Newspaper Page Text
OPPORTUNITY DAYS FOREST MANOR THE ADDITION SUPERB $25 FREE to Those Who Buy TODAY and TOMORROW Right on East Maple Road Boukvard (38th street). Paved streets on all four sides. All other streets improved with cinders. 128 choice lots on paved streets. Electric lights available. Served by two car lines. 56 extra large, superbly wooded lots. 374 lots in all, many of which have been sold in one week to satisfied purchasers. Our wonder fully attractive Maple Road are the talk of the town. • ' FOREST MANOR AND YOU You are now face to face with one of the greatest real estate offerings Indianapolis has seen in years. Will you act? Or will you wait until it is too late and have to tell your friends of another lost opportunity? These lots are selling fast. There is only one Forest Manor. Every purchaser can feel justly proud of being the owner of a home site in this superb addition. Come today and see for yourself. Strike out for independence and success. Shake off the renters’ shackles and "become a free, in dependent, red-blooded American, a land owner, your own landlord. , $lO STARTS YOU You pay $lO or more in cash, and then $1 or more weekly. The prices are $l5O and up on unwooded lots averaging 50x150 feet in size. Large, superbly wooded home sites are $650 and up, no in terest for one year. No taxes until 1923. Liberal discounts for cash. Opportunity No. 1 IS LOT No. 148—This is a high, level lot, 45x132 ft. in size, fronts east, beautiful site for home. Price, $395. $lO cash, then $1 weekly. Opportunity No. 2 IS LOT No. 150—Siae 44x140 ft, right on paved street (East 34th 1 whu-h is paid for. Has six fine shade trees. Price, $625. $lO cash down, then $1.75 weekly. Opportunity No. 3 IS LOTS Nos. 230-231—Total area §2x150 ft., east fronts. Large tract for small rrice. Price of both lota. $440. S2O in cash, then $2 weekly WHAT OTHERS SAY One buyer—after selecting one of our best lots, returned in one hour anr said —"Take the ticket off of the lot next to mine. We have tailed it over and are so in love with Forest Manor that we are going to build a nice home on these two lots at once.” An other buyer said —“I am sick and tired of having my rent raised or being ordered to move. Had I started on a plan like yours 10 years ago I would now own my own home.” TODAY IS SOMEDAY YOU MUST DECIDE. Time waits for no man. You have in tended to start toward a home of your own some day. Today is Someday. We can not wait for you. These lots are going fast. Many persons will be too late and disappointed. Come to Forest Manor today or tomorrow-. Let nothing hinder, check or hold you back. Start toward independence and success here and now. You can not fail on our simple, easy plan. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Notice is hereby given by the under signed, treasurer of Poeey County. State of Indiana, that on and after the hour of J p m. on the 25th day of May. 1921, at the office of said treasurer in the court house at the city of Mt. Vernon, Indiana, the undersigned, as treasurer of said county, will proceed to sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, at not less than the principal sum named in such bonds, certain township gravel road bond* of the face or par value of 212,700, bearing Interest from and after June 6. 1921. at the rate of five per cent per annum. Siyable semi-annually, on the 15th day of ay and the 15th day of November of each year at treasurer's office for the period of ten years. Said bonds have been issued in strict accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana on May 2. 1921, and pursuant Lto an order of the board of commissioners Posey County, authorizing the issue and sale of said bonds for the purpose of providing funds for the construction and improvement of a certain highway, peti tioned for by S. L Causey et ah. in Lynn township, said county, Indiana. Said bonds will be 20 in number, 20 series —one bond to each series, dated June 6, 1921, of 525 each The first series will be due and payable May 15. 1922, and one series each six months thereafter until all of said bonds have been paid. The right is reserved to reject any and. all bids. GEO. A. ASHWORTH, Treasurer of Posey County, Indiana. NOTICE OF BOND SALE. j Notice is hereby given by the under signed; treasurer of Posey County. State of Indiana, that on and after the hour of 2 p. m. on the 25th day of May, 1921. j St the office of said treasurer in the court house at the city of Mt. Vernon. Indiana, the undersigned, as treasurer of said county, will proceed to sell to the highest and beet bidder for cash, at not less than the principal sum named in such bonds, certain township gravel road bonds of the sane or par value of 95.500, bearing Interest from and after June S, 1921, at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, on the 15th day of May and the 15th day of Novsmber of each year at treasurer’s office for the period of ten years. - Said bonds have been issued in strict ; accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana on May 2, 1921, and pursuant to an order of the board of commissioners of Poeey County, authorizing the issue and sale of said bonds for the purpose of providing funds for the construction and Improvement of a certain highway, petl- | for by Adam Doll et al„ in ! Robb township, said county, Indiana. Said bonds will be 20 in number, 20 series -—one bond to each series, dated June 0. 1921. of 2269 each. The first series will be due and payable May It, 1122. and one series each six months thereafter until all of said bonds bars been paid. The right la reserved to reject any and all bid*. 0190. A. ASHWORTH. Treasurer of Poeey County. Indiana REAL EBTATR—*Ofi SALE. HOW TO COME TO DRIVE: Go east on 38th street, cross Fair Ground bridge, jog south to 38th, thence east to Sherman drive and our big Forest Manor sign. BY CITY CAR: (Brightwood line) to end of line. Go four short squares north or take Ft. Harrison line to Sherman drive. LEGAL NOTICE. No. 2 lAS. | UNITED STATES MARSHAL’S NOTICE. ■ United States of America District of | Indiana sa: i Whereas, a libel of information was | filed in the District Court of the United | States for the District of Indiana, on the 11th day of May, 1921, by Frederick Van Nuys. United States attorney, on behalf of the United States, against 80, more or less, of a product labeled In part Tennessee Blackberries.”, seized at said district in violation of the food and drug law, and . claiming damages in the sum of 2 . ' and praying process against said property, and that the same may be condemned and sold therefor. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the mo nition under the seal of said court to me directed and delivered. I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming said goods, or any part thereof, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and appear before the District Court of the United States to be held at the city of Indianapolis in and for the District of Indiana, on the first Monday of June next, at 10 o’clock of the forenoon of that day, then and there to interpose their ; claims and make their allegations in that I behalf. MARK STOREN, Attest: Marshal, U. S. ! NOBLE C. BUTLER, Clerk. Notice is hereby given that the under signed, as administratrix de bonis non with the will annexed of Christine Prange. deceased, pursuant to an order of the Probate Court of Marion County, Indiana. [ will offer for sale at private sale for not less than the full appraised value thereof all the right, title and Interest of said decedent In the following real estate in Marion County, Indiana, towit: Lot number one hundred twelve (112) in McCarty’s South Addition to the city of Indianapolis, between the hours of ten o’clock a m_ and four o’clock p. m. of the 17th day of May. 1921, and from day to day thereafter until sold, at the office of Means A Buenlng, Rooms 515-522 State Life Building, in the city of Indianapolis, Indiana Said said will be made for cash in hand, free of • encumbrances except taxes for the year 1921, and subject to the approval of said court. CAROLINE M. PRANGE. Administratrix. MEANS A BUENTINO. Attorneys tor administratrix NOTICE OF 20ND SALJB. Notice le hereby given by the under signed. treasurer of Posey County. Stare of Indiana, that on and after the hour of 2 p. m. on the 25th day of May, 1921, at the office of said treasurer in the court house at the city of Mt. Vernon, Indiana, tha undersigned, as treasurer of said county, will proceed to sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, at not less than the principal sum named In such bonds, certain township gravel road bonds of the face or par value of 96,200, bearing interest from and after June 6, 1921, at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, onfthe 19th day of May and the 15th day M November of each year at treasurer'office for the Opportunity No. 4 IS LOT No. 851— Here is a splen did high attractive lot, right on a paved street, Sherman drive; size 49x150 ft. Price. $585. $lO down, then $1.50 weekly. Opportunity No. 5 IS LOT No. 196—This wooded tract is in the midst of 20 acres of the most beautiful forest grove to be found around Indianapolis. Size 58x132 ft. Price, $725. $25 cash, then $2 weekly. Opportunity No. 6 IS LOT No. 79—'This is a .arge. fertile lot, size 49x132 ft., splendid place for bungalow, chickens, fruit, etc. Price, $275. $lO cash, then $1 weekly. The Gates-Kirm ir Company 760-62 Bankers Trust Bldg. S. W. Cor. Pennsvivania and Ohio Sts. Main 1409. The Security Trust Company, Trustee. LEGAL NOTICE. period of ten years. Said bonds have been issued in strict accordance with tha laws of the State of Indiana on May 2. 1921, and pursuant to an order of the board of commissioners of Posey County, authorizing the issue and sale of said bonds for the purpose of providing funds for tha construction and improvement of a certain highway, peti tioned fofi by Frank Miller et al.. In Black township, said county, Indiana Said bonds will be 20 in number, 20 sariea —one bond to each series, dated June 6, 1921. of 2340 each. The first series will be due and payable May 15, 1922, and one series each six months thereafter until all of said bonds have been paid. The right is reservod to reject any and all bids. GEO. A. ASHWORTH. Treasurer of Posey County, Indiana NOTICE TO BIDDERS! Notice is hereby given that the under signed. the Board of Commissioners of Marion County, Indiana, will, up to 10 o’clock a. m. June 16, 1921, receive sealed bids for construction of .264 miles of Hav erstick et al., road, estimate on which is 210,561; subway under Big Four Railroad at Emerson avenue, estimate on which is 215.760, according to plans and specifica tion* on file in the office of the auditor of Marion County. Each bid must he accompanied by a bond and an affidavit as required by law. NUje board reserves the right to *reject any or all bids Witness our hands this 12th day of May. 1921. CARLIN H. SHANK, K I). TUTEWILER. LEWIS W. GEORGE, Commissioners of Marion County. Attest: LEO K. FESLER, Auditor, REAL ESTATE— FOR SALE. WEST SIDE 937 Prahlngr ave.; four-room cottagre; electricity, well, cistern, big lot; 91,760; terms. Fosaession at once. Call C. E. Farmer. Reliable Realty Cos. 501 City Trust bldg. Main 0186. Auto, 24-186. Eve. Wash. 8410. a tt Five-room cottage, 1500 (I TT A|| block New York st.; \L II II lights, gas, cistern, cellar. Indoor toilet; only $3,000, on good terms. Mr. Cloud, with GEO. A. LUCAS, 405 People’s Bank bldg. Circle 8600. Res., Harrison 2282. 1133N8 e ville SIX ROOMS. City water, electric lights, gas, toilet; splendid furnace; price 23,500. 2530 CASH, $25 A MONTH. See Mr. Van Arsdal. H. C. Tuttle & Bro. Main 1168. 131 E. Ohio, i MODERN eight-room home, garage; Illi nois near TS'enty-Nlnth. Contract terms. Washington 1894. INDIANA DAILY TIMES) SATURDAY, MAY 14,1921. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. SUMMIT PARK ■ (The addition within the city) Sale Saturday and Sunday, May 14th and 15th. Real Lots at an Honest Price $250 to $475. SI.OO down, balance weekly. No interest, no taxes for one year. Take Brightwood car to Thirtieth street, walk three squares north. Addition is located at 33rd st. and N. Sherman Drive. Come out early before the best are gone. IRVIN MORRIS Washington Bank and Trust Cos. Bona Me East Six rooms to side; excel- JL Ml lent condition; located at Twelfth and Windsor. Rents $87.50 side. Price. $7,000; payments. SEE TEMPLETON. M. 5674. with Bert Essex VERY NICE LOTS BETWEEN 28TH AND 30TH STS., AND KEYSTONE AND RURAL. Price. $250 to $300; easy payments. Come out and look over the addition. We will help you to make a START OWN YOUI. OWN HOME. A FOUR-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE. S4OO Cash and $25 per month, buys a good bunga low on Stuart street, north of Twenty- Fifth; cement porch; long living room; fireplace, garage, etc. Call Mr. Hunt. Washington o's. W. L. Bridges, Realtor. Main 4114. 339 K, of P. Bldg. Near Blackford and Mich. Cottage 6 room, gas, well, cistern, sewer connection. PRICE $2,200. EASY TERMS. BEE THIS. DUNLOP & HOLTEGEL, REALTORS. 12S E Market St. Irvington Home Thoroughly modern, 6-room house. Ideal location. PRICE $5,500. TERMS. POSSESSION JULY 1. DUNLOP & HOLTEGEL. REALTORS. 122 E. Market St. 2845 MacPII KARSON Fix room*, newly painted and decorated. $2,850; $350 ra*h, balance ea*y terms. Leo K. Cline 431 Umrk. Bldg. Main 3115. GOOD DOUBLE Six rooms a side; Southeastern, near State; $3,150. For terran, see Mr. Van Arsdell, with H. C. Tuttle & Bro. __ 131 East Ohio St. NORTH RURAL New, thoroughly modern and well built 5-room bungalow; very reasonable terms for quick sale. Price $4,350. A. E. Hoy. Irvington 3058. HOWARD C. VENN. 108 E. Market. Main 1113. . New 5-room house, ga (l rr A II rage. electric lights; VI || /-A || large lot. located on a u. U— L y ons nv . small pay ment down, balance monthly. See Charles Hurst with GEO. A. LUCAS, 405 .People's Bank bldg. Double, East Near Technical High School; modern except furnace, 6 rooms and bath each side Good condition. Rents S6O per month- S9OO cash, balance S4O per month. Main 1337. 604 Indiana Trust Bldg CHURCH BUILDING"" In good bondltlon, on ground 80x160; splendidly located on the South aide. Sell; worth the money to right congregation. Marion County State Bank Fletcher Ave. A neat 5-room cottage, st.; gas. bath, soft and city water In kitchen; new 2-car garage. Price $3,250. Indiana Trust Cos. 234 S. TEMPLE Very good looking 5-room bungalow, $2.550. Reasonable terms. A. E. Hoy. Irvington 3068. HOWARD C. VENN. 108 K. Market. Main 1116. 2 DANDY SUMMER HOMES Fiftieth street and river; good boating and fishing; good bathing beach. Some terms If desired. Open all day Sunday for Inspection. For Information call 630 Massrhusetts ave. S. Dearborn St. 400 block; 7-room cottage; price $3,000. Indiana Trust- Cos. SIX-ROOM strictly modern brick porch enclosed. $4,500. Main 0107. DOUBLE, NORTHEAST for colored; 5 rooms on side; price $2,000; $260 cash, S2O month. HALL & HILL, REALTORS. SEVEN-ROOM modern. garago. $3,500; S6OO cash. $25 monthly. Main 0107. FORSALE Summer home on the river. Fiftieth et.; fine place: open for Inspection every day. THE DOLD. Circle 6442 for Information. SEVEN room, bath, steam heat. gas, electricity, garage,- paved etreet, $5,250. Main 0107. FIVE-ROOM strlotlj modern bungalow, a complete home, $6,600. Main 010 L J REAL ESTATE-WANTED. WANTED—REAL ESTATE Will buy several cottages or doubles. See me at once. RI'SHE H. HARTMAN, 224 N. Delaware. WANT - to buy double south side; must be good Investment; give full particulars. C. A. LEWIS. 226 E. Ohio street. MODERN or partly modern house: good location. S7OO cash, balance monthly. Main 0107. MODERN OR PARTLY MODERN ON TERMS. MAIN 0107. REAL ESTATE—BALE OR TRADE. A FAIR trade Is better than a sacrlfloe sale. GEO. A. BROWN. J_oo2jCltjr Trust. REAL ESTATE—-SUBURBAN, BELIEVE TJS IN THIS. AN ACTUAL BUY WORTH MORE THAN THE PRICE. Ten acren adjoining Fortvllle on im proved road; 6-room house, furnace and gaa. garage, barn, chicken house and brooder; cement walks, fine lawiy and fruit and shade; black soil, well tiled; a real country home in town; good inter urban eervice. Price $7,600. New build ing worth more than the price. Home and Farmy Agency Main 5686. Suburban Home New 6-room bungalow on acre of ground; good well, electricity, garage and coal shed. Located north near Michigan road and Interurban; Stop 6. $450 cash, $25 per month. Call C. E. FARMER. Cir cle 7262. Auto. 24-186. Evenings, Wash ington 2410. FARMS—WANTED. FARM WANTED—Wanted to hear from owner of a farm or good land for sale for fall Prlqed right. L. JONES. Box 368, Olney. IIL FARMS—FOR SALE OR TRADE. FARM for trade for stock of merchandise. What have you? SIO,OOO to $20,000. O. 7. HILL, Arcadia, Ind. FARM*—FOR SALE. MISSOURI—SS down, $5 monthly buy* 40 acres, true* and poultry land near town southern Missouris2oo. Send for bargain list. Vernon. 111. farms—for sale. FARMS for sale at bargain. 140 acres. four miles south of' Westport, on public road malt route, telephone, a fine place to live. Soil is good for clover, wheat, corn and lies good. It. has two sets of good Improvements and could be divided into two farms, sell separate and divide to suit purchaser, two good orchards, deep wells. Brief $6,000. Get busy If you want a farm. T. M. TRAUTVETTER, Westport, Ind. FOR - "SALe’ oR EXCHANGE—BO acres in Pulaski County, Ind., 6 miles north of Winamac: 120 acres improved, Warrick County, southern Indiana. George Winter heimer, 1715 W. Pennsylvania st., Evans ville, Ind. WRITE Leavitt Land - Cos., Indianapolis, for free Florida map and 60-page book. lots for sale. 25 FRUIT AND SHADE (NOR WAY MAPLE) TREES on each lot. 85x132. north of Forest Ridge Forty-Sixth and Hlnesley avenue. LARGE, beautiful lots In Wayne park. Just off W. Washington st., which is being paved; $1 down, $" a week. Will take you out lu our automobile at your convenience. OSCAR LEE. 1002 City Trust. Main 915. NICE VACANT LOT Corner Blrdsall parkway blvd.; only SBOO cash; \yorth $1,200. Owner. Randolph 6782, evenings. CORNER lot north, choice location on Guilford avenue. Price SBSO. Terms. GEORGE R. BROWN. 1002 City Trust bldg. Main 0915. LoFfOR SALE; EAST END; $1,000; IM PROVEMENTS ALL IN. MAIN 5177- SUM MER RESOriTS. SUMMER COTTAGES At * RAVENSWOOD We have a few cottages left at very reasonable prices and terms. Don't pay high rent when you can own one for less. Our prices range from $1,600 up. See Mr. Noble on 75th st. In "The Noble.” Mr. GEM MILL, Main 0792. Washington Bank & Trust Company For Dandy furnished cottage near Fall-view and river; $250 for season. 605-06 K. P. building. FINANCIAL. YOU CAN BORROW" MONEY SO CHEAP and on such easy terms of repayment from the Fidelity Loan Company, a li censed and bonded firm, for use in paying overdue bills or to buy the things you need for CASH at BARGAIN PRICES that every one should take advantage of our service. LOANS AN FURNITURE $20.00 to $300.00 at legal rates, on short notice and without publicity. We give you all tbe time you want to repay a loan and only charge for the actual time you have tbe money. Fair, Isn’t It? You Can Afford to Borrow On $ 40 pay $2 a month and Interest On $ 60 pay $3 a month and interest l On SIOO pay $5 a month and Interest PAY MORE ANY TIME vN'D REDUCE THE COST IN YOUR BEHALF We are on the Job eight hours a day. and through personal contact and personal service, plus a deep personal interest, we can serve you and } our friends as you wish to bo served. In these unusual times business friendships, close relations, mu tual understandings and co-operation are real assets to all of us. We are ready to go three-fourthe of the way. Now It Is up to you. FIDELITY LOAN CO -106 E. Market St. Room 532 Lemcke Bldg. WE ARE PREPARED TO MAKE KhiAL ASSTaTB LOANS PROMPTLY. WE PUKCK_-.bE REALTY CONTRACTS. BUNDS AND STOCKS iSTED AND UNLISTED. INDIANAPOLIS SECURITIES CO. FRANK K SAWYER. Prea. Fifth floor Indianapolis Securities Bldg. Southwest corner Delaware _nd Market FIRS'F and second mortgages on Indiana and Indianapolis real es ate. R. B. WIL SON. 108 N. Delaware st. Main 1618. INSURANCE - In all branches. AUBREY D. PORTER *l6 Peoples Bank bldg. Mai-. 704*. • ___ Columbus Legion Gets Rifle Ground Special to The Times. COLUMBUS, Ind , May 14:— The lo lumbna Post of the Americffh Legion has obtained use of a rifle range at Carr Hill, west of this city, and a Legion rifle club has been formed. The range was used by soldiers of local companies during the Civil war and has not been used since. Henry Carr, owner of the ground. Is a veteran of the Civil war. The range will hear the roar of guns for the first time since the Civil war when tin Columbus post holds its first shooting meeting, planned for June. L. A. Whltehouse was elected executive oflcer of the rifle club. Other officers are William Insuli, president; Dr. Lyman Overshiner, vice president, and Clarence Covert, secretary and treasurer. The executive board consists o’ C L. O. V. Larkin, R- B. Crowe, and O. V. Yeoman. S. S. Convention in Shelby Next Week Special to The Times. SHELBY VILLE, Ind., May 14— he southern district Sunday school conven tion for the Indiana conference of Wes leyan Methodist Churches will be held in this city next Monday and Tuesday at the Wosleyan Methodist Church. The Rev. It. F. Johnson of Indianapolis will conduct the services and deliver the ser mons during the two (lays' meeting. The closing address on Tuesday evening will be given by the Rev. F. R. Eddy, con ference Sunday school secretary. The arrangements are In charge of the Rev. W. S. Bogue of this city, pastor of the local church. Visitors from many of the churches of southern Indiana are expected to attend. Informer in Freight Theft Tries Suicide Special to The Times. WABASH, Ind., May 14.—Russel Craig, 20. implicated in tbe robbery of a Wabash freight car here, was near death today from an attempt at suicide while his partner In the robbery, Raymond Barnes, 23, was to start for the Indiana reforma tory to begin serving two to fourteen years Imprisonment. Craig was found byjjoliee after he had shot himself through ttie mouth, the bul let lodging In the back of his head. He gave the officers Information which led to the arrest and sentencing of Barnes all within an hour. Barnes pleaded guilty. May’s Trial Set for June 2 at Bloomington Special to The Times. BLOOMINGTON, Ind., May 14.—John G. May and his mother, Mrs. Margaret Chase, both of Indianapolis, were ar raigned before Judge J. B. Rundell here Friday, on charges connected with an attack on the family of Dr. Joseph Fritch at Unionville. a few weeks ago. May is charged with assault with In tent to kill arid with entering a house to commit, a felony. In default of SIO,OOO bond, he was remanded to jail. Mrs. Chase is under release on a SIO,OOO bond, charged with being an apeesxory. Both entered pleas of not guilty and trial date was set for June 2. NAVY BIRDMEN LED U. S. ARMED TO SEAT O’ WAR (Continued From Pago One.) motors amp-the wings held until the re turn to the squadron airdrome. BWOOPFJ) DOWN ON AIRDROME. On the night of Aug. 13, 1918. Ingalls flew over the German airdrome at Var senaere, and dropping to a poiftt where his plane nearly touched the ground, sprayed 450 rounds from his machine gun Into the wondering Teutons, who were making desperate efforts to get him with their “archies." Swinging in i wide circle, he again swooped down on the hangars and let loose four bombs In the midst of things, putting out searchlights, scattering Germans and ausslng things up generally. On September If he repeated at the German airdome at Uytkerke the stunt he worked at Varsenaere. Flying low, he rushed out of the clouds upon the Ger man hangers and fired 400 rounds from his “Lewis” Into the light canvas struc tures, and with the upward swing of his plane he cut free four bombs upon the Fokkers grouped on the field below. BROUGHT DOWN RUMPLER AT OSTEND. On this raid Ingalls was the leader of a formation of five In a wing of twenty Camels, and on the.return from Uytkerke, be sighted an enemy two-seated Rumpler going west from Ostend at an altitude of 6,000 fefet. Ingalls and Lieut. H. C. Smith of the British air force turned out of formation, swung in over the shore and attacked. The Rumpler turned and dived toward Ostend, the Camels following. Firing 400 rounds from ranges of fifty to 200 yards they chased the enemy plane Statement of Condition OF The Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company PHILADELPHIA. PENNSYLVANIA. 506-510 Walnut Street. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1920. CJCCIL F. SHALLCROSS. President. W. GARDNER CROWELL. Secretary. Amount of capital paid up..s 750,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on Interest and not ou Interest) $ 807,979.53 Real estate unincumbered... 150,000.00 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) $ 7,820,336.52 Mortgage loans on real es tate (free from any prior Incumbrance) 215,000.00 Accrued securities (interest and rents, etc.) 115,399.76 Premiums and accounts due and In process of collection 1,410,409.86 Accounts otherwise secured, cash in office 400.00 Loans secured by collateral.. 1,796.22 Reinsurance, recoverable on paid losses 11,009.40 Total net assets .$10,342,331.29 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $ 6,361,704 59 Losses due and unpaid 89,903.88 Losses adjusted and not due. 654,008.23 Losses unadjusted and In sus pense 10.550.00 Bills and accounts unpaid... 211.040.50 Capital stock paid up 750.000.00 Surplus 2,265,057 .Oi Total liabilities $10,342,331.29 Greatest amount in any one risk $ 250,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance: I, the undersigned, Commissioner of Insurance of Indiana, hereby certify that tbe above Is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1920, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement Is now on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL) official seal, this 18th day of April, 1921. T. S. McMURRAY, JR.. Commissioner. Statement of Condition OF The Phoenix Insurance Company HARTFORD, CONN. 30 Trinity Street. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1920. EDWARD MILLIGAN, President JOHN B. KNOX, THOS. C. TEMPLE. GEORGE C. LONG. JR., Rec.-eiaries. Amount of capital paid up.. .$3,000,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banka (on Interest and not on interest) $ 1,740,004.01 Real estate unincumbered... 672,144.42 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 18,763,002.92 Mortgage loans on real es state (free from any prior Incumbrance) 124,650.00 Accrued securities (interest and rents, etc.) 163,483.48 Other securities, collateral loans 100,000.00 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection 1,948,554.90 Reinsurance due on paid losses 117,591.26 Total net assets $2*1,029,510.99 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessarV to reinsure outstanding risks $ 9,648,326.36 Losses unadjusted and In suspense 1,506,854.07 Reserve for taxes, commis sions and expenses ac crued 500,000.00 Capital stock $3,000,000.00; surplus $8,974,420.56 11,974,420.50 Total liabilities $23,629,510.99 Greatest amount in any one risk, gross $350,000.00; net. 250,000.00 Greatest amount allowed to be Insured in any ona block 500,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner; of Insurance: I, the undersigned, Commissioner of Insurance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above Is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1920, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL) official seal, this 18th day, of April, 1921. / T. S. McMURRAY, JR.f Cos minis sionAr. down to about 500 feet just off tbe Ostend piers, when the Rumpler went down out of control, burst into flames, and crashed Just off the beach. ~ On September 18, Ingalls made one of the most spectacular flights on record. In company with * two English pilots In Sopwith Camels, he sighted a kite balloon at abont 3,500 feet elevatio* near La Bar riere. Crossing the coast Ln* the Camels attacked, firing about ninuty Buckingham tracers eaeji. ■ * BALLOONS FLAMES DESTROY HANGARS. - The Germans began to reel In the kite, the Camels- following it down to about 500 feet altitude, when two observers were seen to jump with white parachutes. Ingalls gave the balloon another spray ing with tracer bullets and it burst into flames. - Three balloon hangars were observed at this station, and as the flaming balloon fell, it landed on one of these hangars, which Is an instant was ablaze. There was an explosion arid tbe Are spread to the two remaining hangars, destroying the entire station, while the flames were visible as far as Nieuport. All the Cam els were badly damaged by machine gun and anti-aircraft Are, but they reached their base in safety. On Sept. 22 Ingalls, who. In company with four other Camels, flew all over Flanders, committing depredations on German hangars and ammunition trains, dropped four bombs on the German am munitions dump at Handezeame, and blew up a number of wagons loaded with shells. Later he flew over the ammuni tion dump at Wercken and landed four bombs on a large hut filled with explo sives, setting it on fire Swinging around over the railway station at Thourout, where the. Germans had an enormous supply dump, he made two accurate hits. On the way- back, being the fourth trip for the day, Ingalls dropped four more bombs on a horse transport, and Statement of Condition OF THE National Liberty Insurance Cos. of America NEW YORK CITY, *O9 Sixth Avenue. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1920. GEO. B. EDWARDS I , President. Amount of capital paid up..s 1,090,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash In banks (on interest and not on Interest) $ 915.425.43 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 7,906,759.50 Mortgage loans on real estate (free from any prior incum brance) 1,383,600.00 Accrued securities (Interest' and rents, etc.) 90,770.35 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection. 1,647.719.90 Accounts otherwise secured... 126,751.17 Total net assets $12,071,029.44 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks 6.625.685.44 Losses adjusted and not due. 391,233.08 Losses unadjusted and In sus pense 293,153.50 Other liabilities of the com pany 255.000.00 Surplus over all liabilities.. 3,505,957.42 Capital paid up 1,000.000.00 Total liabilities $12,071,029.44 Greatest amount In any one risk $ 200,000.00 State of Indiana. Office of Commissioner of Insurance: I, the undersigned. Commissioner of Insurance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1920, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL) official seal, this ISth day of April, 1921. T. S. McMURRAY. JR., Commissioner. Statement of Condition OF THE National Union Fire Insurance Cos. PITTSBURGH, PENN. 1303 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ON THE 3.lst Day of December, 1920, E. E. COLE, President. WM. G. ARMSTRONG, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up.. .$1,300,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on iuterest and not on interest) $ 737,554.37 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 5,629,556.95 Mortgage loans on real estate (free from any prior incum brance) 247,000.00 Accrued securities (interest and rents, etc.) 85.6G9.04 Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection 838,678.71 Accounts otherwise secured.. 344,750.68 Total net assets $7,553,209.75 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks $4,860,607.81 Losses adjusted and not due. 15.170.3S lyosseg unadjusted and in sus penses 677,815.91 Other liabilities of the com pany 225,000.00 stock paid up 1,300,000.00 Surplus 804,615.65 _ Total liabilities $7,883,200,75 Greatest amount in any one risk $ 225,000.00 - * State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance; I, the undersigned. Commissioner of Insurance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 3lst day of De cember, 1920, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now on file In this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto, uj>- scribe my name and aMfetfir (SEAL) Judicial seal, this 18tb^^^^K of #Aprß, HoUUKiyjraHH he andNhis companions got 1b enough good bursts from their machine guns to account for some twenty-five Germans and thirty-five horses. It was work of this kind that won for Ingalls his Brit ish distinguished flying cross. GUARDED AGAINST SUB ATTACKS. During a test flight on Sept. 24. Ingalls, in company with another Camel, sighted a two-seated Rumpler over Nieuport. Both Camels attacked, following the Rumpler very close, Ingalls and his mate getting In two blasts of 200 rounds at 100 yards range. Tlrlving the enemy to a taiUpln, Ingalls followed'' him down to 600 feet, when the Rumpler burst Into flames and quickly crashed. The daring and enterprise of our flyers is well Illustrated by these Instances! But the best tribute that can be paid to the efficiency of naval aviation is the fact that during the last ten months of the war no surface craft convoy pro tected by American naval aircraft in the war zone wag successfully attacked by enemy submarines. Copyright, 1921, by John F. Dlllle. Copyright by National Newspaper.Serv lce. Copyright in Great Britain, Canada and throughout France. All rights re served, including translation Into foreign languages, including the Scandinavian Unauthorized reprinting for any purposes forbidden. (Another article by former Secretary Daniels will be printed Monday.) Four Die in Wreck of Texas Freight Train SIERRA BLANCA, Texas, May 14. Four men were killed and five Injured, one seriously, when four freight cars on which they were riding went Into the ditch late last night twelve mllea east of here. The cars were a part of the westbound Texas & Pacific extra freight train and were loaded with Iron pipe. Statement of Condition OF THE ' New Brunswick Fire Insurance Company NEW BRUNSWICK. NEW JERSET. 70 Bayard Street. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1920.' CHAS. I>. ROSS, President. E. B. WYCOFF. Secretary. - Amount of capital paid up...s 500,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on Interest and not on Interest) $ 114,675.45 Real estate unincumbered 200,000.00 Bonds and stocks owned (mar ket value) 1,5U.549.0C Mortgage loans on real estate (free from any prior lncum bra nee) 339,550.<X Accrued securities (Interest and rents, etc.) 9,607.7$ Other securities 6.105.7 C Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection. 133,096.90 Total net assets $2,314,674.82 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary ■to reinsure outstanding risks ... !$1,245,550.58 Losses unadjusted and In sus pense 309,216.53 Other liabilities of the com „ Pany 45,000.00 Capital stock paid up 500,000.00 Surplus 214,907.71 Total liabilities $2,314,674.83 Greatest amount In any one ri sk $ 50,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance: I, the undersigned. Commissioner of Insurance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copv of the ttate ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1920, as shown by the original statement, and that the said original statement is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix mv (SEAL) official seal, this ISth day of April, 1921. T. S. McMURRAY, JR., Commissioner. Statement of Condition OF THE New Jersey Insurance Company NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. 40 Clinton Street. ON THE 31st Day of December, 1920. JACOB R. HALL, President. J. Y. MILNE, Secretary. Amount of capital paid up.. .$1,000,000.00 NET ASSETS OF COMPANY. Cash in banks (on interest nnd not on Interest) $ 104,535.79 Real estate unincumbered 330,939.97 Bonds and stocks owned (market value) 1,505,932.04 Mortgage loans or, real estate \ (free from any prior Incum brance) ... 153,700.00 Other securities 15 209.64 Fira Underwriters of Phila delphia 10 9jG$ Premiums and accounts due and in process of collection 167,197.73 Reinsurance recoverable on paid losses 63,823 94 Expense recoverable 19,619.90 Total net assets $2,351,058.91 LIABILITIES. Reserve or amount necessary to reinsure outstanding risks.s 93,549.77 Losses due and unpaid 67,127.47 Losses adjusted and not due. 770.07 Losses unadjusted and in sus pense 241,296.72 Other liabilities of the com pany - 417,506.23 Reserve for depreciation of securities 230,148.07 Capital stock paid up 1,000,000.00 Surplus 3d0,660.56 Total liabilities $2(851,058.91 Greatest amount In any one risk $ 50,000.00 Greatest amount aJßowed by rules of the conjfiny to be Insured In any one city, town or village 1,000,000.00 Greatest amount allowed to be insured in any one block 50,000.00 State of Indiana, Office of Commissioner of Insurance; I, the undersigned, Commissioner of Insurance of Indiana, hereby certify that the above is a correct copy of the state ment of the condition of the above men tioned company on the 31st day of De cember, 1920, as shown by the original 6iatement, and that the said original statement is now on file in this office. In testimony whereof, I hereunto sub scribe my name and affix my (SEAL) official seal, this 18th day of April, 1921. T. S. McMURRAY. JR„ , Cornmis. ionef. 11