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6 JfoMana Sails Sfimaa INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. Daily Except Sunday, 25-29 South Meridian Street. Telephones—Mam 3500, New 28-351 MEMBERS OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS. . . _ < Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, G. Logan Payue Cos. Advertising oluces j New York. Boston. Payne. Burnu St Smith. FORTY-THREE ARRESTS in one night for gambling also demonstrate how utterly free of gambling Indianapolis is! AEODT THE ONLY THING that does not require a "drive" to keep alive is the celebration of the return of Christmas. IN OTHER WORDS, the fire department would be all right if it were taken out of politics in accordance with the mayor's pre-election promises! CALLING the professional bondsmen by name is very likely to accom plish their removal from the City Court. No other method has proved suc cessful. ADDING the number of arrests for traffic law violations to the lists for burglary, etc., gives an impressive number, but really fools few persons as to the activities of the police. HAVING TAXED the coal consumers of Indiana for several hundred thousand dollars with which to administer a law that they knew was un constitutional, the members of the Goodrich coal commission might now make amends by donating the residue to the community chest. Goodby, Coal Commission The Federal Court having now put the Goodrich coal commission out of business there remains little to do except study the collapse of this vicious attempt to "regulate” the coal industry and speculate on its value as a lesson In how not to attempt to provide coal. The Goodrich coal commission \va3 a failure from its inception to its finish, viewed from the standpoint of the coal consumer. It attempted to fix prices of coal and there never was a time in its existence when coal could be purchased in Indianapolis at the prices it fixed. It attempted to compel coal operators to produce coal and ship it as the commission directed and there never was a time when its directions did not do more toward disturbing a proper distribution of coal than toward helping the consumer obtain coal. It attempted to provide Indiana with Indiana coal and in effect it de prived Indianians of coal that would otherwise have gone to them because It encouraged coal operators to place their outputs under interstate con tracts, the legality of which has now been established. From the moment the managers of the mines in wh'ich the Goodrich family Is Interested went into Illinois to contract for their outputs, before the coal commission law became effective, the injustice and impropriety of the measure was apparent. Citizens of Indiana will lose no sleep over the disaster that has over taken this piece of Goodrichism. Asa director of coal Jesse Eschbach has proved himself an excellent State accountant. Ability Overlooked Among the forgotten possibilities of the last national conventions no one man has continued to be as active in the public eye as Herbert Hoover. Eliminated from possible nomination on the Democratic ticket by his own words and taken out of consideration for the Republican nomination by his own character, Mr. Hoover found no time tc mourn for a heart in the grave or to groom himself for a Cabinet position under Mr. Harding. Instead, he turned to a continuatlcn of the task for which is most to be commended —the feeding of the starving children of Europe. Mr. Hoover apparently does not subscribe to the teaching of Will Hays that the people of America are more Interested in their own stomachs than in the peace of Europe. He has not allowed political exigency to overcome his unselfish desire to help the suffering. It is this quality of persistency that has made Herbert Hoover stand out among the real Americans of this generation. He occupied a place In the world’s war that will long be remembered In history. He gave of his most valuable possession, his time, in an un* Btlnted manner and now that the war Is over he has demonstrated his willingness to serve again In whatever capacity the world can best make use of his services. It is Indeed unfortunate that the people of the United States have not yet learned to avail themselves of proven ability when It is available. The war disclosed executive qualities, unselfishness and ability in many men and the world, at peace, might well take cognizance of these disclosures and make use of the qualities that were so freely offered in the great stress and are now so often forgotten. Every community produced its workers in the world’s war. They were men and women who neglected their own personal Interests to give their best to their country in any capacity that their country needed them. In dianapolis sent forth Fred M. Ayres who not only demonstrated his willing ness to make any personal sacrifice, but also his ability to handle greater problems than exist at home. The United States gave to the world Herbert C. Hoover, whose work stands today, more appreciated outside than inside the United States. If we were to apply to the affairs of our Government the same degree of acrumen that we display in cur personal affairs neither Mr. Hoover nor -Mr. Ayres would long remain outside the sphere of Government activity. Some day we are going to awaken to the fact that our Government would be infinitely greater if we were willing to forget partisan politics long enough to insist that men of this caliber take hold of our affairs and administer them. The Difference It is indeed difficult for the Ameiyran mind to fathom the depths of feeling in Europe. Greece talks strongly of recalling her former King and there is considerable agitation about letting former Emperor William of Germany go to his villa on the Island of Corfu and there to bask in the sun and round out his life in pleasure. The idea of government is present with every American. It is his Government and a great deal is done continuously to carry this idea fu:* ther and further into his consciousness. In Europe, however, excepting In one or two countries, the government is a thing apparently apart from the people. The answer to the inquiry as to why they have kings and monarchs, is a shrug of the shoulder. So it is not surprising that Greece or a set of politicians in Greece seize an opportunity and agitate the re tuti of a scheming monarch who was willing to deliver that country into the hands of Germany. It seems to be the pleasure of all Americans to throw mud on the officers they elect. Sometimes this is disgraceful. Nevertheless, It Is far better to have a government which is amenable to the most ignorant mud throwers in America than to have one ruled strictly by politicians who are exploiting the country for their own good. America has much to learn from Europe end falls far short of her Ideals, but nevertheless she has those ideals and she is jealous of them and enforces them. This is liberty. The Janitors Word comes from Chicago that the janitors threaten to strike if their wages are not increased. They demand approximately BO per cent more than they receive. Word also comee from Berlin that the janitors has struck and created a most disagreeable situation for many thousands of families living in steam heated houses. It would seem that the time for strikes is over, that is, that the busi ness let down and the depression at the present time is such that no one would care to leave the job he has under any circumstance. However, the whole world is suffering from hysteria and unrest, a reaction after the four years of desperate war and tbe strikes of the janitors or their threatened strikes may bo attributed very largely to that malady. Generally in a city the size of Chicago or Berlin, the janitor knows how to get the money. He cannot turn around without being tipped and there are always plenty of occasions created or found by him which re quire him to turn areund. Indeed in Indianapolis there are janitors of apartments riding around in automobiles, which the tenants cannot afford. Without attempting to decide merits of any controversy of any striker, it is well to remember that the restlessness of the world is but the return •q normal and It la well to ba patient even with the janitor. When a girl marries A New Serial of Young Mar ried Life — By Ann Lisle ~ CHAPTER CIV. My tete-a-tete tea with Virginia car ried me back from the friendly atmos phere of the early afternoon to our old unaisterly relationship. She was dis trait and ahtant. 'I he subject of Pat Dalton was now us distantly taboo as if she'd forbidden the mention Os his name. Even twj) cups of scalding bot and very delictus tea couldn't warm our relations back to anything more than polite tolerance, Rjid I had a dreadful feeling that I ought to be grateful to Virginia for not putting a stupid med dler like me-out of her bouse and her life forever. Just how she managed to convey her impression without saying a word, I don't know. But, this I do know: I hadn’t brought her a Jot nearer Pat Dal ton. I hart forced her confidence a bit and made her unguardedly admit her Interest In the man who is still In name her husband —and she’ll not forgive me for knowing that Pat Isn't dead to her. I left Virginia and walked home feel ing that I’d done far more harm than good. It doesn't seem possible that I can ever ngntn hope to bring Pat and Virginia together. I have no clew— nothing on which to work. I don’t even know what part—if any—Carlotta Stur ges plays In their strange, separation. PUSS IN BOOTS JR. By David Con*. You remember In the last story bow the maiden found in the wolly golden lloece on the .thorny hushes, and now when the Goddess Venus returned, ana she was still very angry with her. And perhaps something dreadful might have happened. If. all of a sudden, the lovely maiden hadn't turned Into a butterfly and flown away. And without waiting. Puss followed and by and by he caught up with her Just as she alighted on a rose. ‘‘Where are you going asked Puss gently, for ho fe'.t very sorry for her after all the hard tasks which she had performed. And then the little butterfly replied: “Life Is made up of many tasks, little cat. aud when the body has grown weary, the soul takes wings and files away." And then the iittle butterfly paused and fluttered to a white rose, and as she swayed to and fro In the summer wind, she -aag this song: Once I was an ugly thing Vpnn the earth that crept. Until I spun a so.'t cocoon That held me wh!l>' 1 slept. And when the spring began to sing Us sweet awakening lay, I found myself a butterfly With wings to fly away. “I don't understand your song,” said little Puss Junior. So the lovely butter fly said, “Little I’uss Junior, there are many things you will never understand until you have suffered much." And then QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (Any reader ran get the answer to any question by writ r.g the Indiana Dally Times Inf irinsiiou Bureau, Frederic J. linskin. Dire :or, Wash ington, D. C. This offer applies strictly to Information. The bureau cannot give advice on legal, medical and financial matters. It does not attempt to settle domestic troubles, nor to undertake exhaustive research on auy subject. Write your question plainly and briefly. Give full name anil address and enclose 2 cents In stumps for return postage. All re plies are sent direct to the Inquirer.) HIGH PRICED SUGARS. Q. What are some of tbo highest-priced sugars? H. W. A. There are several rare sugars used In the deteetlou of diseases for which high prices are asked. Dulcltol for In stance, is worth about 1375 a pound. Mannose, miinnlte, oxqiosc, inulln, art blnose and rafflnosc are all bacteriologi cal sugars whose prWa range in dollars rather than cents, aud which are sold by the ounce more often than by the pound. BUMPER CORN CROP. Q. How much corn was harvested In the United States during the year 1918? I. M. C. A. Almost three million bushels of corn were harvested In this country la 1819. DISTANCE EXTENDED. Q. What la the distance between the home plate and the pitcher's box, and has this distance been lengthened since the game was first played? C. 7. A. The distance Is now slaty feet six Inches from the pjtcher's box to the plate. At first the “thrower." as ha was then called, stood thirty five feet from the plate. WAR LABOR HOARD. Q. How many cases did the National War Labor Board handle and how many decisions did It render? A. M. P. A. The report of the secretary states that the board received and passed upon 1.245 controversies; a total of 520 find ings were made; 391 complaints were dismissed; 315 referred to other boards, or adjustment agencies, and a few re mained on the docket. LEAGUE Or NATIONS BUDGET. Q. What Is the cost to Keep the League of Nations functioning? M. F K. A. The budget approved by the Coun cil of the League of Nations for next year calls for the sum of $400,000 monthly. cost or war ter day. Q. How much did It cost the United States a day for the war? 11. H. A. It cost this country about *24,000.000 a day for the time It was engaged in the World War. CAUSE or V AM-COLORED LEAVES. Q. Why do some leaves turn yellow end some nod In the fall? J. D. S. A. The colors of the leaves In the fall depend upon the chemical contents of the tree. When the leaves begin to turn this is a elgn that they are returning to the body of the tree any fool mat ter contained In them. All that remains In the cell cavities of the leaf Is a BRINGING UP FATHER. there lb MR \CLP- n I'LL BET HE. WELL'HOW oh. 1 CELT GO LONE Some WELL -why DON'T I 1 LOVE; TO p ON WHAT Dio VOU /yT YOU REMEMGer | HADN'T EATEN ARE. YOU AWAY EROM MY HOME YOU <iET GAIL J THEI ORCiAN - BUT I OO T up- 1 ✓ HlN\ *WE HAD HIM G'iINCE.,* FEEL IN ° TOWN -I VE BEEN AWAY AN CO BACK;? f SOLO THE ORCAN C NONKEY O ' / \'£T jL. _, 1 (c) 1 310 a. inn, Ihc. //-30 1-- INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1920. And awkwardly enough, I have entered into a sort of unwilling friendship with the girl I do not despise, even while 1 wonder if she can be that despicable thing—a wrecker of homes. Half an hour’s brisk walk brought me home, and there in our apartment s entrance hall I found Phoebe and Evvy fast in conversation, and seemingly un conscious of the cool discomfort of tho marble bench on which they were sitting side by side, swinging their heels like a eon pie of chums. Almost defiantly Phoebe held up her little heart-shaped face to be kissed. The last time I'd seen her had been when the maid hud reported that long dis tance had said the Fort Something didn't answer, and she'd rushed from the room to come back with that trouble brewing revelation that Longley the florist had identified the sender of Vir ginia's anonymous flowers as a tall blue eyed man with iron gray hair. In my ' soul I still believed that Phoebe had been calling long distance and the fort where Neul was But I ’couldn't be sure; and it warn t particu larly comfortable to feel that little Phoebe would He if she found herself at bay.— Copyright, 192?). (To bo Continued.) she flew away, leaving little Puss to think over what she had said. Well, after a while, as Puss Journeyed on, he came to the Underworld, a dark I and gloomy place, where a great river i flowed silently along. And while Puss j stood there an old ferryman named Charon rowed up In his boat and asked \ Puss If he would like to cross over. So Puss Jumped into the boat and by and by they reached the opposite shore, where a three-headed dog named Cerehus barked with his three throats until Puss begged the old ferryman to quiet him. I guess It was the first time that the old dog had seen a cat. “Show me the flowery field* where the happy spirits live,” said little Puss Junior So the old ferryman pointed to a path and Puss followed It and by and by he cgme to a flowery meadow where the blue birds sang all the year and the flowers never faded, where the happy children played and their parents r -te 1 from the toils of the world. ‘ Ah, me,” sighed little Puss Junior. “So lids Is the place where the .plrits of the fairy -story people go,” aud he turned around nnd retraced his steps. Anil then the oil ferryman t >k him back over the dark river and the three headed dog never barked, fur he was sound asleep In his cave. “Goodby, Mr Charon. Thank you for taking no- in your boat," and our little traveler went upon fils way back to the upler world, once more to meet the great berees of fame and fable.—Copy right. 1920. (To Be Continued.) watery substance In which n few oil globule* snd crystals and a small num her of yellow, s’rongiy refracts 1 * bodies can be seen. Tills gives the yellow color. In some trees there Is more ugar In tb,< leaf than readily goes back Into the tr-inl. of the tree. This gives the red color. VALUE or MOLE SKINS. Q. Are the skins of the ordinary nude valuable for their furs? G. 1. T. A. The Biological Purvey says that the fur of the mole found In the northwestern part of the country is superior to thHt of tho Scotch mole, which is generally us ‘d for fur garments. These rodents di stroy crops nnd should be kllieii. while their pelts have recently brought from 00 to 7o cents apiece. H \S DOUBLE MEANING. Q. Is n sa< k merely another name for n bag, or Is It a measure of i.tpaelty? N. M. I A. “Shi k” has both meanings It H often used to Indicate a bug, but If Is also a measure. In this capacity, It lias differed so radically In different coun tries, for different commodities and at different times that Its value as a meas ure has suffered. test or EMERY. Q How can emery be tested? T C. tV A. The Bureau of Standards says that there Is no special wav to test emery, ! uthor than by a< timl ue FIRST “MOVIE" MACHINE. Q Who made the first motion picture machine? H. K. | A. Tho first successful motion picture machine wa * manufactured by Thomas Arman In A.tgjst, laW. HOROSCOPE "The stars incline, but do not cotnoel.’* WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1. Astrologer* read this as a quiet day. Mercury rules strongly for good, while Knturn Is friendly. Agreements made by letter today should lie fortunate. A contract for the new year signed under this rule should be very lucky. Messages of good import seem to be presaged and these will indicate a re turn to better conditions of living for i 1921. Again writers aro subject to tbe best j possible direction of the stars. Kama and large earnings seem to be Indicated | for all who are now known, while the j younger authors will make great bead- | way. Persons whose birtbdato it Is have the : augury of a quiet year, but they may j bo unusually susceptible and liable to j love Interests. Children born on this day may be ! restless and nrtlve, fond of, pleasure and j a general favorite. They may not be successful in business.—Copyright, 11*20. j $5.00 Petticoats, at $1.98 Extraordinary values in petticoats of all-silk Jersey or silk Jersey top with messaline flounces In two shades; light or dark colors—s3.oß. —Goldstein’s, Second Floor. Indianapolis’ Most Popular Medium Price Ready-to-Wear Department Announces a Sale oi: Dresses 'Medf / TriuriM Velours, Suedenes, Etc. The sale was timed so that women may have new dresses for the Ml I juljl holidays—and have them at exceedingly low prices. El jij jl ill/J! The dresses were exceptional values at their original prices, $35 )|1 \| 1 and $45 —They’re extraordinary at the sale price. m r /jj | Hundreds of charming, youthful styles are shown, all heavily \l.\\ \\ | | beaded and embroidered. Many have unique panels, decorated with \\\l \ \ ff. stitching, buttons and other charming features of trimming. Ut | Each Dress Has the Individual Touch \ \ \ That Makes You Want It 1 \ v \ Everv woman who nestis anew dress should use this opportunity. There are stvles / \ ' M $25.00 and $29.50 Fall Dresses These dresses are made of the popular trico tines. known for their wearing qualities, their non-wrinklintr texture, their smart appearance. Hundreds of ohnrmimr styles are also shown in velours. Sale price, $19.75. —Goldstein's, Second Floor. Woman Loses None of Charm in Heavy Hauling Business Miss Anna B. Pettet Series as Executive — She Doesn't Bustle Load. In the days before electricity caused the world to stand on Its head figura tively, when patchwork quilts were still In fashion and the young lady who "went away" to school did not have a wardrobe rivaling a bride's trouseau, the young woman who had grown tired of “helpin’ mother ’round the house” would advertise among her friends that ,he waa doing sewing. Oh, no, she would not put tip a sign on the door In nice bright letters, nor would she dis tribute curds with her name in stylish engraving, nor would she allow her name to blaze forth from the local press. Such methods of advertisement ere mod ern Innovations quite shocking to the ladylike mind of the past century. An nouncement In those day* would con slat of telling a few friend*. Indeed, remuneration was quite an embarrassing subject and as far as sewing for strang ers was concerned It Juat wasn’t done. But, spelt with a large “B,’’ thla Is (he twentieth century and the young lady who “seeks tho post o' gold” Is not going to waste the brilliance of her eye* or complexion, round her shoulders pre maturely over tedious sewing, she la go ing to seek some occupation more con genial to her ability. Miss 1920 scoffs nt “woman's place Is In the home.” She tosses her elabor i ably “done" hair when somebody men- I turns “lady like occupations." Down on \irglula avenue In a certain | young Indy. Miss Anna B. I’ettet of 031 Norwood nvenue, who is engaged In the I heavy hauling business. There is no i need to be shocked because Miss Pettet does not dou overall*, nor help load a piano with one hand while she bal ances a dining-room table daintily with the other. No Indeed, Mi* Uettet is sec retary and manager of the Federal Heavy Hauling Company and does con siderable boaslng, although she Is very reticent on that subject. The wheels of the hauling business seem to move smoothly under her di rection. A number of Innovations nnd time savers in the executive affairs ot ths business have been Introduced by her. An Interesting and lnduclve fea ture of getting trade which Silas Pettet uses Is sending out a letter of thank* and request for further business upon the receipt of every new piece of busi ness. “We want to give you prompt, efficient and satisfactory service,” she writes to her customer, “aud trust you were pleased with this Job, and will remem ber us when you have work lu our line." THERK'B NOTHING EXECUTIVE ABOUT HER. There la nothing executive about Miss Pettet. When you go in to visit her you are not the subordinate and she the boss. You aro Just her friend. Indeed, this is a secret of successful business that might help a number of business men along. “It wasn't to my credit that I got here,” said Miss Pettet with a laugh. “I have been here nearly two years now, and It was Just an accident that I ever arrived. For I happened to hear of the Our Regular S2O Serge Dresses $15.00 Really marvelous values are these —made of excellent wearing serge in smart, youthful styles. The variety includes straight line dresses, fin ished at tin? waist with a narrow belt; dresses with the popular overskirt, pleated or trimmed with soutache braid—dresses heavily trimmed with embroidery. Sale price. 515.00. —Goldstein's, Second Floor. position through an employment agency. “I came here as a sort of a combina tion office girl and stenographer. Little by little 1 began taking charge ot the running of the affairs of the business. First, it was one thing and theu another, until now 1 do nearly nil of it. “Oh, no, I am not busy all the time. I mi acquainted with the work and have got it down so that I can got through with It and have some time to myself. Often I have time to read or sew. It dons seem that I would not have time to do that, but I do. You see there are certain rush times In our business here as well a* In any other kind. “Our office Is not as nice as It might be. But we are going to fix It up so It will be real nice pretty soon." So nftcr all, even the women who shock the grandmothers by turning Into exec utives are still feminine despite all their declarations to the contrary and still like "pretty things.” Two Wives, Ten Miles Apart, Slain by Mates RALEIGH, N. C.. Nov. 30.—Charles Davis and Samuel Shadrlck, WaL? County farmers, have been arrested and brought hero In connection with the kill Ing of their wives Monday morning. Al though the men live ten miles apart, it was SBid tho women were slain almost simultaneously. Hunter Is Own Target GALL IPCLI S, Ohio. Nov. 30—A. M. Cnrtt of Charleston, W. Va., a hunter, was killed near here Monday when Ills gun was discharged accidentally as he was climbing a fance. Gingham Aptcjts, at $1.69 A remarkable little price for aprons so good as these. Slipover style aprons of excellent ging hams, in pink, lavender, blue or white checks; made with sash; sizes 30 to 44. Many to Attend Brussels Meeting ! BRUSSELS, Nov. SO.—All physteiani and chemists who belong to the allied or neutral armies are invited to a con gress which is to be held in Bruise!* next year. The conference will be held under lh* auspices of tbe Belgian Army Medical Service. One of the main points which will be dealt with will be, of course, tho treatment of wounds acquired during the war. The methods and advantages—and otherwise —of the treatment of venereal disease during the war will occupy the attention of the congress and tubercu losis will also be under consideration. Poison gas and the chemical analysis of asphyxiating gasses will be one of the other leading matters Investigated. The convention will suggest methods for a general reorganization of the medical services of all armies and will probably submit its findings to the League of Nations for action. Coat Catches in Corn Sheller; Strangled SHELL ROCK, lowa, Nov. SO.—Ralph Gibson, 43, was strangled when his coat caught In a screw of a gasoliue pro pelled corn sheller he was operating. 127 VIOLATIONS IN N. J. JERSEY CITY, N. J., Nov. 27.—War rants for the arrest of 127 persons charged with violations of the Volstead act In Newark and other sections of Es sex County have been issued. YES—WHERE IS IT?