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10 A Need, A Service and A Savings Bank It was not until the end of the eighteenth century that there came recognition of the fact that banking concerned women as well as men. In 1798 at Tottenham High Cross in England, Miss Priscilla Wakefield established “The Friendly Society for Women and Children.” This was an effort to care for the more helpless members of the workers’ community by pro tecting their funds for emergencies, such as sickness or death. This developed into the first savings bank for women/depositors Since the days of the Friendly Society, women have broadened their sphere until today they own property, control or take important parts in industries, and have independent invest ments. Alert to the present success of women in in dustrial activities, and looking ahead to the possibilities of the future, this company has provided every facility for managing with in telligence and competence the business affairs of women. jfletcljer anti Crust Company Northwest Corner Market and Pennsylvania BRANCHES: 1238 Oliver Avenue Northeast Corner West and Washlngtoa 2122 East Tenth Street LEGION PLANNING MASS MEETINGS Easter Gatherings in Fourth District to Aid Drive. Special to The Times. GREENSBURG, Ind., March 21. Plans are to be made this week for a mass meeting- of legion campaign work ers In each of the two' divisions of the Fourth district In which a membership compaign Is to be held. The gatherings probably will be held Eastern Sunday. Division commanders will be in charge of the meetings and the program will be worked out to provide the mlximum amount of Interest and activity In the membership drive. Rivalry between the two divisions is said to be keen and each .Is trying to build up an organization that will out strip the other In the number of mem bers gained. The divisions are about evenly matched In point of present mem bership and the number of men eligible to join. Oscar B. Abel. Seymour, is commander of the First division and William B Taylor, editor of the Bates ville Herald, is commander of the Second division. The place of the two meetings and the names of the speakers will be de cided on In a few days. Haugh Divorce Echo Heard in Rushville Special to The Times. RFSHVILLE, Ind., March 21.—An echo J in the Haugh divorce case was heard j here Saturday when Judge Solon J. Car- j ter of Indianapolis, who was appoints 1 j to take charge of future developments In ] the case, heard a motion filed by the de- ; fendant, J. Guy Haugh, In which he de manded that Judge Carter be disqualified | from acting as Judge, maintaining that it was not legal for a change of judge. Mar- j guerlte C. Haugh, divorced wife of the Indianapolis man, had previously filed a motion to modify the decree made by Judge Sparks concerning the custody of their two children. The divorce case was heard here in May, 1919. The couple have Just returned from Buffalo, N. Y., where they were Involved in a suit in which $20,000 worth of Jewelry was at stake. Each of the divorced couple sought pos session of the jewelry. Mrs. Haugh 1 now teaching French in the Elwood schools and Mr. Haugh resides In Indian apolis and has custody of the children. Judge Grants Stay to Condemned Man SACRAMENTO. Cal.. March 2L—WII 11am Henry Norris will uot hang at San i Quentin on “Good Friday” for the kill- . Ing of City Marshal Rieves of Redding Attorney Martin A. Welsh, Sacramento j attorney, is on his way to the prison today with a court order signed by Su- j perior Judge C. C. Busdlck, granting a stay of execution until appeal can be made to the Supreme Court. Judge Busick granted the stay follow- j Ing his refusal to grant anew trial to j th® youth, whose friends allege he was j Intimidated into entering a plea of guilty 1 and deprived of his rights. Draw Expected in Third Chess Game HAVANA, March 21. —Tho third game of the championship chess series was unfinished when Emanuel Lasker and the challenger, Jose Capablanca, wearily arose from tho table early today. They had completed sixty-two move® and Capablanca Indicated he was willing to . cnll It the third draw game of the match. Lasker refused, declaring there was still ! a chance for victory. Experts were unanimous in their be- j lief that neither could win this game. Ex-Pastor to Stand Trial in Slave Case NEWARK. N. J., March 2L—The Rev. Cornelias Denied, former pastor of the First Netherlands Church of Passaic, N. J., pleaded not guilty today when ar- j ralgned in Federal Court under an in- ! dictment charging violation of the Manx white slave act. Bail of $5,000 was con- j tinned by Federal Judge Charles Lynch, j The Rev. Mr. Densel, who hag a large famllly, eloped to New York, It Is charged, with one of his young women parishioners. The trial is expected to be held next month. Supreme Court Gives I. W. W.’s No Review WASHINGTON. March 2L—Convictions of forty I. W. W. rounded up in northern California on charges of violating the espionage and ths selective service sets wer® sustained by th® Supreme Court to- , day when it declined to review the else*. Th® trial of the I. W. W. was held st Sacramento, CaL Strikers in Mexico Flock Back to Roads MEXICO CITY, March 21.—Eight thou sand striking railroaders returned to work yesterday and most of the remain der are expected back at once, accord ing to the newspaper, Excelsior. Some groups still held out, Refusing to accept the settlement reached by the government with the Federation of Railway Workers. The government is reported to be plan ning to spend $5,000,000 in the United States for new locomotives and other equipment for national lines. Teachers May Adopt Delegate Meetings Provision for delegate conventions in stead of conventions of the entire member ship may be written Into the constitu tion of the Indiana State Teachers’ As sociation at a meeting of a committee appointed to revise the constitution at Caleb Mills Hall April 2. A vote of the entire membership now is necessary to bring about action by the organization. The convention of the entire member ship may be divided Into two annual conventions held In different parts of the State as a result of the rapid growth of the association. Boston Hotel Fire Drives Out Guests BOSTON. March 21. Seventy-five : guests were forced to make hasty exit i today to escape a fire In the case on the first floor of the Hotel Majestic. Flre ! men prevented the flames from spreading : above the first floor. SPRING AILMENTS Impure Blood, Humor*,—Relief In a Good Medicine. Spring aliments are due to Im pure, thin, devitalized blood. Among them are pimples, boils, other eruptions, catarrh, rheuma tism, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, nervousness and “all run down” conditions. Hood’s Sarsaparilla combines the roots, barks, herbs, berries and ; other medlcinals that have been ! found in many years of intelligent ; observation to be most effective in the treatment of these ailments, i Successful physicians prescribe the same Ingredients for diseases of the blood, stomach, liver and kid neys, and in cases where alterative and tonic effects are needed. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the spring medicine that purifies, enriches and revitalizes your blood, increasing power of resistance to disease. For a laxative take Hood’s Pills. —Advertisement. COUGHED SO HARD HE WAS READY TO DIE But he recovered quickly and gained 9 pound* in 5 weeks. "Laet December I caught a heavy cold, which left me with a deep-seated cough. I coughed 10 hard it wo-uld start the blood. I thought I was a goner, untU I tried Milks Emulsion. 1 used W bottles altogether. My cough Is gone, and I have gained nine pond a In fire weeks. If any ene doubts It, let them write ma I ' —Che a. I* Walter a, U 7 So, 18th St., Pittsburgh, Pa. When hundreds upon hundreds of peo ple tell you of Just auch recovery. Just surfs galea la weight, It must be won a your trying, at least. A trial costs noth ing. Milk* Emulsion Is a pleasant, nutritive food and a corrective medlclno. It re stores healthy, natural bewel action, do ing away with all need of pills end phy sica. It promotes appetite and quickly put* the digestive organs In shape to assimilate foed. Asa builder of flesh and strength. Milks Emulsion Is strongly recommended to those whom sickness has weakened, and ia a powerful aid In re sisting and repairing the effect* of wast ing disease*. Chronic stomach trouble and eonatipatlon are promptly relieved, h produces remarkable results In cold a, •ought and bronchial asthma. This is the only solid emulslsn made, and so pilatable that It Is eaten with a spoon like ice cream. Truly wonderful for weak, sickly children. No matter how severe your case, you are urged to try Milks Emulsion under this guarantee—Take six bottles home with you, use It according to directions and If not satisfied with the results, your money will be promptly refunded. Price 73c and $1.60 per bottle. The Milks Emulsion Cos., Ten* Haute, Ind. Sold H druggists everywhere.—Advertise- ; iMDt STATES’ RIGHTS IN RAIL RATES TO ALTER LAW ' Esch-Cummins Revision Is Predicted to Give Control of Intrastate Charges. SUPREME COURT TO ACT WASHINGTON, March 21.—A revision of the rate-making provisions of the Esch-Cummins railroad law probably ! will be forced on tbe new Congress, rail- I road experts here believed today. Just what this revision is to be will depend upon the decision of the Supreme Court In a case brought by the State j railroad commissioners of Wisconsin and 1 forty-two other States which attacks the constitutionality of the rate provisions j of the present law. The decision will determine whether j Congress can give the interstate com- ; merce commission power to fix intra- j state as well as interstate rates. The commission claims such a power is valid, while the States contend it Invades their sovereign rights. The commission accordingly during the j last nine months has increased Intrastate rates over the protests of the State com- i missions. In case this action is not upheld rates undoubtedly will be reduced in many j States, making radical changes necess- i sary In the Federal commission’s plan of rate-making. Should the rates be up- j held railroad leaders In Congress will j propose that the State railroad cornmis- i stons be made agencies of the Federal commission. The State cotnmlssiones would be' empowered to Inquire Into strictly Intrastate rate controversies and make recommendations to the Federal commission. Unless some legislation along ! this line Is passed after a decision fa- j vorable to the Federal commission, State j railroad commissions probably would die of nothing to do. Stump to Speak at Traffic Club Feed Albert Stump will be the principal speaker and Roltare Eggleston will con- ; I tributf some magic at a banquet to be i held At the Claypool Hotel Thursday j evening by the Indianapolis Traffic Club, j A membership drive Is being conducted by the club, the goal being an organiza tion of more than 750. The club Is the outcome of the traveling freight agents' organization, formed In 1597. but dis banded in 1905. The Transportation Club was formed In 1907 and continued until December, 1920, when the Traffic Club, a larger organization, came Into existence. LIBRARY CLUB MEETING. The Indianapolis Library Club will ; hold its second meeting of the year In the children’s room of the Central LI- 1 brary next Wednesday evening, at 8:30 o’clock. Mrs. lem are hue Brown will talk on “Old-Fashioned England.” Those in terested in library activities are Invited to attend. Epsom Salts like Glass of Lemonade A few cents buy* a handy package of "Epsonade Salts” which Is real epsorn salts combined with fruit derivatives, giv ing it the taste of sparkling lemonade. You get ail the splen did physic-action of a dose of eptotn salts without the awful taste and nnnsen. Try It when bilious. \ 6 /o * . o.jWo y*. jrefi r ’ •£, °i7 ' °i. il headachy or constipated. Warning! Don't merely ask for “taste less epsom salts” or you may get a soda Imitation. Always ask for “Epaonatle Salts” and look for the name, American Epsom Association.—Advertisement. HE WAS IN BAD SHAPE. Any person wh la suffering with rheumatic twinges, backache, soreness, lameness or other symptom of kidney trouble can profit if he wishes from this: ’’My kidneys were in such bad shape that I could hardly stoop down. Foley Kidney Pills made me all right. Samuel Holt, Greenville, Pa." Sold everywhere. —Advertisement. TUBERCULOSIS Dr. Glaais has positive proof that it ts able to cure tuberculosis by In halation In any climate. For further in formation address The T. F. Glass Inhalant Cos., Mason Bldg., Los Angeles. Cat. Mending Tissue 1.0 sewing or darning. Repairs Clothing, ■llk, satin, cot‘on goods, ribbons, fabrics es all kinds, hid gloves, mackintosh.*, ■ mbrella*. parasols, stockings, eto. Pack age postpaid. 15 cents, two packages 21 •ents. Address PENN PUBLISHING CO. ! tHairavllie, Pa. <y[ Hooki Dependable Stores WOOL STUMP STOCKINGS And Other Special Goods at the Lowest Prices No need to send away with all the inconvenience of an indefinite delay, when you can get quality goods for lower prices at the Hook Occidental Building Store. Stump Stockings, Elastic Hosiery, Maternity Belts, Abdominal Supports, Shoulder Braces, Trusses The Wonder Non-Skid Truss is guaranteed to hold your rupture In place and give absolute satisfaction and comfort while wearing Examination and consultation free. /IP _ Truss Department Illinois and Washington Sts. Occidental Building CLOTHING ON CREDIT PEOPLE’S CREDIT CLOTHING CO. 46 N. PENNSYLVANIA ST. 2nd PLO6R INDIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 21,1HZ1. DOG HILL PARAGRAFS P i Wiw © The &*fSy Yam Sims saw such a big crowd at Tlckville last Saturday afternoon he asked somebody if it wasn't tlie center of population. • • * Slim Pickens, while trying to peep around a corner before he got to it, dur ing bis stay In Tlckville last Saturday, came near straining his neckband. • • • Sidney Hock* Is going to drop all other trades and professions and will an swer an advertisement which beseeches ambitious persons to earn big money during spare time at home, experience and work not necessary. He reads where one fellow, with his hair roached up In front, made a fraction over three hundred dollars In one week, over and above his regular salary of sl2 a week at his old job. Cardinal Dougherty Addresses Prelates ROME, March 20 (Delayed).—An Im pressive congregation of prelates and representatives of religious orders today heard Cardinal Dougherty of Philadel phia deliver an eloquent address in the Roman Church, of which he hr.s be come the titular head. Tbe new American cardinal declared that the American college now constitute* the most Important spiritual link be tween the I'nited States and Rome. Among those present were Monsignor Cerrettl and Cardinal von Faulhaber of Germany, who was elevated to the sacred college at the same time as Cardinal Dougherty. 434 436 W. Wash. St. CLOTHING FOR Men, Women and Boys FOR EASTER Easter is but aLJjt\ a few days off. Select your apparel M ||Lk before Easter Kli limit' ind pay for it \ after Easter \ . at the Peo- jAJ PL’s. Your Credit Is Good and you can pay in small easy payments as you get paid, at the 434-436 W. Wash. St. SAVE MONEY ON WOMEN’S AND CHIL DREN’S READY-TO-WEAR THE GLOBE 330 W. Washington 8L FIVE BOYS FACE THEFT CHARGES Shelbyville Youths Taken Fol lowing Robberies. Special to. The Times. SHELBYVILLE, Ind., March 21.—Fur ther Investigation of the robbery at tho home of Tilden McLain, In this city Sat urday night, when Jewelry and many articles of value were stolen, resulted In the arrest Sunday of Loren Phillips, 17, who police say has confessed that he broke Into the Phillips home and com mitted the theft. Phillips escaped, fol lowing his arrest, but was quickly re captured. The confession of young Phillips Im plicated others and caused the arrest of Ernest Coleman, Cecil Curtis, Harry Farthing and Joe Johnson, all Shelby rille boys, who police say were Impli cated In the robbery of a baker at Cleves, Ohio, two weeks ago. In his confession to the officers, Phil lips, It Is said, gave directions as to where the loot could be found. Official* nre now attempting to associate Phillips and the other boys with robberies committed here In February at the offices of five lumber and coal companies here, when safe doors were Jimmied and small sums of money taken. WOMAN HELD FOR ROBBERY. Jennie Chesser, 20, Montgomery, Ala., is under arrest on the charge of grand larceny. She is said to admit the theft of about S6OO and some Jewelr’y from Walter J. O’Connor, Lafayette, at the Denison Hotel. She was arrested at Shelbyville. Detective Duncan went there to bring her back. fteuibrofe Herpicide c So/d at all T)ruq&Dept Stores Girls! Girls!! Clear Your Skin With Cuticura 4-h rXntm.T't. Talcum) of TUESDAY ONLY Special Sale of “Quality Brand” Aluminum 3 Piece Sauce Pan Percolators TUESDAY, ONE DAY ONLY $ 1.09 Each We do not accept telephone or ders —none delivered. Lilly Hardware Company 114-118 E. Washington St. NITROUS OXIDE GAS FOR ABSOLUTE Painless Extracting JUST A QUIET, GENTLE SLEEP YOU FEEL NOTHING. Whether you have one or thirty teeth extracted, it’s all he same. (United Union Dental Corp.) Eiteljorg & Moore DENTISTS CORNER EAST MARKET AND CIRCLE. Ground Floor. No Stairs to Climb. See Our Easter Hundred* of persons have new photographic portraits taken each f A year. How long has It f j parrs been since you had a portrait? Arrange a sit gjpy 9th Floor Kahn Bldg. J4otel Severn Mrs. Arnold Spencer Indianapolis’s most popular soprano, with the Superb ORLIFF TRIO First Concert, Tuesday Evening, March 22 6:30 to 8:30. $1.50 the Cover. Travel Bureau IF YOU are planning a trip let us help you. As direct agents for all international steamship lines, and principal tourist agencies—Thos. Cook & Sons, Raymond Whitcomb Tours, etc., we can give you valuable advice and first-hand information about travel at home and abroad. Travel checks. Letters of credit. TRAVEL BUREAU MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK FRENZEL BROS. Dollars Never Stop to Eat or Sleep when deposited in a Savings Account, hut go right on earning more dollars for you. On April Ist we will pay thousands of dollars to our de positors. We hope you are among them. If not, start an account AT ONCE so that we may include you at our next interest date, October Ist. We Pay 4*&% On Savings MEYER-KISER BANK 136 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. STAR STORAGE BATTERIES LOWER IN PRICE-MORE DEPENDABLE Citizens Auto Supply Company GET THE HABIT Wear | NOE’S QUALITY ! Jewelry MARCH SALE—2O per cent to 50 per cent off. THE FLETCHER IVs. NOE 103 N. Illinois St. JEWELRY STORE. Opp. Terminal Station. V ’ - * -i American Paper Stock Cos. Direct connection with large consumers of waste paper, In suring top market prices. Special attention to school, church and residence calls. 340 W. Market SL Main 6089 ■■■■■■ , Electric Washing Machines Guaranteed to wash 100 per cent clean. ‘' ,,ln ft Sold on convenient terms. luto. 2s-m. HATFIELD ELECTRIC CO. ALL WOOL SUITS and OVERCOATS Honestly tailored to f*A your measure for wll I *%ll LEON TAILORING CO. V ill 131 E. New York St. Announces to its pa trons anew series of twice-a-week dinner concerts, presenting Reg. $1.25 and $1.69 “Cones Boss-Union Made” Work Shirts Remodeling Sale Price 75c Each Very strongly made, double stitched double back; attached collar, faced cufTs; all sizes 14 to 17. f Cjucnefid o/uesday Special Kayser’s Imported Chamois ette Gloves Two groups from our fin est new stock; 18-button length, 3-row crochet em broidery. Also strap wrist styles with spear point embroidery. Color* white, beaver, pongee, mastic and brown. At this unusually low price for Tuesday only. $1.29 -L 2 Pairs $2.50 Abolish Roaches It’s easy with the SI,OOO GUAR ANTEED ROACH KILL ER. Most effec tive and conven ient remedy known. pUfi foAcf - ||L|| Three elzee, 35c, 65c, $1.25 VONNEGUT’S 120-124 E. Wash. St. g If Hartmann | isays iti Risfht I \ IHSRtfht J vy %•mtma/im LSMMWMTON SX. Omit Washing Your Face But Never Your Teeth So many are alert to eternal clean liness because It ia considered a friendly act to remind an acquain tance that the face is smutted. But who is to remind you, or no tice that your teeth are neglected? An unclean mouth poisons the stom ach, and often leads to chronic disease. Keep your mouth In condi tion by having your teeth examined regularly. ”1 neglected my teeth for year*. They were extracted without pain bv the People’* Dentist*. I give thl* recommendation that others will not delay the work which Is so necessary to good health.”—Mrs. Marie Llese, 3846 E. Washington street, city. . Sunday, 9 t. m. to 12 m. THE PEOPLES DENTISTS 38 WEST WASHINGTON STREET. Over Gauaepobl Trunk Store, DETROIT VAPOR STOVES PENINSULAR STOVES GURNEY REFRIGERATORS CHENEY PHONOGRAPHS For Sale by HOOSIER OUTFITTING CO. 443-5 E. Wash. DISHES Our prices are the lowest. Cups and Saucer®, lOe up. Dishes, 0® up. Little Furniture Store 211 E. Washington St. CLOTHING CREDIT Hoyle i~s arick JFfL CbtUaf C*. M3-30S-M7 W. Washington St, • Deers West Senate Aft