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14 jpljr “CanlSave WmfTr. . Regularly ?“ fpi An important question to ask y ourself Your answer no doubt, is Yes. k|| But is that an honest answer ? j-: Prove to your own satisfac tion that it is. And let this vT> IMIS Bank help you * * • Open an account today-a single dollar starts it-and g|U let your pass -book with its Iggi week- in, week- out entries |U?J Ifpf prove you can acquire one of j§j|3 1 |pi life’s Best Habits- M for keeps? Slsl —AiVcw. r I : Xi>£rj/ V^y fcafoings anU Crust Contpasj Northwest Corner Market find Pennsylvania BRANCHES 1233 OUver Avenue 2122 Eart Tenth Street Northeast Corner West and Washington : j 125 TREE SPECIES THRIVE IN STATE Conservation Department Re ports 2,325 Plant Families. Indiana has about 125 species of trees and 2,325 species of plants, the Cora has been studied as intensively as any Stare In the Union and our commonwealth has been traversed by some of the greatest botanists, Charles C. Deam, State fores ter for the department of conservation, told members of the Nature Study Club in session Saturday evening at the city library. Mr. Deam deplored the attitude of some people and some communities of the State lor lack of appreciation of trees. He cited an illustration where a farmer near Muncle cut a lone sturdy oak stand ing in the center of a teu-acre Held for the reason, as he facetiously put It, "to prevent said farmer's cattle from loafing when they enjoyed the cool shade of the spreading boughs.” “Os the 123 species of trees in Indiana I doubt If one-half of them cau be found in any one county, except a few counties of the southwestern part of the State," Mr. Deam said. "If you wish to find trees not found In Marion County, let us take a Journey southward. You would hare to go to Shelby County to see your first sweet gum; to Morgan County to see your first chestnut; to Brown for chestnut-oak and hemlock; to Jackson to see the cow oak and cucumber tree; to Washington to see the Spanish oak; to Scott to see the scrub pine, etc. If one wishes to see the pecan and cypress they are to be found in the extreme southwest* - ern part of the State. To see the tama rack one must go north at least as far as Allen County, where they may also see the yellow birch. The white and ca noe birch, the arbor-vltae and gray pine are on the border of Lake Michigan.” Because students of nature when they go afield are equally interested in the herbaceous plants, as well as trees. Mr. Deam called attention to the classifies tlon and distribution of the flowering plants and ferns of the State. “Indiana was traversed by some of the early great botanists. Over a hundred authors have contributed about 200 arti cles on the subject. The first of the great botanists to come to Indiana was the elder Mlchaux who. on a Journey to the Western country, disembarked at New Albany and went overland to Post Vin cennes in August, 1795. lie remarks con cerning this Journey that of all the Jour neys he lad made in America for the last ten years this one was most difficult on account of the great number of trees overturned by storms; the thick under brush through which he was compelled to go through and the great number of insects that attacked him. “In ISIB, David Thomas on a trip through the western country entered In diana at Rising Stin, and traveled west ward through Vevay, Lexington and Salem to Vincennes. He remained at Vincennes some time and left us a rec ord of about 100 plants and trees that be observed during his stay. In ISIS. Thomas Nuttal passed down the Ohio Elver and landed at several places In In diana. He left no plant records. “The same year Raflnesque made a horseback trip from Evansville to Neof Harmony. He likewise left no records. In 1832-34 Prince Maxamillan passed through Indiana and on account of sick ness was detained at New Harmony. In ltßß he published a list of about sixty trees and shrubs he observed in the Lower Wabash Valley. “The next publication on Indiana bot any was by Dr. Clapp, who worked in the vicinity of New Albany. In 1852 he published a list of the medicinal plants of the United States, and It mentions 288 that are found In the vicinity of New Albany. Harvey Young of Hanover in 1871 published a list of 009 species found in Jefferson County. From this date on several local floras were published, until in 1881 the editors of the Botanical Gazette and C. R. Barnes published a flora of the State in which they re corded 1,432 species. “Prof. Stanley Coulter, dean of science at Purdue University, in 1900. published hit catalogue of the ‘Plants of Indiana,’ in which he lists 1.759 species. Since this publication 566 species have been added.” Mr. Deam declared the greatest num ber of plants found In any six counties studied was in Vigo where 853 were re ported. He estimated the original flora of Marion County would not have ex ceeded 800 species, and opined it would be difficult to fined 650 species remain ing today. He called attention to the pressing need of a biological survey of the State for scientific and economical reasons. Indiana Boy Under Specialist’s Knife Special to The Times. AXpERSON, Ind., Jan. 31.—Word has been received here that Robert Turner, Anderson boy, suffering from a blood clot on the brain as a result of injuries re ceived when he was accidentally shot * year ago, had been operated on by Dr. Cushing, brain specialist at Boston, Mass. A -.lind was raised here to send the boy ta doston and the surgeon performed the service free. The boy’a conditional ■atad*a as eerilou*. rf* GOVERNMENT TO FILL POSITIONS Examination Dates of Civil Service Announced. A large number of government posi tions are to be filled by competitive ex aminatlons under the United States Civil Service Commission, according to Henry M. Trimpe, secretary of the civil service board. In the Federal building. Examinations for some of these places have been held recently, but in every instance the number of applicant* fell considerably below the needs of the serv ice. Asa result new examinations have been ordered, as follows: Assistant observer wear’ 'r bureau, ap prentice plate cleaner, apprentice letter engraver and picture engraver. Feb. 23. Stone polisher and grainer, Marcn 1; physician for the Panama Canal service and apprentice fish culturlsts, March 9. In addition to the above list, the fol lowing positions are open. Telephone operator for the local Federal building, chief statistician and schedule experts for the United States Railroad Labor Board, historian to compile history of the air service for the War Department, assist ant director of films to prepare and edit educational motion picture films for the Department of Agriculture, food and drug nspector, research and editorial assist ant with library experience for the Fed eral Board of Vocational Education, type writer repairman, photographer, technical instructor, multigraph operator, electrical engineer, civil engineer, mechanical en gineer, drainage engineer, steam engineer, translator, computer, dental referee, in come tax auditor, expert appraiser and examiner estate tax division, and exam iner of accounts in interstate commerce. ROENTGEN RAY BANISHES AGE Scramble of Wrinkled Women to Follow Discovery. VIENNA. Jan. 81.—A ray of hope for aging womanhood ha* been discovered, according to the announcement today ot Professor Holznecht, director of the | Roentgen Institute here. It Is the Roentgen ray. | “Woman Is rejuvenated physiologically and pschologlcally by the treatment I have devised,” Holznecht declared. ! Blurred voices have become clear and | fresh, he asserted. Complexions have j cleared, eyes brightened and wrinkles | disappeared, while the patient eutered life with new zest. The treatment, he said, consisted in i playing the feeblest rays upon the pa ! tient. “Age It banished,” the professor de clared. Thirty per cent of his experiments have been successful, ho said. CHICAGO, Jan. 31. —Real old folk will , have little use for Roentgen rays, I)r. ! Lillian R. Hobbs, woman physician, said here today. But it undoubtedly will be popular among those less than 70, she said. “Men : and women above that age haven't enough energy to desire to be young 1 again.” Foreign Trade Body Requires No License The Foreign Trade Finance Corpora tion through the State “blue sky” com ’ mission has been Informed by the attor ney general that it need not obtain a ; license to sell stock in Indiana. The cor poration has inquired what its status would he when It came Into the State, i The corporation Is being organized un der the Esch act of the United States , Congress. Five Firemen Killed and 19 Hurt in Blaze PROVIDENCE, R. 1.. Jan. 31.—Five i firemen were killed and nineteen others I injured while fighting a fire in the heart j of the business section here today. The dead: John Tavul, Arthur Cooper. Thomas Kellaher, horseman, and two un identified. Will Take Off All Excess Fat Do you know that there la a simple, harmless effective remedy for overfatness that may be used safely and secretly by any man or woman who la losing the slimness of youth 7 There Is; and It la none other than the tablet form of the new famous Marmola Prescription, known as Marmola Prescrip tion Tablets. You can well expect a re duction of from two to four pounds a week without dieting or exercising. Mar mola Prescription Tablets are sold by all druggists at one dollar for a large cane, or If you prefer you can order direct from Lthe Marmola Cos., 3SII Woodward Ave., BstroU, Mich.—A-dTartUemaaL SOCIALISTS OF ITALY MOVE TO OUST CABINET Debate of Deputies Expected to Bring Vote of Confi dence in Premier. ROME, Jan. 31.—Enraged over events of the most disastrous week in the his tory of Italian Socialism, Socialist leaders touay began a determined effort to over throw the Giolittl cabinet. Debates, participated in by thirty depu ties, ware expected to last through the week, with Premier Giolittl certain to receive a strong, vote of confidence at their conclusion. Socialists,, in their opening statements declared the government has not made proper use of facilities to' “prevent the man-hunting and assaulting of Social ists by the Fascist! (antl-Soclalists.) They charged the premier directly with responsibility for the nation-wide reac tion against Socialism. The only refuge for the Socialist depu ties was within the chamber itself, guard ed by troops. If they ventured outside they were apt to be chased by mobs which drove them from restaurants and threatened their lives. The deputies charged that police and troops should have been assigned to bet ter advantage to prevent attacks on So cialists’ meeting places, labor halls and the like. MAIL ROBBERY ARRESTS SEEN Additional Action Expected by Police in $500,000 Pouch Grab. CHICAGO, Jan. 31. —Additional ar rests were expected today In connection with the $500,000 mall pouch robbery at the Union Depot two weeks ago follow ing the arrest of two women and a man in a raid on a south side apartment. An effort will be made today to iden tify Edwin Beveridge, the man arrested as the man who sold $15,000 worth of the bonds said to have been stolen in the Union Depot robbery, to a Chicago brokerage house. Mrs. Beveridge and Mrs. Dollie Haggerty were the women arrested. Beveridge, It is said, had $27,000 in cash and securities in his possession when arrested. CONTRACTORS TO MEET WEDNESDAY Associated Builders of State Outline Program. The third annual convention of the Associated Building Contractors of In diana will be held at the Claypool Hotel Wednesday and Thursday of this week, preceded by a meeting tomorrow of the executive board and some of the com mittees. The program for the opening session of the convention, Wednesday morning, provides for an address of welcome by Mayor Charles W. Jewett, an address by Governor Warren T. McCray, an address by the president of the organization, A. J. Hoffman of Evansville, and the an nouncement of committees. Reports of officers and committees and the presentation of resolution* will be heard Wednesday afternoon. The reports of iocal secretaries, relative to local building conditions and the work of local associations, and a general dis cussion of general conditions of the building industry, are on the program for Thursday morning, and in the aft ernoon there will bo election of officer* and the transaction of new business. Thursday evening, nt 7 o’clock, the As sociated Building Contractors of Indiana will be the guests of the Builders and Manufacturers Mutual Casualty Company, Chicago, at a banquet in the Riley room of the hotel. The officers of the association are: President, A. J. Hoffman, Evansville; vice presidents, Max Innscher, Ft. Wayne; Charles Morrow. Muncie, and O. A. Toelle, Terre Haute; secretary - treasurer, C. C. Pierson, Indianapolis; Held representative, John 11. Owens, In dianapolis. Utilities Hearing’ to Be Held Feb. 9 Hearing will be held by the public service commission Feb. 9 on the pro posed merger for four State traction and utility companies. Those utilities that desire to merge are: Interstate Public Service Company, Louisville and South-, ern Indiana Traction Company. Louisvilla and Northern Railway and Lighting Com pany. The Interstate Company will ab sorb the other three. Stockholders of the United Gas and Electric Company and the New Albany waterworks will vote this, week on the question of merging with the above com panies. , iflii 'On'S "/it i O'l 11 v s Oiw' "Pape’s Cold Compound" is Quickest Relief Known Don’t stay stuffed up! Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose of "Pape’s Cold Compound” taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks any cold right up. The very first dose opens clogged nos trils and the air passages of the head; stops nose running; relieves the head ache, dullness, feverishness. “Pape's Cold Compound” costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, contains no quinine—Insist upon Pope’s!—Adver tisement. Adler-i-ka Cured Him! “I was troubled with gas on the stoin neb, sour stomach and constipation. 1 commenced taking Adler-i-ka and it helped me at once. Three bottles com pletely CURED me.” (Signed) Johann Palmer. Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing foul matter which poisoned stomach. Brings out all glasses, relieving pressure on heart and other or gans. EXCELLENT for gas on the stoni ach or sour stomach. Removes surpris ing amount of foul, decaying matter which nothing else can dislodge. Tends to CURE constipation and prevent ap pendicitis.—H. J. Huder, Druggist, Wash ington and Ponasylviula Sts.—'Advertise ment. * INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1921. I DOG HILL PARAGRAFS 1 n IIS’; J '•; I , l.i * 1 * 14 ; , I ; : *• * , . j * * * The general public cannot but help notice that while the postmaster has a brand new suit of clothes the postoffice roof still leaks on the great common people. ... Washington Hocks got to talking a few days ago and let his pipe go smack dab out, and there was not another match In the crowd, , ... Dock Hocks is now roaehlng his hair on the left side to hide the place where the mule kicked him the last Jirne. Indianapolis Man Dies jti Pittsburgh B. S. Brlegel, former manager of 11 W. Dublske & Co.’s Indianapolis branch, died suddenly in Pittsburgh, Pa., this morning, according to a message received at the company's office here. No details were given. Mr. Brlegel was promoted to the Pittsburgh branch only two months ago. Mr. Brlegel formerly lived at 1603 Cen tral avenue, but a short time before bis promotion to the Pittsburgh office he had removed to 2063 North Meridian street. He was a native of England and about 33 years of age. He Is survived by his widow. For photograph, that radiate your personality, / da the Moorefleld copper- / toned portrait* are mo.t Wl *W popular. Coine today for V 7-A |K a sitting, 1 -^^l# Ninth Floor. Kahn Bldg. |F a Tho Best Cough Syrup Home-made Here’, an easy way to save F2. and ; yet have the best cough rarnedy you ever tried. tb- .. .. You’vo probably heur.l of \\ this home-made cough syrup. \\\ But have you ever used it? \\\ Thousands of families feel that \\ thev could hardly keep house \\ yitliout it. It's simple and l cheap, but the way it takes hold ll cl a cough will soon earn it ad permanent place in vour home. j| Into a pint bottle, |>our 2]' a I ounces of l'inox; then add plain ] pranulntcd sugar syrup to fill up j the pint. Or, use clarified molas- | see, honey, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. It tastes good, never spoils, and gives you a full pint of better cough remedy than 1 you could buy ready-made for ; three times its cost. It is really wonderful how | quickly this home-made remedy conquers a cougdi—usually in 21 hours or less. It stems to pene trate through every air passage, loosens a dry, hoarse or tight cough, lifts the phlegm, heals the membranes, and gives almost im mediate relief. Splendid for throat j tickrp, hoarseness, croup, bron- | chitis and bronchial asthma. Pinex is a highly concen- j trated compound of Norway J pine extract, and has been *W used for generations for I throat and chest ailments. To avoid disappoint ment ask vour .drug gist for “2 1 /z ounces of Pinex” with full direc tions, and don't accept anything else. Guar anteed to give absolute ■> satisfaction or money refunded. The Pinex Cos., Ft. Wayne, Ind. DINE-X gk fSH ou 9^ B JL. PIMPLY? WELLDOfiTK People Notice It. Drive Them Off with Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass you much longer if you get a package of Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets. The skin should begin to clear after you have taken the tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver with Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets, the successful substitute for calomel; there’s no sickness or pain after taking them. Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and just as effec tively, but their action is gentle and safe instead of severe and irritating. No one who takes Olive Tablets Is ever cursed with a “dark brown taste.” a bad breath, a dull, listless, “no good” feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad disposition or pimply face. Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed w ith olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Dr. Edwards spent years among pa tients afflicted with liver and bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely effective result. Take one or two nightly for a week. See how much better you feel and look 15c and 30c. DON’T SIMPLY “WISH” you had money in the bank —Put it there. Call a halt on careless spending—turn around and start on the road to careful savings. WE PAT 4'/2% ON SAVINGS $1 WILL OPEN AN ACCOUNT HERE. MEYER-KISER BANK 136 EAST WASHINGTON ST. Electric Washing Machine* Guaranteed to wash 100 per cent clean, j ",' n %Sg3ESSB3LO Sold on convenient terms. *"“*• HATFIELD ELECTRIC CO. Now Now Open The Big Open CONEY ISLAND JOY FEZ TOMLINSON HALL BENEFIT of World War Veterans STUPENDOUS j WONDERFUL I NOT A DULL GIGANTIC FREE ACTS | MUSIC | MOMENT SIDE SHOWS FUN FOR YOUNG AND OLD Come admission: Come j Q _ Children lOc j Q _ Night Adults 2Qc Night y Nitrous Oxide Gas FOR ABSOLUTE Painless Extracting JUST A QUIET. GENTLE BLEEP YOU FEEL NOTHING. Whether you have one or thirty teeth extracted, It’s all the same. You simply breathe this wonder ful air for just about a minute and you are sound asleep. When you wake up, your teeth are gone. ISN’T THAT WONDERFUL? Come in und see some of the beau tiful work we are doing in Arti ficial Teeth, Crown and Bridge Work. But whether it be a small filling or a full set of teeth iu either case we put forth our beat effort*. And you will not be dis appointed in our prices, either. (United Union Dental Corp.) Eitejjorg & Moore DENTISTS CORNER EAST MARKET AND CIRCLE. Ground Floor. No Stairs to Climb. vy=~ ■■ FURNITURE We Treat You Right CASH OR PAYMENTS Little Furniture Store 211 E. Washington St. ' CLOTHING —OX CREDIT Hoyle qarick and Clothing Cos. 303-306-307 W. Washington St. 2 Doors West Senate Are. v —■■■ -/ IN TIMES LIKE THESE A medicine that costs only 5 Cents a Day or $1.50 a month, should be thoughtfully considered. We know of only oue that does this, namely. Hood’s Sarsaparilla which has a half century record of efficiency and worth. It creates an appetite, aids digestion, makes food taste good, purifies and vit alizes tho blood, makes the weak strong, eliminates the poisons of catarrh, scrof ula, rheumatism, fortifies the body against infectious diseases, fevers, grip, influenza. Get Hood's Sarsaparilla today. Hood's Fills are a fine laxative.—Advertisement. FOR SKIN TORTURES - ZemOj the Clean, Antiseptic Liquid, Just What You Need. Is Not Greasy , Don’t worry about eczema or other skin troubles. You can have a clear, healthy skin by using Zemo, ob tained at any drug store for 35c, or extra large bottle at SI.OO. Zemo generally removes pimples, blackheads, blotches, eczema and ring worm and makes the skin clear and healthy, Zemo is a clean, penetrating, antiseptic liquid, neither oticky nor greasy and stains nothing. It is easily applied and costs a mere trifle for each application. It is always dependable. The E. W. Rose Cos. Cleveland. O. Ideal Winter Cruises West Indies Windward Islands Panama Canal Caribbean Ports of South America Sailing From New York February 21 st and March 23rd A Wonderful Cruise of Twenty-five Days For Full Information and Reservations Call or Address STEAM SHI I’ DEPARTMENT Merchants National Bank FRENZEL BROS. Your Satisfaction Has been oar success. Most of oar customers come recommended by satisfied customers Our thorough method j jT of examination of the _......eyes gives you a feoi '4 f\ jr Ino of security your fl I **™* will be oatlo- Y factory and that your I N '3h€llHiros' / I case has been handled well and by ape- Lense* La any frame or mounting in our stock, complete with silk guard and case— to $5.50 When TWO pairs of glasses are needed we recommend Invisible Bifocals (ground together, not cei for far and near vision, in any frame or mounting in our stock, complete— sß.oo to $14.00 Wo specialize on oculist prescriptions or will duplicate jour lenses at these prices. Hoosier Optical Cos. 148 NORTH ILLINOIS STREET. GET THE HABIT Wear ) NOE’S Jewelry Everything in Jewelry. THE FLETCHER M. NOE 103 X. Illinois St. JEWELRY STOKE. Opp Terminal Station. CLOTHING ON CREDIT • PEOPLE'S CREDIT CLOTHING CO. 4e N. PENNSYLVANIA ST. End FLOOR OCCIDENTAL CAFETERIA OCCIDENTAL BLDG.—ILLINOIS AND WASHINGTON A GOOD PLACE TO EAT YOUR BREAKFAST Sale of All Odds and Ends Remaining from onr semi-annual Clean-Sweep Upto^O^Silk MUFFLERS —Knit of finest pure thread silk, silk and wool and fine’mercerized silk; trimmed with silk fringe. Some irregular and some slightly soiled. While They Last — See our windows for scores of other bargains. 1 d——amm na—■ —-i Cor. Wash, and Del. Sts. M If Hartmann 1 1 Says itsßijfht I V It IS Rjs& / mwnumis Jl-y7-39 E.WASHINGTON ST, Cmit Washing Your Face But Never Your Teeth So many are alert to eternal clean liness because It Is considered a friendly act to remind an acquain tance that the face is smutted. 4 But who is to remind you, or no tice that your teeth are neglected? An unclean mouth poisons the stom ach, and often leads to chronic disease. Keep your mouth in condi tion by having your teeth examined regularly. ‘ I neglected my teeth for years. They were extracted without pain bv the People's Dentists. I give this recommendation that others will not delay the work which is so necessary to good health.” —Mrs. Mario Llese, 3810 E. Washington street, city. Sunday. 9 a. m. to 13 m. THE PEOPLES DENTISTS 36 WEST WASHINGTON STREET. Over Gausepohl Trunk Store. |S| Roaches It’s easy with the |*Sg3sSrt( SI,OOO G U A R ANTEED ROACH KILL ER. Most effeo tlve and conven lent remedy known. Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25 VONNEGUT’S 120-124 E. Wash. St \ I'Ulg. AND WARM. HA a towel* I MADISON AND BAS. SXDBBS V NOI'NTAIN KJEABJL ; MKKIDIAN AND MOBBTB. DETROIT VAPOR STOVES PENINSULAR STOVES GURNEY REFRIGERATORS CHENEY PHONOGRAPHS For Saie by HOOSIER OUTFITTING CO. 443-5 E. Wash. ALL WOOL, SUITS and OVERCOATS Honestly tailored to A/X P*/\ your measure for Nl 11l LEON TAILORING CO. i| r t,w 181 E. New York St. \J TUBERCULOSIS M&ioa * *•<* A| C|L