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Society Jip*. Barnard Batty will entertain tJ.e mothers of the Fortnightly Music Club rtth the annual Christmas party, in hei 'oemtry heme, “Bose Hills," tomorrow evening. Husbands of the members will a special guests. A lively program oi tttfcrn a: musical numbers, dancing and fchxjakmas “stunts” has been arranged by • • • ■ iOss Margaret and Miss Anna Ott. 602 Bxvk street, entertained with a Christ ian party yesterday afternoon. The ■masts Included Miss Lois Hagedorn. Biles Rosa McNamara, Miss Pauline Moh [■g, Miss Margaret Whitney, Mrs. Marie ■tochrsn, Miss Esther Whitney, Miss Mil- Bred Perceivat and Mrs. Carl Ott. 2 • * ■ Miss Margaret Camplin, 417 Butler Benue, will be hostess for the meeting ■f the Pals Club of the Irvington branch llbmxy, Friday afternoon. The program ■rill be In observance of New Year’s day Ind' will include a talk by Emma Swine ■ord on “The Origin of New Year’s Day” find a paper on “New Y'ear's Customs in ■>ther Lands,” by Samantha Lancaster. ■*he hostess will be assisted by Miss Mil ■fred Spaulding and Miss Frances Mad * * * SB;. David Wagner came from Cam- City today to pass the winter her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Jackson, r os and wa y. KgJ| . * * . IflEraa T’ht Kappa will mterain with dance on New Year's ere in home of F. B. Stull on the Bifa Springs road. The host committee ncludes M. F. Neihaus, G. M. Bates, B. V. Birk, W. L. Bixler and Mr. Stull. Che regular business meeting of the or jaaization will be held Thursday night nstead of Friday as formerly announced, n the home of C. V. Jarvis, 3526 Ken veod avenue. * * * Miss Blanche Burckhardt Shaw and Miss Martha Louise Thompson were lonor guests at a dancing party given >jr Mr and Mrs. John M. Shaw and Dr tud Mrs. John H. Oliver. Monday eren ng. in the Woodstock Club. Southern smilax. festoons of laurel and baskets of [K>insettias were effectively used through he clubhouse. Among the guests were itiss Eleanor Burckhardt, Miss Dorothy Solloway, Miss Dorothy Lyon. Miss Marion Hayward, Walter Allen and Teas lale Fischer of Cincinnati, Ohio, hoase guests of Mrs. Shaw t • • An attractive wedding of last evening ivas that of Miss Beatrice May Marshall ind HaroK M. Trusler. which took place m the home of the bride's parents. Mr. ind Mrs. John J. Marshall. 2319 Gale street. Southern smilax, ropes of laurel palms and feathery fern, effectively ar ranged. formed a pleasing background for the ceremony, which was read by the Rev. H. W. Baldridge of the Lawrence Methodist Church Miss Pauline Mar ihall sang “I Love You Truly,” preced ing the service, accompanied by Mrs. belter Spahr. The bridal chorus from jSß&engrin" was played for the proces by Mrs. Kenneth Vance. included Miss Hbpe maid of honor: Miss Ada Pierce. sra. Charles Langriaid and Miss Flor ence Uhl, bridesmaids, and John Cady, beet man. Miss Hanna wore a frock of pale green organdie, carrying an arm jououet of pink roses. Miss Pierce was gowned In black net over taffeta. Miss Langma’d it. bine organdie and Miss Uhl n yellow, and they carried arm bouquets if roses in the pastal shades. Miss Pauline Marshall. Mrs. Spahr and Mrs. Pierce, who joined the bridal party at the altar, wore frocks of the rainbow ihades. The bride wore a dainty gown of white organdie, a tnlie veil, caught with orange blossoms, and her bouquet Iras a shower of bride roses. Mr. and Mrs. Trusler departed after he ceremony for a short wedding trip ind will be at home after Jan. 5 at 2319 Gala street. Among th out-of-tewn guests were Miss Ruth Acres. Knlghtstown: Mr. and Mrs. George Bowles, Greenfield; Miss Harriet Legg. Muncle; Miss Pauline Hits ind Miss Jean Lagrange, Franklin. • • • Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cheney, of CMI - Mo., are the house guests of Mr. md Mrs. George M. Cheney, 501 East Twenty-Third street. • • • Miss Louise wills entertained this aft >on with ‘’bridge” and “500” in honor of young women who are lame from school for the holidays. To morrow afternoon she will give a similar jarty for another group of friends. • • • 4 Mrs. R. E. Kennlng-ton, 2324 College Brwenue, will go to Chicago tomorrow to B>us a few days. 9m • • fl ills* Mary Eiizabetb Potter. 2432 Cen ftxA avenue, will entertain New Year's ■At with a dancing party. She will be HBlsted by her sister. Miss Beulah Pot- JjfcA who is home from Illinois University holidays. • • • |SM:e marriage of Miss Esther Luelle vng, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Allen HfiJCleming. 1509 West Twenty-Sixth to John Herring Williford of Term., was quietly solemnized jSW.bertt Park ''knreh Mo n d*“. tii<* Rev |UL> H. Smith reading the service. HH Alma Ayres played the bridal music, mfJjß- the Mendelssohn Wedding March proceaslonal. Miss Helen P.yrkit, of honor, and Miss Grace Aldrich. ||Sxtsmaid, wore midnight blue duvetyn !S}S Ts and orange-colored blouses, with Brngti of Sweetheart roses. Roland Kfenderson and Owen Fleming acted as Brtoomsmen. The bride wore a suit of gbrown duvetyn with blouse and hat of BlUbsm blue satin veiled in brown lace, Hud her bouquet was a shower of valley fe/' JL /)/?y/J /7A * eastomo srwrril rif* sM &S wVJTjBcSfcl OA*o e* TKAK Mritm |j /_yi PERFECT HEARING FOR THE DEAF The Litile Gem Ear Phone awarded the GOLD MEDAL, highest award for Ear Phones in competi tion with all hearing instruments at Panama Pacific Exposition. Look at it and you SEE the simplest and smallest device in the world; use it and you FEEL that you have the most wonderful piece of mechanism yet devised for suffering mankind. Let us prove what we say. r FREE DEMONSTRATION 4*. At Our Store from 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m Rimencing Tuesday, Dec. 28, and Balance of Week ■k LITTLE GEM EAR PHONE, the latest patented perfect hearing de ■\Vith it you can hear under all conditions in the church, theatre* and ■k conversation. The AUTO EAR MASSAGE stops head noises and n the cure of deafness possible. ■emember, we would mu allow such a demonstration In our store unless Ku’ Investigated the instrument thoroughly. ■n expert from New York City will be with us on the above days. We ■ earnestly request you to caH. make a test privatelv and receive expert ■<? without charge. Every instrument guaranteed. Ask for booklet. Tell ■ deat friends. Pm. H. ARMSTRONG CO. 34 West Ohio Street lilies and Sweetheart roses. A luncheon in the Blacherne followed the service. Mr. and Mrs. Williford will be at home tem porarily with Mrs. Williford’s parents. They expect to make their home In Mem phis, Tenn. The guests for the wedding included only the immediate families, and members of the Gamma Delta Epsilon Sorority, of which the bride 13 a mem ber. * • * Beta Zeta chapter of the Delta Tau Delta chapter will entertain Monday night with a formal dance in the ballroom of the Columbia Club. • • • Miss Yuba Estelle Wilhite, ’cellist; Miss Ruth Elizabeth Murphy, violinist, and Mrs. Franc Wilhite Webber, harpist, went to Newcastle today to give a pro gram. ‘FORGET FLU, TAKE CARE OF HEALTH’ Public Service Issues Advice to Apprehensive Public. WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 28.—Influ enza attack* carry with them “a definite immunity to subsequent attacks, lasting several years,” according to conclusions reached by the public health service, which believes that even should “flu” become prevalent here and there this win ter it will not assume the epidemic pro portions of the last twe years, nor rage in such severe form. Surgeon General Cnmming said there is no way of defin’tely foretelling “whether this winter will witness any recurrence of Influenza in epidemic form.” He thought it “unfortunate” that the public took such interest in “spectacular epidemic outbreaks of disease” and was “so little moved" by the “dally occur rence of preventable death.” Montpelier Boys Mix Special to The Times. HARTFORD CITY, Ind , Dec. 28 —As a result of a Christmas day fight, Dick Starr, Montreller. paid sls in mayor's court here Monday. Robert Landon, Montpelier, the other participant, will stand trial Friday. Landon is said to have passed the He to Starr, opening hostilities. Meetings T. W. Bennett Circle No. 23, Ladies of the (* A. R.. hare postponed the Christ mas party until the January meeting, to be held the second Tuesday of the month. • • • Wednesday Needle Club, Myrtle Tem ple No. 3, Pythian Sisters, will meet with Miss Ethel Willis, 954 Indiana avenue, to morrow afternoon. • • • The Ladies' Aid Society of the Mora vian Episcopal Church will hold its meet ing tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. Arthur King, 2527 College avenue. • • • Golden Rule Lodge No. 23, Ladles' Auxiliary to S. of R. TANARUS., will hold a rummage sale tomorrow afternoon at 1520 Columbia avenue. • • • The Only Euchre Club will hold a card party tonight in Musicians’ Halt, 142 East Ohio street. • • • Golden Rule Lodge, Independent Order of Shepherds, will give an entertainment and dance in the P. H. C. Hall, North East and East Michigan streets, tomor row night. When You m Know you have a heart, it is time to watch your stomach. Palpitation and other signs of “heart trouble” usually mean —indigestion, produced by food poisons that irri tate every part of the body heart included. BEECHAM3 PILLS Relieve and Benefit Iwrt U* of Aar Meicin. in dra World. Sold mrrvb**. la baxw, 10c , 28c. MOMS FRIEND For Expectant Mothers Isn tr Three Sehejutioh* Wt It, KeokJel an MotbsrhMd ud the Sl*4Md Hrj a four Dept. i-S, ORDER FOR THE NEW YEAR T,U „ i Mai " 871 *- Phones: } Auto , 2 i_io“: Mrs . Housewife, Do You Know? (Notv—Each of these household problems has been worked out by the author, who has not only taken a course in scientific housewifery and dietetics at Columbia University, and written and edited women’s news paper and magazine features for years, but is a practical housekeeper as well.) 1. How did the turkey derive its name? 2. Is it true that chicken and turkey have better flavor If cooked without stuffing? 3. How to measure a cup of flour In a modern cook book? (These questions will be answered to morrow by the Honsewife.) ANSWERS TO YESTERDAY'S QUESTIONS. 1. Turkey breeders keep an occasional wild gobler because It Is known that turkeys with three-eights to one-quarter wild blood are hardier and better flavored than the pure domesticated turkey. 2. It is most convenient to have the turkey drawn in the market and wash by having cold water run through the Ayres'Downstairs Store A Clearance Sale With Radical Pries Reductions on Women's Apparel SUITS at* 15 50 Coats at US 50 Dresses at f l& 50 Dresses at $ 29- 50 Every Price Means a Saving of Dollars Extraordinary! Silk Dresses at SIO.OO Tricotine Dresses at $16.50 Taffeta Dresses at $16.50 Tricolette Frocks at $lO These four groups are new ar rivals. Not one in the lot but is worth more considerably more. Beautifully Embroidered dresses of Trtcotine, Tricolette, Serges, Taffetas and Fine Satins Downstairs Store New Between-Seasons Hats At SJ-95 to $R.75 Smart models of satin, faille silk and crepe and combinations. Some are trimmed with pretty orna ments, others show a dainty bit of hand work, while still others are adorned with beautiful flowers. Os colors one may choose, brown, black, henna, rose, navy, peacock and Copenhagen blue. Some of the hats are displayed In the windows on Meridian street. —Ayres—Downstairs Store. Through the Turnstile ■ .... I .—. | / PWLafIBJWA ( CAMPBELL’S SOUPS, all kinds—can, 12%#; dozen cans, assorted to order. 51.45. PANCAKE FLOUR, Virginia Sweet, box, 15#; Aunt Jemima's and Finsbury's, box, 17*£#. , MILK, Borden's Eagle Brand, sweetened, condensed; can, 25c v , packed two and four dozen to the case. MARSHMALLOWS, “Campfire” brnnd, fine for toasting or topping desserts; large box, 17s?. PEANUT BUTTER, “Ayres’ Special,” made fresh while you wait; pound, 20^- POPCOKN, “Sure Pop,” hullless; box, 14<£; bulk rice corn, pound, lO#. RICE, “Batavia,” extra fancy long head; pound carton, 22#. BREAKFAST BACON, lean and sweet, Klngan's “Porter” brand, machine sliced; pound, 33#- —Ayres—Downstairs store. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1920. bird, but do not soak In water. Wipe out with a dry cloth. 3. Yeast cakes should be kept in a cool place, but not at freezing point, ns either extreme of temperature will kill the yeast.—(Copyright, 1020.) Detroit Man Victim of Sleeping Sickness DETROIT, Dec. 28.—Sleeping sickness has claimed another victim here the fourth In six months. Frank L. >*s, general manager of the Detroit ( Gas Company, died Monday night a suf fering from the malady for si eks, during which period he was *clous only at intervals. Spanish Rank Doors, Report Says LONDON, Dec. 28.—The Bank of Bar celona has suspended with liabilities of 1,600,000,000 pesetas, said an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Madrid today. (The pre-war value of the Spanish peseta in United States money was 2U cents.) FRANKLIN SYRUP Demonstration. Pure cane syrup, golden color, fine flavor— No. 5 cans, 35<; case of 6 cans, $1.85. E &Co- K A Super-Sale of Beautiful Sweaters 2 Are Described; Others at $lO and $25 \ ' . - - -,v ' " V ; - %n The Linen Section Contributes A Second Special for Clearance One lot of embroidered scarfs, centerpieces and 13-plaoa lunch Wtn, sizes of scarfs being 18x36 and 18x46 Inches. Centerptooea, attach. Round and square lunch sets, slightly mussed; rary special at fl#© Blue Print Centers Japanese blue print centerpieces, slightly mossed from display sad handling. 12-inch sqnare, hemstitched, sale price, 1 18-tnch square, hemstitched, sale price, 85#. 36-inch round, crocheted edge, sale price, H-W 45-Inch round, crocheted edge, sale price W.T6 64-Inch round crocheted edge, sale price. ©4.50. —Ayres Becoad floor. In the Children’s Department Wool Sweaters for Girls Os 6 to 16 Tears of Age A comparatively large number have been merited special for clearance, and grouped in three separate price-group* for quick Belling and easy selection. CLEARANCE At Lowered Prices 720 Pairs men’s socks, wool and cotton, heather mixture, Bizes 10 to 11%, reduced to 59#. Outing flannel nlghtrobes, broken assortments, reduced fee 91.95. Outing flannel pajamas, “Good Night" and "Brighton" **■%+■ broken assortments, reduced to 98.45. Men's white Initial handkerchiefs, soft cambric, broken lots, reduced to 17#, three for KO#l Men's white initial handkerchiefs with white or fancy broken lots, reduced price, three for 69#. Others at 3 for 91*00, three for 9*-86. Os pure linen, three for 98.95. , —Ayres—Men’s store, street floor. Clearance Prices Prevail on the 6th Floor Chinaware, electric bulbs, aluminum and enamel ware, baskets, brooms, cots, washing appliances, fur niture polish, kitchen tables, soaps and washing powders, and even tires from the automobile accessories section have been included. Brooms, Baskets and the Like Baskets, one lot of Imported waste paper baskets, at 45#, 75# and 98#. Covered lonch baskets, reduced to 89# and f1.26. All-willow clothes baskets, reduced to f1.39. One table full of odd lot baskets and hampers at reduced prices. Ash baskets, reduced to 20#. Brooms, all-corn straw, 4-sewed, reduced to 45# each, or three for 31,25. Cots, collapsible, telescope cots that will last for year*, only 30.85. Tub wringers, with guaranteed rolls, special #4.75. Electric Light Bulbs Your choice of 25, 40 and 5(1-watt bulbs, guaranteed In every re spect. Special, 32# each or five for 91*48. White opal reading globes, special at 48#. Furniture Polish and Other Things Furniture polish, small size, 15#; large size, 35#. Butter merger glass churns, reduced to $1.65. Japanese double cover chair seats, only 25#. Seamless garden hoße, reduced to 15# the foot Kitchen tables, good size, well made, only 96.75. All-white enamel refrigerators, 943.75. We Ve never had such a sale of sweaters. We’ve never before been able to offer such really wonderful values in so many kinds of smart and fine sweat ers at one time; nor on any one of the kinds have we heretofore been able to offer such extraordinarily fine values, irrespective of variety, 50 Mohair Sheltlands at $5.95 Tuxedo models, of course (they’re always smart!) with sash belts and knitted in the beautiful block weave with plain -wßTen Tuxedo collars,” in orchid, orange, myrtle, tan, purple, navy blue, brown, turquoise, black, taupe, rust. They are extremely good-looking and manifestly exceptional values. Pure Fiber Silk Ones, $8.95 There are eighteen in all, six in navy blue, six in black and six in bprma. The Tuxedo style is employed in their fashioning, which helps to mak* of this group an equally wonderful value as the others. . —Ayres—Sweater department, third floor. At $2.98 Sash rv eaters, in black, coral, Americas Baauty axd turquoise. At $356 Spencer* and aQpevera; desirable to wear with, sep arate skirts. At $6.96 Cost rw eaters, slipovers, in peacock, coral and ML Very warm. Ayrea—Childras’s dept, fifth, floor. In the Raincoat Section of the Children’s Floor Black slicker raincoats that buckle up close to reclr and hare double loose yoke hacks; with hats to match. Sizes Bto 14. These are for boys r and incidentally are the kind that boys like best to wear. Others, for girls, are In all the varied shades and rainproof mm— tarlals, Jn both cape and coat effects. Sizes l to 16 years.. Price*, range from 93.75 to 918.00. . —Ayres—Raincoat dept., fifth Srfoc. A Number of Different Kinds of Toilet Articles •—mentioned as a reminder of the toilet* you may be in need of. Very interesting prices are quoted herewith on them. Sylvan talcum, 11#. Xnola liquid powder, 30#. Olivia toilet meal, 25#. Auditorium bath soap, 91.00 flflMli. Kbonotd military brushes. 91.00 the pair. The Gray Shop— —= Fifty Plaid Skirts, $14.95 For the Full-Figured Woman They are as Rmxrt and good-looking as any plaid skirt yon could imagine, and withal every skirt wooL They are especially patterned, tailored with precision, and the colors are striking, handsome effecti. Emphasis, however, should be put more strongly cm their, value. For these are superlative ones, considering their all wool fabrics, new patterns, special patterning, fin* workman ship, smart colorings and the very, very low price. Rises 83 to 40 wslst measure; surely no stout woman, rm resist this event. —Ayres—Gray shop, third floor. In the Art Needlwsrk Department— Clearance of Stamped Goods Lower prices, we opine, will provide this clearance. Stamped goods of all descriptions are reduced to insignificant prices to go into effect "Wednesday. Scarfs, pillow tops, bedspreads, centers, lunchclotLs, pClowcaiei, towels, children’s dresses and children's rompers. Some with pack ages of floss Included. Clearance price range, 50# to $3.50. Lambawool •Uppers, soles slightly soiled,- all sizes up to No. 1, £n>- cludlng Infante 5 and misses’. Clearance sale price. 25# the pair. Novelties —pillows, work baskets, bags and many other things, slightly soiled, but very greatly reduced in price. —Ayres—Art needlework, street floor. Aluminum Ware Reduced Round or square double roasters, reduced to 91.19. 2%-quart lipped saucepans, reduced to 69#. 8-plece saucepan set, 1,1% and 2-quart pieces, 91.25 Windsor kettles with covers, reduced to 91.75. Cooking kettles, 5 or 6 quarts, reduced to 91.69. Stew pans, flat bottom, 1-quart, reduced to 49#. Cooking pot* with strainer tops, reduced to 91.55. Teakettle*, No. 7 size,/Reduced to 92.95. Heavy *aucepan. reduced to 91.00. Double rice boiler, Colonial shape, reduced to S2.SO Double roasters, large, oblong shape with ventilator and rack, $5,85. Soaps and Washing Powders Sunny Monday. . Pars for ca/ , Rub-no-Mor o . Lighthouse. 10 o "r Kirk’s Naptha Whiter. 100 r ß a ar C s, a '96.23. J °7* 1 Magic White. Lighthouse Washing powder, small size, 12 for 49#. IsurgOj, 2 for 56#. M&Jik-Mald washing powder, 3 packages for 23#. —Ayres—Housefumlshlnga dept, sixth floor. L'Origan toilet water, fll.oo the ounce. Peroxide tooth, paste. 20# the tube. Genuine rice powder, 29#. Shell combs, 39#. < —Ayres—Toilet goods dept., street floor. 5