Newspaper Page Text
8 INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main 3500 Automatic 28-851 RATES. One time 09 per line Three consecutive times.. .08 per line Six consecutive tiroes 07 per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted, main or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted— One time Ot per line Three consecutive times.. .07 per line Six consecutive timrs 06 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 09 per line Lodges and club notices 76c per insertion Church notices (1 inch or less) 50c per insertion ' Over 1 inch, .07 per line additional. Death notices, Sso per insertion. Card qf Thanks or In Memoriam notices 07 per line Ads received until 10:30 a. m. for publication same da/. J FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FLANNER & BUCHANAN 320 North Illinois St. Funeral directors to the people of Indianapolis since ISS7. Phones: Main 541-642. Auto. 22-641. INDIANAPOLIS CREMATORY George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 522 East Market. Old Phone Main 903. New Hione 27-208. A. M. Ragsdale, J. Welsh Price, John Paul F.agsdale A. M. RAGSDALE CO 323 North Delaware street. J. C. WILSON 1230 Prospect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect 322. W. T. BLASEXGYM 1625 Shelby at. Pros 2570. Auto, 51-114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM. E. KRIEGER. New 21-154. Main 1464. 1402 N. Illinois. GADD—BERT S. GADD. 2130 Prospect st. Phones: Prospect 442. Automatic 62-27*. UNDERTAKERS—HISEY & TITUS, 951 North Del. New 25-564. Main 3630. FEENEY & FEENEY. Auto. 24-195 1034 N. Illinois Main 543. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. For. JOSEPH W. —Died Jan. 23, 1921, at 6:25 a. m.. in Chicago, Hi. Friends may view remains any time after Monday. Fu neral at his home 72 North Dearborn st.. 10 a. m., Wednesday. ■ JOHNSON. LUCINA-—Died Jan. 23 at Y3O o’clock at the home of her daughter. Mrs. James Enfwlbtle, 855 N. Dearborn st.. age 77 years. Funeral Wednesday 2 p. pi. KOSTENBADER. KATHERINE K Widow of Charles R. Kostecbader and mother of Bertha. Charles. Alma and Clarence Kostenbader, passed out Sunday, Jan. 23, 3.50 p. m , age 67 years, Funeral services will be held at her home, 1555 Singleton street. Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2 p. m. Friends invited. Burial Crow n Hill. LINN. THOMAS B--Age 79 years, hus band of Elizabeth Shafer Linn, passed away at the home of his daughter. Mrs. J. Claud Thomson. Saturday, Jan. 22, 10 p. m. Funeral services Wednesday, 10 a. m., at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Marlon VanAredeil. 1019 N. Bevrlle ave. Friends may call Monday and Tuesday afternoon and evening. PATTON. HOWARD M.—Beloved s-m of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Tillman, passed away at his home, 832 E. Morris st., Sat urday, Jan. 22. Funeral Tuesday. 2 p. m. at residence. Burial at Crown HilL Fu neral and burial private. Friends may call from Sunday noon till Tuesday noon. LOST AND FOUNIP. Dogs and Cats When are In need of surgical attention will be well cared for at the Indianapolis Dog and Cat hospital. lowa and S. Me ridian Phone Drexe! 1676. Dr. Springer will answer your call promptly. LOST—Small black pocketbook contain ing *IOO, on north-bound Illinois car (possibly on Crown Hill car). Friday be tween 3 and 4 o'clock. Liberal reward. Phone Randolph 4441. LOST—Mink scarf," Friday evening, either on N. Illinois st. car. or Thirty-third st.. between Illinois and Graceland ave. Phone Harriso: 1563. Reward. STRAYED —Around 914 Indiana ave.. half grown poodle dog. Answers to name of Rags. Reward. Phone Circle 4716. LOST—Wednesday morning, lady's gold , wrist watch; libera! reward; valued as keepsake. Circle 6827 or Main 765. LOST —Silver card case with sliver vanity attached; initials L. A. P. Reward. Main 8376. LOST—Black and tan hound, answers to name of Lady. Call Randolph 087 6. Reward. LOST —Gold fountain pen; Hallmark make. Reward Call CLARK. Prexel 1225. PERSONAL®. PERSONAL—Everybody suffering piles. fistula, fissures, ulceration, constipation, bleeding, itching, write free trial Pain less Pile Cure. S. U. TARNEY, Auburn, Ind. ABSOLUTELY reliable and confidential detective work performed; reasonable rates. O'NEIL SECRET SERVICE. 229 North Penn. Main 5471. Night, Wash. 3980. HOME for Invalids, nervous ar.d elderly people. 2753 E. Washington. Irvington 1664. NOTICE®. Save 20% on your eult or overcoat while the reduction sale Is on. W. G. SCHNEIDER, 39 WEST OHIO STREET. Be suns you are In the right place. HOUBES--TO LET. THREE-ROOM house. 317 South Temple avenue. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. TWO nicely furnished light housekeeping rooms, electric lights, heat, gas range and sink in kitchen, *B.OO. Drexel 3152. TWO or 3 large clean housekeeping rooms, water in kitchen and private entrance. Pregel 3107. KENWOOD, 3302; two unfurnished rooms, downstairs, modern. ROOMS—TO LET. >^A^AA^/WWW>A/W*WWWV\/WS^V^W\ Rooms 1005)4 N. Illinois st.. Two rooms, 89. THE STATE SAVINGS & TRUST CO. Maid 4518. HIGHLAND ave., N. 117; nice, large, furnished downstairs front room; walk ing distance; private entrance; for em ployed couple; or two men. 32.50. Circle 1899. PARK ave., 2401; new elegantly furnished front room in refined, private, modern well kept home. Steam heat. Harrison 2787. PENNSYLVANIA. N., 2142; exceptionally large front room, modern, business men preferred. Randolph 5622. , LEXINGTON APT., 55; 3 front, modern furnished rooms, private family; home like. Circle 2951. MERIDIAN, N.; steam-heated room; pri vate home; gentleman only. Harrison 1818, MARKET. E., 528; modern furnished rooms, 92.50 up, steam heat. EAST st., N. 728; No. 19; splendid room. modern. Circle 4712. TENTH. E.; clean cozy, modern room, 32.50; Webster 6374. TWO sleeping rooms, everything modern. Harrison 2744. ~~BOARD AND ROOMB—TO LET. NEW JERSEY. 913 S.; board and room for twoy steam heat; every modern con venience, 37.50 each. Phone Drexel 3152. BO ARP A N DROP MS—WANT ED. WANTED —Room and board in Christian Science home for child and mother; child to be eared for*in afternoons while mother works. MRS. C. EARL. 807 N. Capitol avenue. DETECTIVES. Quigley-Hdand Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators. 825-528 Law bldg. Main 2903. MALE HELP—WANTED. WANTED —Boys to carry Times routes. between the ages of 10 and 14. Routes between South and St. Clair and Meridian and West street. Call for Mr. Moorehead at Times office between 2 and 4 o'clock. MEN to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 309 E. Washington st., Indianapolis, Ind. Circle 757. EXPERIENCED machinist. LEPPITT GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP. 1501 W. Washington. MARRIED man, experienced with horses, to drive team; house furnished. Drexel 2748. SITUATION WANTED—MALE. POSITION wanted by male practical nurse or attendant to invalids, nervous or demented persons; will go out of town. Write. Box 1014, Times. SALESMEN—WANTED. MEN of a high-grade type will find an unusual opportunity with us in our Insurance department. If you are clean cut and aggres sive. we want you to attend our insurance school, where an ex ceedingly profitable and pleasant profession ie taught. This may be the very opportunity for which you have been looking so we urge you to call and see us. We have interesting news for you. Ask for Mr. Kiromich, 913 Merchants Bank Building. Two high-grade experienced men wanted to place a preferred security with good dividends rec ords. Leads furnished. Don't re ply unless your record Is clean ar.d you are willing to work. Ad dress INVESTORS’ BANKING SERVICE CORP. 302-3 Saks Bldg. Indianapolis, Ind. EXPERIENCED stock salesmen for first class dividend paying eecurities of old established Indiana corporation. Call at room 510 Board of Trade any Tuesday or Wednesday. FEMALE HELP—WANTED. WANTED—Experienced lady or girl to resew hat braid. FAULTLESS HAT TERS, S3 W. Ohio street. sTtUATION WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED —Laundry work. MRS. ORAL, SOS Darnell street. ~ INSTRUCTIONS. Increase Your Earning Power Move up to a better position. Join a night class In Knights of Columbus Free evening school. Free to All ex-service men and women. New term opens January 31st. Call Main 3037. BUSINESS SERVICES. SA y E by havin & y° ur . old hats reno ty vated. Best work Wrj, J in city, by Amer ican Hatters. INDIANAPOLIS HAT BLEACHERY 2S Kentucky Ave. Main 6179. Only when good quality, correct style and comfort are combined with reason able price can real clothes satisfaction re sult. We have always endeavored to please from this standpoint. Suits or overcoats to your measure now 336.50. 340.50. 844.50 and up. W. G. SCHNEIDER, 89 WEST OHIO STREET. Be sure you are in the right place. fgUA BARGAINS! Sfjjr BARGAINS!! Hi.ail ii ,in used Sewing Machines. Complete line of parts for all make* machines. Rented and repaired. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. 812 Mass. Ave. Phone, Main 600. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated, mattresses and pillows made to order. E. F. BURKLE. 416 Mass. ave. Main 1423. New 23-776. PRINTING by mail; 200 business cards. $1.00; 600, 32.00, 1,000, 33.00. THOMP SON, THE PRINTER. 2109 Howard bL, Indianapolis. SAFETY RAZORTbLADES Sharpened. TUTTLEDGB. 201 Indiana ave. FOR paper hanger, call H. JOHNSON. 245 North Gray street. Webster 6715. FOR first-class auctioneer, call C. P. BIDDLE. Drexel 9181, BUSINESS CHANCEB. Why not save 20% on your suit and overcoat by ordering them now while the big reduction sale it) on. You cannot duplicate the material, style and workmanship in our garments at lower prices anywhere. Suits or overcoats that sold to your measure at from 845 to 935, now on gale at 336.50 up to 975. W. G. SCHNEIDER, 39 WEST OHIO STREET. Be sure you are in the right place. CASH for your rooming house, grocery, garage or any business that you want to sell by our method. E. E. DEAN & CO., 646-6 Lemcke Annex. Male 3887. ROOMING houses. cash or terms. 3E BREE, 40 N. Delaware. Main 5177. WANTED—To trade for a hardware stock. Address A*No. 1126, Times. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. OPENING of DR. E. P. KING’S SANI TARIUM. Thursday, Jan. 20, 1921, at 2048 Central ave. for nonsurglcal treatment of piles. This treatment must be given at our office. Patients aro not required to discontinue employment or social engage ments while undergoing this treatment. My treatment Is a painless dissolvent method, conspicuous for the ease with which it is applied and the sureness and permanency of the cure if effects. We make no charges for examination. Ran dolph 2225. PROFESSIONAL SERVICEB. VIOLET Ray and Swedish massage. MISS DE VERB. ISVj W. Market. Room 12. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. MOVE. Red Ball will move you by truck with a small payment down and the balance paid monthly-—any where. Write or ask about our plan. This only applies to Long- Distance Moving. RED BALL TRANSIT COMPANY. 18 S. Capitol ave., Indianapolis. Phone Main 4631. ~ VTTi /7 storage cheapest // U \y/ RATES IN CITY. CALL If II 1/ US. Everything at rea- II Wk|| || sonable price. Packed. \l fI It i 1| shipped anywhere. 'Cag' lX Locked room if desired. 30 West Henry. Main 4699. PA RTLOW FIR EPROOF STORAGE CO.". Local and overland hauling. Private locked rooms, experienced men. prompt service, honest prices. Special at tention given to packing and shipping. 419-21 E. Market st. Bell Main 2760. Auto. 23-688. Traction Terminal Baggage Cos. TRANSFER. Main 1298. Auto, 81-S6L aUTOMOBI LES FOR SALE. WILLY S-KNIGHT A 19)8 model that has been driven less than 6,000 miles. Has had faultless care by former own er and is In excellent condition. An unusual value. Easy terms can be arranged. Used Car Depart ment, second floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY Capitol Avenue at Michigan. % * 1920 OVERLAND A sturdy little touring car that has been driven only a few thou sand miles. In excellent condi tion. Make a moderate initial payment and meet the balance as you ride. Used Car Department, second floor. TILL GIBSON COMPANY Capitol Avenue at Michigan. OVERLAND 75 3260 will cover our claims and buy this roadster outright. Ar rangements have been made to display this car in the Used Car Department of the Gibson Com pany, Capitol avenue at Michigan. ATLAS SECURITIES CO. 70S Fletcher Savings and Trust bldg. OVERLAND 85-4 A keen roadster that will attract favorable attention In any circle. Has been overhauled and faultless ly repainted. Easy terms if de sired. Used Car Department, second floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY Capitol Avenue at Michigan. “HE BOUGHT A NASH” Good cars in high-class condition. No repairs or buying of tires necessary. They are good all the way through. Nash touring with Rex all-season top; some guarantee as new car, 91,876. The top alone Is worth $265. Overland 90, Rex top, 5 fine Nobby tread tires, all in fine shape. 1650. Cash or liberal terms LOSEY-NASH RETAIL CO. 400 North Capitol Avenue. Mala 3343. 1919 FORD A tourinp car that can be bought for a very moderate sum. In £ood condition and easy term* can be arranged. Used Car Depart ment, second floor. THE GIBSON COMPANY Capitol Avenue at Michigan. EITHER NEW OR USED CARS” INVESTIGATE OUR YEAR PLAN. “YOU SELECT THE CAR, WE FURNISH THE MONEY” AUTOMOBILE FUNDING CO. 912-13 Hume-Mansur Bldg. OLDSMOBILK touring, completely re built; motor rebored new rings and pis tons. An excellent bargain. Cash or terms. See MR. BECK. 328 N. Pennsyl vania, BUICK 6 roadster; early 1918 model; an ironclad guarantee given with the car; 3650; terms If desired. WEISSMAN. 212- 214 E. New York st. Maln_4446. WE have several touring cars and road sters. Will trade for diamonds, stock or equities in < Ity property. 334 E. Market street. Main 5716. STUDE BAKER touring. 1917; new bat tery; excellent condition. good tires; cash or terms. See MR. BECK. 928 N. Pennsylvania. FOR SALE, —One 16 model Cole car; will consider trade for roadster. Can see car after 3 30 p. m. or call Webster 7046. OLDSMOBILK 8 touring, very ,'ate "Pace maker" model; wire wheels. Will take emuller car In trade. Main 8843. COLE touring. 1914. In elegant condition and perfect working order, $276. See MR. BECK. 928 N. Pennsylvania. MAXWELL touring 1919 and 1920, in per fect condition. See MR. BUCK. 928 N. Pennsylvania. 1918 FORD touring car for sale. Call Belmont 3669. TRUCKS—FOR SALtU FOR SALE- Ford truck cheap. Cali Belmont 3013. AUTOMOBILES—WANTED. 1 WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. ' AUTOS WANTED I. Wolf Auto Parts & Tiro Cos. 619 N. Illinois St. Main 1579. Auto. 23-063. AUTOMOBILES wanted"; " INDIANAPOLIS AUTO SALES CO.. 235 N. Pennsylvania street. AUTO REPAIRB AND SUPPLIES! FOR BALE ONE WEBTINGHOUSE AIR COMPRESSOR COMPLETE WITH TANKS. QUICK TIRE SERVICE. INO. Meridian at North. * AUTOMOBILE PAINTING." The better class. The kind that lasts and satisfies. WILBUR JOHNSON CO. 138 8. East st. Phones: Prospect 5668. New 34-636. AU TO WAS] IIN G Our Specialty, 322-824 North Illinois S & S Auto Laundry DOWN TOWN TIRE SHOP: * Celluloid replaced In your curtains. Curtains made to order; vulcanizing that gives satisfaction. 85 Kentucky avenue. AUTOMOBILE tops made new and recov ered on short notice. JOHN GUEDKL HOEFEP. WAGON CO., 202 Kentucky ave. AUTO painting. FLEMING & ISRAEL, 130-132 E. New York street. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLEB, Now is the time to have your motor cycle overhauled and re-enameled. ERNEST HUGHES CO. 634-36 Mass. Ave. Main 6404. CASH paid for all kinds of motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN. 609 Massachu setts avenue. AUTOS AND TRUCKS FOR HIRE AUTOS for rent. Do your own driving. U-Drlve Auto Service. at Hoosier Laundry. Rear Keith’s theater. Main 6921. WISCON SIN FAR M LA N PS. I .ANDO LOGY SPECIAL NUMBER Just out. containing 1921 facts of clover land in Marinette County, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment you aro think ing of buying good farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number of Landology. It is free on request. Address SKIDMORE-RIEHLE LAND CO., 113 Skldmore-Riehle Bldg., Marinette, Wls. MAC HI NIE R Y AND TOO LB. FOR BALE—One used No. 16 Koehrlng paver; first-class condition. Twenty- Eighth and Columbia ave, Webster 0138. INDIANA ASPHALT AND PAVING CO. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY £4,1921. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. LOOKING FOR A HOME? I have a 6-room house on Centennial street, one square and a half from car. In good condition and priced right. It has electrlo lights, water in kitchen. Just newly painted and decorated. Wood work and floors reflnished. Has good roof and all tinwork new. Full lot with 7 roung fruit trees in rear. Price 32.350; 500 down, balance monthy. Call Ran dolph 7013. NEW BUNGALOW, BARGAIN Five rooms, furnace, electricity, good lot, '■ for quick sale, 33,000; 8200 cash and the balance easy terms. See Mr. Mclnteer for particulars, with I. N. Richie & Son. REALTORS. 803 Security Block. Main 0520. $200,00 DOWN We have three four-room cottages; elec tric lights, gas, well and cistern. In the 600 block on Pershing ave. Price $1,600; sl6 per month. Call J. W. ELDER. Eve nings, Irvington 3406. Sclimid & Smith, Inc. REALTORS. 134 North Delaware St. Main 4038. ‘ DOUBLE FOR TRADE Six rooms near East Tenth street; grafl. electrlo light*, city water, bath on one aide, lot 40x160. Renta SSO per month. Will take lot a* part payment. Price $4,500. Mr. Trueblood. Reliable Realty Cos. 601 City Trust Bldg. Main 186. Evenings, Irvington 2268. COTTAGE ON PAYMENTS! ' Four rooms; gas. electrlo lights, well and cistern; newly painted and papered. Located south. PRICE 32.150. 3260 cash, 318.60 month. DUNLOP * HOLTEGEL. REALTORS. 122 E. Market st. $l5O CASHUpRICE sl/750 ~ Four-room cottage—on Bloomington st., just off of West Washington street. Close to school, sls a month. A. F. ZAINEY. 149 East Market Bt. . w On Olney, northeast, 6 fl tt || rooms, modern to the VI II Aw minute; garage, front drive, full lot. steam heat. $5,750 and an exceptional value. GEO. A. LUCAS, 405 People's Bank Bldg. Circle 6600. FOR COLORED 3100 cash and 313 month. S rooms, elec tric lights, newly pulnted. Only $1,200. Russe H. Hartman. 22 4 N. Delaware. SIX-ROC) M ~SEM I- MOD ERN. $2,600. on payments. Sheffield avenue, West Indianapolis. Phone Mr. Adams, Irvington 1667 in the evenings. W. L. BRIDGES. Realtor. 336-9 K. of P. Main 411* VACANT, ready for occupancy, east on paved street, near St. Philip Nerl; seven room modern, east front home. Owner left city; must sell. See us at once. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. _ Main 10L Til ALLMAN AVENUE Four room*, electric light*, corner lot. 12,00 V; easy term*. Main DISC. Evening*, Irvington __ H(>MK NORTH. h Seven-room modern with long living room In front. Kant front with ail im provement* in; gnrg*\ $8,600 c*nh. MARION COUNTY STATE BANK. MaSSACHUHETTS ave.. two double*, four room* to a. hide; rent S6O month; elec tric light*. bargain. PARIS, 313 Hume-Mansur b:dg Main 6071. |lO i 4.8 H then SI 3 5 VHkly. bur* l*rge Mgh level lot two square® southwest of fair ground®. Price SM.S bargain. 540 Lemcke Annex. Main 1409. FOR SALK- -Two-room hou*e and lot, S6OO. Owner. 2334 Roosevelt avenue. REAL EST AT E—WANT ED. HOME WANTED. Will purchase or lease modern house with at least four bedrooms and garage; located north of Thirtieth street and east of Illinois street. Willing to pay reason able worth; payment oaeh or Its equlvo lent. Would lease same class of property at generous rental. All answering uom muntoatlona confidential. Address A No. 1127, Times. SELL YOUR MARS HILL LOT. We have a limited amount of common capital stock in tho Lafayette Building Company to exchange for your Mars Hill lot. Call Belmont 777, or write LAFAY ETTE BUILDING CO., Mar* Hill, Indi anapolis for further information. FARMS—FOR 3ALE. STARK COUNTY FARM on Tippecanoe river. Good level land; worth $l6O an acr*. Will eell or trade for SIOO an acre. Equity $1 4,000, good build ing**, fenotng: neur Culver, Ind. Frank S. Clark & Cos. 119 ACRES Improved, with good 8-room house, barn 60x50 In good repair, about 100 acres In cultivation, rest In pasture, on a good pike 3 miles from railroad town, owner wants hotel In good own. LANE & GRAYSON. Seymour. Ind. POULTRY AND FRUIT I.A ND 3 IS SUNNY FLORIDA, near Jacksonville, tine lands; we will help you financially to make good. Write JAX HEIGHTS CO., Jacksonville, Fla. Ml SC ELL A N E<3 U B—FO R SALE. FOR SALE DAMAGED FREIGHT at private sale for a lew days. Cotton Batte for Comforts, $2.09 per carton. J carton Toy Rakes. Hoes and Shovels. 1 White Enamel Refrigerator, S2O. 1 Walnut Chlffenette. $26. Lot Grappela (Grape Juice.) Axle Grease —Transmission Grease. 1 Box Tinware and Notions. Prunes—Dried Peaches. Syrup—Gallon cane. 1 Box Candles. 1 Child s Crib. 7 Child s High Chairs. 2 32x3Lee Tires. 1 Box Canton Flam el (or shoe lining.) 1 Lot Broken Furniture and parts (fine for some repair man.) Dry Goods, Hats Caps and Shoes. Woolen goods In bolts. Shelled Corn for Chicken Feed. Rugs, various sizes and patterns, great ly reduced. Flour Feed. Washing Machine. Lot shredded wheat, $2.00 per carton. Leather Grips, Trunks, Suit Cases 69 cartons Shredded Wheat. £6 cents per carton. 248 cartons Macaroni and Spaghetti (suitable for stock food.) Mattresses, Matting Chests. Hoofing Paint, Varnish and Oils. 3 barrels fellow Ochre. Stoves and parts. Bath Tuba. Sinks. Lavatories. Rice, $4.00 per 10t)-Ib. bag. Wood and Galvanized Tubs. Bttrial Robes and Casket Lining Silk. Many other articles. UNCLAIMED FREIGHT STATION, C., C„ C. A Bt. L Ky. Cos. 25th and Brlghtwood ave. Open 8:00 a m. to 6:00 p, m. Satur daye. 8.00 a. m. to noon. W Pants Sale Now On [I V THE PANTS \I / STORE CO. \ (l I Two Stores. VJ LI 4S W. Ohio St. Jtf Vk Stt w- LARUE quartered oak cashier's desk, 11 feet long. 30 Inches wide, bronze rods in the win dow'. with frosted glass oil each side, four drawers, complete shelves below, Inclosed in doors. Bert Essex 208 American Central Life bldg. Quit wearing ready-made ~~ PANTS We make them to your a j J measure for J/ LEON TAILORING CO.. 131 E. New York st. Upstairs. FOR SALE—Good furnace and cook wood. Call evenings Webster 5194. HAND- power washing machine for sale. Phone Drexel 1683. FOR SALE—Woven wire single bedspring. Randolph 8283. PET STOCK AND POULTRY. HOMES wanted for healthy homeless dogs. INDIANAPOLIS HUMANE SOCIETY. City dog pound. 824 E. N. Y. 11 to 12 dally. FOR SALE—Female canary bird. Phone Randolph 1798. SAVE MONEY by taking advantage of the BARGAINS that appear daily under — Real Estate For Sale Automobile For Sale Household Goods For Sale Miscellaneous For Sale Business Chances In fact if you have ANYTHING to buy or sell it will pay you to use THE DAILY TIMES CLAS SIFIED SECTION, the short est route between buyer and seller. s MISCELLANEOUS—WANTED. A^'VVNAF*FvFSA^VWW>A/VSA/V6/VN/NFWWWW Tailored suit* and overcoats, ready-to wear, In all rizes, to close out at greatly reduced price*. W. G. SCHNEIDER, 39 WEST OHIO STREET. Be sure you are In the right place. •—■— A CALL me before you sell your household goods. I will pay you cash or get you more at auction. L A. HODGES, auc tioneer. Main 2534. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. USED GOODS. Better value for less money. Reflnished exactly like new at half the new price. Also fine ruga, stoves and gas ranges. Guaranteed. Vlctrola* at cut prices. USED GOODS STOKE. 424 Mass. Ave. There is only one. ~ RUGS Hundreds of rugs, all kinds; wool filler, Axmlnster, Hozart. velvet, Wiltons, graaj matting; any kind of a rug; we have them. Come and see our rugs before you buy. GLAZER 211 E. Washington t. FURNITURE. linoleum, stovea; all kind* of uod goods at reduced price*. E. KROOT, 607 W. Washington street, do to BAKER BROS] for furniture, til East Washington utreet. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. RECORDS; good ref ords of any make you desire. 40c. 13 AKER BROS., 219 East Washington. GOOD upright piano $l4O. Payments. klaln 205. Ask for Chas C. Morgan. USED player piano, thres years to pay. Main 205. CHAH. C_ MORGA COAL AND WOOD FOR SALE. COAL Large Indiana Lump $7.00 Main 6270. Auto. 23-238. " “COAL Indiana Lump. $7 Ohio Lump, sll. Poco. M. R., J 9. Interstate Products Go. Drexel 0914. Main 0982. SPECIAL— ' IND. 4-IXCII LUMP, $7.50 ILLINOIS LUMP, $9.25 WEST VIRGINIA LUMP, $11.25 EASTERN IvY. M. It., $10.75 ‘ EMERGENCY COAL CO. Main 5066. 46 N. Penn. Auto. 23-001. 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Poes. Lump . . $12.50 Poes. M. R. . . $ll.OO Ky. Lump . . . sl i .00 L. H. BAIN COAL CO. Malr. 215. Main 8631. COAL Indiana Fork Lump $7.60 Pocahontas Lump $12.60 Also other grades at reasonable prices. Drexel 0806. GOAL ~ Indiana, Illinois. Eastern Kentucky’ and bard coal. Dig Four Elevator PrOHp.ct 6878. _ Auto. 62-882. Illinois Lump, $8.50 Nlca, largo coal, good for furnacn or *tove, Ililnola agg. $3.00 Prospect 3280. Auto. 82-384. INDIANA LUMP—INDIANA MINE RUN. ILLINOIS EGO—ILLINOIS LUMP KENTUCKY MINE RUN—POC. MINE RUN. SELLERS COAL COMPANY. 422 VV. 17th at. Randolph 1103. MINE RUN COAL, $6.50 E. F. MONN COAL CO. Belmont 2500. Belmont 0133. COAL AND COKE - BUILDING ’ material Drexel 2001. Drexel 2748. Auto. E2-HO. Prompt delivery. INDIANA coal, Pocahontas M. R., 311.50; Pocahontas lump, $12.60. Mala 8617, or Auto. Sl-60S. best Illinois coal indianv 36.50, at yard. $5.76. Main 6930. BEST Indiana Linton lump forked, $7.60. Call Main 6228. ILLINOIS mine run, $6.75. DrcxeV~B2B<r Auto. 25-884. ~ AUCTI O Na. AUCTION SALE Auction eaie Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock at 457 Highland ave. Take K. Michigan car; you get off at door. Six Bxl2 rugs, email rugs, brass beds, kitchen cabinets, gas range, rocker, bed ciothes, curtains, kitchen utensils, fumed oak din ing room set, leather seated chairs, water- ? ower washing machine, sideboard, olec rlc fixtures, Victor talking machines, dressers, silverware, fine velour daven port and a world of other articles. Everybody come. TWO LIVE WIRES. BINZER & KALY, AUCTIONEERS. Main 5999. Webster 7121. "“AUCTION auction - REAL ESTAIE THURSDAY, JAN. 27. BEGINNING AT 1:30 SHARr, DOUBLE HOUSE, 7 ROOMS AND BATH EACH SIDE. LO CATED 1227-1229 E. MARKET ST. THIS HOUSE IS RENTED FOR $56.60 A MONTH. FULL SIZED LOT. THIS IS A GOOD RENTAL PROPOSITION AND WILL BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER; WARRANTY DEED, GOOD ABSTRACT, AND INSURANCE PAID TO APRIL. FOR FURTHER INFORMA TION, CALL DEERING <& HARRIS AUCTIONEERS CIRCLE 1650 223-26 HUME-HANSUR BLDG. FINANCIAL. WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WE PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS, MORTGAGES, BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER, Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg. Southwest corner Delaware and Market. FIRST and second mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate. R. B. WIL SON. 109 N. Delaware st. Main 1618. INSURANCE in alt branches. AUBREY D. PORTER, 818 Peoples Bank bldg. Main 7048. NOTICE,^ Delinquent Tax Sale Lots and Lands BEGINNING MON DAY, 10 O’CLOCK A. M„ FEB. 14. 1921. j RETURNED delinquent for the I NON-PAYMENT OF TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1919, PAYABLE IN 1920, IN MARION COUNTY. ! Note — Total amount of costs and taxes ; uue includes 50 cents for certificates and I 00 cents for advertising. Explanation of Abbreviations—Add.— addition; bl—block; il—inlot; ol —out lot. (Center Township.) Aetna Mortgage & Investment Cos., Braden et at North Indpis odd, il 38, blk 15, $26.18; Aetna Mortgage & Investment t al North Indpis. add, 11 69, bik Is, $60.04; Aetna Mortgage & In vestment Cos., Pierson's North Meridian St. add, 41 rt S side, 11 85. $3,460.40; Ameri can Finance Cos., Blake's sub 110 ft W end, 11 13. blk 7, $370.70; American Finance Cos., Blake's sub. 81 ft W end. 11 14, blk 7, $821.37; Anchor Realty Cos.. East Lawn, ii 71. $17.60. Beverly Realty Cos., Allen’s 2d North il 832, $12.98; Branuum-Keene Lum ber Cos., Prler’s sub Robioaon & Voorhees add, il 47, $87.24. Capitol Securities Cos., Jose Balz 32d St add, il 15, $233.18; Central Veneer Cos., Parker Han way aub A. K. & I. Fletcher’s Oak Hill (ex 15 ft N side), il 10. $13.64; County Real Estate Cos., Dorsey’s South East udd, 11 34. $8.80; County Real Estate Cos., Dorsey's Uouth East add, 11 35, $8.80; j County Real Estate Cos., Theo Meyer's add ! T 1)4-12 ft N side, 11 85, $3.66; County Real Estate Cos., Theo Meyer's add, 11 100, $3.66; County Real Estate Cos., Theo Meyer's add. il 101, $3.66; County Real Estate Cos., Theo Meyer’s add. 11 116. $3 66; County Real Estate Cos.. Hogate & King’s Rural St &. resub Hanna Heirs' add. 11 7, $34.46; County Real Estate Cos., Hogate & | King’s Rural St & resub Hanna Heirs' (add, 11 10, $34.46; County Real Estate Cos., I Sangster & Harrison & Cos.. Oak Hill, il 2, I blk 8, $16.60; County Real Estate Cos.. | Sangster & Harrison A Cos. Oak Hill. 11 16. blk 8, $19.05; County Real Betate Cos.. Jaek | son Pk, 11 208, $15.60; County Real Estate I Cos., Jackson Park, 11 435. $16.50; County , Real Estate Cos., Bchofieid Harrison 5c Cos. add il 21, blk 4. $13.98; County Real Estate Cos., Fletcher et al sub g E 14, 11 404. ol 98, $3.81; County Reel Estate Cos., | Harlan & Kresaler'rt Northern Height* il 15. j $72.84; County- Real Estate Cos., Thorn ton’s eub Clsm's add, il 45, $29.37 ; County j Real Estate Cos., Glenn's sub Brook’s add, ;il 9. $14.30; County Real Estate Cos., Glenn's sub Brook's add, 11 10, $11; County Real Estate Cos., Holliday's Garfield Park add. II 402, $16.60, County Heal Ebtate Cos.. I. Fletcher's 2d add S <4. 11 91. $46.85; County Real Estate Cos., Elmwood, il 29. blk 3, $11.36; County Real Estate Co s Oak Park. 1)4 ft N side. 11 153, $2.39; County Real Estate Cos., W. J. Mussulman's add J 3.55 ft N side of 123 ft W end, 11 10. $103.72; County Real Es tate Cos.. Shoemaker's South East add, 11 16, $13.93; County Real Estate Cos., Shoe maker's South East add. 11 17, $13.93; County Real Estate Co- Shoemaker's South East add. Il 19, $13.93. Emerson Heights Realty Cos., Emerson Heights N sec, ii 43, blk 11, $26.84. Fishback Co- Merrill’s sub 40 ft E of 30 ft W end. 11 13. ol 104, $65.12. German Investment A Securities Cos.. Mlnter’s sub Clifton on the River, 11 88, $38.89; GiU Buenuagel Co- State Square, 11 145, $114.95. Haueiaen. Wm., Realty Cos., Lammert & Vahid's sub A. E. &. I. Fletcher’s Oak Hill, 11 17. $6.93; Haywood Tire & Equipment Cos , Nos Gillette et W of Coffey at mid pt W 4 N E '* sec 10-13-3, 1.50 ac. $52.14. Imperial Drop Forge Co- Clark & Os good's Ist add. 11 81, $61.82; Indiana In vestment sfc Securities Co- Garfield Heights il 28, $19.06; Indianapolis Securities Cos., Schofield Harrison & Cos. add. 1! 25, blk 4. 160.68; Indianapolis Securities Co- Bruce Baker add. il 6. bik 12, $55.88. Jose Balz Co— Jose Xialze Central Ave add, Il 42, $391.16; Jose Bala Cos., Prluce ton Place, 11 17, $107.71. Maribn County Conetruction Co- Conar roe's sub K. T. E'letcher’a 2d B side. 11 9, $27.60; Marlon County Construction Cos., ; 1 onarroe’s sub E. T. Fletcher's 2d B side, :11 10. $20.90; Marlon Homs Building Co s! Hc.lliday Garfield Park add. il 673, $16.49; ! Marion Home Building Co- Holliday Uar | field Park udd, 11 681, $16.49. j National Invesiment Co- Dr. Martin's j N Y add E of Owosso ave N B *4 S E )4 i sec 3-16-3, $6.22; National Investment Cos.. I Downey & Chamber’s South East add. 11 its, $11.36, National Investment Cos., i Downey A Chamber's South East add. U | 14. $11.36; National Investment Cos., j Downey A Chamber's South East add, 11 j 15, $11.26; National Investment Cos., j Downey A Chamber’s South East odd. 11 I 16. $11.36; National Investment Co j Downey A Chamber's South East add. 11 17, $11.26; National Investment Co s Ilarrlaon A Cos., Oak Hill, 11 20, blk 17. $8.81; National Investment Cos., W. j B. Wilson's North 6t add. il 88, $8.80; Na- J tlonat Investment Co- Clifton Place, il 86, $27.28; Nordyke & Marmon Cos., pt 8 W )4 sec 11-16-8, 1 1-3 ac, $944.92. I’lvot City Realty Co- Sos Belt R R, W H N W H, seo 17-16-4, 30.54 ao. $790.13: Pivot City Realty Co- Schofield Harrison • Co- add, i! 20, blk 3. $26.96. Hoyse. Wilbur A— Investment Cos., Chris tian's 2d K Wash St add. il 62, $79.31; Hoyre Wilbur A- Investment Co- Cross Tr Clifford Ave add, 11 12. $13.58; Royse. Wilbur A- Investment Cos., Cross Tr Clif ford Ave add. 11 22. $13.59; Royse, Wilbur A., Investment Cos., Lincoln Eark aeo 3, il 19, $109.91. * Shirley Realty Co- Lequat's sub. 41 ft on Ind. Ave E pt, 11 3, ol 160, $164.03; Southern Lumber Cos., Woodlawn Place, 11 BS, $165.78; Southern Lumber Cos.. Reagan I’ark. 11 174, $96.03; Southern Lumber Cos., Hubbard et at South East add. 31 ft N of 80 ft S side, 11 21, blk 4, $59.06; South ern. Pierson's North Meridian St add, 47)4 ft E end. 11 25. $89.19; Southern Lumber Co- Pt. Clair Place, il 16. $110.22; Spaeke Machine A Tool Co- 81 3-10 ft on Penn stxSi 2-13 ft on Mad ave Nos 92 ft S E cor, ol 25, $3,886.74; Sunnymeade Realty Cos., Armstrong Park, il 832, $715.59; Sunnymeade Realty Cos.. Armstrong Park, 15 ft E side, il 330, $823.88. Tindall Realty Cos., Lammert & Vahles sub A. E. A I. Fletcher'R Oak Hill, il 14, $13.93; Tindall Realty Co- Lammert A Vahles eub A. E. & I. Fletcher'a Oak Hill, 11 16. $13.93; Tindall Realty Co- Lammert A t ables sub A. E. A I. Fletcher's Oak Hill, il 16, $41.72. United Securities Co- Drake's sub W. W. R- il 74, ol 14, $13.93; United States Corrugated Fibre Box Cos., I. Fletcher's 3d add. 11 126. $82.28. Nan Brlggle Motor Devtco Co- Drake’s add N o*. ii 5, blk 23, $329.56. Washington Street Realty Co- Seiden stlrker a et ul sub. 11 A, blk 62. $586 03. Abrams. Henry, Stone's S Meridian St add. 11 73. $9.02; Adams, Nettle. Wood ruff's eub Morris add 10 ft N side, 11 11, $90.42: Adamson, C. H., Metzger's Gar field Park, 11 29, $24.08; Admire, O. 8.. McCord & Wheatley's S E add, 11 66. $17.27; Admire. O. B- McCord & Wheat ley's S E add, il 87, $12.98; Albert, Owen G- Stone's South Meridian St add. 11 68, $26.66; Albright, R. Frank, North Side add, il 16. blk 4, $152.49; Alexander, Alice. C- Cottage Grove, il 62. $72.39; Alexander, Robert, Fletcher et al's sub. NW 4 3K )4, il 404, ol 98. $8.80; Allard. Naomi M., Wright’s sub Johnson’s hrs add, 11 20. blk 26, $96.87; Allen. John Jh, Davis ub Hatching’s Js Darnell’s N Side, 11 8, blk 11. $10.34; Allison. Rufus K. A Viola M- (Vajen's N add) E of school lot 1)4 che & Sx4o ft. S W cor E % S W V* seo 23-16-3, 20-100 ac. $97.51; Almond, Charles A Teresa. Keystone Park, il 101, $58.82; American Surety Cos. of New York, (Jniverzugt sub Henderson add, 11 3. blk 8, $60.11; American Surety Cos. of New York, Unlverzagt sub (ex 3 4-12 ft North Bide, il 2, blk 8, $86.20; Anderson. Martin, & Mate J- Purcell's sub Jones’ add, it 71, $27.28; Anderson. Martin & Mete J- Purcell's sub Jones’ add, il 69, $14.96) An derson, Martin & Mete J- Purcell’s sub Jones' add, ii 70, $38.50; Anderson, Alfred, Morgan’s West Indpis.. 11 30, $51.64; Appel, Fred O- North Brookside Park add, 1) 112, blk 3, $72.38; Appleman, Chas. W- Vandeman's Prospect St add, il 8, $19.06; Appleman, Chas W- Vandeman’s Prospect Pt add, 11 4, $57.97; Apploman, Chau. W- Forest Park sec A, il 8 blk 18, $127.67 ; Appleman, Chas. W., McCord & Wheat ley's South East add, 11 114, $8.94; Apple man. Chas. W- McCord & Wheatley's South East add, il 116, $8.95: Appleman, Chas. W- McCord & Wheatley’s South East add. 11 116, $8.96; Apploman, Chas. W„ McCord & Wheatley's South East add, 11 117. $16.77; Armstrong, Clarence M- Allen Root & Englush’s 2d Woodlawn, II 307, $78.84; Arnold, Harry A- Holllda.y's Garfield Park add. 11 327, $12.98; Arnold. Harry A- Holliday’s Garfield Park add. il 328, $12.98; Arnold. Samuel & Frlada, Routh’a sub Johnson Heirs’ add, 11 10, blk 18. $63.87; Arold, Edward J. & Verna C- Miller & Wacker'a Parkway. 11 296. $55.43; Arthur, Llva & Joseph. McCarty’s 7th W Side add, 11 222. $68.68; Asbury, Frank, Raymond Park lights seo 2, 11 283. $11; Ayres, Arthur S. & Isabelle T- Bradbury & Cos. South East add 11 76, $12.98; Ayres, Arthur 8. & Isabelle T- Bradbury & Cos. South East add. U 80, $12.98. Baker, Charlotte F- Hardebeck’s sub Vajen’s 6th add, 11 21, $11; Baker, Char lotte F- Hardebeck’B sub Vajen’s 6th add. It 26, $11; Baker, Charlotte F- Harde beck's sub Vajen’s 6th add, 11 27, $11; Baker, Charlotte F- Hardebeek's sub Vajen's 6th add. 11 28, $12.99; Baldwin, fitrr B- Barth Heirs’ add, 11 2, blk 11, $38.63; Barsge, Charles W. & Laura A- Armstrong Park, il 304, $87.90; Bannon. George, C St. John West Ass S W hi, il 43, $29.33; Banton, Sarah C- Lynche’s sub Hutchings & Darnell's N Side, 11 10, blk 10, $71.65; Banton, Sarah C- Downey’s & Irvin's sub, il 21, blk 6, $88.33; Barber, America, C. Reed’s add. 11 28, $16.50; Bar bery, Martha, Howard Heirs’ add. 11 59. 123.22; Barnes, Robert W- N Brookside bark add, 11 165. blk 2, $16.94; Barnett Robert & Annie, Johnson's 8d w I add 11 57, $41.43; Barr. Alfred E- Tuxedo Park, U 18, blk 5, *165.54; Barrett, Clara LEGAL NOTICE. (Continued.) M. P. & Fred J- & Grace L. Prow, Bar row. Place, 11 11, 816.50; Barry. Maurice J., Miley’s add, 11 28, $52.93; Bassett, Edwin H- Morton Place 67 ft W end, U 163, $153.88; Bassett, Edwin II- Morton Plaoe 15 ft S side, ii 85, $330.85; Beard, Marie G. Ppann & Co.’s Ist Woodlawn, 11 194, $62.82; Beatty, William S- La Salle Park resub, J] 14. $45.62; Becker, I .owls, Berk eley, 11 46, $12.99; Beckett, Karl H- Brad ley Denny & Atkinson's E Wash St, 11 130, $93.06; Beckett, Wyomond J- Stone’B 5 Meridian St add, il 42, $9.24; Behmer, Benjamin F- Lincoln Park seo 1, il SO, blk 5. $128.66; Bell. Charlea J- Powell’s sub Ik T. Fletcher's Ist Brookside, 11 6, blk 1, $19.89; Benedict, John L- Clem's sub Hanway & Hanna's Oak Hill, 11 7, $38.58; Bennett, Thomas W. Bradbury & Co.'s a E add, 11 204, $14.96; Bentley, John W- Greenleaf's sub Greenleaf's add, II 6. bik 63, $5.06; Benz, William H. & Clara M., Washington Gardens, il 31, $81.66; Berry, George H- Fletcher et als sub S E V 4, 11 365, ol 96 etc. $34.43; Berry, George H. & Jennie. Hosbrook’s Prospect St add, Il 174, $20.91; Bertsch, Edward S. & Herman W. Ott, et al's East Park add, 11 359, $34.76; Best, Wil liam, S. K. Fletcher's S Brookside add. il 6, blk 9, $96.57; Beyschlag, Charles, Sanders' et als Park add, il 27, $14.97; Beyaohlag, Charles, Sanders' et al's Park add, 1! 28, $14.97; Beyschlag. Charles, Sander's et al's Park add, 11 29. $14.96; Beyschlag, Charles, Sander's et als' Park add, 11 SO. $14.96; Bickel. Harrison C- Yandes’ eub, 11 192, ol 129. $27.92; Bick noll, Katherine <A. Hazelhurst, 11 65, $24.91; Biggers, Fred J- Park Crest, 11 102, $16.94; Biaesi. Opho G. & Ada L.. Shoemaker's sub Parker et als’ 2d Oak Hill (ex 5 ft N side) 11 75, blk 3. etc.. $11.79; Bogart, Jessie, Johnson’s E Wash St add. il 7, $71.20; Boidt, Mary 3- Clif ton Place, il S3, $50.21; Bone. Willie, Anna 6 Henry. Hamlin's sub Drake’s & May haw's 2d add. il 19, blk 9. $13.87; Boner. Sarah J- Vajen’s S Brookside, il 110. $80.65; Bond, Jessie W- Wacem’s Place (ex 60 ft W end), i! 7. $263.83; Borin ateln. Annie, Metzger's sub Turner's add, 11 12, $11; Borinsteln, Annie, Metzger’s sub Turner's add. Il 13, $11; Boulclen. Asa H- Douglass Park, il 97. $145.03; Boulden. Asa H.. Budd's sub (ex 3 ft B end), il 1. ol 86 $37.02; Boulden. Asa H- Budd's sub (ex 3 ft E end S V,). ii 2. ol 86. $165.32; Boulden, Asa H., Build's sub, il 3. ol 86, $87.47; Boulden, Asa H- Budd’s sub, il 4, ol 86, $87.47; Boulden, Asa H., Budd's sub, 11 6, ol 86, $105.50; Bowers, Myrtle B- E. T. Fletcher’s aub et Fletcher’s & Sk add N )a, 11 39. $20.60; Boyer, Ruth Pal mer, E. T. Wood's 3d Oakland Park, 11 SO. $66.83; Bra-densteln, John. Cross Trs Clif ford Ave add, 11 62, $16.92; Braun, Mar garet. Ogle et als' E Park add, il 64. $112.31; Brehob, Frederick W., Miller s Sub Yandea add (ax 14 80-100 ft E end), il 50, $31.79; Brehob. Frederick W„ Miller's sub Yandes add (ex 14 80-100 ft E end) ill 61, $60.15; Brewer, James E. N Indpis., ill 21, blk 6, $67.76: Brewer, James E IN Indpis., 11 22, blk 6, $22.39; Brewer, ! James E- S & B F Morris Oak Hill add 30 ft S side, ii 115, $67,76; Brewer, Mary | B- Sullivan Admrs' sub SO ft S side, il 4. ol 100, $44.16; Brickley. William, Marlon ! Park, 11 49, $51.24; Bridges, William L i Dorsey’s sub A E A I Fletcher's Oak Hill I add, 11 46. $17.27; Brlnker. Henry C— Kob | bin's aub North Side add, 11 1, blk 3, ,$24.86; Brlnker, Henry C- Bobbin's sub I North Side add, Il 2, bik 3, $20.90; Brlnker, Henry C., Bobbin's sub North Side add. 11 8, blk 8. $20.90; Brinkman. Mary M- M. Bruce's sub A J & M Bruce's add, 11 9, $174.71; Brown, Albert. Harrison sub 15 ft E of 100 ft W end of 48 ft 3 side, 11 6. $65.45; Brown. Benjamin A- S A Fletcher's Jr., N E add, 11 7, blk 2, $40.37; Brown, Harry W- Johnson's E Wash St add, 11 16, $61.60; Bullock, Catherine. Young's 2d University add, 11s 48, 49, 60. 61. 52. 63, 54. 66, 57. 58, 59, 60, 61. 62, 63. $247.86; Burk Mary A. & Lemmon O ’ Shoemaker’s S E add. il 7, $11; Burk. i Mary A. & Lemmon O- Shoemaker's S E add, 11 8. $11; Burk, Mary A. & Lemmon I O- Shoemaker's S E add, il 9. $11; Bur- I nett. Elsa W., Brightwocd, !! 4, blk 60, $36.74; Burnett, Mabel I„ Bate's sub 35 ft B side. 11 61. ol 89, $93.72; Buehong Charles E. & Forest L- Roaches N Indpis, il 19, blk 29, $60.98; Butterfield, Albert P., Moore’s sub Barth Heirs' add, 11 13, blk 8, $66.19; Butterfield, Alvorr, Sangster Harrison & Co.'s Oak Hill add, 11 20, blk n. sß.7i. Cahalane, Patrick J., Bruce Baker add, il 1. blk 11. $127.92; Cahalane. Patrick J- Bruce Baker add 11 2, blk 11, $80.64; Caldwell, Marion, Latham’s 2d sub David son lat add, 11 6, $401.51; Cannon, Isaac H. Burr & Miller's sub Brook's add. Us 47, 48. 49, 62, 53, 55. 56, 57, 58. 59, 50, $124.93; Campbell. Agnes D. C- Duncan's add. tl 27. $749.61; Cariin. Robert L. & Laura E., Bruce Place add 8 ft N side. 11 68 *121,68; Carlisle. Char'eß C. & Ethel L.. Vajen’s South Brookside, il 36, $112.44; Carmichael, Orville & Laura J- C F Res ner's 4th W Indpis add. 11 59, $19.63; Carr, Jeptha C- Keystone Park, 11 78. $121.30; Carroll, Charles R., Kerrey's Gar ’ field Park add. 11 5. $47.50; Carson. David 1 il. & Meranda R- Braden Riverside add, ill 82, blk 16. $18.98; Carson. David M. & I Meranda R- Braden Riverside add, 11 33. ! blk 16. $13.93; Carson, David M. & Meran ; da R- Braden Riverside odd. 11 84, blk 16, ; $13.63; Caraon. David M. & Meranda R- Braden Riverside add, ii 31. blk 18, $13.93; Carter. John V- Crawford's & Taylor’s Ist add W W R, il 27, ol 18, $24.20; Car ter, Minnie. Braden's Riverside add, 11 9, Ol 6, $11; Carter, Minnie, Braden’s River side add. il 10. ol 6. $11; Casserly. Nellie L. Holliday's Garfield Park add. il 545, $15.44; Castor. John w., Edwards S. John i son Heirs’ add 11 41, blk 19, $166.12; Chambers. Charles & Nellie V., Holliday’s Garfield Park add, il 294. $23.97; Chap- I man. Ogden D. Jt Jeanette M.. Lazcrus & Coleman Harvard Place. 11 28. $152.41; Chapman, Sarah J- Robbins' VV Indpis add. 11 117. $41.88; Chapman. Sarah J., Robbins' W indpis add, 11 118, $37.08; Chose, Charles G., Lowis & Co.'s Arsenal Hts 21 ft S side, 11 7, $107.61; Chatman, Burl, Glencoe Place. 11 61, $39.06; Cheney, John R„ Brightwood, 11 4, blk 60, $11.35; Chew, Edward & Vesta V’., Brlghtwood 3 1-3. 11 8. blk 97, $62.71; Christian, Wl’mer F. Sr.. Christian E. Wash St add. 11 96, $20.90; Christopher. Clarence W., Emerson Heights £0 3, il 32, blk 5, $37.01; Church, Joel, Garfield Height* 11 81. $14.90; Church, Mt. Paran Baptist, Kappes' & Naltner's Sth St add. il 26. $12.98; Church Mt. Paran Baptist. Kappes' * Naltner’s Sth St add, 11 27, $12.98; Clarke, Charles B. & Walter C- Vance's eub Parker Han way tt s Hanna's Oak Hill add, 1! 3. blk 2, $18.60; Clarke, Walter C., Beatty's add. 11 37, blk 6. $42.88; Clarke, Walter C.. Jennlng’s Sugar Grove add, 11 8, $20.67; Clarkson. J. E., Lenox Place, 11 241, $15.82; Cleaveland, A. 8., Solis' VV Indpis, add (ex Ky ave), 11 62, $11.35; Cline. Blanche I. Sorln's sub 37Vj ft S end, il 25, ol 175, $366.26; CUne, Charles E., Bash South eastern add, il 61. $11.36; Cline, Charles E. & Charles W. Sholburn, Robbin’s N Indpis add. 11 100, $40.70; Coan, Frank, Sherman Heights, 11 11, $19.06; Cobb, Geo. M. Lazarus & Pierce's Merid riace, 11 26, $317.66; Coburn, Lydia C„ (life estate) Coburn 2d add. il 12, $16.92; Coohran, Mary. Trotter’s TYustee Brookside Park add. il 97, $16.94; Coddlngton, Elmer, Hare’s Ist add to Brlghtwood 3 %, tl sl, $6.23; Coffman, Adrienne V., Bruce Baker add. 11 26, blk 13, $113.55; Coffman. Edgar O- Parker sub A E & I Fs Os.k Hill add, il 30. $16.49: Coffman, Edgar O- Perker sub A E & I Fs Oak Hill add. 1! 81, $16.49; Coffman, Edgar 0., Parker aub A E A I Fs Oak Hill add, 11 33, $18.49; Coffman, Edgar 0., Parker sub A E & I Fs Oak Hill, il 34, $16.49; Coff man, Edgar 0.. Parker sub A B A I Fs Oak Hill add. il 47. $16.49; Coffman. Ed gar 0., Parker sub A E A I Fs Oak Hill, il 49 $16.49; Coffman, Edgar 0.. McCarty's 3d West Side add, il 87. $31.92: Coffmar.. Edgar 0.. Holliday's Garfield Park add, 1! 444. $18.98; Coffman, Edgar 0., Thorn ton's sub Clem's sub (ex 4)£ ft B side), II 21, $11.36; Coffman. Edgar 0.. Noble Heirs’ sub, 1! 249. ol 45 $134.12; Coffman, Edgar 0., Braden et al N Indpis add. il 82,x blk 14. $60.54; Coffman. Edgar 0.. Clark & Osgood's Ist add, 11 136, $73.41; Coffman, Edgar O- Hogate’s & King’s Rural St resub Hanna Hrs, 11 4. $84.46: Coffman, Edgar 0., Yandes sub, il 105, ol 180. $38.86; Coffman, Edgar 0.. Robbin’s & Hubbard's Hill Place add, 11 70, $61.73; Coffman, Edgar 0., Wocher's Oak Hill sub A E Fletchers' Oak Hill add, 11 10, $14.02; Coffman. Edgar 0., Page's sub pt N W Ave vac adj, 11 4, blk H, $78.07; Cole. Albert 8., Moore's Forest Park, 11 25. $24.98; Coleman, Alva & Mary B. Mc- Cord A Wheatley 3 E add. 11 128. $12.98; Coleman. Alva & Mary 8., McCord & Wheatley S E add. 11 129, $12.98; Cole man. William H-, Avondale, 11s 31. 32, 83, 34, 85, 85, 37, 38, 39, $314.96; Connaughton, Thomas E., Flora Park. 11 87, $9.01; Con ner, Nellie E., Armstrong Park, tl 200, $89.38; Conner, Robert L., Osgood’s For est Park 25 ft 8 side, 11 87, $261.83; Con over, Ray W. & Josephine C., Bradley Denny & Atkinson E Wash St add. il 7. $66.68; Cooley, Lee H., Holliday’s Garfield Park add, 11 366, $22.56; Cooper, Charles M.. 77 ft South end. il 3, blk 60. 200.28; Cooper, William H. No. 2, Greenleaf's sub Greenleaf’s add. 11 4, blk 84, $87.82; Cor ooron, John J. A Rosa F., Hardesty’s eub Jones’ add 85 ft Sos 85 ft N end, 11 24, $85.35; Corey, Harry 8. & Kate TANARUS., Hub bard's Park Heights, 11 18, blk 9, $22.89; Corev. Harry S. & Sarah K„ Hubbard's Park Heights, 11 19. blk 9, $65.78: Corey. Harry S. & Sarah K- Hubbard‘s Park Heights, 11 20, blk 9, $119.23; Corona, Louis & Josle, Arsenal Park, 11 64, $157.30; Cos tello. Jeremiah A Delia, Yieser Gdn add 80 ft Nos 80 ft 8 end. 11 122, $39.70; Cowen. Eli 0., Ray Tr eub, 11 45, ol 169, $25.84; Coyle, Otto L., Fletcher's High land Park Home add, 11 139, $11.36; Coyle. Otto L., Fletcher's Highland Park Home add. 11 140. $11.35; Coyle, Otto L., Fletfli er’s Highland Park Home add. il 141, $116.95; Craig. Robert C„ Osgood’s Forest Park add 40 ft E end, 1! 139, $20.90; Cravens. Grace H., Hervey’s Garfield Park. 11 32, $15.27; Cravens. Grace H., Hervey’s Garfield Park, il 33. $15.27- Cravens, Grace H., Hervey’s Garfield Park, il 84, $15.27; Cravens, Grace H., Hervey’s Garfield Park. 11 41, $15.27; Crawford, Alfred R. A Loula T.. Bradbury & Co.’s South' East add, il ’9, $12.98; Crist, Carl C. & Pearl 8., 'helton's sub Molivin’s add, il 3 blk 13, $53.97; Cromwell, Olive M. & Stella E., Youngerman a Ist add, il 30. $41.83; Cross, LEGAL NOTICE. aivvwwvw-nrirmrrmio^ Charles M_ Holland’s sub Robson & Veers heos odd 8 ft E side, U 85, $3.67; CrtaL Le Roy & Marjorie 8., Hasseiman Place seo 1. 11 66, *152.90; Cunningham, Willard L. A Laura, Fletcher & Ramsey’s Brook, side add. 11 17. 199.98; Curry, Louleo, Marlon Park, 11 898, $20.63; Cushman,L Harvey B. & Martha J., North Side ad<D t 11 21. bik 8. $74.26. ’ Dala, Annie. £6 ft W side Hiawatha sti by 100 ft corn 156 6-10 ft Sos 8 Hue of Michigan st pt, 8-15-3, ol 156, $28.48: Dampier, John, No. 2, Holliday's Garfield Park add, il 572, $39.87; Da.nforth, Jam L. Holliday's Garfield Park add, 11 674, $16.50; Danna, Paul, Stevens' sub, il 1, ol 103, $169.52; Dansberry, Edward, W G Denny Big 4 add, 11 116, $15.88; Daulton, Moses, Browndale add, il 36. $24.18; Davis, Birdella, Greer & Waters' sub 30 ft 8 of 30 ft N end. il SI, ol 101, $41,64; Davis, Henry F.. Holliday’s Garfield Park add, 11 258, $12.39; Davis, Nannie P.. Armstrong Park, il 592, $94.85; Davis, Sidney H., Marion Park 10 ft E of & adj. tl 218, $20.90; Day, Olive A.. Central Park, 45 ft E end (ex alley), 11 4, blk 4, $52.34; Degaro, Charles & Maria, McKernan's sub, 11 1, ol 100, $90.20; Demaree, Playford, 5 A Fletcher’s Jrs N E add, il 32. blk 14, $19.97; Demore, Playlord. 8 A Fletcher’a Jrs N E and, il 31, blk 14, $80.96; Deni son, Edward F. & Hattie 8., Neal’s W Wash St add. il 19, $03.66; Datleff. Julia I>., Sangster Harrison & Co.’s Oak Hill add. il 5, blk 9, $16.48; De Vore. Austin G„ Trotter Trs Brookside add. il 1, $86.10; Dial, Julius L., Holliday's Garfield Park add ii 17S, $14.96; Dial, Katherine A., Holliday’s Garfield Park add. il 177, $14.96; " Dickert, Jane E., Porter's eub P.hipps’ Springdale add, il 11, $303.95: Dietz. Frank J., Garfield Heights add. 79, $14.96; Diver, George J. & Nellie Martindale’s add, il 10, $463.72; Donovan. Anna, Brlghtwood. il 2, blk 117, $12.99; Donntr, Anna E.. Bickel’s sub Hanway & .Hanna’s Oak Hill add, il 22, $12.98; Dooley, Pleasant il. & Emma M„ Keystone Park, 11 79, $137.81; Dooley, Ira A. & Jessie G., Miller & Wacker’a Parkway add, il 85, $39.70; Dougherty. Kate. Roache’3 N Idpls add, il 16, blk 30. $52.62; Downey, Joseph M. & Sarah A., Bickel’s sub Hanrvay & Hanna’s Oak Hill add. 11 4, $63.04; Drew, Jaraei H., St. Catherine Garfield Park. 11 8, $34.13; Duck, Berkley W. & Lawrence M. Peterson, Cleveland Central Park, 11 5, blk 9, $20.90; Dunlap, Fred M. & Emma J., Hubbard’s Park Heights, 11 27, blk 4, $89.65:. Ealy, James & Alice, Rosedala, tl 72, $35.22; Eaves, Clement Tr & Henry E, Bergmann. Peru & Indpis R R Co.’s add (ex R R). 11 7, $594.44; Eberhart, Levi G. 6 Anna, Vajen’s South Brookside 110 fi W end, il 173, $06.60; Eby, Lawrence J. A Carlisle, Douglass Park, 11 36, $194.2*) Eokman. Mary L. Pierson's N. Meridian St 59 ft E of 50 ft N line 62)4 ft 3 line W end. il 10, $202.76; Eder, Frank St Luolle, Kappes’ A Naltner's S Mer St add. il 2, $54.34; Edwards, Charles A., B. Talbot’s Rev add, 41 48, $228.86; Edwards, John A. & Lucy F., Allen’s sub (ex 80 ft S end). 11 4, ol 151, $55.70; Edsvards, Mabel R., W. C. Denny’s Big 4 add, 11 79, $11.36; Ehrhardt. William F., Miller & Wacker’s Parkway, 11 169, $145.56; Eikea* berrv, William H., Factory Place, 11 4, $12.95; Elkenberry, William K., Factory Place, il 104, $12.98; Elliott, Wilbur R. St Mary E., Bybee A Pratt's Ist West Side add, il 81, $67.76; Endicott, Bertha A. (A. J. Yates 1 life est). Holliday’s Gar field Park, il 547, $14.86; BrschelL Mary, J, A. A M. Bruce’s add 40 ft NV of 62 tt E end. il S9, $64.80; Erschell, Mary, J. A. & M. Bruce's add 40 ft W of 69 ft E end. 11 89, $161.47; Evans, Jesse F„ Elder’s Eastern Heights. 11 54, $140.86. Falke. Frederick W. A Emma L. Ham lin’s sub Johnson’s Hrs' add. il 9, blk 18, $173.02; Farah, Sam, Factory Place, 11 25, $12.99; Fidelity Trust Cos., Tr., Glencoe Place, 11 11, $31.71; Fife, Eugene M. A Evelyn H-. Hasselman Place seo 1, 11 93, $253.35; Flscus, Zada V., Lenox Place, il 147, $28.60; Fisher, Allen P. A Ethel W., Addle Nichols’ North Park, il 22, blk 2, $151.39; Fisher, Caroline, No. 1. Robbins) IN Indpis, il 37, $54.95; Fitzgerald. Henry P.. Bash’s South Eastern ave, il 43, $13.73; Flack. George W. A Ora, 10. Owen’s Park I Grove, ii 6, blk 2, $59.59; Flanders. Flor i ence W„ S A Fletcher s Jr North East, add. 11 9, blk 4, $74.22; Flanders. : W„ Bruce Place add 43 1-3 ft South S*fe> il 130, $180.26; Fiennay, Sam A Bilal Lough, Parker Hanway & Hanna’s resubl Parker Hanway A Hanna's 2d Oak Hi 11,4 11 43. blk 1, $47 80; Fletcher Savings & i Trust Cos., tr., Mlnter'a eub Clifton on th River, il 14, $81.79; Fletcher Savings A Trust Cos., tr.. Berkeley add, il 49. $16.50; ! Fogelman. Marv R., Cross trs Clifford’s jAve add, II 164, $16.94; Foley. Daniel, ; Jackson Park, il 260. $66.62; Ford, Anna lE..IE.. Strauss North East add, 11 5. $3.68; 'Foster, Anna. Marlon Park, 11 99, $29.85; i Foster, W. C., Bash South East, il 71. ; 511.35; Fox. Simon 8.. Frank A Ryan’s sub, il 1, ol 108. $171.08: France, Thomas P... Holliday’s Garfield Park. 11 634, $12.99; Frelje, Massad E. A Julia V., Llttee’s sub E )t, il 10, ol 85, $118.58; Friedman, Mary, Fletcher et al sub S E H, 11 217. ol 96, etc $65.41; Fudge, John W.. Morrlston’s Sd add, 11 142, $339.44; Fuller, George W, Marion Park. 10 ft W of A adj st wao, il 182. $28.85. Gall. Clara S., Watson’s sub Osgood’s North Park add, 11 4. $442.41; Gardner, Alma C.. Lincoln Park seo 2, 11 1, blk 9, i $252.79: Garshwller, Bessie, Nordyke A Hoilowell’s Grandview 61 3-12 ft S side iof 82 ft W end. 11 1. blk 2, $151.60; Gelslcr, Edward. Murphy’s South East add, il 178, $11.37; Geisler. Edward, Murphey's South East add, il 179. $11.37: German American Trust Cos., tr., Riverside Laka View, i! 54, $14.96; Gibbons, Arthur J. A Louisa D , Armstrong Park, il 570, $44.44; Gibson, Ethel. Hogehlrc et al Pleasant Run add. 11 41, $68.68; Gibson. Roy L. A Alta M. Nicholas North Park add, il 3 blk 1. $166.94; Gilbert, Alpemla, Ven der Saar's sub, il 3. $83.48; Gilbert, Al pcmla-, Vonder Sttar’a sub, 11 4, $28.^3: Gill, Mary A., A. Wright’s rub A G Wright Woodslda, 11 1, $65.67; Gill, Mary A., *L. Wright’s sub A. C. Wright’s Woodsido. 2 $119.55; Gill. Mieheal F„ Ogle et al East Park (ex 1 ft S eide) 11 211 *28.01; Gillespie, Celia. Searon’e sub Johnson Hrs add. Il 45. blk 25, $45.71; Gillespie, Ed ward A Susan E.. Southern Lumber Cos. Wash Gardens. 11 20. $5.82; Gilliland. Anna 1... Jos. A. Moore’s North add. 81-16-4, ii 21 $91.16; Girvan, David & Sybil Eb, Elder’s Eastern Hghts, 11 88. $74.85; Glas* Joseph, Smith’s Pleasant View add. !1 109, $23 67- Glass, Joseph. Smith’s Pleasant View add, i! 99, $11; Glidden, Albert E„ Brightwood. 11 4, blk 196. $64.64; Glmer, Illse. Johnson’s East 10th St add, 11 146, $9.08; Glmer, Illse, Johnson's East 10th St add. il 145, $9.03; Goepper, Cora IC., Edna IC Martin A George A. Kuhn. Cleve land et al Central Park, il 15, blk 2, su 91: Goetz, Philip. E. Talbot’s rev add is 4 ft Sos A adj, 11 £l6, $218.85; Gold rick. D. W. A O. V., Elliot's sub, il 45, ol 156, $145.80; Goldrlck, D. W. & O. Elliot’s sub. il 49. ol 153. $29.81; Goodo, John 3.. Gill’s Eastern Place, 11 4. $53.66; Ooodykoontz. Lucy C., Lincoln Park. U 28, blk 15, $122.54; Gordon, William G. & Levona 51., Armstrong Park, 11 424, $l9J)B{ Gorman. John A County Real Estate Cos., Hubbard’s Park Heights, 11 7, blk 3, $17.83; Braham, Nathan P.. Alien 2d N Indpis add, il 99. $77.22; Grant, Florence, Moore’s Forest Park, IL 16, $19.06; Gray, Bertha A., Jennings’ Sugar Grove, 11 3, $6.11; Grav, William, Bruce Baker add, il 23, blk 12, $66.44; Green. Hervay I. & Gertrude L., Marum sub Fountain Square, il S. $48.23; Green. William E. A Katt* F., F!3cus sub Johnson Hrs’ edd 37. 6 f<- N side, 11 29, blk 21. $130.13; Gribben. David S.. Hosbrook’s Prospect St add. 11 IST. $16.46; Griffith, Elnora L A Mortgage Investment Cos.. Floral Park. 11 60. s7jl*{ Grover, Lida. Fatout’s sub W W it. il 5t ol 14, $15.54; Grover. LUla, Lararus & Coleman’s Harvard Place, 40 ft S side or 110 ft W end. il 37. $191.39; Guedelhoefer, Brown & Morrison’s sub 20 99-100 ft on Meridian StxlOO ft S E pt, il 2. 01 So, $386.08; Guidon*. Joseph, Reynold s Nartn Tuxedo add. il 233, $59.12. J - Habig, Andrew A Hedwlg, Miller s Or phan Home S E add, 11 82, $14.90; Hablg, Andrew & Hedwlg. Miller’s Orphan Home S. E. add, 11 33. $24.22; liable. Andrew A Hedwlg L., Jose’s 2d Pleasant VaUey 58 ft E of 79 ft W side, 11 21, $44.70; Had> Clyde A. A Edna E.. Berterman’s let# il* 14. $77.13; Hadlock, Joseph 0., UC Park sec 2, il 28, blk 10, $192.76; Ha.,/, Bertha, Metzger's E Mich St add. L 61. $12.99; Hall, F. nma L, Edward’s N West ern Park add, 11 210. 939.93; Hall. No t, Eltel’s N Mer St add, 11 16, $574. Halute&d, Lewis E.. Stout’s New YortJ add W W R. il 063. ol 13, *S3.E9| Hamrick. Thomas E.. Gregory’s sub Hit wav’s A Hanna’s O Hill. 11 7. $94.84) Hancock. F. Wayne, Shoemaker s 9 E add, II 20 sll- Hanoock, F. Wayne. Shoemak er's S E add. 11 31. $11; Hanna, Anna R. A Roberto, Rchroulcke’e Mad Ave odd, U 22 $29.82- Hanner. Maurice H. & Harriet M.'. Dmvnev A Irwin’s sub H A DS Brook side add, 1131, blk 7, $57.86; Hardrlck. Georgia E.. Hosbrook’s Prospect St add., Il 173 $19.92; Hardrlck, Georgia E., Bloke's sub, 11 76. ol 168. $49.64; Hard rick John W., Forest Park seo A, 11 10, ol IS $117.10; Harper, Darling M. Morri son Purcell’s sub Jones’ add. il $7, $35.74; Harper, Darling 51. Morrison, Purcell’s sub Jones’ add, II 38. $19.05; Harper. Darling M Morrison. Purcell’s sub Jones’ add, 11 89 $20.51; Harper, W. Di Morrison. Pur ceil’9 sub. Jones’ add. 11 53. $93.48; Har rington, Bernice, Cooper’s Pleasant Park add, 11 63, $20.46; Harris. James H. A Beatrice, Hanna Heirs’ add W %, 11 4T, S4O 43; Harris. James W„ Owens* Park Grove il 24. blk 1. $18.91; Harrison. Theo F Robbins’ 2d N I add, tl 201, *14.98; Hartford Saving A Investment Cos., Cleve land et al Central Park add. 11 9. blk 8, $20.90; Hartford Saving A- Investment Cos., Cleveland et al Central Park add. 11 10. b'.k S, $20.90; Hartford Saving A Invest ment’Co., Cleveland et al Central Park add. 11 11. b!k*B. $26.90; Hartmann. Cha" I, A Minnie, Johnson A Hogshlre’s Wash St add. 11 206. $C3.64; Harvey. Wm.J X., Kettonbach et als’ sub E. T. Fletcher’s* 2d Brookside. il 6, $23.68; Hassler, Eliza-* both J-. Osgood's 2d slerldlan Park, 11® 47, $282.92; Hastings, Otis L A Elizabeth j H., Roll’s spb Armstrong Park, il 19> $45.31; Hayes. Frank J., Harsch’s add, & (Continued on Next Page)