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10 Money to Loan on New Dwellings and Medium Priced New Apartments jflrtcfjtr &atomgs anu Crust Company NO REDUCTION IN MINERS’ PAY Lewis Says Coal Purchases Should Not Depend on Wage Cut Theory. J ohn Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers of America, predicted to day In a statement Issued at headquar ters that there will be no reduction in miners’ wages. He declared the United Miners •would resist any attempt to dis turb the present relations between em ployes and employers and urged that the public should not delay the purchase of coal In the hope that wage cuts will bring cheaper fuel. Mr. Lewis’ statement Is as follows: “There will be no reduction of wages in the organized sections of the coal mining Industry. The mine workers are cow working under a scale of wages fixed by the United States Bituminous Coal Commission, created by the President, and which functioned under governmen tal authority. These wage schedules were written Into an agreement between min ers and operators, which will not ter minate until March 31, 1922. “There can be no modification or abrogation of this agreement in any coal producing district without disturbing the integrity of the contract throughout the nation. The United Mine Workers will resist any attempt to dlstnrb the aquanl tnity of Its present contractual rela tions. The present acute depression in the mining Industry, with consequent widespread unemployment and distress among the mine workers, is not in any way attributable to the wage schedules now In effect. Production costs at the present time are such as to enable coal to be produced and furnished the eon eumlng public at a price relatively lower than any other basic or essential com modity. “Users of coal should not delay pur chase upon the theory or with the hope that any reduction of wages will be ac cepted by the mine workers. Statements to the contrary have no basis in fact.’’ PASTOR BRINGS BOYS TO COURT Persuades Two Vehicle Takers to Surrender. Harold Elliott, 19, 744 Madison avenue, and Jesse Robinson, 21, 2049 Poland street, accompanied by the ltev. George S. Henninger, pastor of the East Tenth Street M. E. Church, appeared in Criminal Court yesterday and surrendered them selves to Judge James A. Collins. The young men were wanted on charges of vehicle taking, having forfeited their bonds. The Rev. Mr. Henninger became ac quainted with then, heard their stories, and advised them to give themselvea up, promising to accompany them to court. Tha pastor explained that ha believed Elliott had settled down and reformed. Elliott was fined SSO and costs and Robinson was fined $25 and costa and sentenced to serve sixty days at the Indiana State Farm. Lloyd Kentner. a former constable, was fined $250 and costs and sentenced to serve six months at the State Farm on a charge of assault and battery. Earl Gadd, charged with vehicle taking, was fined $25 and costs and sentenced to serve thirty days In Jail. 10 Ripple Tickets for 75 Cents Now Ticket fare on the Broad Ripple line of the Union Traction Company of In diana lines has been changed by the public service commission from six tickets for 60 cents to ten tickets for 75 cents. The change, making a redac tion In ticket fare of slightly less than 1 cent on each ticket, was made at a conference of the commission yester day. No change was made in the cash fare of 10 cents between Broad Ripple and In dianapolis, with a 5-cent fare from Fifty- Third street. It Is expected the order for the new ticket rate will be Issued soon. The change was agreed on after a conference with the traction company officials. SPRING MEDICINE The body U like a machine, it has to be adjusted to the condition under which it Uvea. Spring marks the change cells become Ejf; to resist the effects of heat, and ita hand icaps. Drugs may stimulate temporary action. But Father John’s lledicine con talnr no drugs, no alcohol, but one of Nat re's great food-medicines, which is easLy digested and promptly made use of by body cells. In use for over sixty-five years. Try it. —Advertisement. Cuticura Soap Complexions Are Healthy MM.Wr.wrwy wbr*.For •un jde* .IHX. MAiita.l*w. CLOTHING —ox— CREDIT Hoyle rn aricx •and Clotkmz Cs. Sauao-Wi w. VVa.hlngio* nw t Doors Vest Boast* At* WATCH FOR OPENING OF NEW GLOBE STORE AND ANNEX WETOGRAPH Secret Writing System Invaluable for lovers and for keeping roeipea. addresses, oecrst memorandum of other information safe and private. No stranger oan read your postals if you uaa the Weto Graph. Great fun for lovers or friends. Don't miss it Bond 10c and we will send the Weto Graph by mail with full instruct' ins Address PENN FLB LLSHINU C<L Blairs villa. Pa* DOG HILL PARAGRAFS **.‘W ‘ | I Jefferson Potlocks has lost his watch. He lost it somewhere between here and Hog Ford, and notifies the traveling pub lic to listen for it. Sile Kildew, who has had a courtshlp by-mall affair with a lady residing the other side of Tickville for the last sev eral months, said he had hope of getting married, but that the mail carrier was so slow she went and took some other fellow last week. Sim Flinders, who has been laid np with rheumatism in both feet. Is con valescing. Tobe says a person doesn’t know how handy his feet are In walking until he gets so he can’t use them. She Shot Husband in Self Defense, Finding CHICAGO, May s.—Mrs. Thomas Row land was free today of the charge of murdering her husband, a dentist. The coroner's jury decided that Mrs. Rowland shot her husband In self-defense and therefore was not guilty of murder. “Irene" Malloy, the girl the doctor was Infatuated with, was. at the inquest and sat across the table from Mrs. Rowland. Fourth Fluor State Life Building ' VOUK ONREStWCTtO CHOICE ®Any Hat in Our Store J|| Whether Formerly Priced $lO, sls up to $25 j| Which Means We Are Practically Giving Them Away 2^||sg\ Sports Hats Banded Hats Feather Trimmed Hats Taffeta Hats Transparent Hats Georgette Hats Genuine Hair Hats | /fiSCr/ AFRICAN OSTRICH FEATHER COMPANY YjfcggqV Fourth Floor State Life Building Economy Dry Wash Anew service designed to reduce the cost of your family washing. Outstanding features of the new service are: Economy —2s lbs., (less )s2.lo Over 25 lbs., eight cents per pound. Safety —No losses, no mix ups Satisfaction —No marks, no pins, no tags Each Washing Done Separately We do the washing—do it wonderfully well, in soft water, using only the purest soap. We Iron the flat work. That’s ECONOMY DRY WASH at the Progress Laundry. Cost, $2.10 for 25 pounds or less; 8 cents per pound over 25 pounds. No washing taken in this department for iess than $2.10. No change in "ROUGH DRY.” This is a separate department and does not affect aEy other branch of Progress Laundry service. We do any kind of laundry work that is done anywhere. MAin 0237; Automatic 20-371 420 East Market St. Work Called for and Delivered Gratis Economy Dry Wash Dept. Progress Laundry is next Sunday How pleased she will be with your Gift of a Handsome Handbag Anybody’s mother may wear flowers on Mother's Day, but for your own dear mother—a gift more personal, more individual and distinctive! A handbag of the known Charles Mayer & Company quality would be most pleasantly appropriate. We can help you choose from a number of stately and dignified leather bags, or, if you prefer, the summery silk moires, black and dark colors lined with lustrous soft-toned flowered silks or satins. Leather Bagrs, Silk Bags, $3.50 up to $35 $5 up to $25 Silk Umbrellas of Beautiful Quality would also be welcomed by mother. These are just as useful in protect- To Inclose With Your ing against summer sun Gift—Greeting Cards, as against spring rain. Tender, appropriate sen in colors of blue, green, tlmenta for Mother’s Day. mimic also black Suited also to her who purpie, aiso mac*. has been .. Jußt , lke a $7.50 to $16.50 (Tax not Included) Charles Mayer & Company 29 and 31 W. Washington St. Established 1840. INDIANA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 5,1921. * HEADACHE S'* -AT the top of the head S . \ i, AT the side of the head *rtJ&sil' _ \ “ A-T the back of the head S' * AT the base of the head L, .-*•... AT the temple or over the eye# la xsvv caused by nerve pressure in some spe- Ib j , vj, . cific nerve center. 8 me pressure and thereby Remove the Cause S os your headache trouble. I have done It for other#. Why not you ? „ CONSULTATION FREE and a thorough explanation of how ' Chiropractic appUea to your indi ’ rldnal cos*. (Vjy* CHIROPRACTOR Wm. f Honrs: 1 to Sand 7 to 8 p. m. Sunday and other hours by appointment. Residence Tel., Randolph 7717. Office Tel.. Main 8941. Prepare for Business Every young man and young woman who Is Interested In following a business career should take this opportunity to attend business college If you are Juat through school; If you have been out for a year, or for several years; If you have been working at anything you could get to do, feeling that some day you would prepare fcr a better position; In fact, whatever your situation, there could be no better time than RIGHT NOW to attend business college. THOSE WHO ARE TRAINED are least affected by unsettled conditions. Not only are their chances better now, but they always enjoy superior advantages In times of tha greatest prosperity. That is always true. The calls upon our EM PLOYMENT DEPARTMENT would surprise you. This school Is In session the year ’round. No vacations. No Interruptions. Telephone or write for information, or if ready Just be on hand May 9, or as soon thereafter as possible, for day or night school. Fred W. Case, Principal. Pennsylvania and Vermont—lst Door North V. W. C. A.—lndianapolis. /ik Come Early Friday for it is flil BARGAIN DAY 1 1 Our stock was never more complete than it is now, for we have just received a large shipment, including many I J|&,; numbers for the ladies as well as the men. Come in Fri- T-llpl&lp day—you won’t he disappointed. JMjlls . Ladies’ Oxfords, Straps, Pumps f Black and brown kid, calfskin and suede; excellent values; brand new Early Men’s Shoe Special xjßßjli \ Friday Stylish vlci kid gunmetals and ' i&i \ 'Wk tans, serviceable and coinforta- . (M I i' English as well as wide Friday Only, $2.98 ' Men’s Oxford Special Men’s New Spring Oxfords, in black and brown. Splendid values. For our Bargain Friday Only, $2.93 CENT We Save on Repairing Gooi Rubbei Heels, O’Sullivan or Wingfoot, 50^. HORUFF’S Birthday anniversaries should always be re- w Jk corded by Moorefleld’s f portraits. Arrange a alt mM 9th Floor Kahn Bids. "’•SSt FISH Fine Lake Mullets.\ Pound Illinois River Carp. [ a Bajrfield Bluefins. / IUC Illinois River Sun- \ fIBIL / Pound Medium Dressed l Salmon. / ODa Baby Tulibee \ Whiteflsh. / Fancy Striped Bass. \ pound Fancy Fresh Trout. / /HA Choice Red Catfish. ) Fancy Roe Shad j| A (elegant), lb 4:UC Many other varieties— * We have them all. WILLIS 337 East Market 3t. Buy Your WatcTF On Refined Credit Plan /• EASY PAYMENTS jrr —- Small paymeat down UaJJ and weekly pay awl thereafter. Smnt, We can supply yCdWpiWK, any requirement s to quality a# a Hfm/ k A range of price* tael Bf / /"i t® will satisfy and wUI Bri •** ] aijf meet your wishes. iEV/fNyttf Von have all the VB l r \ ¥IB advantages es a 'wQmDmT cash transaction with the privilege * of extended credit Gray, Gribbea & Gray Corner Ohio, lodlana aid Till not* "Wftffinßia M-M If, LLLINOIA II APPAREL and MILLINERY FOB WOMAN AND ■— = Scores = RELIABLE SPECIALTY GOODS are obtainable in Hook’s very complete department. The services of the expert in charge are yours at any time free of cost. Hundreds have found relief and satisfaction here. We carry a complete line of Maternity Beits, Abdominal Supports, Stump Stockings, Elastic Hosiery Shoulder Braces, Trusses Our Wonder Non-Skid Truss is guaranteed to hold your rupture ta place and give absolute satisfaction and comfort while wearing. Examination and consultation free. Mpf/t ft Truss Department r WM. F. TOTTLEBEX, MGR. M niiaois and Washington Sts. Occidental Budding A FLOCK OF FORDS Wd A GANG OF MEN ■ Jfia t ALWAYS ON THE JOB, ' Hayes Bros. RLOMB NO. MCATING -VNO VCNTILATiNv -i MAIN 2495 AUFO 77-49 V V ’ ■ SV Best Hat Valu^in^City nJf&Zue. <rf Buying for cash and selling for cash makes a whole lot of difference. Every article in this great store is a leader. These are surely bargains at $1.87 Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded goes with every sale. Washington & Delaware Sts. IT HAPPENS ONCE TO EVERY WOMAN HOW LONG DOES IT LAST? ALL WOOL SUITS and OVERCOATS Honestly tailored to est I - A your mes ure tor ■ M ■ Kll LEON TAILORING CO. V || 181 E. N*w York Bfc \J M 342-344 Virginia Avenue. 1108-1110 Fountain Square. 938-40 South Meridian St. 2630 Northwestern Avenue.