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PUSS IN BOOTS JR. By David Cory. Puss Junior and his little friend, the Gnome King, traveled on and on until they found themselves at the foot of a high, round hill. At one side of the great mound the stream which they had been following suddenly stopped short, mak ing a deep well, over which hung an old oak tree. Right at the foot of this tree was an upright gray stone, part of a rock deep ly sunk in the hillside. Here the Gnome paused, and, turning to smile reassur ingly at Puss, picked up a pebble about the size of an acorn and dropped it into the well, at the same time knocking gent ly on the flat stone. In a moment the rock opened In the middle, and there stood a little old wom an, as withered as a spring apple and as bright as a butterfly, dressed in a scar let bodice covered with spangles and a black petticoat. On seeing the Gnomhe she made a low bow, and In a shrill, eager voice Invited them in. Puss hesitated, but the little old woman snatched his paw and pulled him In, asking In a whisper, “Dost thou fear for thyself when in the company of the King of the Gnomes?” Then, open ing a low door In the side of the cavern. She beckoned them to follow. In the middle of a still larger room stood an armchair, fashioned from beryl and Jas per, with knobs of amethyst and topaa. Toward this the Gnome walked, while the old woman brought forth a robe of vel vet, green and soft ns forest moss, and, placing a ring of rough gold on his head, she held up the train of his royal robe while he sat himself down in his chair of state. After making another low reverence to the Gnome King, she handed the little monarch his sceptre, which was a tall bulrush of gold. Leaning forward, he touched her on the head with it, when to Puss Junior's astonishment she turned into a beautiful bluebird. “Ilereafter,” said the Gnome King, looking kindly at Puss, “this bird shall be your companion and will show you many and curious things. I can spare no more time, for my people must be gov erned, but because of your great fond ness for fairy tales. I now leave you in the care of this bluebird. Unless, per chance, yon wish to return to yous father." But Puss answered eagerly tha< he would rather see more of Gnome land, and so would I and so would you, I'm sure. “Good luck to you!” cried the Gnome King, as he shook hands with Puss, and Puss found himself once more by the side of the great flat stone in the hill side, where the rippling waters of the little stream flowed Into the pool at the foot of the great oak tree. And In the next story you shall heat how Puss met an ugly little dwarf.— Copyright, 192 L (To be continued.) HOROSCOPE “The stars Incline, but do not compel I" THURSDAY, MARCH 10. Astrologers read this as an unimpor tant day. Venus is iu an aspect mildly j encouraging to the affairs of men and women. During this rnie no risks should be ! taken, but it is probable that tempta- | tion to speculate will be strong. Women have the forecast of good fortune at this . time. They should, however, pursue rou tine matters. Many marriages cf wide interest will mark the spring of this year and dis parity of age will be frequent. Railway matters will not be satisfac tory and there may be a great number of accidents. Persons whose birthdate it is have the tugnary of a quiet year that should be very ha pry. Children born on this day are likely to be quick, alert and nervous. These 1 subjects of Pisces usually have a great desire for change and travel. —Copyright, 1921. i PIIV!FLY?W£LI DONTBE People Notice It Drive Them Off with Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass you much longer if you get a package of Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets. The skin should begin to clear after you have taken the tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver ' with Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets, the successful substitute for calomel; there’s no sickness or pain after taking them, j Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and just as effec- ‘ tively, but their action is gentle and safe instead of severe and irritating. ! No one who takes Olive Tablets i3 ever cursed with a “dark brown taste,” a bad breath, a dull, listless, “no good” feeling, constipation, torpid liver, bad disposition or pimply face. Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable | compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Dr. Edwards spent years among pa tients afflicted with fiver and towel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely effective result. Take one or ; two nightly for a week. See how much : better you feel and look. 15c and 30c. 1 —: 1 Coughs and Colds Catarrh, Croup, Sore Throat Banished By Hyomei The germs of catarrh do not exist In 1 the same atmosphere with antiseptic Hyomei (pronounce it High-o-me). Breathe Hyomei and relief from catarrh, coughs, sore throat or cold will come In two minutes. Breathe Hyomei and that stomach straining hawking In the morning will quickly disappear. Breathe Hyomei ar.d kill the catarrh germs; heal the inflamed membrane, stop the discharge of mucus and prevent crusts from forming In the nose. Breathe Hyomei for a few miuutes'each dav and rid yourself of contemptible catarrh. Breathe Hyomei—give it faithful trial and then, If you are not satisfied, you can j have your money back. Hyomei Is sold by the Haag Drug ! Stores and druggists everywhere. MI-ON A Ends indigestion It relieves stomach misery, aonr stom ach, belching and all stomach disease I or money back. Large box of tablets at all druggists in all towns. —Advertisement r Miniature MARMONS Sensation of Show AT THE 1 \AUTO SHOW. J The Oldest and largest exclusive tire and accessory com pany in the middle west solicits your patronage. Tires, Tubes and Accessories Note and Compare Our Prices on FABRIC TIRES Every Tire Listed in This Announcement Is of First Quality and Bears the Factory Guarantee. 30x3 Diamond, 30x3, Plain Tread $13.00 Racine Country Road, 30x3, Plain $11.90 Racine Country Road, 30x3, Nonskid.... $13.50 Kelly-Springfield, 30x3, Bailey Tread $15.00 Carspring Tires, 30x3, Nonskid $8.75 30x3/ 2 Diamond, 30x3%, Nonskid $17.25 Hood, 30x3%, Nonskid $21.00 Racine Country Road, 30x3%, Plain $14.90 Racine Country Road, 30x3%, Nonskid.. .$16.75 32x31/2 Diamond, 32x3% ...$21.75 Hood, 32x31/2, Rib Tread $24.00 Racine Country Road, 32x31/2, Plain $18.75 Racine Country Road, 32x314, Nonskid.. .$20.50 Carspring Tires, 32x314, Nonskid $12.25 31x4 Diamond, 31x4, Nonskid $24.35 Hood, 31x4, Rib Tread $28.00 Hood, 31x4, Nonskid $29.00 Firestone, 31x4, Nonskid $21.00 Racine Country Road, 31x4, Plain $20.75 Racine Country Road, 31x4, Nonskid $22.75 Carspring, 31x4, Nonskid $13.50 32x4 Diamond, 32x4, Nonskid $29.25 Hood, 32x4, Nonskid $32.00 Firestone, 32x4, Plain • $20.00 Firestone, 32x4, Nonskid $23.75 Racine Country Road, 32x4, Plain $22.50 Racine Country Road, 32x4, Nonskid $25.00 Goodyear, 32x4, Plain $22.00 33x4 Diamond, 33x4 $30.00 Hood, 33x4, Rib Tread $33.00 Hood, 33x4, Nonskid $34.00 Firestone, 33x4, Nonskid $26.00 Racine Country Road, 33x4, Nonskid $26.75 Goodyear, 33x4, Plain $22.75 34x4 Diamond, 34x4 $31.00 Hood, 34x4, Rib Tread $35.00 Carspring Tires, 34x4, Nonskid $16.95 33x4y 2 Goodyear, 33x4%, Nonskid $36.00 Goodyear, 33x4%, Plain $33.00 Firestone, 33x4%, Plain $33.00 Carspring Tires, 33x4%, Plain $18.50 34x4y 2 Hood, 34x4%, Rib Tread $45.00 nood, 34x4%, Nonskid $46.50 Firestone, 34x4%, Plain $32.50 Firestone, 34x4%, Nonskid $34.00 Carspring Tires, 34x4%, Plain $20.00 35x4/ 2 Hood, 35x4%, Rib Tread $42.00 Hood, 35x4%, Nonskid $45.00 Firestone, 35x4%, Plain $35.00 Firestone, 35x4%, Nonskid . $39.00 35x5 Goodyear, 35x5, Plain • . .$40.00 In some of the above sizes the quantity is limited. Get yours early. Guarantee Tire and Rubber Go. Just North of Union Station 211 and 213 South Illinois Streej| Just North of Union Station j INDIANA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,1921. WITH THIS, our twentieth annual spring open ing, we wish to announce our determination to make the year of 1921 the greatest in our history. Not only in volume of business, but in service rendered. It will be our aim to sell only such merchandise as will give utmost satisfaction; to sell practically everything offered at a less price than it is usually sold for; to make good any purchase which, through fault or negligence on our part, goes wrong; to be as truthful in our statements regarding our merchan dise as we would expect you to be were we the buyer and you the seller. We invite you to come in and “look us over.” ACCESSORIES UNDERPRICED Generally Selling at Our Price. Bethlehem Spark Plugs, %-inch $ .75 $ .25 Champion X Spark Plugs 75 .49 Champion X Porcelains • -40 *3O A. C. Cico Spark Plugs 75 .45 A. C. %-inch Carbonproof Plugs •. 1.00 .50 A. C. Titan, one-piece and two-piece Plug 1.00 .65 A. C. Porcelains 40 .25 Champion, %-18 Oakland type •... 1.00 .65 Champion, %-inch Regular 1.00 .65 Champion %-18 Buick • 1.00 .65 Champion Porcelain, AlO4 and AlO3 .50 .30 Champion Metric and Aeroplane Plug 1.00 .50 Hercules Giant, %-inch, % and Metric 1.00 .55 Stewart Hand Homs 4.00 2.25 Coming Lens, Morelite Lens, any size, pr, $2.50 to 4.50 .50 Indianapolis Air Pump, 1-cylinder • 4.00 2.25 Boyce Motometer, “Ford” 3.50 2.50 Boyce Motometer, Junior 5.00 4.00 Boyce Motometer, Universal 7.50 6.25 Boyce Motometer, Standard 10.00 7.75 Tool Boxes, 22x9x7V 4 2.50 1.25 Marvel, Jr., Vulcanizers 1.00 .50 Marvel, Jr., Patches, dozen 1.00 .40 Rose Fan Belt, 1914 Fprd • 30 .15 Burd High Compression Piston Rings, various sizes 1-00 .50 Jacks, capacity 1,000 lbs 2.00 1.00 3%-inch Inner Sleeves 40 .20 Set of Transmission Band Lining for Fords 1.00 .50 Goggles 75c to 2.00 .40 Lastic Inner Tube Patch, $1.50 size • .50 Firestone Hold Fast Patch 25 .10 Spark Plug Wrenches 25 .10 Skalex Cleaning Compound for Radiators 75 .30 Eveready Pocket Flashlights (no batteiy) .75c to 1.25 .50 Firestone Cure Cut .50 .15 Hoffman Body Gloss, quart 1.00 .45 Hoffman Metal Polish, pint 75 .35 U-Auto Varnish, quarts 1.50 .75 Leather, Mohair, Pantasote Top Dressing, quarts 1.50 .75 Mohair Top Dressing 1.00 .45 Aluminum Bronze Powder 1.00 .50 Air Drying Enamel, pint 1.00 .50 Air Drying Enamel, % pint 75 .30 The above is but a partial list of bargains. Come in and get acquainted with the others. We Prepay Postage on all items named (excepting paints and liquids), if within a distance of 300 miles from Indianapolis. Note and Compare Our Prices on CORD TIRES All Tires Listed Are First Quality and Carry Full Mileage Guarantee. 30x3/2 Cupples Fabric Size Cord, N0n5kid........ $21.00 Racine Country Road, 30x3% Rib C0rd,..525.00 32x3/ 2 Hood, 32x31,4 Rib Cord ..$32.00 Firestone, 32x3%, Rib Cord $30.00 Racine Country Road, 32x3%, Rib Cord. .$29.75 Racine Country Rd., 32x3%, Nonskid Cord.s3l.oo 32x4 Hood, 32x4, Rib Cord *.w..543.00 Hood, 32x4, Arrow Cord .......$43.50 Firestone, 32x4, Rib Cord .$40.00 Firestone, 32x4, N. S. C0rd.........,•^,^^540.00 33x4 Racine Country Road, 33x4, Rib Cord. ~.542.50 34x4 Fisk, 34x4, Rib Cord ........$43.00 32x4 / 2 Goodyear, 32x4% Rib Cord .....$45.00 33x4/ 2 Hood, 33x4%, Arrow Cord ....*....552.00 34x4/ 2 Firestone, 34x4%, Rib Cord ..$52.00 35x5 Firestone, 35x5, Rib Cord .......-........560.00 i In some of the above size* the quantity is limited. Get ywnni early. INNER TUBES All Tubes Priced Above $1.75 Are Guaranteed. 30x3, 30x3%, 32x3% Well-known brand, In d-| rn any of the above sizes pI.OU 32x3% Hood J 2.25 31x4 Hood .......#2.50 32x4 Hood ...#2.75 Racine #2.50 Firestone ..............-#2.00 33x4 Hood #2.90 Racine 34x4 Kelly-Springfield #3.00 Racine .#3.00 32x4% ’ Hood *S-2S Kelly-Springfield ........#3.25 Racine .................#3.25 33x4% Hood *3-25 Kelly-Springfield #3.50 Firestone ...............#3.00 We Invite comparison of quality, prices and service with those of any house in the United States. 31x4, 32x4, 33x4, 34x4 Well-lmown brand, to any of the stove size* sl*l D 34x4% Hood -#3-60 Firestone ............-..#3.00 35x4% Hood ...................#3.75 Racine ...... #3.7# Firestone .............. #3.2# 36x4% Hood ..... ..S4OO Firestone ..............#3.50 33x5 Hood 35x5 Hood ..#4-30 Kelly-Springfield .....#5.00 37x5 Hood #4.50 Kelly-Springfield ..... #5.00 Racine ................. #4JO 5