Newspaper Page Text
INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Alain 8500 Automatic .28-951 RATES. One time. 09 per line Three consecutive limes.. .08 per line Btx consecutive times 07 per line Male or female help warned, situa tion wanted, male or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted— One time. 08 per line Three consecutive times.. .07 per line Six consecutive time*. 06 per Une Contract rates on application. Legal notices 09 per line Lodges and club notices 750 per insertion Church notices (1 Inch or lesa) 50c per Insertion Over 1 Inch. .07 per line additional. Death notices. 35c per Insertion. Card of Thanks or In Memortam notices 07 per Une Ads received until 10; SO a. m. for publication same day. V FUNERAL DIRECTORS. PLANNER & BUCHANAN 320 North Illinois St. Funeral directors to the people of Indianapolis since 1887. Phones: Main 641-642. Auto. 22-641. INDIANAPOLIS CREMATORY. George Grmstemer Funeral director. 522 East Market. Old Phone Main 90S. New Phone. 27-208. A. Walsh Fnce. Joun Paul Ragsdale. A. M. RAGSDALE CO. J. C. WILSON 1280 Prospect. Auto. 61-671. Prospect 922. W.T. BLASENGYM 1685 Sheloy st. Pecs. 2573 auto. 51-114 FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM E. KRIEGER, New 21 154 Main 1451 141? N Illinois GADD-BERT - 3. GADD. 213) Prospect st. Phones: Prospect 422. Automatic 52-278. UNDERTAKERS—HISEY TITUS? 351* North Dr New "6-5 % M-><- •*7n ~. _ lost, an o, FOUNP LOST—Lady's black pocketbook on Olive street, between Orange and Cotage, Monday afternoon. Please return to 1236 Olive street. Prospect 6104. Reward. LOST Leather suitcase. containing lady’s clothing, on MUlersvllle r*-ad. leading to Noblesvllle, Sunday morning. Harrison 817. LOST—Silver coin purse on Central car Sunday night, purple lining: valued ?-s keepsake. Reward. Ben Davis 761, Ring 3. LOST—Monday. 23th. downtown. Ma sonic ring, set with diamond in center. If found please call Main 3253. Reward. LOST—Monday, Nov. 22. a day book, left on stockyard car. wrapped In newspa per: reward Circle 4123 or Main 789. LOST or stolen, boy's wheel. Party Is known; no trouble If returned. 715 Livingston. Belmont 3482. LOST—Lady's Waltham gold wrist watch. Phone office. Prospect 3561; residence Prospect 1946. Reward. LOST—Beagle hound; black spots, brown ears and head. Reward. 3310 N. Cap itol. Harrison 154. LOST—Pearl necklace. Saturday after noon in downtown district. Call Circle 6676. Reward. LOST—Bunch keys on ring, between 1025 N. Meridian and downtown. Reward. Main 8861. .I.ilST—Wrist watch between Irvington ~ and Murat theater. Reward. Irving ton 2816. LOST—GoId wrist watch. Swiss move ment, downtown. North 6247. Liberal' reward. I.OST—Pair glasses on Washington st.. between Butler and Ritter. Irvington 3449. _ PERSONALS. VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY ALUMNI and OLD STUDENTS communicate with D. W. PETERS Hotel Severln and ltarn something exceedingly Important to TO*. HOUSES—TO LET. 5027 CARROLLTON AVE. Five rooms, modern, enclosed veranda and rear Immediate possession. Marion County State Bank. MODERN, double! 3947 Broadway' S6O? Irvington 831. FURNIShtED HOUSES AND FLATS. THREE rooms, private bath, third floor; steam heated apartment, talking dla t&r.ce, adults; reference*. Mala 774 '. ROOMS—TO LET. FURNISHED strictly modern, with garage, for one or two gentlmen. pri vate family. Phone North 5597. EAST. 345 X.; 2 connecting front rooms; modern; also other room*; walking dis tance. Call Circle 3633. k DELAWARE, 5.7 N.; modern; warm sleeping rooms, adjoining hath, walking distance. Main 9215. COZY, strictly modern sleeping room In private family. 201 N. Tremont ave. Belmont 3550. DESIRABLE sleeping room In modern apartment, close In. Call Main 7741 evenings. CENTRAL ave , 31S0; two sleeping rooms, one sultat-le for two. Harrison 3504. TWO furnished sleeping roorn. young men preferred. Woodruff 2297. TWO unfurnished rooms for rent; 38 a month. 1702 Montcalm street. LARGE room, suitable for two; walking distance. Main 8591. ROOM and board to let. 609 Bright st. Cali Circle 6469. ___ LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. NEW JERSEY, 913 B ; two furnished light housekeeping rooms; private home, steam heat, gas range ar.d sink In kitchen, 310 per week. Also one large light house keeping room, 39 per week. Call Pros pect 3152. UNFURNISHED, 2 rooms. kitchenette; modern; heat, gas and electricity fur nished. North 7955. FRONT room, modern; light housekeep ing; walking distance; employed peo ple. Main 8210. MODERN light housekeeping room, 34.50 per week. 601 Fletcher avenue. ALABAMA. 725 N.. large front room for light housekeeping. Main 7810. BOARD AND ROOMS-TO LET. SIXTEENTH, 615 .£ .; nicely furn. mod. room; 2 girls; meals optional. Main 9514; referenca^requlred. LAR''E. warm, front room, modern home; _ breakfast, evening dinner; gentlemen home privileges. North 4661. ROOM and hoard for two ladies employed. North 8254. BUSINESS BERVICE*. SAVE 1 by having your old bats reno- W szt~* aated. Best work j ln c,t y> b T A°i6r ican Hatters. INDIANAPOLIS HAT BLEACHERY 28 Kentucky Ave. Main G 179. MACHINES Rented, $3 per mo. All makes machines repaired. Every piece, part or screw for any sewing ma chine White Sewing Machine Cos. Main 600. Auto. 25-316. 312 Mans. Ave. ' BSOTIGE Til Mil® Call Main 9081 and have your vault*. and cisterns cleaned before It freezes up. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. E. F. BI’RKLE, 416 Mass ave. Main 1428 New 23-776. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES - ’ Mj.bsrnsoed TITTTLEDGE 201 Indl**-. sv ■EXPERT CASH REGISTER ReFaIRING. ■ no W. Circle 2236. ■XALL STEVE U?r taxi. M, 4462. BHS shortest distance between two wants is a Timet; Want ad. Yo\jr customers Bh them. Why don't you 7 MALE HELP—WANTED. BOY over 14, wanted for news stand, de livery and work in mall dept., 38; chance for advancement. Ask for Mr. Whiteman. Indiana Daily Times. MARRIED man to work in bakery. Ap ply mornings. VEK-RE BEST BAK ING CO., 715 W. Twenty-Sixth_ MEN to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER COLI EGE, 309 E. Washington st.. Indianapolis. Ihd. Circle 757. SITUATION WANTED—MALE. CHILDREN'S AID ASSOCIATION EM PLOYMENT BUREAU. 510 Indianapolis Securities Co.’s Bldg. Phones: Circle 3784. Auto. 22-034. No charge. Call between 8 and 12 a. m. Wanted—Factory, store and office work for boys 14 to 16; white or colored. Wanted—Factory. sto~e and office work for girls 14 to 16, white or colored. Wanted—Position for colored girl as second maid or nurse maid. Wanted —Position ln home for white woman with two children. Wanted —Sewing to be done at home. Wanted —Position for chauffeur. Wanted—Washings for white woman to do at home. COLORED maiTwants work as cook, dish washer or house cleaning. JAMI.S WILLIAMS. 1226 Pershing avenue. EXPERIENCED farmer, married man. 3110 E. New York st. Woodruff 3097. Wants pc.Bitlojp on farm. salesmen—wanted. Stock Salesman Wanted We want five more live stock salesmen. Our proposition Is unusually attractive Some choice territory with good lead* now open. Cal! at 40 Virginia ave. and let u* show you one of our wonderful lit tle Ice refrigerating machines, making ice and refrlgeratlone- Arctic ice Machine Cos. 11-13 Arcade. Main 4483. WANTED Representative to take county agencies for the Johnson Fuel Oil Burner. Ex clusive sales right assigned. There is a big demand for this burner anti hustlers can make good money. County agency es tablished pays from $l5O to $250 per week. Burner once intro duced sells itself. If you are interested in a good legitimate proposition call at demonstra tion and sales room at 125 East Ohio street, Indianapolis, or write THE JOHNSON OIL BURNER €O., Muneie. Ind. EXPERIENCED stock salesmen for c'.asi dividend paying securities of old eetabibllshed Indiana corporation. Call at room 510 Board of Trade any Tuesday or Wednesday. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL. WHITE. WHO IS- FAMILIAR WITH WAITING !TABLE AND GENERAL HOUSEWORK No LAUNDRY WORK. TWO IN FAM ILY. SALARY 116 PER WEEK STEADY EMPLOYMENT. CALL NORTH 2*l. EXPERIENCED housekeeper. permanent poeltion with excellent accommodation", comfortable surrounding." and beat of working conditions; must have had expe rience ln taking complete charge of a home and handling of help, aaiary gen erous and libera! to right party, reference required. Add mi A No. 1112, Times. COLORED woman to help clean 4-room house one day each week. Call Bei rut nt 244? evening*. FIRST-CLASS girl for hi usa work from 8 to 12. Sundays from 3 to 12. SS9V North Illinois. WANTED —Girl for downstair* work and cooking; no laundry. Washington 616. GIRL for general housework. 11 E. 20th Ft. Main 6306. SITUATION WANT ED —F EMAL E. CLEANING and laundering by the day. Harrison 2794; colored lady. BUSINESS CHANCE 6. ON ACCOUNT of poor health will offer for sale up-to-date blacksmith whop sit uated ln one of the best towns ln Indiana, county seat, or will consider taking part ner on shares. Must be good horsehoer. For further Information write K. C. McCARTNEY. Kentiand, Ind. TWO ROOMING HOUSES. Seven and 9 rooms each. Price 3359.00 each. MR. SEBREE, 40 N. Delaware st. Main 5177. FOR SALE —Grocery store. established cash trade, fine opportunity. Circle 4288. FOR SALE—Grocery, doing fine cash busi ness; wonderful opportunity. Circle 4238. Ufa. I tbl IV th. Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators. 52.5-.VjS Law bldg. Main 21*02. NOTICES. WULiST Ray and Swedlsn massage. MlHs 1)5 VERE. 1759 W. Ohio. Main *B7B. AUTOMOBILES FOK SALE. 1920 DAVIS Anew touring car that has never been ln the hands of a private owner. It was turned over to us by former Davis dealer who now has Overland agency. "ar Is slightly shopworn, but otherwise In excellent condition. Terms if desired. Used Car Department, second floor THE GIBSON COMPANY, Capitol Avenue at Michigan. “EITHER NSW OR USED CARS. INVESTIGATE OUR YEAR PLAN. “YOU SELECT THE CAR. WE FURNISH THE MONEY 1 ’ AUTOMOBILE FUNDING CO. 912-13 Hume-Mansur Bldg. OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB A "chummy” little car that is light and economical to operate. Has been overhauled and recently repainted. Has wire wheels and all good tires. Easy terms can be arranged. Used Car Depart ment. second floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY, Capitol Avenue at Michigan. MAXWELL ROADSTER 3325 will cover our claims and buy this Maxwell roadster. We have arranged to display It ln the Used Car Department of the Glbaon Company. Capitol avenue at Michigan. Ask for Mr. Freese. ATLAS SECURITIES CO. Capitol Avenue at Michigan. SPECIAL sale of all used cars; small payment down, balance one year, no brokerage. 45 bargains. Come in and look them over. AUTOMOBILE TRAD ING CO., 556-57 North Capitol avenue. WE have several touring cars and road sters. Will trade for diamonds, stock or equities ln city property. 334 E. Market street. Main 6716. AUTOMOBILES FPR SALE. 1920 OVERLAND OF GIBSON QUALITY STANDARD A sturdy little touring car that has been driven just far enough to be well btokon ln. Is in ex cellent condition throughout. Make a moderate down payment and meet the balance as you ride. Used Car Department, second floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY, Capitol Avenue at Michigan. “HE BOUGHT A NASH” We have the following customers’ cars on sale at prices so low that you should see them before buying elsewhere. Fuiek E 44, roadster. Buick K 45, touring. Bulck K 49, touring, 7-paseenger Monroe. Rex lop. touring. Overland 90, Rex top, touring. Nash touring, 1919. Buick K. sedan, 5 passenger; good as new. 5 cord tires. Buick E 46 coupe; tip-top unape, Kelly- Sprlngfield cord tires. Oakland roadster, 1920; wire wheels; Parker cord tires. Cash or reasonable terms. LOSEY-NASH RETAIL CO. Main 3348 WILLY S-K NIGHT The beautiful lines, powerful motor and general condition of this Model as touring: car will immediately win your favor Has been overhauled and faultlessly re painted. Easy terms tan be ar ranfted. lied Car Department, second flf* >r. THE GIBSON COMPANY, Capitol Avenue at Michigan. Special Sale 3100 5123 down will buy a good used car. Your own terms. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO., MS N. Capitol Ave. Main 268". Auto. 22-019. 1919 MAXWELL touring dm Ursa, spe cial paint, good mechanical condition. This Is priced right. Term* can bo ar ranged. FRANKLIN USED CAP. DEPARTMENT, hecond floor 10014 N. Meridian St. BUICK 1919, louring car. INDIANAP OLIS AUTO SALES CO.. 235 N. Pena- I aylvanla etreet. OAKLAND Medan. 1519 model, cheap If 1 tl..s N. Pen AUTOMOBILES— WANTED. I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for It Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS W ANTED ■ I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tire Cos. 619 X. llllnol" St Main 1679 Auto. 22-068. AUTO RE P A IRS AND 3UP PLIES. FOP.D owner agents to test and then sell Biker'" Intnk" Manifold Vaporiser. A metal aibeit >.i lr.iulaied 12-lach cut. complete y I see in manifold or gae pus tinge. <\>r.ntntiy hold* 115 cubic inches superheated air from exhaust about In take manifold. Only device ebelterir.g gas passage from fan blast, thus even temper ature all Intake ports. Our vaporizer mean" easy start, quick warmup, less gas and cdl and- wonderfully Improved motor action. Alabama University camp sec retary says: "our army Ford now run* like Cadillac." Attached In three minutes with wrench. Retail price 32'.40 ro agents to test, one sample only, post paid 31 bill. Your motor number must accom pany order or nothing doing ELLS WORTH L BAKER CO.. Springfield. Ohio fi . ft-- WINTER STORAGE Foil BATTERIES IS necessary. We r’ore them at reasonable charge and make no charge* for pick up and de livery. We sell or rebuild any kind of batteries and guarantee name In writing. Call Main*. MYERS BATTERY RE BUILDING CO.. 621 N. Illinois street. battkribs New *r.d guaranteed for any car. Rebuilt, repaired recharged. Open until 9 pm. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING CO. 607 Mass. Ave. Main 3146. Don't Whit Till ChrUtmas! Now Is the time to get that car painted for your spring driving. FLEMING & REED 180-32 E. New York St. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty, 322-834 North lillnota IS A S Auto Laundry "downtown TIRE SHOE. VULCANIZING that gives en Refaction. 85 Kentucky avenue. Main 1117. FORD touring body complete; brand new. Belmont 67. Ask for sales dept. CITIZENS AUTO REPAIR. Rear sill N. Capitol avenue. SCRAPE all carbon from piston heads through spark plug holes In twenty min utes, using Baker's Spark Hole Carbon Tool. Efficiency restored Immediately. Carbon on piston heads make* the trouble, the rest mutters little. Chunks blown out without punning through valves. Save average owner $15.00 per year, saying nothing about time. Use It tor years. No skill required. Damage impossible. Full Instructions with tool postpaid $1 bill. ELLSWORTH L. BAKER CO.. Spring field, Ohio. 16 Shaffer street. MOTOPCYCLEC AND BICYCLE*." BUY THE BOY A BICYCLE FOR CHRITSM AS. SIO.OO down, $2.00 per week. ERNEST HUGHES CO. It4)< Hill. A' *• Main 6404. OAIIH id f r all kinds of mOtOfCJfOiMi FLOYD PETKKMAN. ICO Mainacbu. Mttff avenue. AbfO AND TRUCKS Fu HtHS • /*V *.AAyU , . -V ---AUTOS for rent. Do your own driving U-Drive Auto Service. at Hootler Laundry* Rear Kelth’a theater. Main 5921. U-DKIVK 'EM. Automublle* rented to drive youraalt. .MARKET MOTOR SERVICE. SS4 B. Market t Main fM GARAGES TO LET. FOR RENT—Three machine garage, 35 each. Cull 1621 Columbia avenue. ~ COAL AND WOOD FQH ALE. COAL—COAL POCAHONTAS LUMP. WEST VIRGINIA LUMP. KENTUCKY LUMP. ILLINOIS LUMP. ATLAS COAL CO. MAIN 1962. AUTO. 22-764. GENUIN E POCA. M. R. $11.50 PER TON. L. H. BAIN COAL CO. MAIN 2151 OR MAIN 3531. Illinois Lump, $10.50 per Ton Nice, large coal, good for furnace or stove. Illinois ogg, 310. Prospect 3280. Auto. 62-381. COAL Why not buy from nn Independent con cern. Call North 9161 and Investigate. MITCHELL coal for furnaces and all other coal for sale. R. &a. COAL COM PANY. Prospect 6360. 927 4 Virginia ave. IND. and ILL. " WEAVER COAL OQ. 11l Leota St. Prospect 2201. Indiana mine run, $7.25 ton. Prospect 3280. Auto. 52-384. FO R SA i„E—Cml „ n d "wood! INTER BTaTE PRODUCTS CO. Main 983. INDIANA COAL AT a'SaVING. [ NORTH 9161. { INDIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1,1920. r / Old Ben Franklin said: “A PENNY SAVED, IS A PENNY EARNED.” Now days you save DOL LARS by patronizing these advertisers. You will find bargains under— Miscellaneous For Sale Real Estate For Sale . Autos For Sale and many other classifica tions. READ THEM ALL. 4 REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. 4 IF SOLD AT ONCE Wo have a bargain, flve-room house on Centennial utreet. Elec tric light**, water in kitchen, new ly painted ami decorated. all woodwork roflnlaed, new gut tern. A dandy little home. Full lot with 7 fruit trees; SSOO down and email monthly payments gives Immediate possession. Call Paul V. Mat kin. Realtor. Gregory & Appel, Inc. Main 995. Residence, North 7013. SIOO CASH, $25 MONTHLY buys 5-room cottage, let 61x240 feet, on E. Fifty-Second street, near College ave. Lot alone worth the price asked Investors’ Banking Service Corp. 112 E. Market St. _ Main 1624, SSOO CASH Good s-.ibstair tls i flve-room eottage lo oatsd on M&rttndale ave . slectrlc lights, gas, w.-,: and ctsttrn. Doubts garage; large lot; price 32,500. Schmid & Smith Main 4088. $250 CASH, Ralanee monthly, buy* pretty 4-room with electric lights and gas. Now ready to move Into. Just been newly decorated and painted Inside ami out. Located south. Price only 32,250. Kusse H. Hartman, NEW HOUSES. Large lot Just west of city at low price* and Immediate possession on payment# and terms. R. B. WILSON. REALTOR. 108 N. Delaware St. Main 1613. 110 CASH, then only *1.25 weekly secure* a beautiful, large high level lot In that g • ■ *—•’. • • hlrtj i ghtl and two squares southeast of fair grounds. Piles this week only 3525. 540 Lemcke Annex. Mala 1402. : I)OUIiLK,~SO'UTIT~ Fiv room* i *sa tw> of Shelby car lino UiP.y $: $ v*o c&ah, balance payment a. Call Mr H m with \Y. L. Bridges, Keaitor 336-9 K of P. Illug. Main 4114. Evening*. Irving’ton 2401. 1600 SOL Til li<*nu? 1 ful 6 room homo all on ground floor. Ha all modern convgntanc**; ga* rag* with front drive. Prleo SO9O. Trmn. b TATE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO. Main 4517. Evening*. .North *724. LOTS Southern nvrnu*. Price S7SO. T+rrna $1 down and $1 per vv©k. 1. N. Richie A: Son. Room 303. 157 E Maurkat St COTTA* •L, ItH Highland ave.. 5 room*. • Intern, city water in yard. *■** ele- trlo light*, deep Lit. pavel treet. $7,000, good tertian. Mr. TTueb: *od. HKLdAiiLi; REALTY CO.. 501 City Truat Bldg Main IS$. Evening*. Irvington ii** COLORED BUYERS Double 5 rooiatt on side, bath, furnace, electric light". West Twenty-fifth; good house, good Investment. See u for spe cial price and terms. HALL & HILL. 147 E Market St. DOUBLE, near W. Michigan on King ave.. 6 rooms to a side. gas. cistern, well, cel lar. Impi v.-d at!*' t . 34.000; SSOO down. 185 per month. Mr. True! lord RELIABLE REALTY tO„ 501 City Trust Bldg Main 186. Evenings. Irvington 226" SUBURBAN New 4-room suburban hone, will trade for vacant lot. balance 318 per month. RELIABLE REALTY COMPANY. Main 116. Evenings Prospect* 1493. MODERN storeroom and a 11-room house on same lot, email payments. Balance less tbs.ii rent. K. B. HOLTAM. Pros pect 771. IF you are wanting l.irg.,in In property on south side In singles and double*, call Prospect 6184 after 4 p. m- REAL ESTATE—SALE OR TRADE. FOR BAI-K OR TRADE- A brick block In 2609 block \V. Michigan street. MAR TIN MORON'EY, 112 vV. Market. Main ■8425 WI Id, trade equity 6-room cottage for small car and some cash. Cull 1515 Montcalm street after 6 p. rn. SUBURBAN. FIVE rooms, lot 60x200, near a good school and church three-quarters mile from \V. Washington etreet car line. Belmont 4361. FIVE-ROOM house and half Hi-re. bpllt in features, electric lights; will trade ter ellv proj ert j Bel nonl 1331. REAL ESTATE—WANTED. HAVE CASH BUYER for double between College and Illlnoie street, Mouth of creek. .Mut have large lot. Investors’ Bjinking Serv ice Corp. 112 K. Market St. Main 1624. CASH CUSTOMER r For a home flouth or wet, party can pay reasonable down payment and balance like rent. Let us look at yours. It may suit. Mr. Hearn, Union Trust Cos. Main 1576. Residence, Harrison 1(124. “Home, east In good condition; five or lx rooms; must be in good condition and a reason able price. Fan pay part cash and bal ance like rent. Call Mr. Hearn. The Union Trust Go. Main 1676. Residence, Harrison 1024. HAVE customer tor six or 'seven-room modern home north or east.; also for 5 room bungalow and double. Call us If your property is for aulo. Main 107, or 142, I AM going to buy a home. You may havo the one 1 want. In any locutiou at the right price. Address A No. 1111, Times. ROOMING houses wanted. Call MR. SEBREE. Main 6177. FARMS—FOP SALE. FARM, 11 MILES NORTH of monument; 6 miles of fair grounds; plenty of blue grass pasture; some timber; springs and running water; suitable for farm or stock raising. AVl’l sell 100 up to 394 acres of same. Price 3200 an acre. Would consider some real estate In trade. Frank S. Clark & Cos. 226 E. Ohio. Main 3377. 140-ACRE farm in Shelby County, beat of soli said extra fine buildings; only 3200 per acre, t ■i R. B. WILSON. 108 Nl Delaware St. Main 1618. MISCELLANEOUS —FOR SALE. GOOD All Wool Suits and Overcoats honestly tailored to your measure, “See for yourself” LLON TAILORING CO. 131 E. New York St. Up One Flight. New Lumber Bargain Prices fx6-l 6-foot Norway p!n*. Bxß-16 -foot Norway pin*. 3x12-16-foot yellow pine. Submit bids to A. K. Sheffield. O & J Tire Cos. * r vr Do Your Xmas Shopping Early FOR HIS 4 XMAS. One of our fine nutts or overcoats to h!8 measure at gres'.ly reduced prices. 136.50, 340 50. lIS 50. 362.50 and up. Trousers and fancy vests ln proportion. If we haven't his measurements on file, i present him with one of our "Gift Certifi cate* " which can be applied on anything he may select. W. G SCHNEIDER. 39 WEST OHIO STREET. Bo sure you are In the right place. Quit Wearing Ready-Made raws $ ejo . kVe ronkf thorn t<t A )/ your tueaiure for LEON TAILORING CO. {3l K. NEW VUKK. ! Vp one flight. Corduroy Pants / | \ **'*'*’* II THE PANTS \R / STORE CO. 11 \ j Two Store* U Ui 4 4 W. Ohio. w w JACKET SUIT, dark blue, six* 34 or 16, j never worn. two plush costs. full iength sixes 34 and 30. 3: W. Vermont. : Malt; 7393. CINDERS FREE. CALL CITY HOSPITAL. COLUMBIA dl. tnc trsi.scribing ma chine, flue condition. a bargain. Main 3868 5506 or Auto. 24-65S | kuK SALE "It i'UADK -Two automatic bowling alle;." cheap. ROY JARED. Montexumu. ind. ROLL-TOP oak desk and ch.iilr In per fect condition. 32 \\. Vermont. Main 7391 BOY'S short pent* eult and one over- coat, almost new Cal! North 2426. FOR SALE—-Reed baby buggy. In good condition, 126. Call Belmont 3174 GRAFE vlnea, first class, 2 years old. 30Tr off. Belmont 2 *67. ART naadiew r* MARY PICKARD 1 •: 7 Laurel Prospect 8118. ONE 3-ton spring wagon. 912 S. Delaware street. Prospect 20;.6. DESKS at save-half price* on payments at BAKF.R BROS. Ft>!t SALE Jllgh-oven gas range. Call North 1664 WINTER suit, fur trimmed, site 3S. Call North 6104. MIS 0: LLANE O US— WANTEQ. SiSGHEiT CASH PRICE PAID FOR SCRAP IRON, METALS AND RUBBER CAR LOTS OR LESS. ALWAYS IN THE MARKET FOR Boilers, Tanks and Machinery INDIANAPOLIS IRON AND METAL CO. L. SANTOW, PRESIDENT 1-121 W. RAY ST. BELMONT 4110 LEW shank” pays best prices In city for household goods and fixtures of all kinds. 227 North New .lereay , treet. Main 2028. CASH for good roll-top desk; must bo bargain. North 7013. H OU 3Eh QLDQO p Da - u Saved. From the Fire CANNON STOVES COOIv STOVES LAUNDRY STOVES RANGES HEATERS, ETC. Big reductions in all prices. 444 E. Washington st. BETWEEN NEW JERSEY AND EAST ETS. New (Jrex Bugs 86x72 Inches 31.90 64x90 Inches $3.00 6x9 feet 85.60 Bxlo feet $9.60 Bxll feet 8 Inches $11.60 Baker Bros. 219 K. Washington st. RADIANT HOME —If yeu want a Rad iant Home baneburner. on payments, go to BAKER BROS. CEDAR CHESTS, fourteen; special built. WILLIAM F. JOHNSON LUMBER CO.. North 7000. ALL kinds of household goods at save half prices, on payments. BAKER BROS. COMBINATION Garland ranges at save half prices, on payments. BAKER BROS. PALACE—if you want a Palace hotblast. on payments, go to BAKER BROS. KITCHEN cabinets at save-half prices. Cash or payments. BAKER BROS. CLERMONT—If you want a Clermont hot blast on payments, go to BAKER BROS CHIFFEROBES at save-half prices, on payments at BAKER BROS. COAL RANGES at save-half prices on payments at BAKER BROS. HOUSEHOLD .9000S RUGS Hundreds of rugs, all kinds; wool filler. Axmlnster, Bozart. velvet. Wiltons, grass matting, any kind of a rug; we have them. Come and see our rugs before you buy. GLAZER GOOD USED KUUA ’ We have the largest selection ln Indi anapolis of high-grade used rugs; ail sixes, at prices that will please you. USED GOODS STORE. WE Carry everything ln stock of furnl ture, rugs, linoleum, bedding; also heat ing stove-s, cook stoves and ranges, hot plates and oil stoves. Yours for the low est prices in the city. Terms. E. KROOT. 607-9 yv. Washington. INVALID CHAIRS and crutches to rent*; free delitery to all parts of city; In valid chairs $8.60 per month. Baker bros., DAVENOS at save-half prices on pay ments at BAKER BROS. FOR SALE—Good iron beds and springs. $7.00. Circle 1850. GAS RANGES at save-half prices, on pay ments. BAKER BROS. FI RNITURE for sale, 2352 Schrlver ave. Call North 2368. MUSt CAL IN STR UM ENTS. COLUMBIA phonograph, mahogany, $l6O size, only SB6. Ws save you $36 to $76 on any Victor, Edison, Brunswick or other standard make. USFID GOODS STORE. _424 Mass. Ave. GOOD LOOKING mahogany ptasio, $250? Folding metal upholstered cot; not used over 3 weeks, price $29.50. Main 6687. RECORDS, good records of any make you desire. 40c. BAKER BROS.. 218 E. Washington. VIOLINS, V size. <4 sue and full size? WACHMAN. 628 South Alabama. Pros pect 5768. Wli.L pn> $25 to SSO cash for upright nlano. North 4221. PEf STOCK AND POULTRY. WANTED— Homes for healthy homeless INDIANAPOLIS HUMANE SO CIETY MUNICIPAL DOG POUND. 924 East New York St. Hours: 11 a, in. to 12 noon daily. SCRATCH feed; no grit. $2.75. laying * s 25- Delivered. SCHAFER FLLD MIIzIsS.. Prospect 4 216. __ UVE STOCK AND VEHICLES. FULL-BLOODED Shetland ponv. saddle galted. broke to drive; gentle, safe for Children; u;j<> sadie and bridle. 2160 N < ikpitOl. TRANSFER and Muheut. keep moving .1 at's what w do—transfer and hauling naV“ S ° I ' p, • ra,,, th " Terminal Baggage TRACTION TERMINAL HAUUAGE CO. - M>in Auto. 31-261. \i\\// STORAGE CHEAPEST f llf \Y/ RATES IN CITY. CALL I If Lti - Everything at rsa l\ II I eon a hi* price. Packed. \Sv_Ai [LJJ Jl shipped anywhere. ' O Locked room if deelrr-d. e t Henry M ,i n CALI. nIiAXK for tha best service ln hsu-jng packing, shipping and storage. ZZ.-2.9 North New oereey St. Main 2028. ~ m A L OT IQ NS. AUCTION SALE THURSDAY MgHNINO 9 20 a. m , O". i. at cur auc t on room. 227 N. New Jersey t. Me will sen van loads of house hold go. ,Is. consisting of Two Mahogany SaJking Machines oak dining room suites, leather daveno library tables. velour davenport, braes b and mattress ard springe urt extension tabi*" ball trees heating and cooking tnve ( i <iti rv- kt*r*. kftrhen <•<*!>- Ine-s *ldc-h<4.rtl. ilrrs>er l,e<l clothes, writing desk refrlg-ra tore. 100 dozen n.ei.‘" handker chief*. co. g bum floor covering, rugs, one lot of groceries ,md cunr.eii £*>*!* laKW SHANK. Auctlo/ir* x. AUCTION SALE j THE CLE\ LI,AND. ULNI.'LNNATI, CHI CAGii £ f-T LOU4H ItY. CO., wl.i sell at • public auction on Monday December 27 1329 10 m.. at Ii dianep.. :,* Warehouse Cos . New York licet arid canal, , lr.tllanap .lij*. Ind., unh'M previously 1 claimed pr. per owners, one < *r■.! of I I 539 bund let building lath. Consigned to t Indlanapoiis Mortar ai.d Fuel Cos. Terms of sale, cash or certified check. J K VANCE.' Freight Claim Agent. C.. 0., C. & St. L. Ky. Cos . Indianapolis, _ Indiana. NOTICE. AUCTION SALE. Tho ('level till, Cincinnati. Chlrsgo * st. Louis Ry. Cos., will sell at public auc tion on Monday. January 17th. 1921. 10 “• . eas! Hide Leota street, at Shelby itreet coach yards, Indianapolis. Ind . uti les" previously claimed by proper owners, :>etu een .0 and 60 cross tlen, one second band planer. 1 engine and boiler on wheels, shipment consigned to Indianap olis Machinery Cos. Terms of Bale cush or certified cite' k. J. K. VANCE. F. C. A., c , C . C a- Sf L. RY. CO. Indianapolis, Ind. LEGAL NOTIC£~ State of Indiana. Merlon County, seisin Probate Court of Marlon County, No. 59-18435, November twin. 1920. Roe." B. Mitchell, administrator of tho Es tate of Dora Belch, deceased, vs. Homer C. Belch, ft at. The undersigned administrator of tho estate of Dora Belch, deceased, hereby gives notice that by virtue of an order of the I’robate Court of Marion County, In diana, he will .at the hour of ten o'clock a tn. on Thursday the 2d day of Decem ber. 1920. at the law offices of William F. Heinrichs, number* 223 and 225 Indiana Trust building. In the city of Indianapolis. Indiana, and from day to day thereafter until sold, offer for wale at private *alo the following described real estate In Mar i' n County. Indiana. to-wit: Lot No. f.u’tj -nine (49) tn Smith and Logan's addi tion to the city of Indianapolis. Said sale wtd be made subject to the approval of the court, tor not less than the full ap praised value of said real estate, and upon the following terms and conditions: One third of the purchase money cash In hand, one-third In nine months anil the remain ing one-third In eighteen months from date of sale, with option of purchaser to pay the full purchase price cash, deferred pay ments to be evidenced by notes of the pur chaser bearing 7 per cent interest from their date, waiving relief and providing for attorney's fees, and. upon confirmation of sale, secured by first mortgage upon the real estate sold. Said sale to be made free and of the lion of the mortgage of the defendant, the Colonial Savings and Loan Association of Indianap olis, Indiana, and of all other liens except taxes for the year 1920, subject to which taxes said sale will he made. ROBS E. MITCHELL, Administrator of tho Estate of Dora Belch, deceased. , No. 8067? UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S NOTICE. United States of America. District of Indiana, ss: Whereas, a libel of Information was filed In the District Court of the United States for the District of Indiana on the 11th day of November, 1920, by Frederick Van Nuys, United States Attorney, on behalf of the United States, against ione Colo 7-pansengrr motor vehicle, engine number 192374, Indiana license number 168477, 1920, seized at said district for violation of tho revenue law, and claiming damages ln the Bum of $• -. and praying process against said property, and that the same may be condemned and sold therefor. Now, therefore, In pursuance of the mo nition under the seal of sail court to me directed and delivered. I do hereby give I public notice to all persons claiming said goods, or any part thereof, or in any I manner interested therein, that they be and appear before the District Court of ; the United States, to bo held at the city of Indianapolis, in and for the District of Indiana, on the first Monday of Decem ber next, at 10 o’oloo.k of the forenoon of that day, then and there to Interpose thetr claims and make their allegations In that behalf. MARK BTOREN, Attest: \ Marshal. U. S. NOBLE C. BUTCER, Clerk. notice] Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to the statute that the undersigned, conducting a public storage house, will, on Thursday, Dec. 16. 1920, at 9 a. m., sell for a<:-- erued charges the household and other goods ln storage for six months with charges unpaid belonging to the following named people: Wm. Day. Edna Drles back. Stella Folts. Russell Moore, Mr). It, S. Parker, Mrs. Pearl Ross, Henry Smith, Chester Wilson, Mrs. A. M. Bryan. PA RTLOW-J ENKINS MOTOR CAP. CO.. 419-2 J E. Market street. legal notice. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Department of Finance—-Office of the City SKfTf r i.S ur r'.l ijsz Sealed bids will be received by the city “t 11 !?,' , the , cit * of iXnapofi mr l ihVi , twelve o'clock noon on the loth day of December, 1980. for the whole dolfM fTfoo nn\ h ® lour hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) of bonds known as "Fire bond*^ qul p meii t Bonds, 19 20." Said Vn I Vt bL ‘ U , ate<l D °- 16 ' and do Lr. A, ,f* n °m‘hations of one thousand 1.000) each, with interest coupons rfldt T/ 1 r Wln bear lnte rest at th annuadv annum, payable semi- Hdv of on the Ist day of January and ot . each year of the period of said ?9?i and ’ on the 1,1 a *y ot July. or,! 1 ' bo , nda Bha 'l he numbered from :l) to . four hundred (400) both in , aaiufl shall mature and be payable at tne rate of twenty thousand dollars (s2° 0 < )0 ) on the first day of Jan- Gizs °T eaC a. yea , r ' beginning in the year and ending in the year 1941. Ihe proposals will be opened by the city controller at his office on, the 15th day of December, 1920, between the hours of twelve o’clock noon arid two o'clock p. m. and said city controller shall thereupon award said bonds, or if he shall see fit, a part or any number thereof, to the highest and best bidder therefor, but said city controller shall havo the right to postpone such award until a later date not beyond Dec. 22, 1920, and also the right to reject any and all bids and proposals or any part thereof; and also the right to accept a part of any bid and to award upon any bid the whole or less number of bondA covered by such bid. except only that no bond shall be sold at less than par and accrued Interest; and said city controller shall further have the right ln his judgment and discretion to award said bonds a part to one bidder and a part to another bidder. Each and every bid and proposal shall be presented to the city controller sealed ana shall be accompanied by a duly certl fteu check upon some responsible bank in tne city of Indianapolis, Indiana, payable to the order of the city treasurer, for a sum of money which shall equal two and one-half (2 1 *) per centum of the face or value of bonds b.d for or proposed to oe purchased, and ln case any bid or pro- P^ sa * ®ha)l not be accepted and there shall be no award of bonds thereon, the pruned check accompanying - the same atiall thereupon be returned to Much un successful bidder or bidders. If there shall be awarded the whole or any part of the bonds upon any bid or proposal, the certified check accompanying the sanie snail thereupon be delivered to the city treasurer, who shall thereupon present the same for payment, and shall be entitled to collect the same and hold the pro ceeds collected thereon until the comple tion of the purchase and payment for the bonds so awarded, and if for any reason check shall not be paid upon presen tation. the city shall retain said check and shall have Ute right to collect th# same for Its own use and said check and proceeds thereof when collected shall be taken and deemed os agreed and liquidated lamages for such breach of contract and o-s a payment thereof to the city In < ase any successful bidder shall fall to complete the purchase of bonds so awarded and to pay for the same within tne time and maimer therein required or which may he prescribed by the city con tr... er, the proceeds of such certified check deposited by such bidder shall be taken considered and deemed as agreed ami llqmdaud damages for the breach of such made; s contract of purchase and shall be '.ut<u and deemed as a payment to the c;!j fur uci damages, and shall be re tained and held by said city for Its use; however, if such successful bidder shall c.uplete the purchase of said bonds awarded to him. said proceeds of said eer tm-d check shall thereupon be returned t*> such bidder, or at the option of the city controller, at the time of the comple tin , Os me sate and payment for the bonds, sale, pn. -eds of said certified check may ‘ ' R eP led and de* :rcd a payment on ac count ot the purchase of said bonds Delivery of a,y bonds sold shall be , made at the office of the city- treasurer of of Indianapolis, Ind'ana, not later man tli lyt'i day of December. 1920, or at such time or times as may ba agreed upon by mo controller and the purchase or pur ha:;-rs. provided, however, that the 'Tty controller may extend the time for K’ji'h delivery r.ot more than 10 days after tho —day or days specified or agreed upon B" provided, and the successful bidder or bidders shall take the bonds awarded to him or them a ,and pay for tne ■ aide at s i:h p:a -e ar.d time, ai.d his or j her refusal,;<. or omission to do so, "l.all be a breach of the contract of his hid or proposal on to event of which dam a:• s .-.hall he retained or recovered as liquldattd as hereh,above set out. im.d bonds ar.d the interest coupons shall be tlable ar.d j.ayrble at the Union Trust Company, Indianapolis, Indiana. a:ul shall be In form as follows; A'o $1,000.00. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. < rrv i >c ixpian.ii dlls. MARION COUNTY. STATE OF INDIANA. Fir- Department Equipment Bond. IKO. For value received, the city of Indian ; a polls. In Marlon County, Ir. the State ct 1 Indiana, hereby promises to pay to the ; bearer, without any relief from valuation or appt ilsen • it lows, on Dec. 15 ... . at the Union Trust Company of Indian ■iPw ;" 1.-diana. <no thousand doilhrs In lawful money of the United States of America, together with interest thereon at the rate of five and one-quarter I” r cut per annum, trout upiu until paid, the first interest payable on the 15th day of June. 1931, and the Interest thereafter payable semi-annually on the Ist day of July to January, respectively, upon the presentation and surrender of the proper rest < uupnus hereunto attached and which are made a part of this bond. Tills bond Is one of an issue of four hundred (400) bonds, of one thousand dollars uch. numbered from one (1) to four hundred (400), both Inclusive, of date .... Issued by said city of In dianapolis pursuant to an ordinance passed by the common council of the city, on Nov.. 8 1920, and an Act ot the General Assembly of the S'ate of Indiana, entitled, "An Act Concerning Municipal Corpora tions." approved March 6. 1905, and acts amendatory thereof. It is hereby certified that ell the condi tions. acts and things essential to tho validity of this bond exist, have happened, and have been. done, and that every re quirement of iaw affecting the Issue hereof has been duly complied with, and that this bond Is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Indiana, and that the faith and credit of the city of Indianapolis, Indiana, are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal and interest of this bond according to Us terms. In witness whereof, the common council of the city of Indianapolis, Indiana, has caused this bond to be signed by the mayor and city controller, and attested by the city clerk, and the corporate seal of said city to be lureto affixed this .... day of ROBT. H. BRYSON. City Controller. LEGAL NOTICE. The Indiana State Board of School Book Commissioners will receive sealed bids until nine a. m. Friday. December 17, 1920, at the office of the State Superintendent of I'ubllc Instruction, in the State House, In diana potis. Indiana, from publishers of school text bocks as provided ln the acts of 1917, pagan 441-443. on a series of text books for use In the common schools of the State of Indiana, for a term of five years. In the following branches of study: Geography, English Grammar, Spelling, Physiology. History of the United States, Domestic Science. Industrial Arts and one book ln each of the following subjects for the Junior high school: Literature, lan guage, mathematics, community civics, and four elective texts in general science. None of said text books shall contain anything of a partisan or sectarian char acter; and. It is required that they shall be at least equal in size and quality as to matter, material, style of binding and mechanical execution as to standard text books now ln general use. The publisher shall state specifically ln Ills bid the price at which each book will be furnished, and accompany puch bid with specimen copies of each and ail books to be furnished in such bid. AH bids by publishers must be accom panied by a bond ln the penal sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) to the ac ceptance and satisfaction of tho Governor of the State of Indiana, conditioned that If any contract bo awarded to any bidder such bidder will enter into a contract to perform the conditions of this bid to the acceptance and satisfaction of said board. No hid shall be considered unless the same be accompanied by an affidavit of the bidder setting forth that he Is In no wise, directly or Indirectly, connected with any other publisher or firm who is bid ding for books submitted to said board, nor has any pecuniary Interest ln any other publisher or firm bidding at the i same time, and that he In not a party to any cor.trjet, syndicate, or other schemo whereby the benefits of competition are denied to the people of this State. The Indiana State Board of School Book Commissioners reserves the. right to ac cept or reject any or all bids, or any part thereof for any. particular Wok or books. By order ot the Indiana State Board of School Book Commissioners. L. N. HINES, President. E. U. GRAFF, Secretary. ~~~~ At-' FIRST end second mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate. R. B. WIL SON. 103 N. Delaware st. Mnln ISIS. INSURANCE in ail bra no h ea. AC BUSY D. PORTER. 916 Peoples Bank bldg. Main X 049. i MONEY to loan, on city and farm broker- J ag'i. 65 ’When bids. FINANCIAL. a. PERSONAL LOANS S2O TO S3OO This office Is operated under the super* vision of the State of Indiana and was es tablished for the purpose of providing a place where honest people can borrow any amount from S2O to SBOO without paying more than the legal rate of In terest or without being imposed upon in any way. It Is only necessary that you are keep ing house and permanently located. - NO WORTHY PERSON REFUSED We do not notify your employer, neither do we make Inquiries of your friends, relatives or trades people. You can have all the time necessary for - repayment and pay only for the actual time you keep the money. Cali and let us explain. No charge unless you bor row. Loans with other companies paid off and more money advanced at legal rates. IF IN A HURRY PHONE MAIN 2923 OR AUTO 22-450. SECURITY MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Rooms 206-7-9 Indiana Trust Bldg. A 113 K. Wash. St. Corner Virginia Ave. YOb CAN BORROW MONEY SO CHEAP end on such easy terms of repayment from the Fidelity Loan Company, a li censed and bonded firm, for use in paying; overdue bills or to buy the things you need for CASH at BARGAIN PRICES that every one should take advantage of our service. LOANS ON FURNITURE $20.00 to $300.00 et legal rates, on short notice and without publicity. We g’ve you ail tbs time you want to repiV a loan and only charge for the actual time you have the money. Fair Isn't It? You Can Afford to Borrow On $ 40 pay $2 a month and interest On $ CO pay $3 a month and interest On SiQO pay $5 a month and interest PAY MORE ANY TIME AND REDUCB THE COST. IN YOUR BEHALF We are on the Job eight hours a day, an<t through personal contact and personal service, plus a deep personal lnteres„ we can serve you and your friends as you wish to be served In these unusual times business friendships, close relations, mu tual underKtandings and co-operation are real assets to all jf us. We are ready to go three-fourths of the way. Now It la op to you. FIDELITY LOAN CO. 106 E. Market St. WE ARE PHKPAKBD TO MAKE HEAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WE PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES. BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K SAWYER. Praa. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg. Southwest corner Delaware and Mnrket- mortgage loans made on good farms and Improved city real estate. GIBRALTAR FINANCE COMPANY, 108 North Delaware street. FIREMEN VISIT ENGINE HOUSES Delegates to Congress Inspect City’s Equipment. Visiting firemen who are attending the fire congress made a tour of inspection of the Indianapolis engine houses this, morning under the supervision of Leoa T-. Wolf, Cincinnati, instructor, and VV. E. Longfellow, Washington, of the American Red Cross. A "get together meeting" was held at •Tomlinson Hall. Jacob ITilkene. Indi anapolis chief of tire prevention, dig-, cussed "Fire Department Inapectiona." E. It. Towimend, an engineer of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, discussed "Standardization of Hose • Couplings." "The Volunteer Fire De i parunent” was the subject of H. E. ! Homey, secretary of the Northeastern ■ Indiana Fire Chiefs’ Association. Fol | lowing the session a demonstration of chemical extinguishers was given. Mayor Jewett will give the welcoming address st the evening session, and O. E. Fvlnger, chief of the Terre Haute Fire Department, will respond. The program will Include a motion pic ture of "The Fire School Film;’’ talks bv Mr. Wolf on "Fire Prevention, Firs Protection, Fire Extinguishers;” by C ,pt. .1. J. Conway of the National Board of Fire Underwriters on "Influence of Inspections on Insurance ruites;” by T. Alfred Fleming, chief of conservation , division, National Hoard of Fire Un derwriters, on "Conservation." A film styled "An Unbeliever Con vinced" will also be shown and C. A. Purcell of the American Atmos Corpora tion will demonstrate gas helmets, yul moters and breathing apparatus. Miss Eakins to Talk About Advertising What promises to he a unique adver tising talk will be given by Miss Eleanor Eakins. investigator of the Capper pub lications. before the Indianapolis Adver tising Club, tomorrow, at a noon lunch eon in the Chamber of Commerce build ing. Miss Eakins has made hundreds of personal interviews with women in dif ferent parts of the country and, discov ering' their needs in this manner, has proceeded to find the way to teach IhmQ through advertising. Had ‘Blackjack’ in Room; Two Arrested A "blackjack” in the drawer of a room at a downtown hotel caused the arrest of William A. Fisher, 24, of Detroit, Mich., and Lee Summers, 39, of Quincy, Ind., early today on charges of vagrancy., The arrest was made by detectives who were investigating men in the hotels and who learned the two had not been employed. It is said. The police found two pawn check* ln Fisher’s pockets, one for a watch and the other for a suit of clothes. Meeting’ Tonight for Second Division Men All men who were members of the 2d Division ln the World War are urged by several of their "buddies” to at tend the first meeting of the fid Division Club of Indianapolis in the Board of Trade library at 8 o'clock tonight. Tho club was organised Nov. 23, with an initial membership of thirty-live. It is hoped to increase the membership to 100 or more. Some More People Report Things Stolen A burglar entered the home of John Wolf, 270S West Tenth street, last night, stealing a flashlight and a pair of eye glasses. William Beam, 2033 North Capitol avenue, told the police that a thief took a wire wheel and tire off the back of , his automobile while it was parked ln front of the Indiana Trust building yes terday afternoon. Anderson Men Get U. S. Summonses Sm-cial to Tho Times. ANDERSON. Ind., Dec. I.—Officers from the United States marshal’s office arrlved\ here late yesterday and Issued summons to a half a dozen Anderson men to appear a3 witnesses before the' Federal grand jury Dec. 11, at which’ time a probe of alleged liquor ring ln Indiana cities will be started. 9