plentiful in the upper Blackvllle region of New Brunswick. Fire moose aud a number of deer were killed. Indiana flail® aitttro WILL INSIST ON RELIEF FOR AGRICULTURE Capper and Others Say Situa tion Demands Attention of Congress. FRAME EMERGENCY ACT WASHINGTON. Nov. 30.—Members of Congress from agricultural States were engaged today upon a program of emer gency plans to provide immediate relief from the "price panic” which is reported to be causing American farmers great financial embarrassment and distress. Senator Capper. Republican, of Kan I sas. predicted such a program would be ready for submission to Congress when , it reconvenes on Monday next. The calling together of the congres sional delegations from lowa, Kansas and other agricultural States, in a series of conferences during most of the week, was planned. Representatives of various farm organ izations were also to be heard at these conferences, it was stated. Senator Capper said he was prepared to urge the adoption of a program out lined by himself which he believed would. If adopted by Congress, do much to solve the gruve problems confronting the country's agricultural interests. FEATURES OF CAPPER PROGRAM. The salient features of the proposed Capper program were outlined os fol lows : 1. Immediate re-establishment of the war finance corporation, about which Eu gene Meyer Jr., Its war-time chairman. Is to confer with Senators tomorrow. 2. Immediate re establishment of ti (tie relations with foreign countries and the readjustment of credits so as to permit European markets, especially, to absorb this country's surplus products. 3. Extension of adequate credits to farmers by means of short -time and long time loans, so as to permit them relief from the present contraction of credits from which their representatives In Con gress declares they are suffering acutely. 4. Fair and open markets for all farm products, free from manipulation by gamblers and speculators. 3. Congressional authorization for na tion-wide, cooperative marketing by farmers, through the Capper Herstnau bill passed by the House and favorably reported by the Senate Judiciary com mittee last session. TO PROVIDE FOR PERSONAL CREDITS. 6. Broadening and strengthening the Federal farm loan system, so as to allow farmers personal credits. 7. A national marketing board in which the producer will be represented with power to regulate marketing and to ad risr- and assist in stabilizing prices. 8. Federal regulation of the paekers. especially with respect to the stock yards. While it Is conceded that Congress will find time to do little more nt the approaching short session than to dis pose of the thirteen appropriation bills neceitsary to finance the government dur lng the next fiscal year, Senator Capper and other Republican Senators declare the agricultural situation is so critical Congress will simply have to pass some emergency legislation to enable the farmers to cope with it. USES GASOLINE ON FIRE; HURT Woman Saved by Husband, Also Injured. Mrs. I’arl Green. 30. 314 South Ran dolph street, was burned seriously today when she attempted to start a fire In the kitchen stove with gasoline. She was taken to Sf. Vincent's Hospital, where her condition Is reported to be very grave. Her husband, Edward Green, sustained burns on bis hands and arms when he extinguished the blaze that enwrapped his wife. Mrs. Green suffered severe burns to her face, head and hands. Mrs. Green said site thought she had the kerosene can, but when she poured the fluid on the fire a terrific explosion resulted, enveloping her 1 In flames. Nhe told Sergeant Johnson and the emer gency squad that she believed the gaso line hnd been placed in the kerosene can at the grocery by mistake because she never kept gasoline about the house. Charles Ponzi Gets Five-Year Sentence BOSTON, Nov. 30.—Charles Ponzi, th; “bushel basket millionaire," who de frauded hundreds of people In a "get rich quick" scheme here, pleaded guilty today and was sentenced to five years' Imprisonment. Acecpts Offer of Mediation in Armenia WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. Prnal rifnt WlUon today accepted the offer of mediation In Armenia tendered by the iisficmbly of the League of Na tions. Eugene Chapin, Twice Prohi Nominee, Dead LONG BEACH, Cal., Nov. 30.—Eugene Wilder Chapin, one of the best-known prohibition workers In the country aim twice nominee of the prohibition party for President, died at Ills home here as a result of complications from burns he received in an accident ten days ago. lie was CO years old. TAKE TIP FROM CHILDREN AND BUY EARLY CHICAGO, Nov. SO.—Merry Christ mas sentiments mean very little in the lives of those who rush through the stores with a list in the’r hands on the. day before in a frantic effort to buy YuUtide presents, -Mrs. Motile Neteher Newbury, Chicago's "mer chant princess," said in an interview today. "Those who wish to remember the ones they love do their shopping early, because they wish to select tb£ best," said Mrs. Newbury. "‘There is very little sentiment at tached to the gifts of the last min- purchaser. Those who storm the counters <fu Christmas eve are usu ally those buying presents for some INDIANAPOLIS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1920. C. L HENRY SAYS STREET CAR CO. HASADVANTAGE Indianapolis Rail Hearing Brings Discussion by Trac tion Company Head. SPEAKS OF VALUATIONS Charles L. Henry, president of the In dianapolis & Cincinnati Traction Com pany. today tol.l the public service com mission, which Is hearing the applica tion of the Indianapolis Street Railway Company for a 2-eent transfer charge, that the local company holds a position f of great advantage over the ltiUrurban i companies centering in the city. He made this point in elaborating on I the statement filed with the commission yesterday by the Indianapolis .V Cincin. nati Traction Company, the Union Trac tion Company of Indiana and the Inter state Public Service Company. “Since the Indianapolis Street Railway Company was in possession of all the tracks and other facilities,” he said, “be tween the center of the Indianapolis and the points In the outskirts of the city where the lnterurban companies desired to connect with such tracks, the inter urban companies would. In case of dis agreement with the street railway com pany, have been exposed to the delays and other hazards of litigation in order to exercise the privilege of using such tracks and facilities." INTER! RBAN LINES GROPED IN DARK. Mr. Henry pointed out that the inter urban companies had practically been groping In the dark in the matter, when 1 lie first contracts were negotiated, be cause of lack of previous experience in such matters. Mr. Henry also took up for discussion and criticism various features of the answers filed by the street car company in response to Interrogatories that had been propounded to the company at the request of the three ln’erurbun com panies. !u tills connection Mr. Henry contended that the 1917 inventory value o.' Ms • 4’ 008 wnrj too high, In view of the fact that It was figured In a* sin element in tlie charges made by the street tar company against the iuteru .'ha ns, and added that although he did not know what the property was worth he did know that $15,000,000 was the figure that had practically been agreed upon lu the past. He touched also upon the value im parted to thoTiniqion Terminal Building, In the way of rental for office and store space, by reason of tho millions of passenger* brought to th city by tho Interurbuns. as well a* Upon the vslne to the eriy ami merchants of these visitors to the city. freight TERMINAL PACT I.ITIES. Another matter upon which Mr. Henrv spoke was the freight terminal facilities, and he said that, becauae of n lack of suitable provision of this nature the ln (Uontlnued on Page Two.) MURDER CHASE JUMPS TO WEST Pierce Murderer Being Sought at Youngstown, 0. PITTSBURGH. Pn.. Nov. 30,—"A1" Smith, said to be the “master mind'' In the murder of Henry T Pierce of Phila delphia, Is not only being sought here, but also in Youngstown, Ohio. Smith disappeared from a hotel here Monday morning. Detective* today declare they had traced him to the Pennsylvania sta tion In this city and that he bought a ticket for Youngstown late yesterday. "Jack" Moss, who confessed his part In the slaying to the police last night, reiterated his confession in Central Po lice Court before Magistrate John J. Sweeney anil still maintained that Smith wns the actual murderer. Moss dented he was a party to any or badger game in connection with the killing of Pierce. He declared Smith hit Pierce on the head with the butt of a revolver. “I never saw Pierce before the night he was murdered,” Moss told Magistrate Sweeney. Two Men in Court Fight for Little Girl Fnct*l to The Time*. EVANSVILLE, Ind.. Nov. 30—While 2-year old “Baby Blanche" sat lu Pro bate Court here and munched apple* to day. two men claiming the fatherhood cf the child engaged in a legal battle for her possession. Boy Hall, plaintiff In tbo habeas corpus proceedings, alleged that he became the father while Clayton Dllley, the husband of the mother, was away from tho <ity seeking to evade the draft. Tho mother of tile child Is dead. ,r !is Likely Story? CLEVELAND, Ohio, Nov. 30.—Two women demonstrated to Lloyd Barton that they are the equals of men, when failing to convince hint that woman is entitled to vote they held him up and confiscated SIOO. Barton tolil the police the hold-up followed his refusal to agree to the wisdom of the nineteenth amendment. “I kno\4- one of them slightly,” he told officers. “And when she and another woman started an argument with me over their right to vote, I argued back. And they said that just to show me they were onr equals, one pulled a revolver and the other went through my pockets.” one they are under business or per sonal obligations to. “Department Btores love a lover because they are the ones who start to shop weeks before Christmas. The pick of the store is none too good for those who have felt the ‘cosmic urge.’ ” Mrs. Newbury said children attach great seutinient to each mite they spend for gifts nnd are always among the curliest shoppers. The little ones are quite fastidi ous in their selection of presents she said and are usually not satisfied until they have seen the whole stock. Useful gifts and not meaningless fiubdubbs and knlcknscks sro being City Buys 12 New Mules and Is in, the Market for 8 More Animals Cost $230 a Head and ~ Will Be Used With Ash Hauling Equipment. Tho city of Indianapolis Is the proud possessor of twelve new mules, bought yesterday in Johnson County at what City Purchasing Agent Dwight S. Bit ter believes was n bargain. Eight more may be purchased soon. They are needed to haul the six new- trailers which are expected to be added to the city ash hauling equipment In a short time, ac cording to the board of public works. Mr. Bitter and H. M. Cutslnger. in spector for the purchasing department, bought the mules from Johnson County farmers at S2BO per head. They average 1,200 pounds in weight and are 4 and 5 years old. The purchase represents a considerable saving to the city. Mr. Bitter said, since Willing* & Carrtger, con tractors from whom the city rents mules, wanted S3OO per head. Tbo city has been paying $1.25 per day rent for each bor rowed mule. Thirty-eight were owned before the additional purchase. With fifty city owned mules in tho street cleaning and ash hauling barns at 1134 Shelby street it will be unnecessary for the city to rent any of the animals in n short time, it was stated. MYERS QUITS AS FIRE LIEUTENANT John I). Feeney Promoted to Place Vacated. The resignation of I.ieut Samuel O. Myers, Hose Company No. 23 of the fire department, was accepted by the board of public safety today, and Private John I>. I'eeney of Pumper Company No. 11 was promoted to succi-ed him. Lawrence Fleming was appointed pa trolman in the police department. The report of Building Commissioner Walter B Stern for the week ended Nov. 27, showed ninety one permits Issued for building valued at $87.7‘4>. The board is conferring this afternoon with E. B. Townsend, traveling engineer for the National Board of Fire Under writer*. and E. M. Senders, manager of the Indiana Inspection Bureau of the underwriters. Improvements made in the fire department during the past few months and plans for the future are to be reviewed with the insurance men. The board of safety hopes before the end of next year to get insurance rate* in Indianapolis lowered through the plac ing of the city la a higher classification In point of facilities for fire protection. RYAN AND BARUCH TOP DRIVE LIST Gave $45,000 and $25,000 to Democratic Fund. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30- Allan A. Ryan and Bernard M Baruch of New lork were the chief and heaviest con tributors to the Democratic national cam paign fund, according to a final report filed today with the clerk of the House of Representatives. Ryan made three separate subscriptions, totaling $43,000, the report showed, while Baruch uiadu oti* contribution of $23,1*0. Physician Killed Resisting Arrest LITTLE BOCK. Ark , Nov 30—Dr. R. Tt Woodyard, under Indictment for al leged violation of the prohibition laws, was shot and killed while resisting ar rest today. Last Call for 1920 Income Taxes Dec. 15 Collector of Internal Revenue William L. Elder today Issued a reminder to the public that the final Instalment of Income taxes fir 1920 is due Dec. 13. With the final collection period out of the way the Internal Revenue Department will be gin to prepare for the filing of income tax returns for 1921. May Attend Mexican Affair as Citizen WASHINGTON. Nov. 30 —George T. Summerlin, charge d'affaires at Mexico City, w-ns Instructed today by the State Department that ho might attend tho Inauguration of Fresldent Alvaro Obre gon tomorrow, but only lu an unofficial capacity. These instructions were issued, it was said. In order to enable Mr. Summerlin to answer the Invitation of the Mexican government. He wns instructed that he might say he would be delighted to at tend In his private capacity. Says Surgeons Left Gauze Inside Him Special to The Times. PORTLAND, Ind.. Nov. 80. .Tames L. Slpe of Berne has tiled suit, here for $lO. 000 damages against Dr. A. 11. Macßeth of Ft. Wayne and Dr. Amos Reusser of Berne, charging them with negligently sewing up an Incision made In his body when ho was operated upon for gall stones and leaving a quantity of gauze in ills body. The operation was performed last March arid in September the plaintiff says, after intense suffering, he noticed the gauze “working" from the wound. He called physicians and they removed two Rtrips of gauze, each one yard in length aud six inches wide, it is claimed. bought to a greater extent this year than ever before, according to the "merchant princess.” t “The day when the daughter of the house received a present and after calling a family council decided it was either a candlestick or a skillet and then used it for a paper weight lias passed,” Mrs. Newbury said. “Utilitarian gifts now prevail.” Prices this year are from 10 to 40 per cent lower than last year, Mrs. Newbury said. She also stated that the greatest reductions are in wear ing apparel. She does not expect the usual holiday rush to be slack ened by the slight business depres sion. (By Carrier, Week, Indianapolis, 10c; Elsewhere, 12c. Subscription Rates: j ßy Mail, 50c Per Month; $5.00 Per Year. STEGMEIER LET GO ON PROMISE TO OBEY LAW Acquitted of Bootlegging Charge—Pays Second Gaming Fine. ‘NO SECOND NIP SOUGHT’ Henry Stegmeier, proprietor of Steg meier Bros.’ placo at No. 17 North Illinois street, promised Special Judge Henry Abrams in police court today to abandon tho operation of a betting place In his dry beer saloon, paid a second fine for keeping a gaming device and was ac quitted of charges of operating a blind tiger. Stegmeier was ax rested as a result of a second search warrant served by Lieu tenant Woollen about two weeks ago, which resulted lu the seizure of a num ber of betting books and a quantity of Lash's bitters, labeled 18 per cent alcohol. In court today he was represented by Martin Hugg, who admitted the accept ance of money to bo bet on football games anil the sale of the bitters across the bar at 15 cents a drink. No defense was attempted in reference to the betting, the defendant agreeing to a finding of guilty and offering his pledge to discontinue the practice. Judge Abrams fined him $lO and costs. “SOLD GALLON IN YEAR." On ijtegmeier’s showing that he and sold only a little more than a gallon of J the bitters In almost a year. Judge* Abrams decided that he was not selling I it for beverage purposes and dismissed | the blind tlg-r eharge. Stegmeier testified he sold the bitters only as a laxative anil declared that, to : his knowledge, no one had ever asked for a second drink of it. The quantity of Lash's hitters seized by Lieutenant Woolen was held by the police subject to the orders of Cbtirle* Qrbison, director cf prohibition. The agreement made by Stegmeier to end the betting at bis business place marks the finish of one of the most popular plait's In Indianapolis for the ac commodation of the sporting fraternity. ' During the election and prior to sport- i lng events tho*sands of dollars have (Contlnurd on Fage Two.) HARDINGS DUE TO DOCK AT KINGSTON Island Governor to Escort Party Through Mountains. ABOARD S. S. FASTORIFS, by Wire less, Nov. 30. l’resUlont-elcct Harding was to spend today In Jamaica, most of the time riding through the famous Blue; Mountains of that island. Docktng nt Kingston, he was to bare breakfasted with General Frobyn. Governor of the island, who later expected to escort the, Harding party over the beautiful moun tain roads to Fort Antonio, on the north- j ern rim of the Island. The vacation party encountered mod erate seas yesterday and Isst night. Many > of the party succumbed to sickness, tint the Fresldent-elect entertained himself; with the usual deck reports. Wire'e * greetings from the Imperial Association of Jamaica were received to- j day. The greeting was substituted for a i public reception at Kingston. The lat ter was abandoned at Harding's request. Survivors of Wrecked Barge Found on Beach ASTORIA, Ore.. Nor. 30.—Two sur vivors of tho wreck of the steam barge ; W. J. IMerle were found today on the beach near Clallam, Wash., according to j word received here. The two men were j guarding the dead body of the third. Man Shot When He Tried to Escape Arrest Special ffTTho Time*. KOKOMO. Ind., Nov. 80 Mack Mas sey, 45, Is in Jail with a bullet wound in his tmek. received while attempting to flee arrest as an automobile thief sus pect. He is not seriously injured. Au thorities believe him to be one of a gang which has engaged In numerous thefts of vnluable machines. Massey denies his guilt. Seeks Restraining Order on Funds Asking that the J. F. Wild & Cos. anil tho Fletcher American Bank lie re strained front permitting Raymond M. ; Smith from drawing out funds on de posit, Mrs. Ruth 11. 11. Smith today filed suit for divorce against her husband on the grounds of cruelty and non-support. The Smiths were married on Jan. 23, 1919, and separated this.year. Smith is employed by the Fisher Automobile Company. Says Love’s Dream Didn’t Last Week Because his wife told him within a day of their marriage that she did not love ! him, George W. Bay today filed suit for | divorce against Madge Bay in Superior Court, Boom 3. Bay claims that they were married on Feh. 14, 1920, and separated a week later. Another reason for Bay desiring a divorce is that his wife hail a ten dency to remain in bed most of the time, he salil. Ho, Skinny, Lookit! Indianapolis will have a municipal ice I skating rink of large proportions this , winter. The city recreation department \ is constructing the rink on the ball ilia- j motid at Willard park, East (Washington j and State streets. Provisions will be j made for flooding the diamond to the depth of three inches. The rink will be ready for the first freeze. Memphis Jailer Slain MEMPHIS, Tenn., Nov. 30.—George Reeves, Jailer nt the Shelby County Jail, I whs killed today by one of the three j prisoners who escaped. Beeves was shot through tbs abdomen by Clyde Hamilton, who, with E. R. kelly and Alden Shaw, were being held as highway robbers. All three escaped. JAPS HAVE NEW GAS SHELL. TOKIO, Nor. 30.—Successful tests have been completed of anew poison gas shell. This shell is of Jtpaneso manufacture. LAST HOME EDITION TWO CENTS PER COPY FATAL CRASH DUE TO DERRICK, SAYS CORONER ROBINSON Charges of Manslaughter Placed Against Carl Ittenbach, Marion West and David Carroll. 2 DETECTIVES TO SERVE WARRANTS David Carroll, 43, and Carl Ittenbach, 27, were placed under arrest at 1:30 o’clock by Detectives Houlihan and Long and taken to the police sta tion, where they were slated on charges of manslaughter. Ittenbach posted a cash bond of SI,OOO each and the men were released. Marion West, the third man named in the coroner’s verdict, could not be located by the} police. Placing the blame for the fatal collapse of the Emmerich Manual Training High School annex building on the weight and vibration of a large stiff-legged derrick, which wa3 improperly guyed. Dr. Paul Robinson, coroner, today returned a verdict of manslaughter and ordered the arrest of Carl Ittenbach, 2205 North Alabama street; Marion West, 308 Terrace avenue: David Carroll, 1530 West Ohio street. SAYS HE HELPED STEAL 8 AUTOS Prisoner Waiting Trial Turns State’s Evidence., in Dampier Case. Exposing the secret workings of a powerful "automobile fence’’ by which at least .eight automobiles were stolen anil disposed of by two young men, Ralph McGuire, 21, now held la the Ma rion County Jail pending trial on a charge of stealing automobiles, turned state's evidence today and testified against John Damrler, now on trial be fore a Criminal Court Jury on a eharge of receiving stolen automobiles. McGuire in a clear, calm voice exposed the working of the "fence” and testified that he and Thomas Cain stole eight Fords and delivered them to Dampier at his former dry beer saloon on Shelby street. McGuire testified that ho re ceived $75 from Dampier for each ma chine that he delivered. He stated that lie had known Dampier for a number of years and often loafed at hi* place. Attorney Eph Inman was unnbte to shake McGuire's testimony oil cross-ex amination. Prosecutor Clari* Adams con sider* McGuire one of the best witnesses who has ever taken the chair for the State. The State, nt the beginning of the in troduction of the evidence, began weav ing a chain of circumstance* by which the prosecutor hopes to convince the jury bey fund a reasonable doubt of Dampler's guilt. William Smock, 934 Elm street, the owner of the automobile which Dampier Is specifically charged with receiving ns (Continued on Page Two.) 3 Fined and Given Penal Farm Sentences Three persons were fined SIOO and costs and sentenced to serve thirty days on the State penal farm each, late yesterday afternoon, by Judge Pritchard, in City Court, on conviction for operating a blind tiger. Pete Marcliu, 1208 South West street, was charged with sidling "white mule” at 25 cent* a drink. Aleck Sammnrdgiff, 548 West Washing ton street, was arrested in his poolroom when police found a hnlf quart of “mule” and forty-eight empty half-pint bottles in his possession. Joe Elmer, 729 Fulton street, was ar rested In his poolroom, 2140 North Illinois street. Policemen found one full pint bottle of bonded whisky and one bottle partly full. May Reopen Entire Bomb Throwing Case SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 30— Charges that the case against Thomas Mooney, convicted of throwing a bomb at mili tary preparedness parade here several years ago was "framed'' were sifted by a grand Jury here today. Indications were that the entire case would be re opened. Says Movies Failure as Church Attraction MISHAWAKA, Ind., Nov. 30.—Motion pictures as a method of winning souls to Christ are a failure, declares the Rev. G. W. Titus of the First Christian Church here. He says movies in the church are worthless ns an asset. Dancing is also condemned by the pastor and he vigorously opposes the suggestion that Jazz music be introduced into worship. KENTUCKY CRUDE OIL DROPS. OIL CITY, I*a., Nov. 30.—The price of western Kentucky crude oil has been re duced 25 cents a barrel. The new quota tion is $4. i NO. 174. The order to make the arrests was given by the coroner to Detectives Hou lihan and Long at 11:30 o’clock. The officers were present during the Investi gation and questioning of witnesses in the coroner’s investigation. The Emmerich Manual Training High School annex building being erected at Union and Merrill streets was to be used, as a gymnasium, a coliseum and lunch room. It was being built directly south of the main buildings of the school. COLLAPSE NEAR NOON ON NOV. 18. At 11:45 o'clock the morning of Nov. 18 the steel frame work of the. building, on which there was a giant derrick, col lapsed. killing one man anil injnring twenty-one others, one so badly that he later died. Ezra ’Pniier was instantly killed, and Edward Neff died at the City Hospital of injuries. The manslaughter charge is placed against Ittenbach, superintendent of the Ittenbach Stone Company; Carroll, fore man for that company, and West, hoist ing engineer, employed by the Ittenbach Company. The coroner stated In his verdict that he wanted to “severely criticize” Herman Adolph Hcherrer, the architect; Fred W. Jungelaus. set rotary and treasurer of the William P. Jungclans Company; Robert Berner, vice president o* the Ilethering ton and nernor Bteel Works; John Mel vin, superintendent of the Hetherington and Berner Company, for permitting the erection and operation of the derrick un der the conditions set out in the evi dence at the Investigation. ADDRESSES PROSECUTOR AND GRAND JURY The verdict which is addressed to the “Honorable Prosecutor and Grand Jury of Marion County, Indiana,” is as fol lows: Nov. 30, 1920. To the Honorable Prosecutor and Grand Jury. Marion County, Indiana. Dear Sir: I herewith submit to you the evldenc* and verdict in the deaths of Ezra Tabor and Edward Ileff, who were employed on a building under construction at Merrill and Colon streets for the Em rich Manual Training High School, the steel structure of which collapsed about II 45 a. m., on Thursday, Nov. IS. 1920. Tho evidence of witnesses showß In the main that the collapse was caused by the weight and vibration of a large ami improperly guyed stiff legged derrick which was owned and operated by tho Ittenbach Stone Company. There Is evidence that this derrick was operated in u dangerous and unlawful condition under the orders of one Carl Ittenbach and was operuated by one David Carroll and Marion West, foreman , and engineer for the Ittenbach Stone Company. The evidence obtained during my in- I vestigation of this case also.shows thatJ this stiff legged derrick was being oper-fl ated without having been properly* rigg“d and guyed and with brake linings which were completely worn out. All of this is in direct violation of the Indiana State law. In view of the fnet that the law was being violated at the time of the collapse my verdict in the case is manslaughter, and I have ordered the arrest of Carl Ittenbach and David Carroll and Marion West, who the evidence shows, were operating this derrick. I have been unable to find other viola tions of the law in connection with the collapse of the structure, but there has been considerable conflicting evidence in regard to the bolting and riveting of the steel superstructure, however. I was unable to find that the law was being violated in this respect. In conclusion. I want to severely criticise Herman Adolph Scherrer, ike architect: Fred W. Jungclans. secretary (Continued on Page Two.) A Booklet of Meat Recipes If you would like to hnve the Govern- favorite, proven recipes for dump lings. twelve o’clock pie. meat turnovers, Mexican beef, meat salads, mock duck, casserole roast, and a hundred other appetizing meat dishes, this is your chance. The Department of Agriculture has Just issued an elaborate free booklet on this subject. Our Washington Information Bureau will secure a copy for any woman who wants it. Aside from the recipes this is an econo my book. It tells how to get the moat for vour money when you go to the meat market. It points the way to the utiliza tion of every ounce from bone to drip ping*. It tells all the tricks for retain ing flavor, of making up the scraps to prevent waste. It is another of those booklets that you should add to your library of household helps. Frederic J. Haskin. Director, The Indiana Dally Times Information Bureau, Washington, D. C. I enclose herewith 2 cents in stamps for return postage on a free copy of “Meat Uecipes.” Name Address City State