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TWO COMEDIES ' NEW TO LOCAL STAGE BILLED Wives’ English’s Offering—'Mamma’s Affair’ at Murat. EDDIE FOY AT KEITH’S Two comedies never before seen on the local stage will be presented by the Gregory Kelly stock company and Mr. Stuart Walker and his play ers next week at English’s and the Murat. At English's next week the Kelly players will be seen in “Scrambled rWives” and at the Murat Mr. Walker will present "Mamma's Affair.” Eddie Foy and bis famous family will head next week’s bill at B. F. Keith’s. It has been many seasons since Foy has been here. , The Lyric will present next week a* Its feature act a musical comedy offering called “The Juvenile Folliea.” Loews State will have a vaudeville bill headed by Emile Montrose, a protean star, and a movie, "The Little Fool.” New bills are announced at the Bialto and the Broadway for next week. “SCRAMBLED WIVES” TO BE XEXT BILL AT ENGLISH’S. On next Monday night Gregory Kelley end his players at English's will present fer the first time on'any stage In this city the comedy, ‘'Scrambled Wlvee.” This comedy gives Mr. Kelly and Bath Gordon good comedy chances. The plot has an ingenious twist. A young fellow, John Chiverick, and a still younger girl, have..a real boy-and-glrl love affair. Their parents do not realize h“W serious an affair it Is until the chil dren announce that they have just been married. Then the marriage 1b speedily annulled, snd the girl Is carried off to Europe for travel to make her forget. And she does forget very easily. She calls herself Mrs. Smith and has a gay time posing as a wldcw. John, too, for gets so successfully that In a few years he marries again. Connie, his second wife. Is Jealons of the unknown first Mrs. Chiverick, and when an attractive widow, calling herself Mrs. Smith, and trailed by one Larry Macleod, who says she has eamised to marry him. turns up at a use party, trouble begins. Connie only suspects the facts about Mrs. Smith and Chiverick, but Larry knows, and compli cations pile up thick snd fast. Gregory Kelly appears In a comedy role as John Chiverick. Ruth Gordon will play the frivolous widow, Mrs. Smith, blossoming out in several new ' gowns. The rest-of the cast is as so„- w: Larry Macleod. .Harry Wagstaff Grlbbla. Connie Chiverick Grace Hayle. Mr. Halsey Byron Beasley. Mrs. Halsey Florence Murphy. Recsie Carleton Angela Ogden. Dickie A Willard Barton. Bee Holloway Alma--Hammersley. Martin Harry Sothem. Grace Hayle makes her first appearance In this play with the Gregory Kelly Com pany. ELIZABETH PATTERSON RETURNS MONDAY TO MURAT. “Mamma's Affair.” the Harvard prize comedy by Rachel Barton Butler, will be presented next week by the Stuart Walker Company at the Murat. The play was produced In New York last year by an all-star cast, under the direction of Oliver Morosco The play deals with the theme of mother-love dispensed In too generous portions. Mrs. Orrln, the mighty mamma of the comedy, is a chronic neurasthenic who has gradnally allowed herself to completely dominate her daughter's life. Finally the frail young girl breaks down nnder the strain of constantly attend ing to the wants of her exacting mother. Alarmed. Mrs. Orrin calls In Dr. Jan sen to see Eve, the girl. He sees that she Is the victim of her mother’s lovable tyranny, and orders her away to the country for a month of complete isola tion. Not even Henry Marchand, the suitor of her mother’s choice. Is permittefi to see her. Thus, relieved of the worry snd care of her parent Eve regains health rapidly, and just as her mother is about to reclaim her the doctor takes things Into his own hands. Although he fights against his emotions Dr. Jansen at last is forced to admit to himself that he Is In love with his pretty patient. How ever, it Is not until the final curtain that tho stubborn young doctor sweeps aside Jlertry, the insipid suitor, and euc tumbs to the charms of Eve. “Mamma’s Affair’’ marks the return to the Stuart Walker Company of Eliza beth Patterson. Miss Patterson U one •f the most popular players whlcn Stuart Walker has brought to In dianapolis each year he has appeared here. She will be best remembered for AMUSEMENTS. 4 R | NEW I D SUNDAY M Rand THURSDAY 1 0 ! C A lOc t D 20c u W 3Qc 1 R A FIVE . E V ACTS f VODVIL § ' FREE Fireworks Band Concert Masked Ball Opening RIVERSIDE AMUSEMENT PARK SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 14 her fins performances last year In “A Very Good Young Man,” “38 East,” and “The Lodger.” In the play of next week Miss Patterson will be seen In the lead ing role, appearing In the delicious comedy part of the overwrought, hysterical mother. George Gaul and Regina Wallace are cast in the roles of the doctor and the girl. Judith Lowry and Julia Mc- Mahon. two old favorites who return with the Walker organization for another season, will also be seen next week. Robert McGroarty and John Wray com plete this superb cast. Ae entire production is made under the personal direction of Mr. Walker, with special settings for sll three acts designed by Frank J. Zlmmerer. There*wlH be the usual matinees on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. -I- -I- A EDDIE FOY AND FAMILY TO ROMP ON KEITH’S STAGE. Comical Eddie Foy, the veteran come dian, surrounded by his famous children, will offer a travesty on the high cost of living as the special attraction at Keith’s for the week starting Monday matinee. Their act is called "The Foy Fun Revue” and is said to be a real scream. The scenes of the act is laid in a high-class restaurant where Eddie has taken his family for a bite to eat. He only has a few dollars in his pocket and when bis offsprings start to order dishes from the menu thst only John D. could afford the fun becomes a small sized riot. The children Include Irving, Dick, Mary, Charley, Madeline, Bryan and Eddie, Jr. Ruby Morton, billed as "The Little Star of Song,” will offer a repertoire of special numbers. Mis* Norton will be assisted at the piano by Clarence Senna, who is also a pianist soloist. Ed Gallagher and Joe Rolley are trav esty artists and will be seen in a comedy, "At Palm Beach.” Mr. Gallagher is a vacationist and Mr. Rolley will be seen as the presiding officer of a rolling chair. Eric Zardo, tha eminent pianist, who is making a limited vaudeville tour before returning to the concert stage, will con tribute an act that will be a treat to lov ers of music. Henry B. Toomer, supported by Esther Day, will present his new sketch, “The Wife Saver.’’ Mr. Toomer Is seen as a husband who is inclined to pbilanOer. The wife saver Is a profession which, the woman suffrage has brought about; its main object is to keep matrimonial ships from hitting the rocks of discontent. The Adriot brothers combine head bal ancing with the playing of musical in struments. One stunt that is original Is when one of the boys playing the piano balances the other head to head who plays s violin. The Great Johnson is a contortionist who performs his act on a Dying appa ratus instead of the ground as is gen erally the custom with acts of this kind. The Tathe News Weekly and the Lit erary Digest Topics will have their usual position on the bill. -I- -I- -!- "THE JUVENILE FOLLIES” DUE AT LYRIC NEXT WEEK. “The Juvenile Follies.” described as a miniature edition of Flo Ziegfeld's an nual revue, but presented by e company composed entirely of juvenile artists, twelve In number, clever kiddies who sing, dance, impersonate stage celebrities and deport themselves quite as confi dently before the footlinghts as do the seasoned performers of mature age, will top the Lyric's bill next week. It Is an Imposing boy and girl act, said to be the most talented aggregation of children ever assembled together In one organi zation, providing the stage with one of its most attractive novelties. Gertrude Taylor, prlma donna, late with the Shubert “Winter Garden” and “Passing Show’’ productions, will offer a pleasing song travelogue in which she has the assistance of several others, and another melodious divertiaement will be “Harmony Land,” a song and music skit. Introduced by a quintet of vocalists and instrumentalists. < Phil Austin and Ralph De Laney, col ored comedians, will appear In their mirthful concoction called “The Synco pated Hotel,” In which they have become favorite gloom-chasers around the Vari ety circuits, and rounding out the show there will be Baggott and Sheldon, jug gling experts, in a display of dexterity with Indian clubs Ted and Corinne Bre ton, comedy conversationalists. In anew act entitled “On- the Board Walk,’’ and Charles Harte and company, Including Violet Lawrence and A1 Lyons, In a song and dance oddity. A Fox film farce, "Janitors," the Paths review and the Paramount magazine will be picture Interpolations. -I- -I- -I ---810 MOVTE AND VAUDEVILLE BILL BOOKED AT LOEWS STATE. Coming to Loew's State Theater, start ing next Monday matinee, will be Jack London's story, “The Little Lady of th& Big House,” and renamed, for screen pur poses, “The Little Fool.” It was pro duced by the Loew-Metro with a cast In cllding Milton Sills, Ora Carew and many other local favorites. The story deals with Richard Forrest and his wife, a fascinating creature whose charms attract all the men In vited to the palatial home on the ranch. She Is cold to them all, but at last one man appeals to her, and soon the husband is faced with the fact that his wife is going to leave him. The climax at tho eleventh hour, when all seems lost, has terrific force. The top-liner of the vaudeville pro gram, Emille Montrose, a protean star and famous on both continents, will pre sent the dramatic success, “Into the Light.” Miss Montrose does an entire act by herself, impersonating seven char acters from a youqg girl to an old man. Drama and comedy are well combined and the swiftness with which she makes her changes In appearance and voice are marvelous. Follette, Pearl and Wicks, will offer the skit called “The Driver.” The Clemenso Brothers offer an acrobatic mu sical pot-pourri. De Lea and Orma have an interesting skit called “Six Feet of (Continued on Fage Eight.) amusements. , “Come On In! The Water’s Fine!” —and so’s the fun j ARthuiTs/kSne present*' n ,CHARLCS ray /THE OLD SWIMMINf M HOLE 4 FIRST NATIONAL' attraction There’s a wonderful time for every one in the fun and pathos, too, of James Whitcomb Riley’s old-home poem. Directed by Joseph de Grasse. FOUR DAYS ONLY Starting Tomorrow at the Rialto Let’s Go—lt * Continnons. R P K F IT ITS ’ J V-ji'i.fc ■■ METROPOLITAN VAUDEVILLE Twice Daily, Starting May 9th. Special Engagement of the Peer of All Comedians. EDDIE FOY And the Younger Foys In Their Kew Travesty, FOY FUN REVUE Songs, Dances. Music and Comedy. ADDED MUSICAL FEATURE RUBY NORTON Clarence Senna at the Piano. AND SIX OTHER BIG ACTS. BARGAINMATINEES INDIANA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1921. In The Land of Make Bclievc By WALTER D. HICKMAN It is no easy task to divide the year into movie seasons, as we have the movies with us the year around. Movie pro duction, as far as Indianapolis is con cerned, can not be judged from the an nouncements of photoplay releases. It is necessary in selecting the twelve best photoplays of the year to limit our selection to those seen nero. Although I can sdvaneb no particular reason for doing It, I have fixed April 30 as the close of the movie year and May 1 as ........ AMUB KM E NTS. I“A Tailor Made Man” "3T PKIAI EVENINGS, 25c to SI.OO. EL 111 I" I IYIi 7 ! 1 WED. AND THURS. MATS, 25c* Lily Lid II u sa a t H£ y mat ’ "*■ 6os NEVER HIGHER sth SMASHING WEEK “A Gold Mine of Entertainment”—Times ‘‘A Skilled and Adaptable Oast of Players”—News “An auspicious event. Mr. Kelly and Miss Gordon may be proud of their achievement.”—Star. rF=- 1 ----- A Broadway Company At V3 the Price! " Gregory Kelly Stock Company A Whirlwind of Laughter Commencing Monday Evening, May 9th IN. B.—Friday Afternoon, May 20th SPECIAL FEKFORMANCK ONLY **• “ROMEO and JULIET” GREGORY KELLY as ROMEO RUTH GORDON as JULIET TODAY TT~-lE7 WAT Y? By EUGENE Last Two Times A A JULIa W VJfLi.l WALTER Big o Week Monday Night 8:30 Mat*. W ed., Thur*, and Sat. ' r MURAT The Stuart Walker Company IN , MAMMA’S AFFAIR A Comedy In Three Acts First Time In Indianapolis —WITH— George Gaul Regina Wallace as / as The Dauntless Doctor The Dutiful Daughter John Wray Judith Lowry as as The Busy Bellhop The Fastidious Friend Robert McGroarty Julia McMahon as as The Simpering Suitor The Nonchalant Nurse • - - ‘“’’V'' ' '• mmrnmmmmmmmmrm mmmmmmmammum Elizabeth Patterson Fifth as Second Season The Mighty Mamma Big Week the beginning of the new “movie year.” This department hag been asked to pick the twelve “best” movies of tho "year.” This is Indeed a most difficult task. Such a selection, of course, Is de termined by the personal likes and dis likes of the reviewer and controlled oy his individual standards of criticism. In selecting the “twelve best” movies seen here since May 1, 19’.0, up to April 80, 1921, I have selected several which “failed” as box office attractions In this city. The faUure of the publlo to re- spond does not indicate that It Is a bad picture. My selection of the “twelve best” movies with the houses first showing them, are as follows: Charlie Chaplin and Jackie Coogan In “The Kid," at the Circle. “Humoresque” with Vera Gordon at the Ohio. AMUSEMENTS. l All Next Week l I A SYMPOSIUM OF YOUTH I ( The Novelty Extraordinary Twelve talented kiddies in a performance of-unusual [merit —staged with apologies to Mr. Ziegfeld. Chas. Harte & Cos. “Harmony Land” I Artistic Musical Offering _ . A Melodious Treat Baggott & Sheldon I Gertrude Taylor & Cos. I Austin & De Laney Two Acm of dob* 1 A Travelogue | “The Syncopated Hotel*' Ted & Corinne Breton Fox Film Farce I “On the Board Walk” “Janitors'* H LOEW’S LASTTIMES TOMORROW —“WITHOUT LIMIT” ALL NEXT WEEK STARTING MONDAY MATINEE A DRAMA OF A WOMAN’S INDECISION JACK LONDON’S S, r S*S’&. “THE LITTLE FOOL” A Story of the Eternal Triangle and Other Favorites "‘jxzsr 1 “INTO THE LIGHT” Protean Success ,I,IW 1 ~S - MONTROSE DeLEA and ORMA “Six Feet of Comedy” Special Picture Comedy/ “TORCHY TURNS CUPID” Loew’s News “The Mark of Zorro” with Douglas Fairbanks at the Colonial. “The Jack-Knife Man,” a King Vidor production, at the Circle. ‘What Every Woman Knows” at Mis ter Smith's. “O’Malley of the Mounted” with Bill Hart at the Alhambra. (Continued on Page Eight.) French Eccentriques The Clemenso Brothers MEIGHAN TO BE VIEWED IN ‘CITY OF SILENT MEN’ Eugene O’Brien, Dorothy Phil lips and Other Favorites in New Pictures. SPECIAL JAZZ MUSIC Stars will flash on the local screen next week. Among the brightest ones will he Eugene O’Brien, Martha Mansfield, Thomas Meighan, Lois Wilson, May McAvoy, Mark MacDermott, Harry Carey, William S. Haft. Dorothy Phillips and others. Their vehicles will include “Glided Lies,” “The City ot Silent Men,” “The Truth About Husbands,” “Blind Wives,” “Hearts Up,” “The Whistle” and “Once to Every Woman.” - J Many of the houses are featuring theli music and the jazz numbers done in the latest cabaret fashion seems to have the edge on tho popular ,fancy as this sort of music is very popular. Several ■of the movie houses are featuring organ re citals, such ag the Circle and the Alham bra. -I- -J- -J. CONCERNING “CITY OF SILENT MEN’’ "The City of Silent Men” will be pre sented at the Ohio next week, begln (Continued on Page Eight.) Foliette, Pearl and Wicks “The Coal Drivers” Continuous 1 to 11 P. M. Prices—Mats., 15c-250 Night, 30c-40c A Singing Sensation The Gypsy Songsters 7