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ALARM FOILS AUTO THIEVES Device on Market to Raise Noise When Tamperer Touches Car. A device designed to protect the owner of an automobile not only against theft, but also against the illegal use of his car and the annoyance caused by tamper ers Is being marketed by Helsbels, Incor porated, of Chicago. It is an alarm signal located in a pro tected box on the running board which is so connected with the car as to emit an alarm whenever the car is tampered with in any degree. It possesses the fur ther advantage of being so constructed that disconnection or efforts to discon nect it immediately set it into full cry. O. H. Kepley, president of the corpor ation, says It is the plan of the company to educate the public to realize that no Helsbels-equipped -ar is in the hands of its owner when the alarm Is sounded. He says the device Is In demand among truck owners who handle valuable mer chandise and autolsts who wish absolute protection for their cars. Mr. Kepley says of the device: It Is a rigid, heavily constructed aluminum box containing a floating, non mechanical electric switch, which is thrown into electrical contact by a verv slight vibration. This contact sets off a self-inclosed alarm. The battery, com pensating switch and the alarm are in side the heavy pase, and there is no out side connection to the alarm. Vertical vibrations or road shocks will not set off the alarm. It affects only ! y a vi bration caused by touching or moving the car. In the top of the heavily constructed box is the alarm switch, from which we also wire to the ignition, making this an ignition switch. This is the only wir ing leaving the case and has nothing whatever to do with the alarm device proper. Cutting the ignition wiring would cause the alarm to sound, and con sequently would frustrate a thief. The device proper, which is of very rigid construction, but weighs only ap- 1 proximatelv eighteen pounds, is attached to the right running board and cannot be removed or disturbed without causing an alarm for such a period of time that theft of the car would be made impos sible. The owner when leaving the car throws the combination switch, which also dis connects the ignition. T'ntll the owner returns this switch to its neutral posi tion and connects the ignition no one can disturb the car without causing a fiend ish alarm. Any attempt to open the de vice to get at the combination switch causes an alrm and the switch itself has AnotlierUelpinc I -7. C -TheWhole family can Dine for a Day fcra Dclbf-l j From Grand-pa down to “Buster.” these delicious meats are thor oughly enjoyed by the whole family and, like Oliver Twist, they ask for more. Mother appreciates these meats most of all; because they are conve nient to handle; —they are easily and quickly prepared; —there is no waste; and she can keep a quantity on hand for emergencies. She knows too, that Uncle Sam’s guarantee of purity is behind every can and that she pays less than pre-war prices for this nourishing canned corned beef and corned beef hash. Insist on yoar dealer getting you a supply of this wholesome food. There’s a legitimate profit in the sale for him (wholesale prices listed below) and a considerable saving for you. THE WHOLESALE PRICES •ra printed below. They will give you tome idea of what you will lave oa your purchase*. CORNED BEEF HASH 1 lb. cans. 15c per can S lb. cans, 30c per can TABLE OF DISCOUNTS Discounts to apply on all purchases of surplus canned meats on and niter November IS, 1920. are as follows: t 250 to net 1,001 to 2.500. S per cent 2.501 tc 4.000.................................. 10 per cent 4,001 and over.... 20 per cent The Government will pay freight on carload lots to any point in the United States located more than twenty miles from shipping point. CUMULATIVE PURCHASES COUNT When purchases reach 550.001. 24% net to prevail; when putphasea reach SIOO,OOI, 28% net to prevail; when purchases reach $500,001, 32% net to pre vail; when purchases reach $1,000,001 and over, 35% net to prevail. MINIMUM ORDER ACCEPTED. $250 Buy It by the Case WAR DEPARTMENT CANNED MEATS SAFETY - SERVICE INTERSTATE PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY NEW ALL STEEL PASSENGER EQUIPMENT Safe Fast Dependable 12—Limited Trains Daily—l 2 Between INDIANAPOLIS and LOUIS VILLE, KY. NO DUST NO CINDERS NO SMOKE Overnight Freight Service INDIANAPOLIS LOUISVILLE, KY. Ticket Office, Main 4500. Freight Office, Main 6312. T. J. Gore, Ticket Agent. L. M. Harper, Freight Agent. more than a million and a half combina tions, and is unbeatable. The device is protected against acids, water, short cir cuits, and is in every way so constructed that it cannot be put out of commission within a reasonable length of time. It is necessary to rnew batteries year ly. at an expense of two dry-cells. The basic necessity in an alarm de vice is that it will alarm when disturbed and Instantly stop when tampering ceases. Such an alarm has been im possible until the Helsbels compensating switch was invented, inasmuch as any mechanical switch would be entirely too expensive. Nothing in the Helsbels device is com plicated and there is nothing to get out of order after a device has been sealed. New York Doctor to Speak at Richmond Special to The Times. RICHMOND, Ind., March 9.—Dr. J. R. Wade of New York, secretary of the conservation department of the Metho dist Episcopal Church, will be the prin cipal speaker at the annual get-together meeting of the Third Methodist Church here next Sunday. Carey Cases Set for Hearing March 16 The cases of Willie Carey and his wife. Mary Carey, well-known police charac ters. were continued until the afternoon of March 16 In city court late yesterday by Judge Walter Pritchard. The Careys were arrested by several police officers in front of their home, 180 Bright street, after a fight In which three policemen lost much clothing and some blood. Both are charged with resisting an officer, profanity and drunkenness and Willie has the additional charge of va grancy against him. "Cascarets” for Constipation Just think! A pleasant, harmless Css caret works while you sleep and has your liver active, head clear, stomach sweet and bowels moving as regular as a clock by morning. No griping or in convenience. 10, 25 or 50-ceut boxes. Children love this candy cathartic, too. —Advertisement. CORNED BEEF No. 1 cans, 15c per can No. 2 cans, 27c per can 1 lb. cans, 18c. per can 6 lb. cans, SI.OO per can Apiary Association Now Numbers 600 C. O. Yost, State Apiary Inspector under the department of conservation, re ports the Ripley County Beekeepers' As sociation has affiliated with the State as sociation following a meeting at Osgood. The State association now has a mem bership slightly in excess of 600. At the Ripley County meeting members masses mho " uses—- •Neuibro’s jiilj: Herpicidc at all Thvtft Dept Stores JjM A R M O Nil miniatures Dealers' orders should be sent to Depot Quartermaster at the following addresses: Brooklyn. N. Y., 59th St and Fire* Ave. Boston. Mass., Army Supply Base. Chicago. 111.. 1819 W. S9th St. Atlanta. Ga„ Transportation Bldg. San Antonio, Tea. San Francisco, Calif. SURPLUS PROPERTT BRANCH Office of the Quartermaster General, Munition* Bldg. Washington D. C. IIN DIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,1921. decided to hold a two days' tour in apple bloom time in April for transferring, and during clover bloom In May the State Inspector will conduct a four days' In spection and educational tour. Mr. Y'ost announces that Howard Coun- The Truth About Indianapolis PARIS may set the style for Milady’s hats and frocks, but the automobile manufac turers in Indianapolis are the criterion of the styles of fine cars in which she motors. There are more fine car builders in Indianapolis than in any other city in the United States. Eight of the eleven automobile manufacturers in this city build high-priced cars. The cheap est automobile and those among the highest priced are Indianapolis-made products. Automobiles with a retail value of $95,000,000 were manufactured in this city last year. The manufacturers exported to every continent automobiles valued at $7,000,000, so that In dianapolis-made automobiles travel the roads of every principal country in the world. As high as 8,500 men and women were engaged in the industry in this city in 1920. This week’s Auto Show, at the State Fair Grounds, with its 117 exhibitors displaying $1,000,000 worth of automobiles, trucks and accessories reflects the importance of the automobile industry in Indianapolis. Fletcher American National Bank of INDIANAPOLIS Capital and Surplus, $3,000,000. HI DRESSES, SUITS AND jCOATS FOR EASTER Dresses, S2O to SSO /Sk ; Suits, . . $35 to $75 Welcome Ladies; says Menter—Come LX/vS and see the bewitching fashions from __ America’s style center. And why wait when prices are so rea- 'r sonable and Menter's terms to you so f/Y"uillw*. generous. r! The most fascinating millinery also. We ill do as we advertise—42 stores. fTL ■ N;' 1 Ot R TERMS jfTpSUif'* 1 . 1 M K 12 00 down and 12.00 IM I Bfftf |L H Jr, an3 'JP! a week on a purena.e TtT - VhSi FJR |h Bi °f s'<6.oo. On u pur \ | / - chase at 50 to 100 dol || / 109-111 SOUTH ILLINOIS ST. if" J ( Third door Nonth of Maryland St. ranged People liv- / Asa Open Saturday night until 8:00. ing in suburban town* hfi \V gindly open arcounta with out- are invited. fr ™ as-town customer.. Sgiic That Says Spring is Here Therefore, we advise our many patrons and friends to select their Wall Paper from our new spring stock NOW, and have them hung by a competent workman whom we can recommend —NOW. Indiana Wall Paper Cos. Oldest and Largest Wall Paper Mouse In the State. Retail St Virginia Ave., ISO and 132 E. Maryland Bt.—Wholesale, *7-28 E. Maryland. PHONES—CIfoie 2178, Main 2279) Auto, 28-670. THE ROMON AUTOMATIC CHASSIS LUBRICATION SYSTEM Is Exclusive Equipment on Saxon Duplex Cars It does in five seconds what you cannot do in three hours See the Chassis at Our Salesroom DICKEY MOTOR SALES CO. L 027 N. Meridian St. Circle 0673. SAFE MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN. Foley’s Honey and Tar Is a fatnilj cough remedy that mothers can depend upon. It will not upset deljcate atom ach and children like It. Mrs. Agne; Barnes, 208 E. 4th St., Altoona, Fa., writes; “I gave Foley's Honey and Tar to my baby for croup and It helped her Immediately." Sold everywhere.—Adver tisement ty Beekeepers' Association will meet in the city hall, Kokomo, March 26, and the Da Porte County Association at Crown Point April 1. La Grange County bee keepers will hold an inspection tour of three flays the first week in June. llahrt&ftmcdii *hHZEE3uEB:^K‘ Ml Tonicsiit- Cot a Tomorrow Feel Rioht 21* Box - 1 OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9 O’CLOCK TWAUCOTT BROTHERS* XU-321 W. WMMw W Spring DRESSES Smart Suits for Easter Special sale of 125 Stunning New Spring Suits, selected from our higher priced lines to create a record-breaking suit selling day at — *25 Suits that are beautifully tailored and exceptionally well finished, made of fine tricotine and serge, braided and embroidered, exclusive one of a kind models in semi tailored, Mandarin and box coat effects. A small deposit will hold any of these garments until Easter. SWEATERS Stunning Tuxedo styles, link and link stitched, with and without brushed wool front, tie belt sash with tassel ends. All shades, in cluding honeydew, to mato, buff brown, coral, navv, black, blue— -3.98 ZEPHYR SLIP-OVER SWEATERS— Link and link and basket stitch, ■with sailor or roll collar —in buff, navy, black, coral and other AO shades Pl.*/0 Sale of Coats for Easter No need to pay a high price for a stylish Easter Coat or Wrap —Come and see what you can buy here at ’19.98 Values up to S4O Choose from the newest authentic styles, including wraps, sport and polo coats, as well as conservative models. Many are handsomely silk lined —embroidered, silk stitched, but ton, braid and smart self-trimmed in fine materials only. Sizes for women, misses and juniors. $2.50 Men’s Work Pants Neat striped worsteds, cuff and plain bottoms. Sizes 30 to 42. Special Thursday— n.i9 For Women and Misses ‘ls A price that is as remarkably low as the dresses are remarkably smart. The styles are the very latest and include all the lit tle details which make this season’s fashion so charming and fresh. The trimmings are silk em broidery, tricolette sashes, eyelet embroidery, novel vestees and collars and cuffs. Stout Dresses Stout navy and black silk tricolette Dresses. Embroidered straightline models. Sizes 46i/ 2 to 52i/ 2 . %/S | ill Special *p4i •V if ✓ w JSSP mm* \\ Women’s Hosiery WOMEN’S PURE THREAD SILK HOSIERY— Semi-fashioned; lisle thread garter tops; high spliced heels and double soles; plain weaves and drop stitch style; In black, mm white and Havana; $1.50 values, /Q/ priced for Thursday at f WOMEN’S PURE THREAD SILK HOSIERY— Full fashioned; lisle thread garter tops; high spliced heels and double /sh *1 4 A soles; black and colors; IL I I U $2.00 grade Thursday at 1 lts WOMEN'S FINE SILK HOSE— rr In black and colors DDC WOMEN’S FINE WOOL HOSE—Silk and wool fashioned and seamless. Values to $2.98, Thursday U / L Men’s Underwear $1.50 Men’s Balbriggan Union Suits. Short sleeves, ankle length. Special Thursday— -79c BOYS’ $1.25 PANTS In dark and light pat terns. Size 6 to 17 years. Special OuC For Women and Misses 3