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12 Open Saturday Evenings Main Office 6 to 8:30 P. M. Branches Until 8 P. M. jflrttbtr ana Cruet Company REAL EDITORIAL EVENT PLANNED Turkey Run Session of Demo cratic Publishers to Be Held June 10-11. Plans to make the annual midsummer meeting of the Indiana Democratic Ed itorial Association, to be held this year at Turkey Run State Park, June 10 and 11, more of a real gathering of editors for editorial purposes than a political occasion are under way, according to ■\V. L. Stinkard, president of the associa tion and editor of the Bloomfield Dem ocrat, who was In Indianapolis Friday. While most of the activities at the meeting will be of a Boeial nature the two business sessions planned will he devoted almost entirely to newspapers, rather than political problems The Inn at Turkey Run will be the headquarters for the meeting. Mr. SUn kard Is arranging to have all members of the association notified as to the best means of reaching the park. Citizens of Parke County already are making plans to entertain the, visitors, who are ex pected to number 500. On the first day of the meeting, which falls on Friday, the editors will be taken from Turkey Run Inn on a tour of Parke County. This will include a trip to Rockville, where a film of the "Coun try O'ontributor” will be shown. Tne Rockville Commercial Club will be active In the entertainment. Isaac Strouse and E. P. Beadle of the Rockville Tribune are in charge of the Parke County plans. Following a trip through th* State tuberculosis sanitarium at Rockville the editors will be driven back to Turkey Run where a dinner and a business session will he held In the evening. This program will include a talk on ‘ Classi fied Advertising" by a Mr. Bowner of “The Publishers Representative,” a Chi cago trade paper; an Illustrated lecture on scenery and natural resources of In diana by Edward Barrett former State geologist: a short talk by J. C. Loehr of the National Editorial Association and an address by J. W. Pierce, editor of the Clinton “Clintonian,” who is chair man of a committee from the Republican Editorial Association appointed to present the matter of formation of a nonpolitical Hoosier newspaper associa tion. The forenoon of June 11 will be taken up with a hike throughout Turkey Run, followed by another dinner at noon and speeches by prominent Hoosier Demo cratic editors and newspaper folk, both men and women. Names of these speak ers will be announced laser, Mr. Slinkard said. Icebox Thief Gets Fine and Jail Term Jerry "Walker, 23, negro, 451 West Eighteenth street, the "north side Ice box burglar,” was found guilty of a charge of petit larceny by Judge Walter Pritchard in city court Friday afternoon and was fined $1 and costs and sentenced to fifteen days In JalL Walker was arrested several days ago by Detetclves Sullivan and Golder. He la said to have been “detected” by the efforts of Darrell Daves, 1141 North Capi tol avenue. According to the police Da- Tles constructed a buzzer and placed It on his Ice-box, which had been robbed several times, and when the door was opened a contact set ofT the alarm in his room. About two weeks ago Davies was awakened by the buzzer, but was unable to catch Walker. Detectives say Walker has robbed sev eral other ice-boxes on the north side and say he has served a term for bur glary. SPECIAL Reduced Prices On Wall Paper . BETHARD WALL F PAPER CO. I <U Hsu. Awe. < Always Ready-Quick Service STATE LIFE LUNCH State Life Bldg. WATCH FOR OPENING OF NEW GLOBE STORE AND ANNEX CLOTHING CREDIT Hoyle oarich •"O Clothing C*. 03-305.1 t; VV Washington at t I>oor Went Senate At*. & Sntfl fflolrntt ENTRALLY located in shopping and theatre districts. Near railroad terminals. Unescorted ladies receive special attention. Delicious food, luxurious appointments, personal service. Fifth Avenue & Thirty-first St. New York City WETOGRAPH Secret Writing System Invaluable for lovers and for keeping < recipe*, addresses, secret memorandum or 1 ther information safe and private. No ! stranger can read your postals if you use j the Weto Graph. Great fun for lovers or friends. Don’t miss It. Send 10c and we j will send the Weto Graph by mall with full Instruction. Address PENN PUB LISHING CO.. Dlairsville. Fa. HOOSIERS WILL DO HONOR TO SILENT GIANTS ‘Forest Protection Week’ to Be Observed Throughout * Nation. Officials of the State department of conservation in a bulletin issued today asked Indiana citizens universally to unite in observance of May 22-28, set aside In a proclamation by President Harding as “Forest Protection Week.” While the State of Indiana owns no extensive forest tracts and much of the wealth of timber which gave this State a proud name as one of the greatest hard-wood producing areas in the Union, has disappeared before timber and logging crews, State officials take the view that protection of our remnant of timber should be Instilled in the mind of every patriotic citizen. Indiana, primarily an agricultnral State, has standing today (saw timber size) approximately 15,200,000 board feet of hard woods consisting principally of white oak, beech, maple, elm, ash, hickory, some gum, poplar and a little walnut. This Is distributed over ap proximately 1,520,000 acres or about 7 per cent of our land area, according to Charles C. Deam, State forester. Wood-using industries of Indiana are using approximately 3,150.000 board feet of lumber annually, or at the rate of 150 cubic feet per capita. This is ex clusive of timber used as fuel, which latest statistics show Is about equal the consumption of wood for other pur poses. Therefore, Indiana Is consuming about '3OO cubic feet per capita annually. Some authorities, namely the United States Bureau of Statistics, place the annual per capita consumption at 320 cubic feet per capita. The bulletin points out that the In diana fire law makes It punishable for any one who through carelessness starts a fire on his place and permits the flames to spread to the land of an ad joining owner and inflict property loss. Section 1 of this law reads: “Be It enacted by the General Assem bly of the State of Indiana, That any person who shall set fire to any woods belonging to another or shall place a fire on his property and permit it to spread to the woods of another shall be liable to a fine of not less than $3 or not more than SSO; and furthermore, shall be liable to the owner or owners for the full damages sustained by reason thereof. It shall be the duty of the prosecuting attorney to Investigate and prosecue each case, and failure to do so shall be sufficient evidence for his removal from office and his bondsmen become liable for the damages by fire.” Dies as Doctor Is Removing Tonsils Special to the Times. GREENFIELD. Ind., May 14.-Harry Walters. 36, motorman on the T. H„ I. A E. traction line, died suddenly here Friday, while undergoing an operation on his tonsils In the office of Dr. Sisson. Walters had taken an anesthetic and was on the operating table when his heart failed. He leaves a widow and one son. For Roof Paint and Roof Materials phone Jordan D. Williams Cos. Drexel 6969. ALL WOOL SUITS and OVERCOATS Honestly tailored to F* f\ rour men ure for % If B ill LEON TAILORING CO. v |l I 151 E. New York Ht. \J Keep Your Skin-Pores Active and Healthy With Cuticura Soap Soap. Oin tinea t.Tal<*Bß.2fte everywhere For eemplee addre—: Cetteare Lberatorlee.t*?t.l, Val4aJUii. The Mendelssohn Choir has come to represent all the elements necessary In making of perfect choral music.—“lndianapolis News,” Nov. 30, 1920. THIRD ANNUAL SPRING CONCERT OF THE MENDELSSOHN CHOIR Caleb Mills Hall , Monday Eve May 23 , at 8:15 ' : 'tt 1 y| / PERCEVAL OWEN, Tenor, Metropolitan Opera Cos. ORVILLE HARROLP, Conductor. , Tenor. Admission— and $2.00. A few seats at SI.OO. War tax extra. Seats to the public on sale Monday, May 16, at Fuller-Ryde Music Cos., 27 East Ohio Street. J. Irving Holcomb, Provident; James M. Pearson, Vice President; Dwight A. Murphy, Treasurer; Fred P. Jefry, Secretary; Perceval Owen, Conductor. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Perceval Owen, Andrew Smith, Elmer A. Steffen, Fred I*. Jefry, Humbert P. Pugani, Dwight A. Murphy, Harry E. Calland. • ADVISORY BOARD: J. Irving Holoomb, James M. Pearson, Frank Btalnaker, Eugene Darrach, L. C. Iluesmunn. Arthur Baxter, Elmer Stout, Chns. E. Coffin, William J. Mooney, Andrew Smith, Henry Kitel, L. P. Slioup, Warren I). Oakes, Chas. W. Mayer. ■■ 'fnl '4 ' ./IJHB Now They ’re Blaming Man for the Way Girls Dress ■ \ He Designs Styles and Wearers Have Nothing to Say Abo ut Them, Is Charge. CHICAGO, May 14.—The reason girls dress In narrow knee length skirts was revealed today. , The dressless aex—curious man—sits hidden behind the lingerie counter and pulls the string that regulates the length of Milady’s skirt. Visits to Chicago's greatest style set ting stores showed that men design the styles, even to the most minute detail and that girls have very little to say as to what they wear. For Instance, Lucille, Ltd., one of the firms that has much to do In originating styles, was visited. “May we Interview Lucille?” the girl behind the hairpin counter was asked. "Lucille” was Introduced. “Lucille” wore a salt and .pepper suit. "Lucille” smoked a cigar. Lucille was a man. T. J. Duggan, alias Lucille, Ltd., has much to do In setting the styles that shock the Nation. These are the latest styles, according to the man who helped create them: GARDEN HEIGHTS will open May 14, salesmen on ground Saturday and Sunday. 3800 south, cor. of Brill and Hanna Ave., 2 sq. east of Meridian st., and west of University heights. Stop 4, Greenwood trac t’on, beautiful location, and rich soil. Large lots, 80x200 and 100x200 ft. Every lot.has 2 fine shade trees. Terms $1.50 to $2.00 Per Week ELMORE REALTY CO. MAIN 4233. 302 Indianapolis Securities Building. Saturday Afternoon Banking Next Saturday Is “Opening Day” When We Occupy New Quarters In Our Own Building At Pennsylvania and Ohio Streets. BE AN “OPENING DAY” DEPOSITOR ELECTRIC IRONS AND APPLIANCE REPAIRS ENGINEERING ELECTRIC & SUPPLY CO. Main 2457. 221 N. Illinois St. Main 2158. 143 TRAINED VOICES Under the direction of PERCEVAL OWEN and a recital of operatic and classic selections by ORVILLE HARROLD JOHN KNOX IN LAST LECTURE AT TABERNACLE —Subject— “THE BATTLE OF THE GIANTS” Question—Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished? TABERNACLE Sunday, May 15th SONGS, 7:15 LECTURE, 7:45 INDIANA DAILY TIMES, SATUKDA*, MAI 14, 19Z1. “The ridiculously narrow and atroc iously short skirt is gone where the woodbine twineth and I sincerely hope it will not be revived until dear old Gabriele blows hl3 trumpet. “The sleeveless and extremely decolette evening gown is unfortunately but un questionably popular and one might ven ture to say that as evening gowns they are wonderful bathing suits. “Nevertheless there are some women who remain within the bounds of the dignified and still* wear beautiful, yet conservatively designed evening gowns. “New evening gowns are eight inches from the floor. “Walking or street skirts are ten inches from the sidewalk. “The trend is downward. All styles show longer skirts. “But there will always bo daring women who will exploit wild styles and exaggerate even the original design.” Girls —man has spoken; let the hems out of your skirts. A POPULAR SERVICE OF THE BANKERS TRUST COMPANY OPEN ALL DAY ESSS 14-KT. SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PENS will be presented to the first 100 New Savings Depositors who open accounts with $5.00 \ or more on “Opening Day.” > xw3r .■■ The New Champion Gas Range and Kitchen Cabinet Combined _ Mn —- BMBM^dgi | pflTtTTTmiHiiiii)iTT^wpyrmii r: a MUy! i i k m .qßSSiwwjniSwfflifijiiiimiMii'.inmi ii 111 1 100 jl v, F C 7 UTlL'lf (Ty—- —yf II fy W \l ir. f j :^S^jjjjjjj|r^== u The gas range you have been looking for. More new features than ever presented before in a gas range. All burners are front burners. No shifting of vessels to use back burners. Larger cooking top .than other ranges. An alum inum covered space back of burner grates to set vessels on. Spe cial easy opening valves. Self lighters. Nickel plated burner grates and grate frames. Patented heat spreading burners that will save 10% in gas bills over any ordinary burners. Three ordinary burn ers and one giant burner. Porcelain enameled drip pan under all burners. Oven 12*4x27 inches. Has m&ny advantages over 6quare oven. Takes large roaster and then has room for another good sized pan. Broiler with white porcelain enameled pan. Cabinet made by large manufacturer of steel kitchen cabinets. Plenty of room for all kitchen utensils. Beautifully enameled in durable white. Requires less floor space than other stoves in both width and depth. Light equally good from either side. Cash or payments. Liberal allowance for your old stove. Agents for Garland and Clark Jewel Gas Ranges. Largest variety Gas Ranges In the city. CHARLES KOEHRING, ** A ge t 878-882 Virginia Ave. Tel. DR exel 9400; Auto. 51-593 Order Fuel While You G.n Get It At Les* Than Cost of Production We are now selling our By-Product Coke to the Indianapolis dealers at fully $2.00 per ton under Cost of Production. It requires more than a ton and a half of highest grade Pocahontas and other Eastern Coals to produce a ton of Coke, and all of the effective fuel value in that amount of coal is compressed into a ton of By-Product Coke, Thoughtful people will realize that such a condition can not last long. Producers may take a heavy loss for a short time, but if they are to continue in business they must soon get back to a price on which they can at least break even. Prudent buyers will take advantage of the exceptional conditions and supply their needs while they can do so at less than cost. We do not know what our prices will be next fall, but It is manifest ly Impossible to continue long to manufacture and sell coke at less than cost. We can not dictate re-sale prices for our products, but we are advised by the following dealers that they will offer our coke during the month of May at prices not exceeding $11.75 per Ton, Side Walk Delivery Aldng. F. W. A Company, E. Wash, and licit. Atlas Coal Company, 1026 N. Senate Ave. lilschoir & Flsso, 2051 N. Rural. * Brookslde Lumber Company, 1102 Commerce. Bugbee Coal Company, Ilolton TMace. Capitol City Coal Company, 420 S. State, Canady Coal Company, E. 10th and Sherman Drive. Central Coal Company, 840 W. Michi gan St. City Ire and Coal Company, 714 E. Washington. Commercial Fuel Company, 816 W r . Ohio St. Cross Coal Company, 1541 Blaine Ave. Danish Fuel and Feed Company, 002 Torbet. Davis Coal and Block Company, 8. Ritter Ave. and C., H. A D. R. R. Dell, Frank M., Cruse and South eastern. Eagleeflold-Hlll Dumber Company, 2052 Northwestern. Ehrlich Coal Company, Merrill and Kentucky Ave. EUering, Louis, Bethel Ave. and Belt. Frederick, J. W r ., 801 Beecher. Fultz, J. E., 543 Miley Ave. Gansberg, Wm. F., 1006 Shelby. Gates, E. E. Coal Cos., 577 Vinton. Gem Coal Company, 1161 Roosevelt Ave. Goeppor, Fred, 448 N. Holmes Ave. Grover Coal Company, 555 W. Wyoming. Hugleskump Bros. A Haverkamp, Churchman Ave. and Belt. Ha<]o Coal Company, 70 8. Sherman Drive. Holler, E. E. A Company, Fletcher Ave. and Big Four. Hobart A Mathews, 1087 8. Keystone Ave. Hogue, J. L. Fuel and Supply Com pany, 20th and Canal. Home Coal Company, Big 4 B. B. and E. North. Indianapolis Coal Company, 284 Bankers Trust. Indianapolis Mortar and Fuel Com pany, 407 Odd Fellow Bldg. Citizens Gas Company Progress Laundry - Irvington Coal and I.lme Company, 5543 Bonus Ave. Keeport, A. B. A Company, 620 N. Senate Ave. Lambert Coal and Coke Company, 113 S. State. Litten, L. C. Coal Company, 1005 E. Pratt. Lo ol Coal Company. 801 Bates. Marshall Brothers, 3407 Roosevelt Ave. Meyer, A. B. A Company, 225 N. Pennsylvania. Mlnter Coal and Coke Company, 130 S. California. Mono, K. F. Coal Company, 201 S. Harris. Moion Fuel Company, 940 E. St. Clair. Muestng-Merrlo Coal Company, 1111 E. 22nd. Myers Fuel Company, Ohio and Davidson. Naekenhorst Coal Company, 1721 Naomi. Penn Coal Company, 777 E. Wash ington. People’s Coal and Cement Company, 817 Traction Terminal Bldg. Phelps Coal and Cement Company, 2712 E. Washington. Pittman Coal Company, 102 S. La- Salle. riayfoot, A. K., 8589 Roosevelt. Polar Ice and Fuel Company, 20th and Northwestern. Potter Coal Company, 3500 E. Wash ington. Roberson, Nick Coal Company, 430 S. Harding. Roberts, Sherman Coal Company, 1502 W. Washington. Schuster, Frank J. Coal Company, Troy and Allen. Silcox, 8. C., 1516 Madison Ave. Snyder, Enos R., 728 Russell. South Side Ice and Coal Company, 1902 S. East. Spickelmier Fuel and Supply Com pany, 80th and L., E. A W. Ry. Stuck, Robert G., 444 Trowbridge. Stuckmeyer A Company, Lexington Ave. and Big 4 R. R. Tnxedo Coal Company, 8401 E. New York. Union Ice and Coal Company, 1910 Bluff Ave. West Side Ice and Coal Company, Lynn and P. St K. Ry. W’hltlnger, Elmer, 1126 Roach Ave. Those dainty frocks and curls with all their j m charm In a good portrait § will bring endless hap- mSIB plness. Come today with YJ Pr the children. * T2L IVA Hfcw 9th Floor Kahn Bldg. PHOENIX C OWEE —the flavor and aroma charm the most fasti dious palate. SCHNULL & COMPANY, Indianapolis II OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT rr\ | DAM The “State Savings” is centrally located / (Ow rKUfI well equipped for your banking busl / // * * ness 311(1 i3 °P en every Saturday night. /Ii ImTLIiF 4 *° from date of deposlt hel P 3 Tour sav /ZJ mm lugs grow. You will like our service. LI DFWM “ U l/UrVJII The STATE SAVINGS&TRUST CO, 19 East Market Street. I Saturday Banking Hours, Ba.m. to 12 noon; evenings 6to 8. 10 DAY USED CAR SALE Beginning Thursday Morning, May 12th, Ending May 21st Our stock of used cars consists of Studebaker, Buick, Olds, Overland, Dort, Chevrolet, etc., and are all in good condition and priced right. Small Down Payment Balance Monthly Open Evenings The BUCK Cos. 315 N. Penn. St. Main 0308 An established Indianapolis firm has an opening for a real, high class salesman to work in Indianapolis. Must be between the ages of 25 and 45. A man well known to local business firms preferred. Must be big enough to get audiences and sell the executives. This is a real position, and will pay very good salary. No investment of capital necessary. "In replying, give full details as to previous em ployment, age and residence in Indianapolis. All replies will be kept strictly confidential. Address A No. 2317, Times. EAGLE “MIKADO” PENCIL No - 174 fvigiijsiiggg^MßmaaisEirtAßL-a ---r„ M. .. D-i-. *'■*“’ ’ —• Conceded to Be the Finest Pencil Made for General Use. EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK SHIRLEY BROS. CO., Inc. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Main office, 940 N. Illinois St. With four branches A Arm equipped tp care for every detail. Conscientious service. Honert price*. Phones: Circle. 1918. Auto, 31-ISS. EXCURSIONS EV^ Y c^ DAY Decatur. 11l §3.00 I Bloomlngdale. Ind §l§ ! T Marshall, Ind 81.46 I Montezuma, Ind 31.75 ) Including tax visit Indiana State Park—(Turkey Run) Special Train Leaves Union Station Next Sunday 7:00 A. M. House Wiring on Payments Main 123 A HATFIELD ELECTRIC CO. Auto. 23-123