Newspaper Page Text
INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25-29 S. Meridian Bt. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEFT. Main *SOO Automatic SS-Ssl RATES. One time 09 per line Three consecutive times.. .03 per line Six consecutive times 07 per line Male or female help warned, situa tion wanted, male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted — One time 08 per line Three consecutive times.. .07 per line Six consecutive times 06 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 09 per line Lodges and club rotlees 75c per Insertion Church notices (I Inch or less) 50c per Insertion Over 1 inch. .07 per line additional. Death notices, 35c per insertion. Card of Thanks or In Memorlam notices 07 per lino Ads received until 10:30 a. m. for publication same day. FtiNEKAL OIHLtyTOrtB. FLANNER & BUCHANAN 320 North Illinois St. Funeral directors to the people of Indianapolis since 1887. Phones: Main 641-642. Auto. 22-641. INDIANAPOLIS CREMATORY. Ueorge Lrmstemer Funeral director. 522 East Market. Old Phone Main SO*. New Phone. 27-20*. A. M. Ragsdale. J. Walsu 1 rice. John Paul It&gsd&ie. A. M. RA'JIDALE CO. *23 North Delaware street J. C. WILSON 1230 'Prospect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect 323. W. T. BLASENGYM , 16*5 Shelby *t, P-rv *570 auto. 61-114 FUNERAL DI RECTORS— WM E. KRIEGER. Sew 27 154 Main 145* l*e? N Pliant# GADD-BERT S. GADD, 21*0 Prospect st. Phones: Prospect 422. Automatic 52-27*. UNDERTAKERS— HISEY A TITUS. iST North D- Nee; 26-564 Male PEATH AND FUNERAI. NOTICEa. GRCBBS—Sarah Belle, beloved wife of B. F. Grubbs, passed away at her home, 4033 Byram avenue, at 4:30 p. m. Monday, Nov. 29. ape 63. Funeral 2 p. m. Wednes day, at residence. Friends Invited. CARD OF THANKB. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our relatives. friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy and for the many beautiful floral offerings at the death of our beloved daughter and sister. Dor othy - Ruth I.ynch. We especially wish to thank the Rev. Lenvengood for his con soling words and the undertaker. Shirley Bros, for their kirdness. PARENTS, SIS TKR AND BROTHERS. IN MEMORIAM. IN MEMORIAM—Of Charles W. Shackles. who dl*-d Nov. 30, 1912. In honor to his dear mother. Eight years : go the message came. That called you to your home on high. Full of hope we watched beside you Not suspecting that death was nigh. Dearest Charley, how we miss you Since frem earth you passed away. And our hearts are aching sorely As we think of your today. 'Neath cur eyes you faded slowly. Growing day by day more frail: Bearing sweetly all your sufferings Without murmur, moan or wail. Earth has lost Its look of gladness. From MOTHER AND THOSE WHO LOVED TOC. LOST ANO FOUND. LOST —Platinum bracelet at lnterurban station, Thursday evening, containing 2 diamonds and 3 sapphires. Liberal re ward. Call Washington 4006. Main 127 or Auto. 66-127. If convenient leave at jclius c. walk & son store. ; e Washington at. LOST—Black hand pocketbook with *S in bills and small change, a key and re ceipt from Block’s store with owner's name. Call Prospect 509* or return 717 S. Noble. Ask for Mrs. Scott. Liberal re ward. LOST—Lady's black leather pocketbook containing *37 and change; identifica tion card; on Illinois car between 11th and Ohio streets, or in Smith’s theater. Circle 3324. Liberal reward. LOST Leatb* r suitcase, containing lady's clothing, on Mlllersvllle road, leading to XoblesvlUe, Sunday morning. Harrison *l7. • LOST —Monday, Nov. 22. a day book, left on stockyard car. wrapped In newspa per; reward. Circle 4123 or Main 789. LOST or stolen, boy’s wheel. Party Is known; no trouble If returned. 715 Livingston. Belmont 34*2. LOST —Lady's Waltham gold wrist watch. Phone office. Prospect 3361; residence Prospect 1946. Reward. LOST—Swan fountain pen. special book keeping style; reward. Circle 449 or Woodruff *l3*. LOST—Wrist watch . between Irvington and Murat theater.’ Reward. Irving ton 2816. LOST—GoId wrist watch, Swiss move ment, downtown. North 6247. Liberal reward. I.OST—Pair glasses on Washington st., between Butler ard Ritter. Irvington 3449. LOST—Diamond-shaped garnet pin. Re ward. Prospect 6055. ' HOUSES—TO LET. 929 X. ILLINOIS ST. 7-room cottage: tenant to make own re pairs; rent *2O per month. Win. Wdcher Main 3598. 805 City Trust bldg. WE MOVE ■ by truck; local or overland; insurance fur nished free Special rates on long-dis tance trips. Red Ball. Main 46*1 ROOMS—TO LET. LARGE, warm, front room, modern home; breakfast, evening; dinner; gentlemen preferred; home privileges. Xorth 4561. new" JERSKtTThTS.; 1 furnished front room downstairs; heat and lights fur nished; reasonable. Prospect 5491. FURNISHED room, strictly modern, with garage for one or two gentlmen, pri vate family. Phone North 6897. EAST. 345 N.; 2 connecting front rooms; modern; abso other rooms; walking dis tance. Call Circle 3633. DELAWARE, 527 N.; modern; warm Sieeplng rooms, adjoining bath; walking distance. Main 9215. FRONT room, modern; light housekeep ing; walking distance; employed peo ple. Main 8612. COZV. strictly modern sleeping room In private family. 201 N. Treinont ave. Beimont 3550. DESIRABLE sleeping room In modern apartment, close In. Call Main 7741 evenings. '■ TWO connecting front rooms for ladles or gentlemen; modern. Call Harrison 2661. CENTRAL ave., 2130; two sleeping rooms, one suitable for two. Harrison 3004. MERIDIAN. N„ 634; room for 2 persons; nicely furnished. Circle 5256. TWO unfurnished rooms ‘for rent; *8 a month. 1702 Montcalm street. TO LET —Two nice light housekeeping room. *5. 205 N. Traub ave. LARGE room, suitable for two; walking distance. Main 8591. ROOM and board to let. 509 Bright st. Call Circle 6469. SLEEPING room, down stairs. Circle 6004. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. NEW JERSEY, 913 S ; two furnished light housekeeping rooms; private home, steam heat, gas range and sink In kitchen. *lO per week. Also one large light house keeping room. *9 per week. Call Pros pect 3152. UNFURNISHED, 2 room*, kitchenette; modern; heat, gas and electricity fur nished. North 7 355. DESIRABLE room with kitchen priv ileges, private home; garage If desired. 2314 Bellefontaine. LARGE housekeeping room, downstairs; employed couple desired. Circle 6004. ALABAMA, 725 N.; large front room for light housekeeping. Main 7*lo. TWO or 4 nice light housekeeping rooms; reasonable. 4 Plum street. BOARD AND ROOMS—TO LET. SIXTEENTH. 615 E.; nicely furn. mod. room; * girls; meals optional. Main 9514; reference required. ROOM and board for two ladles employed. North 8254. MALE HELP—WANTED. Two high school boys who live on Broadripple or Riverside ear lines for trippers on street cars. Call Circulation Dept., IN DIANA DAILY TIMES. WANTED—Boys to carry downtown. Times routes. Call for MR. MOORE HEAD, between 2 and 4 any after noon. Circulation Dept. ASSISTANT AUDITORS for Government income tax revenue service; salaries *1,640 to *2.740. Write for free Informa tion. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS, 1657 Lamont street, Washington. D. C. BOY over 14, wanted for news stand, de livery and work In mail dept., S3; chance for advancement. Ask for Mr. Whiteman. Indiana Daily Times, MEN to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARKER COLI EOE, 309 E. Washington st.. Indianapolis. Ind. Circle 757. BOYS for setting pins after school. See , MR. FARNAM. bowling alley, Y. M. C. A., New York and Illinois eta. WANTED—MALE. j COLORED man wants’ work as cook, dish washer or house cleaning. JAMES I WILLIAMS, 1226 Pershing avenue. , EXPERIENCED farmer, married man. 3110 E. New York st. Call Woodruff i 3097. . ~ SALESMEN—WANTED. I Stock Salesman Wanted We want flve more live -stock salesmen. Our proposition is unusually attractive Some choice territory with good leads now open. Call at 40 Virginia ave. and let us show you one of our wonderful lit tle Ice refrigerating machines, making Ice and refrigerations. Arctic Ice Machine Cos. 11-13 Arcade. Main 4465. j LIFE INSURANCE MEN Are assured of the most attrac tive connection In Indianapolis, with a larger rate of commission and future possibilities that are unlimited. Men of character and ability will find the opportunity for which they are looking. Ask for Mr. Kimmlch or Mr. Single ton Wednesday. * Home Seekers Building Cos. 913 Merchants Bank bldg. EXPERIENCED stock salesmen for first class dividend paying securities of old establbllshed Indiana corporation. Call at room 519 Board of Trade any Tuesday or Wednesday. FEMALE HELP— WANTED. EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL WHO IS FAMILIAR WITH WAITING 1 TABLE AND GENERAL HOUSEWORK. NO LAUNDRY WORK. TWO IN FAM ILY. SALARY *l6 PEP. WEEK. STEADY EMPLOYMENT. CALL NORTH 21. WANTED—GirI to help In tiling dept. and learn multigraph. IS E. Vermont WANTED—GirI for downstairs work and cooking; no laundry. Washington 62’6. SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE. CLEANING and laundering by the day. Harrison 2794; colored lady. ALL-ROUND work In small restaurant. Prospect 4091. HAW AH The very nams links Itself with ■ 1 birds, flowers aod V y 7 fruit, but more es- ' —pecially with their fascinating music. Hawaiian music la the most popular of all music and the Hawaiian guitar la the easiest of all Instruments to teach you to play 52 pieces In your first term. We alec teach ukulele. mandolin, violin, banjo, etc. Your choice of these beau tiful Instruments free with each enroll ment. Open dally till 6 p. m., also Tues day, Friday and Saturday evenings. Write or phone for particulars. HAWAIIAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC, j *6 W. Washington. Main _1073. NOTICES. ~ ~ Natureopathy. Swedish Massage Baths and gen eral treatments. Thorough satisfac tion. 119 East Vermont street. First floor front. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. VIOLET Kay and swedlso massage. MISS DE VERE, 1748 W. Ohio. Mnln *B7*. BUSINESS BERVIOEft. SEWING MACHINES ■ln Rented, $3 per mo | All makes machines repaired. Every i piece, part or screw for any sewing ma \ chine White Sewing Machine Cos. Main 660. Auto. 25-216. 212 Mass. Ave. KiiiDTSSE t@ mim' ~ Call Main 90S1 and have your vaults, sinks und cisterns cleaned before it i freezes up. ! FEATHERS Bought. Fold, renovated, mattresses and i pillows made to order. E. F. BUHKLE, 410 Mass ave. Main 1428. New 28-776. WB MOVE by truck: local or overland; insurance fur nished free; .special rates on long-distance trips. Red Ball. Main 4631. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES ~ •harpened- TUTTLEDGB 21 India-. sv- EXPERT CASH REGISTER REPAIRING. 110 W. Ohio St. Circle 2296. CALL STEVE~JACKSON for taxi. M. 4462 BUSINESS CHANCEft. ON ACCOUNT of poor health will offer for sale up-to-date blacksmith shop xlt uated iu one of the beat towns In Indiana, : county seat, or will consider taking part i ner on shares. Must be good horsseshoer. For further Information write K. C. McCARTNEY, Kentland, Ind. GROCERY on good corner east, flve living rooms, *1,600 stock and fixtures. INDIANA BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 513 Indiana Trust Building. ’ STUNG—STUNG—STUNG BUT If you get in touch with us we may save your money Invested In oil stock. HUDSON & HUDSON, 1230 Lake street, Ft, Worth, Texas. TWO ROOMING HOUSES. Seven and 9 rooms each. Price *350.00 each. MR. SEBREE, 40 N. Delaware st. Main 5177, FOR SALE—Grocery store, established cash trade; line opportunity. Circle 4288. DE TftCT iv Est. ~ Quigley-Hylaud Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators. 625-028 Law bldg. Malu 2802. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. BUY THE BOY A BICYCLE FOR CHRITSMAS. SIO.OO down, $2.00 per week. ERNEST HUGHES CO. 6*4-36 Mass. Ave. Main 6404. OAbH paid t r all kinds of motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN. (CO Massachu setts avenue GARAGES TO LET. FOR RENT—Three-machine garage, *5 each. Call 1621 Columbia avenue. "vAUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 1920 DAVIS Anew touring car that has never been In the hands of a private owner. It was turned over to us by former Davis dealer .who now has Overland agency. Car Is slightly shopworn, but otherwise In excellent condition. Terms If desired. Used Car Department, second floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY, Capitol Avenue at Michigan. “HE BOUGHT A NASH” We have the following customers' cars on sale at prices so low that you should see them before buying elsewhere. Eulck E 44, roadster. Bulck K 45, touring. Buick K 49, touring, 7-passenger. Rex lop. touring. Overland 99, Rex top, touring. Nash touring. 1919. Buick K, sedan driven 1,200 miles; good as new, 5 cord tires. Buick E 46 coupe; tip-top shape, Kelly- Springfield cord tires. Oakland roadster, 1920; wire wheels; Parker cord tires. Cash or reasonable terms. LOSEY-NASH RETAIL CO. Main 3348 / 1920 OVERLAND OF GIBSON QUALITY STANDARD A sturdy little touring car that has been driven Just far enough to be well broken In. Is In ex cellent condition throughout. Make a moderate down payment and meet the balance as you ride. Used Car Department, second floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY, Capitol Avenue at Michigan. EIT HERNE W~OR~US E D~CARST INVESTIGATE OUR YEAR PLAN. “YOU SELECT THE CAR. WE FURNISH THE MONEY” AUTOMOBILE FUNDING CO. 912-13 Hume-Mausur Bk3g. WILLYS-KNIGHT The beautiful lines. powerful motor and gneral condition of this Model 83 touring car will Immediately win your favor Has been overhauled and faultlessly re painted. Easy terms ran be ar ranged. Used Car Department, second floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY, 1 Capitol Avenue at Michigan. " *Yoo *126 down will buy a good used ear. We have Fords. Maxwells. Buick*. Dodges and others In line shape that we can sell you on a small down payment, balance one year. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS. 61* N. Capitol. Open evening* OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB A "chummy" little car that Is light and economical to operate. Has been overhauled and recently repainted. Has wire wheels and all good tires. Easy terms can be arranged. Used Car Depart ment. second floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY, Capitol Avenue at Michigan. 1919 MAXWELL touring, new tire*, spe cial paint, good mechanical condition. This Is priced right. Terms can be ar ranged FRANKLIN USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Second floor 100 HI N. Meridian St. WE have several touring cars and road ster*. Will trade for diamond*, stock or equities In city property. *34 E. Market street. Main 6716. BUICK \ 919.""touring car. INDIANAP OLLS AUTO SALES CO., 235 N. Penn sylvania street. OAKLAND sedan. 1919 model, cheap if sold th's week. 235 N. Pensylvanta st. MAXWELL ROADSTER *225 will cover our claims and buy this Maxwell roadster. We have arranged to display It In the Used Car Department of the Gibson Company, Capitol avenue at Michigan. Ask for Mr. Freese ATLAS SECURITIES CO. Capitol Avenue at Michigan. AUTOMOBILES—WANTEO. l WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED. We guarantee highest cah price for your car. IN DDLS. AUTO PARTS & TIRE CO. 51* N. Cap. Ave. Main 263*. Auto. 22-011. AUTOS WANTED I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 619 N, Illinois St. Main 1579. Auto. 22-06*. AUTOS wanted; highest cash prices; no delay; quick action. AUTOMOBILK TRADING CO.. *65 N. Capitol. AUTO REPAIRS AND ftUPPLIEft. -a ft VV^^^rirrVVWM>-WVV\A,V FORD owner agents to test and then sell Baker’s Intake Manifold Vaporizer. A metal asbestos Insulated 12-inch case, completely boxen in manifold or gas pas sage Constantly holds 115 cubic inches superheated air from exhaust about In take manifold. Only device sheltering gas passage from fan blast, thus even temper ature all Intake portn. Our vaporizer means easy start, quick warmup, leas gas and oil and wonderfully improved motor action. Alabama University camp sec retary says: "Our army Ford now runs like Cadillac.” Attached in three minutes with wrench. Retail price *2.40. To agent# to teet, one sample only, post paid $1 bill. Your motor number must accom pany order or nothing doing. ELLS WORTH L. BAKER CO., Springfield. Ohio. 16 Shaffer street. BATTERIES. New and guaranteed fur any car. Rebuilt, repaired, recharged. Open until 9 p. m. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO. 607 Mass. Ave. Main 3145. Don’t Wait Till Christmas! Now is the time to get that car painted for your spring driving. FLEMING & REED 130-32 E. New York*St. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty, 322-324 North lllinola £ & S Auto Laundry DO VS N TOWN T IRE SHOP. VULCANIZING that gives satisfaction. 85 Kentucky avenue. Mnln 11S7. CITIZENS AUTO REPAIR. Rear 2*4* N. Capitol avenue. SCRAPE all carbon from piston heads through spark plug holes in twenty mln utta using Baker’s Spark Hole Carbon Tool. Efficiency restored Immediately. Carbon on piston loads makes the trouble, the rest matters little. Chunks blown out without passing through valves. Save average owner $15.00 jjer year, saying nothing about time. JUse It for years. No skill required. Damage Impossible. Full Instructions with tool postpaid *1 bill. ELLSWORTH L. BAKER CO., Spring field. Ohio. 15 Shaffer street. OVERLAND TRANSPORTATION^ SHIP your furniture by motor truck; cost* less; fully Insured. SUN BEAM LINES. Main B*4l. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1920. REAL EBTATE—FOR SALS. READ THIS Five-room house, North Centen nial street, electric lights,* water In kitchen, newly painted and decorated. Inside trimmings and floors reflnlshed. All new gutters. House In apple pie order. Full lot with seven fruit trees. 1H blocks from car. *SOO down and small monthly payments give Im mediate possession. SEE THIS AT ONCE. Call Paul V. Matkln, Realtor, Gregoi*y & Appel, Inc. Main 995. Residence, North 701*. MODERN BUNGALOW, EAST Has 5 rooms and bath. In good condi tion on paved street. This Is a pre-war bargain. Price *4.100; part cash and bal ance easy payments. Party leaving City and must sell at once. Call me at once. Mr. Mclnteer, with I. N. Richie & Son. Main 520, 303 Security Block. Irv. 3597. ~ SIOO CASH, $25 MONTHLY buy* 5-room cottage, lot 61x240 feet, on E. Fifty-Second street, near College ave. Lot alone worth the price asked. Investors’ Banking Service Corp. 112 E. Market St. Main 1624, SSOO CASH" ~ Good substantial five-room Cottage lo cated on Martlndale ave.; electric lights, gas. well and cistern. Double garage; large lot: price *2,500. Schmid & Smith 134 N. Delaware. Main 401*. NEW HOUSES. Large lot* just west of city at low prices and on payments and terms. R. B WILSON. REALTOR. 10* N. Delaware St. Main 1811, $250 CASH, monthly, buys pretty 4-roorn with electric lights and gas. Now ready to move Into. Just been newly decorated and painted Inside and out. Located south. Price only *2,250. Russo 11. Hartman, 224 N. Delaware. *lO CASH, then only *1.25 weekly secures a beautiful, large, high, level lot In that good section c'ore to Thirty-Eighth street and two squares southeast of fair grounds. Price thl • week only *525. 640 Lemcke Annex. Main 1409. COTTAGE. 668 Highland ave.; 5 rooms. cistern city water In yard, gas. electric lights, deep lot. paved street. *2.000, good terra.*. Mr. Trueblood. RELIABLE REALTY CO.. 501 City Trust Bldg Mnln I*6. Evenings. Irvington 2263. “ WALKING" BIST A MCE- -*2.400. 216 Douglass s., near VV. New York. Good 6-room house; gas. Will consider auto as first payment HENRY A ROBINS, REALTORS. Main 653*. 163 B Market. DOUBLE, near W. Michigan on King ave., 5 rooms to a side, gs.-. cistern, well, cel lar. Improved street. *4.000; *590 down, (35 per month. Mr. Trueblood RELIABLE REALTY CO.. 601 City Trust Bldg Main 186. Evenings, Irvington 2263.4 SUBURBAN New 4-room suburban home, will trade for vacant lot. balance *l3 per month. RELIABLE REALTY COMPANY. Main 118. Evening* Prospect 149*. MODERN storsromn and a 11-room house on same lot; email payments Balance less than rent. E, H. HuLTAM. Fros pect 771. If you are wanting bargains In property on south side In singles and doubles, call Prospect 4154 _*ltr 4_p. in_ REAL ESTATE—SAL^O R TRADE,. WILL trode equity In 6-room cottage for small car and some cash. Call 1615 Montcalm street after 4 p. m. REAL ESTATE—-SUBURBAN. FIVE room*, lot 50x300, near a good school and church three quarters mile from W. Washington street car 11ns. Beimont 4261. FIVE-ROOM bouse and half acre, built in features, electrto lights; will trade for city property. Belmont 4361. REAL ESTA rE—WANTED. WANTED, NORTH Between Clifton and N. Parts ave.. modern or semi-modern. 6- room cottage preferred. 1 can pay SSOO cash and balance monthly payments. I want to deal with owner. Call North 943 after 6 p. in. CASH CUSTOMER For a home south or went, party ran pay reasonable down payment and balance Ilk** rent. Let ua look at your*. It may ault. Mr. Hearn. Union Trust Cos. Main 1576. Residence, Harrison 102 4. IIOME, EAST In good condition; flve or six rooms; must be In good condition and a reason able price. Can pay part raah and bal ance like rent. Call Mr. Hearn. The Union Trust Cos. Main 1576. Residence, Harrison 1024. HAVE customer for six or seven-room modern homo north or east; also for 6 room bungalow and double. Call ua If your property is for sale. Main 107, or 142. I AM going to buy a home. You may have the one 1 want In any location at the right price. Address A No. 1111, Times. HAVE buyers for property south; can pay reasonable amount down. See Mlt. HURST, 112 K. Market street. ROOMING houses wanted. Call MR. SEBREE. Main 6177. TT- FAHMS ~ F ? R SALE. ~ " FARM AT A BARGAIN 160 acres In Lawrence County. Indiana. Good limestone soli. Does not_waah, Roll ing. but all ckn ho cultivated? 130 acres now In cultivation and meadow. Prite *35 per acre, which is below actual cash value. Can make very easy terms to pur chaser. Will trade for Indianapolis prop erty. Sen Mr. Hurst. investors Banking Service Corp. 115 K. Market St. farm” TT m iles^north of monument; 6 miles of fair grounds; plenty of blue grass pasture; some timber; springs and running water; nullable for farm or stock raising. Will sell 100 up to 394 acres of same. Price *2OO an acre. Would consider eomn real estate in trade. Frank 8. Clark & Cos. 226 E. Ohio. Main 3377. 53 ACRES, SOUTHEAST “ on traction line; price *225 per acre; will consider trade for Indianapolis property. Call for Mr. Hunt. Evenings, Wash. B*s. W. L. Bridges, Realtor. 336-9 K. of P. Main 4114. I Specialize East. 140-ACRE firm in Shelby County, best of soli and extra fine buildings; only *2OO per acre. R. B. WILSON. 108 N. Delaware St. Main 1618. PET STOCK AND POULTRY, WANTED—Homes for healthy homeless dogs. INDIANAPOLIS HUMANE SO CIETY MUNICIPAL DOG POUND. 924 East New York St. Hours: 11 a. m. to 12 noon daily. FOR SALE—Three Rose Uomb Ancona cockerels; hatched April 26; guaran teed full Wood. Write E. W. RISK. Indianapolis. Rout F, Stop 6, Greenwood line. Box 189-E. SCRATCH feed; no grit, *2.?5; laying mash, *3.26. Delivered. SCHAFER FEED MILLS. Prospect 421*. THE shortest distance between two wants Is a Times Want ad. Your customers oe them. Whf don’t you? FOR SALK. New Lumber Bargain Prices -i 6x6-16-foot Norway plno. Bx*-16-foot Norway pine. 3x12-16-foot yellow pine. Submit bid* to A. K. Sheffield. G & J Tire Cos. Do Your Xmas Shopping Early FOR HIS XMAS. I One of our lino suits or overcoats to his measure at greatly reduced prices. *36.50. $40.50, *43.50, $52.50 and up. Trousers and fancy vests in proportion. If we haven’t his measurements on file, present him with one of our “Gift Certifi cates," which can be applied on anything he may select. W. G. SCHNEIDER. *9 WEST OHIO STREET. Bo sure you are in the right place. Match Your Coat /*lP| with a pair of ( V \ TROUSERS j I THE PANT3 \ji 1/ STORE CO. I 11/ Two Stores t ; UJ 4* W. Ohio. Jjf "B 8 110 E. Market. m? V Quit Wearing Ready-Made PUTS $ IVc make them to O W your measure tat LEON TAILORING CO. 131 i£. NEW YOKE. t’p one flight. JACKET SUIT, dark blue. *!* 34 or 16; never worn; two plush coats, full length, idles 34 and 36. 32 W. Vermont. ■Main 7393. CINDERS HtEE. - CALL~CITY HOSPITAL. SOR HALE OR TRADE—Two automatic boafling alley* cheap. RoY JARED. Montexuma, Ind. ROLL TOP oak <le*k and chair In per fect condition. 32 W. Vermont. Main 7393. BoY’W short pants suit and on# over coat. almost nsw _Cal! North 2424 Fi>R HALE— Keed bab; beggy, ig good condition, $•& Call Belmont 31:4. GRAPE Tinea, first class, * years old, ART needlework. * MARY* PICKARD. 1017 laari'!. Fro*pect *ll*. ONE 3-ton spring wagon. 912 8. Delaware street Prospect 2956. WINTER COAT, fur trimmed, m. 2*. Call N-trth 6104. DESKS at ave-half prlcoe on paymenta it BAKER BROS. MISC. ELLAM EQ U 5—W ANT ED. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR SCRAP IRON, METALS AND RUBBER CAR LOTS on LESS. ALWAYS IN THE MARKET FOR Boilers, Tanks and Machinery INDIANAPOLIS IRON AND METAL CO. L. SANTOW, PRESIDENT 1421 W. RAY ST. BELMONT 4110 LEW SHANK pays best prlra* In city for household Roods and fixtures of all kind* 227 North mm ,ir..y street Mala 2025. WE MOVE by truck; local or Overland; Insurance fur nished free, special rate* on long-distance trips. Red Ball. Main 4431. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Saved From the Fire CANNON STOVES COOK STOVES LAUNDRY STOVES RANGES HEATERS, ETC. Big reductions in all prices. 444 E. Washington st. BETWEEN NEW JERSEY AND EAST STS. New-Crex Rugs 36x73 Inches 11.90 64x90 lnoliss SB,OO 4x9 fsot *5.60 Bxlo feet *9.60 9xll feet 8 Inches *11.60 Baker Bros. RUGS Hundreds of rugs, all kinds; wool filler, Axminster. Bozort. velvet. Wiltons, grass matting, any kind of a rug; we have them. Come and seo our ruge before you buy. GLAZER E. Washington st. PRACTICALLY N KW~ Dining suite and also practically new living-room suite. At a bargain. Party is leaving city. Call at . 6015 E. Now York at. GOOD USED Htluß. ~ We have the largest selection In Indi anapolis of high-grade used ruga; ail elsea at prices that will please you. USED GOODS STORE. 424 Massachuseta ave. WE Carry everything in ntock of furni ture, rugs, linoleum, bedding; also heat ing stoves, cook stoves and ranges, hot plates and oil stoves. Yours for tho low est prices in the city. Terms. E. KUOOT, 607-9 W. Washington. INVALID CHAIRS end crutches to rent*, free delivery to ell parts of oity; la valid chairs s*.so per month. baker bkob., RADIANT HOME —If yeu want a Rad iant Home baseburner. on payments, go to BAKER BROS. ('PDA it CHESTS, fourteen; special built. WILLIAM F. JOHNSON LUMBER CO., North 7600. | ALL kinds of household goods at save half prices, on payments. BAKER BROS. COMBINATION Garland ranges at eave l.ulf prices, on payments. BAKER BROS. PALACE-—ls you want a Palace Tiotblast. on payments, go to BAKER BROS. KITCHEN cabinets at unve-half price*. Cash or payments. BAKER Bi os CLERMONT—If you want a Clermont hot blat o" payments, go to BAKER BROS. CHIFFEROBES at save-half prices, on payments at BAKER BROS. COAL RANGES at save-half prices on paymenta at BAKER BROS. DAVENOS at save-half prices on pay ments at BAKER BROS. GAS RANGES at save-half prices, on pay ments. BAKER BROS. AUTOft ANO THOCKft FOR HIH6 AUTOS for rent. Do your own driving. U-Drive Auto Service, at Hoosier Laundry. Rear Keith’s theater. Main 5921. — - Automobiles rented to drive youraal*. MARKET MOTOR SERVICE. •14 K. Market at. Main 6718. Old Ben Franklin said: “A PENNY SAVED, IS A PENNY EARNED.” Now days you save DOL LARS by patronizing these advertisers. You will find bargains under— Miscellaneous For Sale Real Estate For Sale Autos For Sale and many other classifica ' tions. READ THEM ALL. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Victrola used short time, with 20 records; big baj> gain; $25; payments. *1 per week. E. L. Lennox Piano Cos. . 16 N. Meridian. COLUMBIA phonograph, mahogany, *l5O size, only SBS. We save you $36 to *76 on any Victor, Edison, Brunswick or other standard make. USED GOODS STORE. 424 Mass. Ave. GOOD LOOKING mahogany piano, *259. Folding metal upholstered cot, not used over 3 weeks, price *39.50. Main 6687. RECORDS, good record* of any make you desire. 40c. BAKER BEOS.. 219 L’. Washington. VIOLINS, \ size, hi size and 'full size. WACHMAN. 62* South Alabama. Pros pect 5768. MAHOGANY Vose piano; best offer takes It. 2314 Bellefontalne. WILL pay *?5 to SSO cash for upright olano. North 4221. >OAL AN D WOOD F°H BALE. ~ COAL—COAL POCAHONTAS LUMP. WKST \ IRGINIA H MP. KENTUCKY LUMP. ILLINOIS LUMP. ATLAS COAL CO. MAIN 1962. AUTO. 22*764. G E N UIN E * PGCA. M. R. $11.50 PER TON. L h. bain coal co. MAIN 2151 OR MAIN 3531. Illinois Lump, $ : 10.50 per Ton Nice, large oual. good fop furnace or stove. Illinois egg. $lO. Prospect S2BO. Auto. 62-381. COAL Why not buy from an Independent con cern. Cull North *J!6I and Investigate. MITCHELL coal for furnace* and all other coal for *ale. 11. Sc li. COAL COM DAN Y. I'ruepact 6359. Vtrfffnla ave. Co.Ki: COAL." I’OAI. WEAVER COAL CO, 111 Lsgtq St Pr spect 2 201. Indiana mine run, J 7.25 tuti. Prospect 33.4 0. Auto. 62-384. FOR SALK—CoaI and wood. INTER STATE PRODUCTS CO. Main 9*l; INDIANA COAL AT A SAVING. NORTH 8161. MACHINERY AND TOOLS. FARM POWER SUPPLIES HERCULES GASOLINE ENGINES ALL f 'AES ASSOCIATED GASOLINE ENGINES; AI I FARM SAWING OUTFITS. FARM CONCRETE MIXERS. PUMPING OUTFITS 06’ ALL DE SCRIPTIONS. WONDER MIXERS HOISTS AND PUM*’S FOR BUILDING AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. ALL 81ZES CARRIED IN STOCK BURL TVSCn. li.ST *l3-28 W. MARYLAND BT GOOD, uauable 3-Inch ar.,l 2)4-inch r tubes; practically new; for sale In any quantity; suitable for retublng. M. L. GOLDBERG A SON’S. 1302 W. Wash ington. Bel mop* 361. L(VE STOCK AND VEHICLL3, * UU.#-BLOODED pAny, :udd! raKed. br-'ke to drlre; gentle, er.fe for children, u*o e&die an I bridle. 22G0 N Capitol. LEGAL NOTICE. LEGAL NOTICE. | The Indiana State Board of School Book I Commlaaionrrs will receive -eair-d bid* until j nine a m. Friday. December 17. 1920, at the Office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Iu the State House, In ; dlanapolia. Indiana, from publishere of school text books as provided In Hie acts of 1917. pages 441 -443. on a series of text books for use in the common schools of the State of Indiana, for a term of five years. In the following branches of study: Geography. English Grammar. Spelling. Physiology, Hiatory of me United States. Domestic Science, industrial Arts undone book in each of tho following subjects for the Junior high school. Llt-ratvire. lan guage. mathematics, community civics, and four elective texts In general science. None of said test books shall contain anything of ft partisan or sectarian char acter; and. it Is required that they shwil : be at least equal In size aud quality as ] to matter, material, stylo of binding and mechanical execution as to standurd text books now In general use. The publisher shall state specifically in his bid the price at which each book will be furnished, and accompany such bid with specimen copies of each aud alt book* to be furnished In such bid. All bids by publishers must be accom panied by a bond In the penal sum of fifty thousand dollars (*59.000) to the ac ceptance and satisfaction of the Governor of the State of .Indiana, conditioned that If any contract bo swarded to any bidder such bidder will enter into a cogitraet to perform the conditions of this hid to the acceptance nnd satisfaction of said board. No bid shall be considered unless the same he accompanied by an affidavit of tho bidder setting forth that he is in no wise, directly or indirectly, connected with any other publisher or firm who Is bid ding for books submitted to said bokrd, nor has any pecuniary Interest In any other publisher or firm bidding at the same time, and that he Is not a party to any contract, syndicate, or otlyfr scheme whereby tho benefits of competition are denied to the people of this State. The Indiana State Board of School Book Commissioners reserves the right to ac cept or reject any or all bide, or any part thereof for any particular book or books. By order of the Indiana State Board of School Book Commissioners. U. N. Ii INKS. President. E. U. GRAFF. Secretary. NOTICE TO BIDDERS! Sealed bids will he received by the board of school commissioners of the city of Indianapolis, at the office of the busi ni ex director, southwest corner of Meridian and Ohio streets, until 8 o'clock p. m. of Tuesday. Dec. 14, 1920, to purchase the real estate owned by the board and situ ated at the corner of Troy and Carson avenues, In the city of Indianapolis, Marlon County. Indiana, and more particularly de scribed ns follows: Lots 15, 16 and 17. In Raddchas-s’ sub division in the city of Indianapolis, In diana, plat book 11, page 37. Said real estate is offered for sale to the highest bidder, because It cannot be used to tho advantage of tho school city for either school or library purposes, for all cash, and for not less than Us ap praised value of $2,000, as determined by four appraisers duly appointed by the board, whose report was made In writing and sworn to by them and is now oil file in the hoard's office. Tho bids shall bo opened at said time and, and if any bhF nhall be ac cepted by the board, the right being re served to reject any and all bids, the board shall then furnish an abstract of title of the premises to be sold, continued to the date of sale, and the bidder shall have ten days in which to examine and approve tho abstract after the date the abstract shall be dtdlvered to him by the board, and the perchase money shall be payable at the end of such ten days unless the attorney of the bidder shall have, within that time, found an objection to the title which the board cannot remove, or a lien upoti tho property which the board cannot remove, the purpose being to show the property to be of a good record and title, free of lien*. If such objection or lien ehall be discovered and be not fe f moved, the board shall be under no lia bility to the bidder ajtd the bidder shall be under no liability to the board, but the proposed Rale shall be annulled without damages payable by either party to the other. GEORGE C. HITT. Business Director. Indianapolis. Ind.. Mov. 12. 1928. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. KEEP MOVINO That’s what we do—transfer and hauling. We also operate the Terminal Baggage room. TRACTION TERMINAL Baggage Cos. Main 1292. Auto. *l-261. GI7 IT storage cheapest j \V7 RATES IN CITY. CALL 11/ US. Everything at ra || sonable price. Packed, JI |l ehlpped anywhere. IS Locked room if desired. SO West Henry. Main 4699. WB MOVE by truck; local or overland; insurance fur nished free. Special rates on long-distance trips. Red Ball. Main 483 L CALL SHANK for the best service In hauling, packing, shipping and storage. I*7-22* North New Jersey St. Main 202*. ” FINANCIAL PERSONAL LOANS S2O TO S3OO This office Is operated under the super vision of the State of Indiana and was es tablished for the purpose of providing a place where honest people can borrow any amount from *2O to *SCO without paying more than the legal rate of In terest cr without being imposed upon in any way It Is only necessary that you are keep ing house and permanently located. NO WORTHY PERSON REFUSED We do not notify your employer, neither do we make Inquiries of your friend*, relatives or trades people. You can have all the time neceesary to; repayment and pay only for the actual time you keep the money. Call and let us explain. No charge unless you bor row. Loans with other companies paid off and more money advanced at legal rates. IF IN A HURRY PHONE MAIN 2923 OR AUIX) 22-450. SECURITY MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Room* 205-7-9 Indiana. Trut Bide* 112 E. Wttflk St. Corner Virginia Ava. MONEY TO LOAN On First Mortgage Security SIX PER CENT GILL REALTY CO. Main 1646, Auto. 28-236 WF ARE bUtrAHtD To lUkc. . ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WK PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES. BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND CNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS BECURITIES CO, FRANK K. SAWYER. Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg. Bouthweat corner Delaware and Market WE MOVE by truck; local or overland; Insurance fur nished free Special ratea on long-distance trip*. Red Main 4611. SECOND mortgage loane made on good farms and Improved city real estate. GIBRALTAR FINANCE COMPANY. 108 North I>law:ire Mtreet. FIRST a-d second mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate. R. B. WIL SON. 103 N. Delaware *t. Main 161*. INSURANCE In all branchea AUBREY D. PORTER. 916 Peoples Bank bldg. Main 7049. MO.NKY to loan on city and farm broker age 66 When bldg. FIRST CONCERT ARTISTIC TREAT Mendelssohn Choir Pleases by Its Merit . Ily GRACE HUTCHINGS, i The Mendelssohn Choir, Perceval Owen, j organizer and director, gave its first concert of the season last evening, pre senting Kmillo de Gogorza, baritone, as soloist. Choral organizations have come and gone In tho history of musical Indian apolis, hut let us holes the Mendelssohn J Choir Is here to stay. For sheer artistic merit, they have never been excelled In ! our city aud seldom have been equaled. Mr. Owen is fortunate in having been j able to gath r around him some of the best singers in the city and with such excellent material ho has hullded a chorus that slugs almost as one person, with preeision, and aeuracy, with Intelligent attainment of effects, and a trueueas to pitch that is admirable, all of the choruses being sung without accompani ment. OPENING NUMBER MOST PRETENTIOUS. The opening number was the motet— l’sahu CXXXVTI (Gounod) aud was the moat pretentious choral of the eveulng. The ensemble attained, and the musical effects brought out were an artistic tri umph for both director and members of the chorus. The second offering of the choir was a group of secular songs, “Eoltan Harp" (Suwyer), which was a very effectivet number most excellently achieved; "The Klver Flowetb Strong" (Rogers) aud "Cruiskeeu Lawn" (Stewart), a bril liantly effective arrangement of an Irish folk tune. This wus one of the ‘‘hits” of the evening and was repeated. Two more sacred motets —"Adoramus Te" (Palestrina) and the modern "Trls- Hglon and Sanctus" (Hawley)—were sung with such fine musicianship and finesse that both were repeated to the evident delight of an enthusiastic audience. The sacred motet, "Judge Me, O God" (Mendelssohn), was one of the loveliest offerings of the evening. The chorus, "Ode To Music” (Buck), finished the program. M. Gogorza, one of tho most artistic singers of our day, was accorded a royal we-lcome. Having sung here before, and popularity means of his records, his ap pearance was looked forward to as a coming artistic treat, and, needless to say, he fully JustifieJ the enthusiastic welcome that awaited him. GORGORZA GIVES WARMTH AND COLOR. A more polished and finished singer Is not to be heard today. A lovely sonorous voice, with every artistic trick at his command, a gracious aud pleasing stage presence, M. Gogocza presents a won- j derfully beautiful program. Perhapsa In , no part of his program did the warmth j aud color of his Latin voice aud tem- ! pernineut show itself more conspicuously j than In the old English songs, “Where I You Walk” (Handel), "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes” and "When Dull Care.” Accustomed as we re to hearing Handel’s music given a purely classic coolness of Interpretation, the warmly-colored way in which M. Gogorza ; sang the well-known air was decidedly an enjoyable change. His arioso “Le Kol de Lahore” (Mas senet) was a dramatic number that was I followed by Bruno Huhn’s "Invletus” for j an encore. Tho group of Spanish nnm- ; bers. of course, found him at his vary ! best: “Canto del Fresifliarlo” and "En | Calesa” (Alveraz) ad “Xoche Serena” (a Mexican folk song). A group by living composers finished his program: “In Silent Night" (Rach maninoff), "Old Loves” (Scott) and ‘‘Pipes of Pan" (Elgar). These were all done with consummate art and three encores were given: “Clavglito" (Val verde), “Largo Factotem” (Rossini) and the ever popular “La Faloma.” Miss Helen Winslow provided splendid accompanimcut for JM. Gogorza. The concert as h whole was such an artistic treat thy: the future concerts or the organizatron will ho looked for ward to with pleasurable anticipation. ’Tis Same Ofd Story KAWANEk, 111., Nov. SO.—lvan Tracy, 12, was today by a gun which he “Id ““ lass. St MIDDLE WEST LABOR BETTER; OFF THAN EAST Chicago Federal Reserve Sur vey Shows Conditions Not Abnormal. ,! PAY GENERALLY SAME CHICAGO, Nov. 30.—Unemployment has Increased steadily In the Middle West during the last month while the volume of business has declined, the Seventh Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago re ported today in a survey of conditions In Illinois, Indiana, lowa, Michigan, Missouri and portions of Ka* saa and Nebraska. While men are more plentiful thn Jobs, the report stated that the amojlnt of Idleness Is no greater at the present time thou at this period In the winter of 1914. -Ai Ten per cent of the men employed- hi tho steel plants have been thrown in to Idleness, the report found. “The labor scarcity In tho steel dis tricts of a few months ago has the report said, “and men are at tbs gates seeking employment every morn ing.” Those engaged In building lines esti mate that 50 per cent of the men are oiik of work. FARM SITUATION REMAIN 8 SAME. “Workmen who were attracted to the In dustrial centers In the allocation of labor are now returning to their forrhVir homes,” the report stated, “but so ajl the return flow has not relieved the,fi liation on farms where wages approx imating war-time figures axe being paid corn buskers.” Tho survey finds that In some basie-Jji dustries little complaint is heard of dm employment. The Chicago stockyards was found operating with normal forcejfe “Speaking generally,” the statement said, “wages have not been changed ma terially. Here and there concessions hay® been made In order that total iingffi. ployment may be avoided. “Railroad shop forces were being cur tailed,’ the statement continued, “hut this Is manifesting itself more partic ularly among larger trunk lines lead ing to the eastward.” The report emphasized that the let down In business activity In the Middle West appeared to be less than is bejjig experienced in the East. •,b I Distinctively uneven declines in Indi vidual prices are factors la retarding business activities. “The recession in prices, which hast tfj ready manifested Itself in foodstuffs ahd textiles, is reported extending to other commodities heretofore unaffected,” eke survey found, "but there are industries which have experienced little If any re adjustments.” Other findings were: Few people are buying automobiihs and with the exception of some of 09 larger manufacturers automobile plamia nre either closed or operating upots a small scale with the result that their production Is less than 20 per cent nor mal. Railroads are buying little rolling stock, although the purchasing 2-pf rails continues. The car loadings havo eased up since the middle of October ajid the car shortage is being rapidly re duced. In marly every section stores are -at tempting to liquidate their stock throngh special sales and the buying is fflom "hand to mouth.” Cancellation of orders has been large in all lines of merchandise. Merchant* report liquidation of debts "very slow.” Mail order house businesses show con siderable decrease. Farmers are withholding their grain* from the market, due to the. readjust ment of market values. Forty per #iit of last year's wheat crop is still in th® farmers’ hands. Chattel loan companies are facing the protdem of financing the winter producers and the* local banks are still carrying some of last winter's advances, us shrinkages in market values have wiped out a great many equities. SAME FINDINGS IN ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS, Nov. 30.—Further price de clines, a tendency of business to slow down and an increase in unemployment marked the last thirty days In the Eighth Federal Reserve district for the States of Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee, according to the report of >the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to day. 4, Struck by Autos, ;; Reported Injured Etl Bonder -was cut by broken glass while riding in an automobile driven by James Melaffey, 2611 West Michigan street, when the automobile was straok by a cattle truck at Washington stract nnd White River last night. The trWek did not stop after the accident, ’1; Cristinl Mack, 105314 South Meriden street, was injured when struck byt-rfMk automobile at Meridian and Georgia streets. She was taken home in a taxi i and Pr. A. J. Schneider said her knee Was ciselocated. John hit by an automobile driven by O. IX. Benzen, 226 Bevllle avenue. The accidest occurred at Washington and Meridiah streets. Flaherty was taken to the City Hospital but his Injuries are not seriohSL Clinton, Mott, 24, negro, 312 West Vhj mont street, was hit by an while crossing Michigan street, near 'yiil canal. Mott suffered a severe scalp wound and was taken to the City Hospital. The automobile did not stop. Richmond Scene of Federal Agents Work Special to The Times. RICHMOND, Ind., Nov. 30.—Investi gation of reputed violations of the pro hibition laws Is being continued here tMs week by government agents and Judge W. A. Bond of the Circuit Court, has structed the grand Jury to make a thor ough investigation of reports which have reached the court relating to the vioTm tion of the State Ism-s, but cautioned tha Jury not to conflict with any of the wepp; now being carried on by the government. Judge Bond indicated in his instruc tions that the scope of the investigation was to Include the sale and traffic Intoxicating liquors, the sale of babit formlngr drugs, medicines nnd mixtures containing more than the legal amount of alcohol. A number of stills In the county have been seized by Federal agents within tbs last two days. " >!*■ Couple End Lives ; NEW YORK, Nov. 30.- After packing their trunks and dressing lu their b'eßt clothes, John Guest, S2, an inventor, ttW'fi his wife, Augusta, SO, opened a gas Jet and died In a Brooklyn rooming housjf./.' Police believe the aged couple became dtscournged because royalties on one. of the Inventor’s patents had been stopped and they faced poverty. > v Swung to ¥ree MIAMI, Fln„ Nov. 30—J. B. Harfjß. negro,.M-as lynched by a mob today near Princeton, following nj) attack on a woman. He was identified by hia vic tim anil led into a nearby foreßt. whejrs, it was reported, the body was left bang lag to a tree. ' __ 9