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Indiana daily times. [volume] (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1914-1922, April 21, 1921, Last Home Edition, Image 5

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Technical High School Class
| Presents 4 The Royal
Family. 4
Before two crowded houses the June
eenior class play of Technical High
School, “The Royal Family,” was pre
gentee Wednesday afternoon and evening
at the Murat
The play, a modern comedy by R.
Marshall, told a story of modern conrt
life. The scenes were laid In the mythi
cal country of Arcacla. The first scene
showed the anteroom of the royal palace
at Caron, tlje capital of the country; the
second, the palace garden in summer, and
the third act Is divided Into two scenes.
w Members of the lota Beta Kappa
sorority entertained Wednesday evening
with a dinner at the Vance Country
place, fol*)wlng by a miscellaneous
shower in honor of Miss Edna KirKhoff
whose marriage to Joseph McCurdy will
take place Saturday. The guests with
Miss Klrkhoff included Mrs. Leonard
Kernal, Miss Hortense Glenn, Miss
Margaretta Glenn, Miss Jeanne O’Connell,
Miss Margaret Deeter, Miss Frances
Hunter, Miss Anna Marie Burke, Miss
Edna Rink and Miss Gertrude Mahoney
of Battle Creek, Mich. Freceding tne
dinner, Mrs. Kernel entertained the group
with a theater party in Miss KirkhotTs
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lacy will go neat
week to Jamestown for permanent resi
• •
The Butler chapter of Delta 1 Tan Delta
will entertain Saturday evening with a
“Hard Times” party at their chapter
bouse In Irvington. The fraternity an
aual dance will be given at the Coun
try Club May 23.
Miss Marian Miller of the Hotel Ens
liah, will go to Bloomington tomorrow
to pass the week-end with M.ss Bucile
Hodgas at the Kappa Alpha l neia
• •
A delightful musleate-tea was S* T<>n to
day at the Home for Aged Women. 1.-.
North Capitol avenue, by the W e fare
Club The hostesses for the afternoon
Included Mrs. Harvey B Martin Mrs.
Frank R. Hunter. Mrs. Carrie Hamme. 1.
Mrs. Leroy Martin, Mrs. Charles Maxwell
and Mrs. Arthur Kaye. An Interesting
program was given by Miss Charlotte
Leber Miss Esther Thornton. Miss Linma
Doepners and Mrs. John L. Elliott, vocal
quartette; Mrs. Frank E. Maiott. reader.
Mrs. Carrie Hyat Kennedy, pianist; Mrs.
. Harvey P. Martin, vocalist. an*l Susan
kf.rav Shedd. iut-rpretive dancer M’ ’
R. T. Edenharter and rMs. Kennedy
clayed the accompaniments.
r • •
M'ss nilda Wright and Miss Freda
Wright, SCO Fletcher avenue, were host
esses for a miscellaneous shower ">dnes
day evening, given In honor of Miss
Neneta Lambert, a bride-elect. A coior
scheme of pink and white was carried out
in the decorations, table appointments
and Ices, miniature bride slippers being
given as favors. Assisting In the hospi
talities were Sirs. Elmer Wright and Miss
L Miss Julia Reyer, 20fi4 Central avenue,
■will go tomorrow to Greensburg, where
Behe will give a program of voice numbers
Defore the Greensburg Musical Club.
• • *
Mrs. Edward W. Felt will be hostess
for a silver offering tea to be given to
morrow afternoon by the W nman s Aux
iliary to the Irvington post of the Ameri
can Legion. Mrs J. E. Ebaugh, secre
tary of the Marion County council, will
rbe the speaker for the afternoon. Mrs.
Felt will be assisted by Mrs. Charles A.
Hamilton. Mrs. R. A. Uinker and Mrs.
Howard C. Caldwell.
• •
The marriage of Miss Zoe Violet Wll
|Tkins, daughter of Mrs. Rose L. Wilkins,
to Gilbert L. Niesse was solemnized
Wednesday In Ft. Fhliip Nerl Church,
the Rev. George Smith officiating. The
attendants included Miss Mildred Strong,
maid of honor, who wore pink satin
with drapery of Chantilly lace, pink taf
feta hat and carried pink roses; Miss
Florence Baker, bridesmaid, whose frock
was of turquoise satin veiled with net
with hat of the same shade and bou
quet of Mrs. Aaron Waard roses; Dolores
Marie Hegist, flower maid, who wore a
white ruffled frock and carried a bas
ket of sweet peas and roses; John Xlesse,
who acted as best man, and Russell
Daringer and Frank Holizhauer, ushers
• • *
Mrs. P. H. Tant, 2102 North Delaware
street, entertained the Aftermath Club
with an attractively appointed luncheon
at her home. Spring flowers In pastel
tints were used in the decorating scheme.
Mrs. A. Felker of Shreveport. 1.a., was
the honor guest. Following the luneheon
a regular meeting of the organization
was held with papers on “Art Science
and Hobbies" and “Social Life and Cus
toms of Latin America” by Mrs. H. M.
Cuciirane and Mrs. Harry Wilson.
* * •
Butler Chapter of Delta Delta Delta
sorority will entertain with a dinner
lance at the Page country place May 23.
How MuchTax
Do You Pay fgg-g
Your Stomach ? jf
Heavy foods, hastily eaten,
call for penalties soma day
Often the penalty must be paid the same day,
in a drowsy slowing down of efficiency.
served with cream or milk, gives you just the
nourishment needed for breakfast or lunch
without burdening the digestion.
Grape Nuts is tha perfected nutriment of wheat
and malted barley and is partly pre-digested in
the mailing. g Reason -
Maie by Postom Cereal Cos., Inc, Battle Creek, Mich.
the first the armory of the palace, and
the last scene the throne room.
The principal characters were King
Louis, played by Tale Raymond; Queen
Margaret, Zend a Bertram; Princess
Angela, Mayme Clark, and Prince Victor,
Shideler Harpe. The court consisted of
the Duke of Berascon, George Scott;
Queen Mother, Anne Borsherding; Count
Varensa, commander of the Imperial
Army, Addison King, Baron Roldensen,
Chief of Police, Percy Kuhne; Father
Anselm, Walter Houppert; Countess
Oarinl, Louis Kline; Countess Varensa,
Hazel Meier; Lord Chamberlin, Sherman
Much of the comedy of the rlay was
created by Paul Hodges who as the
scheming cardinal plans for the marriage
of the Princess Angela to Prince Victor,
to avert war between Arcacla and Kur
land, a neighboring state. The princess
refuses to marry the prince, who she has
never seen. The cardinal arranges for
her to meet the prince who is visiting
at the palace Incognito. She falls In
love with him but does not recognize
him and, through his Influence decides
to marry Prince Victor for the sake of
the country.
The chief of police mistakes the prince
for the leader of a band of political
revolutionists. lie follows him to the
armory of the palace, where he has gone
to say farewell to Princess Angela. The
cardinal explains to the king that the
supposed anarchist is in reality Prince
Victor. The final scene is the throne
room where the court have gathered to
watch the marriage ceremony of Princess
and Prince Victor.
The princess entered with bowed head
and walked to the throne. When she
raised her head to see the prince she
recognized that Prince Victor was the
man she had loved. Iler surprise is the
signal for the lowering of the curtain.
Miss Clark as the madcap little Princess
Angela made the daintiest and most
piquant royal personage Imaginable.
Paul Hodges ns the Cardinal played his
rather difficult role with astonishing ease
ar.d the nonchalance of a professional
AH Six fre®
These New-Idea Dessert Molds
with your initial embossed on top
Here is the latent idea in indi
vidual dessert molds. Your ini
tial is embossed on top so it
shows on each dessert. The price,
where sold, is 75c for a set of six.
\Ye offer all six free to Jiffy-
Jell users in pure aluminum,
with your initial on each. See
offer at bottom.
Jiffy-Jell now costs no more
than old-style gelatine desserts.
It is the quality dessert of this
kind. It is the only dessert v.-ith
real-fruit .flavors in liquid form,
in glass.
\Ve crush the fruit, condense
the juice and seal it in a vial.
Another New Offer
A new, exquisite rattern of Wm. Rogers A A eilverplats. guaranteed for tR rear*
No advertisement on ipoon. Send two trade-marks for tlrst spoon, plus 10c for
postace packing. Then we will offer you a full 11ns of silverware t® match.
How to Secure Gifts
Buy Jiffy-Jell from your grocer. It comes
1 T M in 10 flavors—all in glass vials. Two pack-
WtrxAl Pi 25c -
Cut out l^e @ trade-marks in circle on
front of each package. Send us six of these
pi j' J> * trade-marks and we -w ill mail you the six
I Initial Molds. Or send us two and 10c for
th e spoon. Cut out this ad as a reminder.
Jiffy Dessert Cos., Waukesha, Wls.
We also make Jiffy-Pie, Lemon or Chocolate.
Simply add water and fill the pie.
actor. Tale Raymond looked every Inch
a king and gave a nice Interpretation of
his part, and Zcnda Bertram as Queen
Margaret was charming. Shideler Harpe
as the hero, Prince Victor, made a good
appearance, although at first a little
stilted. The cast as a whole was ex
cellent and the scenic effects and stage
setting unusually brilliant for an ama
teur production.
In the supporting cast were Herman
Lleber, Bruce Slllery and Hughes Fpde
graph, as aid de camps; Tom Omelvena,
Jack .Tones, Richard Smith and Curryer
McCandless as footmen; Sabra Lewis,
Anna C. Gardner, Dorothea Reissner, Mil
dred Foxworthy, Alice Young, Marjorie
Oakes, Kaye Greatbatch and Mary Mc-
Phetridgc, as Angela’s suite; noward
Foltz, ns Trinee Victor’s attendant; Ar
thur. Harris, Gerald llouze, Donald Rose
and August Aldag, as ambassadors to the
court; Edward Guumer and Forrest Heck
man, barbers.
The play was under the personal di
rection of Florence Farman. The follow
ing staff of assistants produced the play:
Business manager, Howard Wlite; adver
tising manager, George Scott; property
manager, Arnold Shultz. The scenery
and stage properties wore made under the
direction of Chelsea Stewart. The Tech
orchestra, under the direction of Eliza
beth G. Kaltz, played during the inter
missions. Composing the costume com
mittee were Lois Booth, Julia Beeherer,
Helen Elrod, Dorothea Reissner, Kath
erine Smith and Kathryn Wiidason. The
play committee was composed of Arthur
Harris, Herman Lleber, Zenda Bertram,
Sabra Lewis and John Evans.
Rolling African Marbles any
day in the week puts you
Outside the Law
P. D.
There’s a bottle in each package.
So you set the real fruit, with all
its fragrant freshness.
You get fruit in abundance, so
Jiffv-Jcll is rich. We use much
fruit to make the essence for
each Jiffy-Jell dessert.
We want you to realize how
Jiffy-Jell excels. Compare these
flavors with the old dry flavors.
Try several kinds. You will then
insist on Jiffy-Jell every time you
These liberal offers are made
to induce these tests and com
parisons. Accept one of them—
or both of them —now.
Shelbyville Council
to Award Contract
Rperlal to The Times,
SHFLBYVILLE, Ind., April 21.—The
contract for the collection of garbage
In this city during the coming year,
will be awarded at the next meeting of
the city council.
The garbage collection question has
been one of much concern during the last
few years and nt one time it was
necessary to cancel a contract on ac
cunt of Inefficiency of the contractor.
Columbus Feasts
New Legion Members
Boci-lal to The Times.
COLEMBt'S, Ind., April 2L—Fifty new
members of the Columbus post of the
American Legion who Joined the post
during the recent Fourth district legion
service and membership drive, were wel
comed into the post at a banquet held
nt the Chamber of Commerce here last
night. Dr. A. P. Roope, commander of
the post, delivered the address of wel
come. The banquet was served by the
woman’s •auxiliary of the post.
A few drops of “Ontgro” upon the skin
surrounding the Ingrowing ns*', reduces
Inflammation and pain and so toughc ns
the tender, sensitive stein underneath tiie
toe nail, that It can not penetrate the
flesh, nd the nail turns naturally out
ward almost over night.
■’Outgro’’ Is a harmless antiseptic man
ufactured for chiropodists. However,
anyone can buy it from the drug store
In tiny bottles containing directions.—
No class of people devotes as much
time to beauty os do actresses and no
class must be more careful to retain
and develop their charms. Inquiry
develops the Information that In hair
care they find it dangerous to sham
poo with any makeshift hair cleanser
The majority say that to have the best
ha!r wash and scalp stimulator at a
cost of about three cents, one need only
get a package of canthrox from your
druggist; dissolve a tea spoor: fill in a
cup of hot water and your shampoo is
ready. This makes enough shampoo
liquid to apply It to all the hair in
stead of Just the top of the head. After
Its use the hair dries rapidly, with
uniform cob>r. Dandruff, excess oil and
dirt nro quickly dissolved and entirely
disappear when you rinse the hair. After
this your hair will he so fluffy It will
look much heavier than it Is. Its luster
and softness will delight you, while the
stimulated scalp gains the health which
insures hair growth —Advertisement.
After Lcng Suffering Mrs. Siefert
Was Restored to Health by
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Pottsville, Pa. —“I suffered with
female trouble for four or five years
jijr t'lll fit to do my woik
fmg... ijt at times and took
im , -fe ll medicine from a
H doctor and got no
*|| benefit. I saw
ham’s Vegetable
gip#' Jwjj 11 Compound advor
!*s'; * JBjB H tised in the news-
P a P ers ar| d took
it and got all right.
. . ,4vi',r .iii I gained twenty
pounds or more and am now aide to
do my work. I recommend the Vege
table Compound to my friends and
you may use these facts as a testi
monial.”—Mrs. Sai.lie Siefert, 313
W. Fourth Street, Pottsville, Pa.
The everyday life of many house
wives is a continual struggle with
weakness and pain. There is nothing
more wearing than the ceaseless
round of household duties and they
become doubly hard when some fe
male trouble makes every bone and
muscle ache, and nerves all on edge.
If you are one of these women do
not suffer for four or five years as
Mrs. Siefert jid, but profit by her
‘fciperience ana be restored to health.
How to Toughen Skin so Nail
Turns Out Itself
Acid Stomach
F@r 10 fears
How a Different I'/oman
Earnestly Praises Eatonlc
“My wife wag a great sufferer from
acid stomach for 10 years,’’ writes
11. D. Crippen, “butha a different
woman since taking Eatonic.”
Sufferers from acid stomach —lei
Eatonic help you also. It quickly
takes up and carriee out the excess
reality and gases and makes the
stomach cool and comfortable. You
digest easily, get the full strength
from vour food, feel well and strong,
free from bloating, belching, food
repeating, etc. Big box costa only a
trifle with your druggist’s guarantee.
L* S‘Ayres & Cos
Open daily
Swiss Silk
Four-in-hands fashioned
entirely by hand and made
of the finest “Swiss” silks
in a varied collection of
patterns, pleasing in color
combinations, are what we
offer in the way of new
neckwear for men, at only
Side Seam Style
The construction Is new and
the “side seam" insures the tie
from pulling out of shape, add
ing to grace of line when tied.
Exceptional Value
The silks from which the ties
were fashioned were secured
from Switzerland, but on ac
count of the money exchange
market we found It more eco
nomical to buy these superb
silks than qualities less fine of
domestic production.
Again! Real Swiss Silk Ties
for Men—
—Ayres—Street floor.
In the Gray Shop
Reduced to
These are in all sizes.
Very good assortment of
materials and colors, $35.
Full or three-quarter
length. Variety of colors,
sizes and materials, $35.
These are of serge, in
navy and black. Plain tai
lored styles, button and
braid trimmed. Unusual
values, $35.
—Ayres—Gray shop,
third floor.
Friday V Spedals
Toilet Goods
Hero are standard toiletries
it a bit-less-than-standard pric
Kirk’s cocoa hard water soap,
S for 19<?.
Palmolive soap, the
Cashmere bouquet soap, 3 for
Bereza soap for the com
plexion, 50<i.
Physlclans’-surgeons’ soap,
SI.OO doz.
Azurea or Floramye soap,
75C cake.
Senreco tooth paste,
Luthol tooth paste, 45<*.
Pepsodent tooth paste, 39<t.
Face Creams
Bereza milk for cleansing,
Bereza Onomia cream,
Creme de Mirador, medium,
—A£res —Toilet goods
dept., street floor.
Downstairs Store
There’s a dozen or more mighty good reasons why there Tvill be
a lot of customers shop in the Ayres’ Downstairs Store Friday.
for Twelve-Fifty
S All-wool lieatherspun, Tux- \
edo, tailored and sports mod- /
els, patch pockets and belts. \ £ Q
Ideal for outdoor sports, hik- / i
ing, street, motor or travel. \
Sizes 1G to 42. >
'• -r—: —:
A Good Story Continued
The Second Chapter
Hosiery Sale!
19,200 Pairs of Stockings
F° r Women J's
For Men
box. It will pay you.
traordinary, even for S <a H
Jgtjjjjjjp the Downstairs Store.
Five Big lots.
10e 19c [ j l\i in for 50c 1 23c 29 c
A Pair A Pair . J a * r
Rare Week-End Bargains in
Shoes, Oxfords, Slippers
For Women , Misses and Children
Women's Shoes
Black kid and patent
leather, lace and button;
sizes 21/2 to G l /"-
Children’s tan and black kid lace shoes, sizes 6 to 11.
SLIPPERS—SpeciaI at $1.75 .
For -women, black kid house slippers, in all sizes from o to 8.
’ .—Ayres—Downstairs Store.
Picturing Two of
100 New Sports Hats
to Sell at $3.95
You'll find them charming, combinations of
felt and hemp and felt and Georgette, large
and small shapes. Os colors, one may choose
black and white, pear}, jade, navy, Copenhagen
and tangerine. Others are in various color
combinations. Very unusual values.
For the kiddies, smart little hats ranging in
price from $1.29 upwards to $3.95.
—Ayres—Downstairs Store.
‘Jell-O' and ‘Jiffy-Jell'
Package , 10 c
WESSON' OIL. salad and cooking
oil. Pint cans, 25<f; quart cans,
COFFEE, “Saturday” brand, a
Santos blend, special Friday and
Saturday, pound, USC.
PRESERVES, pure fruit and su
gar, 5-pound stone jars, red rasp
berry, pineapple, peach and straw
berry; jar. $1,85.
BITTER, Ayres’ special creamery, “extra
quality,” pound, 48< l> '. "Monumenf" brand, a
good creamery butter, pnund, 46<N
MARGARINE, “Good Luck,” 2Se; Swift’s “i'ra
luium,” 29; “Cream of Nut,” uncolored, 29<i|
“Cream of Nut,” colored, ready to use. pound, 2GO.
l’Hl NES, “King’s Dehydrated,” have the flavor of
Iresli fruit. Found carton, 32<?.
BREAKFAST BACON. K login's “Porter”
brand, in the piece or machine sliced, pound
SIN SHINE cakes and crackers; package, Sit,
12 ! and 17<f.
—Ayres—Downstairs Store
Close daily
Women s Oxfords
Black kid and patent
leather, black suede; sizes
2*o 7/2*

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