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10 Money to Loan on New Dwellings and Medium Priced New Apartments ;jflrtrt)cr Ratings ant) 'Crust Company j'ra WARN AGAINST ‘TREE QUACKS’ City Department Exposes In jury Done to Foliage by Frauds. Beware of the “quack” tree doctor or on may have the same bad luck that several citizens living near Twenty-Fourth •trect and Broadway, who lost a number trees last year, had, warns the special -ervlee of the city park department in a bulletin issued today. The bulletin is as follows: "At this time of year when the trees are In full foliage and in need of trim ming or attention In the way of cavity filling, and the control of insects and diseases begins to Interest the property owner and tree lover, the so-called tree surgeon gets in his work. Those citizens who contemplate having work done upon tbeir trees should remember that there are competent tree surgeons and men who doctor trees or make an endeavor to doc tor them. This ‘quack doctor’ calling himself an expert and with the use of a few high sounding terms usually with out much effort has the unsuspecting and uninformed owner at his mercy. “A certain class of these false tree men will claim wonderful and absolute re sults from such practices as injecting some substance into the bark of the specimen, digging out and putting some foreign material around the roots, paint ing the bark, etc. Some even go so far as to absolutely contend that they have a cure-all for everything that affects trees generally. They may be true In one sense of the argument as they usually cure the sepcimen of all evils by killing It. “A specific instance of the work of these men was particularly noticable last season when one of these unreliable parties began work In the vicinity of Twenty-Fourth and Broadway and killed several line and healthy trees before be ing apprehended; his method was apply ing some substance to the bark. “There are competent men in the city who are required to ha“e a license to en gage in such work and only these men should be employed when any tree work whatsoever Is to be done. The special Berrlve, department public parks Is ready at all times to offer suggestions and advice regarding tree troubles and to recommend thoroughly competent men free of charge upon application and the citizens at large are most earnestly so- I‘ ! to use this department to its Idilest extent for the benefit of our citv trees generally.” PIECE OF STEEL HITS BOY; FATAL Tossed in Air by Playmate, Strikes Above Ear. Jensen, 1210 South Talbott street, died Sunday afternoon at his home, after be ing struck above the left ear by a piece of steel which had been tossed Into the air by his playmate, Loys Lester Giles, 6. son of Raymond Giles; 1130 South Pennsylvania street. The boys were playing in an alley near the Giles home. The piece of steel, which the Giles boy tossed up, with no idea of it coming down on his com panion's head, was pointed on one end. Coroner Robinson said that in his opin ion this sharp point penetrated an ar tery and caused a slow hemorrhage. The Jensen boy ran to his home after the accident and was not thought to be seriously Injured until a short time be fore his death. He was still able to walk to the office of Dr. H. S. Mackey, 140 Union street, two honrs after he was struck. The police found the Giles boy at home crying over what had happened. Besides his mother, Carl Jensen is sur vived by a brother, 'William, 14, and a sister, Alberta, lit. INDIANAPOLITAN . IN AUTO MISHAP Pinned Under Machine When Car Hits Ditch. Special to the Times. CRAWFORDSVILLE, Ind., May 16. Baird G. Saltzgaber of the Capitol City Printing Company of' Indianapolis was severely injured nine miles east of this city on the Lebanon pike Sunday after noon, when his automobile capsized while he was attempting to pass another mv chine where the road was narrow. The car'landed in a ditch. SaHzgaber was pinned beneath the car in such a manner that passersby, who stopped to aid him, found it necessary to take apart portions of the steering gear. He was taken to a nearby home, where he was treated by Dr. Sagmone of Crawfordsville. Other ocupants of the car were nnburt. Special to The Times TERRE HAUTE, Ind., May 16.—Five persons were killed and one seriously Injured Sunday afternoon, when an auto mobile truck in which they were riding, was struck by a Clinton lnterurban car a short distance south of North Terre Fante. The truck was hit squarely at the side and fire of the six occupants were killed instantly. The dead are: Mrs. Hazel Holscher, 30; Mrs. Martha Hasting. 60; Frank Holscher. 4; Lester T. Dotson and Calvin Hasting, ages not known, all of Terre Haute. An 8 montha’ old daughter of Mrs. Hazel Holscher was taken to a hospital as a result of injuries which are be lieved will be fatal. The automobile party was on the way ro the home of relatives of Mrs. Holaeher In North Terre Haute and the accident occurred on the Lafayette road where it tarns east across the lnterurban car tracks. UNSWEETENED j milk ,^ h without .ream waste left Uv in!; TWO HELD FOR ROBBING MEN IN AUTO RIDE Brothers Accused of One Suc cessful Hold-up and of Attempting Another. A aeries of hold-ups in various parts of the city last night are being Investigated by detectives today. Two, however, have been solved, the police say, with the ar rest of William Roberta, 29, 622 North Alabama street, said to be an ex-con vict, and his brother, Walter Roberts, 25, 625 North Alabama street. TJjese two men are alleged to have held up end robbed Frank Hefflin and Cleave Riley of Elwood. Hefflin and Riley said the Roberts brothers went with them to get whisky, after which they to.ofc-er'rlde in Riley’s automobile. One of the Rob erts drew a revolver and relieved Riley of $5.20 and took SSO and a ruby ring from Hefflin, according to the story told the police. Later in the night these two men are alleged to have attempted to hold up and rob Charles W. Richardson, night manager of ihe Yellow Taxi Company, after giving him a fake call to Highland avenue and St. Clair street. The brothers attempted to stop him, but he drove past them. He then notified the police and Motor Policemen Reilly and Mullln went to the scene and arrested the Roberts brothers. They had hidden the revolver, it is claimed, but the police say they dropped Hefflln’s ring in the automo bile on the way to police headquarters. They are held under a SIO,OOO bond. MONEY MIXED WITH SAND FOUND IN CAP. While walking home from a show Miss Jeffie Dager, 21, 1340 Sliver avenue, was attacked by a man who said he was a detective. She was in company with Walter Drool, 12. 1318 Silver avenue. At Kentucky avenue and White River a man appeared and told the boy to walk ahead. As soon as the boy left the man grabbed Miss Dager and choked her. He took a gold locket and a ruby ring from her and knocked her down and kicked her. When the police searched Frank Kur rasch, 2616 Jackson street, at police headquarters they found $39 mixed with sand hidden in his cap. He, in com pany with his brother, Harry Kurrasch, 2135 Fountain street, are held on charges of vagrancy. They said they were held up at Warman avenue and Ida street, and that John Vanderman, 2717 Jack son street, was with them and that the hold-up was committed by a man whom they all knew. The police say they learned that the men were shooting craps near Eag’e Creek and they doubt Kurraseh's story. Burglars looted the Frank Parr gr >- eery, 524 West New York street, carry ing away a supply of merchandise and a watch valued at $lB. Mrs Ella Dungan, 3002 Washington boulevard, was robbed of a purse con taining sl3 yesterday. She was visiting St. Vincent's Hospital and laid her purse on a chair. It disappeared. George Lacayo, 131 North East street, told the police a thief entered his room yesterday and stole SNB. Frank Arbuckle, 1018 West Morris street, reported his home entered and ransacked. He said sl3 was taken by the burglar. I For Roof Paint and Roof Material', phone : Jordan D. W Ullams Cos. Drcxel 6969. C fhlt/yj flwotvda fpix V“F HE- ME-W’ OH K. S~TTOH.r> £/_ Toledo Sweaters at Less Tham You Cam Kindt Them For All-Silk Sweaters, $22.50 Fashioned In the most serviceable shades of spring, in cluding black, brown, navy and in FANCY WEAVES. Tuxedo style pockets and plaited tie belt with tassel ends. An unusually fine coat, and very much under priced. Quarter Sale ofWomens Hosiery Isn’t that a welcome sound. A pair of good stockings for 25c. Os course, they are short lots, discontinued numbers and broken sizes, but every pair represents more than a quarter’s worth of service. We’re marking them that way for quick clearance and in the aggregate there is practically a complete range of sizes. 59c Out size cotton hose \ 35c Full-fashioned white cotton hose j MWmSk trjg 45c Semi-fashioned cotton hose, black, white and brown f M JXm ■ 50c Mercerized cordovan stockings \ 69c Mercerized full-fashioned gray lisle hose / j|Bßr Jjj 59c Semi-fashioned lisle hose, white and cordovan i wW HSi 39c Mercerized lisle hose, black, white and colors ] TyMBBr 79c Fih&xsilk stockings, in gray . J \ >jL —Pettis hosiery, street floor, aisle fire. DOG HILL PARAGRAFS g The cistern at the Hog Ford Church 1 as gone dry for some reaion, and a com mittee of three has been appointed to look Into It. • • • Columbus Allsop was in town this morning shaking hands with his many friends, saying he was glad to be back after an absence of two weeks, but no bodx had thought anything about him beiffg away until he mentioned it. • • Cricket Hicks has now got to stop work, comb his hair, wash his hands, put on his other shoes, get a shave, and go clear over to Bounding Billows, as the Government has notified him that there is a letter In the postoffice there that is being held for him pending the payment of 1 cent additional postage. Happy are the persons who have MoorsSeld portraits to constantly visualize life’s mile stones. A sitting takes but a few minutes. Come today. tth Floor Kahn Bldg. Skin trouble needs imme diate attention. Buy a jar of Itesinol Ointment to day and use it regularly. A few days of such persist ent treatment usually stops the itching, clears away tf.e inflammation and soreness, and helps the skin resume its natural healthy condition. At sll druggists. Resinol The Kind Usually Sold for $5.95, $6.95 and $7.95 $0.95 This splendid opportunity comes as the result of a most fortunate buy, to which we added sweaters from our reg ular stock, making the whole offering of tremendous in terest to those seeking value. The sweaters are in Tuxedo styles with single and double tasseled belts, solid color or contrasting reveres. Some have pockets and some are plain. Plain weave or fancy stitcb effects. In An Exceptional Range of Colors Silver Bisque Mrs. Harding blue If you want a good sweater at less than you can make one for, get one of these Tuesday at $3.95. . —Pettis sweaters, second floor. UN DIANA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 16,1921. 2 ORDERS MARCH HERE WEDNESDAY Odd Fellow and Rebekah Lodges Plan Pageant. For the first time In the history of the two orders representative-., of the Odd Fellow and Rebekah Lodges in Indiana will parade together here Wednesday night in connection with their annual conventions. With the exception of a trip to the Odd Fellow home at Greensburg, the meetings of the two orders will be separate. The eighty-fifth annual communion of Odd Fellows will open Wednesday in Grand Lodge hall. The thirty-seventh annual convention of the Rebekah assem bly will open tomorrow. The Rebekah degree work will be held Tuesday night and the Odd Fellow degree work Wednes day night, both at the Athenaeum. The Joint parade will form at 7 o'clock Wednesday night at the northwest corner of University park. It will move south In Meridian street to Monument Circle, around the west segment of the Circle to Washington street, west to Capitol ave nue, countermarch jn Washington to Delaware afreet, countermarch in “That Eye Mav I ind Relief" % Satisfaction Guaranteed Hoosier Optical Company 148 North Illinois St. Open Saturday Evening*. ELECTRICAL HOUSE WIRING MATERIAL ENGINEERING ELECTRIC AND SUPPLY CO. Main 2457. 221 N. Illinois St. Main 2468. Oxfords Heather Honeydew Washington street to Pennsylvania street, north to Massachusetts avenue and to the Athenaeum. The Rebekah order will compose the first division of the parade. The second division will consist of high officials, rep resentatives of the Grand Lodge and visiting representatives. The first division will be composed of subordinate lodges. Y >u can now buy real epsom salts with out the awful taste and nausea, by ask ing your druggist for a bandy package of “Epsonade Salts," which looks and sets exactly like epsom salts, because It Is pure epsom salts combined with fruit derivative salts, giving it the taste of sparkling lemonade. Take a tablespoonful in a glass of cold water whenever you feel bilious, head achy or constipated. "Epsonade Salts" is the much talked of discovery of the Amer ican Epsom Association.—Advertisement. Have Your Eyes Examined FREE y You MAY not need glasses, but it is bet ter to be SURE of it. Faulty vision may be the cause of your headaches, pains in the neck, or nervousness. Let us find out for you and prescribe the exact remedy. Curved Lenses For reading glasses. Your choice of mount ings—- $4.50 to $5.50 Newest Styles for Spring and Fall Rust Navy Black AH! EPSOM SALTS LIKE LEMONADE Invisible Bifocals Perfect lenses for far and near vision. Any mounting in stock — SB.OO to $14.00 Roman Stripe Scarfs, $2.75 Fiber silk weave with long fringed ends, worn as sashes or scarfs. Fiber Silk Sweaters, $9-85 Regularly $14.96 and $13.50 Very fine fiber silk, tuxedo styles, in navy, brown. black. With pockets and narrow tie belt. Plain ( and lace weave. THE GLOBE STORE 330 W. WASHINGTON ST. $25,000 RE-OPENING SALE We have a large stock of shoes, dry goods and clothing which we have marked down to “ROCK BOTTOM.’’ You can save money by buying at this Price Cutting Sale! FOR WOMEN AND GjiiLS Corsets —Special value in W. 8., Justrite, Roberta and Lestelle numbers which formerly sold up to $7. Now selling from QT $1.98 down to ./DC Petticoats, of satin and silk, in black, green, brown and purple; all sizes. $3.45 QQ down to OUC Women’s bloomers, in crepe, sat,in, ribbed cotton, coming in all sizes; 79c QQ _ Women’s fibre silk Hosiery, comes in all sizes and colors, valued at 75c. Special oq the sale, 69c down to..zjsC 500 sample Hats for men and children, formerly sold up to s2 r oo. Now selling iq from $1.25 down to “I/C Gljrls’ bloomers of black satin, nainsook, and white and pink crepes, from 39c OQ Women’s brogue pumps and ox l'drds, in black and brown. All sizes. From $4.95 nr dpwn to tp 1 .HD Duplex Fireless Cooker DEMONSTRATION ALL THIS WEEK JZ| Lilly Hardware Company 114-118 East Washington Street If you find it hard to save today let us remind you that it may be HARDER still tomorrow. Don’t he discouraged from STARTING the best of all habits because you can save only a very little. A little saved REGULARLY will be big some day. We Pay You 4*/2% On Your Savings MEYER-KISER BANK 136 East Washington Street. r=- - DependableDruj =====* Scientific and Expert Truss Fitting A woman attendant gives special care to women and children. Private fit ting rooms. No charae unless trues is purchased. SPRING OR BI.ABTIC BELTS hint rubber; * vid uai not oolln pe*. Rap- case. Comfortable tuoro oaa not work a n 4 scientific fit jfflbciht GET THE HABIT Wear | NOE’S QUalliTY~] Jewelry THE FLETCHER IVs. NOE 10S N. Illinois St. JEWBLEI STORE. Opp. Terminal Station. American Paper Stock Cos. Direct connection with large consumers of waste paper. In suring top market prices. Special attention to school, ohnrch tnd residence calls. 340 W. Market St. Main 6089 Ante. M-Ita. FOR MEN AND BOYS Men’s two-piece balbrlggan Union Suits, of an excellent quality. Very special. qa From 45c down to tJuC Odd lot of men’s dress and work Shoes. Selling at a special price for the rji" sale I D 500 pair of men’s House Slip pers, bought from manufacturer at a sacrifice price, which en ables us to put these House Slippers on sale 500 pairs of boys’ Knickerbock er Pants, sizes 6 to 16. Values from SI.OO to $1.50. Now JQ _ selling from 95c down to..TT7C Boys’ Wash Suits, in many pat terns and colors, all sizes. Now from $2.45 down y 0 Boys’ Dress Shirts, In all sizes. Now from 89c down te\ to 49C Boys’ special athletic Union Suits, former value , QQ 75c, now OJC —A demonstration that proves beyond a question the superi ority of this wonderful cooker. —A demonstration that shows conclusively a means of saving time, work and fuel in prepar ing a meal. —A demonstration that will convince you what a real ne cessity a "Duplex Fireless Cook er’’ Is in your home. During this demonstration we will sell the cookers for a small payment down and the balance in weekly payments. Truss Department WM. P. TOTTLEBEN, MOB. Illinois and Washington Sts. Occidental Building Electric Washing Machines G Bam nteed to wash 100 per cent clean. Bold on convenient terms. H&TFIELD ELECTRIC CO. hßmltaW Cor. Washington A Delaware St*. Special Underwear Sale Balbriggan shirts and drawers, with either short or long sleeve shirts. Ankle length drawers. Shirts 34 to 48 sizes. Drawers, 30 to 44 sizes. Suits, or garment— -47c Watch this space dally for remodeling sale bargains. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. DENTIST Our Examinations Are Free Our Prices Very Reasonable Nitrdus oxide gas for painless extraction of teeth. / Just a quiet, gentle sleep. Yon feel nothing. Here in same location 22 years. (United Union Dental Corp.) Eiteljorg & Moore Corner East Market St. and Circle. Ground Floor. Lady Attendant. ■> ifnartinnnssiis— ■ rj Himnann LfrMHtfMYOH ft Omit Washing Your Faca But Nsver Your Taatti So many are alert to eternal clean liness because It Is considered a friendly act to remind an acquain tance that the face is smutted. But who is to remind you, or no tice that your teeth are neglected? An unclean month poisons the stom ach, and often leads to chronic disease. Keep your mouth in condi tion by having your teeth examined regularly. r ‘l neglected my teeth for years. They were extracted without pain by the People's Dentists. I give this recommendation that others will not delay the work which is so necessary to good health." —Mrs. Marie Liese, 3346 E. Washington street, city. Sunday. 9 a. m. to 12 m. THE PEOPLES DENTISTS 36 WEST WASHINGTON STREET. Over Gausepohl Trank Store. ALL WOOL SUITS ami OVERCOATS Honestly tailored to /} /h A f - f\ vour mea'ure for n II B *>| 1 LEON TAILORING CO. V \\l OX3 IXI E. Mew York St. Cuticura Soap Clears the Skin and Keeps it Clear Soap. Olntmeat, Talcon, Sc. sTsrywhere SbibsJbb free f Oitlnn D>t. X. KalisS, IbS Your neighbor eats here ASH HIM STATE LIFE LUNCH STATE LIFE BLDG. DETROIT VAPOR STOVES PENINSULAR STOVES GURNEY REFRIGERATORS CHENEY PHONOGRAPHS For Sal* by HOOSIER OUTFITTING CO. 443-5 E. Wash. CLOTHING —on- CREDIT Hoyle ttsarick amd Clothing C*. 103-306-307 W. Washington St. t Door* West Senate Are. DISHES Oar prices are th# lowest. Caps and Saucers, 10c ap. Dishas, 5c up. Little Furniture Store 211 E. Washington St TUBERCULOSIS I)r. Glass has positive proof that he ts able to cure tuberculosis by inhalation in any climate. For further information address The T. F. Glass In halant Cos.. Mason Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. —Advertisement. Mending Tissue SPrSE 1 ?™? No sewing or darning. Repairs clothing, silk, satin, cotton goods, ribbons, fabrics of all kinds, kid gloves, mackintoshes, umbrellas, parasols, stockings, eto. Pack* ags postpaid. It cents, two packages, tl cents Address PENN PCBUSBZMO CO, BUtrrrUU. Fn.