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4 COMMISSION TO CONTINUE COAL ORDERS Eschbach Says His Board Will Keep on Directing in Emergency Cases. HAS NOT READ ORDER Jesse Eschbach, head of the State coal and food commission, today de clared that the commission would con tinue directing that emergency coal or ders be filled by those operntoTs who have signified their intention of cooperat ing with the commission, but that the Vandalia Coal Company and ftte Vigo Coal Products Company, plaintiffs In the suit for an injunction against the com mission, would be exempted. Mr. Eschbach would not comment on the future of the commission, declaring he had not yet read the entire order of the Federal Court, which granted a tem porary Injunction, practically nullifying the authority of the special coal and food board. “I haven't read the order yet.” he said, “and do not desire to comment on what the future activities of the com mission will be. We will proceed as we have until after the hearing for a perma nent injunction Is held. PARTIES TO BVIT TO BE EXEMPTED. “The Vandalia Coal Company and the Vigo Coal Products Company, which were parties to the suit, will be ex empted from emergency orders.” Mr. Eschbach said that as far as he is Informed no special legislation Is be ing considered by the administration for submission to the General Assembly, it has been reported In several circles that the incoming officials might take steps to strengthen and amend the law so that the commission could operate effectively. Governor-elect Warren T. McCray, however, has let it be known that he will have nothing to say in regard to the matter in his message to the Legisla ture, and this is taken by Interested . parties as an Indication that the com mission is practically dead and will not , be revived. The question of refunding the fees charged operators and retailers under the law Is perplexing Statehouse officials if It ultimately develops that the measure Is Invalidated. A great deal of the money raised by assessment of fees has been spent in op erating the special board and In event It should be decided that the license , funds must be returned to the companies there is a question as to where the money would come from. It is understood Ele Stansbury, State Attorney General, has been asked for an unofficial opinion on the matter. Barnard R. Batty of the Ogle Coal Company has issued a statement charging that statements made by the Indiana Spe cial Coal and Food Commission were “nnfair” to the Vigo Coal Products Com pany. “The statement was made by the at torney for the coal commission," said Mr. Batty, “in the hearing of the in- • Junction suit of the Vigo Coal Prod- ! nets Company against the commission u> J Federal Court that the company had dis- ! criminated against Its contracts In In- ‘ dlana In favor of Its contracts outside ■ of the State. SHOWS COAL DISTRIBI TION. "The reports heretofore submitted to j the commission show that this state ment Is unfair to the coal products com- ! pany. The reports In the hands of the j commission show that the enrire output j of the coal products company la sold to the Ogle Coal Company of Indian- I spoils, a wholesaler, and that the Ogle Coal Company makes contracts with cus- ; tomers In and out .of the State of In diana covering the output of the mines of the Vigo Coal Products Company and > other companies. JjutsHle of railway fuel the Ogle Coal Company has shipped the j coal received by it, between Indiana and j other States as follows; Total 1 tonnage I shippe 1 Total Total out- i Pro- Intra- side of Week of duction state. I’ct. State. ; Oct 18-23.. 21.500 1.1,700 74 5.510 Oct 25-30.. 21.000 15,290 70 0.400 Kov. 1-6... 10.843 17.133 90 2.310 Nov. 8-13.. 22.475 10.240 80 3.233 “It may be that a particular mine or particular company may ship more coal during some week outside of the State than into Indiana because of the loca tion of the mine on some particular! railroad, or on account of the quality of the coal produced ,ln some partlcu- . lar mine, but the report of the Ogle Coal Company shows that the charge made as to discrimination against consumers in Indiana is unfair and that If anything Indiana consumers have been favored." New State Auditor Takes Office Dec. 1 The first of the new State officials elected Nov. 2 will take office Wednes- 1 day morning, when W. G. Oliver assume* the duties of auditor of State. Mr. Oliver succeeds Otto H. Klauss, whose term be- | gan Nov. 24, 1918. Mr. Klauss' term expired Nov. 24 of ! this year, but an agreement was made’ between him and his successor, whereby Mr. Klaus* retained the office until Dec. j 1. Mr. Oliver will begin his duties Wednesday morning. An especially strenuous time has been experienced by Mr. Klauss during his term, since he was forced to operate bis office on a meagre appropriation, and It was dne to his urging that the special session of the Legislature was called July 12, to appropriate funds for the State Institutions. The operation of the State insurance banking departments were also under the direction of Mr Klauss. Mr. Oliver will not hare charge of these departments, since the special session of the General Assembly mad* them distinct State departments. Mr. Klauss has not announced his plans after leaving office. Report Seeing Craft BrandedJStorm Lost SEATTLE, Nov. SO.—The Merchants Exchange reported today receiving word that the Canadian Pacific liner, Empress of Japan, due today at Vancouver, B. C., has sighted a schooner answering the description of the W. J. Pirrle, reported lost with eighteen persons aboard. In a storm off the southern Washington coast last Friday. The schooner was at sea proceeding under her own canvas and apparently in good condition. Loganport to Have Big City Xmas Tree Special to The Times. LOGANS POUT. Ind., Nov. 30.—Revival of the municipal Christmas tree In Lo gansport by the city officials will be made, according to an announcement to day. The largest evergreen tree In the coun ty will be secured and placed In the downtown district. PERMIT FOR SCHOOL ADDITION. A permit for the erection of a 39x72 foot, two-story addition to School No. 45 was issued to the board of school commissioners, owners, and the Gale Construction Company, contractors, by the city building commissioner today. The structure Is to be of brick and frame and will cost $54,000. I Bread , Pie , Cake Bakers to Vie at Pure Food Show Prizes to Be Offered Winners in Contests Scheduled for Next Week. At the Pure Food Show which will be held at Tomlinson hall all next week, | there will be baking contests with prizes for the best pies, bread and cakes. The pie baking contest Is open only to do j rnestic science students of Indianapolis schools. This contest will be held Tues | day afternoon. The pies are to be cov ered and of the apple variety, baked In I uine-inch pans at home. They are to be at the hall not later than 2 p. m., Tues day. The bread baking contest Is open to j housewives only and will be held Wednesday afternoon. On Friday night ; ten-inch white layer cakes will be re ceived from such housewives or stu dents who care to compete. On this eve ning the decision of the Judges of all contests will be announced. Those who wish to enter the contests will be fur nished rules by applying to D. R. Stur geon, chairman of contest committee, Belmont SS4. The Pure Food Show is held under the auspices of the Indianapolis Retail Gro cers’ Association, of which Ralph S. Orr is president. The following committees have been appointed: Executive committee, Ralph S. Orr, chairman; George Amt, Phil Kerz, B. F. Whitaker, Mike Vogt. I*. R. Sturgeon and E. S. Whitaker. Entertainment, D. R. Sturgeon, chair man ; M. W. Ferguson, Harry Olsen, C. A. Fissell, Harvory Smith. Publicity, Frank S. Chance, chairman; J. E. Williams. L. D. Wise, D. O. Tay lor, H. Stemkle. Exhibit, Mike Vogt, chairman; Otto C. Raaseh, W. H. Ruskaup, H. Rueklehaus, Adolph Rentsch. Decoration, Georgs Amt. chairman: J. IV. Patterson, W. H. Martin, William Liehr, A. Lewis. The reception committees are as fol lows : Monday night. Harvey Smith, chair man ; Fred Schlegle, William Arnold, George Beckerth. Charles Galm. Tuesday, John Bulger, chairman; K. F. Bloemker, E. W. Bruns, William Busehmann. E. A. Evans. Wednesday. I. O. Marts, chairman; Charles M. Daniels, Ed Dirks, George .1 Ha nun el, C. H. Hill. Thursday, W. B. Peake, chairman; Phil \ Cornett. William Hoy, C. E. Moldthan, i W. A. Schofi>ld Friday. William Ilathert, chairman; W. F. Svhortemeier. J. J. Nysewander, W. j W. Lorez, C. R. Julian. Saturday, Mike Vogt, chairman; A. W. Reinklne. P. O. Clark, William Johns. W T. Meyers. Monday night the retail grocers and jobbers of the city will be entertained The Newsboys’ Band will furnish the j music. On Tuesday night there will boa j shower for the couple who are to be ' the chief participants In a public wed ding to be held at the show on Wednes day night. Besides numerous presents from the exhibitors, the couple will be J presented with a gift of SIOO by the j association. j DECLARES PEACH KING POISONED Husband of Woman Held Makes Startling Charge. MACON, Ga., Nov. 30—With further arrests In connection with the reported murder of Fred D. Shepard, wealthy peach grower, expected hourly, the case became more complicated today with the declaration of Dr. Eugene F. Helmer, husband of one of the four prisoners, that Shepard undoubtedly had been poisoned. “When the truth Is known every!, will be utterly astounded," Elmer stated. “Developments will come within a week which will shock all because of their diabolical nature "Fred Shepard was poisoned. Not for one minute would I doubt the word of those two Atlanta experts, but my wife Is absolutely unconnected with the plot, for I know the full story." Mrs. Annie E. Cutts. wife of Eldrldge Cutts. prominent attorney, of Fitzgerald, Ga., the fourth to be arrested In connec tion with Shepard's death, was lodged in the county jail here last night. Hearing of arguments in the petitions for bail for Mrs. Elmer, former wife of Shepard-, Mrs lone Henry, Mrs. Elmer's sister, and Ernst Hopson, Mrs. Elmer's son by her first husband, will be heard Dor*. 7. Meanwhile Solicitor General Charles A. Garrett, In charge of the State's case, remained silent as to what evidence he has against the four prisoners. Strong opposition will be *made to granting bail for any of the Tour pris oners, Garret announced. Indications were the defense would make a four cornered fight, separate counsel being en gaged for each prisoner. The arrest of Mrs. Cutta was sur rounded with mystery, as was the arrest of Mrs. Elmer, Mrs. Henry and Hop son Saturday night. Robberies on Boost, Logansport Report Special to The Times. LOGANSPORT, Ind., Nov. 30.—Rob beries are on the increase in this city. The home of Mrs. O. P. Smith was en tered some time Monday during the broad daylight and diamonds valued nt over 8100 stolen by the thieves. The loot Included three valuable diamond rir-. sand a lftvalllere studded with dia monds. Reports of the attempts to enter the home of two other prominent residents of this city also were made but the burglars were thwarted. Woman Returns Home to Find Mate Dead Special to The Times. COLFMBUB, Ind., Nov. 30.—George T-eighton. 00, a farmer near here, dropped dead Monday morning while operating s cream separator at his home. Death Is' believed to have been due to acute Indi gestion. The widow found the body when she returned from Indianapolis where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Noah Wise. COMPANY INCORPORATES. Articles of Incorporation were filed to day with the secretary of State by the Mandel, Applebaum Company of Indi anapolis. The company has capital stock of $10,090 and will engage In the manu facture of ladles’ wearing apparel. Karl D. Mandel, Sain Applebaum and John H. Roberts are the incorporators. Movies and Autos Blamed for Crime DEXY*ER,. Nov. 30.—Movies and automobiles are responsible for the nation-wide crime wave which is sweeping the country, according to YVilliam A. Pinkerton, head of the Pinkerton Detective Agency. “The show,rig of pictures of crim inal ads promote criminality,” he said. “The showing of such pictures should be prohibited." Most of the committed are apparently done hy novices and young boy*, Pinkerton stated. TURNS ON LIGHT, FACES BURGLAR Robber Forces Woman to Re turn to Bed Under Threat of Shooting. When Mrs. H. C. Gates, 1828 North Illinois street, was awakened at 4 o'clock this morning she was conscious some person was in her room. She got out of bed and reached for the electric light switch, and as she turned on the light found herself look ing at a burglar who covered her with a revolver. The man, short, heavy set and wear ing a cap. in a gruff voice ordered Mrs. Gates to “get back In bed and keep quiet and put that light out.” At the same instant the burglar turned In 6Uch a way that he could also keep Mr. Gates, who bad remained in bed, cov ered with the revolver. When Mrs. Gates returned to bed the man ordered both Mr. and Mrs. Gates to turn over and keep their faces In the pillows. PRESSED GUN AGAINST HEAD. To give emphasis to the order the bur glar pressed the gun against Mr. Gates’ head. Then the thief backed through the doorway Into the hall. When Gates heard the man going down the stairway he leaped from the bed and turned on the lights and Mrs. Gates se cured a revolver from a drawer, but the thief had escaped. W. M. Gates, father of H. C. Gates, telephoned the police and an emergency squad responded. Mr. Gates found that $25 was missing from his trousers pockets, and Mrs. Gates said a string of pearls valued at S6O had been taken. The burglar had unlocked both front and bark doors at the Gates home before going to the second floor to search for money and Jewelry. Two bandits held up and robbed Frank Mosler, owner of a filling station, 1706 South Harding street. Mosler had started to close his place j when a rap on the door caused him to open it. Two white men entered and one covered him with u revolver. The other removed S2O from the cash register. Then the two men left the filling elation and rau in the direction of the stock yards. The men failed to get $lO that Mosler had taken from the cash drawer and had hidden under an oil cmh. Mrs Gordon Tanner, 119 East Nine teenth street, reported to the police that a pin set with three diamonds valued at $321. and a pair of cuff links had been stolen from her home. A burglar entered and ransacked the home of George Rlrt, 109 East Palmer street, and $3 was stolen Mrs. Ruth Wilson, 2823 Moore avenue, was robbed by • uegro purse snatcher, who grabbed her poeketbook containing $5 when she waa passing an alley near ; Rural and Washington street. George Folieudger, 1235 North Alabama | street, told the police that clothing and Jewelry valued at sl2l was missing from j his room. Generous Buying of Red Cross Seals Urged hy Governor ; Governor James P. Goodrich today 1 called upon th people of Indiana to “con- ! j tribute generously” to the 1920 Christmas seal sale. The Governor, who Is a mew- > | ber of tha Marion County Tulswculosis 1 I Association, issued a proclamation to , the people of the State, In which he cm- i pbaslzed that "the happiness of any peo- j pie and the safety of any nation inev- I itably must rest on the solid foundation of health.” j The proclamation set aside Sunday, i Dec. 5, as “Tuberculosis Sunday" through ! out Indiana and the week following as j J "Health Week for the State.” I The proclamation is as follows: The happiness of any people and the i safety of any nation Inevitably must | rest on the soild foundation of health. Where men decay the State del *rlor>.rea. ! It Is deeply to the Interest of the Stale, 1 therefore. t sa eguard the public health ’ in all possible ways. ; Officers of the State, to whom Is en j trusted the welfare of the people, should lend their constant support not only to | formal health program* of the body poll, i tic, but also to great health movements. I Instituted direct.y among the people and aimed to guide the formal programs. ' Gradually these two types of battle ! against disease are becoming merged i throughout America for a more effective f struggle against the enemies that beset I man’s body. Tuberculosis and its awful storv of wrecked lives is now no new subject among (he people of Indiana. For years ! the citizenship of tbo States has battled Ito prevent the spread of the white plague and to provide cure for cases of ! the disease alreadv established. Head 1 way has been made against Its inroads, j Slowly the death rate are declining. Foremost in this fight has been the Indiana Tuberculosis Association, and Its component parts, the local county tu berculosis sssoclatlons throughout the State. These derive the funds to support public nurses, clinics, school health crusades and their vast educational program against dlsenso from the annual sale of Christmas seals. The public has come to know the little holiday sticker, which we place on our Christmas and New Year’s mail, for what it really Is—a harbinger of hope to thousands of the stricken In Indiana. The call of the Christmas Seal again j Is heard. Now. therefore, L James I*. Goodrich, Governor of the State of Indiana, do : designate Sunday, Dec. 5, 1920. us Tuber- i culosls Sunday, and I do further pro claim the week following,, Dec. 5 to 12, i I 1920, to be Health Week throughout the i length and breadth of the State of In i dlana. And I do hereby cull on the clergy i of Indiana, the schools, the press qnj j all other civic agencies to lend their' i efforts to the successful culmination of | the 1920 Christmas Seal sale during the j periods above set out, in order that the I ! citizenship of Indiana may once more j be acquainted with the havoc of tu- , IhtculosU in our midst and may be led ' to contribute generously to the annual I seal sale. j In testimony, whereof, I have here- I i onto set my band and caused to be af- i j fired the Great Res! of the State of I Indiana at the Capitol in the city of ' Indianapolis, this 50th day of November, j 1920. JAMES P, GOODRICH, By the Governor. Governor. ' Kd Jackson. Secretary of State. Death in Attorney’s Family Halts Trial Special to The Times. LAFAYETTE, Ind., Nov. 30.—Because of the death of Mrs. George D. Parks, mother of Morris R. Parks, prosecuting attorney, farther proceedings In the Cir cuit Court trial of Pearl M. McLaughlin, charged with the murder of ber former husband, was deferred until next Mon day. Mrs. Parks is survived hy the hus band, an attorney, a son, Itoscoe Parks of New York City and her son here. SEEK TWO GIRLS HERE. The police are searching for two girls, Dorothy Lampkln. 17, and Ollie Butcher, 1 17, who have disappeared from their | homes In Bloomington. Captain Stevens jof the Bloomington police department gave the Indianapolis police n descrip tion of the missing girls. gtf&iNF and Morning. ***Have Strcng. Healthy m Ef*. If they Tire, Itclv jjp* Smart or Bum, if Sore, ' rwrC irritated, Inflamed or IR Lit,}Granulated.useMurina often. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe for sassasEiffsgsssa INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1020. Princess Will Not Discuss Husband 9 s Suit for Divorce Beautiful Russian Woman, Who Wed American, Said to Have Another Husband. MONTREAL, Quebec. Nor. SO.—Declar ing that she, a woman of noble bfcrth, married a "commoner” because of her love for him, Mrs. Wallace S. Schutz, for merly Princess Troubetkoy, called the most beautiful Russian Red Cross nurse, said today that she would not contest her husband's suit for divorce, filed at Green Bay. Wis. “I married him because I loved him, and because he declared I was center of j his ambitions,” the prlnoess said. “All 1 life Is a tragedy, and, who knows, I may j not be here long.” Captain Schutz alleges that the princess has another husband living in Victoria, Turin, said to have been a former officer In the Russian Imperial Guard, now re | siding In New York State. Mrs. Schutz, who Is convalescing at the home of a friend here from a nervous breakdown, would not discuss that angle of the case. “Regarding my life with Captain Schutz and his action let him talk,” sho said. “He will tell all. Surely I have suffered sufficiently.’’ The marriage of Captain Schutz aud Princess Troubetzkoy was one of the social events at Washington last spring. Two years ago the Princess was one of the most feted and honored women In America. Following the Russian revo lution, In which many of her kin are said to have been massacred, the Prin cess fled to the ITnited States and be came a nurse at a naval hospital at Washington. STRIKE ZONE IS REPORTED QUIET Federal Troops on Duty at West Virginia Mine. WILLIAMSON, W. Va., Nov. 30.—The strike zone | n Mingo County, scene of many sanguinary encounters between striking coal miners and mine guards and private detectives, was quiet to day. Federal troops armed with machine guns are nt strategic points In the dis trict affected by the strike. The num ber of strikers wai estimated at all the way from 2.000 to 5.000. Many of them were reported heavily armed and pre pared to renew their fight against the coal companies and non-union workers. Colonel Herman Hall, commanding the troops. Issued a proclamation declaring the military In complete control of the strike zone. He directed all civil officers to place themselves under the Instruction of army officers. Governor Cornweli, who asked for the troops and martial law. also Is. sued a proclamation last night In which he declared Mingo County is lu a state of Insurrection, He elte4 several esses of violence and murder during the past few weeks as the reason for placing the county under ml.itary rule. In order to be in a position to deal swl tly with possible outbreaks at any point tn the eouuty. Colonel Hall dis patched bodies of troops to surround ing towns. In addition to the troops, the county Is being patrolled by a detachment of State constabulary Rnd a company of. picked deputy sheriffs. Colonel Hall Issued an order forbid ding public meeting* except by permis sion. Boy Burglar Shot and Killed hy Cop Facing Empty Guns NEW YORK. Nov. 30—The latest of hoy burglary episodes ended today when Police man Joseph Smith shot David Steele. 10. below the heart. Steele la charged with being ono of three boy* who smanhed a Forty-Second street store window, grabbed thing* and ran. Smith gave chase and cornered Steele, who whirled, pointing two navy revolvers and yelled: “I’ve got the drop on you. Now step bac kor I'll blow y. nr head off.” Policeman Smith did not know the re volver* were two of nine taken from the window and not loaded. So he fired. When asked at the hoapltal who his com panions were. Steel raid: “I’m no rat. I won't squeal. I broke the window with n piece of Irish con fcttl (a brick). I had two guns In my hands and (turning to Smith) I would haver killed you If they had been loaded. FORMER EMPRESS STRICKEN. DOOKN, Holland, Nov. 30—Tlie for mer German empress suffered two heart attacks today and her condition Is criti cal. HE DARKENED HIS GRAY HAIR Tell* How He Did It. Mr. J. A. McCrea, a well-known resident of Han Francisco, who was called Daddy and Grandpa on ac count of his white hair, and who ' darkened ft with a home-made mix- i tore, recently made the following ! statement: "Anyone can prepare a simple i mixture at home that will darken | gray hair, and make It soft and j glossy. To a half-pint of water and ■ 1 ounce of bay rum, a small box of Barbo Compound and % ounce of 1 glycerine. These ingredient* can be bought I at any drug etpre at very little cost. 1 Apply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade Is obtained. It does not color the scalp. Is not sticky or greasy and does not rub ofT.'*-*- Advertisement. (Bticura § Quickly Soothes Itching Scalps Treatment: Gently rub Cuticura Ointment,, with the end of the finger, on spot-* of dandruff and itching. Follow next morningwith a hot shampoo of Cuticura Soap. Repeat in two weeks. Nothing bet ter than these fragrant super-creamy emollients for all skin and scalp troubles. Sample Each Fra* by Kail. Addrojs: "OoMroraLab oraterl.s, D* >t. 80, Maid.a 41 MAea.” Sold rr.ry- Soap ’Sc. Ointment 25 aud Me. Talcum Be. jtJV'Cuticura Soap ahawaa without mu*. SHORTAGE MAY REACH $500,000 Grand Rapids Bank Cashier Makes Reputed Confession. GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., Nov. 80.— Frederick W. French, assistant cashier of the City Trust and Savings Bank, was to be arraigned today on charges of em bezzling between $300,000 and $500,000 of the bank's funds. He is said to have confessed peculations extending over a period of ten years. French's method, according to his al leged confession, was ' simple. When ever a bank examiner Would place se curities lu an envelope and seal It French would lift the seal and replace the securities with blank paper. The next examiner, seeing the seals on the envelopes would pass them. An examiner who was seeking to trace a email mortgage trapped French. He discovered the blank paper in one en velope and opened others. French was arrested. French told bank officials that he had dreams of piling up a fortune that would rival that of Rockefeller or Morgan. He said most of Ills deals went wrong aud produced a card Index purporting to show what had become of the money ho Is ac cused of taking. His peculations, It is said, amount to SIOO,OOO more than the capital stock of the bank. Directors de posited $590,000 in order to prevent a run. Shows Father How Good for Nothing Son Really Can Be CHICAGO, Nov. 30. William C. .Walker, minister’s son, held at the Hyde Park police station tpr burglaries total ing $100,900, told the police today ha starred his criminal career to show has futher what a “good for nothing son he could be.” Walker is 28, the son of the Rev. Charles Walker, Columbia, S. C. He says he formerly was a law student at Co lumbia University, New York. TF- • captured late yesterday after an exjelting i base through Hyde Park stradts, in which the officers fired at the fugitive. “My father told me I could n/>t remain In school,” Walker told ttw police. “WhA he told me this I OokQ him that i liked school life and If b£ thought I was worthies* and was aot studying enough I’d show him wbrit a good for nothing son I could b. Then I came to Chicago and I have fcceA a criminal ever at nee.” MOI HER! “California Syrup of Figs” ChildUs Best Laxative Accept “California” Byrap if Fig* only —look for the name California on ths fixrktge, then you are aure tout child s having (be beat anti most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowel* Children loss fta fruity tasto Full direction* on each bottle. You muM say “California.”— Advertisement. Rheumatism Left Him As If By Magic! Had Suffered Over 50 Years! fy- - Now 83 Ycart^j^ClQ^^ Reveals Startling Facts Overlooked By Doctors and Scientists For Centuries “I atn eighty-three year* old and I doc tored, for rheumatism ever since 1 came out <>f the army over fifty years ago,” wurtea J. It. Ashelman. “Like many others. I spent money freely for so called ‘cures,’ and I have read about T rie Acid’ until I could almost taste It. I could not nights or walk without pain; my hand* were so sore and stiff I could not hold a pen. But now. ns if by uiuglc, I am again In active business and can walk with ense or write all day with comfort. Friends are aurprlsed at the change.’ HOW IT HAPPENED. Mr. Asheliuan Is only olio of thou sands who suffered for years, owing to I the general belief In the old, false theory ! thut “Uric Acid” causes rheumatism. . This erroneous belief Induced him and | legions of unfortunate men and women to take wrong treatments. You might Just as "well attempt to put out a tire with oil to try and get rid of your rheuinu ■tism, neuritis and like complaints, by taking treatments supposed to drive Uric Acid out of your blood and body. Many physicians and scientists now know that Uric Acid never did, never enn and never will cause rheumatism; that It Is a natural and necessary con stltuent of tlie blood; that It is found in every new-born babe; and that without It we could not live! These statements may seem strange to some folks, w'ho have all along been led to believe in the old “Uric Acid” humbug. It took Mr. Ashelr.iun fifty years to find out tills truth. He learned how to get rid of the true cause of his rheumatism, i other disorders, and recover Ills strength from "Tho Inner Mysteries," a remark able book now being distributed free by an authority who devoted over twenty years to the scientific study of this par ticular trouble. NOTE: If any reader of the The Dally Times wishes the book that reveals these facts regarding the true cause and cure of rheumutlsm, facts that were over looked by doctors and scientists for cen turies past, simply send a post card or letter to 11. P. Clearwater, No. 152 £ Street, Hallowell, Maine, and it will be sent by return mail without any charge whatever. Cut out this notice lest you forget! If not a sufferer yourseir hand this good news to some afflicted fflend Advertisement. Actor Will Be Honor Guest of Kiwanians The Klwanls Club, at lta weekly lunch eon at the Hotel Severln tomorrow noon, will entertain Barney Bernard, lmper sonator of “Abe Potash,” at the Murat Theater this week, and the club will In turn be entertained by Mr. Bernard, who has a reputation as an after dinner speaker. The Orloff Trio will give a musical program. Nelson G. Trowbridge, manager of the Murat theater, will be, another special guest. “Silent Boosts” will he given by John H. Lederer, general manager of the In diana Dally Times, and William D. Kee nan, advertising manager of the Star. The attendance of Kiwanians Is expected to break the record. Over 32 Years In This Bame Location. ckrStore 360-370 St Three blocks wsat—Easy to find and worth finding. 3 buy y ■ XMAS GIPTS f Hosts of Christmas Suggestions As usual, no phone, C. 0. D. or mail orders on these Wednesday Bargain Squares. They are worth a personal visit. Shirts, SI.OO Cone’s "Bobs” Indigo blue and medium blue charabray, beat grade work shirts; union made; rut extra full; sizes 14Mi to 17Vj. Formerly told for $1.59 and $1.75- YVEDNESDAY ONLY Each, $1 (Main Floor) Union Suits, $1 Women’s Itiobelieu fine ribbed, lisle finish, sleeve less union aulta; pink or white; Mgbt weight; suit able for year round wear; tailored band top; ankle length; size* 4, 5 and 6. Formerly priced s2 * WEDNESDAY ONLY Suit, $1 i Extra M*<\ fI.W) ( M%ii Floor) Gloves, $1.19 Women’s glove*, gaunt let and two-clasp styles, of Atlas washable fabric; one of the popular glove* for fall and winter wear; black and all new colora with two-tone embroid ered back— WEDNESDAY ONLY Pair, $1.19 (Main floor) Mattress, $8.95 All-cotton mattress. 45 lha ; built for service; filled with clean, whit* cotton, covered with heavy art th-k; finished with rolled edge Regu larly $12.95. Special— WEDNESDAY ONLY $8.95 (Third Floor) Suitings, $1.39 Plaid suitings 40 Inches wide, firmly woven, heavy weight. In 15 different col r# combinations. Itegular ly $2.00 WEDNESDAY #NLY Yard, $1.39 (Main Floor) Sweaters, $3.65 Boys’ sweater coats, In sllp-oter or coat styles, in dark blue, with fttllars; also In gray, green, ms roon, red and blue; sizes 3 to 14. Regularly $6.00 WEDNESDAY ONLY Each, $3.65 (Main Floor) Curtains, 89c Scrim curtains. 2 1 ,* yards long, plain center; finished with lace edge and Insertion. Regularly $1.89 WEDNESDAY ONLY. Pair, 89^ (Main Floor) Scarfs, 55c Dresser scarfs, sizo 18x 50 Inches; with wide lace edges and pretty lace me dallion. 85c and 9Sc qual ities— WEDNESDAY ONLY. Each, 55£ (3 for *1.55) (Main Floor) For Smokers Smoking set, made of brass. The set Includes round tray, cigar nnd match holder and ash tray. The 4-plece set— WEDNESDAY ONLY. Set, $1.85 (Main fcloor) Ribbon, 25c Ribbon. 4 to 51(j inches wide; plain taffeta and fancy floral patterns; ex tra good quality silk rib bon. Big special— YY’EDNESDAY ONLY. Yard, 25^ (Main Floor) e GUNMAN SUSPECT HELD UNDER BOND Hotel Surrounded and 22-Year- Old Man Taken. Suspected of being a gun man wanted on charges of robbery and murder In Pennsylvania, Robert Miller, 22, of Greensburg, Pa., Is under arrest on a vagrancy charge today and 1* held un der a $5,000 bond. Miller Is said to have shown a revolver to a man In this city and to have de- To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Grove’s LAXATIVE BP.OMO QUI NINE tablets. The genuine bears the signature of E. W. Grove. 20c. —Adver- tisement. Wednesday BARGAIN! SQUARES* ’Kerchiefs Women* handker chiefs, packed 3 aud 4 in Xmas box; white or col ored ; corner embroidered effects. Avery pretty Xmas gift— WEDNESDAY ONLY The Box, 44£ (Main Floor) This Set, 74c Cut glass creßm and sugar sets; very pretty pattern; always sold at SI.OO the set— WEDNESDAY ONLY Set, 740 (Main 1 loor) Curtains, 69c Ruffled Swiss curtain*. 2)4 yards long; made from good quality scrim, finished with wide vuffl . Regularly 89c— WEDNESDAY ONLY Pair, 69<* (Third Floor) Rugs, $11.95 Congoleum rugs, size 9x12; beautiful pattern heavy quality, waterproof and sanitary. Regular!? $19.00 (slightly Imperfect) ONLY $11.95 (Third Floor) Raincoats Roys' rain in tan color only; made with slash pockets and mili tary collars; sizes H to 16. Regular $3.50 and $3.9S vaiuea - WEDNESDAY ONLY. $2.85 (Main Floor) Pants, $4.65 Men’s pants, made of novelty worsteds, cassl meres and dark cordu roys; sizes 32 to 44. Our $7.50 value— WEDNESDAY ONLY $4.65 (Main Floor For Men Men’s suits and over coats. Suits of nil-wool worsteds nnd cassltneret. Overcoats In green, blue and brown mixtures, pop ular ulster and ulsterette models. Sizes 33 to 44. All $40.00 values— WEDNESDAY' ONLY Choice, $24.50 (Mu.ln Floor) Serge, $2.48 Freuch serge, 48 Inches wide; an all-wool serge of splendid wearing quality: all staple shade* in the lot. Regularly $3.48. WEDNESDAY ONLY. Yard, $2.48 (Main Flodr) Union Suits Men’s heavy ribbed ecru cotton union suits; full two-thread Oneida knit; all perfect, clean and fresh; sizes 30 to 50. Former price, $3.00 — WEDNESDAY ONLY. Suit, $1.69 (2 suits, £3.25) (Main Floor) Serge, $1.48 All-wool storm serges, strong, ‘sturdy, all-wool serge that will stand a world of wear. It Is a wonderful quality to be priced so low, and is 50 Inches wide; In navy, brown, Cos pen. Burgundy and red. $2,49 value — WEDNESDAY ONLY Yard, $1.48 (Main Floor) dared that “they will never take ml alive.” I Letters from the Greensburg police do* partmeat stated' “he Is a dangerous man, take no chances.” Detectives found Miller In the Chicago Hotel, 306 Indiana avenue, at 4 this morning and the hotel was surround! ed. Detectives Rcdemacher, Peats, F*J *nti and Sullivan, went to the room Miller was sleeping. With revolvers drawn they broke in the door and cov ered Miller. No revolver was found in the room. The detectives say Robert Miller Is wanted for robbery at Scottsdale, Pa., where Ed Miller Is In Jail, it being charged Robert was one of two men who escaped after a gun battle. According to the police, three men were found robing a hardware store aft Scottsdale and about twenty shots wera exchanged. Ve Need a Cross Town Lino • 3. . I !CVIN&TOW TO MT jaCKJOti ‘ . *. J Lei ilie Public Decide Wool Remnants 1-3 Off Owing to the fact that we must have more space for displaying Christmas merchandise, the REM NANTS MUST GO. 1 to 5-yard lengths, of wool serges, poplins, tricotines, etc., will be sold WEDNESDAY ONLY 1-3 Off the marked down remnant Price. (Main rioor) Ginghams, 19c 32-lnch fancy dress ging hams, In a large assort ment of p'aid* and stripes: light and dark colors. Did sell for 30c— WEDNESDAY ONLY Yard, 19<* (Basement) Toys, 55c Tommy, Belle and Mammy Tinker, the well known wooden bead toy. Extra value— WEDNESDAY ONLY Each, 55£ (Basement) Flannel, 14c Heavy weight, dark, fancy outing flannel; plaids and stripes, 22c value— YVEDNESDAY ONLY* Yard, 14£ < Ik&nemrnt) Velocipedes, $2.49 Y’eloclpefles, steel tires, black frame, red wheels, and adjustable seat, $3.50 value— YVEDNESDAY ONLY $2.49 (Basement) Shoofly, $1.19 Bhooflys, with painted horses; strongly made, $1.50 value— WEDNESDAY ONLY Each, $1.19 (Basement) Shoes, $3.85 Women's soft kid com fort shoes, with cushion soles and rubber heels. A $5.00 value— WEDNESDAY ONLY Pair, $3.85 (Main Floor) Dresses, $5.95 ChildreiCa all-wool serge dresses, - middy style; some embroidery trimmed, of white and blue. Others have blue piping; sizes 7 to 12. Up to $7.95 values— WEDNESDAY ONLY $5.95 (Second Floor) Juliets, $2.95 Women’s soft hid Jul iets, plain and patent tip, with hand-turned soles, cushion Insoles aud ber heels— YVEDNESDAY ONLY Pair, $2.95 (Main Floor) House Dresses Gingham and percale house dresses; dark or light color*; sizes 38 to 44. Up to $2.95 values — WEDNESDAY ONLY $1.89 (Second Floor) Gowns, $1.19 Outing flannel night gowns for women; in neat stripes of pink and blue; sizes 16 and 17. Extra special for WEDNESDAY ONLY $1.19 (Second Floor) Coats, $14.75 Women winter coats of wool velour, silvertone, goldtone, etc., In green, brown, navy, purple and black; also fancy mixture materials; plain and fur trimmed collars: button trimmed cuffs. Very big bargain for YVEDNESDAY ONLY 514.75 (Second Floor) Waists, $4.89 Women's waists of ■trlped satin and taffeta also plain color with [*’ 0 “ se collars and sahes of tricolette. $6 50 value— Wednesday only 54.89 (Second Floor) Sport Hose Women's sport hose. Tnese are Indeed remark able values. Heavy weight wool and silk and wol mixtures; seamless and seinl-fashloned stvles; big assortment of good, desirable colors. Be here early 1 YVEDNESDAY ONLY Pair, 59<^ (Main Floor) Silk Hose, 95c Pair 1,200 pairs 10-strand pure thread silk hose for women; fashioned seamed leg, mercerized lisle top, fUily reinforced; well known, advertised brands wear guaranteed. Solrf short time ago for $2.00 and $2.50. Buy for Xmas now! YVEDNESDAY ONLY Paii’, 95^ (Main Floor) Pajamas, $2.35 .Men’s Domet flannel pa jamas, silk frog fasten ers; fine, heavy grade material; blue and white, rink and white patterns; all size*. Formerly $3.00, WEDNESDAY ONLY Suit, $2.35 (Main Floor) =■: 1 1 35c Sox, 22c Fleece-lined socks for men; good, heavy weight, firm knit, elastic top, fast black, first quality. For merly sold for 35c WEDNESDAY ONLY Pair, 22^ (3 pairs, 65c) (Main Floor) For Infants Sweater gets for Infanta, of all-wool knitted, in rose and white. Big value for WEDNESDAY ONLY Set, $5.95 (Second Floor) Union Suits Women s bleached fleece lined, ribbed union suits; long sleeves and ankle length. Seconds of a $1.89 value — YVEDNESDAY ONLY Suit, 98^ (Basement) Boots, $4.45 Women's 9-inch laca boots, of black, brown and gray; tine kid leather; low or high heels— WEDNESDAY ONLY Pair, $4.45 (Main Floor)