Newspaper Page Text
10 LEGAL NOTjCE. (Continued.) Daggy's Star add. 11 20, blk 8, *8.12; Smith. John H. & Mary. Brown's South East add. 11 272. 810.62; Stanton. Dllwin 8.. Brown's Southeast add. 11 20S. 110. OS; Stanton. Dllwin 8.. Brown's Southeast add, il 109, 810.08; Straughan, Rebecca, Brown's Southeast add, il 66, 86.31; Sumwalt, J. Albert, Glencroft, 11 5. 86.72. Tweedy. Albert M„ Brown's Southeast add. 11 96, 87.76. Union Trust Cos., tr.. Elder’s Southeast ern Park add. 11 236, 810.92; Union Trust Cos., tr., Howland's Homestead add, 11 20, 810.92. Welgler, Arthur L., Stewart's 34th St add. 11 11, 819.64; Wilkins. Mary, Daggy’s Star add, 11 3. b'k 7. 88.12; Wilkins, Mary. Daggy's Star add. 11 4. blk 7, 88.12; Wil kinson. Alice. Howland Homestead add. II 28. 827.52; Winston, William. Brookside Sunny Grove, Us 200, 45, 46. 47, 48. 49, 50. 51. 52, 53, 64. 65, 66, 58. 59, 60, 61. 62. 63. 64, 65, 66. 8158.96; Wiseman. Isaac L., Bigney’s sub Black Adm add. il 50, 86.49; Wolf. Auttle, Brown's Southeast add. ill 301, 88.29. (Center Township—Outside.) Cepltol Lumber Cos.. Beg Sub Black Adm add, 11 124, 827.14; Cruse, J. S„ Realty Cos., Glencroft, 11 6, 86.72. Fall Creek Investment Cos., com 748 5-10 ft E of center of Orchard St & 22 84-100 5 of N line W of ditch. N E %, sec 18-16-4, 2 16-100 a, 831.11. National Investment Cos., Daggy’s Star add. 11 2. blk 7. 89.30. Pivot City Realty Cos., Nos Gd rd end w % S W % see 17-15-4. 4.97 a, $51.25; Pivot City Realty Cos., Claypool's North eastern Park. U 167, 89.53; Pivot City Realty Cos., Claypool’s Northeastern Park 11 168. 89.52. Stewart McMalns Cos., Claypool’s North eastern Park. 11 9, *9.52. Tindall Realty Cos.. Messlck’s Ist add. 11 7. 631.98; Tindall Realty Cos.. 330 4-10 ft W side S % S E % sec 21-16-4, 9.88 a, 8131.71. (Decatur Township.) Coppock. Eliza J.. Newton Furnas add *7 ft Main Stx67 ft N W cor, 11 2,314.4 L Drew Electric &. Mfg. Cos., Mars Hill, 11 112. $3.77. Freund, Ida. Mars Hill. 11 2121, 83.77. GeorgeST, Sutir. pt 143 ftxl*H rds com 60 rds W N E cor & 31 rds 78* ft Sos N line W 84 N E 84- 16-14-2. 1 a. 87.76. Jameson. Dr. Henry, Mars Hill. 11 1830, 18.77; Johnson, Cary & Oclea M.. N end W 84 S W 84, 14-14-2. 59.80 a, 8398.38. Potts, Mary 8.. Mars Hill, 11 286, 83.76. Reed, Thomas 8., Mars Hill. 11 109. $3.76. Scott, Thomas 0., Mars Hill, 11 45, 88.76. Welssenborn, Edward 1., Mars Hill, 11 1192, 83.77. _ „ , Yeager, Edward H. & Mary E., Nos Gr rd E side N W % N E 84, 15-14-2, 4 a. $40.74. (Lawrence Township.) Anderson. Amy C.. Lawrence White’s add. 11 3 811.40; Axllne, Otto. W 84 S 88 84 17-17-6 80 a. 8339; Axllne. Otto. E. of creek. S E 84, 18-17-5. 102 a. 8502.65. Carter. Solon J. & Augusta M.. Bren ionwood, 11 85, 819.87. Day, Thomas C., (ex 1 a N E cor & N 84) N E 84. 34-17-4 79 a, $319.61. Hardin. Emmett M. & Anna L., mid pt along: creek, S E IS-17-5, 20.11 a, Charles 8., W 84 (ex 20 a E end) N W 84, 11-16-4. 60 a, $1,201.68. Wolfred. Y.Yillam & Clara. N end SWA N 8V *4, 14-16-4, 6 a. $25.78. (Franklin Township.) Blgerstalf. John & Amanda. New Bethel. 11 38 86.96; Brown, Ruth E., Brown's North Park add. 11 11, 832.34; Brown. Ruth E., Brown’s 75 ft E end (ex 20 ft N end st). il 13. f3 SO; Brown, Ruth E.. New Bethel, 11 18, $73 70. _ , _ Carney. Flor?nce & J. Caylor, Sos G rd S E cor S W 84. 32-15-5, 11 a. 896.42. Koch. William C.. & Ollie J.. New Beth el. 11 12. 815142. .. „ ~ Laas, John. W end S \8 84 N E B*. *5-15-4. 4 a, 823.38. Ragan Francis 8.. Wildwood Suburban Home, 11 6, 813.86; Ragan. Francis B . ■Wildwood (ex 74 ft E side), 11 6. 811-2.; Ragan Francis B. & Ethel M.. Wildwood (ex 74 ft E side) 11 8, 817.81; Ragan. Francis B & Ethel M.. Wildwood. 11 9. 816.06; Ragan, Francis B. & Ethel M., Wildwood. H 10. 876.08. Stout. Charles F-. M pt N W 84 N E 84; 6-14-5. 10 a, 840.70; Stout, Charles F., E of 108 2-100 ft W side N W 84 N E 84. 6-14-6. 7.25 a, 181.16. , „ _, Watson, Lucinda 1.. 8 side Gr rd N pt S E 84 s W 84. 32-16-5. 2.18. 813.20. (Ferry Township.) Ballard. Montia L. D. At Rosanna, Elder's Edgewood 8 H, il 22, 88.18; Ballard. Mon tia L. D. & Rosanna. Eider's Edgewood. 8 84, u 28, 83.62; Ballard, Montia L. D. & Rosanna. Elder’s Edgewood S 84, U 79. 85.39; Brenneman. Isaac A- Jessie F-, Nos 21 ac & E of 7 ac, S end W 8* S W 841 25- 2 a, 8106.26; Burkhart. Harvey A. 6 Lucy M., 332 84 ftxss ft com 666 ft W of 8 E cor E 84 S E 84 . 26-15-3 , 6 a, $216.46. Clark. Fred, Elder’s Edgewood. 1! 43. $11.62; Clark, Fred, Elder's Edgewood. 11 64. 811 4. _ „ Drake, Leola (Orrtn L. Life est.). J. J. Roller's sub. 11 19. $10.02; Drake. Leola (Orrln L. Life est.). J. J. Roller's sub. 11 20, 810.03; Drake, Leola (Orrln L. Life est.). J. J. Roller'# sub, 11 21, $10.02; Drake, Leola (Orrln L. Life est.), J. J. Roller's sub. 11 22. $10.03; Duvall. Alma W. (John Peter's Life est.). Sos 18 a. N pt N W 84 N W 84. 21-14-4. 10 a. $71.09. Emery, Charles. Sos 184 a com 233.6 5 ft S W of inner sec of N line A Bluff rd mid N pt S E 84. £l-14-3. 60 a. 85.01. Fritsche. Geo. R. & Bessie M., lot 1 pt E 84 N W 84 . 29-16-4. 11.61 a. $132.67; Fuller. Willett O & Ida 8., Elder's Edge wood. 11 114. $10.80; Fuller, Willett O. & Ida B„ Elders Edgewood. il 116, 84.03; Fuller, Willett O & Ida 8., Eider's Edge wood, 11 116. $4.08 Henry, Celine H.. Longacre 11 81. $ 26. Johnston. W. F., W of R K Sos 10 a N end (ex st) N W 84 N W 84, 6-14-4. 10 a, $181.63. Kennedy. Elizabeth N.. com 1.7 89x 4 2 84, 100 ft Sos N W cor S W Bi. N E 84. 81-15-4, 11 778. $35.53. Las well. George. 61 49-100x349 14-100 ft. com 6 IC-100 CHS W. of S E cor W 84 S W >4. 29-15-4. 11 493. $7.06. Laswell, Mat & Katie, 245 96-100 x *49 14-100 ft. com 62S 54-100 ft. W of 8 E cor, W 84 s W 84. 29-15-4, 1.971 a, 11 $19.29. Lawrence, C M, Hunt's S Side add. 11 46, $2.71. Mcßevnolds. R. R. Cos.. Nos W of creek N W cor W 84 S E 84. *l-16-4. 10 a, 838.82. Marshal. Frank J. & Margaret E., Elder’s Edgewood, 11 41, sl3; Mathews. Gazell M., EldeF# 8d Edgewood, 11 145. $16.30; Morris. Emma D., N E cor S 84 N W 84. 30-15-4, 6 a. $48.41; Murphy. John W., E side N end N E 84. 13-14-3, 25 a. $126.16. Sanders. Manda C., Elder's Edgewood. 11 28. $11.63; Sanders, Manda C„ Elder's Edgewood, 11 29, $11.62; Spelcher, Daniel L.. South Indpls Indus City, 11 24. blk 56, $15.08. Templemeyer, William A Minnie. W of 584 a N E cor E 84 N E 84 , 27-15 -3, 4.75 a. $1*1.68. (Pike Township.) Coble, William R., Hoebrook’s Kllngen smlth, 11 2. $14.16. Julian, Thresa, Conrad’s add Augusta. 258 ft N end. 11 7, SBO 92. (Washington Township.) Baker, Clara R.. Montrose. 11 5*2. $6.85; Batchelor. Martha, A B. Carter's 6th add. 11 641. $15.46; Bosson, William. S end W side N W 84, 28-17-4, 41.19 a. $185.32; Bosson. William, S end E 8s N E 84, 29-17-4, 35 a, $120.66; Bosson. Wil liam. Sos 22 a, mid pt E 84 N E 84. 29-17-4, 23 a. $102.94; Bosson, William, Nos 62.35 a mid pt W side N W 84. 28-17-4, 37.71 a, $173.05; Bosson, William, (ex 27 a N end) E 84 . 20-17 -4 , 271.89 a. *901.46; Bosson, William W end S 84 N W 84. 21-17-4, 48a. $170.84; Bosson. William, Sos River S W cor S E 84. 17-17-4, 9.52 a, $27.67; tooawun, "William, W side E 84 N W 84. 6-16-4, 84.12 a. $196 67: Bosson. William. Sos River, 3 E cor S W 84, 17-17-4, 9.62 a. $27.67; Bos son, William, E of S River N W 84 sec 26- 127 (ex S W 84) S W 84, 20-17-4, 120 a, $932.07; Bosson, William. Jr.. S end E of rd N W 84 . 28-17 -4, 11.16, 888.56; Butler. Earl C.. Montrose. 11 64, $5.68; Butler. Earl C., Montrose. 11 7s! $5.53; Butterfield, L. G., 3 E cor N W 84 & E side S W 84. 30-17-4. 95 a. $729.26. Carper, -Charles S.. Emblegarde. il 11. $8.92; Christian. William F. A Effle M.. Montrose, 11 744. $6.85; Christian. 'William F. & Effle M.. Montrose. 11 745, $11.12; Clayborn, Norman F.. W of 2 a 6 side 5 W 84 N W 84. 4-16-8. $27.36; Cline. Jesse E., Monticelio. 65 ft. 3 a. W end, 11 28. $6.85. Coffman, Edgar O. & Harriet, Fairview Hts. 11 7, $50.72; Coffman. Edgar O. A Harriett M., Fairview Hts., 11 8, $40.55; County Real Estate Cos., Montrose, 11 407, $5.58. Dodge. W. A.. Warrington, 11 19. $35.57. Elkins. George E, 127 6-12 ftx3oo ft W of rd com 253 ft S W of rd, & sec line N W 17-16-4. .69 a, $36.98; Elliott, Joel T.. Rocky Ripple Fairview Park, 11 76, $9.72. Haines, Salford M. A Mary L., Montrose. !! 286, $19.87; Hardegen, Mary, Light’s Melrose add W 84 W 84. 11 11, $9.58: Hayes, Jennie G„ Montrose. 11 401, $5.53; Haves, Jennie G., Montrose. 11 402. $5.58; Hunt, George E., Wash Blvd Hta. W 84. 11 3, $17.88. Kashash, Herbert Q., Montrose, 11 888, 35.53; Kashash, Herbert G.. Montrose. 11 568, $5.53; Keehner, Carrie. Montrose, 11 165. *6.85. Leavitt. Charles A.. Sos 1.47 a 645 ft on rd pt N W 84 N W 84. 17-16 -4 . 4.64 a. $101.15; Leavitt, Charles A.. Montrose. 11 575 *6.85; Leavitt. Charles A., Montrose, 1! 578. $6.85; Leavitt, Montrose, Il 598. $6.85. McCarty, Alma 8., Monticelio S 84. 11 11. *9.96. Maze, George W. A Adeline, Sunny meade. 11 108. $3.31; Maze. George W. & Adeline, Eunnymeade, 11 104, $3.31; Mene fee, Lemuel, Montrose. 11 116. $6.85; Myers, Laura (A. Well’s Life est.), 8 of 1 a, N end W aide N E 84 N E 84. 16-16-8, 2 a. $29.1*. LEGAL NOTICE. (Continued,) Neat, Delvln T. A Florence H., Mont rose. 11 157, $6.85; Neat. Delvln T. & Florence H., Montrose. 11 138, $6.84. Ochiltree, Samuel F., Montrose, 11 148, $6.85. Palen, Leroy 8., Montrose, 11 95. $6.85; Parks. Lucie G„ 108 3-10 ft W line 105.25 ft on River com 1,679.76 ft Sos N E cor S 84 S W 84. 2-16-3, 4 a. $45.38. Rail, Franz. Mendenhall’s St. Andrews'. II 5. $5.53; Rail Franz, Men-ennall's St. Andrews, II 6. $5.53; Rankin. Corray, Rocky Ripple Fairview Park add, 11 232. $5.41; Schaub, Grover A Addle Miller & Roger Schaub. Claypool Ross add, 11 45. $9.72; Seaton. Mary 8., Sos rd mid E pt S E 84, 18-16-4, .53 a, $28.09; Stein, Theodore Jr., A Dorothy 8., S 84 S W 84 (ex RW). S W 84. 16-16 -4, 19.62 a, $311.88. Union Trust Cos., tr., Montrose. 11 55. $5.63; Union Trust Cos., tr., Montrose, 11 06. $5.53. Walsh, Sarah A., Pennsylvania Hts., 11 9, $16.60; Walsh. Sarah A.. Pennsylvania Hts., 11 10, $16.60; Williams, Frank H.. Montrose. 11 36 $6.84; Williams, Frank H., Montrose, 11 147, $7.07. (Wayne Township.) Abernathy, James A Sarah, West Park View add, 11 35. *9.45. Bennington, John Q., Mars Hill, 11 276, $3.32; Brfttian, James F.. Fleming Garden 2d add. 11 150. $9.42; Brlttian. James F., Fleming 2d add. 11 151. $6.64; Burkhardt, Ora S. A Josephine, Indiana Park S 84. 11 D. $65.00. Cline, Fred, S line W 84 S B> 84. 20-16-3, 8.67 a. $43.01; Continental Realty Cos.. 3 84 N W 84 S E 84, 21-16-3, 20 a. $757.91 ; Cottom, M. M„ Mars Hill, 11 1012, $3.32; Cotton, R. C., Mars Hill, il 261, $3.32; Craig, William L., Fleming Garden Place sec 2, 11 276, $13.58. Fleming, Andrew, Fleming Garden PI sec 2, 11 176. $5.51; Fleming. Andrew, Fleming Garden PI sec 2. 11 283, $3.66; Fleming Andrew. Fleming Garden PI sec 2, 11 301, $3.33; Flemlt g, Andrew Flem ing. Garden PI. sec 2. 302. $4.21; Fried ley, Harmon H. A Alb. C. Mathews. Mars Hill, 11 1305, $3.68. Goodale, Jennie R., Thompson’s add Ollnvllle. 11 22. $58.96. Hargus. Zachary TANARUS„ N W 84 (lot 9, 10. 11. 16, blk 3 vac S E 84 ) 20-15 -3 . 68 a. $5.54 Hlsslon Michael W., Mara Hill. 11 1715. $3.68; Hopkins, M jrat W., Brown’s Western Hts. sec 2, 11 234, $4.44 Johnson Excelsior A Mfg Cos., Mars Hill, 11 1353. $3.68. Medsker, Laurel 8.. 207,28 ft on Craw rdxlTO ft Cos 495 ft E of N W cor N pt N W 8* s W 84. 33-16-3, .81 a, il WB4 3. $12.18; Meyers. Sadie, W of 54.74 a E 8* (ex S end S W 84, 19-16 -3. 27.37 a. $102.01; Miller A Ryan, Smith Hrs sub 67 ft on Craw rd Sos Ry com 346 ft W of Ry S W B*. N E 84. 311-16-3. .40 a. $32 39. Smith. William D, Mars Hill. 11 713. $3.32; Smithson, William D., Evanston. 11 33. $19.96; Stephens. Joseph M. A Effle M.. W of 3 a N E cor N E 84. S W B*. 81-16-8. 1 a. $34.33. Tyner, O. F„ Mars Hill. II 2282. $3.63. Union Trust Cos., Tremnnt Goes, 11 73. *2.95, Union Trust Cos., Tremont Gons, 11 79, $2.95. White Swan Distilling Cos., Mars 11111, 11 1049 $3.30; William. George A Bessie, Us 170, 171. 172, 173. 174, 176, $23.77. Zering, Daniel, pt N E 84 (Maywood vac) S E 84, 20-15-S. .51 a. $3.42; Ziegler, Joseph. Mars Hill, il 1332, $3.68. (Warren Township.) Allen. Henry' Clay, N 84 S W 84 N W 84, 15-15-4, 20 a. $74.20. Ball, Harry L., 150x195.08 ft com 250 A 9-12 ft Sos center Natl rd pt W 8* S E 84 , 2-15 -4, .60 a. $45.97. Daugherty, Glenn C„ Harrison Hts., 11 149. $6.10. Glascock, Perry. N end Sos Gr rd A E 36.69 a. W side S E 84 . 22-16 -4, 14 a. $85.27; Green, Frances C„ Arlington Hts, N B*. -80 a. *10.73. Hurt. Mary A. 8.. 183.63x474.42 ft N W cor N E 84 S W 84 , 23-16 -4 . 2 a, $32.02. Kellar. Edna E., Harrison Hts.. 11 152, 86.80; Klein, John and Nellie M., com 803 1-3 chs W of N E cor 295 2-10 ft E A WX634.26 ft N W 8* S W 84. 23-16-4. 4.35 a. $34.24: Kordlng, Sophia. Sos 24 ac, N end E 8* S E 84 . 22-15 -4. 12 a. $59.59. Myers. Inda, N end E 84 N E 84. 1-15-4, 10.18 a. SBI,OB. Olln, Walter G.. Wash PI Hts, add sec 2. 11 £3l, *18.20 Pfafflln. Charles A., Nos R R S E 84 N W 8* N W 84. 23-16-4. 4.83 a. $.5.46. Retmler. Charles A Mary, bet Natl rd A R R com In center of rd 195.08 ft E of W line S W 84 s E 84 . 2-15 -4 . 2.25 a, $62.9*. Stephens. Charles S., Karrmann Hghts, 11 16. $5.31; Sullivan. Wm. F. ar.d Rose A Nos Gr rd N W pt N E 84. 21-15-5, 8.06 a, $301.04. Truemper, Charles J. # Emerson Gardens, 11 63, $8.04; Truemper. Charles J., Emer son Gardens. 11 54. $5.80. Vollmer. Samuel, Nos 5 a S E cor S E 84 S E 84 . 36-16 -4 , 6 a, $44.21. State of Indiana, Marion County, an: Notice is hereby given that the lands and lots described in the foregoing list, or so much thereof as will satisfy the amount of taxes and assessments due thereon, respectively, from the owners thereof. with Interest. penalty and charges due at the time of sale, will be sold at the front door of the Courthouse. In the City of Indianapolis, Marion Coun ty. State of Indiana, by the Treasurer of said County, on the second Monday in February, being February 14. 1921, at 10 o'clock a in., within the hours pre scribed by law. and continued from day to day until all shall be sold. Witness my nand at Indianapolis this 15th day of January. 1921. LEO K. FESLER, Auditor of Marlon County. RALPH A. LEMCKE. Treasurer. On Commission Row TODAY'S PRICES. Apple*—Missouri Jonathans, per bbl., $3.50; fancy Illinois Jonathans, per bbl., $7.50; extra fancy Grimes Golden, per bbl., s6@9; extra fancy Winaaps. per bbl., $9; Bell Flowers, per bbl., $0 50; Bald wius, per bbl.. $5.50; Spys, per bbl., $4.50 @6; Rome Beauty, per bbl., SB, KinuarJ Red, per bbl., $0; King's, per bbl., $6; Wolf Rivers, per bbl., $5; None Such, per bbl., $5; Maiden Blush, per bbl., 54.."0; Greenings, per bbl., $5.50; choice Jona thans, per bbl., $6. Beans—Michigan Navy, In bags, per lb., 5<35%c; Colorado Pintos, In bags, per lb., 1084(<jl08^c; California Limas, In bags, per lb., B@9c; Red Kidneys, in bags, per lb., 10%@10o; California Limas, In bug*, per lb., 7%<gße; California Pink Chili, in bags, per lb., 7%fgißc; Yellow Eyes, per lb„ 12c: dried peas, green, per lb.. Dr; split yellow peas, in 00-lb. bags, per lb., 9c; Marrow fat beans, in bags, per lb., 12 <Bl3c. Eeets—Fancy home-grown, per bu„ $1.50. Banana* Extra fancy high grade fruit, 50@60c per bunch; per lb., Bc. Cabbage—Fancy Northern, per lb., 2c. Carrots—Fancy home-grown, n*r hu SI.OO. 1 v ' Celery—Fancy New 4York (2-3 crate) 4-5 dor., $3.50; per cr ite, $6; filnc York trimmed, per bufu’h, sl. Cocoanuts—Fancy, Jer <ioz„ i. bag of 100, $5. ’ pe Cranberries—Fancy C. C. Howes, ner bbl., $17.50; per bu„ I S3. ’ per Grapefruit—Extra tfancy Florida (Bi„e Gooae brand), 46a, f>er box, $.5.75. ,j l * 645. 70s and 80s, p#r box. jr, • V, ’ Floridas, 38s, per b/>x, $4.25; 4fl g t, -J. 545, 64s and 70s. ss;\Sos, $5.25; 9o„ 54 Lettuce-—Fancy holthouse leaf, ner n, ' 25c; in barrel lots, iper lb., 23c; tnne* California icebergs, pier crate, $4.. r o * Oranges— all grades, Onion* —Fancy Indiana yellow or red per 100-lb. bags. s]; fancy Indiana white, per 100-lb. hag;s, $1.50; fancy .Span ish, per crate, $2.25. 1 Parsley—Fani y large Bikes, per doz., SI.OO. ( Potatoes—Fancy Michigan and Wiscon sin round whites, per 150-lb. bag, s■> <35- 5 or 10-lb. bags, r)er bag, $2.50; fanev Idaho Gems, per bag, $2.25<g2.40. Radishes—Buttcu. large bunches ner doz., $1; Long R*% per dost., 40c. Sweet Potatoes —Fancy Eastern Jer seys, per hamper, A; ; Fancy Indiana Nancy Halls, -iW fikmper, $2.25; fancy Indiana JerseY> nrr tamper, $2 50. Spinach—F- inc Y. perv\ rge basket' $1 or, Turnips—Fancy washed, per bu, si 50 crate. $2.50. Kale—Fa” lr . T . Pr barrel, $2.75. Cauliflower Fancy California nor crate, * Oyster j’Jant—Fancy, per doz, 50c Leek —* ancy, per doz, 35c. £age— Fancy, per doz., 45c. Rutaba* aß —£ancy Canadian, per 50 lbs., $1; per 100 lbs., $175. P Pepper?~ Fa hCy. per small basket. 75c Kuinqi', atß Fancy Florida, per ut., 25c Tanget' lneß Extra fancy Floridas, 144s and ISOS' P e r box, $4.30; 190s, per box, $4: 218s, Per box, $3.00. ,v Lemonf~“J(r a fancy Californias, 300s. per box, W 3<35. Sas*afra?_,® ar^~ -Per doz>., 40c. Gripes—jaucy Imperial Malagas, per drum. sl4. •' Strawberr. es pr a acy Floridas, per qt., 75c. WHOLESALE BEEF PRICES. The following are today's wholesale market prices of beef cuts as sold by the Indianapolis markets. (Quotations by Swift & Cos.): Ribs—No. 2,34 e; No. 8. 19c. Loins— No. 2,51 c; No. 3.28 c. Rounds—No. 2, 23c: No. 3,17 c. Chucks—No 2,12 c; No. 8,10 c. Plates—No. 2,12 c; No. 3,10 c. STOCK MARKET TONE STRONG Rallies Were Made After Early Declines. NEW YORK, Jan. 24—Price changes were irregular at the opening of the stock market today, but although some issues opened at declines there was no indication of any weakness, and where losses were sustained rallies quickly oc curred. A high degree of Importance was at tached to the immediate success of the Belgian loan, for which the subscription books were closed practically simulta noeusly with their opening, the demand for the securities being so large as to necessitate a scaling down of allotments. Studebaker was the chief feature_ of the trading, advancing IMs points to .WA on the belief that'the dividend rate would be maintained at the coming meeting. Baldwin ranged close to Saturday's closing price, selling at 88% to 88%, and Republic Steel made a gain of % point to 65. Bethlehem Steel “B” yielded 1% points to 5484 and then rose to 54%. Mexican Petroleum ranged from 157% to 15684, a loss of % of a point from the close on Saturday. Pressed Steel Car continued its up ward movement and rose 2 points. Atlantic "Gulf A W est Indies opened up 1% points to 70%. General Asphalt was actively traded In, advancing 1% points to American Smelting was up % of a point at 38% and then reacted one point. Steel common was quiet, yielding % to 81%. The Irregular changes were fallowed by a general demonstration of strength during the forenoon, the leading Issues advancing 1 to more than 3 poiuts. Pressed Steel Car made an advance of 7 points to 96. \ Studebaker rose 2 points to 57. General Asphalt rose over 2 poiuts to 65%. Northern Pacific was active, advancing 1% points to 8-4%, and Reading rose over 1 point to 84%. Mexican Petroleum advanced over 2 points from the low to 158%. Steel common rose to 82% and Bald win sold above 90. Republic Steel, after Jumping 3% points to 68, reacted to 66. (By Thomson A McKinnon.) —Jan. 24 — The low prices established Saturday morning recorded a substantial reaction from tlie high last week. If one can Judge by commission house comment the bulk of the selling was not through pub lic liquidation. From this we must assume bear pres sure created a fair sized short interest Because of advance in- renewal rates a poor bank statement is expected. While not free from Irregularity the list showed a tendency toward improve ment. With any encouragement in over Sun day news we should have a better mar ket. TWENTY STOCKS AVERAGE. NEW YORK, Jan. 24.-Twenty Indus trial stocks averaged 74.91, up .26 per cent. Twenty active rails averaged 73.45, down .02 per cent. Money and Exchange Indianapolis bank clearings today were $2,222,000, against $2,563,004 a week ago. NEW YORK, Jan. 24 —Foreign ex change opened today with demand sterl ing 3.77%. francs 0719, lire .0365, marks .0168, Cuuadian dollars .8800 and kroneu .2005. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT. NEW YORK, Jan. 22.—Average—Loan*, decreased, $15,663,000; dejnand deposim. decreased, $109,992,000; time deposits, de creased. $11,294,000; reserves, decreased, $8,564,810. Actual —1.0an3, increased, s2l 4!<9.0"0 ; demand deposits, decreased. ss , j,pss,oo<); time deposits, decreased. $19,784,000; re serves, increased, $14,500,030. NEW YORK LIBERTY BONDS. —Jan. 22 I’rev. High. Low. Close, close Liberty 3%* 92.24 92.18 92.13 92.20 Liberty Ist 4s 88.30 Liberty 2d 4 87.80 88.00 I.ibertv Ist 4%5.. 88 20 87 86 88.00 88.20 Liberty 2d 4%... 88.00 87.80 87.94 87 92 Liberty 3.1 4%*.. 91.10 90 94 91 00 90 96 Liberty 4th 4%5. 88.30 HS.IO 88 26 88.22 Victory 3%s 97 26 97.16 97.20 97 18 Victory 4%s 97.26 97.18 97.26 97.22 MOTOR SECURITIES. (By Thomson A McKinnon.) —Jan. 24-- Opening— Bid. Ask. Briscoe 14 16 Chalmers com 1 1% Packard cem 10% 10% Packard pfd 75 78 Chevrolet ISO 4tK) Peerless 22 24 Cent. Motors com 7 7% Cont. Motors pfd 93 95 llupp com 12% 13% Hlipp pfd 88 93 lteo Motor car 22 22% Eigiu Motors 4% 35V* Grant Motors 3% 3% Ford of Canada 225 235 United Motors 35 50 National Motors 6 Federal Truck 19 20 I'atge Motors 17 17% Republic Truck 20 21 ACTIVE OIL STOCKS. (By Thomson A McKinnon) —Jan. 22 -Opening- Bid. Ask. Anglo-American Oil 19 19% Atlantic Refining 990 1055 Berue-Scryrnser 290 410 Buckeye Pipe Line 84 86 Chesebrough Mfg. Cons.... 175 190 Cbesebrough Mfg. Cons. pf. 108 112 Continental OH, Colo 115 120 Cosden Oil and Gas 6 6% Crescent Pipe Line 30 34 Cumberland Pipe Line 120 130 Elk Basin Pete 8% 8% Eureka ITpe Line 98 101 Galena-Signal Oil, pfd., new 9-4 99 Galena-Signal (Ml, com 49 51 Illinois Pipe Line 173 178 Indiana Pipe Line 85 88 Merritt Oil 12% 13 Midwest Oil 1% Midwest Rfg HI 142 National Transit 27 29 New York Transit 160 165 Northern Pipe Linn 95 98 Ohio Oil 283 287 I’enn.-Mox 37 40 Prairie Oil and Gas 475 485 Prairie Pipe Line 188 193 Ssipulpa Refining 5 5% Solar Refining 375 385 Southern Pipe Line 112 115 South Penn Oil 243 248 Southwest Penn Pipe Lines 70 74 Standard Oil Cos. of Cal— 310 315 Standard Oil Cos. of Ind... 72% 73% Standard Oil Cos. of Kan... 590 610 Standard Oil Cos. of Ky.... 415 4.10 Standard Oil Cos. of Neb... 390 410 Standard Oil Cos. of N. Y.. 350 355 Standard Oil Cos. of 0hi0... 395 405 Swan A Finch 35 50 Union Tank Line 113 117 Vacuum Oil 313 318 Washington Oil & 35 NEW YORK CURB MARKET. (By Thomson A McKinnon.) —Jan. 22 — Closing Bid. Ask. Curtis Aero, com. 2 4 Curtis Aero, pfd 9 15 Texas Chief 7 13 First National Copper.. % 1% Goldfield Con 7 Havana Tobacco 1% 2% Havana Tobacco pfd... 6 9 Cent. Teresa 3 5 Jumbo Extension 5 7 International Petroleum 16% 17% Nipissing 8 8% Indian l'kg 3% 4 Royal Baking Powder..los 110 ltoya] Bak Powder pfd. 79 83 Standard Motors 7% 9 Sait Creek 24 28 Tonopab Extension.... 1% 1 7-16 Tonopah Mining 1% 1 7-16 United P. S. new 1% 1% l. S. Light and Heat.. 1 1% U. S. Light and Ht. pfd. 2 2% Wright-Matin 5 7 World Film 1-16 3-16 Yukon Gold Mine C 0... 1 1% Jerome .' % % New Cornelia 15 17 United Verde 28 30 Sequoyah 3-16 5-16 Omar Oil 2% 2% Rep. Tire.. 1% i% INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 24,1921. N. Y. Stock Prices —Jan. 22 Prev. High. Low. Close. Close. I Adv.-Rum., com. 39 19 19 .... i A ills-Chalmers . 36% 35% 36% 36 An. Agricul. -.56 54% 56 55% Am. Beet Su. .. 46% 46% 46% 47% ; Am. Bosch Mag. 52% 52% 52% 53 Am. Car & Fdy.,123% 121% 123% 122% Am. Can 29 26% 28% 27 Am. H. A L. com 9% 9% 9% 9% Am. H. &L. pfd 45% 44% 45 45 Am. Drug 7% 7 7% 7% Am. Inter. Corp. 47% 46 47% 47 Am. Linseed ... 55% 55 55% 65% Am. Loco 83 81% 83 82 Am. Sm. A Ref.. 37% 37% 37% 37% Am. Sugar Ref.. 92% 91% 92% 92% Am. Sum. Tob. . 78% 76% 78% 78 Am. Steel Ffiy. . 30% 30% 30% 30% Am. Tel. & Tel.. 99% 99% 99% 99% Am. Tobacco ..118% 116% 118% 116 Va Am. Woolen ... 67 65% 67 65% Am. Z. A L 8% 8% 8% .... Anac. Min. Cos. . 88% 37% 38% 38 Atchison 82% 82% 82% 82% Atl. G. AW. 1.. 69% 67% 69 69% Baldwin Loco. .89 53% 55% 88% B. A 0 34% 34% 34% 34% Beth. Steel B .. 55% 53% 55% 54% Brook. Rap. Tr.. 14% 12% 14 12% Can. Pae. Ry. .116 lit 116 115% Cen. Leather .. 40% 40% 40% 40% ( hand. Motors .70 68% 68% 68% C. A 0 59% 58% 59% 59% CM., M. A St. P. 28% 28 28 28% C., M.&St, P. pfd 43 43 43 43 Chi. AN. W. .. 08% 67% 67% 68 Chi. R. I. A Pac. 26% 20% 26% 26% C.R.I.AP. 7% pfd 73% 73% 73% 73% Chill Copper ... 11% n% n% 11% Coca Cola 23% 23 23 23% Columbia Gas... 60% 60 60 00% ; Columbia Crap. 11% n% n% lit* Cont. Candy Cos. 3% 8% 8% 3% Corn Products.. 70% 69% 70% 69% ! Crucible Steel... 93% 91 93% 92% | Cuban Am. Sug. 23 23 23 24% Del. A Hudson 100% 100% 100% IV AR. G. pfd. 2% 2 2% 2% I Erie 13% 13 13% 13% Erie Ist pfd.... 19% 19% 19% 19% Famous Players 57% 56% 57% 50% Fisk Rub. C 0... 14% 14y s 14% 14 Gen. Asphalt ... 03% 01% 03% 63% Gen. Cigars 01% 01% 61% 01% Gen. Electric ...125 124 125 120 Gen. Motors 14% 14 14% 14% Goodrich 40% 4040% 40 Gt. North, pfd.. 76 75% 76 76% Gulf States Steel 30 30 $0 30 Houston Oil 76 74 74 74% Illinois Central. 89 89 89 89<-* Inspiration Cop. 35 35 35 35% luterboro Corp.. 5% 5 5% 4% Irit. Harvester.. 94% 93% 93% 94% Inter. Paper 59% 57% 59 59% Invincible 0i1... 24% 23% 24% 28% Kan. City So 19% 19% 19% 19% Kelly-Spring. ..47 45% 47 40% Keunecott Cop .20 19% 20 20 Leckawana Steel 53 52% 53 53% Lehigh Valley .. 53 52% 53 62% Loews, Inc 16% 10% 16% 17 Marine pfd 54% 54% 54% 64% Max. dot com. 5% 6% 0% 5% Max. Mot. 2d pf. 7% 7% TANARUS% Mex. Petrol 157% 155% 157% 157 Miami Copper.. 18% 18% 18% 18% Mid States Oil. 1.3 12% 1.3 13 Midvale Steel.. 31% 31 31)4 31% M , K. A T.... 2% 2% 2% 2% | Mo. Pac. Ky... 19 18% 18% 19 Nut. L’n A Stra. 61 % 60% 61% 60% ; Xev. Con. Cop. 11% U 11% 11% iN. Y. Central.. 71% 71% 71% 72 New Haven 20% 20% 20% 20% I Nor. A West...lo) 100 100 KSO Nor. Pacific... 82% 81% 82% 82 !Ok Pd. Alts.. .3% 3% 3% Pan-Am Petrol. 74% 73% 74% 74*j Penn. Ry 41% 41% 41% 41% People's Gas... 35 33 35 33 Pierce-Arrow. .. 25% 24% 25 24% Pierce (ill Cos.. 11% 11 11% 11% Pressed Stl. Cr. 89 83 89 84% Pull. I’!. Car.. 10% 106% 106% 107 Pure OH 35% 35 35 % 38% Hay Copper 13% 13% 13% 1.3% Reading 53% 82% 83 83% Rep, Ir. A Stl. 64% 63% *74% 64% Replogle Steel. 34 .34 3 4 35% Hoy Dt. of NY. 65% 61% 61% 65% Sea re-Roebuck. 93 93 93 92% Sinclair 23% 23% 23% 23% Sloss-S. S. A 1.. 52 52 52 52% Southern Pacific 97 96% ®6% 90% Southern Ry ... 22% 22% 22% 22% St.L.A 21% 21% 21% 22 Stremberg Carb. 38% 30% 3.8% 30 Studebaker 55% 52% 55 5.3 Texas Cos 43 42% 4.3 43% Texas A Pacific. 19V* 18% pi% 19% Tobacco Prod... 55 54% 65 54 Transcontl. OH. 10% 9% 10% 10 Union Oil 22% 22% 22% 23 Union I’a-lflc.. 110% US'* 110'* 119 Unit. Ketl Sirs 55% 54% 55% 5.5 U.S.FoodPrd.Crp 25 24% 25 24% United Fruit C 0.101%.101% 103 104% 103% U.S.lndus.Alco.. 07% 07% 67% 67% U. S. Rubber... 60 67 % 60% 60 U. S. Steel 82% 81 % 82% 81% Utah Copper.... 56 55% 55% 55% Vanadium Steel 87% 36% 37% 37% Vlr-Car. Che. in 37 36% 86% 30% Wabash 8% 8% 8% 6% Wabash Ist pfil 20% 20% 20% 20% Weatern Union.. 87% 87% 87% Weatlngh* F-iec. 44% 44% 41% 44% White Motors. 39 39 39 38% Wtilya-Overland. 8 7% 8 8 Wrthngtn l’rnp. 48% 48% 48% 49 CLEARING HOUSE STATEMENT. NEW YORK, Jan. 24.—Exchanges, $420,951,888; balances. $76,607,970; Federal Reserve Bank buluuce credits, $70,492,- 604. In the Cotton Market NEW YORK, Jnu. 24.—The cotton mar ket opened active and firm today at an advance of 15 to 43 points. Cables, which were bea\y at first, ral lied aharply and at the time of the open Ing were better than had been due. This Induced covering by Wall street, which, with support from Liverpool, ab sorbed the offerings from’ apot houses and austained the list temporarily. The Census Bureau’s ginning figures were considered to be a standoff. Later the room offerings Increased snd some of the initial improvement was lost. Sentiment was mixed with room traders mostly on the bear side. New York cotton opening; January, 10.40 c; March. 14.75 c; May, 14.70 c; May, 14.73 c; July, 14c; October, 15c. December, 14.91 c. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 24.—Spot cotton opened slow today with the prices easier and sales around 3,000 bales. American middlings, 12.29d; good mid dlltigs. 10.63d; fully middlings, 6.7Hd; middlings, B.BBd : low middlings, 7.03d; good ordinary, 613d; ordinary, 5.38d. Futures opened steady. WASHINGTON, Jan. 24—Census re ports show cotton ginned to Jan. 16, from tho crops of 1920 ami 1919 respectively; Total running bales (counting round as half bales), 12.010,405 and 10,307,120. Round bales Included 204,624 and 111.873. American —Egyptian 73,481 Biid 34,023; Sea Island, 1,604 and 0,712. Terse Market Notes WASHINGTON, Jan. 24.—The sale of the Alice Silver and Gold Mining Com pany to the Auncondn Copper Mining Company was set aside by the Supremo Court today. The court held that the amount paid was inadequate. The sale, which was upheld by the low er courts, was made by transferring 30,000 shares of Anaconda stock, valued st $1,500,000, to the stockholders of the other company. CHICAGO STOCKS. (By Thomson A McKinnon.) —Jan. 22- Open. High. Low. Close. Armour pfd 94 94 94 94 Carbide A Carbon. 52 52% 52 52% Libby 12% 12% 12% 12% National Leather.. 8% 8% 8% 8% Sears-Roebuck .... 93 93 93 93 Stewart-Warner ... 33 33% 33 33% Swift A Cos 104% 104% 104% 104% Swift International 27V* 27% 27% 27% Armour Leather. . . 13% 13% 13% 13% Reo Motors 22Vi 22% 21% 21% Piggly Wiggly..... 16 16 16 16 CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO, Jan. 24 Butter—Creamery extras, 45c; creaurery firsts, 45c; firsts, 40@44c; seconds, 50@360. Eggs—Ordi naries, 50(g,51e; firsts, 53(054c. Cheese — Twins, 24%c; Young Americas, 26%c. Live poultry—Fowls, 30c; ducks. 32c; geese, 26c; spring chickens, 27c; tug keys. 43c; roosters, 20c. Potatoes —-Re- ceipts, 106 cars; Wisconsin and Minne sota, $1.15@1.50. NEW YORK METAL MARKET. NEW YORK, Jan. 24.—Copper—Weak; spot, January, February ana March of fered 13c. Lead—Dull; spot, January and February offered 5%c. Spelter— Easy; spot offered 5%e; February, March and April offered 5.40 c. UNSTEADY TONE IN HOG PRICES Trade in Cattle Fairly Active —Calves Strong. RANGE OF HOG PRICES. Good vood Good Jan. Mixed. Heavy. Light. IS.. $9.70@10.25 $9.50@10.00 $10.25 @ 10.65 19. 9.76® 10.25 9.50 ® 10.00 10.25@10.50 20. 9.75 ® 10.00 9.25® 9.75 10.00@10.25 21. 9.60® 9.75 9.00® 9.25 9.50®10.00 22. 9.75 @ 10.00 9.25® 9.50 10.00@10.10 24. 9.75@10.00 9.50® 9.75 10.00@10.25 There was a strong tone to the open ing of the hog market today and prices were fully 25 cents higher, but a weak tendency set in after the first hour and a similar weakness hit prices. Receipts for the day were light at around 6,000 fresh and stale hogs on the market, and the only reason that could be given for the weakness of tho market after the start was a slow demand. The shippers with eastern packing house con nections were about the only active mem bers on the market. During the early hours, local packers were doing nothing. Klugan A Cos., usually tho largest buyer of the market, was doing nothing, and representatives of the company intimated that they would not buy hogs at higher prices. 'There was a fairly active tone to the cattle market, and prices were steady to strong. Butcher stuff was strong In most cases, while the bulk of sales on steers were at steady prices. Bulls were no higher as far as price quotation was concerned, but lower grades were bring ing higher prices than the same grade would have brought lust week. Canners and cutters were steady. Buyers were not so particular in the grading as they were last week. Receipts for the day approximated 1,000 fresh cattle witli but a small number of stale cattle left in the pens from last week's market. With close to 300 calves on the market and a fairly good demand, prices were steady to strong. The bulk of the choice calves brought $13.50(3)15, with a few odd sales at $15.50 Good calves generally brought $12(g)13, and mediums were no higher at $8.50@ 11.50. There were only fifty sheep and lambs on the market and the prices held about steady. HOGS. Best light hogs, 100 to 200 Ids average 10.00@10.25 200 to 300 lbs average 9 50@ 9.75 Over 300 lbs B.oo@ 9.00 Sows 7 5 >@ 8.00 Kgst pigs, under HO lbs 9 00(3 iO.OO Bulkof sales 9.25@10.00 CATTLE. Prime eornfed steers, 1,039 lbs. and up 9.00@ 10.00 Good to < bolce steers, 1.200 to 1.300 lbs B.oo@ 9.50 Good to choice steers, 1,100 to 1,200 lbs B.oo@ 8.50 Medium steers, 1,000 to 1,100 lbs 7.50@ 8.25 Common to modlun steers, 800 to 1,000 lbs 6.00@ 7.50 —Helferß and Cows — Good to choice heifers ..... 0.50@ 8.7,> Medium heifers 6.00@ 0.50 Common to medium heifers.. 4.00((3 5.25 Good to choice cows 5.00@ 7.00 Fair to medium cows 4.oo'it 52d Cutters 3.00@ 4.25 1 Canners 2.25@ 3.50 —Bulls— Good to choice butcher bulls 5.00@ 7.00 Bologna bulls 4.50& 5.50 Light common bulls o.oo' 7.M) —Calves— Choice veals 13.50@T5.00j Good veals 12.0< @13.00 Lightweight veals 6.t)OJ! 7.00 j Medium veals 9.00@11.00 Heavyweight calves 7.0i1'11, 8.00 Common heavyweight calves 3.00<(j 7.50 —Stockers and Feeders — Good to choice steers, 800 lbs Good to choice steers, under 800 lb, 7.00@ 8.00 j Medium cows<ig, 5.00 Good cows 5.00@ 5.50 Good heifer* 6 50@ 6.60 Medium to good heifers.. ... fhOOIQ 6.00 Good milkers SOJXKqOb.OO Stock calves, 256 to 'lO lbs... 5.00 o( B.UU SHEER AND LAMBS. Good to choice sheep 3.00@ 4.00 Fair to common 200 q 3.00 Bucks 2.00@ 2.50 Cull sheep 1.004$ 1.00 —Lambs— Common to choice yearlings.. 5 50@ 6.50 Spring lambs 8 00@10.00 Other Live Stock — CHICAGO, Jan. 24.—Hogs—Receipts, 55.000; market 10c higher; bulk, $9 15'/', 9 60; butchers. $:• 10',19.35 ; packers, $0.40@ 8 85; ll.htH. $9,409(9.05 ; pigs, $9 25 q 9.75 ; roughs, $8 25. M S 4<) Cattle Receipts. 2,200; market steady; beeves, $7 25@10 75; butchers, $5 25,((9; canners and cutters, $3 25V.1.50 ; Stockers and feeders, #s.2s'<t 8.75 : cows, s4..Wfi 7.95; calves, 12.50. Sheep—Receipts, 21.1KK); market j steady; lambs, $7 50(ftU; ewes, $2 ft 6. CINCINNATI, Jnn 24 Hogs -Receipts. 0,Oi*l; market 20c higher; heavy and j mixed hogs, $9.75@10; mediiym and light , hogs, $10.25; pigs, $9.23; roughs. s7..l"''( 757,; stag', $6.25. Cattle— Receipts. 2,20 U market 25@50e higher; I,tills, 2.’(q 50c lower; calves, $14.50. Sheep anil lambs Receipts, 1UO; market steady. CLEVELAND, Jnn. 24. Hogs Re ceipts, 5.500; market steady; yorkers, $lO 25@10.33 ; mixed, $lO 25((i. 10.35 ; medi um, $lO 25; pigs. $10.50; roughs, SS: stags. S6 Cattle—Receipts. 1,000; market slow • and dull; good to choice steers, $9919.75; ! good to choli e heifers, s7@B; good to | choice cows ss@o: fair to good cows, sl'(/5; milkers, s)s@9o. Sheep and lambs Receipts, 1,500; market strong; top, sll. Calves —Receipts, 500; market steady; top, $1(). PITTSBURGH, Jan. 24.—Cuttle—Re ceipts, 85 ears; market lower; ehoice, $9.50@10; good, $94319 25; fair, s'-@.0.50; veal calves, sls@lo. Sheep ar.d lambs Receipts, 10 doubles; market, strong; prime wethers, $6'u:0.50; good. $5@5.50; fair mixed, $4@475; spring lambs. $10.75 @1125. Hogs Receipts, 65 doubles ; mar-| ket, higher; prime heavies. S0.15@10: me-I alums, $lO 5061)10.60; heavy Yorkers, $10.60 @10.70; light Yorkers, slo.Go@l(>.7o; pigs, $lO 2.1@10.50; roughs, $7.50@8.25; stags, $5.70(36.25. EABT BUFFALO, Jan. 24.—Cattle—Re ceipts, 2,800; mnrket, tainy active, p. 1...0 j steers, lower; shipping steers, $9@9.75; j butcher grades. 75<5_(9.2,1; heifers, ss@ ; 8.50; cow s, $2.50@7; nulls, ss@7; milch I cows, springers, s4O@llo. Calves—Re- I ceipts, 1.000; market, active, 50 cents j down; culls, choice, $5@17250. Sheep and j lambs—Receipts, 1,300; market, aicttve, j steady; choice lambs, $H@11.25; culls. | fair, $7 50(3110.75; yearlings, s7<@S.7s; I übeep, $2.50@7. Hogs —Receipts, 20,000; market, steady, 25 cents up; Y'orkcrs, $10.75@11; pigs, $11@t1.25; mixed, $10.25 @10,75; heavies, $10.23; roughs, $8@8.25; stags, $,1.50@6.50. EAST ST. LOUIS, 111., Jan. 24.—Cattle —Receipts, 4,000; market slow and steady; native beef steers, $5.50@10.50; yearling beef steers and heifers, $9.25® 10.25; cows, $6.25@7; stockers and feed ers, $0.15@8; calves, $10.50@11.75; can ners and cutters, $4.25@4.50. Hogs—Re ceipts, 15.000; market 10c higher; mixed and butchers, $1).50((},9.90; good heavies, $9.35(89.50; rough heavies, si.7s@S; lights, $9.75(810: pigs, $9.5C@10; bulk of sales, $9.50(ft9.85. Sheep—Receipts, 1.200; mar ket steady; ewes, $4.a0@5.25; lambs, $10.50(310.75; canners and cutters, s2@ 3.50. 1 WHOLESALE FEED PRICES. Ton. Cwt. Acme feed $38.00 $1.95 Acme middlings 42.00 2.15 Acme dairy feed 47.50 240 E-Z dairy feed S7.f>o 1.90 Acme H. A M 88.00 1.95 Acme stock feed 32.30 1.65 Cracked corn 37.00 1.90 Acme chicken feed 43.75 2.25 Acme scratch 41.75 2.15 E-Z scratch 39.50 2.00 Acme dry mash 48.50 2.45 Acme hog feed 47.00 2.40 Hornlik yellow 36.00 1.85 Rolled barley 43.50 2,20 Alfalfa mol 41.00 2.i0 Cottonseed meal 41.00 2.10 Linseed oil meal 51.00 2.60 Acme chick mash 51.00 2.10 FLOUR AND CORN MEAL. Corn meal, 100-lb. bag $ 2.10 K-Z Bake baker's flour in 98-lh. bug 10.80 WAGON WHEAT PRICES. Indianapolis flour mills and elevators today are paying $1.75 for No. 1 red wheat, $1.72 for No. 2 wheat and $1.69 for No. 3 red. WHEAT AND OATS PRICES HIGHER Corn Quotations Show Losses —Provisions Down. CHICAGO, Jnn. 24.—Wheat and oats prices showed fractional increases on the Chicago board of trade today, While corn drnppej slightly. Scattered buying by commission houses ceiisigi the strength in the wheat market. Short covering shoved up the oats quo tations. t „ . t R corn for the season caused the drop in quotations on that grain. The receipts were estimated at cars Provisions were lower. March wheat opened at $1.68%, up lc, and advanced %c later. May wheat was up %c at the opening, $1.58%, and ad vanced l%c subsequently. May corn opened up %e, at 68%c, but dropped %e -in later trading. July corn opened off %c, at 69%c, and lost an ad ditional %c before the close. May oats opened up %c, at 44%c, and advanced lc additional later. July onts opened at 44%c, up %c. and gained an additional %c before the close. (By Thomson A McKinnon.) —Jan. 24- Wheat—The absence of public Interest, in other words, speculative demand, leaves market sensitive to selling unless exporters are buyers. This condition ac counts for Saturday’s action more than any one item of news. Much needed rains have appeared In India and Argentine shippers are actually offering new wheat In Europe despite the delay In fixing the tax. However, it is quite probable that the sales contemplate payment of the tax by the buyer. About 800,000 domestic wheat, gulf shipment was sold Satur day to Central Europe and Portugal, was reported as inquiring for some 500.00 U tons of foodstuffs, half of which is wheat, some for immediate shipment. Failure of the Argentine government to determine the tax should result in a continuation of the export demand in the United States. Further than this, the country is a reluctant seller as evidenced by stronger premiums shown In the ex port bids. It does not seem to us that the simple absence of an investment de mom! Is sufficient reason for overlooking the steady absorption by European gov ernments. Because of this, we suggest that the buying side be given more at tention. Coarse Grains—Considerable weakness has developed In coarse grains, based largely upon the very poor demand from distributors, consumers and Investors. The present soft weather means a break ing up of the country roads and a con sequent smaller movement from the coun try. We are unable to determine wherein any important demand for either corn or oats will appear, but at the same time) feel that the market is entitled to some reaction under the influence of lighter receipts. Provisions—Some export business in lard Is reported but the weakness in grains offset It. Further strength is ex pected In hogs. The entire list is con sidered as dragging around bottom prices. CHICAGO GRAIN. —Jan. 24 WHEAT— Open. High. Low. Close. March... 1.08% 1.71% 1.67% 1.71 May 1.58% 1.62% 1.58 1.61% CORN— May GB% 69% 68% 69% July Oil's 70% 69% 70% OATS— May 44% 44% 44% 44% July 44% 44% 44% 44% PORK— •Jan 23.50 •May 23.00 LAUD Jan 13.25 13.25 13.12 13.15 May 13.82 13.87 13.80 13.80 RIBS— •Jan 12.10 May 12.75 12.75 12.65 12.05 •Nominal. CHICAGO CASH GRAIN. CHICAGO, Jan. 24. Wheat—No. 2 red. $1,881.90; No. 1 hard winter, $1.77%@ 1 77; No. 2 hard winter. $1 74%'ii1.75% ; No. 1 northern spring, $18l@1.84%; No. 2 northern spring, $1.77%; No. 3 spring, $1 69. Corn No. 2 white, 65%e; No. 2 yellow, titKg fSe; No. 3 white, 62 <ii • 3%c; No 3 yellow. 63<g63%C; No. 4; white, 59(800%.'; No. 4 yellow, 59@60%c. \ Outs —No. 1 white, 4.3i’it43%e; No. 2. white, 48@43%0; No 3 white, 41%@42e;| No. 4 white, 40%@41c. TOLEDO CASH GRAIN. TOLEDO, Jan. 22.--Wheat—Casa, $1 88; March, $! .89; May, $1.85. Corn—No. 2 yellow, 70c. Oats—No. 2 white. 46', 47' 3 c Itye -No. 2, SIOO. Bnriey—No. 2, 73c Cloverseed—Cash (J9i9i. $12.76; cash (10-’Oi and January. $12.2,1; Feb ruary, sl2 30; March, $12.20; April, $10.15. Timothy—Cash (1918), $3; cash (19191. $3.05; January, $3.1,1; February, $3.20; March, $3.23; April and May, $3 30; Sep tember. $3 70. Alsike Cash (new), sl3; cash (old), $15.50; March. $15.40. PRIMARY MARKET. (By Thomson A McKinnon.) --Jan. 22 Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 38.000 800,000 183.000 Milwaukee 22.000 19.000 30,000 Minneapolis... 402.000 107.,000 98,000 Duluth 133,000 44,000 St. J.ouis 174,000 273.1)00 174,000 Toledo 7.000 19,(KM) 8,000 Detroit 5.000 10.000 18,000 Kansas City.. 406.000 108.000 10.000 j Omaha... .. 90.000 U. 3,000 44,000 . Indianapolis.. 10,000 120,000 20,000 Totals 1,295,000 1,027,000 635,000 Year ago... 797,000 702,000 513,000 —Shipments— Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 37.000 4(7,000 177,000 Milwaukee 47,000 37.000 Minneapolis... 173.000 64,000 40,000 Duluth 104,000 4,000 g, Louis 08,000 108 000 62.000 Toledo S-AW 34.000 j Detroit 2.000 4.0(H) j Kansas City.. 261,000 29.000 29.000: On "ha. . . 83,000 70.000 48,000 j Indianapolis 48,000 10,000 ; Totals 7.16.000 850.000 44,1.000 Year ago... 6R5.000 527,000 700,000 —Clearances— Domestic W. Corn. Oats. Philadelphia.. 148.000 Baltimore 7.1.000 New Orleans. 283,000 Totals 500,000 Year ago... 240,000 INDIANAPOLIS CASH GRAIN. —Jnn. 24 — Bids for car lots of grnln and hay at the call of the Indianapolis Board of : Trade were; Wheat—No sales. | C oru „Steady: No. 3 white. 6>@B7c, No 4 white, 63@6,1c; No. 5 white, 50@ C.O’ jC; No. 3 yellow, 63'ft 05%o; No 4 vel low 01@63V.c; No. 5 yellow. 58@59%c;j No.'4 mixed", 59@61%c; No. 5 mixed, 55 fi ’ ( mtft' Stead v ; No. 2 white, 43@44%c; | No 3 white, 42(ff43%e. l'tay—Weak ; No. 1 timothy, s2i@24 50 ; I No 2 timothy, $23..10@24; No. 1 lig.'it clover mixed, $22.50@23; No. 1 clover hay, $22@22.50. —lnspections Wheat—No. 2 dark northern spring, 1 ; ' a cprn—No. 1 white. 1 car; No. 2 white, ! 1 car- No. 3 white. 10 cars; No. 4 white, j 20 cars; No. 2 yellow. 2 cars; No. 3 yel- 1 Tow 5 cars; No'. 4 yellow, 34 cars; No. 5 i voilow 21 oars; No. 3 mixed. 2 cars: No. 4 mixed, 14 cars; No. 5 mixed, 5 cars; No. 6 mixed, 1 car; sample mixed, 1 car; total, 117 cars. Oat*—No. 1 white, 3 cars; No. 2 white, 13 cars; No. 3 white, 3 cars; No. 4 white, 2 cars; No. 1 mixed, 3 cars; No. 2 mixed, 1 car; total, 25 cars. BOARD OF TRADE STATEMENT. The weekly statement of the Indian apolis Board of Trade, showing the out put of flour by local mills, inspections for last week and stock in store, follows: COMPARATIVE STATEMENT. Output of Flour— Bbls. Jan. 22, 1921 6.930; Jan. 13, 1921 6,629 Jan. ’24, 1920 17,900, Jan. 25, 1919 6,872 —Bushels— Inspections for Week— 1920 1921 Wheat 35,000 3,000 Corn 627.000 16,000 | Oats 186,000 64,0001 Rye 8,000 None, NSTOCK IN STORE. Wheat. Corn. Osts. Rye. l Jan. 22, 1921. .122,100 550,420 382.820 1,000 Jan. 24, 1920. .499,620 231,190 82.550 3,570 | Jan. 25, 1919. .281,220 653,780 263,740 16,500 HAY MARKET. The following are the Indianapolis prices for hay by the wagon load: Hay—Loose timothy, new, $21@26; mixed hay, new, $22@24; baled, $24@26. Oats —Bushel, new, 50@52c. Corn—New, 70@75c per busheL Local Stock Exchange —Jan. 24 — STOCKS. Bid. Ask. Ind. Rail. A Light Cos. com. 60 ... Ind. Rail. A Light Cos. pfd.. 84 86 Indpls. A Northwestern pfd. ... 75 Indpls. A Southeastern pfd 7 5 Indpls. St. Ry 50 60 X. H. T. A Light Cos., pfd... 67% ... X. 11., I. A E. com 2 ... T. 11.. I. A E. pfd 10 1 Union Trac. of Ind., com 1 Union Trac. of Ind., Ist pfd. ... 16 Union Trac. of 7nd., 2d pfd. ... 2 Advance-Rumdly, tom ... Advance-Uuraely, pfd 50 ... American Central Life .... 235 Am. Creosote Cos., pfd 91 100 Belt R. R., com 62 66 Belt. R. R , pfd 45 55 Citizens Gas Cos 30 >34% Century Bldg, pfd 91% ... Cities Service, com ... City Service pfd 65% Dodge Mfg., pfd 93% ... Home Brewing 55 ... Indiana Hotel, com 68% ... Indiana Hotel, pfd 91% ... Ind. Natl. Life Ins. Cos Indiana Title Guaranty 59 71 Indpls. Abattoir, pfd 44% 50 Indpls. Gas 45% 48 Indpls. Telephone Cos. com. 5 .. indpls. Telephone Cos. pfd. 88 Mer. Pub. Util. Cos. pfd 40 50 National Motors 3 6 Pub. Savings Ins. Cos 2% ... Sterling Fire Insur, Cos 7% 9% Kauh Fertilizer, pfd 40 Standard Oil of Indiana 70 80 Van Camp Hdw. pfa 90 100 Van Camp Pck, pfd 93 100 Van Camp Prods. Ist pfd b 2% 101 Van Camp Prods, 2d pfd... 92 Vandalia Coal Cos. com 5 Vandalia Coal Cos. pfd 10 Wabash R. R. pfd..*. 19 Wabash It. R. com 7% ... BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES. Aetna Trust Cos 106% ... Bankers Trust Cos 118 . ... Commercial Natl. Bank 65 ... Continental Natl. Bank.... 112 City Trust Cos 85 Farmers Trust Cos 200 Fidelity Trust Cos 121 Fletcher Am. Natl. Bank 256 Fletcher Sav. & Trust Cos 160 Ind. Natl. Bank 265 285 Ind. Trust Cos 175 188 Live Stock Exchange Bank. 385 ... Merchants National Bank.. 280 National City Bank 110 120 l’eope's State Bank 187 ... Security Trust Cos 120 The State Sav. A Trugt Cos. 90 94 Union Trust Cos 340 370 Washington Bank A Trust. 150 BONDS. Broud Ripple 5s 61% ... /’Citizens Street Railroad 5s .. 70 76 Ind. Coke and Gas 6s ... Indian Ck. Coal A Min 65.. 92 Indpls. Col. A Southern ... 88 97 Indpls. A Martinsville 5s 53 Inupls. A North. 5s 41% 40% indpls. A N. W. 5s 51 Indpls. A S. E. 3s 45 indpls., Shelby. A S. E. ss. 70 ... Indpls. St. Ky. 4s 59% 67 indpls. Trac A Ter. 5s 70 70 Kokomo, Marion A W. 55.... 77 80 X. IL. 1. A E 52 Union Trac. of Ind. 5s 32 57 Citizens Gas 5s 73% SI ind. Hotel Cos. 2d 0s 92% 100% Indpls. Gas 5s .72% 81 indpls. Light A Heat 55.... 73% 81 Indpls. Water 5s 88 91 Indpls. Water 4%s 7U% 75% Mer. H. A L. pfd 3s 85% 90 New Telephone Ist 6s 94 ... New Telephone Long Dls ss. 93% ... Southern Ind. Power 6* ... LIBERTY BONDS. Bid. Ask. Liberty Ist 3%s 92.00 92.50 Liberty 2d 4s 88.00 Liberty Ist 4%s 80.06 Liberty 2d 4%s 88.00 85.30 Liberty 3d 4%s 90.06 91.18 Liberty 4th 4%s 88.34 88.54 Vi tory 3% 97.26 97.40 Victory 4%s 97.24 97.44 Weather The following table shows the state of the weather at 7 a. m., Jan. 24. as ob served by U. S. Weather Bureaus: Station. Bar. Temp. Weath. Indianapolis, Ind.. 30.27 31 Clear Atlanta, Ga 30 16 48 Claudy Amarillo, exa* 29 94 36 PtCldy Bismarck, N. D 30 52 4 Clear B"Ston, Mass 29.80 28 Clear Chicago. 11l 30.32 32 Clear Cincinnati, 0hi0... 30.28 32 Clear Cleveland, 0hi0.... 30.22 30 Cloudy Denver. Colo 29.86 30 Snow Dodge City, Kan... 29.84 40 Cloudy Helena. Mont 30.20 10 Cloudy Jacksonville, Fla... 80 16 56 Clear Kansas City, M 0... 30.24 40 Rain Louisville, Ky 30.28 36 Clear Little Rock, Ark... 30.18 50 Cloudy Los Angeles, Cal.. 30 00 44 Clear Mobile, Ala 30 18 50 PtCldy New Orleans, La... 30.20 60 Cloudy New York. X. Y... 30.02 30 Cloudy Norfolk, Va 30.14 40 Cloudy Oklahoma City 30.00 66 Rain Omaha, Neb 30.26 32 Cloudy Philadelphia, Pa... 30.10 36 Cloudy Pittsburgh, Pa 30 20 28 Cloudy Portland. Ore 29.90 30 Snow Rapid City. S. D 30.30 20 Snow Itoseburg. Ore 30.00 40 Cloudy San Antonio, Texas 30.04 64 Cloudy San Francisco, Cal. 3010 50 Rain St. I.ouls, Mo 30.2.8 42 Cloudy St. Paul. Minn 30.46 14 Clear Tarnpn, Fla 30.16 5S PtCldy Washington, D. C.. 30.10 34 Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. The principal disturbance Is centered tho* morning on the eastern slope of the middle Rockies, and It ha* caused consid erable precipitation In the Southwest. Other depression centers are located on the north Atlantic and north Pacific roasts, respectively. A field of high pres sure extends from middle-western Can ada to the South Atlantio States, acrom- ; panted by lower temperatures, but it Is warmer from the middle plains section northwestward. ,T. H. ARMINGTON, Meteorologist, Weather Bureau. CLEVELAND PROPICE. CLEVELAND. .Tan. 24.—Butter—Extra, : in tub lots. 5'2%@53c; prints, 53%@54c; extra firsts, 51%@520: firsts, 50%@51c; 9“oonds, 44@45c: packing stock, 12@15c; I fancy dairy roll. 20@25c. Eggs—Fresh \ gathered northern extra, 67c; extra firsts, 66c; Ohio firsts (new cases). 64c; first (old cases), 63c; Western firsts (new; cases), 63c; refrigerator extras, 60c; re-j frigerator firsts. 58c. (A cose contains 30 dozen). Poultry—Live heavy fowls, 32@;;4e; light stock, 25c; roosters. 24c; spring ducks, 38@40c; turkeys, 45(530c; geese, 30@35c; spring chickens, choice, 29@30c. For Your Office It may be only a chair you need— V , ill HI 1 Yet again, it may be the equipment for an entire office—from letter trays to a fire proof safe. WHATEVER IT 18 WE MEET YOUR NEEDS Always glad to extend our counsel in solving problems of office equipment. W. C. BRASS M 8 A 9 ,n OFFICE OUTFITTER 106 South Pennsylvania Street. Money to Loan b Mortgages, STATE LIFE INSURANCE CHI Marriage Licenses Floyd Basey, 1136 W. 27th ■ - T TsS Helen Ball, 20 W. Pierson f rrTr , 20 Will Redmon, 709 Ogden 5t....2S Vallie Gare, 709 Ogden st. 20 Anthony Nayler, 830 W. 11th 5t....... 47 Fannie Thompson, 715 Darnell John Dodge, 1358 Nordyke av 21 Velvia Sleeth, 1244 Nordyke av 23 Minor Taylor, 211.8 S. East st. 23 Flossie Henry, 69 Regent st. 23 Frank Throop, 3518 Balsam av........ 23 Charlotte Bell, 3544 Guilford av 23 Benjamin Smead, Indianapolis ........ 63 Mary Britton, 3026 Newton av 40 James York, 1110 Tecumseh st 26 Elinor Genier, 1302 N. Oxford st 26 H^^. IDS %£ amp Tra vis, Texas.. 23 rtie Beilis, 230(1 Adam st 21 John Cooper, 1714 Hall Place o 0 Bessie Pinney, 510 X. Alabama 5t....! 10 Births John and Elizabeth Green, Drexel and Thirteenth, girl. Cash and Mattie Perry, 519 Cable, boy. Harry and Fern Jackson, 1910 Charles, boy. ’ George and Clara Tellas, 32 Le Grand girl. rark and Helen Akin, 1737 South Dela ware, girl. Harvey and Mamie Brooks, 2204 Alvord girl. ’ Harry and Leah Blacklayer, 716 South Illinois, boy. James and Elizabeth Kelton, St. Vin cent Hospital, girl. Arthur and Margaret O’Brien, St. Vin cent Hospital, boy. Frank and Marcella Grltt, St. Vincent Hospital, girl. Andrew and Ethel Hiatt, St. Vincent Hospital, boy. Charles and Dorothy Rush, St. Vincent Hospital, boy. Samuel and Mary Jackson, 1656 Bell fontaine, boy. John and Hazel Creeden, 2141 Barth, girl. Frank and Mary Stone, 1202 Edgemont, girl. Walter and Mary Debill, 1418 Linden, girl. Roy and Anna Robinson, 3151 East Minnesota, girl. Jacob and Golda Parker, 275 Lvnn, boy. Frazier and Jewel Torrian, 2323 Hovey, boy. James and Julia Mahan. 1205 Marlowe, girl. Charles and Estella Youree, 968 Edge mont. girl. Wheeler and Carolyn Highbaugh, 2449 North Oxford, girl. Joseph and Adelaide Edwards, Thirty- Fourth and Dearborn, girl. Ralph and Marguerite McCallle, 533 Highland, girl. Lauren and Merle Gallaway, city hos pital, girl. Russell and Mary Burleson, 318 Harris, boy. Robert and Charlotte Kendrick, 4903 Brookville road, girl twins. William and Carrie Mathews, 1063 South Pershing, girl. Clarence and Nora Cherry, 532 North Traub, girl. Tea and Elizabeth Fane, 1041 Holborn, boy. Herbert and Gertrude Rlgney, 1052 Holborn, boy. Harry and Blanche Holding, 1350 West McCarty, boy. Rufus and Caroline Smith, 1718 Alvord, boy. James and Anna Held, 1011 South Shef field, boy. Daniel and Cynthia Collins, 423 Ken tucky. boy. Arthur and Minnie Edwards, 1043 South Maple, boy. Houston and Maggie Newby, 2610 Ox ford. girl. Edward and Elizabeth Gibson, 1817 As tor. boy. Harley and Muriel Pierson, 1530 Washington, girl. Deaths Ruth Alkire. 24, Methodist Hospital, acute myocarditis. Infant Stone. 1 day, 1204 Edgemont, premature birth. Amanda E. Klotz, 49, Long Hospital, hypostatic pneumonia. Avon A. Genter, 6, 358 E. McCarty, scarlet fever. Mary Ellen Green, 1, 50 S. State, pul monary tuberculosis. Lester Newson. 50, Long Hospital, sarcoma of thyroid gland. Dudley Martin, 6S, 1526 Cornell, car cinoma. Lucy Crenshaw, 34, 538 Roanoke, car cinoma. Margaret Chambers. 85, 641 N. Jeffer son, chronic interstitial nephritis. Mary E. Wurm, 25, St. Vincent's Hos pital. acute cardiac dilatation. Mamie Williams, 34, city hospital, chronic nephritis. Albert Moore, 3S, Central Indiana Hos pital, paresis. Paul Mitchell, 2 days, 1201 King, pre mature birth. Martha J. Brown, 76, 2331 Ashland, diabetes mellitus. James W. Crawford, 53, Eleventh and K : ng, apoplexy. Mary B. Berling, 59, 315 N. Oxford, carcinoma. Edgar Dewey Shepard, 23, Sl4 E. St, Clair, pulmonary tuberculosis. Lucy E. Wilson, 65 S. Tremont, mitral Insufficiency. Gavin Crawford, SO, 262 N. Addison, arterlo sclerosis. Edna P. Morgan, 26, 931 Ewing, In fluenza Cecil E. Hamm, 36, city hospital, septi caemia. Howard M. Patton, 32, 833 E. Morris, uremia. INDIANAPOLIS PRODUCE. Egg*—Fresh, loss off, 55c. Poultry—Fowls, 22<g270; springers, 26e| cocks. 16c; stags, 16c. old tom turkeys, 35c; young tom turkeys, 12 lbs. and up, 40c; capons, 7 lbs. and up, 33c; young hen turkeys. 8 ibs and up, 40c; cull, thin turkeys not wanted; young tom turkeys, 40c; ducks, A lbs. and up, 25c. ducks, under 4 lbs., 20c; geese, 10 lbs. and up, 20c; squabs, 11 lbs to dozen, $7; guineas, 9-lb. size, per doz., $6. Rabbits—Drawn, per dozen, $2.50. Butter—Buyers are paying 48@49c for creamery butter delivered at Indianapo lis. Bntterfat —Buyers are paying 47@480 for cream delivered at Indianapolis. DOVE BRAND HAMS fHava a Taste You Gan’! Forge!