Newspaper Page Text
r Main 3500 INDIANA DAILY TIMES 25-29 S. Meridian St. PHONES—CLASSIFIED ADV. DEPT. Main 9500 Automatic 2S-351 RATES. On* tim* .09 per line Three consecutive times.. .08 per line Six consecutive times 07 per line Male or female help wanted, situa tion wanted maie or female; rooms to let and board and rooms wanted— One time 08 per line Three consecutive times.. .07 per line Six consecutive times 06 per line Contract rates on application. Legal notices 09 per line Lodges and club notices 75c per insertion Church notices (1 inch or less) 50c per insertion Over X inch.. .07 per line additional Death notices 35c per insertion. Card of Thanks or In Memoriara notices 07 per line Ads received until 11:45 a. m. for publication ante day. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. >WM^^wvwwvwvvwvvwv>^vw^ FLAN.XER & BUCHANAN 3_o North Illinois St. Funeral directors to the people of Indianapolis since 1887. Phones: Main 641-642. Auto. 22-641* INDIANAPOLIS CREMATORY DREXEL // P-J AUTO. 2351* 62-170. Parlors 1222 Union St. ___ George Grinsteiner Funeral director. 522 East Market* Old Phone Main 908. New Phone 21-208. A. M. Ragsdale, jTwalsh Price, John Paul Rag-dale A. M. RAGSDALE CO. 323 North Delaware street. J. C. WILSON ” 1230 Prospect. Auto. 51-671. Prospect 322. W. T. BLASEXGYM 1825 Shelby st. Pros. 2570. Auto. 51-114, FUNERAL DIRECTORS— WM. E. KHIEGER. New 21-154. Main 1464. 1402 NL Illinois. GADD—BERT sUgaDD. 2130 prospect et. Phones: Prosp ct 4-’2. Automatic 52-278. V X DERTAKE:: a— KIS K Y & TITUS. 991 North Del. New 26-564. Main 3630. " FEENEY * FEENEY. Auto. 24-195. 1034 N. Illinois. Main 543. DEATH AND FUNEPAL NOTICES. STEELE. MARY ALICE—Widow of John S. Steele, passed away Wednesday, April 20. aged 6 4 years. Short service at resi dence. 124 4 Shepard st., Friday, April 22 at 10.30 a. nt. Funeral at M. E. Church. Gosport. Ind, about 2 p. m. Friends lnvit-d. Bur.u.l Gosport, ltd. ~ LOST AND FOUND. LOST—Odd shaped silver pin; valued as keepsake. Finder please call Webster 7673. . LOST —White Oik poodle; answers to name of Tood’.es; reward. Call Randolph 7321. ~ LODGES AND CLU3S. O. E. S.—Naomi Chapter. No. 131. Stated meeting in Masonic Temple, Friday eve ning at 3 o'clock. Members of the order welcome. M. BELLE COPE. Worthy Matron. LIZZIE J. SMYTH E, Secretary. PERSONAL*. r _ ABSOLUTELY reliable and confidential de tective work performed; reasonable rates. O'Nell Secret Service. 25 44 W. Wash. Circle 566... Night, phone Randolph 6785 and Randolph 6069. LEW SHANK CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR. P*espectfully asks the support of Indianap olis citizens MASTER OF PAIN The pain killer. Room 8, Fair Bldg. Phone Circle 5057. FAIRMONT MATERNITY HOSPITAL for confinement; private; prices rea sonable; may work for board; babies adopted. Write for booklet. MRS. T. B. LONG. 4911 E. 27th st.. Kansas City, Mo. MEDICATED and vapor baths. Scientific massage. Dr. Anna Kirk. 36 When bldg. Circle 7116. NOTICES, BRICKLAYKRS masons and tllesetters, members of No. 3. are requested to at tend the special meeting tonight. JACK MURRAY, Secretary. ROOMS—TO LET. HOTEL PURITAN < Fire-proof) Market and New Jersey streets. Rates: II and $2.50. Special weekly rates on application. TTY K NTY-FIRST, V>., 125;" modern sleep ing room; private family, gentlemen. Harrison 1323. CENTRAL. 2251; furnished sleeping room; modern home; two ladies employed. Randolph 4084. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; rea sonable rent. 1733 Roosevelt ave. Web ster 5609. TWO front rooms, nicely furnished for sleeping’. Call Circle 2960. TWO unfurnished rooms and one fur nished. 819 South Capitol. MODERN, private horn'', east; to 1 or 2 men. Call Webster 5605. ALABAMA, 327 N.; nice front rooxa for sleeping. Circle 3210. RO?MS— WANTED. - CHRISTIAN Science lady wishes a cheap. unfurnished room with family who own home. 1221 Cornell avenue. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. BTATE, N, 116; two furnished rooms; front upstairs. Drexel 6376. BOARD AND ROOMS—TO LET. NICE room with board to let for one or two people. Irvington 1162. FOR 150 I teach you the interior dec orating business; furnish first-class hoard and room, while learning, which re quires from 3 to 4 weeks* steady work after course is completed; for those who het quickly have position as branch man ager open. Apply to EDWARD SCHNEID ER. Box 197, Mt. Vernon. Indiana. DETECTIVES. Quigley-Hyland Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators. |26-529 Law bldg. Main 2902. PRCFESSION A L SERVICES. VIOLET Ray and Swedish massage. MISS D* VERB, 18 *2 W. Market. Room 12. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. G<rr rpTv rj storage chkapbst If \y/ RATES in citt. call If 1/ US. Everythin* at re*. [J || sonable price. Packed H II ■ tupped anywhere. Locked room if desired. 30 West Henry. Main 4699. PART LOW TtKEPROOF STORAGE CCA Private locked rooms and open space. 25c per month and up. Local and over land transfer. We call and give you ex act prices on any kind of work without any obligations. 419-23 E. Market street. Vain 2730. Auto. 23-680, MOVE The Red Ball way. Long distance haul ing out specialty; cash or payments; any time or place; largest and best equipment in America. Phone Main 4631. RED BALL TRANSIT CO. P'T'T'7 Transfer Cos. r LLLi Quick delivery. Baggage and light hauling. Circle 8971. 826 N. Delaware. Randolph 0998. 3005 Central ave. Household goods moved, (2.00 a room; motor service. Call Webster <228. Let a Times Want Ad Get You Results BRINGING UP FATHER. fno ~ niJ ME:AIM , DO 19 I WOULD IF THE H [ WHAT L| ,Tb bO .?? ._ p- | T '5 /v OMENED U WOULDN'T OTV W/V=3 DAJILT ) KNOW THAT ONU ONE. q C . , Ti Ikrtr ,-r C HEALTHIER i '(OU UKE OUT IN THE COUNTRY YOU HERE 0 ' PERSON DED HERE IN n tle THATi THE OTT J TO LIVE IN N _ J. EEP rmNTpS K , THE 1 HEWAEA *_ C ' l i * ” ,—' ,1 ~ 1,. r 11,, ...... ...... ... —' 11 MALE HELP-WANTED. Show Card Writer Must be first-cla s; good position to right party; out-of-town applicants given full consideration. Send or bring sam- ; pies of work to superintendent, seventh floor. THE WM. 11. BLOCK CO. WANTED WALL CLEANER. SEE PAINT ER. CITY HOSPITAL. WANTED PAINTER. APPLY CITY HOS PITAL. I WANTED—ONE FIRST OLA S3 BLANK ' BOOK FORWARDER. ONE FINISHER. > ONE RULER. TWO COMPOSITORS. ONE CYLINDER PRESSMAN AND TWO JOB j PRESSMEN. GOOD POSITION AND STEADY WORK. OPEN SHOP. AD DRESS A NO. 1152. TIMES. Wireworkers —Experienced men only need apply. 120 S. Liberty. MEN to learn barber trade. TR! CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 3U9 E. Washing- • ton st., Indianapolis. Ind. Clrr’.e 757. : WANTED —Painters for work on street cars. Apply foreman pairt shop. West Washington street ear shops. HOUSE to house work, average. I! per hour. 502 Transportation B.dg ; after noons. UPHOLSTERER on repair work. 1501 Relsner street. Belmont 4298. ; o A L ESME N—- •N ANTED. SALESMEN, preferably with auto for our high-class well advertised fast sell ing R. K. subdivision; big money for live wires. 760-62 Bankers Trust Bitig. Ma n 1409, I FEMALE HELP—WANTED. BE A TELEPHONE OPERATOR Class now open- You are paid a good salary while learning, opportunities for ad vancement to supervi sory positions when qualified. INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Room 322. Cor. New York and Meridian st. WANTED—A middle-aged housekeeper. white; no washing; salary $8 per week. Apply MRS. PIERSON. 1338 South Bel mont. between 5 and 6 p. m. Belmont 0459. GIRL to answer phone at lu_'4 South East street. SIT UATIONWANTE D— FEMA LE ■ A LAUNDRESS wants washings to bring home; 2 days. Call Harrison 1498. " FASHIONABLE D RESS MAK! NG. Harrison 1523. 872 Udell St. CURTAINS to launder. Drexel 0895. Auto. 61-656. BUSINESS SERVICES. Expert Paper Cleaner All work guaranteed; no muss; furniture removed, replaced. If desired. Wirth, Irv ington 2126. CARPENTER WORK WANTED General repairs and new, by contract or dav. Call Drexe! 2506. HARDING A STEVENS. Contractors. FEATHERS Bought, Fold, renovated and pillows made to order. E. F. BURKLE 416 Mass. ave. Main 1428. New 23-775. Carpenter Repairing Screen work; reasonable. Prompt service guaranteed. Drexel 1796. P. P. HARRIS. WALLPAPER cleaning, SI.OO a room; ! work guaranteed. Circle 4738, or Circle 4391 and ask for Mr. Cob. S ALEX'X K AZOR BLADES “ Sharp-ried. TUT! LEDGE. 201 Indixta av. HOUSE WIRING dene r-as aiav; r-'pa'r work a specialty. WHITEHEAD & KOK.NBLUM. Drexel 0217. INTERIOR finishing, wall paper cleaning and house painting wanted. Webster 4538. RUGS mad* to look lik* new; 9x13, $2. Drexel 1076. SINGER SEWING MACHINE 66 model; cheap for cash. 312 Mats. ave. LADIES and Gentlemen's Suits Remodeled. ISVa N. Meridian. Room 29. Circle 0315. FIVE room* w red, $lB. Webster 0272. Randolph 2362 after 6 p. m. LIGHT transferring, moving trash and ash hauling. Circle 2360. FOR paper hanger, caii JOHNSON. Work guaranteed. Webster 6715. BEAUTIFUL switches made of combings. Phone Webster 2871. SAVE money on wall paper and hanging. ! Call Circle 4887. PAPER cleaning or paint at 1121 Tremont avenue. Belmont 3853. HEMSTITCH ING—FINE WORK. TUTTLE. 201 INDIANA AVE. WALL PAPER cleaning. Call Circle 5015. BUSINESS CHANCES. RESTAURANT FOR SALE Steam table and 7 furnished rooms. Rent 340; clearing over 3100 per week; big bargain. Call at 520 Massachusetts ave. WANTED—A man with S2OO to take half interest in a money-making proposition. MARTIN MORONEY, 2601 W. Michigan street. Indianapolis. WANTED—Live wire party, manufactur ing. office position. Investment 3600 proposition. o<in't be beaten. Address A No. 2307, Tim An FOR SALE—I/rocery store, meat market and 7 roomi, modern house. Belmont ax ONLY' A FEW Renewed and Overhauled MARMONS Remain as a Result of Our Special APRIL LOW PJIICE SALE Wo are rapidly clearing our stock of I sod Marmon cars. The opportunity to secure these EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Will soon he lost. Wo have a few open cars, rang ing in price from $1,500 to $2,250 and closed cars from $2,500 to $3,250. Chief among these and at unusually low prices we have two 1920 models, a seven and a four-passenger touring. They have been brought absolutely up-to-date in every detail of construction and are backed by a 90-DAY GUARANTEE Covering defective material and workmanship. The opportunity is yours —ask to see them. NORDYKE & MARMON COMPANY Eleventh and Meridian Streets. Main 1884. Fnashl Rebuilt Nash Reo roadster IRQ Jeffreys 8 roadster s*o Buick panel body, delivery. 550 The real values In these cars will be appreciated by the care ful buyer. Losey-Nash Retail Cos. 400 N. Capitol ave. Main 3349. Automatlo 21-946. THE SPEEDSTER SHOP FORD SPEEDSTERS ARE OUR SPE CIALTY. WE WILL TAKE YOUR OLD CAR IN TRADE. STUUEBAKER 1917 TOURING. $350. HUPP 32. ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND STARTER. $275. FORD TOURING. $173. FOUR SPEEDSTERS. FROM $275 TO S4OO. 16-VALVE HEADS. $160; EXTRA UNDERSLUNG PARTS. $12.50. SPEEDWAY BODIES. $125. WE SELL FOR CASH OR TERMS. 26 E. South St. Circle 1679. Dodge Touring Left factory In fall of 1920. Ha a Just been driven 4.000 miles on city street--. Car run- and looks as good as the day it left the fac tory. Priced to sell at once. Guar antee goes with this car. Liberal terms if desired or your old car taken in trade. 212-214 E. New York street. Main 22 46. COLUMBIA roadster, disc,Bso COLUMBIA, sport, wire wheeia... 1.250 DODGE touring, renewed car 750 FORD truck, light delivery 275 GRANT 6 touring 475 OAKLAND 6 touring 475 MAXWELL coupe 396 COMMONWEALTH 1920 touring 875 KISSEL touring, closed car 650 Easy Payments Arranged. All Curs Overhauled. Phone Main 5716 for Demonstration. Dietz-James 834 E. Market *L OAKLAND TOURING. Good condition; good tires and paint. This car is priced at a real harg aln. Rebuilt Dept. Terms. LEXINGTON MOTOR SALES. 1142 Meridian North. Main 5384. Circle 0827. SIOO down and $5.00 weekly gets yon a good used car. We have dozens of makes to se lect from. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 518 N. Capitol Av. Main 2638. Auto. 82-018. Open evenings and Sundays. AUBURN TOURING. This car is in A-1 condition; good paint and tires. Priced at a real bar gain to move quick. Rebuilt Dept. Terms. LEXINGTON MOTOR SALES. 1142 Meridian North. Main 6384. Circle 0827. AUTO WANTED. We psv highest prices. We are the largest buyers and sellers of used cars in the i4tate. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. 618 N. Capitol. SSO OR $75 down, buys a dandy car. Come In and drive one awav. Open evenings and Sun days. AUTO TRADING CO., 555 North Capitol avenue. FORD coupe 1920, good as new; in per fect condition; regular Ford starter; new tires and Hassler shock absorbers; for sale by owner. 934 Elm st. Drexel 3523. MAXWELL touring, 1920; In perfect con dition. See MR BECK. 828 N. Pena sylvanla. FOR SALE—-Pathfinder tour in*. 85 Ken tucky avenue. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 21,1921. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. PACKARD TWIN SIX 1920 Sport Model. Fp*c!al 4 p&AiHnf?er Kle*twooil body; dltc whef>!. cord 'J Ms U u wonderful ear and cot s7.f>oo with ut extras. \VI l tiaertflea f r $4 ca.*h or consider trade In of a high-RradH light coup® t * r rt W. Twenty-Fourth or call 6223 MITCH ELD TOURING. Mechanically a-1! good Priced to move. Rebuilt Dept. T*rm. LEXINCT< )N MOTOR SALES. 11*2 Meridian North. Main 53*4. Orel* 0827. MONF:OK, 1920, five touring; aide aldelda, motormeter, new cord tire:), etc. Guaranteed 90 daya. $650. INDIAN APOLIS Al'TO SAT.ES :0.. 235 N i'enn aylvanla ntr‘*t. Main 2246. BUICK E, 46; wlntar t p; roadater; good tlr s spotlight, extras $785. Guaran teed 90 <lay. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO SALES CO., -33 N. Pennsylvania street Ma In 2246, TRUCKS—FOR BALL ONE light delivery, pane! body, starter and e.ectrlc lights. M It. BECK, 928 N. Pennsylvania street. AuTOM QBi LAN JEO. l want your car and will pay you cash for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 444 C and Immediate attention will be given. 212 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTOS WANTED I Wolf Auto Cos. 619 N. Illinois St. Main 1579. Auto. 22-o*s Fifty Autos wonted. uh flrt. AUTO TRADING CO. 655 N. Capitol Ave. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. BATTERIES Your old worn out baltfry and J 12.50 for gu.iruutcad rebuilt 6 Vj 316-50 for guarnnUod robullt 13 V, it bought before May 15. Battery to tit any make of ear. Batteries recharged, repaired rebuilt, BATTKRY DISTRIBUTING COMI’ANY, 534 S. Illinois. Main 3146. ” FOR SALE~ Tltpjn Y\’o have a few factory samples that we will nearly give away while they last. 30x3, $7.40; b!zes also. MASTER PRODUCTION CORPORATION. 16 When Bldg. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 534 Norlb Illinois. S & S Auto Laundry FORD. painted and new top, 322. WHALEY AUTO EXCHANGE, 22 E. South. AUTO painting FLEMING & CO., Inc.. 130-132 E. New York st. Clrcls 0633. "MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES." Now is the time to nave your motor cycle overhauled and re-enameled. ERNEST HUGHES CO. 534-36 Mass. Ave. Main 6404. CASH paid for all kinds of motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN. 609 Massachu *tta avenue. T^UaUXi^d^ REDUCED COAL PRICES Illinois nut and slack $5.23 Illinois M. R 6.25 Illinois egg clean forked 7.00 Bent Brazil Block clean forked 7.50 Best Indiana or Linton lump clean forked 7.00 Free kindling with each ton order or more. Drexel 3250. 52-384. Delivered anywhere in city. COAL AND iCE. ’ L. H. BAIN COAL CO. MAIN 2151. MAIN 3531. FOR SALE—Furnace, bakery and cook wood. Cali Webster 5194. MACHINERY AND TOOLS. WONDER MIXERS MIXERS, HOISTS. PUMPS. ENGINES. ALL SIZES CARRIED IN STOCK. BURL FINCH, DIST. *l2-20. W. MARY LANP STREET. tVaat ad rout* to rwsb REAL ESTATE-7-OR SALE. S4OO Cash 1* a ppl*n<Ud 5-room home In one of the beat locations) un tho south Bide. Hat) city water, ga*. sewer connections, garage and a dandy cement and brick-front porch. Ea. t Iront lot. Near 2 car lines. Xfiis is a bargain at $ • 200 and on easy payments Call Ed O'Callahan, evenings. Webster 5296. Mt < ’ORD A- McKTN’.NEY, REALTORS. 536 Lemcke bldg. Circle 5220. [ GOOD 6-room house, newly painted; newly decorated; gas, water, electricity, paved street; close to school and car; excellent location. $-.350; s3oo cash, balance S.O | month. Excellent 8-room modern east; hard i wood floors; fine location; close to Tech, and car. $ -.2*0; $"0 casli and $49 month. BURGESS BROS. Cirri. 1284. 327 Bank IS Trust Bldg $4,750 —North—$750 Cash buys a Qu en Anr: style tnoti**rn. 6 rooms. 4 rooms down, 2 and bath up. large pantry, inclosed back porch; exceptionally largo lot. near car line, school and church, in an unusually beautiful hom n-dghborhood. Mr. Liiub, evenings, Randolph 4667. Home Seekers Realty Cos. 2400 E. MICHIGAN F!v roon.B. gas. r>r.tric lislit. city water In > ard, full lot. fruit, gara**. 5- S00; 1590 down, J 3 p, r numth: 6 p r cent IntereHt. full Truet.’ood, with RELIABLE REALTY CO. 501 City Trust Blur Main 01SS Evenings, Ir\irgton 220!, ALMOST 7iEVEN AWAY Good 8 room house hi:! lot; electric lights and ■; *, one square Brightwood cur on corner of aUey, south fre-nt ; SI,OOO cash, Brin® only $2,100; y i <ieed to this placo. Addrtss owner, 1--* W. Thirty-Third or room 823 Peoples Bank Bldg. Possession Today SSOO cash. hHanre monthly, buys flne fivo-roorn Kellastone flnUsli modern bunga l"\v, near Riverside. B>2 quit k. Randolph I 86t. DOUBLE, EAST Modern, six-room double, RrooksMe ave,, ean buy part payment. \Ve can s-dl at a bargain. Owner out of work and leaving city. Will sell quo k. at once. II 1 -:.! !•; AND FARM AGENCY. 2QI Peoples Bank Bldg. M .in 5616. Fletciier Ave. A nat 5 room oo!’ :g<- ru ar Pina nt.; tilth, soft and '-tty watir In kltchea; new 2-car garage, pr; o |.i.73V. Indiana Trust Cos. ‘2 NEW HOUSES " Four room* •ah; i :h and Dearborn; pries $2,200; small r,-t>q payment; balance like* rent. S* *• Mr. Van A i dale, with 11. C. TUTTLE & BROS. 131 East Ohio street. RAINBOW ]iII)GE $l5O cash. S2O a month buya a nev 3- room bungalow. Call Mr. Anderson. Main 1499. HOME SEEKERS REALTY CO. 2 DANDY SUMMER HOMES Fiftieth street and river; good boating and fLhing; good b thing beach. Sotne terms if desired. O ;>■ n all day Sunday for 1:. pectlon. For information call 520 II - iattl E. Minnesota St. Mock; 6 room), electrio lights, gSLS. city water and soft water in kitchen. I’rke $2,509. INDIANA * X HIGHLAND ave. near Mi-hlgan, five rooms, electrio lights, city water. Trice $2,500; SSOO cash, balance easy t**rms. GEORGE It. BROWN. 1002 City Trust. Main 0915. OAKLAND ave.. 621 N ; gas, electricity, well, cistern, sink in kitchen, front and porch, garage, deep lot, pav and street. $5.350. $1,850 cash. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. CORNER lot north, choice location on Guilford avenue. Price $350. Terms. GEORGE n. BROWN, 1002 City Trust bldg. Main 0915. RICHLAND st.. 267 ; seven-room modern home, with garage, $3,509. S3OO cash, $25 per month. THE SOUTHERN LUM BER CO. GOOD MODERN DOUBLE north; not over $9,000. Prefer to pay $6,u00. Call Main 1820. SM A LI. NON-MODERN* HOME; FROM OWNER ONLY. ADDRESS A NO. 1153. TIMES. LOT for sale, east end; improved street; clear. 6EBREE, 40 N. Delaware. SEMI-MODERN bungalow with garage. Call Irvington 6524. TWO houses on Maple street; terms. Cir cle 3439. Owner. SUBURBAN HOME Ten acres, all black land; thoroughly tiled; all level; new fencing; new seven room house, garage, barn, chicken house and brooders, fruit, good pike, fine water; a real house. Have your cow. chickens, which will make you a living and have the advantage r,f the city. Priced very low. HOME AND FARM AGENCY’. 201 Peoples Bunk Bidg. Main 6686. (l it II Un*; good 6-room house, Ai II t \ li barn, very ric. soil, small H fruU R rica ' 4.000. Will trade for small double or duplex. GEO. A. LUCAS, 405 People’s Bank Bldg. Circle 6600. 784 ACRES with 4-room house and small barn. 16 miles of city, on interurban. Prico $1,600. MARY L. HUNTER. 303-08 Lemcke bldg. Main 1820. Evenings, Randolph 2356. REAL ESTATE—WANTED WE WILL buy cottages or doubles re gardlesT of repair. Russe IT. Hartman. 224 North Delaware. MODERN or parti: house, six to eleht rooms. Call Main 0107. FARMS—FOR SALE. \ w - MVVWVW LANDOLOGY, SPECIAL NUMBER Just out, containing 1921 facts of c:over land In Marinette County. Wisconsin, If for s home or as an Investment you are think ing of buying good farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number of Landoiogy. It is free on request. Address SKIDMORE-RIOHLE LAND CO., 113 Skidmore-Richle Bldg., Marinette, Wls. Florence County, Wisconsin Lands ars still >•' • priced and sold on very easy terms; SpSrts to suit; soma with log houses on move Into. Write McGovern Land Fioxeacv jVJ* FARMS— FOR SALE. TWENTY acres, one mil© of Helmsburg. Ind.; four-room housg; small amount of fruit; Immediate possession, SI,OOO. Ad dress A No. 2305, Times. SEVEN acres on Thirty-Eighth street near Pendleton pike; $3,500 if sold at once; $1 ’ • Time .j SURPLUS MATERIALS NEW lumb.r, 2x4 2x, Ix 4, Ix 6, Ixl2 yellow pine siding. redwood doors frames. —h. trim etc. Wood lath and “Evod” fabric, flue lining, fcxl2. USED tools, w heelbarroT s, hose, pipe, flttlnga, boots, etc. 1 jBEDFORD STONE AND CON STRUCTION CO. LAFAYETTE HOUSES. MARS HILL. .No telephone orders. No deliveries. typewriteiUbargains CASH TAYMENTS Get our low prices on high-grade ueed and second -inr. i I’N'DEHWOdD, MON- A!.' H. REMINGTON. L* C. SMITH, ROYAL and oilier good machines. Mo beli machinea that we cun guarantee. CLARK TYPEWRITER SHOP. 18 West Market. Second Floor. Phoee, Main 2656. Indianapolis, Ind. 20,000 feet No. 1 factor v maple floorimr. Call A. K. SHEFFIELD, C. & J. Tire Cos. fTIPAN T S /Ti I j LOWER PRICES 11 |J 1 A THE PANTS STORE CO. U Ilf 1 4 1 $ Two Stores. \\ ill lila 4# W. Ohio St. U vy f? % 118 E. Ohio St. Jp % rubber tlrd invalid chairs for rent, $3 50 a. month; jo charge for delivery. Baker I’l-ANT non. Currant?) nd gooseberry bushes, r.Oo each. Blackberries, rasp ; berr.* l *. fruit trees California beds;© plants. 6i ci l prices until May i B< mont 2967. M 6 . f i boxes, Ice boxt'S. restaurant tables and chulrs, counters and show cases. BAKFIi BUGS. i FGlfc SALE—Golden oak dressing tßble; triple mirror; reasonable. Belmont 8093. j SMALL ice client for light housekeeping; i dark blue spring coat. Main 9056. Quit wearing ready-made PANTS We make them to your jj meusure for VI jf LEON TAILORING CO.- 181 B. New York st. Upstairs. MISCELLANEOUS—WANTED. j CALL ME before you sell your household goods. I will pay you cash or get you ! more at auction. L. A. HODGES, auc tioneer. Main 2534. LADIES’, gents’ and children’s clothing bought; ail sizes of shoes. Call MRS. LEE. Drexel 9466. BABY carriages; also strollers; regardless of condition. Circle 312 7. GO TO BAKER BROS, for furniture, rugs and stoves. Payments. 219-225 East Washington street. OAK ( **r dav enport, garden hose fur sale. Randolph 6664. 1930 Koeline street. MISSION davenport upholstered in tap estry; also oak cocker. Webster 1131. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. RECORDS; good rerorda of any make you desire, 10c. BAKER BROS., 219 East Washington. WANTED—B-fiat soprano saxophone; low pitoli. Main 2839. GOOD upright piano; payments, $1.75 per week. Randolph 4221. PET STOCK AND FQULTRY. HOMES wanted for healthy homeless dogs. INDIANAPOLIS HUMANE SOCIETY, City dog pound, 924 E. N. 1. 11 to 12 daily. COMPLETE stock of Rufus Red rabbits, 18 all told at a bargain. Owner leaving city. Belmont 2168. LIVE STOCK AND VEHICLEB. FOR SALE—Work horse, black, 1,400 lbs., 5 years old. Call 156 N. Blackford. Main 9105. AUCTIONS. NOTICE—PUBLIC AUCTION. THE CLEVELAND. CINCINNATI. CHI CAGO & ST. LOUIS RAILWAY CO., will sell at public auction on Monday May 16. 1921, 10 a. in. at Sherman drive and C., c\, C. ,(.■ St. L. Railway tracks (Iliil yards), Indianapolis. Indiana, unless prev iously claimed by proper owner, three car loads lumber, approximately 40.000 feet 4-inch short leaf pine 6 inches and 8 Inches running in lengths from 10 feet to 20 feet, consigned to Republic Creosotlng Cc-. Indianapolis, Indiana. Each car to be sold separately; terms of sale cash or certified check. J. K. VANCE, Freight Claim Agent, CL, C., C. & St. L. Railway Cos.. Indianapolis, Indiana, EARN $26 weekly, spare time, writing for newspaper*, magazines; experience un necessary; details free. PRESS CATE, $lB SC Louis, Mb. jflj Auto. 28-351 IUiiGISTEKED C. 8. VA TENT OFFICE LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for the construction of what is known as the Barter street, sewer, as shown by tile plans and specifications on file in the office of the city clerk in the city of Mt. Vernon. Indiana. The com mon council of said city will meet council chamber in said city at 7:30 o'cloi k p. m. on the 2d day of May, 1921, at which time they wi l receive said bids. Said work consists of a main sewer ap proximately three thousand and forty (3.040) fc-t. nineteen hundred (1 900) of which is to be twenty-four (24) inches an i the remainder eighteen (18) inches. To this main sewer in added arms or branches bringing tho total number of feet to eight thousand and fifteen (8,015) or thereabouts. The size of the tile in said proposition is graded down to eight (Si inches. Ail to be constructed of vitrified tile with catch basins or intakes of a com bined sanitary and flood sewer. The esti mated cost of said work filed by the en gineer is $13,500.00. Each bidder is to file a noncollusion affidavit and certified che' k for not les3 than 2 1 £ c c of the estimated cost to insure the executlcn of the contract. The city reserves the right to re'ect any and all petitions. L. \Y. DIXON. City Clerk. NOTP’E TO CONTRACTORS. Notice is hereby given that bids will be received for the construction work pro vided for in the plans and specifications now on file In the office of the city clerk of Mt. Vernon. Indiana, for the improve ment of East fifth str. •< to an approxi mate length. Including turns at Intersec tions of 2.6 - 0 feet. The common council of satd city of Mt Vernon, Indiana, will meet at the council dhamber in said city on the 2d day of May. 1921. at 7:20 o'clock for the purpose of receiving bids on said work. The plana and epecifictions include im proving said street by grading and drain ing and constructing a concrete curb and gutter along each side thereof and build ing a road-..ay thirty (30) feet wide, in cluding gutter of eith.-r oil macadam, mu adam or gravel. That the estimate of the city engineer on oiled macadam is $17,285.00. The city of Mt. Vernon. In diana will pay for the intersections and tne other parts to be paid by assessments on the property benefited. Each bidder will be required to file a noncollusion affidavit and a certified check far as much as 2 hb'ya of the engineers es timate to Insure the execution of the con tract. Said cheek to be payable to the city clerk of Mt. Vernon. Indiana. The city reserves the right to reject any and ail petitions;. 1 L. W. DIXON, City Clerk. ~ ~ FIN A NCIAL. PERSONAL LOANS $lO TO S3OO This office is operated under the super vision of the State of Indiana and was es tablished for the purpose of providing a place where honest people can borrow any amount from 110 to S3OO without paying more than the legal rate of In terest or without being imposed upon in any way. It is only necessary that you are keep ing house and permanently located. NO WORTHY TERSON REFUSED We do not notify your employer, neither do we make inquiries of your friends, relatives or trades people. You can have all time necessary for repayment and pay only for the actual time" you keep the money. Call and let Us explain. No charge unless >ou bor row. Loans with other companies paid off and more money advanced at legal rates. IF IN A HURRY PHONE MAIN 2923 OR AUTO. 22-450. SECURITY MORTGAGE LOAN CO. Rooms 205-7-9 Indiana Trust Bldg 113 K. Washington st Corner Vlr. Ave. WEARE EKE FAR ED TO MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WE PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES, BONDS AND STOCKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K. SAWYER. Prea. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bids. Bouthwee* corner Delaware and Market FIRST and second mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real estate. R. B WIL SON, 108 N. Delaware st. Main 1619. Insurance in all branches. AUBREY I). PORTER, 916 Peoples Bank bldg. Main 7049. Interesting Poster Display at Library An Interesting collection of posters is now on display In the balcony of the central library. They are tho work of tho members of the class which recently finished the six-months' training course In the library. The. subjects all have reference to books and range from suff pestions of travel in the Far North to the parrots and other gay-piumaged birds of the tropics, with bedtime and fairy stories, house-planning, gardens, animals, old favorites and better babies thrown In between. The highest-point picture represents, in very few lines, a snow scene of mountains and fir-clad slopes. Foreign Travel From Indiana on Increase Foreign travel among residents of In diana is on the Increase, according to figures compiled by H. M. Tebay, divi sion chief of the Indianapolis division of the Internal Revenue office. Mr. Tebay said yesterday that during the month of March William 1,. Flder, collector of internal revenue, issued 103 certificates of compliance with the in come tax laws to citizens of the United States desiring to visit foreign coun tries and 109 clearance certificates to resi dent aliens who were returning to vis’t their native lands. The list of coun tries for which certificates were taken out covered practically every part of the globe. COLUMBUS GRANGE MEETS. COLUMBUS, Ind., April 2T.—A meeting of the Columbus Grange, held here last night, was addressed by L. J. Tabor, State master of Ohio. Everett McClure of Aurora, State master of Indiana, in troduced the speaker. Jesse Newsom, president of the local grarujtf was In charge of the meeting. one of the largest ever held organization. Families of mom .cyg’cla Other guests were in attendance. Sports LEBANON TAKES TRACK HONORS (Continued From Page Six.) Meadows (Lebanon!, second; Staump (Advan'-e), third. Time, :261-5. 220 Yard Low Hardies —Akers (Leb anonl, first; G. King (Lebanon), second; Burress (Whitestown), third- Time, :30 3 -5. Running High Jump—Tapp (Thorn town), first; lie Vol (Lebanon), second; R. Kern (Lebanon) and Burress (Whites town) tied for third. Height, 5 feet 4 inches. Shot put—K. Bell (Whitestown), first I Gault (Zionsvllle), second; Bender (Zions viilei, third. Liisfance. 40 feet 3*4 inches. Poule Vault—Higgins (Lebanon), first; !<•> Vol (Lebanon), second; Smith (ZionJi ville), third. Height, 10 feet 3 inches. Running Broad Jump—Tapp (Thorn town), first: Burress (Whitestown), sec ond; Way (Zionsviiie), third. Distance, 17 feet 7 inches. Ivumagae Tackles Major in Springs Net Finals WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. W. April 21.—There was a big upset in the semi-finals men’s singles, of the first annual White Sulphur Springs tennis tourney Wednesday when Howard Visheli. New York, went down to defeat before C. A. Major, New York, in straight sets. 6-2, 0 3. Major was to meet Ichiya Knmagee, the North and South champion, in the final today. The Japanese champion won yesterday in his match with Howard Throckmorton, New York, 4-6, 6-4, 6-4. Sox Grab Collegian TUSCALOOSA, Ala., April 21.— Frandi Pratt, University of Alabama shortstop, left here today after receiving a telegram raking him to report to the Chicago White Sox at once. His loss will b< keenly felt by the Alabama team. WOMEN’S CLUB HOLDS ELECTION Mrs. Reiffel Re-elected by South Side Organization. Mrs. Martin L. Reiffel, who has taken a prominent part in the civic undertak ings of the Original South Side Wom en's Club, was re-elected president of the organization yesterday at a meeting child at her home, 1019 Dawson street. Mrs. Charles Werbe was elected first vice president; Mrs. Oscar Meister, sec ond vice president; Mrs. Ralph Jacobs, third vice president; Mrs. Emmet Flick, treasurer, and Mrs Charles Shortridge, | secretary. The following directors were also chosen: Mrs. Bert S. Gadd, Mrs. George Emminger, Mrs. Julia Marrow, Mrs. H. Spencer, Mrs. J. Ililpert, Mrs. : F. W. Stacke, Mrs. Oscar Merrill and 1 Mrs. George Stocker. Miss Julia Landers spoke on the re- I suits of tho League of Women Voters’ national convention which was held la Cleveland, Ohio, last week. The women and. ided to renew their campaign for a rerouting of street ’*lX4 on Washington street. ELWOOD HAYNES MADE DIRECTOR Stevenson Gear Cos. Holds An nual Election. Elwoed Haynes of Kokomo, was elect ed an additional member of the board of directors of the Stevenson Gear Com pany at the annual meeting of the stocks holders yesterday. Other members of the board were re elected as follows: G. E. Stevenson and G. R. Stevenson, Indianapolis; E. p. Johns, Zionsviiie: T. J. Stevenson, An derson; Sixnson MeQuiston, Kokomo, and 11. T. Wingo, Detroit. Officers were re-elected as follows: President, T. J. Stevenson; first vice president, G. R. Stevenson; second rice i president, Simeon Mcyuiston, secretary, j (7. E. Stevenson; treasurer, E. D. Johns. R. T. Wingo is consulting engineer. It is announced that the company ex pects to begin work within a short time i ou the construction of a subsidiary plant at Detroit, to be used as a production plant for tho manufacture of gears and such other articles as are made on the ' company's gear-cutting machines— the Indianapolis plant then to be used largely I for tho manufacture of the gear-cutting j machines. Government Needs Varied Tradesmen The following positions in Government service are open at the present time, ac cording to Henry M. Trimpe, secretary of j the Civil Service Commission, 421 Fed ; eral Building: Druggist in public health and revenue service, veterinarian, assist ant observer for the Weather Bureau, ex aminer for ttie Patent Office, station li brarian. librarian at military academy, assistant in entomological laboratory, colorist for lantern slides, auto mechanic ; helper at Washington, metal working j pressman, assistant in charge of reser vations, agricultural statistician, clerk draftsman, engineer draftsman, mechan ical draftsman, junior and assistant en gineer, computer In Coast and Geodetic Survey, law clerk and typist. Examinations for the above positions will be held during the month of May. Full information may be obtained from Mr. Trimpe. ‘Con’ Man Nabbed; Taken to Cincinnati Federal officers took Georg# Lloyd of Huntsville, Aia., alleged confidence man, to Cincinnati, Ohio, today. Lloyd was arrested by Detectives O'Donnell and Manning yesterday. Federal authorities alleged he Is a member of a gang of twenty-five confi dence men who have operated in Atlanta, Ga.. for two years and have fleeced their victims out of almost ?1,000,000. One of their victims is said to be a farmer who lives in Rush County, Indiana. The detectives said Lloyd registered at tho Hotel Severin Tuesday night under : tho name, “George W. Overton.’’ Federal officers say two members of the confidence gang have been arrested at Cincinnati and one at Huntsville. Big Four Detective Identifies Negro Detective Johnson of the Big Four Railroad today notified the Indianapolis I police that tho negro found In tba Brightwood yards yesterday with a bul let in his leg was the man he shot st Anderson. The negro is at the city hospital and gave his name ns Peter King, Memphis, Tenn. He is under arrest on the charge of trespass and vagrancy. Detective Johnson halted five negroes in the rail road yards at Anderson and when the five started to attack him the detective fired. 30 DAYS ON DRY LAW BREACH. Miro Roboff, a Macedonian, was found guilty late yesterday in the Criminal Court on a charge of violating the pro hibition laws. Special Judge Fremont Al-i ford, who tried the case, fined Roboff] SIOO and sentenced him to serve thirty] days on the Indiana State taray c 7