Newspaper Page Text
10 Main 3500 funeral directors. PLANNER & BUCHANAN 820 North Illinois St. Funeral directors to the people of Indianapolis since 1887. Phones: Main 641-642. Auto. 22-641. INDIANAPOLIS CREMATORY DREXEL // P AUTO. *551. LL/XlsLAJlsy 82-170. Parlors 1222 Union St. George Grinsteiner Funeral director, 522 East Market, Old Phone Main 908. New Phone 27-208. A. M. Ragsdale. J. Walsh PriceTTohn Paul Ragsdale A. M. RAGSDALE CO. 828 North Delaware street. ' J. C. WILSON 1280 Prospect. Auto. 61-671. Drexel 0822. W. T. BLASENGYM 1625 Shelby st. Drexe 2570. Auto. 51-114. FUNERAL DIRECTORS — WM. E. KRIEGER. New 21-154. Main 1464. 1402 N. Illinois, GADD —BERT S. GADD. 2130 Frospect st. Phones Drexel 0422. Automatic 52-273. UNDERTAKERS—HISEY & TITUS. 991 North Del. New 26-564. Main 3630. ' FEENEY & FEENEY. Auto. 24-195. 1034 X. Illinois. Main 643. DEATH ANdTuNERAL NOTICES. EVANS, DEWEY D.—Son of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Evans, died April 21, age 22 vears. Funeral services will be held at family residence. 1339 S. East street, Sunday. April 24, 10 a. m. Burial Frank fort, Ind. McGLiYXN, MARY —Widow of the late Michael McGlynn, died Saturday. April 23. at her family residence. 828 Church street. Funeral Tuesday, April 26 at 8:30 a/ m. from the residence followed by serv ices at St. John's church at 9 a. m. Friends Invited. CHURCH NOTICES. . Unity Church OF Practical Christianity * Members of International New Thought Alliance, 1200 Odd Fellow bldg. DEVOTIONAL SERVICE Sunday, 11 a. m. Mrs. Murrel G. Powell, Leader Midweek services Wednesday, 8 p. m. Library and reading rooms. 1114-15 Odd Fellow bldg. Open .dally from 10 a. in. to 1 p. m. Phone Main 7934. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME. Ail Souls Unitarian Church . Alabama st., south of Fifteenth. Frank S. C. Wicks, D. D., Minister Morning service at 11. Theme of address: “Religion as a Narcotic” ORIENTAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH will hold regular Sunday evening services 7:45 Morrison Hall. 62 $4 Circle. Lecture by Mrs. Compten White. Subject will be taken from someone in audience. Com munication from spirit world by medium that will be present. Come, bring your friends and get some light on spirit re turn. GEORGE AVERY. President. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST? SCIENTIST —Meridian and 20th sts. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at It a. m. Wednesday evening, testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading rooms, at 806 Kahn bldg., open week days from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., except Wednesday, when closed at 7:30 p. m. SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SClENT lST—Delaware and 12th sts. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school, first session, 9:30 a. m.; second ses sion, 11 a. m. Wednesday evening testi monial meeting at 8 o’clock. Reading room, 611 Odd Fellow bldg., open dally from 9 m- to 9 p. m., except Wednes day, when closed at 7:15 p. m., and Sun day, when open from 2 to 5 p. m. THIRD CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST —3350 Washington blvd. Sunday serv ices, M. a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school, 9:15 a. m. Wednesday evening, testimon ial meeting at 8 o’clock. Reading room at 205 E. 34th st., open daily from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m., except Wednesday, when closed at 7:30 p. m., and Sunday, when open from 8 to 5 p. m. FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH. SOS North liberty street, Sunday 7:45 p. m. Lecture by REV. B. F. HAYDEN. Subject taken from the audience. Mes sages by Rev. Ruth tan De Beuken. Our pianist. Mrs. Audrey Hodson, w r ill sing a beautiful solo. Message service every Wednesday at 2 and 7:45 p. m.. conducted by the Ladles' Aid. Union services will be held April 8. 1921 at 2 and 7:45 p. m. to celebrate Mother's day. You are cor dially Invited to attend these services. All are welcome. PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Red Men’s hall, corner North and Capi tol avenue. Services 7:45 p. m. LECTURE BY MRS. EMMA GRACE KIRK Subject: "Mediumship." MESSAGES BY MRS. JENNIE PARKER. Ladles' Aid Tuesday 2 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Parker. 634 N. Noble street. Public in vited and made welcome. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—A green umbrella with cord, Fri day about 1 o'clock, either at Haag’s. 103 W. Washington or one of 10-cent stores. Please leave at Times office. LOST—Brown leather strapped purse, either in Isis theater or around Circle; Initials M. E. D. on Inside. Finder can keep money, but call Washington 3054. LOST —Black silk skirt lost by invalid lady Tuesday afternoon on N. Illinois between 10th and 16th or W. 16th. Auto 28-298. LOST—SIGMA CHI fraternity pin, shape of cross, pearl set; lost in shopping dls trict; reward, Randolph 2769. PERSONAL*. ABSOLUTELY reliable and confidential de tective work performed; reasonable rates. O’Neil Secret Service. 25 V 4W. Wash. Cl. 5i15f1. Night phone Ra. C7SS and Ra. 6060 LEW SHANK CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR. Respectfully asks the support of Indianap olis citizens. FAIRMONT MATERNITY HOSPITAL for confinement; private; prices rea sonable; may work for board; babies adopted. Write for booklet. MRS. T. B. LONG. 4911 E. 27th st- Kansas City, Mo. MEDICATED and vapor baths. Scientific massage. Dr. Anna Kirk, 36 When bldg. Circle 7116, INSTRUCTIONS FOR 850 I teach you the Interior dec orating business: furnish first-class board and room, while learning, which re quires from 3 to 4 weeks' steady work after course is completed; for those who act quickly have position as branch man ager open. Apply to EDWARD SCHNEID ER. Box 197, Mt. Vernon. Indiana. STAGE—VAUDEVILLE Dancing acts, all kinds, taught, com pleted for season's engagements; satis faction guaranteed. Call PROF. RAYNO, 824 West Ohio street. Main 2068. EARN J 25 weekly, spare time, writing for i newspapers, magazines; experience un necessary ; details free. PRESS BYNQI- Kate. 222 St. Louis, Mo. PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE TIMES BRINGING UP FATHER. fOL)NT‘I WANT TOO TO COME ._. a LITTLE i>OME ITS) BEF.N A 1 ~ ( T / TO MV HOUbE FOR OINNEIQ MORE ( ) DINNER.- _ON<t T4ME L ME TOO ' )/ / TONI6HT- I’LL TELL MA<i<ilE !! £tr|^ H TrtiL COFFEE? P HOW * EH’ I*VE HAD A diOOC) THAT'SjWHV V / ' ©_ 1921 BY INT'L FCATUW6 SgRVICg. INC. ~| | | MALE HELP—WANTED. WILL S2OO HELP YOU? Our salesmen are making big money. Everybody Is Interested in our welj-ad vertised. htgh-class. fast-selling real es tate proposition. All papers executed by a leading Trust Company. We heip those willing to work. Easy, pleasant, profitable. Work all or part time. We have room for a few more live wires, men or women. Get some of this big money. Answer quick. 760-62 Bankers Trust Bldg. Main 1409, WANTED—ONE FIRST CLASS BLANK BOOK FORWARDER, ONE FINISHER. ONE RULER. TWO COMPOSITORS, ONE CYLINDER PRESSMAN AND TWO JOB PRESSMEN. GOOD POSITION AND STEADY WORK. OPEN SHOP. AD DRESS A NO. 1152. TIMES. First-Class Varnish Rubbers Nordyke & Mannon Cos. Kentucky Ave. and Morris St. WANTED—Young man with wholesale millinery experience to travel for high class old established millinery wholesale house In northwest. Application confi dential; state experience and salary warn ed. Address A No. 1160, Times. WANTED —Qualified only, used car salesman. See MR. SPILLMAN, . 960 North Meridian. MAN to work this city refinlshtng chan deliers, brass beds, automobiles by new method; $lO dally without capital or ex perience. Write GUNMETAL CO., 96 Elm, Decatur. 111. SALESMEN. CARBON PAPER AND TYPEWRITER RIBBONS. D H. DUNCAN SUPPLY CO. 610 MASS. AVE. NEAT young man to take charge of office. S3OO cash required. See MR. HARLEY Room 634 Claypool hotel MEN to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 309 E. Washing ton st., Indianapolis. Ind. Circle 757. ~ SALESMEN—WANTED. SALESMEN, preferably with auto for our high-class well advertised fast sell ing R. E. subdivision; big money for live wires. 760-62 Bankers Trust Bldg. Mam 1409, 57 MILES per gallon made with new pat ented gasoline vaporizer. Write for particulars. STRANSKY VAPORIZER CO.. Pukwana. South Dakota. AGENTS—WANTED. AGENTS WANTED to advertise our goods and distribute free samples to consumer; 90c per hour. Write for full particulars. AMERICAN PRODUCTS CO. 4617 American Bldg.. Cincinnati, Ohio. 375” WEEKLY selling Cresco Raincoatß. waterproof Aprons and New leather Util ity Bags. Outfit free. No collecting or delivering. IMPROVED MFG. CO.. Dept. 108 Ashland. Ohio. ~~S>T UATION WANTED—MALE. YOUNG man of 35. excellent education, desires to connect with going concern with prospects for good future. Address A No. 2308. Times. FIRST-CLASS electrical engineer wants position as engineer. Address A No. 2309, Ti mes. ' FEMALE HELP—WANTED. BE A TELEPHONE OPERATOR Class now open- You are paid a good salary while learning, opportunities for ad vancement to supervi sory positions when quailed. INDIANA BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Room 322. Cor. New York and ■'fn-ri/Unri st. GIRLS FOR GENERAL LAUNDRY WOR K, WHITE OR COLORED. APPLY CITY HOSPITAL LAUNDRY. Good steady girl, past 20 years, for clerical work. Must be able to use typewriter. Apply Circula tion Dept., Times Office. WANTED—MiddIe-aged lady to care for old lady in private home; reference re quired; mention pay wanted. Address A No. 1156, Times. FIVE attractive girls, models for com mercial advertising. STONE, photog rapher, 16 E. Washington. SITUATION WANTED—FEMALE. A LAUNDRESS wants washings to bring home; 2 days. Call Harrison 1498. CURTAINS to launder. Drexel 0895. Auto. 61-656. LODGES AND CLUBS. MASTER MASONS—The first public meet ing of the new Master Mason's Club of Indianapolis will be held Monday. Aprtl 25 at 8 p. m. in the main dining room of the Chamber of Commerce. All Master Masons in good standing residing in Indi anapolis are invited. Those having signed petitions are urged to attend as Impor tant business is to be discussed. PAUL B. GORDON. President. ALBERT O. EVANS, Second Vice President. DETECTIVES. Quigley-Hyland Agency Civil and Criminal Investigators. 526-529 Law bldg. Main 2902. PROFESSIONAL BERVICES, ~ VIOLET Ray and Swedish massage. MISS De VERB, 18 % W, Market. Room 12. THE shortest distance between two wants Is a Times Wank ad. Your customers w them. Why don'Vyoa 7 BUSINESS SERVICES. CARPENTER WORK WANTED General repairs and new, by contract or day. Call Drexel 2506. HARDING & STEVENS. Contractors. Expert Paper Cleaner All work guaranteed; no muss; furniture removed, replaced. If desired. Wirth, Irv ington 2126. FEATHERS Bought, sold, renovated mattresses end pillows made to order. E. F. BURKLE. 416 Mass. ave. Main 1428. New 23-775. Carpenter Repairing Screen work; reasonable. Prompt service guaranteed. Drexel 1796. P. I*. HARRIS. WALLPAI’E R cleaning. SI.OO a room; work guaranteed. Circle 4738, or Circle 4 391 and ask for Mr. Cob. HARDWOOD floors washed and polished. $2 and $2.50 per room; wall paper clean ing SI.OO per room. Call Circle 473 H. SAFETY RAZOR BLAD ES~ Sharpened. TUTTI.EDGE. 201 Indiana ave. W. IC. SWEAT, CONTRACTOR. Plastering, cement walks, house paint ing. carpenter work. Phone Circle 5706. HOUSE WIRING done reasonably; repair work a specialty. WHITEHEAD & KOR.NBLL'M. Drexel 0217. CARPENTEFt work of all kinds; roofing of all kinds; pump repairing. Belmont 3675. SINGER SEWING MACHINE 66 model; cheap for cash. 312 Miss. ave. LADIES and Gentlemen's Suits Remodeled. 18 Vs N. Meridian. Room 29, Circle 0315. FIVE rooms wired. 518. Webster 0272. Randolph 2362 after 6 p. m. KuK paper hanger, oaii JOHNSON. Work guaranteed. Webster 0715. BEAUTIFUL switches made of combings. Phone Webster 2871. SAVE money on wall paper and hanging. Call Circle 4887. PAPER cleaning or paint at 1121 Tremont avenue. Belmont 3883. ' F A SHIONA BLE Dlt ESS M A KING.' Harrison 1628 872 Udell st. ' HEMSTITCHING FINE WORK. ’ TUTTLE. 201 INDIANA AVE WAI.I, PAPER cleaning. Call Circle 5015. BUSINESS CHANCEB. RESTAURANT FOR SALE Strain table and 7 furnished room*. Rent $10; clearing over SIOO per we**k; big bargain. Call at 520 Massachusetts ave. EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines; experience un necessary; details free. I’RHSS SYNDI CATE, 6io Times Hid*., st. L"uis, Mo. wanted- A man with S2OO to take half Interest in a money-making proposition. MARTIN MORON EY, 2601 W. Michigan street, Indianapolis. FOR SALE—Grocery store, meat market and 7 rooms, modern house. lielinont 0186. SMALL grocery for sale. 714 Mass. ave. Owner. ENGLISH ave., 1326; four-roonj house, gas, 515.00. FURNISHED HOUSES AND FLATS. FURNISHED house complete; walking distance, 535 per month. Webster 0260. ROOMS—TO LET. HOTEL PURITAN (Fire-proof) Market and New Jersey streets. Rates: $1 and $2.50 Special weekly rates on application. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; rea sonable rent. 1793 Roosevelt ave. Web ster 6669. TWO unfurnished rooms and one fur nished. 819 South Capitol. TWO front rooms, nicely furnished for sleeping. Call Circle 2960. SOUTH st., 317 E.; furnished room, housekeeping. $1.50 week. MODERN, private homo, east; to 1 or 2 men Call Webster 5605. LUJSKHb. weepers, Anders, keepers, out not so If you use & Times Want ad. ROOMS—WANTED. CHRISTIAN Science lady would like un furnished room In family who own home. Phone Main 8709. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. MODERN room and kitchenette, every thing furnished. 1225 Spruce street. Drexel 3609. AiI'KACi'IVE housekeeping room; kitch en privileges; private family. Ran dolph 0589. WASHINGTON, 1223 E.": modern house keeping rooms; reasonable rent. Drexel 8471. 1003 W. 30th.; 5 furnished housekeeping rooms; no children; modern. Randolph 6318, TWO housekeeping rooms. 139 W. Fif teenth street. Call Circle 4728. STATE. N., 116; two furnished rooms; front upstairs. Drexel 6376. BRIGHT street, 145; 2 rooms with gas; $3 per week. BO ARPAND RO g M S—TO LET. NICE room with board in private family; modern home 59 per week. 419 North Noble street. Circle 0646. TALBOTT. 2419; board and room for el derly gentleman or lady. Harrison 3151. NICE room with board to let for one or two people. Irvington 1162. BUSIN ES3 PLACES TO LEASE y For lease, garage, 4Ox VX 170, SCI S. Illinois st. Rent $l5O per month. See & Vk Templeton. Main 5574, with BERT ESSEX, 310 Kahn building. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLEsT Now is the time to nav.e your motor cycle overhauled and re-enameled. ERNEST HUGHES CO. 534-36 Mass. Ave. Main 6404. CASH paid for all kinds of motorcycles. FLOYD PETERMAN. 68 8 Massachu setts avenue. ~MACHjNERY AND TOOLS. ~ WONDER MIXERS MIXERS, HOISTS, PUMPS. ENGINES ALL SIZES CARRIED IN STOCK. BURL FINCH, DIST. 812-20 W. MARY land street. The bbst bargains in automobiles ars Rated under Automobiles and Suppllss In tbs TimsA Want Ad oolumns. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 23,1921. REAL ESTATE—-f-Oft BALE. GAL OUT ™ EY to the 4000 block on Went Washing ton street. (Select their lot and we build them a home to suit their needs for only small payment down, balance like rent. All houses under construc tion now are sold, but we will start one for you same day you buy and hurry to completion. Come out Sun day and see this beautiful addition. Look for the big sign on Washington street. GEO. A. LUCAS. 405 People's Bank Bldg Circle 6600. Evenings. Harrison 0847. 2856 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD. Living room 13x25 feet, open staircase, wide brick set mantle and open fireplace with gas logs, closet with full length door 1 mirror. Paneled dining room, kitchen has closets and built-in cabinets, refrigerator room. Three delightful bedrooms up, large closets, fully equipped bath, linen and trunk closet. Full basement having furnace room, laundry with slate tubs, servants’ toilet; Moncrlef furnace. Large front porch. Garage, front drive. Hard wood floors throughout, $8,750. Terms. This is almost now. well arranged house. Will be sold direct by owner. Shown by appointment. Phone Randolph 6945. 25 FRUIT AND SHADE (NOR WAY MAPLE) TREES on each lot, 85x132. northof Forest Ridge. Forty-Sixth and Hlnesley avenue. High Rent Payer We have one desirable home buy, well located near Illinois at. Modern, three bedrooms up and four room* down, SI,BOO cush, balance $-0 per month. PRE-WAR BRICE Dunlop & Holtegel, Realtors 122 K. Market t. 1200 West Thirty-second St. Eight-room modern bungalow type, liv ing room 16x28 feet, dining room, kitchen and two bedrooms; beamed celling on street floor arid 3 bedrooms and bath on second floor; French window*. Can be bought on terms. $1,600 cash and balance monthly. Call MR. ANDERSON, Main 14 99. Corner Double Six end seven rooms side, modem; lo cation close In; both street, Improved, al ways rented. Paying more than 14 per cent. This is a snap. Act quickly. Dunlop & Iloltegel, Realtors 122 E. Market st. . rj We have a 6-room cottage (l tt fa. II on Warntan at., between VI 1 1 f-fa. I . Ohio and New York; street paved; well, city water In house, cellar, coal shed nice lot, 40x140; shade. You can buy this for $2,800. Ben M. Cloud, with GEORGE A LUCAS. 405 People's Bank bldg Phone. Circle 6600. Residence, Harrison 2282. ALMOST GIVEN AWAY Good 8-room house and lot; electric lights and gaa, one square Brightwood car on corner of alley, aouth front; SI,OOO ca*h. Price only $2,100; g*t deed to this place. Addresa owner. 122 4 W. Thirty-Third or room 822 Peoples Bank Bldg, Harris St. Two block* south of Washington; 6-room cottage; cement porch. electric lights; good condition. A bargain for someone. Price $2,000. S6OO down. sls per month. Indiana Trust Cos. FIVE SEMI-MO DE Ft N COTTAGES SOUTH S3OO CASH. Six rooms, electric light*, fan, city water Inside, newly painted and papered, all In good condition, vacant. Price $2,300; S3OO cash, balance S2O per month. Call Mr. Richardson, Main 1499. Home Seekers Realty Cos. SOUTH SIDE HOME S2OO CASH. , 811 South Senate, 6 rooms, gas. city water inside, newly papered; price only $2,000; now vacant. Henry & Robins, Realtors. 163 lOast Market. Main 6538. Fletcher Ave. A neat 5-room cottage, near Pine st.; gas, bath, soft and city water In kitchen; new 2-car garage. Price $3,500. Indiana Trust Cos. S4OO CASH Balance 127 per month, buys double house on Noble street near Vermont; good condition. Price $2,950. R. H. HARTMAN. 224 North Delaware. 2 DANDY SUMMER HOMES Fiftieth street and river; good boating and fishing; good bathing beach. Some terms if desired. Open all day Sunday for inspection. For information call 620 Masschusetts ave. Phone Circle 6442. ON COTTAGE AVE., NEAR SHELBY Five rooms, good condition Inside and out; gas. water in yard. $2,200. Terms. Main 0186. Evenings, Irvington 2268. HIGHLAND ave.. near Michigan, five rooms, electric lights, city water. Price $2 500; SSOO cash. balance easy terme. GEORGE R. BROWN, 1002 City Trust. Main 0915. 415 BLAKE STREET. Five-room cottage; S6OO down will han dle. FRANK S. CLARK & CO. 226 E. Ohio. Main 887 L COZY LITTLE HOME, EAStf Five-room modern bungalow; east front, on Riley street; $4,500; $1,250 cash. Hurry. Belmont 1327. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Garage, 61st north; lot 120x310; terms $350 cash, $25 month. Owner. Evenings Drexel 1493. OAKLAND ave., 621 N.; newly painted, electric lights, gas, well, cistern, sink in kitchen, lot 40x140, garage, paved street, $3,350; SI,OOO cash, $26 monthly. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. CORNER lot north, choice location on Guilford avenue. Price SBSO. Terms. GEORGE R. BROWN, 1002 City Trust bldg. Main 0915. LAND agent wanted; large commission to sell 280-acre farm, New Madrid County, Mo. W. E. DAVIS, owner. Pt. Pleasant. Missouri. RICHLAND st.. 267; seven rooms, mod ern; garage, $3 500; SSOO cash. $25 per month. THE SOUTHERN LUMBER CO. SMALL NON-MODERN HOMeI FROM OWNER ONLY. ADDRESS A NO. 1153, TIMES. DOUBLE; south; 7 rooms each aide: good condition; on our Una. Call Droxel 1114. SEAL ESTATE—FOR SALE, MR. COLORED BUYER . 347 HANSEN ST. Seven rooms, newly painted and deco rated. Prince $2,250; easy terms. 800 BLOCK HARMON ST. Eight-room modern; $4,500; small cash i payment down. J. L. KINO. 30 V 4 N. Delaware. Main 6909 Auto. 25-667. SEMI-MODERN bungalow with garage. Call Irvington 6524, TWO houses on Maple street; terms. Cir cle 3489. Owner. LOOK at 4801 N. Pennsylvania st. Modern. Seven rooms. Owner. Randolph 7050. REAL EBTATE—SUBURBAN, Near Ben Davis Convenient to interurban stop. One-Acre Improved Six-room house; electric lights. well j and cistern; barn, chicken house. All varieties of fruit. Price Only $3,500 Dunlop & Iloltegel, Realtor 122 B. Market at. 10-ACRE SUBI RBAN HOME” Five room* down, 2 up; new house; fine repair; cement walk*, garage, small barn, chicken hi use and brooder, hog house; all building* 4n cement foundation; well fenced, cedar posts; all black land, thor oughly tiled, Improved road, traction line, adjoining Fortville. Fan have cow, chick ens. hogs, independent living; fine drive to city. Priced in the right way. Give terms. Home and Farm Agency. 201 People's Bank. Evenings, Wash. 3408. Main 6688. TWO acrea. 8-room bungalow; modern; electric light*, cement road $5,500. $Ol People's Bank bldg. Circle 4776. _____ LOTS FOR SALE. (^V^VVN^/SAA^VVVVVVVVVVVVSfVS^A/SfViA SUMMIT PARK (The addition within the city) Opening sale Saturday and Sunday, April 23rd and 24th. Real Lots at an Honest Price |3OO to {476. SI.OO down, balance weekly. No interest, no taxes for one year. Take Brightwood car to Thirtieth street, walk three squares north. Addition is located at 33rd st. and N. Sherman Drive. Come out and look It over. Washington Bank & Trust Cos. Main Auto. 27-565. FOR SALK —Lot on Layman avenue, close to Pendleton pike; cheap for cash or payments. 2726 Adams street. LOT for sale on Purker avenue north of Glen drive, from owner. $360. Call Webster 4177 for information. LOT for sale, east end; improved street; clear. SEBREE, 40 N. Delaware. REALEBT ATE—WANTED. I WISH to buy a five or elx-room home east of Pine st. or In good south side neighborhood; will pay $6,000 cash. Ad dress A No. 1154, Times EAST or north. eml-mo(lern or modern, 8700 cash, balance monthly. Main 0107. FARMS—FOR SALE. FOR SALE—An extra well im proved farm of 140 acres, in northeastern part of Shelby county, Indiana, near Rush and Hancock counties, and V 2 mile of Gwynneville, which is a traction and steam road station. Thie land Is of the beet and Improve ments exceptionally good, including fine hog eale barns This farm Is to be sold at a greatly reduced price. Following is trustee's notice of sale: Notice Is nereby given that the undersigned, trustee under the as signment of Hardy W. Robbins, by order of the Shelby Circuit Court, will offer for sale at private sale st the office of Melks & Hack, attorneys, in the city of Shelby vllle, Shelby County, Indiana, on Monday, April 25, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m., and from day to day thereafter until sold the real estate heretofore owned by the said Hardy W. Robbins, consisting of 1 tract of 140 acres, 1 tract of 27.16 acres, 1 truct of 7.73 acres, all in Hanover Township, Shelby County, Indians. This land is of extra good quality and exception ally well Improved, and Is splen didly equipped for raising and caring for hogs; it Is within one half mile of market; close to an Interurban railroad and within easy access of good schools and churches. A part of said real es tate can be sold subject to a mortgage drawing only 5 per cent Interest; the remainder will be sold on reasonable terms fixed by the court. GEORGE H. MEIKS, Trustee, Slielbyvllle, Ind. LANDOLOGY. SPECIAL NUMBER Just out, containing 1921 facte of clover land in Marinette County, Wisconsin. If for a home or as an Investment you are think ing of buying good farm lands where farmers grow rich, send at once for this special number of Landology. It is free on request. Address SKIDMORE-RICHLE LAND CO., 113 Skidmore-Richie Bldg.. Marinette, Wls. TWENTY acres, one mile of Helmsburg, Ind.; four-room house; email amount of fruit; immediate possession, SI,OOO. Ad dress A No. 2305, Times. FOR SALE—4O-acre farm in Washington County, good Improvements, $2,000 If sold at once. Walter Craig, Scottsburg, Ind. WHT WORRTT LXIT a Tinea Want ad aU tt tot you. MAKE TOUR CHOICE FROM OUR Renewed and Overhauled Marmons OR OUR Miscellaneous Used Cars Our Special Low Price Sale is rapidly clearing our stock of all used cars. Only a few Renewed and Overhauled Mar mons remain—open cars from $1,500 to $2,250 —closed cars from $2,500 to $3,250. Among some of our EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS We have a 1021 Demonstrator, seven-passenger touring, with an Art-Craft top, that has been driven only a few hun dred miles. In addition we have a 1918 SEDAN and a 1916 7-PASSENGER TOURING If you are looking for a used car that has been thoroughly overhauled and put into first-class condition we invite your inspection of CADILLAC PEERLESS 1918 model, type “57,” sev en passenger. Just repaint ed Brewster green. Equip ment includes front bump er, motometer and good tires. # In used closed cars we have a FORI) COUPE, with a special top and in first class shape, and a NASH COUPE that has been thoroughly overhauled. Local Branch NORDYKE & MARMON COMPANY and Meridian Streets. Main ISS4. WELBQN’S USED CARS BUICK TOURING SBSO FORD COUPELET SOO MAXWELL TOURING... 376 REO TOURING 700 CHANDLER TOURING... 850 CHANDLER TOURING... 950 CHANDLER DISPATCH. 1,850 CLEVELAND TR.. 1920.. 1,000 CLEVELAND ROADSTER. LIKE NEW 1.250 Small payments down or your car in trade. No brokerage or commission. WELBON AUTOMOTIVE COMPANY 1025 N; Meridian at. Main 4721. Open Sunday morning. —/^CARsV [nash] Rebuilt Nash, roadster, wire wheels $1,450 Rebuilt Nash sedan $1,750 Reo roadster 850 Bulck panel body, delivery. 550 Stutz 19'JO, like new 2,850 Chalmers sedan 075 The real values in these cars will be appreciated by the care ful buyer. Loscy-Nash Retail Cos. 400 N. Capitol avel^ Main 3349. Automatic 21-948. THE SPEEDSTER SHOP FORD SPEEDSTERS ARE OUR SPE CIA LTY WE WILL TAKE YOUR OLD CAR IN TRADE. STUDEBAKER 1917 TOURING. $350. HUPP 32, ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND STARTER. $275. FORD TOURING. $175. FOUR SPEEDSTERS, FROM $275 TO S4OO. 16-VALVE HEADS. $150; EXTRA UNDERSLUNG PARTS. $12.50. SPEEDWAY BODIES. $125. WE SELL FOR CASH OR TERMS. 26 £. South St. Circle 1679. MITCHELL TOURING. Mechanically A-1I good tires. Priced to move. Rebuilt Dept. Terms. LEXINGTON MOTOR SALES. 1142 Meridian North. Main 5334. Circle 0527. Dodge Touring Left factory in fall of 1920. H&i Just been driven 4,000 miles on city streets. Car runs and looks as good as the day it left the fac tory. Priced to sell at once. Guar antee goes with this car. Liberal terms if desired or your old car taken in trade. 212-214 E. New York street. Main 2246. FORD Coupe, 1920, good as new; In per fect condition; regular Ford .starter; new tlree and Hasaler shock absorbers; for sale by owner.) 934 Elm Bt. Drexel 8528. ! V REGISTERED C. 8. PATENT OFFICE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 1920 Four-passenger chum my roadster, finished in ma roon and trimmed in black. Equipped with front bump er, side shield and five cord tires. AUBURN' TOURING. This car Is In A-I condition; good paint and tires. Priced at a real bar gain to move quick. Rebuilt Dept, Terms. LEXINGTON MOTOR SALES. 1142 Meridian North. Main 6384. Circle 0827. SIOO down and |5.00 weekly gets you a good used car. We have dozens of makes to se lect from. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. Main 2638. SIS X. Capitol Ave. Auto. 22-019. Open evenings and Sundays. OAKLAND TOURING. Good condition; good tires and paint. This car is priced at a real bargain. Rebuilt Dept. Terma LEXINGCON MOTOR SALES. 1142 Meridian North. Main 5384. Circle 0827. SSO OR $75 down, buys a dandy car. Come In and drive one away. Open evenings and Sun days. AUTO TRADING CO.. 555 North Capitol avenue. MONROE, 1920, five passenger touring; side shields, motormeter, new cord tires, etc. Guaranteed 90 days, 3850. INDIAN APOLIS AUTO SALES CO.. 235 N. Penn sylvania street. Main 2246. SPEEDSTER, up to the minute, built for speed. Very classy; cheap. WHALEV AUTO EXCHANGE. 22 E. South street, MAXWELL touring, 1920; In perfect con dition. See MR. BECK, 928 N. Penn sylvania ' FOR SALE—Pathfinder touring. 35 Ken tucky avenue. _ ACIT OM OB 1L ■£ S—W ANTE D. I WANT YOUR CAR and will pay you cash t for it. Don’t forget your money is wait ing for you. If you can’t drive in, call Main 4446 and immediate attention will be given. \2\2 E. NEW YORK ST. AUTO WANTED. We pay highest prices. We are the largest buyers and sellers of used cars In the State. INDIANAPOLIS AUTO PARTS AND TIRE CO. AUTOS WANTED I Wolf Auto Cos. 313 N. Illinois St. Main 1679. Auto. 93-088 Fifty Autos wanted. See us first. AUTO TRADING CO. 565 N. Capitol Ave. AUTO REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. BATTERIES Tour old worn out battery and 112.60 for guaranteed rebuilt 6 V; 116.50 for guaranteed rebuilt 12 V, If bought before May 15. Battery to fit any make of car. Batteries recharged, repaired, rebuilt. BATTERY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, 534 S. Illinois. Main 3146. FOR SALE Tlrea. We have a few factory samples that we will nearly give away while they last. 30x3. 57.40; 30x3 Vi. 38.40. Other master' PRODUCTION CORPORATION. 16 When Bldg. AUTO WASHING Our Specialty. 334 North Illlnola S & S Auto Laundry AUTO painting. FLEMING & CO.. Inc.. 130-133 E. New York st. Circle 0683. TAKE the Time* Want ad route to reach the kfooM. \ Auto. 28-351 MISCELLANEOUS4-FOR SALE. SURPLUS MATERIALS NEW lumber, 2x4. 2x6, Ix 4, Ix 6, Ixl3 yellow pine siding, redwood doors, frames, sash, trim, etc. Wood lath and "Ecod” fabric, flue lining, Bxl2. USED tools, wheelbarrows, hose, pipe, fittings, boots, etc. BEDFORD STONE AND CON STRUCTION CO. LAFAYETTE HOUSES. MARS HTLL. No telephone orders. No deliveries. 20,000 feet No. 1 grade factory maple flooring. Call A. K. SHEFFIELD, G. & J. Tire Cos. (T\ PANTS /TV 1 1 I LOWER PRICES I I \ NOW \ 1| j/ THE PANTS STORE CO. \| , I II 11/ Two Stores. Il I I ti W 4* W. Ohio St. U VI % 118 E. Ohio St. ii Good rubber tired Invalid j Bggll 3A chairs for rent. $3.50 a month; no charge for delivery. Baker FOR SALE—A few thousand Improved | Senator Dunlap strawberry plants, per j 1,000, $8; 2.000 for sls; can ship same day; high grade; check with order. CO tLUMBUS NURSERY AND FRUIT FARM, j R. 6, Columbus, Ind. i ODDS and ends in grocery fixtures. Meat 1 boxes, ice boxes, restaurant tables and i chairs, counters and show cases. BAKER BROS. FRUIT trees, berry bushes, California privet hedge; special prices until May 1. Belmont 2967. 1850 W. Minnesota st. 1 SHOW cases and counter. -417 E. Mor -1 ris Drexel 3999. Call ail week. SMALL Ice chest for light housekeeping; dark blue spring coat. Main 9056. Quit wearing ready-made * PANTS We make them to your J J measure for Cl Jf LEON TAILORING CO. 131 E. New York st. Upstairs. j ~~MISCELLANEOUS—WANTED. i CALL ME before you sell your household goods. I will pay you cash or get you more at auction. L. A. HODGES, auc tioneer. Main 2534. I WANT furniture, dishes, a piano; spot j cash regardless of condition; American buyer. Circle Ills. Residence, Webster 6609. LADIES', gents’ and children’s clothing ! bought; ail sizes of shoes. Call MRS. LEE, Drexel 9466. BABY carriages; also strollers; regardless j of condition. Circle 3427. household" goods. REFRIGERATORS, all sizes, porch and sunroom furniture; gas and oil stoves at very low prices. 1 USED GOODS STORE. 424 Mass Ave. ONE tailor work table, 6x4 feet; one coal range; one elegant bevel mirror. Bx 6. 1744 N. Illinois. Randolph 1943. ; GO TO BAKER BROS, for furniture, rugs and stoves. Payments. 219-225 East j 'Washington street. FUMED oak living room table and settee. Randolph 6054. MUS 1C ALTTN s T R UMEN RECORDS; good records of any make you desire, 40c. BAKER BROS., 219 East Washington. GOOD upright piano; payments, $1.75 per week. Randolph 4221. PO U LTRY^ JVX HOMES wanted for healthy homeless dog*. INDIANAPOLIS HUMANE SOCIETY. Cityjiog pound. 924 E. N. Y. 11 to 12 dally. COMPLETE stock of Rufus Red rabbits, 18 ail told at a bargain. Owner leaving city. Belmont 216 g LIVE STOCK AND VEHICLES. FOR SALE—Work horse, black. 1.400 lbg, 5 years old. Call 166 N. Blackford. Mala 9105, "“COAL AND WOOD FOR BALE. AAfWWWVWVS^WWWVWWW^^^Vy REDUCED COAL PRICES, Illinois nut and slack Illinois, large clean forked $7.88 Illinois mine run $6.28 Best Ind. or Linton lump, clean forked ....17.88 Illinois ejrg, clean forked ...17.88 Best Brazil block, large f0rked......57.68 Pocahontas lump, none better $ll.OO Delivered anywhere in the city. Free kindling with each ton order or mora Drexel 3280. Auto. 52-884. ________ , L. H. BAIN COAL CO. MAIN 2151. MAIN 353 L FOR SALE—Furnace, bakery and cook wood. Call Webst>r 5194. TRUCKS—FOB SAL*. ONE light delivery, panel body, starter and electric lights. MR. BECK Mt M. Pennsylvania street. FINANCIAL. YOU CAN BORROW MONEY SO CHEAP and on such easy terms of from the Fidelity Loan Company, a censed and bonded firm, for use In paylxlY overdue bills or to buy the things you need for CASH at BARGAIN PRICES that every one should take advantage of our service. LOANS AN FURNITURE {20.00 to $300.00 at legal rates, on short notice and without publicity. We give you all the time you want to repay a loan and only charge for the actual time you have the money. Fair, Isn’t It? You Can Afford to Borrow On $ 40 pay $2 a month and Interest On $ 60 pay $3 a month and interest On SIOO pay $5 a month and Interest PAY MORE ANY TIME AND REDUCE THE COST IN YOUR BEHALF We are on the Job eight hours a day, and through personal contact and personal service, plus a deep personal Interest, wa can serve you and your friends as you wish to be served. In these unusual times, business friendships, close relations, mu tual understandings and co-operation ars real assets to all of us. We are ready to go three-fourths of the way. Now ft la up to you. FIDELITY LOAN CO -106 E. Market St. Room 532 Lemcke Bldg. WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE REifoa ESTATE LOANS PROMPTLY. WH PURCHASE REALTY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES. BONDS AND STtifeKS LISTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES FRANK K SAWYER. Pres. Fifth floor Indianapolis Southwest corner Delaware end FIRST and second mortgages . M and Indianapolis real^gy^^R. SON. 108 .V )Ji INSI'RAV'iT"in"" all ”> PORTER, ' : Main 7049. ic' J