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L GIRL KILLED, I 300 IMPERILED Hire and Explosion in Chicago ■ Building Call for Investi- gation. HgHICAGO. Deo. 28.—I'ire authorities :odsy began an investigation into the >rigin of a fire that swept a five-story juilding at 25 West Elm street, causing :he death of one girl and injuries to sev eral firemen. Miss Maude tiering was killed when an explosion within the building hurled her body through a wall. Lieut. John Ham ilton" of the fire department was Reri >usly injured by a failing brick wall. More than SOO young women, employed :n the building, were rescued in spec tacular fashion after flames had swept the stairways and cut them oft from escape. Mule, Still and Mash Found in Farm Raid Special to The Times. XOBLESVILLE, led.. Dec. 2S.—When Sheriff McCarty and Chief of Police Fau- searched the home of Chester Clark, west of Nobleivllle, late yesterday, they found three gallons or —white mule,” a twenty-gallon whisky still and a barrel of corn mash. Clark was arrested on the Irharge of having liquor in his possession unlawfully. tolumbus ‘Night Owls’ Stand Grilling* Special to The Times. COLUMBUS, lud., Dec. 28. —This city will be an unhealthy place for "night owls.” according to an announcement made by Chief of Police Cooper today. Midnight is the hour that all respectable persons should be borne, the chief be l'eves. and he has ordered all persons found on the streets after that hour be sharply questioned. Ail persons about v horn there is a shadow of suspicion will be placed in the county jail and per mitted to explain in police court the next morning, according to the chiefs orders. The action against "night owls" was taken as a move in the war against the crime wave. The Columbus police force was recently strengthen'd by the addi tion of a number of extra policeman. BOYS’ OVER COATS. Sizes 3 to 8. Reduced to — 32*13 TRAUGOTT BROTHERS 311-321 West Washington Street V Alter All-Wool Serge Skirts Sizes 24 to 32. Wed nesday special, $2.98 $1.59 Women’s Union Suits Women’s heavy ribbed and fleece lined union suits, in long sleeves, elbow sleeves or sleeve less. Regular or extra sizes— -79c Men’s Furnishings $1.50 MEN'S KHAKI SHIRTS, collar at tached, sizes 14 to 17, "f special #9u SI.CO MEN’S BLACK SILK 1 HOSE, special 5/2C 75c MEN'S SUSPENDERS, Aft good strong elastic, special High School Dance ‘Curfew’ Fixed at 12 A “curfew” law has been called into action in regard to the high school dances by Miss Clara Burnside, super visor of the women police. In a state ment yesterday she declared that the ordinance prohibiting public (lancing after midnight includes all high school dances. The action was taken by Miss Burnside after a committee of mothers of high school girls called upon Miss Burnside saying that their girls refused to leave dances before the other girls did on the grounds that it made them un popular. Miss Burnside said that on account of AMERICAN CENTRAL LIFE Horn* Office Monument Pise* ESTABLISHED J*9o INDIANAPOLIS, IND. The American Central Life is a strong, carefully managed old line life insurance company. It is sues only non-participating policies. After Christmas Sale of Silk Plush COATS Handsome Fur Collar Models in wanted materials drastically reduced to close out. Formerly priced at $25 and S3O. *18.75 Season’s outstanding Coat Sale —offering an extraordinary collection of fashionable coats and wraps of the finest char acter —at climax reduction price. All taken from regular stock—no job lots or season-end leftovers—everyone desir able. Christmas SKIRT SALE New Velour Plaids —just arrived. Many spring styles. Wednes day—• $5.00 # JpPv mi % Mi L# mdfcr link W $7.98 Knit Sweater Set Children’s angora sweater sets, consisting of sweat er, legging, cap and gloves. In heather color. Size3 22 to 28— $2.45 the large number of public dances the women police could not supervise each one personally, but instructions had been given to patrolmen to see that the or dinance is not violated on their beats. Suicide Is Buried .Special to The Times. HARTFORD CITY, Ind., Dec. 28.—Jo seph Crabtree, 50, who committed suicide here last Thursday, was burled Monday from the morgue. Relatives flnaly claimed the body and friends assisted in the burial. Crabtree killed himself rather thau stand trial this week in Circuit Court on a charge of assault and battery with intent to kill. Tr i c oti n e and French Serge Skirts —Values to S2O. Wednesday—• $3.98 Clean-Up Sale of DRESSES All-wool French dresses, embroid ered and beaded models in navy, brown, tan and wine. Sizes 10 to 44. Wednes day, special— s■l,9B 7 Children’s COATS CHILDREN’S ALLWOOL COATS Velvets and velours. Warmly lined and quilted. Just fifty coats for Wednes- II day only Girts 9 RAINCAPE GIRLS’ TAN RAIN CAPE with hood to match. Wednes- a | day * 1 iW9 BOYS’ CORD UROY SUITS. Sizes 8 to 16. Re duced t 055.95 $5.95 Stout Skirts for Large Women— Sizes 32 to 40. All-Wool serges and plaids. Wednesday special— ss.oo (li INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1920. PETTIS Year End Sale Boys’ $13.50 Saits, $9.65 Beautiful brown cheviot suits, with two pairs of knickers. Sizes 8 to 17. Boys’ $16.50, $15.00 and $13.50 Overcoats, $9.85 These are odds and ends from our regular lines. They are serge and flannel lined. Sizes 7 to 16. —Bettis boys’ clothing, third floor. Combination Boots, $3.95 Black kid shoes with Held mouse tops, and brown kid with field mouse topß, both with French heels. Brogue Oxfords, $6.85 Tan brogues with military heels. —Pettis shoes, street floor, east aisle. $2.45 and $2.95 Union Suits, $2.19 Richelieu sleeveless, aukle-length suits, in pink or white. Reg ular and extra sizes. $2.25 and $2.50 Union Suits , $1.89 Richelieu sleeveless, ankle-length suits, in pink or white. Regular and extra sizes. $1.95 and $2.50 Union Suits , $1.69 Heavy-weight ankle-length suits, with long sleeves or Bleeve less. Regular and extra sizes. —Pettis knit underwear, street floor, aisle five. | I —- _rr r.t m FiTT n" s i reusers TIT *1 (P Tfft o Malt Free Hero's a sale that makes a coat and vest as good as anew suit. Bring them in and match them up. We are offering in this sale our entire stock of extra or odd trousers (excepting cor duroys) , at halt price . There is a generous assortment of pat terns and fabrics to suit the taste of both men and young men. . Come Wednesday and save half. —Pettis mens clothing, third floor. Wash Goods Remnants , Half Price Various lengths of percales, ginghams, voilos, linens, cham brays, madras, Devonshire silk and cotton material. —Pettis Trash goods, street floor, west aisle. $1.75 Table Damask , 87c Mercerized table damask, 2 yards wide, in satin stripe designs. 35c and 39c Tray Cloths , 22c Plain with scalloped edge, or of damask with plain hem. Pettis linens, street floor, aisle two. Velvets and Corduroys, 88c A clearance lot from our regular stocks. Not all colors. Silk Remnants , Half Price All-silk ends from our best selling silks, including plain and fancy silks, 36 and 40 inches wide, in colors and black. Lengths vary from shirt and waist to dress lengths. Pettis silks, street floor, west aisle. $2.00 and $2.50 Corsets , $1.50 All |2.00 and $2.50 Pettis Special corsets and an odd lot of dif ferent style numbers of Thomson Glove-Fitting and Royal Worcester corsets. 69c and 79c Bust Confiners, 50c Sizes 40 to 46. —-Pettis corset dept., second floor. PETTIS DRY GOODS CO THE NEW YORK. STORE EST, IS*5 5 . PettisDryCoods Ca THE SCW WW STOWS Women’s Finer Suits Reach Lowest Price Levels A DRASTIC CUT FOR QUICK CLEARANCE Women's $29.50 to $39.50 Winter Coats j| There are 44 good, warm winter coats in this group. A few are half lined, the rest are full lined and interlined. Fashioned of Warm, Durable Materials For example—Silvertone, pluinette, Bolivia, sil ver! ip and English velour, in blues, browns, navies and black. Fur-Trimmed and Plain. All Sizes Up to 42. Final Clearance $25.00 to $42.00 SKIRTS FgjU issß fill ill 1 jjjl MMMHMHM This is your opportunity to add anew skirt to your wardrobe. All of our exclusive, liigli-grade skirts are in cluded in this final clearance. Beautiful Plaids, Stripes, Overplaids and Checks, and all the new colorings. All of our silk skirts in cluded. There are just 72 skirts to choose from, so make it a point to come early. Girls' $19.75 Middy Dresses, $12.75 V All-wool storm serge dresses, made in the one-piece regulation style, with white silk braid trimming and red ties. Sizes 12, 14, 16 and 18 years. ~ Girls’ Middy skirts in navy blue serge, with box pleating. Sizes 8, 10 and 12 years. — Pettis Ready-to-Wear, Second Floor. Seventy-one beautiful suits, exclusively de signed and handsomely tailored, are reduced tor clearance from original prices of $75.00 to $195.00 to Here is an opportunity to buy your suit at the price you have been wanting to pay. Many are one-of-a-kind models, all smartly tailored and “different.” You may choose from beautiful suits of tricotine, Poiret twill, yalama, veldyne, velour superior and peach bloom. The fur trimmings are of squirrel, mole Hudson seal, Australian opossum, French seal, nutria and wolf. All are beautifully silk lined in plain and flowered patterns. All sizes up to 42. 4* 3